If there was one thing that could change the self-destructive direction in which our world is moving, what do you think it would be?
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For each person to go within themselves and find / remember the answer to two questions:
1. Who / where is God?
2. Who am I?To remember that “we” are God, that no-One is separate from God (how could that ever be possible?) and then for each of “us” to fully embrace our power as Divine Creators and to live in our Knowing of Ourselves as Love.
Beliefs,our beliefs ,as you have said many times Neale.Our beliefs create our behaviors and our behaviors create our on the ground experience and reality.
Why is this so hard to change ?
Why is this so hard to see ?
– An epiphany of the human soul, our common imprint of breath.
– Choirs that sing “We are the World” in every language, in every country.
– The artists whose discourse of metaphor transcends our conceived reality and pushes us to imagine life differently.
– Music written from the soul in every culture that births our original cry to be human again, to live.
– People who choose to live in community for the sake of the other.
– Love. Forgiveness. Sacrifice. -
io abbolirei i soldi, perché se non esistessero i soldi tutto il nostro sforzo sarebbe per una reciproca compensaziones delle necessitá ed una crescita nel rispetto della natura e delle cose che DIOS ci ha regalato: le piante, gli animali, un’ aria pulita piena di ossigeno ed inoltre gli esseri umani si vorrebbero piu´bene giacché alla base scomparirebbe il principio delle inviedie e delle lotte inutili. Potremmo esplorare nuovi mondi, far camminare la macchina ad acquaed abbolire tutto quanto sporca l’ ambiente.
Francesca -
“If there was one thing that could change the self-destructive direction in which our world is moving, what do you think it would be?”
Healing the pain/s that causes the self destructive behaviors.
Making that the priority, everything else is secondary. -
Some people go all the way to the top of the creative ladder, beingness, but what does that mean?
I prefer to focus on perspectives and percetions, which I use to alter beliefs and as a means of going within.
Hello Neale,
the answer would be love. Because love makes our conciuos grow. Love will change every aspect of life on earth. It makes the people know they are one and make them remember themselves who they are. So there is your answer, hope you publish it, with love, Joost -
to have no fear
Our contemporary cultures love magic formulas, perhaps because of a mental laziness that begins in school and is fostered by the media.
Unfortunately there is no magic bullet or single formula to change the self-destructive direction our world has chosen to take or heal the self-destructiveness of humanity.
But the first requirement is a desire to heal.
The second is to develop the courage to do so.
The third is to acquire the absolute honesty that is necessary to heal.
Healing is much more than a mental process, it encompasses more than simply changing beliefs or talking about problems or solutions, and although many tend to listen with much reverence when a person speaks about God, healing has nothing to do with any of our ideas about God, no matter how liberating, and everything to do with love, which stands magnificently on its own and needs not be sanctified by any Godly concepts.
In other words pure, true love leads to the truth, and not the mind and its concepts, not even its concepts of God.
Love is universal, concepts are not. Everyone hurts, everyone cries, everyone loves, everyone laughs…our common humanity is where it’s at. We must go back to that, and no longer attach so much importance to the mind and its fabrications (concepts, beliefs, ideologies, dogmas), move out of our minds and into our hearts and souls, that’s where we are all one.
That’s the paradox…in order to know God or love manifest and made flesh, we must become totally human and no longer be so concerned with things of the spirit.
Love expressed in the simplest and most authentic way is worth more than any amount of speeches about God.
So…the “one thing” would be love. But it is not that simple…in order for the ability to truly love to emerge, much garbage must be cleaned up first within the human psyche. That’s where healing comes in.
One thing? As you know, Love.
Now on a different level. If it were economically profitable to be healthy, happy, and smog free, I think it would change the game. Of course that would just be the first step.
I kinda know what ‘it’ will be…unless of course this is changed by those that can.
First, it is not “world” that is moving this way, it is a single specie…homo-sapiens to be exact…that is once again in run-amok mode…much like viral parasites.
How are viral parasites eliminated? One changes the environment that sustains their life. Many Peoples do so on regular intervals to maintain their balances…Earth is one of these such People.
The parasites that adapt with those changes can survive to re-new their infestation, but the greater majority will not…just the way of ‘it’.
Good Journey with the process.:)
That we wake up to the love that we are and let love transmute us.
Whatever the question the answer is always Love. Taking responsibility for loving Ourselves, and by ourselves I mean ALL, and not waiting for the world to change before we decide to take this action. Love an action? Put unconditional Love into action within your own life, because it is the positive action you know will heal your heart.
