U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and GOP Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan meet this Thursday at 9 pm Eastern/6 pm Pacific time for a 90-minute debate. Should anyone bother watching? If so, why?

Many people within the so-called New Thought Community appear to be scoffing at politics this election year in the United States, expressing little or no interest in hearing what the candidates for the highest offices in their country have to say about the issues of the day.

“They’re all just lying anyway,” one such observer was recently heard to say. “Nobody can actually tell the truth, and the whole game is rigged, so what’s the point of giving it any energy?” Of course, if you think that life is rigged against you, it is. And if you think that life is rigged in your favor, your experience will reflect that.

This is because like is rigged. It will show up for you pretty much as you expect it to. And when those expectations are held by, and spread across, an entire group, they have even more power in the lives of humans. As someone once said, “Wherever two or more are gathered…”

I do not hold the thought that everything that is happening in life on earth is the working of some system or cartel that is plotting against us. Do I think that too many vested interests control too much of the political and economic power on our planet? Yes. Do I think that there is nothing—absolutely nothing—that anyone can do about it? No.

The people of Egypt have proven that. The people of Libya have proven that. In 1776 the people of the United States proved that. Can they prove that again? This remains to be seen. But part of the process is to take part in the process—however imperfect it may be.

Vernon Howard, the American spiritual teacher, author, and philosopher whose work created the New Life Foundation and who celebrated his Continuation Day 20 years ago, said, “You are slaves to whatever you don’t understand.” There is no question about the truth of that. And that is the best reason to have an interest in the debate between Paul Ryan and Joe Biden if you are a citizen of the United States.

Even if both men wind up skirting the truth, the Fact Checkers who have proliferated in abundance since the advent of the Internet will let us know this very quickly, and that alone will tell us something about them, about their positions—and about ours.

We can’t understand that to which we pay no attention at all, deciding in advance that we already know all there is to know. And we cannot change what we refuse to take part in.

Yes? Make sense?


14 responses to “WHY BOTHER WITH THE DEBATES?”

  1. Miren Astelarra Avatar
    Miren Astelarra

    It is a very interesting article. And I fully agree with you. We have to take part and cooperate in the leadership of our countries. I am from Venezuela, South America. I live in a country which is going through hard times but I am also responsible of how and what the history is written. That is part of my purpose in the NOW. I am not politician but I have to cooperate in making that my social and family circle live a better life. How? raising my voice with my truth and as long as life enfolds more thruth I will be able to help and give more from myself. The universe will not make me responsible but for the little tasks I am of…. Thanks

  2. Joanne Avatar

    I agree whole- heartily….as US Citizens it is incumbent upon us to inform ourselves on the issues of the candidates the best reflect the issues that are most urgent to this country. Jobs, Education, Drugs, Racism. If we just sit and do nothing , then the universe responds in kind~,,..Nothing!

  3. mewabe Avatar

    What if I somehow already know that Paul Ryan is a scary right wing Ayn Rand admirer and that there is no way I would vote for the pair (Romney/Rand) even under threats of torture?

    It is not as if we had a wide choice, and my decision has already been made, not that I like the choice. So no, I will not watch. If I needed, I would rather read a transcript of the debate, it would spare me the nausea caused by actually seeing politicians in action.

    But I understand the point being made…and this makes me wonder why only roughly 50% of American citizens vote. Europeans seem to be much more involved in their electoral processes.

  4. Sinclair Avatar

    I’m not sure what the New Thought Community might be, but the New Age community, including Neale, went all in for Obama last time around and the Obama presidency has not turned out as hoped.

    One can argue why that was and who’s to blame, but the sky-high expectations of 2008 have come to little or nothing. It’s understandable that those who were so invested in Obama then might feel disappointed this year and reluctant to put much energy in the 2012 election.

    I applaud Neale for bouncing back, staying engaged, and encouraging others to do so as well.

    I keep my perspective by remembering that human evolution is a long story, often three steps forward and two steps back, and I don’t always know which is which.

  5. Pat Avatar

    It makes perfect sense to me. The answer also seems clear to me. Don’t get mad, get even. Vote for third parties. Refuse to accept mediocrity. Send a message that you’re mad as hell and not going to take it any more. Vote Libertarian, Green or Constitution Party or write in the name of your favorite pet or cartoon character. No vote is wasted if it sends a message.

    And I’ll use this as an opportunity to tell my fellow Americans to check out Gary Johnson with the Libertarian Party. There are things you won’t agree with. There are things you will agree with. This creates a platform for compromise and cooperation.

  6. Marcia Avatar

    yes!! Thank you for so eloquently writing how we need to Stand up for America and Vote. Listen, get informed, make the right decision that we, ourselves believe in, and let the rest be as it is. We do have the Wonderful American Right to Vote. Thank God I live in America!! Amen!

