A Chicago-based magazine has just released the recording of a telephone conference call last June in which Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, speaking to a group of small business owners organized by the National Federation of Independent Businesses, urges employers to “make it very clear to your employees what you believe is in the best interest of your enterprise, and therefore their job and their future, in the upcoming elections.”

The practice is perfectly legal, and employers should utilize it to influence the vote of their workers, Mr. Romney said. The GOP candidate presumably does not feel that this is another case of the intimidation of hourly-wage or salaried employees by their bosses.

Mr. Romney’s remarks came at the end of a conference call in which he assailed President Obama’s policies as being not good for business, and Mr. Obama himself as being anti-business. “And whether you agree with me or you agree with President Obama, or whatever your political view, I hope—I hope you pass those along to your employees,” he told the business owners. Mr. Romney said he believes that what employers tell their employees “will figure into their election decision, their voting decision…”

The recording of the conference call was reportedly published June 17 by In These Times, the Chicago magazine, and re-printed by online outlets, including The Huffington Post and ThinkProgress, according to a report on June 18 by The Slatest, a widely-read online news source. That story may be accessed here.

Readers of The Global Conversion will recall that we pointed here to a widely circulated story a few days ago about the owner of a Florida time-share company who apparently took Romney’s advice, telling his estimated  7,000 employees in a memo from the front office to them all that if Mr. Obama was re-elected and then raised taxes on the super-rich as he had promised, he did not see how he could keep his business operating at its present level and that he would probably have to lay off some employees.

The man, who a few years ago listed his net worth at over a billion dollars, was featured on a recent television program as now attempting to build the Biggest House in America, a 90,000-square-foot mansion depicted here.

What all of this raises in terms of The New Spirituality is the perennial question: What, if anything, can Those Who Have More reasonably be asked to share with Those Who Have Less? Mr. Romney has already announced the income tax rate he pays is a fraction over 14%—which is much less than the rate that most Americans of 1/100th of his income pay. Warren Buffet, the multi-billionaire, likewise announced a few months ago that he pays a tax rate that is less than his secretary’s. Mr. Buffet said that this is patently unfair. Mr. Romney has indicted that there is nothing wrong with this.

And you say…?


36 responses to “THE NEW POLITICS: YOUR VOTE

  1. Mark W Avatar
    Mark W

    My temptation is to get long-winded, but I’ll stifle it. The right of the individual to make up his or her own mind about their voting choices has been regarded as sacrosanct in the US for generations. Now, along with attempting to buy the election with campaign coffers stuffed by big business, the Right shows how wrong it really is by adding intimidation back onto the list of tactics used to win. I call it contemptible.

  2. Stephen Curiel Avatar
    Stephen Curiel

    Romney’s income tax rate in not 14%. That is his capital gains tax rate….since his revenues are generated by his investments. Income tax and capital gains taxes are totally different birds!

  3. Jim Avatar

    Why does it not surprise me that one of the 2 main “puppets” in this election is trying to be a “puppeteer”! Corporations pretty much control politics these days and if you consider that corporations are “psychotic entities” that are only interested in more profits and control, then it only makes sense that they will continue pulling the strings until people wake up and do something to fix the core problems in our society.
    As Neale has rightly stated (imho), none of the so – called solutions we have attempted throughout history has made much of a difference. Religions, governments and corporations have coerced the masses with their propaganda and it is still working today.
    Until people wake up and recognize that we are all part of ONE great entity, things will continue getting worse.
    I love your work Neale and look forward to your new book!

  4. Bryce Avatar

    Thank you for your piece.. It sure brings up some interesting points.

    A few thoughts..

    Paying taxes for taxes sake is not a demonstration of paying a fair share. There are plenty that don’t pay taxes, and there are those who pay incredible amounts of money towards charity (case in point Mr. Romney’s charitable donations show that he paid about 35% of his earnings to taxes/charity). Additionally, taxes paid on gains are taxes paid on something to which has already been taxed. For example, the 14% referenced for Mr. Romney is not fully accurate rate, as it doesn’t account for the money that was taxed when the investment was made that produced the money that was taxed at 14%.

