A witness to your life

In the next several weeks here I am going to do something different in this column. I am going to present occasional excerpts from a transcript of a Conversations with God Spiritual Renewal Retreat that took place in October, 2012 in Medford, Oregon. I can think of no better way to give you an idea of one approach to interpreting the CWG material than by showing you how it is interpreted by me for participants in such an event.

Below, then, is an excerpt #1 from this CWG retreat, in which I welcome the participants into the room. It offers a wonderful invitation — not only to the people who were in that room, but to everyone who is gathered here, at this website.


NEALE: Welcome to the space.  You’ve traveled so far to be here, not just in miles, but in years and moments.  Each of us journey along the highways of our life, and here we are in this perfect moment, perfectly situated, perfectly prepared, perfectly ready for perfection itself to visit our lives at last.

There is more going on here than meets the eye.  And by “here,” I don’t mean in this room.  I mean in life, for most people.  And every so often a chosen few — and it’s usually a handful really, a veritable handful of people — decide to gather together in one place to look at what’s going on, out of a thought that sometimes, once in a while, looking at it together with some others who are on the same journey can be more productive and bring us greater insights, in some cases bringing those insights to us faster and in a more impacting way, than if we continue traveling alone on our path.

So we find that from time to time it feels good to join together with others who are on the same journey, even if they may not define the journey or describe it in exactly the same way, but we know broadly in the largest sense that they’re on the same journey, this journey through life.  But the journey is more than the journey through life from birth to death, from my awareness.  A great more than that.  We’ll talk about all of that during this retreat.

Of course, people have historically gathered like this. We’ve gathered around campfires at the very beginning. Not just family and kin, but increasingly as our experience of life went on, others who we joined at the campfire, so that we might share experiences, so that we might say to each other: How has it been for you?  This is how it is for me.  What’s true for all of us?

We say this to each other in a struggle, a fight, to find common ground, and out of common ground, common understanding — because it is when we find common ground that we share a common experience which gives us a common understanding.

And that common understanding is what binds us together and allows us to move forward as a species, as a culture, and thus to know ourselves as a culture in a way that only the sharing of the individual members of that culture could possibly create.  So your story and mine are very important.

They are the keys that unlock the mystery of life itself.  The challenge is getting to know that story; your story and mine.  People interestingly enough don’t want to share their story often.  They think they’re either wasting the time of others, or perhaps they’re embarrassed about it or they don’t have all the answers yet, or they don’t want to look bad, or they’re too hurt by the story and it brings up too many damaging or hurtful memories.

For whatever the reason, we largely keep our story to ourselves, and perhaps we share it with one or twos others, maybe with our beloved other with whom we’re going through life,  a dear companion or partner or lover, and perhaps with a close friend as well.  But the number of people who know our story in many cases can be counted on one hand.

There was a wonderful movie a few years ago, Richard Gere was in it, called Shall We Dance?  And in the film, there was a wonderful scene.  I won’t bother going through the whole scenario with you, but there is a scene in the film where a woman is sitting at a table with a private detective, and she’s hired the private detective to follow her husband. She’s convinced he’s having an affair because he’s gone every Tuesday and Thursday night on a regular basis after work and he was always saying to her, “Well, I had to work late,” or whatever.  But she caught him at one point.  She called his office, he wasn’t there, and all of that.  So she thought, well, rather than confront him with what I don’t know about this, I’ll find out.

So she hired a private detective.  And he follows her husband.  Then he finally ‑‑ the scene in the movie is that she’s meeting him at a restaurant for lunch and he’s got the photographs of her husband going in and out of places.  He’s been trailing her husband for weeks.  He says, “I don’t know how to tell you this because your husband is not having an affair.  And I hate to ruin the surprise.”  She says. “What surprise?”  He says, “Well, he’s been taking dancing lessons. He wants to learn how to ballroom dance because you’ve always wanted him to be a ballroom dancer with you and he was clumsy and didn’t know how to do it. So for your 25th anniversary, he wanted to take to you a ballroom dancing competition and show you how you guys could win it.” It turns out that the wife was a very good dancer and she just needed a partner.

