How does God feel about sex before marriage?

I am scared and confused, and I wish someone would tell me what is the REAL DEAL about how God feels about sexual intimacy between people who love each other but aren’t married yet. I am caught between the Bible and what CWG has to say. From what I have read of CWG, God seems very easy going about sex. The Bible implies (and sometimes firmly states) that sexual purity is a must and that God won’t hear the prayers of someone who is sexually immoral. But, I’m not trying to be immoral. I just want to love and be loved by the person of my choice. Why is that bad? My friendship with God means everything to me. He is my best friend and He has walked with me my whole life. I don’t want to feel like I am betraying him by being disobedient. All I want is to do the right thing. Can you give me your perspective? Thank you, Annie, for listening… Frances

Dear Frances…Thank you for reaching out. You asked for the “REAL DEAL about how God feels about sexual intimacy between people who love each other but aren’t married yet.”

Okay, here it is: God = Love. God is all there is, everywhere present, in all things seen and unseen. Love is all there is, everywhere present, in all things seen and unseen (even though it’s hard to recognize sometimes, when it’s been distorted by fear).

Since God is all there is, and Love is all there is, how can any expression of Love between two people possibly be bad? It cannot, dear Frances. Love wants to be expressed, and that’s what we came here to physicality for. YOU get to decide what feels right for you, and no matter what decision you make, please know that God loves you and is perfectly okay with it. God will never abandon you. It is impossible for the reason stated above: You are part of God, because God is all there is.

Please allow yourself to feel pure joy. Allow yourself to live your own truth. And always, allow yourself to feel love, in whatever way feels joyous and true to you!

(Annie Sims is the Global Director of CWG Advanced Programs, is a Conversations With God Coach and author/instructor of the CWG Online School. To connect with Annie, please email her at

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4 responses to “How does God feel about sex before marriage?”

  1. Buzz Avatar

    Hello Annie,
    I don’t believe this is a question about intimacy out of wedlock. This is about CwG vs The Bible. This is about spirituality vs Religion. This is about doing what you want vs doing what you’re told. Which does God want from us?

    Is God accepting or judgemental of us?

    Annie, you have said you understand both, and feel caught between the two. If you continue to believe in The Bible as if it was meant literally, you will remain feeling caught. This is the purpose of things that try to tell us who we should be, how we should behave, and what right and wrong are.

    So ask yourself, if God took the form of an arrogant, selfish slob, and told you that you must behave like a prostitute, slut, drug dealer, murderer, pedophile, fraud, thief, … think of all the illegal, immoral and fattening things in the world, and add all to the list. He then shows you proof he is God, without any doubt in your mind, definately not the Devil, and asks you to perform these acts or be punished in the most horrible way. Do you defy God or yourself?

    You know very clearly how you feel toward the idea of performing any of these things, but God says to kill me. Silence my blasphemous tounge. How dare I question His words? The Old Testament says I deserve to be stoned, and you are required under His law to throw the first stone. Do you take the rock forced into your hand? Do you hear the crowd pressuring you to throw it at me? Do you hear them taunting you?

    “You weak pathetic fool,” they tell you. “This man has taken God’s name in vain, spoken ill of His power and magnificence, and broken the First Commandment in public. He has refused to confess his sins, and he believes he is righteous. How dare he defyus and God. It is His will this insubordinate infidel be put to death for his crimes. Now throw your stone Annie, or you will face death for the same crime. Do not worry, throw your stone and kill him now. This is what God wants.”

    They tell you these things to convince you to ignore your feelings toward the innocent man, me. They are trying to make you hate and fear me. They have done this for thousands of years, and are very good at it. Even strong minded, intelligent people fall prey to this trap, so there is no shame in succumbing to their influence. You are human, not perfect. We all make mistakes, and we don’t always learn from them.

    The questions to ask yourself now are: what do I want? What do I love, besides God? Who am I? Where am I? Why am I where I am? What do I intend to do about it?

    Thanks for your response, Buzz. Actually, it was Frances, not me, who feels caught between CWG and the Bible, so perhaps you meant to address your ideas about the Bible to her. I am very clear about what feels right and true to me!

  2. ivan Avatar

    Just be careful in labeling everything as love, yes we are all connected and we are all one, but we should take in mind what part of us is seeking the sex act, i dont believe the spiritual part, because that will be more likely achieved through meditation , yoga and service. Our propensities and the unconcious mind (ego) need to be feeded, and sex can be a important source of energy. Also there is an exchange of energies, bonding occures in many levels , and having sex with someone who had many partners is like connecting onto those old line operators, connected to a web of dense energies everywhere. So how can that be helping us in our journey of life? Isnt life about travelling light ? Emancipating all our energies that keeps us from illumination. trascending our animal instinct??

    Thank you for your thoughts here, Ivan. It’s an interesting idea, that when we connect with a person we are also connecting “to a web of dense energies everywhere”. I suppose this is true at some level, but the connection would be, I suppose, weaker than with the person we are interacting directly with.

    I understand the Eastern tradition of renunciation being the best way to achieve enlightenment, yet CWG tells us that this is not something God requires, or even desires. And as a happily married woman of 22 years, I can honestly say that the physical joining of two people who are deeply in love can be a very spiritually uplifting experience and can help re-center us in the remembering of Who We Really Are. This aspect of ourselves is one of the greatest gifts God has given us, and the repression of it can lead to very distorted expressions of love, as history has shown us, right up to the present. Catholic priests’ abuse of altar boys is merely one example. Rape of women and children is another.

    So, yes, it is very important that we not disregard this important God-given impulse. Rather, seek to express it in the Highest and Best ways possible. Thanks again for continuing a very interesting discussion here, Ivan.

  3. Buzz Avatar

    Yes Annie. Thanks for catching that mistake. I was intending to address Frances with that post in it’s entirety.

  4. Phillip Avatar

    God put Adam and Eve together, Then god says eat of all the fruits in the garden, but not the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. These were morrals, the serpant was satin in the form of Man Eve was beguiled she had a sexual relations. She gave birth to Cain of the Devil and Able from Adam. Satan used this tool to infect the plan of God. God was infuriated, You should have one Man or Woman in marriage, you should have only one God. We should protect the seed line of God. Sex is a reward from god to the married couple. Why do you think Christ came from a virgin, He reclamed what Eve lost. You save yourself for the mate that is to come. If you want me to I can give you verse after verse, that shows God detest sexual impurity. Man get a grip on yourself a stray female dog has pups with many other male dogs she is called a bitch, are we not better than this.

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