    The other side of that coin is that the government, through transparency and openness should be willing to show how it’s using those funds if it wants the tax payer to pay more. This does not exist, and the proof is in the fact that there are annual deficits and debt associated with federal spending. The government works for the people, not the other way around.

    Another thought is that there is a burden and responsibility of starting, running and maintaining a business. Communicating to your employees that deeper government intervention or taxing could jeopardize your ability, as a business owner, to run a business is (in my opinion) completely appropriate. Having a good job is a blessing to many, many people.. and a business owner sharing his opinion specific to what government intervention can do to his company is completely fair. No one is required to take a job they don’t want or to be coerced into voting for a specific candidate. However, there are repercussions for the decisions our elected official make in our behalf. Sharing that opinion is acceptable to me.

    To answer you question, “What, if anything, can Those Who Have More reasonably be asked to share with Those Who Have Less?” The answer for me is a deep rooted feeling of empowerment. I can have whatever anyone else has, and so if my experience does not include it at the moment it is because I have not chosen it. My efforts would be to seek the divine route to be aware of what I have, as opposed to needing it to come from someone else. Isn’t this the message of CWG at it’s core?

  5. mewabe Avatar

    Do not forget the Koch brothers doing the same thing to their employees, and a mining company making it mandatory for employees to attend a Romney event, while refusing to pay for the time off!

    These tactics are not legal except in the case of corporations, because corporations have been given the rights of persons, including free speech.
    Interestingly, as employers claim free speech in their bullying tactics attempting to coerce employees to vote Republican, they in turn deny their employees free speech in their political decisions and if speaking critically about their business practices.

    The top is simply seeking to take us back to the dark ages…they seem to forget that oppression always leads to violent rebellion. Perhaps this is what they are trying to accomplish, in order to set a dictatorship in place.

  6. Pam Morgan Avatar
    Pam Morgan


    Wow….I guess I assumed you being spiritually minded you would have a different perspective than most liberals. Did God never explain vibrations and Law of Attraction to you? Is that why you write with resentment of wealthy people? So do you see the government as helping people? Do you think they do a good job? Better than individuals can do? Do you think all the people helped get that warm fuzzy feeling of appreciation towards the taxpayers who are helping them? Did you get that from the kind folks of Occupy Wall Street? Perhaps I was missing something, but I just didn’t feel that from them.
    As to Governor, (soon to be President) Romney suggesting the companies educate their employees as to the realities of their situation, I see nothing wrong with it. The schools apparently don’t clue them in on economics very well.
    Why aren’t you encouraging all the folks “who have less” to ASK those “who have more” HOW they make more? Or YOU could just ask God. I would be interested in what you hear back.

  7. mewabe Avatar

    I saw a picture of Romney in the street with a homeless man in the background…

    Curiously, Romney’s “wealthy vibrations” did not seem to rub off on the homeless man, who was digging into a trash can. And the homeless man did not seem to “attract” Romney. Pity…

  8. André Quaas, Germany Avatar
    André Quaas, Germany

    Most of US-Americans don’t know, who really rules: it’s not the president and it dosn’t matter from wich party he comes.
    Most Germans also don’t know who really rule them: I’ts not Angie.
    It’s the same game on different playgrounds ( or the only one?).

    Many behaviors of the bigger and smaller business come from the 1. misconception about the world: There is not enogh of everything.
    It’s hard to heal this.

    President Obama can’t make a real good business with an from his predecessors ruined company. His opponents are really sneaky.
    For most US-Americans in this moment Mr. Obama would be the better choice.

    Hey – Americans! Have a look from outside!

  9. mewabe Avatar

    How do people like Romney make more money?

    They invest in American companies that move their operations to China (or Mexico), where there are no unions, workers have no rights, there are few environmental regulations, and the pay is equivalent to slavery. In other words it’s a free for all for these companies, as at the beginning of the industrial revolution in Europe.

