This is the third in a 4-part series of commentaries on the Connecticut events, and the larger implications of them.

In Part II of this series I made the statement that there is no end to life, and no revenge or punishment (Who would That Which Is punish? Itself? There is nothing else in existence but Itself). There is also no such thing as Right and Wrong, and for the same reason. That Which Is is always That Which Is, and there is nothing else except That Which Is. In other words, nothing stands outside of The All. Nothing stands outside of God.

Because this is true, in Ultimate Reality the conditions of “rightness” and “wrongness” do not exist. There is only what works and what does not work, given what it is that any individual aspect of The One is trying to do. There is no judgment in this matter, there is only the individual assessment of every sentient being as to whether a particular activity, choice, decision, or behavior is producing what that sentient being (or species) intends, wishes and chooses to create.

Applied to the event at Sandy Hook Elementary School — and the shooting events that have occurred since then (there have been 117 gun deaths in the week following the shooting in Connecticut, according to the Twitter feed @GunDeaths) — we see that our present social system is not working.

Actually, nothing is working. Not one of our systems. Not our political systems, not our economic systems, not our ecological systems, not our educational systems, not our social systems, and not our spiritual systems. None of them have produced the outcomes for which we have been yearning. In fact, it’s worse. They have all produced exactly the opposite.

This tells me that the problem in our world today is systemic. It has to do with more than simply our actions. The problem in the world today is not a behavioral problem, it’s a spiritual problem.

One’s behavior and one’s spirituality are not the same thing, of course. The first — hopefully — springs from the second. So if we reflect deeply on the school shooting in Connecticut we see that there is something amiss here that has to do with much more than just the unstable, imbalanced mind of a single individual.

After something as horrific as Sandy Hook, many (especially the NRA) want to say: “Terrible as it is, it is just the out-picturing of one twisted, distorted individual. There’s nothing you can do about that — expect maybe, arm everyone else in the country.”

The National Rifle Association actually has just released a statement at a press conference in Washington saying that “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” and calling for an armed guard to be stationed at every school in America. This, it says, is the solution to gun violence in schools.

The NRA spokesperson said nothing about the solution to gun violence in America away from schools; about gun violence in general. It is too bad he did not, because, as reported by the Internet site Gawker, “While the NRA Was on TV Talking About the Need for More Guns Some Guy Was Walking Up and Down a Road in Pennsylvania Shooting People.”

It’s true. According to a report in the Altoona Mirror: Four people are dead—including the shooter—and three state troopers were injured this morning in a shooting incident in Frankstown Township, Blair County District Attorney Richard Consiglio said. The gunman and two other men and a woman are all dead, Consiglio said.

And so we are faced with the supreme irony: National Rifle Association CEO and executive VP Wayne LaPierre is telling us more guns are needed out there, not less, just moments after —  unbeknownst to him — more innocent people two states away were shot by a man running around with a gun.

The challenge here: We just don’t get it. We just don’t get that the problem is not guns. And the problem is not violence. And the problem is not our mental health system. The problem is not a physical problem, it is a spiritual problem. It has to do with what we hold to be true, about ourselves and our world.

Let me give you another example. The online news source Common Dreams reported on Dec. 21 that “We just passed the 333rd consecutive month of global temperatures above the 20th-century average. Climate scientists now say it’s growing worse faster than any of them predicted even a few years ago.”

How is it possible that such a thing is occurring, and nobody in the corridors of real power on this planet is doing anything about it? Further, how is it possible that millions of regular people living their regular lives in the world are not making those in the corridors of power do something about it?

Simple. The “regular people” are not yet affected by it. At least, not enough of them. It is projected that in 20-30 years half the world’s people will be suffering a water shortage. Then there will be some voices raised. Yet what good will that do? Voices are being raised right now about half the world’s people suffering a food shortage. Over 400 children die of starvation every day on Earth. Is the power elite doing anything about it?

Does it matter that there was another killing of a group of innocent people just before that NRA press conference? Or that there have been 117 gun deaths across America since Sandy Hook? Will those in the corridors of power do anything about that?

Not likely. Not unless and until there is a huge shift in our collective consciousness, a huge altering of our collective spiritual reality. Presently, most of the humans on Earth do not believe the first message of Conversations with God, a four-word announcement that, if embraced and placed into social, political, and economic policy, would change the world overnight. That message: We Are All One.

If we implemented this policy this very day, much of what is predicted to become part of our dire future will never happen. If this idea were adopted and embraced as a functioning reality by humanity, much of what is going on right now would never occur again.

But until enough people “get” that what is happening to anyone is happening to everyone, there will never be sufficient energy behind any effort to reform our way of being and our way of living on this planet such that Life Itself suddenly (and at last) begins to make sense.

That’s why I founded Humanity’s Team, a global spiritual activist organization devoted to placing one message before the world — We Are All One — and producing one outcome in our collective experience: a life worthy of a highly evolved species.

There is a way to bring an end to not just the violence in our schools, but the violence in our homes, on our streets, in our politics, the violence that we perpetrate through our global economics, and yes, the psychological, emotional, and even physical violence that too often emerge from those practicing our religions.

We don’t even have to search for that way. We don’t even have to try to figure it out. One way, at least, has been given to us, articulated for us, spelled out as clearly as can be, in the Conversations with God series of books. This may not be the only way. It may not even be a better way. But it is one way that we know can be no worse than what we are doing now (to position it as safely as possible), and that certainly stands a chance of proving itself to be very effective at uplifting our collective life experience.

It is important, I think, that we begin to at least open discussions about this. We need to have conversations ABOUT conversations WITH God. Each of us can engage in this process, creating a Civil Rights Movement for the Soul, freeing humanity at last from the oppression of its belief in a vengeful, violent, and vindictive God, and releasing our species from a global doctrine that creates separation and vicious competition, replacing it, finally, with an ethos of unity and cooperation, understanding and compassion, generosity and love.