One individual at a time, seeing themselves within the ALL of humanity, can make a difference. It changes their perspective of their world, by their choice, and it adds to the total consciousness of our planet in a positive mode. It has to be an individual free will choice to change ones perspective, as we each get to freely choose how we view our world, what we believe of others, and our relationship with Source Energy. So those that choose fear based beliefs are focusing more upon what “others” choose rather than be their own authentic authority. We can not live life thinking about what others may think of us, or of our beliefs if we are going to take responsibility for ourselves, living our authentic existence. We are responsible and joining others view of the world will not save us from this responsibility.
Go into nature, alone, sit quietly and listen, just listen. Listen to the grass grow, the wind blow, the leaves fall, but do not listen to the mental minds rambling. Focus and feel the sunshine, the wind on the skin, and the joy that is found within your heart. We, like ALL existence, are just part of Source Energy flow within this material manifestation. Wind is Source Energy moving molecules about within this manifestation, just as humanity is a part of it as well. Everything is part of this Energy flow, so allow yourself to feel this flow, within you and outside of you. It is real, and it is Love, and it does not judge us, and it does not need us to acknowledge its existence. Our physical senses are our tools that allow us to know our connection to ALL existence so use them without judgement of destructive or beneficial. This is Being, and it does not change because of our judgements, our perspectives change because of our judgements of our connection with Source Energy. We get to choose our judgements, and thus our perspectives are an outgrowth of our individual biases.
So what can we do to create a better world? The answer is find our own connection to Source Energy within our own Being, and live our life in harmony with this connection. Allow your authentic self definition to be your living example of expression of Source Energy in this moment of existence as a human Being. Namaste’
Butch -
“Go into nature, alone, sit quietly and listen, just listen. Listen to the grass grow, the wind blow, the leaves fall, but do not listen to the mental minds rambling. Focus and feel the sunshine, the wind on the skin, and the joy that is found within your heart. We, like ALL existence, are just part of Source Energy flow within this material manifestation.”
Great advice Butch, so right on target!
Releasing our mind to nature, to the great power that is all around us, below us and above, we become centered in the very Heart of Creation, which is also our own…
This is a primary form of profound healing, of love, of being that many unfortunately forget in our contemporary world. It reminds me of this:
The Navajo Beauty Way Ceremony
In beauty may I walk
All day long may I walk
Through the returning seasons may I walk
Beautifully I will possess again
Beautifully birds
Beautifully joyful birds
On the trail marked with pollen may I walk
With grasshoppers about my feet may I walk
With dew about my feet may I walk
With beauty may I walk
With beauty before me may I walk
With beauty behind me may I walk
With beauty above me may I walk
With beauty all around me may I walk
In old age, wandering on a trail of beauty, lively, may I walk
In old age, wandering on a trail of beauty, living again, may I walk
It is finished in beauty
It is finished in beauty -
More from the Navajo (Dine) Beauty Way of healing and being:
(Did they know something others are just discovering?)
“To Walk in Beauty means not only walking physically. It also, and primarily in fact, means being in harmony with all things and all people, with all objects, all the animals, all the feelings, the plants, the weather and all the events in your life. It means being at peace, serene in the knowledge that all around you is well and that you are well with everything in your life. You accept and are accepted, there is nothing that pulls you in one direction or the other, the polarities are neutralized, you are one with everything. You are ready to walk in Beauty.”
Judgement Day – bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teach the new spirituality to children and young adults
And the best way to teach is by our own exampleWhile we do whatever it is that we are inspired to do for the world, we should live with joy and passion. We should be kind and loving, and whoever is ready and willing to learn from us will learn
The ‘we’ starts with myself
Become active about SOMETHING. Anything. Vision (which everyone here apparently has) without action is pointless. We can talk all the live long day about how our insides need to match the outsides, what “needs” to be done, what people should do. Most of humanity is sick, sad, scared and apparently powerless.
But when it boils down to it, there are more of us, the little people, than there are of “them”, the puppeteers, the greedy, the rich, who are stopping efforts to save the planet and doing everything they can to make us feel like we can’t do anything about it.
Just because we appear to be powerless, doesn’t mean we are. Pick a cause that hits your heart, that pisses you off and get involved. Then get other people involved, just a little, see where it goes. Perhaps then we can reconstruct.
Kristen – Your posts are awesome.