    Then they wrap themselves in the American flag and pretend to care about the people of this country.

    The problem is not that some people have more…it is that they TAKE more, from everyone else, by causing companies to shut down, by making Wall Street into a casino and trashing the economy, etc etc.

  10. mewabe Avatar

    The problem is not primarily a perception that there is not enough of everything…but that SCARCITY IS ARTIFICIALLY CREATED, BECAUSE EXTREME WEALTH MEANS EXTREME POWER AT THE TOP, and the top does not want to share power with the populace.

    In other words the elite knows that there is plenty for all…they do not believe in scarcity as an existing condition…THAT’S WHY THEY KNOW THEY HAVE TO CREATE IT ARTIFICIALLY…they just don’t want you to be wealthy, they don’t want you to have this kind of power. THEY NEVER WANTED YOU TO HAVE POWER (look at organized religions), except for the minimal amount that will keep you from starting a new revolution. A few crumbs to lull the masses into obedience, along with a fair amount of false hopes (as in, if I work really really really hard and play by all the rules, I will make it).

    It’s rather simple. Understand this and you will understand much. Money has always been used as a means to achieve power, and it should be really obvious that those who seek this kind of power will not share it with you and I. As a matter of fact they will do everything in their power and as their billions of dollars allow to keep you and I as far away from this kind of power as possible.

  11. amp1667 Avatar

    In my opinion, that is extortion or blackmail, whatever you want to call it and it should be illegal. Voting is a persons legal right and no one has the right to impinge on your personal beliefs and rights. He is a bully and is ruthless. He is also a liar. If this arrogant man wins, America will be very sorry!!!

  12. Cindi Sainsbury Avatar
    Cindi Sainsbury

    I’m so sick of the venom and hatred toward this good man’s character. It only serves to question the basis upon which your ‘love everyone because the universe wants you to’ books are based. Your self’glorification—inside scoop to God rhetoric isn’t that unique. Many have been deceived by the emasculation of a loving Father in Heaven, his power and purpose. And, I believe your pocket-lining communication with something you say is God is nothing more than a reprint of the same old lie, which started with the greatest of liars. Recreating a powerless God, diminishing Christ and his gift, ignoring the fact that there is right and wrong, there is a plan, and you are here living it, will not change reality. There is only one path, it is narrow, and sooner than later you’ll find He does have expectations Neal.

  13. Frank Avatar

    I see lot’s of very simplified points of view here, most of them somewhat irate. But I align with Bryce here with a caveat. The intent of each CEO is what is at issue here. And this on a case by case basis. Until you know these men, you are only guessing at their thought pattern, and acting on your own fears – in the cases of the lambasting some are dishing out here. On it’s face, disclosing concern for the future of your company to your employees is transparency in action.

    Mewabe – just a thought about your idea that the rich are creating lack in order to keep you down and control you and not “share”. You might be being used.

    No matter what you do to the “rich” in terms of taxation, you will not hurt them. They are ALREADY wealthy. More tax, less tax – makes no difference to them. It DOES, however, make a difference to those who wish to BECOME wealthy, which has always been part of the American dream. If you raise taxes on the “rich” the second you approach that level you are hit with those taxes yourself – slowing your rise. Who gets hurt going forward by this kind of taxation. Not the current “rich”, but anyone who would be “rich”. Now, who would find that a good situation? Possibly those who prefer to be in a private club? Who don’t want their power diluted? Possibly, Warren Buffet and his Ilk?

    I honestly don’t think it is this conspiratorial, but the outcome will be the same.

    As a small business owner I can see the writing on the wall. The current administration is no good for this country as founded. It is divisive, opaque, untruthful and toxic to the economy. Is the challenger? I don’t know. But what I do know is that I would rather give him a shot than live through another four years of the policies that are decimating of our economy.

    Good luck all and read for yourselves. Don’t just take people’s word for it.