  7. Deborah Avatar

    Makes GREAT sense!

  8. Michael L. Avatar
    Michael L.

    So with only 10 states having a chance to have there vote count,
    why vote really,
    unless you live in one of those states.
    In fact just move to one of those states and you would have energy every single time there is voting.
    News flash!!!

    @mewabe, Where is that open mind of cooperation you always talk about>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!. Chance to hear one of the next leaders of this county speak. Got to love what shows up. Because it is all beautiful!!!!

  9. mewabe Avatar

    Michael, I am not really understanding what you mean…

    But to be honest I do not believe in leadership, or even in nations for that matter. So I do not vote out of conviction that ours are great social systems, rather I vote because I have to endure them, and these governments do have an influence on my life by the decisions they make, unfortunately.

    If I could, I would rather live in the middle on nowhere, in the wilderness, but I do not feel like becoming a hermit.

  10. sunseed Avatar

    I agree to take part in the current systems available is necessary if we choose to have any ‘in fluence’, AND I thoroughly understand why people will vote for neither obama nor romney, or have no interest in watching the theater (I find news later on, we have no tv & do not wish to:)…I am one of those (I can not vote FOR something I vehemently oppose)…but there are other options that are not…nothing…so I recommend folks experience as many perspectives about any thing as possible, go within, & ‘take it’ from there, so to speak…I think it is important to ‘know the truth’, or our own truth, as ugly & dark as that can be, but to not stay in the ugly dark, but see it for what it is (neother good nor bad, but a reflection of truth), & use this new understanding to make the changes we desire…in other words, don’t stay in the dark, but shine unto it the best we can with the best that we are…given our current undestandings…I love u all

  11. Janet Avatar

    Exactly! While I may not be enthusiastic about this debate, I still want to watch it. I want to understand whether either man will being something new, frame their positions differently than their presidential counterparts. And more than anything I want to see where there are opportunities for change. Great analysis!

  12. Phyllis Tapley Avatar
    Phyllis Tapley

    Yes, I will vote. And I will vote for the candidate that I feel will advance us at this time. Too many people around the world have died for the right to vote. I consider voting a privilege.

    I talk to God every morning and journal Him. I know there is say a “God Chip” in every being. Before I can write down a question, he pops an answer into my head. He doesn’t tell me what to do but says “Try this.” or “Do you think that maybe…..?”. I feel that the closer I get to discovering Who I Am, the more guidance I will receive. It’s like shooting a rocket to the moon, the closer you get, the more you have to pay attention to your guidance system.

    And whenever I meet someone that appears disagreeable, I try to remember the story of the Little Soul. I tell that story to a lot of people.

    I have great hope for humanity and as Neale says, it will happen one conversation at a time. I enjoyed talking to all of you.

    Sincerely, Phyllis

  13. Erin/IAm Avatar

    Yes, Tons!!! You have to be in it to win it! (or so says the Lottery folk):)

    My ‘score card’ is ready! My list of the ‘9-Cs of Leadership’ is at hand on this card & embedded in my brain.

    And, Yes! I have a score card for such events as this! Gifted to All by Mr. Lee Iaccoca…Goggle it…you’ll find it! In fact I highly suggest doing so! A fabulous tool, indeed!

    Rate your Self in process…Makes playing these games more interesting, maintains higher-thinking focus, provides a means of Seeing that which needs adjusts…and you have all this right in your hand…in your face, so to speak.

    Don’t forget a writing implement!:)

  14. Marko Avatar

    First, most peoples (not all) minds are already made up. The election it seems is determined by the few remaining undecideds who will tip the vote one way or the other. If your mind is made up strongly already the debates are not that important to you.

    We as a spiritual commUnity can help by the monumental daily self talk we express within us continually every day.

    When the collective & individual frustration of the imperfection & problems of the systems are so reinforced by our continual frustration & bitching about them they only become more reinforced & solidified & manifested.

    To reverse, revision & re-purpose this vision, just like peace, begins with each of us & eventually spreads to the collective,– which is the greatest most powerful advertising manifesting agency on earth.

    So envision a wise loving highly effective beneficial intelligent imaginative leadership in our politicians who simply currently reflect the collective energy which is hard to buck against, but not impossible.

    We as a people have such poor limited visions & projections poured on our politicians that it’s literary often a joke & a circus that often plays out just the way the collective energy reflects.

    So envision the government you really desire in spite of what the media & world show you/us, don’t ignore it of course, but pour forth a new energy vision that amplifies the good already done that works & allow that good energy to rework & play itself out in the grander possibility that awaits the solutions not yet seen.

    We as individuals have yet to utilize the personal power to help influence the collective & it’s time we show forth a grander vision within our own self talk & daily musings & allow that to eventually powerfully influence others, than groups of others, than larger groups, to cities, states, nations, continents & the collective whole.


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