So he was gone every Tuesday and Thursday night for months to this dance class.  And the private detective has got pictures of him going in and out of the class and so forth.  Now, he says, you must let him have this surprise.  You can’t let him know that you know.  She said, of course not.

But I always remember the scene in the movie, not for that content so much, but for a single line in the picture that in a sense almost devastated me when I heard it, because it was so impactful.  She says to the private detective, you must have been hired on a hundred of these surveillance things by spouses who think their other is cheating on them.  He says, “Yeah, I have.  It kind of makes you cynical about marriage and the whole trip.”

This spurs her to say, “Why do you think people get married anyway?”  And the detective gives, well, you know, a variety of reasons.  “I’ve been looking at it for 25 years.  Sex, companionship, bring an end to loneliness, have a partner to carry the load.” He gives all the answers you would expect to hear.

She say, “I don’t think that’s the reason.”  He then asks, “What do you think the reason is?”  She replies, “I think people marry so that they can have a witnesses to their lives.”

That’s got to be one of the great movie lines of all time. The wife goes on, “People want, they need, someone who saw it all, the worst of it, the best of it, the highs and the lows, the struggles, the losses, and the victories.  Someone who saw it all happen to them, so that their experience doesn’t have to be questioned in their own mind…like, is any of this real?”

So I observe that people gather around and gather together in many of the  places where other people collect: Sunday services, Saturday events, Friday night gatherings at the temple or at the synagogue or at the church or in many other places…the corner tavern, and so forth…to see if there is some way they can share and create a common experience, and be witness to each other lives.

These moments are precious and few, representing a tiny percentage of the number of days and hours and minutes in your life, when you look at these moments on a percentage basis.  Most of the time we’re in our mind, and more or less by ourselves.

Don’t miss any opportunity, then, that you have created to explore together the common ground we all share; to witness each other lives.  Let us know your story.  Let us know about your ups and your downs, your challenges and your victories.


23 responses to “A witness to your life”

  1. Laura Pringle Avatar
    Laura Pringle

    Gosh! I really like this! It’s so uplifting and insightful:) Lately, I’ve been feeling that no one really wants to hear another’s story, they just want to tell their own. This article has helped me shift my perspective:) Thanks for sharing!

  2. carol m. Williams Avatar
    carol m. Williams

    Brilliant…Neale you are brilliant.
    The way you sense the world and live in the perceptions they create is so authentic!
    Story wife, detective, story and witnessing is EXACTLY how I felt today…walking around a cemetery in a town near where we use to live. It was a relatively warm autumn day and our quest was to find a tombstone of my husbands great, grandfather. We did not have an exact spelling yet he had seen it online in a post by a family member.We search for well over an hour found a few headstones of people who could be related to my side of the family, sending those pics to my genealogy minded older brother. We finally found the headstone we were looking for! Through the entire time I thought back to a college biology class where we had to learn about the people who had died, why, what was going on in history at that time, to understand the cultural dynamics. That said, cemeteries use to make me feel uneasy, before that class cemeteries use to seem like a waste of time, land resource, etc. NOW, spiritually, I felt at peace and even thought how nice it would be to have picnic there amongst the rich history that each person represented. I thought how do we possibly validate the richness of life each person brings to the entire world when the world’s population keeps growing at such an exponential rate? Love…the only answer is love.

  3. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    A very good Morning, and Amen, learning to be the Unconditional Love.

    Counting the Blessings.

  4. Lisa Avatar

    As a newcomer “here” to CWG, my doubts about how in the world something seemingly so huge as changing humanity’s story could be accomplished, have started to shift. And I realize I have alot to offer “here”, we all do. Each of our lives, similar only in the fact that we were born and we will die, is a unique story to tell.

    In my career life, I am an active participant in people’s crisis. Whether so large an incident, the only answer is an intervention of authority to take it over. Or so mundane, and even solveable without intervention, yet they need to tell somebody, have it documented, have a “witness” they can share their feelings with. Often times, once on the scene and quickly addressing the immediate problem, I will be there for an hour longer just listening to a fellow soul talk about who they are and how they’ve gotten to where they are.