This is what it will take to shake the corridors of power. Words are more powerful than any weapon. It was Victor Hugo who famously said: All the armies of the world cannot stop an idea whose time has come. Let’s do what it will take. Join me in this project of Humanity’s Team. In the final installment of this series, I will explain more of what that could “look like.” Stay tuned.


46 responses to “NRA SAYS THAT WHAT WE

  1. Michael Avatar

    “That message: We Are All One.”~Neale
    Well said.

  2. Igoman Avatar

    Neale, who backs the wealthy Republicans or the NRA, our 2nd Amendment Right!? Who backs this Amendment Right or the wealthy, We the People!!! You, me and anyone else standing on the sideline complaining. You see, as I point one finger, three points right back at me. Ijs…I stand accused! Thanks to you I stand not with guilt, but with glory in knowing i can affect change.

  3. kharisma Avatar


  4. Trisha Avatar

    I find it heart breaking that instead of people waking up there is a run on guns, some Walmarts having run out of guns and ammo. This is NOT the world I want to live in.

    Instead of standing together and saying we aren’t gonna do this anymore, I am hearing a lot of the opposite. I for one, am speaking up on my personal Facebook wall. It’s hard to have this courage, even members of my family are attacking me for standing up and saying I don’t believe we need ANY weapons EVER.

    Its a bummer their egos can be so strong that they can’t even begin to entertain another way.

    I want the world that is love, the world that cares about our environment, about each other and knows we are all one and we all matter.

  5. Catherine Mattingly Avatar
    Catherine Mattingly

    The Sandy Hook shooting was a horrible tragedy. I join the world in mourning the 27 victims of this senseless attack, even as I go to sleep and wake up to a world that keeps spinning. As we struggle to integrate this unthinkable situation into our personal reality, we each have a choice about how we respond.

    Will we respond with more love or more fear?

    Love expands, reaching out to others, connecting to others, sending out blessings and prayers.

    Fear contracts, creating even more separation and hence even more suffering for the fearful and for the whole.

    Love has faith in the fundamental goodness of life and other people and chooses to keep an open heart.

    Fear despairs and builds walls and fortresses.

    Love is understanding and takes appropriate responsibility. Love knows we are all connected. We are all connected to those 27 women and children the shooter killed, and we are also all connected to the shooter. Love knows that the shooter was not an alien, that he was someone’s child and brother, classmate, neighbor. Love understands that he struggled in life, and as a society, we had few solutions to his problems. Love knows that, while each person is responsible for his or her actions, we did not help when we averted our eyes as his mother struggled to save him alone – and when other mothers struggle to raise their children alone in circumstances we can’t even fathom.

    Fear blames. Fear can’t bear the idea that this shooter could have been anyone’s child. Fear wants to blame someone – his mother, his father, even gun laws. Fear tries to separate itself from the rest, to deny our common humanity in the belief it could never happen to them.

    Love forgives. Love knows forgiveness is not easy, but it is part of healing. Love knows forgiveness does not mean a person’s actions were okay and forgiveness is not for the benefit of the shooter. Love knows that harboring hatred for him is like drinking poison and hoping he will die. He’s already dead. Only we are left to suffer when we cannot forgive.

    Fear demands revenge. Revenge isn’t even possible in this case, because the shooter killed himself. Even when it is possible, revenge begets more violence as each side responds to the other in a never-ending cycle of violence.

    I choose to do my best to respond to the shooting at Sandy Hook with more love not more fear.

    I am going to remember those 27 victims, mourn them and celebrate them. I am going to educate myself about mental illness. I am going to examine my insatiable need for more information and details about tragedies. I am going to try to understand what happened at Sandy Hook and look for any ways I can help make sure it doesn’t happen again. I am going to try to forgive, for my own benefit and the benefit of the world. And I am going to do my best to respond with more love to the folks who are responding with more fear and not let their fear-driven words and actions frighten me or cast me into despair.

    How will you choose to respond to the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Will you respond with more love or more fear?

  6. Sean Avatar

    Here is something to talk about.

    Is not proof the prerequisite for Freedom? Proof being shown to us in ways unimaginable to most, but in essence the only choice there was due to our inability to see for ourselves?

    The real question though is this, why does it take carnage for proof of the need to realize our own necessity for Change?

    Be careful what you answer, Life depends on it.

    Does this sound “Heartless”?

    If so, then what is your answer?

  7. Kimberly S. Avatar
    Kimberly S.

    Insightful article, as always Neale. I have just one comment on what I heard recently from several channeled sources, which is that climate change is not totally caused by human emissions and is more due to a natural planetary shift on this ever-dynamic earth which even scientists aren’t aware of. “But the primary cause of global warming is the increase in spin of the inner molten core of the earth. The accelerated core spin, increases the mass & temperature of the molten iron-nickel of the core. The heat generated warms the mantle. The higher spin affects the torque ratio between the inner and outer core in the planets centre interior. These rotate in opposite directions and different speeds.” ( So it would seem at least climate change is out of our hands. I have to say I feel a bit relieved about that one because I’ve been fighting for change on that front. But obviously the drilling for fossil fuels and coal mountain top removal has to stop because it is killing earth so I will continue to fight. We are all one, including Earth our Mother!

    I agree with a previous message, get rid of ALL the guns, that way nobody has any excuse!

  8. Sinclair Avatar

    Neale: Good God! Just because you “don’t get it” and insist that nothing whatsoever in our society works and that guns have got to be the problem does not make any of that true.