Sorry *Lisa*,
I must disagree.I believe feeling peace, and being at peace, comes from acceptance, gratitude and love.
I suggest ppl find a cause that’s in conflict or opposes something or someone that’s creating a lot of grief and anger and fear in the hearts of people, possibly (preferably) including you, and then search for a new perspective, either neutral or positive, and spead the word amongst those who are angry, afraid or remorseful. You can help them heal without changing the circumstances. Acting from an emotional place generates passion, but if the emotion is negative you create suffering for yourself.
Be a force and a source of love
And I believe Erin, Lloyd, and Mewabe are spot on. We are a cancer. We cannot stop growing. Our salvation lies in a return to tribal ways, and this can only occur with attitudinal correction and emotional healing with surrender, sacrifice and gratitude.
Mewabe, the magic is within us, and the formula can never be known, for to know it would be to experience omniscience.
Neale wasn’t asking about feeling at peace. He was asking about changing the self destructive direction we are already headed. We can’t make people magically be at inner peace and accept that the world is falling apart around us. To be a peace with cows keeling over in the fields because they are exposed to chemical reactions of fracking. Or the once healthy farmers who are nearly as sick as their animals. This is just one example of the self destruction. In all sorts of physical and spiritual ways we are allowing others to slowly kill us off for their own power and financial gain.
I am looking for practical solutions. None of this is coming from negative emotions. Or lack of gratitude. I say silent thank you’s all day for the little things.
There are things that need to be done. I guess people can choose to accept watching the suffering of others and the devastation of the planet. But I can’t. Although I know myself well and am pretty emotionally healthy, I soak up the emotional energy (pain) of others and probably the natural world as well. I don’t want to say this is a burden. But I am always aware that people are stuck, they’re not yet ready for the work necessary for healing. That’s fine. I accept that. And I am ‘a force and a source of love’, seeing things from many perspectives.
People can choose to do or not do. But the self destructive direction of humanity and the earth will not just change by the few of us here who are more Self aware by being at peace, being grateful or accepting the inevitable. It is more work than that.
I can tell you that Neale’s request that people join humanity’s team will require more than us sitting here conversating about how to work toward changing our cultural story. It WILL require some sort of ACTION.
I’ve seen the stories about fracking that have gone viral recently too. The part you may have missed is how the majority of people in those areas want the fracking industry there, declaring their local economy would be bankrupt without it.
There will ALWAYS be a minority claiming they are suffering. You don’t have to suffer with them. They call themselves victims because they are seeking sympathy, and you’re obliging with pity.
I am arguing the subtle yet very important difference between empathy and sympathy. I understand some are having extreme difficulty surviving, because I am drowning in people in my immediate vicinity who can’t afford the electrical costs of using of a washing machine,
Fracking is occurring in the state I live in. Local people might want the industry because they’re desperate for work. I’m sure they are not appreciating the lung conditions, cancers and persistant rashes that they didn’t realize would be a byproduct. Luckily it is north of where I live. But knowing that the aquifers are being contaminated and will eventually trickle down makes me cringe.
I am not obliging anyone with pity. They probably don’t even know I am feeling what they feel. It’s not sympathy. I don’t feel sorry for people. It’s empathy, with a full awareness that they don’t have to suffer. They just aren’t there yet.
That’s funny. I spent three years having to go to the laundry mat every Sunday. No fun having to wash your delicates where other people’s delicates have been.
My point is just that I think people feel more empowered when they are collectively working toward something. Just as we are doing here.
“We can’t make people magically be at inner peace and accept that the world is falling apart around us.”
This is very true. We can’t make people be anything, magically or otherwise. We can’t force someone to feel peace as they lose everything they value. We can’t enforce their acceptance of a collapsing world. We have no control over anyone else.
I am an empath. I feel pain, fear, guilt, anger, etc every day that has nothing to do with me. Most commonly, I am completely miserable for no reason. I have learnt that no matter how passionately I work toward helping, the feelings never leave, never dull, never a moments break. Someone is always feeling down near me, except when I intentionally isolate, light years from another soul.
“… the earth will not just change by the few of us here who are more Self aware by being at peace, being grateful or accepting the inevitable. It is more work than that.”
There is nothing you or I need to do. The Earth will change on it’s own, and the self destructive behaviour will cease naturally in time. Everything is perfect exactly as it is for getting us where we say we want to go. People are in place to play their role in creating a new cultural story, and most have no association whatsoever to Neale. These people have not been organized or coordinated by anyone, and most don’t know they are playing a part in the big picture.