    My story and my background, although very interesting, is often left untold. Bits and pieces trickle out as needed. I try to keep my posts here short, to get my point across without becoming long winded about mySelf. So this is an interesting twist, this offer be a witness and be witnessed in such a deliberate and conscious way.

    Namaste ~ Lisa

  5. Lloyd Avatar

    Communication on the verbal level requires a “talker” and a “listener”, or in our case a writer and a reader. Like Lisa, it seems the majority of humanity wishes to be the talker, so it seems this need for listeners is vastly under staffed, of which I have always been the listener. I have written a few comments about this topic here in the past, but the “need” for humans to communicate with each other is deep seated, fulfills many levels of desires within the human heart. Each of us wish to be accepted, by others, by nature, and this drive naturally seems to lead us to explain our ideas, our actions, etc. but who will “listen”, who will accept, and who wants to know and love us as we are? Can you listen without judgement, and show others your unconditional Love? Being an observer of human nature, it is obvious that many pretend listeners are not paying attention to what the other is speaking but in fact thinking about what “they” will be saying next. How many listen this way? Listening and speaking is about honesty. “Speak the truth to others but speak with Love for them, and Listen with an open heart and mind and judge not unless asked”,this was the advice of my Cherokee grandmother.

    Now that I am retired and travel the country in my 5th wheel, I am blessed to meet so many fellow humans, and hear their individual stories. Most have simple lives, experienced disappointment, and tragedy, both physically as well as emotionally. Sharing their grief, fears, joys, and hopes, with a total stranger, is both flattering and humbling for me. I realized long ago that it is impossible to save others from their struggle in life, but I can be a “witness” for them. I can be a nonjudgemental ear, with occasional comments of encouragement, or a hug, but mostly just a fellow human willing to listen to their Personal Story.

    We each have a story, and no two are alike, and allowing their story to be told is the first step toward allow themselves to hear and feel for themselves the pain, joy, and desire to heal. After Vietnam, a group of us who survived, lived in a house on a beach and there we learned to share our pain with each other. This time allowed each of us the opportunity to tell our story, hear our story, and deal with our emotions and our pains from birth to the present state we found ourselves. In dealing with our emotions, seeing our emotions created and allowed each of us to chose to heal and acknowledge our grief or deny and hide from our own truth. So the point is telling our story to someone, anyone, is a step toward healing our heart and our humanity. Take advantage of the opportunity when it presents itself to speak your truth, and learn to heal your heart, your emotional self, and our humanity.

    Just as important as telling our story to others is allowing others to speak their story to us. Be a blessing to others and be a listener, a nonjudgemental, unconditional loving listener. I wish everyone the opportunity to share their listening skills, and share their humanity with each other. Namaste’

  6. Buzz Avatar

    I’ve learnt people often say things they don’t mean. For example, when watching an Illusionist perform a magic trick people ask “How do they do that?” Even though they’d rather not know. It ruins the mystery and cheapens the experience.

    With this in mind I’m not going to reveal what Neale has done with this heading or why. Just because it seems like a cheap trick to me doesn’t give me good reason to ruin the magical experience for others.

    Many religious devotees consider the scientific deconstruction of their belief system to be heretical for the same reason. By trying to understand the mechanics of spirituality, as we’re doing with these discussions, are we detracting from the mysterious nature of reality, giving it an unnatural aura?

    What does Neale mean by “Is any of this real?” What validation does having witnesses to ourlives give us? Steven R Covey believes we exist for 4 reasons:
    To live
    To love
    To learn
    To leave a legacy

    Part of our legacy is to pass on to future generations what we have lived through, how we’ve loved, and what we’ve learnt. This is our individual contribution to the evolution of our species, and all life in the universe. Our coming together in communities enables us to perform this function, and as the average age of western population ages, these community experiences will become increasingly important.