    Like it or not, people with guns guard our President, most of our political leaders, most of our celebrities, most of our valuables and, via our military, all of our country.

    But somehow it’s an entirely bizarre idea that we should have people with guns guard our children. For our children, a sign saying “Gun-Free Zone” is good enough.

    When the first responders are ten to twenty minutes away and death may be seconds away for our children, why not have someone with a gun nearby?

    Aren’t our children as valuable as our leaders and celebrities.

  9. mewabe Avatar

    We are all going to realize that we are all one, not only with all other humans, but with all life, sooner or later…

    Later simply means that we will know and feel that we are all one in global suffering and despair, when everything collapses, including the ecological systems that make human and mammal life possible on this planet.

    Humanity is unfortunately very attached to its limitations and delusions, as a child who cannot let go of its comfort blanket. It does not want to grow up unless it is forced to do so.

    I admire the effort to change the world for the better, which comes from love and compassion…but it seems humanity has chosen the hard road, not the easy one, and is dead set on staying the course to near self-destruction.

  10. Frank Avatar

    If everything is happening perfectly, and life is eternal, then none of this worry about gun violence and death really matter right? Ultimately, we are all one. But in this illusion of creation, we also don’t seem to all be playing by that rule. So what are we to expect? A sudden tipping point when all that will align? Sounds great. But I see Neale and others talking from two different perspectives here – one where what we do is perfect (warts and all) and one where we must change. It confuses me a little.

    And regarding guns – No civilized person really wants to have them save for hunting for food. But the bulk of this world is not civilized. So what perspective do you address this from? “Oh its going to be what it’s going to be – shoot me, my kids, my wife all in Gods perfection” or ” I love my family and I’m not going to let you kill them” ???

    More guns? The Wild West? poetic license Neale. Until we are all on one page – as one – and everyone gives up guns (government, police, the then non existent criminals, and the citizenry) I will keep mine.

    Still perfection?

    With love


  11. mewabe Avatar

    To make things a little clearer, I would say that humanity is dreaming right now, it has for a very long time, and it is having a collective nightmare, under the spell of fear, exploring the power and consequences of fear on its life and psyche, at the global as well as the individual levels.

    It will probably not awaken until it has explored fear to the limits of its self-created hell, at which point the illusion will become totally obvious and human consciousness will make a 180 degree shift and return to reality.

    None of this matters…there is no escape from love, from truth and reality, from the divine, from heaven.

    All that appears not to be these things has no more consequences than a passing storm has consequences on the ocean’s depths.

  12. mewabe Avatar

    Remember…he best defensive weapon is intuition and inner guidance.

    In other words, if you don’t want to be a crime victim, just don’t show up for it.

    Sounds too simple? Yes, it is very simple indeed…and powerfully effective.

    Trust your inner self, and you will never need any weapon.

  13. Xochitl Ambrow Avatar
    Xochitl Ambrow

    I love you, Neale. Thank you!

  14. Sinclair Avatar

    Here’s a cogent paragraph from the NRA spokesman whose words Neale is excoriating:

    Is the press and political class here in Washington so consumed by fear and hatred of the NRA and America’s gun owners that you’re willing to accept a world where real resistance to evil monsters is a lone, unarmed school principal left to surrender her life to shield the children in her care?

    No one — regardless of personal political prejudice — has the right to impose that sacrifice.

    No one here seems to have an answer — just wishful thinking about a spiritual utopia where there are no guns because of some “huge shift in our collective consciousness.”

  15. Scott Avatar

    Life is perfect, always has been, always will be, it can’t be anything else. Everything works exactly as it is suposed to based on the choices we make.

    We make choices that create pain & suffering for ourselves & then complain that it hurts.

    Life would be just as perfect without pain & suffering but we can’t seem to make those kinds of choices on a consistant basis. It’s a shame really but until more of us understand that what we do to “others” we do to ourselves, we will continue to create pain & suffering.

    What is needed is for more & more of us to believe in & truly desire the “shift of consciousness” that is required to end the pain & suffering in our world.

    I’m doing my part as best I can. How about joining the effort Sinclair, we can use all the help we can get. When we succeed gun ownership won’t even be an issue anymore & the NRA won’t need your help to defend their position concerning defenceless school pricipals.

    Namaste Scott

  16. Erin/IAm Avatar

    Really? We have yet to move on from the gun thingy? Not surprising, actually…The subject lights up continued ignorances…spotlights the bandwagon drivers & hitch-hikers…always a fun run for media & stat warriors. Doesn’t necessarily put brains in gear, tho definitely keeps them on slow-burn cookin’…and obviously, keeps busy those who have not discovered much else to use their capacities for.

    Again…”all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” (USA-D.o.I., 1776)

    Therein lies your answer, Sean…Humans have an ‘issue’ with adapting to change…even if that change promotes higher-thinking & grander being.
    Silly, huh?:)

    Carnage…the great gut-wrencher…the dark hope of every rubber-necker…”I wanna see burnt bodies & decapitated heads…Son, you’re officer material!” (Alice’s Restaurant, A.G.):)
    Play the round with Children as the stars, and you have a whole new game of empathy in process…As if age should be a relevant factor of any scenario’s depth perception. A pile of Little bodies cuts to the core much quicker & deeper than a pile of Big-ger bods…Really??? Sad, but true.

    And Yes, it often confuses to say “Life is perfect!…Let’s make more rules!” Haven’t we all had something taken away from us to ‘make us listen’…to ‘make us obey the rules’? And usually, what was ‘taken’ was a Freedom. Hmmm…??? How’s That worked for ya in Big life? Especially if one embraces the concept that “Freedom is the grandest gift of Love…”.(?)

