A Voice in the Wilderness

Editor’s Note: For the next several months this space will be used to explore, one-by-one, the messages, metaphysical principles, and spiritual meaning of the material found in the nearly 3,000 pages of the Conversations with God dialogues. This series of observations and interpretations is offered with my continuing disclaimer: I could be wrong about all of this.

CWG Explored/Installment #12: Is God our strength in time of need?

Is our faith in a loving, caring, compassionate, and healing God misplaced?


Does God worry about what happens in our individual lives, and quickly intervene to make them better when we ask Him to?


Do miracles occur?


Does God make them happen?

Yes and no.

Can all of this be very confusing?

Yes. That is why we have religion. Religion is the effort of humanity to eliminate its confusion about God. Sadly, it has often added to our bafflement and incertitude. That is not because religions have added nothing of value to our lives. They have, in fact, added hugely to the betterment of our experience. Yet religions seem to be incomplete in their data. They don’t seem to have the whole picture. And so, in this, we are like children who have learned to add and to subtract, and who imagine that this is all there is to mathematics.

There’s so much more to know, yet billions of people find it extremely challenging to even ask what I think is a fair question: Is it possible that there is something we don’t fully understand about God, the understanding of which would change everything?

In this, many humans have been as the blind leading the blind. But now, each day, more and more, we are opening to the possibility of a Larger Reality.

Ah, yes…once we were blind, but now we see.

It is, in fact, an amazing grace.

It is through the amazing grace of an amazing God that humanity’s amazement at God is being transformed into humanity’s understanding of God. I am told that this shift occurs in the life of all sentient species in the Universe as they mature.

As you know, humanity is a very young species. I have put this information in front of you before, but I will do so again for those who may have missed it.

In their book New World New Mind, Robert Ornstein and Paul Ehrlich placed this in perspective in one mind-boggling paragraph:

Suppose Earth’s history were charted on a single year’s calendar, with midnight January 1 representing the origin of the Earth and midnight December 31 the present. Then each day of Earth’s “year” would represent 12 million years of actual history. On that scale, the first form of life, a simple bacterium, would arise sometime in February. More complex life-forms, however, come much later; the first fishes appear around November 20. The dinosaurs arrive around December 10 and disappear on Christmas Day. The first of our ancestors recognizable as human would not show up until the afternoon of December 31. Homo sapiens—our species—would emerge at around 11:45 pm…and all that has happened in recorded history would occur in the final minute of the year.

We see, then, that humans are The Toddlers of the Cosmos. This explains why we are acting like children. Billions of us still believe it when we are told, “Mysterious are the ways of the Lord.”

Actually, they are not.

Here is how it all works:

God is the Primal Force, the Pure Energy, the Essential Essence of the Universe. Divinity is That Of Which Everything Is Comprised. If we were into employing acronyms (which could in this case be very useful, as it would instantly explain everything), another name for God could therefore be TOWEIC.

We can know with certainty that TOWEIC (That Of Which Everything Is Comprised) is the Giver Of Divinity (to use another acronym, GOD) to every living thing. In other words, It gives of Itself to life, through life.

We can know, as well, that every thing is living (there is nothing that is not living if we define “living” as “movement,” since all things—even rocks—are comprised of microscopic particles constantly in motion). Therefore, movement is Divinity Expressed.

Now here is where religion has confused The Toddlers of the Cosmos. We think that TOWEIC has an emotional investment in how It moves.

We think that if That Of Which Everything Is Comprised moves one way, it is “happy,” and that if It moves another way, it is “sad.”

We imagine that the Giver Of Divinity (GOD) has a particular way that He (yes, we even think that TOWEIC is male) wants every specific thing in the individual lives of the centillions of trillions of billions of millions of sentient beings in the Universe to turn out—and that the Giver Of Divinity will make it turn out that way if we ask Him to.

But the truth is that God doesn’t care how things turn out. And this is an idea that people who believe in God find difficult to embrace.

Yet God is not The Great Decider who says Yes to some requests and No to others, like some monarch sitting on a throne meting out favors to the Favored Few, while refusing the heartfelt and earnest requests of the rest of his majesty’s minions, because they did not ask in the “right way” or come to him by the “right path” or display to him the “right behavior.”

God is The Great Provider, not The Great Decider. God has provided us with the power to create our own reality. And God has given us the freedom to do that in any way we choose.

The tool with which God has made it possible for us to do this is TOWEIC Itself. This Primal Force, this Pure Energy, this Essential Essence is called, in human language, Thought when we refer to the First Level of Creation (the second and third being Word and Deed). Its power is manifest in direct proportion to how much of it is used (or, if you please, focused) in any particular way in any particular place at any particular time.

The rule of thumb is simple: The more of It there is, the more powerful is Its impact. This is why the collective Thoughts (Words and Deeds) of Humanity are far more powerful than the individual Thoughts (Words and Deeds) of a single member of that collective.