    Consciousness of a person’s approaching death, in a world where death is feared, motivates people to consider what they are leaving behind. This often brings out competitive emotions as people compare their legacy to the legacy they received, and what other people have earnt, for leaving to their family.

    Herein lies the power of the illusory emotion of fear, including the fear of death, the fear the next generation not being able to survive without you, the fear the next generation will be disappointed with a meagre inheritance, and lots of debt.

    The truth is reality is a lie, death is wonderful, the next generation will do about as well as we did, they’ll greatly appreciate receiving an inheritance, and the debt will make for a challenging, empowering experience.

    Don’t worry, be happy! – Bob Marley

  7. Lisa Avatar

    Hey Buzz,

    So, I am not worried about the magical experience and I feel like I’ve missed something. What has Neale done with this heading and why? It seems pretty straight forward to me. Not many posters here so you won’t be ruining it for too many.

    And I don’t believe that we are detracting from the mysterious nature of reality, giving an unnatural aura by trying to understand the mechanics of spirituality. Which are actually quite simple. If anything, it only feels unnatural because people who see through the veil of numbness and complacency are challeging everything that is taught and pushed on us as “realigion”.

    I’m not here because I am afraid of life, or death, or because I NEED a witness. I’m here because I connect with the cause Neale is behind and I’m trying to find a way to be an active part of the change that needs to happen. The next generation will not do about as well as we did. They’re inheriting an Earth that is different than the one we were born on. And inheriting our debts will only be challenging and empowering if a spiritual foundation is laid for them that is different than the one laid for us.


  8. Buzz Avatar

    Thanks Lisa,
    “Realigion” made me laugh. Very clever!

    I don’t much mind revealing the wizard’s magic, but I won’t do it publicly. If you have access to The Village, click my name next to any of my posts in General Assembly to send me a private email, and I’ll respond with how the trick is done. Neale is a clever man, however I suspect in this case he received consultation advice from a psychotherapist, or neurolinguistic programmer, or maybe a public speaking analyst /speech writer.

  9. Tomis Alex Avatar
    Tomis Alex

    Thank you sir, you are blessed ..i wish to be at your retreat one day

  10. Patricia Farrow-Bowen Avatar
    Patricia Farrow-Bowen

    Just this intro reminds me of my ability to share parts of my story at the retreat in Medford in …….ah….. April 2010?? That you so graciously gave to me. Things shared there were things never shared before. The love that poured over me and the songs sung for me – is something I will have with me forever. I need to do this again. I am looking forward to reading the rest of this. And, hopefully someone will purchase your new book for a gift for me this holiday lol……you never know. I am still just ending CWG III for the second time and understanding it so much more. Love and Light to you Neale, and Em and all the bringers of light down there in Ashland OR.

  11. Lloyd Avatar

    Buzz your comments are meaningless, and it appears to be self centered egotically sourced. Do you consider yourself an intellectual human whose judgements and proclaimations about another is worthy of actual consideration? Reality is an individual assertion, presumption, and your statement that people do not say what they truly mean must include yourself, yes? Judgements such as this about humanity are prejudical assumptions about humanity, rather than a factual assertation about ALL people. A small truth about some people some of the time does not make it a truth. The truth is everyone speaks, acts, and experiences an infinite level of themselves and the life we all share, so to pronounce a judgement about the realitive truthfulness people share with others is actually beyond your or my sphere of knowing.

    Buzz, we are all simple beings, trying to do our best to share this physical plane with all other existence. It is easy to be judgemental of others, and difficult to allow them to give us as they are capable, so lighten up and lovingly share your perspective of your reality without the need to put down others attempts to share theirs. We are all the same, none better and none worse, and each of us have the energy of Creator shining within, so take what benefits your journey and leave what doesn’t. Namaste’

  12. Buzz Avatar

    Hello Butch,
    You’re right, I was stereotyping, and jumping to conclusions. I was expressing an opinion from my perspective, in other words judging. You have, likewise, been very judgemental of me, but what’s so sinful about expressing opinions? Have we, so called “somewhat enlightened people”, become too judgemental about being too judgemental? I suggest being gently opinionated and judgemental of others is a good thing, promoting and motivating personal growth of the judger, judgee, and observer.

