As part of your preparation to write this chapter, be sure to read, especially, the THIRD SAMPLE CHAPTER found here.
This is Chapter Seven of God’s Message to the World: You’ve Got Me All Wrong, the most powerful re-statement, in one book, of the 3,000 pages of the Conversations with God cosmology you will ever find. It is a book that is now re-igniting readers of CWG all over the world, getting them in touch once again with the most world-changing, life-impacting, mind-and-heart-expanding ideas about God and about Life placed before our species in many, many years.
You will not want to miss this book! And then, I hope you will choose to contribute your own “take” on the topic of Chapter 7 (the third one found in this sampling of chapters from the book) in the Comments section below.
I believe that it is humanity’s cultural story that is causing humanity’s cultural crisis. I am inviting you, here in this space, to engage in a conversation (we call it The Conversation of the Century) about what kind of new story we could be telling our children, and each other, about life on Earth in every one of its expressions.
Should we be telling them to fear God?
The invitation to write a New Cultural Story for our offspring was sent to humanity in the book The Storm Before the Calm, the first entry in the Conversations with Humanity Series. The book is published in full on this site.
Watch here to see what category of life expression we are currently exploring, then write your best idea about Humanity’s New Cultural Story as it concerns that particular area of life, co-authoring with us here on this website.
We hope that people from around the world will offer here their heartfelt thoughts about what our New Human Cultural Story might say, and how we might articulate it. Please limit each item to a single topic, and please sign your name, so that we know who wrote the entry. (We want to give credit where credit is due, and to encourage as many people as possible to contribute to this Co-Authorship.)
We do not see this as a place for endless argumentation. We see it as a Gathering of Ideas, not a Back-and-Forth Debate. Statements of opinion about the entries are surely welcome, but ongoing and never-ending wrangling hoping to make a particular point will, we believe, only serve to inhibit the process of gathering as many ideas as possible. Our suggestion, then: Let this be a Brainstorming Session about what could be our Most Wonderful Tomorrow, where the general rule is: Every idea is welcome, and no one will be judged for their contribution.
Thanks for making your input here. One dream we have is to place a summary of the best of the proposals for Humanity’s New Cultural Story, as judged by our readers at the end of each year, before the world’s leaders in politics, economics, business & commerce, education, environment, and spirituality in a special online publication that we will invite them to read. So your contribution is important — and could help awaken a sleeping world.
Please make your entries below…and return often. Thank you.
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