There will be many casualties in these changing times, and the number of people complaining they can’t cope will rise exponentially to plague proportions. I expect to die in this period, but if I can pay forward what others have helped me learn about detachment to as many people as I can, I have helped heal the pain our species is experiencing.
There is nothing you need to be, do, or have, and becoming attached to the idea of need is unhealthy. Feeling emotion for the victims of circumstance is to be expected, but to feel the need that you should or must help could drive you insane with responsibility. You already have more than your share as an officer in a country that’s hurting financially.
The actions you’re sworn to perform will more than suffice. As for others here, I sense most are also already doing more than their part, and many have stretched themself very thin. This is why I say RELAX!, take a break and a breath of fresh air, balance yourself so you don’t burn out as I did, and with all the empowerment and positivity and optimism places like this engender, your mind and body are vulnerable to this reality.
“Moderation in all things, including moderation.” – Benjamin Franklin
And now I know the real reason you bought those water filters. The question is if your drinking water quality changes slowly, gradually over time, and your body adapts so you can’t tell from the taste, how will you know when to start using the filters?
I am an empath also. I could tell you that the elderly man that I just passed in the aisle at the grocery store is grieving over his lost his wife, with no conversation to confirm it. I feel these things in the center of my chest. I don’t know why.
I guess maybe the difference is that sometimes I am able to connect. I feel the lifting of someone’s spirit during my interaction with them. Maybe that gives me hope for the future. I don’t feel like that I should help. I feel like I must help. This I can’t explain either.
I am relaxed! I am duality all the way baby.
Honestly, I bought those filters in case the whole system takes a sh*t. We live near a lake so I figured at least we’d have something to drink when the grid goes down.
I knew from the first moment I saw your name on my screen we had a special connection. Do you do any of the energy work Marko and Mewabe have talked about. It’s depicted in the James Redfield book/film The Celestine Prophesy, and is the basis for almost every known depiction of what angels do for us?
Can you see haloes and energy fields?
Are you working with the sychronicity of intention and abundance?
I’ve heard these skills and much more are more statistically prevalent and easier to delop in true empaths, because it’s a kind of psychic communication.
Can you sense me, how I’m feeling?
I’ve read the Celestine Prophecy a few times. It presented itself to me at a time when it was most necessary for my life. Practically jumped off the shelf and threw itself on the floor.
Sometimes I think I can see energy fields of natural things, trees etc. Not people. I feel them instead. The best way I can describe it, is the way Eckhart Tolle explained the pain body. Perhaps I tap into that. Do you see them? I’ve always been interested in kirlian photographs. They’re beautiful.
I’ve been consiously working with intention and abundance in my own life, for about six years. In hindsight, I can see how it’d worked prior to that, just in negative ways.
I knew you were going to disagree with me about my first post in this thread….
Re Buzz’s “There is nothing you or I need to do. The Earth will change on it’s own, and the self destructive behaviour will cease naturally in time…”
There is no one way to go about this. Some people feel the urgent need to make a difference (as Neale does I presume), and they must go ahead and do that. With eagerness and enthusiasm, it will bear fruit quickly. Some people feel like lying low, and that’s ok too. If the principle of ‘whatever is in microcosm is in macrocosm’ is true, outer manifestation will not change without inner transformation anyway.
We are not required to steer our expansion, and it will happen fine without us. But it can be fun to participate in for those who want to. It is important to be relaxed though, as Buzz says.
May I edit this paragraph:
” There is no one way to go about this. Some people feel the urgent need to make a difference (as Neale does I presume), and they must go ahead and do that. With eagerness and enthusiasm, it will bear fruit quickly. Some people feel like lying low, and that’s ok too. If the principle of ‘whatever is in microcosm is in macrocosm’ is true, outer manifestation will not change without inner transformation anyway.”
… to say:
There is no one way to go about this. Some people feel to make a difference, (as Neale does I presume), and they go ahead and do that. With eagerness and enthusiasm, it will quickly. Some people feel like , and that’s ok too. If the principle of ‘whatever is in microcosm is in macrocosm’ is true , outer manifestation
When something becomes a need, the psychological attachment is usually dangerously addictive and harmful. Neale talks about this extensively at the beginning of bk 1.
The realization by as many people as possible that we are all connected to each other, to all of Life. The simple realization that ALL IS ONE! WE ARE ALL ONE BEING.