    And, Yes, the Earth has her own thing going on…Does She not have just as much ‘right’ to re-define her Self within her universe of being? Perhaps not, if One imagines her to not be ‘sentient’ in her own way…simply a floating rock in a space of floating rocks. But this is not true…Tree knows this, Ant knows this, Water knows this, Moon knows this…I know this.

    And when She shakes us from our little pedestals, what will that ‘look’ like? Amazing…Absolutely, Amazing!:)

    Good Journey, indeed!:)

    btw…Cambridge U. is now offering a class curriculum based on “What to do if technology ‘separates’ from humanity”…a ‘Terminator’ course! Hmmm…??? Now, that would ‘look’ Amazing, too, yes?:)

  17. *lisa* Avatar

    In a real world where everyone, government, police, criminals, have given up their guns, would be a world where no government or police would even be necessary. Which I feel is highly unlikely. As is, the idea that ALL PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET make the shift to a higher level of consciousness and understanding. This would have to happen simultaneously.

    Otherwise, there are those on the lower end of the spiritual food chain who will continue to take advantage of others through deception and violence. Ie. The lovely people who collected money in the name of helping some of those suffering Connecticut families and kept it for themselves. Nice.

    The people who for whatever reason, mental illness, lack of education, rigid belief systems, pure Selfishness, refusing or unable to make the shift will be the ones still using some sort of violence to either lash out or achieve their goals. You can’t take a fist to a gunfight.

    So what’s the answer?

  18. Vashti Avatar

    What does “a good guy with a gun” do? Any different from “a bad guy with a gun”?
    First problem is with the definitions of good and bad. If I don’t kill children, does that make me good? So even though I hold racist views, and treat people differently according to their perceived class, a gun in my hands would be ok…I would have the ‘right’ to kill. WEAPONS just give expression to our way of treating others.

  19. Lloyd Avatar

    It isn’t about guns, it is about educating Ourselves about who we are. When we stop buying guns, why make them? If humanity stops buying into lack and the need for greed, why would there be hunger anywhere? Change must happen within first, then it will continue through out society and nature, one step at a time. What makes us impatient? Have you heard this before, “I want it and I want it now”? What is this saying about the way the individual thinks? Or change can not happen until it happens for everyone, otherwise I can not change because that scares me….uhhh? Control what you can control, yourself. Do we as a society made up of individuals really want automatic weapons? If we live in a democracy why can’t we hold a national special election and allow the majority rule on issues like this and others.

    Freedom is a responsibility of each individual to stand up for their beliefs about themselves and their place in society and life. Freedom does not apply to industries, it only applies to individuals and only comes from within Ourselves. Freedom can not be legislatured, nor can it be taken away, unless we personally yield it out of our control. Freedom is a gift we give ourselves and share with ALL others. Be free and Be responsible for your own actions, thoughts, and beliefs about who we are. Namaste’

  20. André Quaas, Germany Avatar
    André Quaas, Germany

    When the News came about the Sandy Hook – Shooting, i didn’t know what to feel about it – sadness or rage. I didn’t want to get into the energy of this event and I tried to keep out of it. The first emotion I realised was rage.
    Rage about the NRA-statement and I posted there at FB:

    “Armed guards are not enough! Every kid in school should have by law a gun for selfdefense in case of armed raid. I fear the U.S. will need another 10 school massacre more – not to learn from it, but to make the right decisions”.

    “Basic Healthcare is communist: bad. Free property of firearms is freedom: good”

    Response of NRA-members: “the administrator should block foreigners” That’s u.s.american understanding about liberty.
    I also got an “like”, but I’m not sure if he really understood what I mean.

    School- and other shootings in USA are the result of the u.s.-culture of violence. This culture is more then 200 hundred years old. This kind of “culture” is practiced in other countries too.
    The “bad guys with guns” are most sons (and daughters) of “good guys with guns” (same like in Germany) . How can other “good guys with guns” then keep security?
    The age of aquarius is the age of change and transformation. But why should we make it with harm and pain? Maybe these are the only emotions that will be noticed by many people and many public shootings will follow before people make the right choice to finish this.
    I practice martial arts – at last japanese sword. I’s an echo of ancient livetimes before. I cannot glorify the Way of the Sword. The cut with the sword is irreversibility . It helps me to be attentive with my own violent thoughts – and to keep off actions with wrong result.

    (wieder) In Licht und Liebe – André

  21. Nil Bilal Avatar
    Nil Bilal

    I envision a world where citizens with guns come forth and turn in their weapons without having to wait for any government to enforce laws or dictate policies that they deem is the politically correct response to an end to violence. I envision a world where citizens come together and decide unilaterally to take responsibility for what is currently happening all over the world.

    Recently you asked what our response should be for the recent shootings in Connecticut. Our response should come from God that is within, from compassion, from forgiveness and from love. The recent tragedies of these past couple of days are signs that dictate to us that not all is well. We are in a state of emergency and we don’t realize fully how critical situations have become. One of the worst diseases that plague our world is apathy, and that really needs to be addressed. We need to take responsibility for what happens all over the world and we need to come together to create peaceful resolutions. The NRA and many other government agencies will not stop at inciting fear and dictating what they believe is the “right” way to respond. It is their mission to offer us their own perspective on the situation; as you say, there is no “right” or “wrong”, merely experiences that offer different end-results. It is us who need to decide what the “right” response should be. We are all responsible for all these events; these are the seeds of our collective fears, our negative thoughts, our inability to see beyond our own needs and desires. The age of individualism may have brought on great rewards and benefits, but at what cost to the whole.