This is not to say that the individual use of TOWEIC will and can have no effect on the physical realm. On the contrary, just the opposite is true. This is simply to say that the more of this energy that’s in play, the greater will be its impact. (“Wherever two or more are gathered…”)

So now, let’s get back to the original questions. Is our faith in a caring, compassionate God misplaced? No. Do miracles happen? Yes. Does God make them happen? Yes and no.

“No” in the sense that God is not standing by making some miracles succeed and others fail, depending on His proclivities, propensities, and pomposities. God is not someone we have to please in order to get His favors, and God is not someone we have to properly beg in order to receive His miracles.

“Yes” in the sense that God (to repeat) is that which provides, not that which decides. God is That Of Which Everything Is Comprised, and TOWEIC is by definition therefore usable by and available to everything.

Wonderful as that may sound, it can create a bit of frustration. What good, then, is prayer? What point is there in believing in a personal God who cares about us, cares for us, and takes care of us?

The wonder of prayer, the wonder of knowing that God is “there” for us, and the wonder of calling out to God to take care of us, is that it focuses TOWEIC in a particular way in a particular place at a particular time.

CWG tells us that Divinity can and will take any form in which we think of it. It can be for us a gift-giving Father, a nurturing Mother, a simple but powerful energy, a raw source of creation—or all of the above simultaneously.

Affirmative Prayer, therefore, can be a powerful, joyful, and effective use of That Of Which Everything Is Comprised, in that it acknowledges the truth that God will always be there for you, because God has never not been there, since such a thing would be impossible. Only your awareness of God’s eternal Presence in you, as you, and through you can be lacking, not The Presence Itself.

Thus it has been said: Even before you ask, I will have answered.

TOWEIC is the Essential Essence that, in human language, we would also call Love. It is in the expression of this Love through which TOWEIC is the Giver Of Divinity to humanity, and that is what makes it possible for miracles to be produced. It turns out, then, that God is, in fact, our strength in time of need.

One final question then.

Why do some miracles that we so earnestly desire occur, while some do not? Have we somehow done something “wrong” in the way we used That Of Which Everything Is Comprised?

No. It is impossible for us to do anything “wrong.” Conversations with God tells us that we are incapable of making a “mistake,” and life is incapable of “doing us wrong”—not even when the change we wanted, the miracle for which we prayed, has not presented itself.

Everything that occurs in our life occurs in perfect order with perfect timing in the perfect way, allowing the Soul to address its lifetime-to-lifetime agenda. It is just the Mind that may not understand this. For the Mind of humans is limited in its comprehension, until it isn’t anymore—until it matures and grows in its Awareness, joining with the Soul in becoming the fullest expression of God on Earth for which every moment and situation has been designed.

Thus, every outcome is perfect, all of life is a miracle, and gratitude is our immediate and automatic response to every moment when we are demonstrating Divinity.

Therefore, raise not your fist to Heaven, and curse the darkness not, but be a light unto the darkness, that you might know Who You Really Are…and that all those whose lives you touch might know who they really are as well, by the light of your example.

(Have I not said ye are Gods?)

I believe this will be the New Spirituality of our future which, when coupled with our new understanding of the total lack of separation of anything from anything (CWG: “All things are One Thing. There is only One Thing, and all things are part of the One Thing there is.”), will produce the Heaven on Earth that our species has been promised by every sage and seer of every age.

The process of humanity’s transmogrification is beginning now. The conditions of this very day make this the Perfect Time for Advancement, providing an enormous opportunity for each of us to awaken the species.

(For more on this, I invite you to read Conversations with God-Book 4: Awaken the Species when it is published on March 27th. You may pre-order it here:
https://www.amazon.com/Conversations-God-Book-Awaken-Species/dp/193790749X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1488129452&sr=8-1&keywords=conversations+with+god+book+4 )


68 responses to “A Voice in the Wilderness

  1. Jethro Avatar

    It is the choice of each human to decide what creates love and fear, or what makes them happy or sad. God does not require us to feel a certain way about anything, it’s our choice, it’s free will. We are free to choose how we feel about anything. We can be devastated by the loss of a loved one, or we can be thankful that the loved one shared their time with us and celebrate that. We can feel bad for the blind and the physically disabled, or we can appreciate the life they have been given and accept that they are perfect the way they are. We can decide that life is too much to handle or we can decide it’s a wonderful series of creations, creations that we may recreate at any given moment. Recreating life could be a change in careers or changing your mind about not liking to mow the lawn. We have the ability to choose what brings us Joy. Before we were ever born, the universe was stocked with everything we would ever need to live a happy life. We have also been given everything we need to live a long and miserable life. We must decide which of those to accept. It is our choice. It’s all in how you choose to think about anything.

  2. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

    This column touches on much. And there’s much with which I agree. Some of it I would put in this way, from my own personal experience.

    When I was young, I acted like a child and so related to Divine Energy as a personal, parental God. He was the great watcher of everything in my life, including my thoughts, and was ready to judge me for not only original sin but for my every thought, word and deed. Yet still it was to him and his son I implored to be removed from the abusive situations I found myself in.