    Love Always


  14. Rebecca Avatar

    I am rather sad that you should choose to depict this as someone having too much which comes from a perspective of not enough. I thought the whole point of spirituality was for us ALL to have more, not to take from some to give to others, but to help ENABLE all to aspire to more. The successful ones should lead the way in this, not point at others and say they aren’t good enough. As for this article, if you bother to read it properly, Romney said whatever business owners believed, they should get people to vote, quote:

    “Mr. Romney’s remarks came at the end of a conference call in which he assailed President Obama’s policies as being not good for business, and Mr. Obama himself as being anti-business. “And whether you agree with me or you agree with President Obama, or whatever your political view, I hope—I hope you pass those along to your employees,” he told the business owners. Mr. Romney said he believes that what employers tell their employees “will figure into their election decision, their voting decision…””

    He said nothing wrong. And, by the way, did any of you bother to check your facts? Mitt Romney gave his entire inheritance from his father to charity, and gives 13.45% of his income to charity each year, as against president Obama’s 7% and Biden’s astonishing $300. One last thing: Romney’s 2011 tax return shows he claimed a deduction for only $2.25 of the $4 million he donated. So, really, I wish you’d all just check your facts before pointing fingers and imposing your negative responses to fallacies on us, especially when you are preaching love, goodwill and sharing goodness <3

  15. Pat Avatar

    It’s my understanding that most of Romney’s charitable deductions are to his church. I have difficulty voting for a man who claims to believe in a book that talks about how God punished people by making their skin dark. The very foundation of the book is based on racism. That’s not to say that most Mormons are racists; in fact they seem to be very nice, fair-minded people, but the entire basis of the religion is blatantly and explicitly founded on racism – on the idea that non-whites are inferior.

    Oh and there’s that part about how all the native Americans are Hebrews – yet not a drop of Hebrew DNA.

    Google “The Way of the Mister: Mormonism is Racism” for an entertaining overview by Mr. Deity himself.

  16. mewabe Avatar

    Cindi, where is the venom and the hatred? I See some strong statements but I do not see any hatred.

    Regarding political candidates, they are all putting themselves in a position to be scrutinized and often harshly criticized, and believe me they can take it, they do not need your protection.

    As to your religious beliefs, nothing should shake them if they are true in your mind…so there is no need for you to feel so threatened by another worldview…unless you are not really sure what to believe and are confused.

  17. mewabe Avatar

    To think that power wants to hang on to power and acquire more power is not a conspiracy theory…just look at history.

    And then look at the shape of a physical pyramid:
    it is very narrow and precarious at the top…the higher one rises, the more precarious it feels, and the more one actually depends on everyone below, for support.

    Therefore those who rise to the top need to exert more and more control and power over everyone and everything below in order to maintain their position, in order not to fall from the top. They grasp, and they hold on with all their might.

    In other words the idea that wealth means freedom for all is a total fallacy, as even the very rich aren’t free, and need a constant pool made of the poor and the working class in order to maintain their privileged status, as a master needed his slaves.

    Can an exploitative system exist without anyone to exploit? The idea that we can all be wealthy is a lie, society will not allow it, because it functions through exploitation.

    For example who will do janitorial work if we are all wealthy, your next door millionaire neighbor?

  18. mewabe Avatar


    I have just been told on another post that capital letters equate yelling…oops!

    My intention was not to yell…but to underline some specific points that were important to me, and allow for a quick reading of my posts. My mistake, I won’t do it again 🙂

  19. Cindi Avatar

    This is why religion & politics are best not mixed. The co-existence is impossible as witnessed by all of the above. I agree to disagree and move on, meaning that although you may not agree with my choices, religious, political or otherwise, I WILL NOT judge YOU, nor should you judge me. We all have different opinions, we all have different views, co-existence and acceptance is the best that we can do. To Neale I am forever grateful for what you choose to share, thank you.

  20. mewabe Avatar

    Cindi, I don’t think anyone is judging you…politics are extremely complex…none of us can actually imagine what it takes to run a government, especially of this size…and politicians themselves seem to have lost control of the ship, although they won’t admit it.