    I believe that the time has come for a meeting of minds and souls. I would like to see a coming together of great minds; opinion leaders, healers, spiritualists, artists, poets, religious leaders and anyone else who are prepared to discuss openly the issue of raising the collective consciousness and healing our world. We need unity amongst people that are helping to raise this consciousness and lead us to an age of enlightenment. Like religious sects of our past, the spiritual movement is also fragmented and somewhat disconnected. So many groups, so many philosophies, so many beliefs and so many books. I envision one monumental global event that will take place sometime in the near future. An event organized by you and others like you that will bring, if only for one day, unity to the spiritual movement in the world today. An event that will transmit globally and take on world wide issues that needs to be addressed. A United Nations, if you will, of spiritual minds that will lead the way and be a beacon of hope to mankind. As you say, we need Unity, we need Oneness.

  22. mewabe Avatar

    Hey, wasn’t the world supposed to end yesterday?…

    Is anyone feeling aligned with the center of the galaxy, and absorbing higher cosmic frequencies yet?

    Seriously, the problem with humanity in its present state is spiritual opacity.

    Indeed there is no hell…but there are different realms…not “places”, but dimensions of consciousness.

    The spiritually opaque or dense or impermeable does not frequent the same spiritual neighborhoods as the spiritually transparent, light and open.

    It’s all about vibrations, energy, frequencies. Not about judgment. Energy speaks for itself, all the mind does is to interpret, in its own imperfect way, what energy is perfectly saying and manifesting.

    And the same goes in the physical realm. The spiritually opaque, gun totting or nuclear missile toting individual cannot be reached, because literally living in a different world, a world full of perceived threats and fears.

    We are all one, yes, in essence. But we are like musical notes on a scale. We exist at different levels of frequencies.

    Do not except to be understood by those who are at a different place on the scale.

    They are moving at their own pace, and cannot and should not be coerced to jump higher than they can at the present time, or shamed for being where they are, because we all were there once and probably much worse, and might be again.

  23. mewabe Avatar

    Meant to write…Do not Expect to be understood…

  24. *lisa* Avatar

    I was relieved to find that when I left my house today to run last minute christmas errands, that my husband and I were not the sole survivors of the end of the world.

    I am a spiritually transparent being who is also gun totting protector of my community. Apparently I live on many places of this sliding spiritual scale depending on the day. Both light and open, and among real threats and fears. It is quite a unique place to be.

    And you are right, one cannot expect to be understood by others who are on a different place on the scale.

  25. mewabe Avatar

    *lisa*, and I think you are very unique. As you mentioned once I think, not too many in your department think the way you do. You are an amazing person.

    I feel bad for all those who were expecting the world to end…another disappointment. What will they do now? Armageddon is their only hope.

  26. mewabe Avatar

    By the way, all those who think that every person should be armed and carry a weapon wherever they go should talk to their local police department, and get some feedback.

    From what I understand, most police departments are for stricter gun regulations, not out of a desire to oppress the populace, but because more guns make their work that much more dangerous and possibly ineffective.

  27. *lisa* Avatar

    I can’t speak for my coworkers as far as how they secretly think, but much of the time I feel like a misfit in that environment. Thank you though.

    I passed a sign today advertising at a local restaurant for last night: “Karaoke DJ Bill End of the World Party”. I had to do a double take, then a chuckle.

    It’s sort of nice that this particular media milestone of the end of the world has now passed. Who know’s what they will do know. I’m sure they’ll cook some wacky scheme up.

  28. *lisa* Avatar

    I think there is merit to people wanting to protect themselves in their own homes. The idea of having people carrying concealed weapons presents many different issues for police when responding to these individuals in public and determining their level of threat to the general community. Even if they think they are trying to help.

    We go thru rigid training and scenarios to prepare for the possible deadly force situation. Is this something that should be required for people wanting to carry? Yes. Texas already has schools in which teachers have concealed carry permits. My general opinion is that if a subject, such as in Connecticut, felt he would be met with an equal level of resistance he probably would not have gone to that school. And we also have to keep in mind that Adam Lanza, during the commission of these acts, probably derived a great deal of pleasure from the terror he inflicted. Something none of us can fathom, shooting a child 11 times then moving on to the next.

    My belief is still like others here, that the change needs to come from within. But how long will that take? I’m not sure that there is anything that could’ve kept Lanza from finding a gun or other weapon and committing this act. Especially after reading the most recent information about his social history. Unfortunately there are probably 100 Adam Lanza’s out there, maybe thousands.

  29. mewabe Avatar

    Yes I agree *lisa*, the answers are not simple…humanity “grew up” in violence and possibly fear, having to protect itself from very dangerous predators early on in its history (saber tooth tigers, short-faced bears, etc), and it is still displaying these traits.

    There is, on one hand, the spiritual ideal, what we aspire to reach, and the practical reality, were we are at, our so-called “animal” instincts, of fear and aggression.

    We are navigating between the two…between the ideal and our present reality, as best as we all know how, one little step at a time.

    Unfortunately, because our spiritual growth lacks way behind our technological advancements, we are now in a position to destroy everything, including ourselves.

    If only we could stop or slow technology until we all become spiritually aware and conscious, and consequently able to manage technology, we may save ourselves. I doubt it will happen.

    And then, perhaps whatever happens is what we, all of humanity, have chosen. Global destruction may just be our shortest path to global enlightenment, through a dramatic wake up call.

    We will realize our connection or oneness…that all we do to nature, to all life and to other people, we do to ourselves. We will understand this through a very harsh and quick lesson.

    The earth itself is about to become our greatest teacher.

  30. Scott Avatar

    Hello Mewabe, Lisa & everyone else.

    I think It’s important to remember that most of what idividuals experience & create day to day is “good”. That the majority of people in this world are kind & peaceful & only wish to “live a good life” however that is defined. To focus too much on the things we don’t want gives energy to that which we protest against.