I think one important point is the education, both the fathers and teacher are lost in the way of spiriruality. We need beging for to introduce people since the school who have the capacity to teach the new people.
Great question: “If there was one thing that could change the self-destructive direction in which our world is moving, what do you think it would be?”
I think it would be living by EXAMPLES! Small consistency of community care such as weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, litter and neighborhood cleanup projects. Adopt-A-Street, ..a highway, …a home, …a park, …school, etc. You can’t encourage the support of large projects without getting the momentum of smaller ones. Just saying!
Igomene, I agree. What you said goes with my suggestion to give SOMETHING, anything, our time and attention There are so many ways in which we have left humanity and the earth ‘unattended’ to for too long.
All living things can grow and heal when we focus our love, attention, and intention, on them even if they are not consciously aware of it. Be it a tree, houseplant, animal, or fellow human being. Care for your local stream and it’s inhabitants by picking the trash out of it. Plant trees. Be a big brother or sister for an abused child. Check in on that elderly neighbor every other day. Get involved in changing the politcal process…Whatever way in which volunteering yourSelf fits you personally.
Living by example is exactly right. Sometimes this can inspire those in our small circle of life to extend more of themSelves into the larger as well.
“Love cannot remain by itself — it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service.” Mother Teresa
Indeed. Love is a verb.
Jeg tror at kjærlighet er det som er viktig. Det vil føre til fred i verden. Hvem kan vel drepe folk de elsker!! Du min kjære Neal har lært meg alt om kjærlig og hva vi kan gjøre. Det arbeidet du gjør er starten på en ny tid. Jeg ser og lytter til mine venner og ser endringer og en annen måte å være på. Hver gang egoet mitt overtar, leser jeg i dine bøker Neal, og jeg finner ny harmoni som etterhvert integrerer seg og blir den jeg er: Et åndelig vesen med en fysisk kropp, skapt av kjærlighet. JEG ER KJÆRLIGHET. Takk Neal for alt du har betydd for meg og for alle andre. Takk for det flotte arbeidet du gjør. Med kjærlig hilsen fra Berit
An awareness of what we’re doing that has not been working.
LOVE, love, and love = It is as many interpretations of love as it is human beings.
But of course, if LOVE is a neutral condition and not interpreted as “a thing” but as the first creation of the Universe, and made in the breath of God….of Him/Her(energy ying-yang), all living creation draws upon of to exist, then is it possible to understand of without love nothing can exists, since God is nothing but love. -
P.S. Berit ?
Please, is it not better of to write in the english language? I cannot see the point if not ? Then it is better of to make our own web-conversations in the own languages.
And a good-night to all= God natt til alle.
I have always been a firm believer that to achieve a harmonic existence, there must be a mutual respect (Love) for individual expressions of Spirit and the willingness to openly communicate.
*lisa* – thank you. I just read that. I’m having problems posting in here now.
mewabe…I was not born into Red skin this time around…no matter…the Red Road found me, nonetheless. Blessed be to Beauty, and It’s Nature of Peace.:)
I would have to agree with human’s illusioned need to be ‘right’…at Any cost. Such a silly ‘need’, indeed…at a price no One should afford.
I think it would be this thought I found the other day reading again Friendship with God: “Honor diversity, but not division”. (I’m sorry, I read the book in italian, and i translated this myself, so it might be not perfectly accurate…sorry ^^”)
I think this idea alone could change the self-destructive direction in which our world is moving. -
Hi Erin/IAm, as you know the Good Red Road is a way of being that is universal…glad to know it found you…it is expressed differently in different cultures. It is about “making the two one”, integrating all polarities…it is about integrating heart, mind, body and spirit, about integrating heaven and earth, and being centered in this, in the Center of Creation (symbolically the center of a cross within a circle, or the center of a medicine wheel)…
It is about many other things, about balance, about unity and kinship with all life.
The world is on the black road, and has been for a while. That’s the road of separation.
Both roads lead to knowledge eventually, one through harmony, the other through disharmony. Extreme yin reverts back to yang, extreme yang reverts back to yin…until balance is found between the two ways. It’s a natural process that is beyond our current limited understanding, as we think we are in control, and the more we seek control the more we loose control, personally and at the greater social level (economies, technologies, politics, etc).
The ideal way to live is as the way of the surfer: s/he does try to control the wave…s/he goes with it, becomes one with it. This is the Zen way, the way of the Tao, and the Native American way.
It is the intelligent way…not opposing nature but cooperating with it.