    Expressing political opinions is an interesting past time for all of us, but we all over-simplify by necessity, as none of us really know what we are talking about, if we are to be totally honest. We just pick an event or a few facts here and there and form opinions. Individually, we can only think in terms of general principles, not in terms of practical details and very complex policies, nor can we imagine the compromises politicians make every day.

    Because of this complexity, we have lost control of our government…to a very large extant. Which may explain the widespread frustration within the population which seems to occasionally lead to a spirited exchange between political factions. Our government is primarily run by lawyers…which explains the chaos and the fact that none of it is “people friendly”, meaning accessible and transparent.

  21. Michael L Avatar
    Michael L


    Almost every thing you say is a judgement, really.

    So don’t get defensive.

    You are not going to change your point of view no matter what anyone says here. So let it roll past and keep giving us your view. Always read with hope.

  22. Frank Avatar

    Mewabe – Fascinating questions and metaphors! I have always thought that the strength of a pyramid is the base and that the top has little to do with it. So too do I see that the strength of a people is in the many, not the few. A small idea held by many is so much more powerful than an idea held by a prominent one. In my view anyway.

    And your question about janitorial work being done by your millionaire neighbor, again to me, would be answered unequivocally YES! If we all lived in abundance – in this case financial – what would you do with yourself? Playtime, vacation, sleep? I think that in reality we would want to be useful to each other!! — Especially if our need to provide for our families were taken off our plate. In fact, I could see competition to meet each others needs being prominent in that society. Who gets the joy of helping? ME!! PLEASE LET ME!!!

    It’s funny, but I think that communism and capitalism when realized by the spiritually aware become much more alike. The main difference being the flow of energy i.e. Government taking care of the people or people taking care of the people. The key that would make most of the worries benign is, of course, being spiritually aware.

    My choice always is for freedom, and for love. So I guess my choice of governing philosophy is clear.

    Love Always


  23. Michael L Avatar
    Michael L

    “Should bosses tell their employees their job may be at stake?”

    So bosses know that some will lose there jobs. That is just facts of economics of this administration.

    They are charged to make their business be successful, for them selves and their employees.

    And what ever they do to influence THEIR businesses is just what the Unions do every voting cycle. Don’t just cherry pick which side you want to highlight.

  24. Sinclair Avatar

    Neale: I liked it better in 2008 when you shilled for Obama directly:

    Now you are playing the class warfare and fear cards against Romney, because no one is buying the Obama/Walsch “Hope and Change” jazz this time.

    Well, if that’s all you’ve got, that’s all you’ve got. I’ll rephrase your question:

    Should bosses not tell their employees their job may be at stake?

    Many Americans see this election as pivotal for whether the American economy will continue to function and whether there will be jobs and income for most of us in the future.

    You’re welcome to disagree, but until we enter some Star Trek era of prosperity for all, our votes are tied to our pay checks, and that’s not wrong, stupid or immoral.

    If your “New Spirituality” is indepedent of this, and everyone here is willing to subsist on soy beans and rice until they die prematurely, fine.

    Otherwise, no. Be honest. Americans want a better economy, Obama hasn’t delivered, and complaining about rich people isn’t going to make it better.

  25. mewabe Avatar

    What are you talking about Michael? In what respect was I defensive, since no one attacked me in any way? Wasn’t I just talking about the incredible, overwhelming complexity of government, and how no one can really get the whole picture (not even politicians, who each have legal teams to decipher the legal mumbo jumbo), we can only address a few specific points here and there?

    Hey, saying that almost everything I say is a judgement is not a judgement in your mind?

    There is nothing wrong with discernment and opinions…at least I am not condemning Romney and his supporters to eternal damnation or accusing them of serving Satan am I? (As some Christian fundamentalists are accusing liberals and environmentalists of doing).

    Honestly, I would not work for an employer who would attempt to tell me how to vote, or warn me of “consequences”…I would tell this employer to go jump in a lake (I am being polite).

  26. mewabe Avatar

    Thank you Frank, I am glad you like the pyramid analogy…yes, the base supports (and even leads) the top and not the other way around! Without the base, there is no possible top…but we can cut off the top and the base is still there (is this sounds like revolution, so be it)!