    I am not suggesting we “stick our collective heads in the sand” & pretend all is well. There are many challenges ahead for humanity to deal with, as we all know. I’m saying the way to see more of what we desire is to direct our energy to the things we are FOR. To continualy & daily focus our hearts & minds on that which we wish to experience.

    It’s also important to remember that the more enlightened ones are offseting the destuctive energy of those not yet awake. So each person that raises there level of awarness offsets a multitude others that are still asleep. The effects of our own awarness go beyond what we see, so keep moving forward in the knowledge we are making a difference even if the effect is not imeadiately noticed by you.

    Last night I went to a small gathering of people. We talked & played music until the small hours & the pleasent sense of love & companionship was beautiful indeed.

    There is hope for us, never doubt that & always believe in the beautiful world that is inside of all of us waiting to be expressed as our experience.

    Namaste Scott

  31. mewabe Avatar

    Hi Scott,

    I understand what you are expressing as it relates to this particular topic of violence and gun ownership…

    In my opinion there is about as much joy as there is sadness, as much pain as there is pleasure, as much ill intent as there is good intent, as much “bad” as there is “good” in this world and in everyone’s life…because such is the nature of polarity…balance, equilibrium.

    But seeing beyond this issue and more towards what I was alluding to, global destruction, many people who have good intent produce deadly outcomes, because spiritually unaware, because unconscious.

    Because people are not connected to their natural environment, they destroy it, not out of an evil intention, not even because they do not care, but because they do not know better. Their perception is inadequate, their worldview off kilter, because that is the way they were trained to perceive and think.

    And when I write “people”, I mean everyone…from the ordinary citizen to the scientist and the head of state.

    Having love in our hearts and good intentions is not always enough…we must become fully conscious of who, what and where we are, if we are to survive as a specie. Fully understanding our connection to not only each other, but perhaps even more importantly our oneness with all life, with all of nature, with all that exists above and below, within and without.

    Otherwise, even good intentions and a good heart may cause us to continue destroying this planet and aim to develop colonies on Mars or wherever, until we destroy that as well, because we will continue to remain unconscious, to remain separate and disconnected from our surroundings.

  32. Scott Avatar

    Hi Mewabe, always good to talk to you.

    “Having love in our hearts and good intentions is not always enough…we must become fully conscious of who, what and where we are, if we are to survive as a specie. Fully understanding our connection to not only each other, but perhaps even more importantly our oneness with all life, with all of nature, with all that exists above and below, within and without.”

    I compeletly agree with what you have said above. My point is to focus on & believe that what you have described will become our reality, to everyday promote & express how that will look & feel as truth. Rather than giving energy to what we don’t want with our thoughts, words & actions, our creative tools.

    Polairity will always exist in the physical realm as it must, but let us, you, me & all those who are waking up help humaninty move into a “higher” level of consciousness where the contrasts still exsit but are not detructive as they are now. Let the memory of pain & suffering be the contrast by which we experience the polairity rather than continuing to create hardship again & again.

    If we have faith & express the idea that we will make the changes needed to survive, the chances of it being so expand. All the knowledge we need is availible through our connection to the infinite through inpiration & intuition so let us “tap into” & benifit from that source & make the changes we need to make.

    Talking to you always moves me forward Mewabe, glad you are with us.

    Namaste Scott

  33. Scott Avatar

    Just another inspired thought. (lol)

    “Life flows from our Intentions for it” so let us fill our hearts & minds with “good” intentions & then act upon them.

    All the best “Intentions”

  34. Scott Avatar

    In the vast cosmic cosmology the survival of one speciecs (humans) is not all that significant. There are billions of planets in this physical universe & if we do not survive life will continue as it always has.

    It might mean the end of things here but all the souls that make up what we call humanity would begin a new experience elsewhere, for there is no begining or ending to who we really are. Death is a fiction & no matter what happens there is really nothing to fear in the larger scope of things.

    I would prefer that we make a success of our present home. There are many aspects of life here that are a wonder to behold & I would hate to think we can’t make a go of it.

    The natural enviorment is beautiful beyond discription & the Joys of physical life can be filled with ecstacy & abundance so yes, my desire is to evolve right where I am & make the best of what we have.

    I intend to educate myself to be less destuctive, to be more aware of the repercussions of my actions, to work harder to create better outcomes for everyone as well as myself. To continue to gain a deeper understanding of my connection to the whole so that I will be a benifit to all I encounter. To be open to the inspiration that is available to me through my connection to the Divine Mind.

    And maybe by doing these things I can play a part in helping us survive.

    Namaste Scott

  35. mewabe Avatar

    Thank you Scott…

    Just a few thoughts…
    Don’t you think that by focusing on what we want, we also attract what we do not want, simply because of polarity?

    For example, those who focus on what they conceive to be the traditional God of religion usually automatically bring in another concept, mostly unconsciously although it is also mentioned in their scriptures: the opposite of God, whatever that is (they usually call it the “devil”), because the human mind, including the unconscious, cannot sustain a thought outside of polarity for very long.

    I am not sure about the theory, advanced by Neale, that the simple memory of polarity is enough. I do not think that it works this way, even for “highly evolved beings”…

    The way I see energy, I know that some worlds, or dimensions, and the beings that live in these, are more dense and with slow frequencies, and others are more subtle and light with rapid frequencies.

    According to what I know polarity remains equally balanced in any of these dimensions. But when a dimension or frequency is more subtle, the polarity is not as dramatic, the apparent “separation” between “yin” and “yang” is less, and balance is easily achieved toward the center of the scale with very little oscillation, rather than alternating from one extreme of the scale to the other as it does in a denser world.