That’s the difference between a sailboat and a motor boat…the sail boat cooperates with wind and waves…the motor boat brutally cuts through everything and forces its way, like civilization itself.
Those two approaches reveal extremely different mentalities and worldviews.
We can talk about brotherly and sisterly love in spiritual circles forever, but if we don’t start cooperating with nature, if we continue opposing and attempting to control and master nature to make it our slave, we are doomed.
So we have to not only question all beliefs about God, but the very nature of civilization, which I do not see much here on this site. Perhaps it is way too controversial (as soon as a person questions civilization, someone makes the remark that “we can’t go back to loving in caves”, missing the point).
We have to redefine who and what we are in relation to the natural creation…enemies and conquerors (as civilization has been so far), or allies and nurturers (as most Indigenous people are, and as we could be without sacrificing technology, as long as it is sustainable and clean).
I meant to write:
The ideal way to live is as the way of the surfer: s/he does not try to control the wave…s/he goes with it, becomes one with it. This is the Zen way, the way of the Tao, and the Native American way. -
I meant top say “living in caves”…although loving in caves may also be interesting (:
I think we are on a cusp right now of what mewabe is speaking about, redefining ourselves from conquerors to allies of the earth. People will see that they have no choice but to switch to, or supplement with, solar or wind power.
At first it will probably come from a selfish perspective. In that, in order not to lose the modern technology we’ve become so accustomed to, we will have to switch to more sustainable forms of generating energy and battery power to keep our conveniences up and running. The issue will be pressed upon us frequently due to the changing weather and climate conditions.
Those who say we can’t go back to living in caves are in denial. We are a few steps away from that. Only now, your cave will be your single family home, partially destroyed by wind or water, dark and cold (or hot), with useless metal and plastic boxes that previously provided input from and output to the outside world. In between kindle purchases, people ought to invest in a few paperback books!
Lisa, yes, we are headed for cave living if we don’t shape up, and yesterday!…
It is interesting to look at Neale’s question:
“If there was one thing that could change the self-destructive direction in which our world is moving, what do you think it would be.”We know his answer is change your belief about God and yourself.
It’s a good answer, but incomplete, or rather currently leading to too much of a focus on human oneness and harmony, and glossing over our oneness with nature and our need to respect nature as if these were afterthoughts.
But that’s the Christian heritage, and a common mistake among actual Christians, who generally speaking have no overwhelming regard or concerns for the physical creation, and are exclusively focused on Heaven and “spiritual salvation”.
The spiritual crowd makes the same mistake…seeking personal enlightenment, mastery and human unity while the air becomes unfit to breathe, the water undrinkable, and the land and all the life it is meant to support ravaged by toxicity.
Very few people can let go of denial (which take many forms and use countless rationalizations) and face the truth of our global environmental conditions.
But those of us who know the truth must keep speaking for those who have no voice: nature and all life, all animals, all of the elements that are much more than “resources”.
Everything has a life and a power, and a right to exist unmolested and in a state of harmony as it was created, not to “serve” us, but to simply be, as we also are, which are different, beautiful, precious, complementary, interconnected, interdependent aspects and expressions of divine energy.
It is not just human life that is valuable, but all life. We should think of the dirt below our feet as Heaven, and tread accordingly.
If we do not remember to love the earth, it will seriously kick our collective butt to save us from our foolishness.
To change the teachings of religion and make a shift toward a spiritual awakening. To learn, understand and know that we are all one, we are all God and we create the outcome(s).
Lately of to have come to the conclusion of Nothing Can Be Destroyed, it is impossible. The creation cannot be “destroyed.”
Sitates:” You might ask, then, what is the end of Being–the purpose of Evolution and Involution? When we view the process as related to both ultimates, we have the broader sense of Evolution, and this is the only way that we can answer this question. The purpose of activity lies not in accomplishment, but in the process itself. And this is the broader view of human experience; to live for the sake of living, not for some future goal or ideal; to do for the sake of doing, not for the attaining; to live and act and think for the experience of the actions themselves, and so attain the object of all activity and secure the harwest while sowing.
Your world is the Here and Now(hmm, wonders if Eckhart Tolle have read the same book as of I have done? The one book written around the 19th century?), your Evolution no more than the realization of what you are doing, your Being no more than Selfhood.”It takes “the time.”
Mewabe – I agree. I have a hard time wrapping my ahead about the reality of achieving human onesness and harmony, when there are still immediate situations that will keep people from being able to get to that place of oneness, being and knowing.