    About everyone being all rich and who would be janitors, I was talking about our present non-evolved state, whereby it is mostly everyone for himself and many people hope to get rich to gain status and privileges.

    In some Native American cultures, the highest status was achieved by those who periodically gave all their possessions to the poor…which meant that leaders often ended up being the poorest among the people, having given everything and being selected for their genuine love toward their people and their generosity.

    Funny how in our society it is the opposite…we elect the wealthy to the highest office exclusively. We associate being rich with being worthy of admiration…how strange indeed!

    Looking at short portions of the last debate, it occurred to me, while watching Obama and Romney joking about their respective possible investments in China based US firms, that those two have so much more in common than they have with any of us. And this is what turns me off politics…a government of the elite, by the elite, for the elite. It actually turns my stomach…in other words I cannot stomach it.

  27. Darien Avatar

    This is unsettling to hear from Romney, for sure. Yet, as someone from the coal fields, this type of ‘coercion’ has been going on in our area for over a century if not more. If one didn’t vote for the coal company’s candidate and later, the union’s candidate, one risked losing their job. In coal country, Romney’s suggestion is redundant. The unions have already spoken and that is the way their members will vote.
    As distasteful as Romney’s suggestion, my focus is on what our present President promised and the violation of that promise. His promise? To bring home our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. Not only did he renege on this promise, but he sent more soldiers to die and be maimed.
    O sorrow. Needless sorrow. How can any of us think this is OK?

  28. Frank Avatar

    Mewabe – The Native American cultures have always been a beautiful example of the interplay between man and nature. I am always moved by the prayers I have read and the attitudes espoused there.

    While I see the kind of people you reference regarding wealth, I also see that those are the people presented to you to witness by media, movies, TV etc. I think that there are a great many people at the bottom of the pyramid with a different view. They are not “visible” the way the others are as they are not presented to you to be witnessed. They are your friends and neighbors who work hard, with joy, and toil for the love of those they care for. They are the base of the pyramid whose little idea of love can change everything. We must choose to see them. Even amid the bright lights and imperative advertising of Hollywood and Networks; they are there. We must choose to be them.

    I have faith that this is where the real power in the world lies. I also think that this is one of the last cycles of party politics in this country. Real people are being called to govern in real ways, and all are tired of the expectation that politicians will lie to you. It is no longer acceptable, and in the information age, they are more and more going to be held accountable.

    In the new paradigm I will be happy to come help around your house!

    Always with Love


  29. mewabe Avatar

    I like your perspective Frank, and I agree…and the internet may have contributed greatly to the awakening of the people of the world and the unleashing of their potential…and it is only the beginning!

    The mainstream media and the politicians may be left behind for a while, they are out of touch with what is happening at the grass root level, at the bottom of the pyramid 🙂

    Now if we can prevent the war makers from starting WW3, we will be okay!

  30. Alda Avatar

    Dear Neale thanks for the expressions of affection on my facebook. They cherished my heart. Neale, do not believe in change through political, nor the U.S. and Brazil. I do not think they are planning a better world for all mankind. What strikes me is that they want at all costs to keep themselves in power through the field of consciousness.
    The good thing about all this is that our release does not depend on others, but our choices. The events and experiences are caused by our limiting beliefs. I’ve had to my advantage to not having beliefs cradle. Only studied to understand and analyze. But I remain free from all the loving truth contained in each.
    I’m looking for the way back to my state of balance, something that set me free from the 3D illusion that my speed electrons, which consumes my entire being dual and me to design a higher dimension. Studying about the chakras, meridians, channels of light, and the glands of paramount importance as pituitary and pineal thymus. But I’m still here at the start of the path. I read his books. And I love the wisdom of thy God. The better your wisdom. If you have any arrow to signal my way post on facebook or email
    A big hug
    be at peace