    Every event or circumstance is positive from a certain point of view, nothing is definitively negative, and it is one of my missions to help Neale prove this as often as possible. My previously antagonistic comment is no exception. BTW my comment was not a lie, just one of my many perspectives on this subject.

    I can be the best pot stirrer that ever stirred pots.

  13. Lloyd Avatar

    Buzz, who said you lie? Who also said anything about negative, or being enlightened? Your words show your own thoughts about yourself, and not about what anyone is saying about you, so do not take my comments personally, we are in fact closer in nature than we may know. Your self proclaimed mission to aid Neale upon his path may seem self serving to many, and my suggestion is to use more compassion and understanding.

    A question for you about style of presentation when conversing with others. Do you enjoy communicating with someone who attacks with words, whether humorous or serious? From my perspective, most humans deal better, ie more acceptingly, more relaxed, more open honesty, when communication is none judgemental and more lovingly presented to them. Old adage: you get more flies with sugar than with vinegar. The point being that communication is aided with a more accepting presentation than one of confrontational presentation.

    We do not change others, only they have that power. All any of us can hope for is to touch anothers heart and mind with a positive loving approach, which may assist their choices in the future in a benefical manner for their lives, which in the over view benefits us ALL.

    As a pot stirrer we do not have to splash the soup out of the pot to get it to mix thoughly. The process is to blend the mixture with love and apprecation so the outcome is one of pleasure versus stressfulness. Namaste’ brother.

  14. Buzz Avatar

    Stir the pot
    Someone who loves to proliferate the tension and drama between 2 or more feuding people/groups in public to get a raise of people in hopes of starting a shitstorm of drama and uncomfortable conflict, sometimes for personal gain but oftentimes just for the thrill of confrontation.

    Ref: http://m.urbandictionary.com/#define?term=stir%20the%20pot

    If everybody thought the same, we’d get tired of talking to each other. I only said I wasn’t lying in the sense that I’m not being antagonistic dishonestly. My antagonism is a refraction of the conflict within me, and the human race. As an empath, I see both sides of the coin clearly, and can purport that perspective to further conversation. Agreement is the fastest way to end a subject or interaction. But please understand, I don’t mean to harm anyone. Have I harmed you Butch?

  15. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    Wonders how to put the words properly unto the english language(or any language, anyway).
    It is the new perspectives and the refreshing new conceptions from you, Buzz. Every angle to be considered.
    Harmful it is not. I have met the socalled “harmful personalities” within many other occasions. But as always it is the own perception(among the many conceptions).
    It is told the world is a mirror, whatever it is said to be; not for one but for all of us.
    Maybe it is because of to be older(an eldery lady at the age of 67 years old), and in counting the difference in the earthly years, can be the mother of Buzz. (I have three sons, twins age 45, and a younger son age 39, three daughter-in-laws, and 9 grandchildren) OR, perhaps of soon to have reached transparency…..by all means, am not to try of convincing anyone!
    I have been within many spiritual groupings throughout the years, and by all of them have learned a whole lot. The new Horizons.
    Certainly would have been other places if not.
    It is as the famous jigsaw, each puzzle here and there adding to the whole picture. No more, no less. It is a continuation in the process, and nothing “settled.”
    ALL of “the lessons” have changed me, I`m certainly not the same as in the younger days.

  16. Lloyd Avatar

    Agreement does not stop conversations, this assumption is false. Agreement can open the door for more involved conversation on any subject. Conflict builds walls which make conversations much more difficult as I have stated before from my personal experiences.

    I wish you well in finding your resolution within yourself and humanity, and perhaps viewing everyone as being an empath as well might help. Everyone is an empath, we all see both sides of issues, it is our choice of perspectives that create our own pain in dealing with each other.

