From a New Spirituality point of view, what was your impression of U.S. President Obama’s State of the Union message?


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  1. Laura Pringle Avatar
    Laura Pringle

    I thought the wording encouraged transparency and taking responsibility for the current state of things. It fit very nicely with what is trending, which is: Let’s work together, not point fingers, and grow the hell up so we can realize the basis of what our country was founded on: Democracy.

  2. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    A very good point Laura.
    What happens “over there” concerning us “over here” as well. It is a Global World nowadays.
    When Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize, many critics arised, but the Nobel Comitee declared of Obama was able of to do much more with the Prize than many others would have done because of him to be “a leader” of a large country whom have the power in of “to make a difference” in the world(they believed in him).

    When the news about the North Koreans to blow up the atomic bomb came in these days, noticed especially the female North-Korean TV-reporter announcing the news with an complete fanatic voice(a fanatism far out of proportions). Not to mention the particular harsly outlook upon the face of hers when expressing herself on TV of the western world to be “the bandits of to eliminate.”
    The “brain-washing” of the mass`(the population), indicating a system of the mental power an Dictator can hypnotize the surroundings based upon fear.
    The word “Power” can be manyfold.

  3. Erin/IAm Avatar

    I have to admit, I did not view the SoTU speech.

    I have, however, noted an observe, lately…Governments seem to be holding their present grounds while scrambling to decide “What next?” My observe is that many seem to be teetering on using Church-type methodology in re-gaining & re-grouping…’Adjust only enough to re-instill Hope, We’ll bring the hammer down later’.

    idk…What do You See?

  4. Tina Avatar

    I thought it was authentic, passionate and clear. It is hard for me to be neutral about the POTUS… I adore him and consider him one of the most inspiring leaders in the world.

    I appreciate that he rises to the occasionj to give his heart to one more State of The Union..something he has made a monumental committment to. From a new spirituality point of view..he is so obviously on a leading edge of honesty “fraNKNESS” and courage..there is no way we can overlook where we are in time frames…this is a progressive era unlike any other and only an Aquarius Rising President fits! YEA!!!!!

  5. Henry Nejako Avatar
    Henry Nejako

    It had a divisive “us vs. them” tone even if the words invited us all to work together.

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