  31. Cindi Avatar

    I appreciate your post, I don’t feel “judged” I feel like there is alot of intolerance out there, that is what me point was. For those of you that are offended by Neale’s initiation of dialogue concerning employers directing their employees how to vote using fear tactics, shame on you. We are all grown adults & we all know how the world works. If my employer were to use this tactic on me it would show me that they are in capable of running their business & it is time to look for another job. “Cry me a river & build me a boat”, “If this administration is re-elected some of you will lose your jobs” Please, I did have an employer leave a leaflet on the lunch room table that indicated that anyone that voted against GWB would be going to hell, guess what I don’t work there anymore. If fear is the choice made to attempt to gain respect then the individual using that tactic has it all wrong.

  32. Cindi Avatar

    Rival gangsters sit down to plan an after-school program
    A religious fanatic posts footage of an interfaith service project
    A group of teenage boys watches a video of a father playing catch with his son
    An adult film star paints thumbnail portraits of elderly couples, fully clothed and smiling
    A record executive records a demo of his apology
    A policeman makes reverse 911 calls instructing residents to take to the streets
    A patriot reports for duty
    She’s wearing an orange jumpsuit and holding a picket sign
    She’s ashamed of her birthplace
    But retreat is not an option

    Women and children
    Tune in
    Stand and be counted
    In the belly of the vulture
    Watch your back
    Theres no civilians
    Women children
    Consider this a distant early warning
    The fires imminent
    Pollution gathering dust particles
    Funneling through smokestacks
    Disinformation tube fed
    Check the label
    Delete the virus
    Alert the masses

    Butterfly wing crosswinds send black hawks toward hurricane survivors
    Roses sprout from empty lots and sidewalk cracks
    Pacifist guerrillas move undetected through concrete jungles
    New forms are beginning to take shape
    Once-occupied minds are activating
    People are waking up
    The insurgency is alive and well

    Rise of the flobots
    Portrait of the new american insurgent
    Rattle and shake the foundation of the world order
    Assembly line consent
    Direct loved ones to the trenches
    Suit up
    Forge rubble into fortresses
    Broken porcelain
    Rusted platinum
    Burn bloodstains from decompressed diamonds
    Hammer the battlecry into braille-studded armor

    We are building up a new world
    Do not sit idly by
    Do not remain neutral
    Do not rely on this broadcast alone
    We are only as strong as our signal
    There is a war going on for your mind
    If you are thinking you are winning
    Resistance is victory
    Defeat is impossible
    Your weapons are already in hand
    Reach within you and find the means by which to gain your freedom
    Fight with tools
    Your fate and that of everyone you know depends on it

  33. Michael L. Avatar
    Michael L.

    I really feel for you all, my brothers and sisters holding the illusions so tight.

    When you look at the liars and the failures of the policies that will happen in the next 4 years, can we ask THIS question each time a change needs to be made.

    What would LOVE do now!!!!!!!!!!!

    Each one from the top of this writing to the last person writing has a tight grip on THIER illusion. Means you have a agenda, mostly unconscious I would say.

    For heavens sake, God has a plan and the more we hold on to the negatives of both ideologies the longer they will be here. Stop complaining. embrace the liars and have compassion for what they believe.

    You are holding the things you are angry with, in place (uncased cement).
    Please just let it go and ask, What would Lover do now?
    The answers will come to you, because you are Love, bubbling over forever.

    I understand you love the drama of being angry at someone.
    Maybe it’s time to step away from these childish feelings.

    What would LOVE do next, be that unconditional lover we talk about so much about.

    One poster said that freedom is how he will vote, where is Neale’s post on everyone finding the most freedom loving/giving candidate even 3 or 4th party.
    Are you not suppose to feel joy with your vote. Or are we just here to pick a candidate that hurts us the lest?????

    Then comes the BIG question in our hearts, are we ready to live that way?
    With unconditional love.

  34. Erin/IAm Avatar

    Just another example…of many…that taxing is a defunct method. One would think that, as an ‘intelligent’ specie, we would have come up with much more lucrative, functional means of communal/national biz. (wth?)