    I believe you do not wish to harm others, and no you did not harm me, as I said before we are more alike than you may understand. When you dish out statements of confrontational nature there will always be another to dish it right back, so do not take it personally, this is how you create your own pain for yourself. These are just words, and words in and of themselves do not create pain until someone takes them inside their own minds, hearts, etc. taking it personally, and thus finding the realization that it fits themselves. Call it an ahha moment or the light going on, but these realizations are personal and should be important flags for reflection and introspection about ones own motives and beliefs.

    In reality, agreement and confrontation never halt conversation on any subject. Most in agreement do not draw attention to themselves, but those using confrontation seek attention for themselves from those in agreement. Many children act out behaviors that attract attention to themselves because they feel no one is noticing them. Likewise those using confrontational arguements are seeking to get others attention as their reason for being disagreeable within a group who appear to be in agreement with one another. Conversation is best when understanding of one another is being sought as the primary reason for being involved, and this means being open and honest about ones motives. So be true to yourself and thus to others, as most here just wish to grow in their understanding of life in this physical plane. Namaste’

  17. Buzz Avatar

    The only circumstance I can think of, which is not conversational, is a briefing, announcement, or declaration of mutually agreed intentions. In this sense talking proceeds without conflict, as everyone is in agreement, and one or a select few people are explaining the terms and conditions of the agreement for the purpose of affirmation, reinforcement, or reminder of what is, what works, or what we collectively want.

    Doing this disallows the possibility and potential for growth, change, improvement, and anyone that challenges the norm is declared an outcast, rebel, antagonist, as you have labelled me. I accept this role, with gratitude, because I am dissatisfied with meagre agreement. I want to continue growing myself, and most of all I want to help others who alsoseek personal growth and improvement. I do this by challenging perceptions with antagonism, and when I sense I’ve hit a nerve, I will help heal it better than before.

    Having said that, I’m willing to accept the possibility I have misjudged the fundamental dynamics of interaction, and will listen to any evidence based point of view you can offer, if you are willing to notice that you and I are essentially creating the tone, subject matter, and tempo of this discussion almost exclusively because of our oppositional perspectives. Without these (or other) opposing views back and forth, this thread would be dull.

    Conflict is our nature.

  18. Marko Avatar

    If this works for you Buzz, go for it. There’s truth in what you say but there are many truths & this one is very old school in my personal viewpoint.

    We are highly creative beings & creativity does not always need conflict to expand. I know as a creative person this is true for me and others. Some drama Queens & Kings love the dark & the conflict. That’s their freedom of choice.

    Yet the creativity we are endowed with is so vast that conflict is part of the early primitive pre HEB civilization of which we are in transition & in the early stages of growing out of.

    Go ahead & continue to use your conflict to grow argument. It has some merit I grant you that, it has truth, I grant you that. But it’s a truth that will be outgrown when you are ready & well you are not ready (but you are open to it) & I say delight in it as long as it satisfies you.

    Also, conflict can exist in the space of mutual agreement as okay & welcome without being a aggressive or negative energy. Wait that doesn’t sound like conflict does it? It’s just another perspective.

    Have it your way until you’ve had enough. There’s room for both here.


  19. Buzz Avatar

    Actually Marko, I believe it is. The antagonistic conflict I’m generating is not either aggressive or negative, either by definition or intention. You’re right that it’s just another perspective, but because it’sa polar opposite perspective to atleast one other person’s perspective, the 2 perspectives are definitively in conflict, which generates discussion.

    As I’ve said above, we don’t need conflict to grow. Growth can occur by absorbing the meaning behind a declaration from a teacher or master, blindly accepting it into one’s belief system. As soon as the student challenges the teacher, its called conflict, unless the teacher then yields to change their perspective to suit that of the student. Agreeing to disagree is a way of postponing conflict, potentially indefinately.

    Any two people in communication are either in conflict, disagreeing, or absorbing, aggreeing. All actions are one of these two, or not an aspect of being in communication.

    There is nothing unenlightened about disagreement. Even HEBs are individuals, except those with a hive mind (been there). Even telepathic civilizations have disagreement, and the interaction there is so much more stimulating than speaking or writing. They don’t just exchange thoughts, but also emotion, so even though they’re not any more disciplined, they see the aggression coming from miles away and choose differently before it needs to be physically expressed. We are not so easy to interpret.