And just one of them is the sense of powerlessness, grief, and despair that will be the byproduct of severe weather, drought, toxic food, water, environment… as people are forced to part with material possessions, struggle, starve, lose control over their once controllable lives.
The emotions generated by this, for many people, will supercede the ability to consider that we are all one, to come to a place of inner peace in the face of suffering. Perhaps only on the level that we will be forced to work together, share what is left and take care of our neighbors.
Although there will be those who will take what is left by force and leave their neighbors for dead. And leave those who don’t to protect themselves and others. Further perpetuating a cycle of fear, anxiety and greed…
Maslow’s heirarchy of needs:
Level one: physiological needs (breathing, food, water, sleep)
Level two: safety and security (have a home, not being pilaged and plundered)
Level three: love and belonging
Level four: self esteem
Level five: self-actualization, acceptance, purpose, inner potential.Seems sort of basic, but if people aren’t getting their basic needs met, how can we expect them to make the jump to focusing on acceptance of suffering and peace?
Just sayin’.
And Lisa there is another thing…
While some of us, in the west, take the time to ponder deeper spiritual and philosophical questions and the rest are asleep, the Chinese Empire is rising, and has already surpassed the US in terms of economy and military power. Most of the US debt is owned by China, that is now in a position to dictate US policy and dominate the world in every way.
The Chinese economy is booming.
Their students are number one in the world in terms of academic performance.
By the way China has no debt and has a lot of reserves…compare this to Europe and the US, and see who is on top.
The Chinese are building their military very fast and greatly increasing their military budget every year.
There is no getting out of this situation.
Now look at how China deals with its own environment (not to mention its people), and you will get a clearer picture of what awaits the entire world.
Not to scare anyone, but all empires rise and fall, and the US and Europe are now history, the new master of the world is China, and they do have a rigid ideology that does not allow freedom of thought or action.
They have the power, and their time has come…they will use it.
They look at us and see a decadent society…much like Hitler thought France was decadent.
Inger Lise, the creation cannot be destroyed, but things do disappear into other dimensions…such as dinosaurs, Wholly mammoths, etc…
As a matter of fact:
It is thought that 99.9% of all species which have ever existed on this earth are currently extinct.
And it is estimated that there are about 10 million species currently in existence on the earth.If that 10 million is the remaining 0.1% which have NOT gone extinct, then the remaining 99.9% will number 1,000,000,000 extinct species.
It is generally agreed that species become extinct when not adapting fast enough to their changing environment.
The human specie, still attempting to control and master nature, to “conquer” it, is definitively not adapting to the quick changes we see today…instead it is still raping the environment to fit its own selfish and short sighted artificial needs.
The human specie will most probably be one of the next endangered species…and might become almost or completely extinct on this planet.
But no, the creation will not be destroyed. Other dimensions exists, other planes of existence, and other creatures might evolve and take our place on earth.
Oh my gosh….don’t even get me started on this one! They have their hands deep into our debt, banking, financial system. And they are actively building more coal plants without regard for the impact on their people or the planet.
I recently read some very disturbing articles about seafood exports from China and surrounding countries. I won’t be eating tilapia anytime soon.
200 years ago, Napoleon warned, “When China wakes, it will shake the world”.
We are at this very moment.
Consider the shocking report that Yahoo Finance recently posted:
“The International Monetary Fund has just dropped a bombshell, and nobody noticed.
“For the first time, the international organization has set a date (2016) for the moment when the ‘Age of America’ will end and the U.S. economy will be overtaken by that of China.”
According to the IMF, China will be richer than America in less than five years. But according to the Peterson Institute — and based on data just published by the University of Pennsylvania — the IMF is wrong:
Peterson and the University of Pennsylvania say China is ALREADY the world’s #1 economic power.
The U.S. economy produced goods and services valued at $14.6 trillion in 2010
But China’s Gross Domestic Product soared to $14.8 trillion.
China’s economy is already larger than America’s.
And what’s worse, the United States is falling farther behind every day:
According to the official figures from both Washington and Beijing, the U.S. economy grew about 1.7% in 2011.
China’s economy grew 9.2%. That’s more than SEVEN AND ONE-HALF TIMES FASTER; fast enough to nearly DOUBLE the size of China’s already-massive economy once each decade.
The Beijing government has almost no debt …
But Washington has nearly $145 trillion in debt and obligations.