    Has no one noticed that every church in existence was built, & runs incredibly well, by donation? That during any catastrophic event of our history, donations of the People, by the People, for the People, have been the saving graces of rescue, reconstruction, & the memorials created of such? That when asked in ernest, we have never failed in acquiring needed monies, time, equipment/tools, and/or personal effort to do what need be done?

    Sooo, I believe in our do-nation.

    Has every available & contributable body put their 2 cents in during such times? Now, that would be asking for ‘the Great Miracle’ a bit early in this game, wouldn’t it? Although, I have noticed that rich & poor alike ‘donate’ more freely & willingly if left free to do so. In fact, the monies alone are usually far more than used for any individual project-at-hand…And, these donations are not limited to our boundaries…they come from everywhere!

    Personally, if a governance is not wise enough to run itself, pay for itself, example their ‘intelligence’, then they are fairly useless to begin with. I don’t see why people keep paying for something that isn’t Being ‘productive’/functional…like governing bodies & taxing.
    As far as ‘unproductive’ people…This, we have some years yet to know. However, “This, too, shall pass”, when the freedom to give is unleashed, when personal responsibility is revitalized with grander purpose.

    I believe in a do-nation…I believe America can be a grand reflection of this ideal…I believe in We the People, in ‘e pluribus unum’…We are simply a “Git ‘r Done” kinda bunch…and Freedom is our grandest tool of growing & becoming the example we should be to All of our root families.

    Comedians world-wide are having a blast with the US elections…Gosh, doesn’t that say volumes? Muahaha!

    Sooo, that’s what I say, anyway…Good Journey, Loves!:)

  35. MR. CONFUSED Avatar

    i think it is a good thing, that people with more money share it with people who have less money. that is a sign, that he cares about his fello men, that he can feel a connection betwenn each other.

    on the other hand mr. romney’s words reminds me of a deep dream… the deep dream of freedom.
    that you do not HAVE to give anything to anybody. yeat you can take what you get. .. isn’t it a great dream of all human beings, to be free?? we all want to have it all.

    but to want that other people have LESS than me do NOT mean that freedom to me. to wish freedom for me, means not at the same time to wish another human being has it worse.!

    why can we not ALL be free?!

    i think it is almost criminal to say: vote for me, or it will cost your existence. it produces fear. it is not a voice of love that speaks that way, for me. i think this person do not care about others at all. he is afraid,too, full of fear and fights alone only to survive. in a nerverendig fighting. .. the struggle for survival. he is only interested that he will survive. in my eyes.

    how can americans vote such a person? how can they even think about it?… do they WANT to live in fear? they have a choice! and can vote the more human person, obama. even if he is not perfect (and you can criticize him all day long..), in my eyes it is a “no go” to vote for romney.


  36. Michael L Avatar
    Michael L


    Love your name by the way.

    So our way of elections are the stuff of jokes around the world,
    well it’s nice to make other people laugh at a time like this 🙂

    Love your suggestion about being a Do-nation. and especially:

    “Has no one noticed that every church in existence was built, & runs incredibly well, by donation?”

    I have a thought…….Lets get the most generous, no all the generous folks together. And brain storm as to what can be done from community to community to raise humanities spirit.

    We spend so much money for advertising that is geared to the 7% of the population(at election time). That could be a wonderful seed, a starter for charitable work for ALL.

    @Rebeca said:
    Mitt Romney gave his entire inheritance from his father to charity, and gives 13.45% of his income to charity each year, as against president Obama’s 7% and Biden’s astonishing $300. One last thing: Romney’s 2011 tax return shows he claimed a deduction for only $2.25 of the $4 million he donated.

    My point isn’t that one is more charitable, it is that we all could use our abundance in life changing works, for our fellow man and women and children.

    As what we do for another we do for our selves. Let the abundance you are, flow through you and into the universe and it will flow back to you to continue the loving action. Actions have consequences!!!

    Do you really need someone else to tell you how you feel? Bring that feeling of love from your own self, and give it’s unexhaustibleness.

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