    In such subtle worlds, there is consequently less contrast, less pain and suffering, but also perhaps less potential for exuberant joy. There is just more peace, which creates a different kind of happiness or joy, more centered and stable, less extreme and fluctuating.

    This is what those who try to detach themselves from our world attempt to achieve…the middle path of Buddhism for example…and to center themselves in the absolute, so as to no longer be tossed to and fro in the relative, in duality.

    Paradoxically, I think we learn much faster in denser world, because of the resistance we encounter.

    Just as the human body weakens in a zero-gravity environment, the human psyche does not grow as fast in a spiritually harmonious, soft environment. We grow in other ways, effortlessly. But progress is very rapid in a denser environment for some specific aspects of our being which we also need to develop and that we should not disregard.

    It takes courage to come here…this is not heaven, although it could be, and although the memory of heaven is in everything that lives, including our own cells.

    Perhaps everything is as it should be in our world, and rather than resisting or attempting to change or by-pass the lessons we chose, we should learn them, so we can move on.

    Just some junk food for thought (:

  36. mewabe Avatar

    Scott, the way I see it, the main focus should be, wherever we are (in this world, in another galaxy, in the Spirit world) to be Here and Now.

    I believe these are our only doors to infinity and eternity, there are no others.

    In my opinion, as long as we miss here and now, we are unconscious. And when we are unconscious, we are like a drunken person: dangerous to ourselves, others and our surrounding, wherever we are.

    Here and Now is a very narrow door…a very subtle passage, that most of us miss.

  37. mewabe Avatar

    Speaking of polarity, I want to point out that the extreme contrasts do not simply exist in the human mind. A zebra that is eaten alive by African wild dogs also experiences the effects of extreme polarity, even while not judging it (one minute, free and happy eating grass, the next feeling intense pain).

    So does a wild animal dying of thirst or hunger under a scorching sun, or another animal freezing to death in a blizzard, even while not judging the experience.

    Harsh polarity is, in my opinion, an intrinsic part of the fabric of our world. Ours is not a horribly dense and dark world, but it is not a world a high, light, rapid frequencies either. It is probably somewhere towards the middle of the scale.

    And it is most probably as it should be. Every world, every dimension has specific conditions that lead to specific growths within the human psyche, and that facilitate specific expressions.

    That’s the way I see it…and consequently experience it.

  38. Scott Avatar

    My Friend

    I will gladly have a serving of your food for thought & I never eat junk “)

    I believe it is true that when we “call forth” that which we desire often the opposite will turn up in order to give us a context in which to better experience that which we are seeking. But this is not the end result just a part of the process of creation.

    I do not believe that if we “call forth” Peace, war has to be the result. I don’t believe that because I experience something “good” that this automatically creates something “bad” somewhere else.

    By staying focused on our desires we create through our imagination the result we would like to experience & that there is balance built into the whole system of creation that allows for the polairity to be expressed within the context of the creative process.

    I suppose the point I am trying to make is that we can create any kind of existence we desire so why not create one that dosen’t include so much pain & suffering for humanity & destruction to our beautiful home.

    You are right, this could be “Heaven” so I figure we should “go for it”

    And I think one way to get there is to stay focused on what we are FOR rather than what we are against. We get the result we are looking for when we stay focused on what we are tyring to achieve, not by fluctuating between what we desire & what we don’t desire.

    More food for thought, not junk food I hope “)

  39. Scott Avatar

    I agree also of the impotance of the “Now” & that it is our portal to the Infinite. Thanks to people like Ekhart Tolle perhaps more will find the door.

    Animals & other creatures will probably always have to experience the extremes of the polarities that exist in our dimensional reality, But as humans we can move into other levels of consciousness that change our perspective, which changes our experience, so what seemed to be a harsh polarity at one time isn’t one anymore.

    But I still think we can create a more peaceful world in the realm of “normal” human awareness.

    Namaste Scott

  40. *lisa* Avatar

    Mewabe & Scott, I always look forward to reading your exchanges. There is not much more I could offer to make the points more meaningful.

    For me, I think one of my single most important realizations, which sort of took me to another quantum leap in growth, was that we create our own suffering either by living the past (regret, guilt, grief, anger) or projecting into the future (anxiety, stress, worry, fear). Rather than being fully present, in the present.

    It seems like such a simple concept. Yet this is where the fight between the mind, ego and soul begins for people. This is where the hard work of changing our thinking happens. Honing the ability to just BE where you are. The ego, our negative energy, doesn’t want to let us let go of all those negative emotions. That’s what keeps it large and in charge. And I think people find it easier to give in rather than face themselves and clear some space for the soul to shine through, to change frequencies and lift themselves up out of the muck.

    I’m not sure this is something teachable or if it is something that, like for me, has to be learned after creating my own vicious suffering cycles over and over in order to grow. I do know that when I talk to people about how they are creating their own suffering, often they just can’t understand what you are trying to get across.

    It would be interesting to see if children were taught this skill from the beginning, if it is something that would be maintained over the lifetime.

    I do wish someone had shown me this way from the beginning. That someone would have explained that we are a soul, with an overlayed earthly personality, and a mind that mediates between the two.

  41. mewabe Avatar

    Thanks for your response Scott…

    There are many levels of awareness, of functioning, right?
    There is practical, day to day awareness, upon which most focus, and then there is a level of expanded consciousness.

    In day to day awareness, we don’t want to die, for example…in expanded consciousness, we know there is no death.

    From an expanded consciousness perspective, from a perspective that would be highly practical if widespread because it would revolutionize the way we see and express life, I believe that all that we think is good, heavenly, all that we believe to be the higher choice, etc, is not.

    The greater good, the true Heaven, the so-called “Kingdom” is attained, in consciousness, the way I understand it, when we “make the two one”…
    Because we then transcend polarity to return, in consciousness, to the divine center, which is not two but One.

