Are we done with this yet? Are we enraged enough yet?

The scientific journal Neurology has published a groundbreaking study that has rocked our community.

The study found that 500,000 people died in 2010 from causes attributable to Alzheimer’s, six times more deaths from Alzheimer’s than previously thought.

These findings place Alzheimer’s almost on par with cancer deaths, yet Alzheimer’s receives a mere fraction of the research funding dedicated to cancer ($550 million compared to $5.7 billion annually).

Alzheimer’s is a cancer-size problem. Alzheimer’s requires a cancer-size response.

Urge your members of Congress to double research funding for Alzheimer’s at the NIH in the FY15 budget.

Researchers from the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center in Chicago found that Alzheimer’s was responsible for more than 500,000 deaths in 2010 – six times more deaths than previously reported by the CDC.

This news comes just weeks after the Director of the National Institute on Aging reported the United States would not be able to fulfill its commitment to prevent and treat Alzheimer’s by 2025 at its current level of funding.

If Congress does not dramatically increase funding for Alzheimer’s research, we will soon see Alzheimer’s deaths rise to one million a year.

The President’s recently released budget request for FY15 flat-lines funding for Alzheimer’s. Now it is up to Congress to lead and to act.

Urge your members of Congress to double the current level of funding for Alzheimer’s research and care in the FY15 budget and to implement a plan to increase Alzheimer’s funding to $2 billion a year over the next five years.

Thank you for your help in using this shocking news on Alzheimer’s deaths to give Congress the push it needs to dramatically increase funds for Alzheimer’s research.


George Vradenburg
Chairman and Co-Founder

More than 400 leading Alzheimer’s researchers agree that we can prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s by 2025 – and it could even be sooner if critical investments and reforms are made. We must SUBSTANTIALLY INCREASE funding for Alzheimer’s research in the next 5 years and we must DRAMATICALLY SHRINK the time it takes to get new, safe therapies to market.

USAgainstAlzheimer’s is a community of enraged and engaged individuals who have been touched by Alzheimer’s disease and are committed to achieving the bold and attainable goal of ending Alzheimer’s.

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One response to “Are we done with this yet? Are we enraged enough yet?”

  1. Blake Avatar

    I love this! Big Aluminum has been blocking further studies that connect aluminum poisoning in America

    Alzheimer’s disease is one of America’s greatest health concerns and is expected to increase eight times by the middle of the next century. Alzheimer’s disease had been diagnosed in 60 percent of the patients admitted to nursing homes.

    Aluminum can be linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Research shows that there is an abnormally high concentration of aluminum in the brains of Alzheimer’s victims. Independent studies in Norway, the United Kingdom, France and Canada show a direct correlation between the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and the concentration of aluminum in the drinking water. “The Lancet”, a highly respected British journal, showed the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease to be 50 percent greater where drinking water contained high levels of aluminum.

    Studies are under way to explore whether aluminum can be removed from the brain and to determine if this will benefit Alzheimer’s patients. It was reported in “The Lancet” that after administering desferrioxamine, a chemical known to remove aluminum and other metals from the body, the progression of dementia associated with Alzheimer’s disease was significantly slowed.

    Dr. Michael A. Weiner, the executive director of the Alzheimer’s Research Institute stated, “Aluminum has been known as a neurotoxic substance for nearly a century. It is the only element noted to accumulate in the tangle-bearing neurons characteristic of the disease and is also found in elevated amounts in four regions of the brain of Alzheimer’s patients.”

    Some of the sources of aluminum that contribute to toxicity are foods, medications and personal hygiene products. Aluminum is added as an emulsifying agent in many processed cheeses, especially those which are single-sliced. It is found in cake mixes, self-rising flour, prepared dough, nondairy creamers, pickles and in some brands of baking powder. Aluminum lauryl sulfate is a common ingredient in many shampoos, while several anti dandruff shampoos, including Selsun-Blue, containmagnesium aluminum silicate. Aluminum is an active ingredient in most antiperspirants (aluminum chlorhydrate). However, since people have started becoming more aware of the dangers of aluminum, some “aluminum free” antiperspirants are now being advertised.

    Aluminum is easily absorbed in food cooked in aluminum pots and frying pans. The amount of aluminum ingested from cookware, however is far exceeded by the amounts ingested from food additives.

    The highest content of aluminum is in medications. Antacids contain 200 milligrams or more in a single tablet, which is ten times more than the presumed acceptable level. Adequate calcium intake may decrease the risk of aluminum toxicity. A very small amount of aluminum is needed by the body, but ,we get far too much in our society.

    Even our drinking water is treated with aluminum to get rid of murkiness in my municipal water supplies.

    Aluminum researcher Elizabeth Jeffery has found evidence that flouride interferes with the body’s ability to get rid of aluminum. She says, “My research indicates that flouride readily combines with aluminum in the blood, and that aluminum flouride, once formed is very poorly excreted in the urine.” She believes that the aluminum fluoride then becomes concentrated in the bones (where flourine replaces calcium) and continues to slowly release and recycle through the body over time. Albert Burgstahler, a professor of biochemistry at the University of Kansas, has found that aluminum flouride can pass unusually well through biological barriers, notably the blood-brain barrier, and accumulate in the brain.

    The EPA Secondary Maximum Contaminant level for aluminum in water is 50 ppb. City water filtered through a “Multi-pure” system is usually less than 10 ppb. Coca-Cola Classic in an aluminum can has been measured at 6,160 ppb.

    Beer has more aluminum when it is packaged in aluminum cans.

    Excretion and removal of aluminum (4 lines of defense)
    The body is easily able to manage normal, natural levels of aluminum. The body excretes 74-96% of our normal dietary intake of aluminum. Most of the aluminum forms insoluble salts, especially phosphate salts, in the intestine. These are mostly excreted in the feces instead of being absorbed. In excess, however, this can produce a phosphorous deficiency which leads to calcium loss which ultimately leads to structural problems.

    The aluminum that is absorbed is only poorly excreted by the kidneys and can easily accumulate in body tissues. It tends to concentrate in the brain, liver, thyroid and lungs.

    Those particularly at risk of aluminum accumulation are the elderly and those with kidney damage. Yahoo Voices August 16, 2010


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