The world is being visited by yet another revolution, this one toppling the government in Egypt—just two years after it was put in place in a democratic election. What do you see as the spiritual significance of this—if any?


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  1. Erin Avatar

    The fact that 33,000,000 people…got that?…33 MILLION humans in ONE place!…gathered for days for this ONE event…Unprecedented of ALL history!!!…makes it pretty “significant” all the way around.
    Perhaps if the focus for altering a governance were to have momentarily switched to 33 MILLION people sending a like-minded, single thought of Love & healing unto the other few billion…Now That would have created a spiritual event, also unprecedented…and an unimaginably Amazing alteration! Perhaps, next time.?
    Namaste’, Egypt & All.

    1. sh'mal Avatar

      Good for you Erin saying it like it is. There have been many on-line links and probably many thousands of small groups to connecti us with global meditations for peace. We can only imagine what things would be like if these meditations and prayers for peace weren’t abounding. Maybe, no, not maybe maybe, an amazing alteration is happening. We can see and feel the light. It is shining through us. The other will continue until it is overcome by our shining light.

  2. Stephen mills Avatar
    Stephen mills

    That the majority of the population of Egypt have rejected being ruled by religious authority and see themselves wanting to be free from the shackles of this form of living.

    They have been duped by the former government and wish to create something more inclusive and freedom giving .This could lead to a more tolerant society and one based I hope in spiritual values .

    I send peace to the people of Egypt.


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