    This One presence, this divine presence, is everything, is it All. It is consequently at once good and bad in our terms, from our perceptions. It is the gentle rain and the sun that awakens the seed, and it is the storm or the fire that destroys it all.

    We think destruction is bad and creation is good…but it is not necessarily so, as they are as the two sides of a same coin, just as are life and death, or pain and pleasure.

    Do we want to keep being distracted by these polarities, or do we want to get to the heart of the matter?

    This “making the two one” sounds too abstract, mystical and impractical for most…people like to sink their mental teeth into something they can taste and chew…but if you think about it, “making the two one” is the only way to peace, truth and reality.

    This is the original meaning of the joining of hands in meditation in India and in prayer in Christianity, although the meaning has been lost. It is also the meaning of the cross within a circle: the vertical and horizontal parts represent duality, or “yin” and “yang”, and where they symbolically join and become one at the center…is the divine center, that is One. This center is also what some call Christ consciousness, which is unified consciousness (there are a lot of hidden meanings in Christianity).

    Which is perhaps why it was in written in The Gospel according to Thomas, a Coptic manuscript:

    When you make the two one,
    and when you make the inner as the outer
    and the outer as the inner
    and the above as the below…
    Then you shall enter (the Kingdom)…

    If you have time, watch a movie called The Dark Crystal…animated, for children, but with a very powerful, controversial, revolutionary message: when what we believe and manifest to be good and what we believe and express to be bad are joined and become one, a much higher, greater, expanded energy emerges: divine beingness, which includes good and evil as we perceive them and all polarities, and which transcends them all to become pure being.

    And this expanded state of consciousness is not out of reach for any of us, unless we believe it is and make it so, as we have done so far, caught up in the conflicts of conceptual polarity, trying to establish “heaven” on earth (our idea of heaven or goodness) and to cast the “devil” (all that we think is bad or undesirable) into the abyss, or in other, newer terms, to release or let go of the “negative” and focus upon and invite the “positive”.

    From my experience when “heaven” and “hell”, when “positive” and “negative” become one in our consciousness is when we reach true Heaven, or divinity. There is no other way.

    This would be considered crazy talk in most places. And this is totally outside of Neale’s worldview or cosmology, which is still caught up in the conflicts of polarity, and teaches that the solution to these struggles (such as expressed by “highly evolved beings”) is for “negativity” (pain, suffering, etc) to become little more than a memory, in other words for “negativity” to vanish, which is the exact same idea as that of the “devil” being cast into the “abyss”, but worded in a more modern, acceptable language.

  42. mewabe Avatar

    Thank you *lisa*…
    Yes, here in the center of infinity, now the center of eternity. When we reach these centers, which is actually one center, we are at a place of true power, the power of Beingness, our own power.

    As you say there is no other reality, everything else is a thought…a memory about the past and a projection about the future mostly based on past experience.

    Here and now are all there is…I never read Ekhart Tolle, watching him talk I don’t consider him very interesting, but I am glad he is reaching more people with this basic message.

    Our civilization trains children to never be here and now, by making them endure this very slow, endless torture called schooling, which consists of preparing them for a future of work at the cost of sacrificing what should be a carefree, adventurous, unbounded childhood.

    Then, when they reach adulthood, they work to reach certain goals (home ownership, career achievements, financial security, etc), all the while planning to enjoy life once a week after chores (week ends), one week or two a year (vacation), and upon retirement.

    Then they die of cancer or a heart attacks two years before or after retirement.

    And we are taught to accept the belief that this life.

    Escape while you still can…in the here and now, the only true freedom, and the only true dimension of being.

  43. *lisa* Avatar

    I have seen many times people who die just after retirement. People still in what could be their prime. I always wonder about the physical toll of living a life in the grind with the thoughts of “when I retire I’ll do…” and about the soul traveling along while they are missing the point.

    When Eckhart Tolle’s the Power of Now presented itself to me, it was at the right time as usual. The first pages in which he talked about a moment of being in deep dark despair and him thinking ‘I just can’t do this anymore’. In that, he realized that the “I” was something different than the one who was suffering. Resonated with me. Later I watched the beginning of one of his seminars and found him very bland. Much less exciting and interesting than the simplicity of his written message. Whatever works for people I guess.

    Oh my gosh… that is a wonderful way to put it. To ESCAPE into the here and now. The way we lived as small children until we suppressed our magic and wonder to conform. I think about what it must be like for my 10 year old niece and 4 & 2 year old nephews to be growing up in this particular time on earth.

  44. Scott Avatar

    Mewabe & Lisa

    Thank you both for your thoughts, too much to comment on here for now, as it is quite late.

    Talk to you again soon

    Namaste Scott

  45. Sinclair Avatar

    For those fair-minded folks who like to hear a man out in his own words, instead of relying upon what his opponents say about him, please read the transcript of Mr. LaPierre’s remarks here:

    Neale has unfairly characterized LaPierre’s words. LaPierre says nothing about returning to the Wild West nor does he demand more guns nor is he trying to solve general gun violence. LaPierre is focused solely on the problem of protecting schoolchildren from an armed killer, like Adam Lanza, when the police are five, ten, even twenty minutes away and by the time they arrive dozens of children could be dead.

    LaPierre recommends the same protection as President Obama and celebrities have — armed, trained guards. It’s a solution that works well enough for important people. So far I’ve yet to hear any reason why it won’t work for schoolchildren too.

    From what I read here, Neale and most commenters favor working for a gun-free, spiritual utopia, which may or may not happen, instead of protecting schoolchildren today.

  46. mewabe Avatar

    Thank you *lisa*

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