China has $3.2 trillion in cash — and its cash reserves are growing ever larger, month after month …
But Washington has almost no cash on hand and has to borrow nearly half of every dollar it spends — much of it is borrowed from China.
China’s total tax revenues are up nearly 30% from a year ago …
But Washington’s tax revenues are dramatically down due to the sluggish U.S. economy.
The U.S. has about 160 million workers …
China has 810 million workers — more than 5 times more than the United States.
97% of all Chinese workers are employed …
But 14 million U.S. workers are either unemployed or underemployed.
In China’s urban areas, wages ROSE 7.6% in 2011 — and the increase was about double that in rural areas.
Meanwhile, inflation-adjusted wages for U.S. workers dropped 1.7%.
Securities valued at more than $6 trillion trade on Chinese exchanges every day and that number is growing by leaps and bounds.
China enjoys the largest foreign capital inflows of any nation on Earth, surpassing the United States as the world’s favorite place to invest.
China is now the world’s #1 mine operator … its #1 car maker … its #1 manufacturer … its #1 exporter.
Google this: Shanghai, the Nanjing Road shopping district and the New Shanghai Shopping City in the Pudong financial district …these are only two of EIGHT massive, world-class, state-of-the-art shopping districts in this one city alone!
The Program for International Student Assessment ranked Chinese students #1 in the world. American students were ranked fourteenth.
China’s Tianhe-1A super computer is the fastest in the world, capable of processing more than 2.5 thousand trillion calculations per second.
American technicians don’t even know how that kind of speed could be possible.
And while the U.S. is winding down its space program, China is preparing to put a man on the moon.
China has THE LARGEST ARMY IN THE WORLD — 2.2 million active-duty military personnel — 600,000 more than America has.
And while the U.S. is cutting its military expenditures, China has increased military spending every year for more than 20 years … and is still boosting it by an average of 11.8% per year.
China’s military is state-of-the-art: It just unveiled the J-20 — its first stealth fighter.
It also has spy satellites, modern battle tanks, aircraft carriers, nuclear attack submarines, cruise missiles, and more.
China’s nuclear arsenal is especially worrysome: While the U.S. has been steadily reducing its stockpiles for nearly 30 years, China continues to build up its forces and is refusing to even begin talks on nuclear arms reduction.
The entire world — including the United States — must bow to China’s superior economic power — the greatest the world has ever seen.
And make no mistake: The Chinese know they’re in the driver’s seat. People’s Liberation Army Senior Colonel Liu Mingfu recently said, “To save itself, to save the world, China must prepare to become the world’s helmsman.”
If there is one thing that will change the world, it seems to be China…and not for the better, if we look at their record on the environment and on human rights.
The Raise and Fall of Empires. China has been an advanced Empire long before U.S.A and Europe, and the other asian countries…. And before the known China; The Egyptian, Persian, The Roman Empire, and so it is to be continued. And The Merries go round and round in the endless Circles…..IF to be continued in the same endless pattern of belief of the Mankind.
It is only to have a look at the old history of the world, it seems of to be repeating itself all of the time.
The spiral up–and the spiral down–but each time is it a new development.P.S. The Mayans, The Incas, The Atzeks, The Continent of Atlantis, and so forth….supposingly is it many other empires of never have heard of as well.
It has been a couple of Pole-Shifts according to the science, so the the earth have changed in the shape, fashion and the landmasses.
“Nothing new under the Sun”( btw: it is a title of a novel written by Agatha Christie once upon a time). -
Good thing CwG has been translated in Chinese…
From the China Daily:
“Do you often talk to yourself? If you do, it would be easier for you to have a peaceful mind even while facing a problem. If you don’t, there is a book that can teach you how to converse with yourself: Conversations with God. Its Chinese translation was published in July this year.
It is actually a sequence of nine books written by Neale Donald Walsch. In the book, Walsch asks questions and God answers. At a low period in his life, Walsch wrote an angry letter to God, asking questions such as why his wife was not working”.
His WIFE was not working? Yeah, I would be pissed too…ha ha…funny typo.
The Chinese Philosopher Confucious(Kongzi, 551-479) works are quite similar to the New Age movements. Peculiar enough it seems each new “movement” vanishes somewhere.
P.S. Here in scandinavia the wives have been working outside of the homes since back in the early 1960thies. In the latter decades the husbands to stay home caring for the babies, while the wives are at work. The husbands have one year free(paid by the state)to be at home if they chooses it(well, they have been forced to do it because of the equality).
When LOVE for people becomes greater than the LOVE for money.
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