    How many people, besides myself, have any clear memories of HEB societies, not counting what was read or heard in a book, ie CwG bk 3, printed or audiobook, or suchlike texts. I can quite easily recall 2 other worlds.

  20. Buzz Avatar

    Disagreement is an expression of confusion. I can’t see it from your point of view, I have another point of view that’s different, so I disagree. Any attempt to seek clarification on a point, directly implies a lack of agreement. Conflict is generated by discussion as each person attempts to portray their perspective, and resolved when understanding is reached, not by compromise, but by a change in perception. If one of the two people still disagree after understanding, the understanding is insufficient for agreement, and the two people either continue in conflict or postpone it by ceasing communication on that subject.

  21. Marko Avatar

    “As I’ve said above, we don’t need conflict to grow. Growth can occur by absorbing the meaning behind a declaration from a teacher or master, blindly accepting it into one’s belief system. As soon as the student challenges the teacher, its called conflict, unless the teacher then yields to change their perspective to suit that of the student. Agreeing to disagree is a way of postponing conflict, potentially indefinately.”

    I must of missed that one Buzz.

    “The antagonistic conflict I’m generating is not either aggressive or negative, either by definition or intention.” I was not referring to you as that, but stating things in a general context of the argument, of which the statement is true in our world, but I don’t see you as doing this in this current context.

    “There is nothing unenlightened about disagreement.” Agreed, but I think it can be out grown. Refining this, I would say the important point I’m making is the degree & energy behind the conflict. Friendly conflict verses hurtful wounded conflict that comes from a damaging energy as opposed to a healing energy.

    Carry on.

    Magically, -Marko

  22. Buzz Avatar

    OK, so can you explain to me how to differentiate between friendly and hurtful conflict from the perspective of the antagonistic person?

    Further, can we agree since there are no victims or villains, when a person judgementally declares a person’s antagonism to be hurtful, that person could just as easily have judged it friendly, like part of a game or practical joke, even in the presence of extremely violent aggression (theoretically speaking; I have no desire to try)?

    I ask because I seem to be on the receiving end of these situations more than most, and trying to see it in a positive light, rather than avoiding and isolating, or fighting back. Essentially I’m seeking an extremely advanced perspective to allow peace and optimism in a warzone-like environment/circumstances. I need to see the goodness and love in the face of people like Stalin, Hitler, Attila The Hun, the genocidal rapist pedophile druglord arms dealer. (Epitome of all evil) type of person.

  23. Marko Avatar

    “Essentially I’m seeking an extremely advanced perspective to allow peace and optimism in a warzone-like environment/circumstances. I need to see the goodness and love in the face of people like Stalin, Hitler, Attila The Hun, the genocidal rapist pedophile druglord arms dealer. (Epitome of all evil) type of person.”

    While you may desire to see this love in such exaggerated evil, they may not desire to receive it.

    I’ve been in situations where people did not like me and challenged me to make life more difficult. What I did is waterfall & radiate love & light on them.

    In doing so, (in time) they changed and became neutral toward me or decided everything was okay between us or, they simply through fortuitous circumstances left my experience & moved on else where.

    There is no need for some advanced perspective other than the simplicity that always resides in truth.

    The more esoteric psychoanalytical complexity you think it needs to be, the further you may actually move away from the solution until you come back to the locus & matrix of the simplicity.

    The simplicity of the energy we exude, export, the beingness, the attitudes that dominate our larger energy signature…. that is what influences both our inner & outer reality.

    Which is simply being in the space of love, peace & harmony.

    We often think others intrude on our energy space & make things difficult for us. It’s the reason we are not where we are or desire to be.

    However, most often it’s simply that others are reflecting in some way or measure, our own insecurities & unresolved inner turmoil both great or small that brings them into our experience.

    We in turn are being asked: Who & what are we deciding to be in relationship to that experience?


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