Where does God stand on debt?

I am 38 years old, employed in a fairly secure job, but the debt I have is starting to cause me to become anxious and afraid.  I have modified my spending, but I still can’t seem to get even, let alone ahead.  I don’t go out with my friends much, and the thought of dating someone, and what that will cost, is overwhelming. I never intended to get to a point where I considered defaulting on what I owe; however, it is now causing a great deal of stress in my life.  What would God say? What is the right thing to do in my situation?   – Tom in Tacoma, Wa.

Hi, Tom… Your situation is all too common in these times.  Many of us have found ourselves facing a similar situation, some have thrown their hands in the air and defaulted, others have found ways to keep their necks above water, and others have used the situation to motivate themselves into higher wealth and abundance.

Now, some of those in the latter category will take the experience of being overwhelmed with debt and decide they will not do that again; that is, they will be more conservative with their money moving forward.  Others in that group will think they are invincible and live even riskier lives; of those, some will achieve greater success and some will continue to experience feeling broke and broken.

You see, Tom, I believe that God wants for us what we want for ourselves, nothing more, nothing less.  If we want peace, God wants peace.  If we want extravagance, God wants extravagance.  To Her, it makes no difference.  So I believe God would say to you the following: “Tom, what do you wish to experience?  What do you want to feel?  How may I help you to achieve that?”

So if I may turn the question around on you, Tom, is it possible for you, in the moment, to see that everything is perfect, everything is the way it should be?  Can you believe that you are safe right where you are right now?  If so, where would you like to go from here?  Are you in the right job for you?  Is there something you love doing and feel a strong sense of purpose in?  Is there something that you feel you have a gift for, a gift that you are not using to your benefit or the world’s benefit right now?

What I am trying to get at here is that God does not care what you are doing, what your financial situation is, or how you go about handling that situation.  What God does care about is that you do whatever you do consciously, knowingly, and lovingly.  So, Tom, make a decision (for to not decide is a decision in itself) on who you will be in relation to whatever it is that you do.  “Being” must always come first in the conscious person’s daily affairs.

(Kevin McCormack is a “Conversations with God” Life Coach, a Spiritual helper on www.changingchange.net, and an addictions & recovery advisor.  To connect with Kevin, please email him at Kevin@theglobalconversation.com.) 

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