    As I grew out of my childhood, so too grew my ideas about this personal God. He became the mystery of all mysteries who didn’t answer my prayers (or so I thought). I began to ask, more and more, “why?” and “why me?” What good was a God, to whom I entreated daily to remove my pain, who seemed to choose not to do so? I followed all the rules set forth in my parent’s religion, yet found no relief. I began to question both this personal God and my parent’s religion.

    In my young adulthood, I began to study who I believed this personal God to be, and all religions with their own definition of God. Rather than finding differences, I found similarities. Each religion held itself to be the one “true” religion, with its own rules, creeds and dogma. Each condemned those who didn’t follow its path. Each insisted I needed an intermediary between myself and God, with the only exception being the proscribed prayers that must be used to speak with God. None suggested that I listen for God’s personal answers to those prayers. When prayers appeared to go unanswered, the fault always lay in me and my unworthiness. That unworthiness was exacerbated by my being female, the (supposedly) lesser gender of our species.

    As I continued to search for answers, I broadened into commentaries, scholarship, lost books, and banned books, along with the laws of nature as presented by science, and those of human nature as presented by psychology and sociology. None gave me the whole cloth with which I could come to understand a personal God or why I existed beyond my animal nature.

    Part of what I’d been missing was my innate childhood connection with nature itself. Nowhere did I find this emphasized by a personal God or any religion. (I had yet to discover native belief systems.) Yet this was one of the strongest bonds from which I gained some sense of my belonging in the world. If nothing else, I was part of the natural world around me. I believed this world, and I as part of it, was created by a less personal Creator God who was distant from my life.

    Enter what was then called “New Age,” which was different then than it is now. It was a mashup of old Pagan beliefs combined with celebrity, from yogis to Hollywood stars, and the beginning of a self-help branch that touched on spirituality. It was less human-centered, more universal, having more to do with vibrations and energy than a God (as I’d until then understood God). But shouting from treetops and cliffs that “I am God” just wasn’t my thing, and the idea of reincarnation until I was able to somehow “get it right” never set well with me.

    I took a necessary hiatus from my spiritual journey (or so I thought) to do what was necessary to heal the wounds from my childhood and its effects. Two years into intensive therapy, I found I’d been greatly healed mentally, but found myself wanting for meaning. That led me back to my spiritual path. Only this time there were two distinct differences. First, I no longer viewed the abuses as meaningless or some kind of lesson I needed to learn. Second, CWG was published.

    For me, parts of CWG affirmed the parts of New Age, science, psychology, sociology and my connection with nature I’d found fit me. It allowed me to coalesce the bits and pieces of all that had rung true for me until then. I didn’t swallow it “whole hog” simply because that’s not my way. It did excite and interest me enough to continue to read the series as they became available. I was, however, happier than I’d ever been. My career was where I’d hoped, I was in a loving and supportive relationship, my social life was active, and I was fairly healthy.

    As often happens, I began to look for meaning again when my life crashed. My partner developed bipolar disorder and, out of a sense of codependency, hid it from me because she knew my father is bipolar. The church I had found that was the “best fit” had its Senior pastor resign, making me the de facto Administrator by bylaw. A male counterpart was hired at work who was given all my field duties, leaving me desk-bound because my bosses had discovered I was very proficient in automation, which was finally being implemented. And then there was this leftover pain in my side after a bout of flu that just wouldn’t go away.

    That pain led to my having a hysterectomy, which triggered the beginning of my fibromyalgia. My partner left me out of concern for the toll her issues were taking on me. My pain and fatigue rose so high that, as soon as our pastoral search process was complete, I had to resign from my church board. Then it got worse and I found myself unable to work. During the two years it took to get SSDI approval, I went through my savings, my voluntary retirement plan that I cashed in, the family that was still local, and most of my friends. While being diagnosed and treated for fibromyalgia, I was also diagnosed with degenerative disk disease and bulging disks in my low back and neck, lumbar stenosis, gallbladder disease and removal, and a VRSA staph infection requiring a partial mastectomy when it entered my milk ducts.

    With so much loss and so much time on my hands, it’s no wonder I returned to a serious search for meaning for it all. I mean, really? I went through the abuses of and healing from my childhood and its effects, broke through glass ceilings in construction inspection, helped keep a church I believed in from splitting during a pastoral search, found the relationship with the person I still consider the love of my life… only to lose it all? Where was the meaning in that?

    It turns out the meaning was there all along. Each event in my life had exactly and precisely the meaning I gave to it. And each was an opportunity to look at those people and events from a different, and if I chose, larger perspective.

    It’s not always an easy thing to do, finding that larger perspective, when I’ve lived most of my life from a place of ego. Meditation helped greatly as I saw it as the other side of the coin of prayer I’d been searching for. In meditation practice, I learned to quiet (but never eliminate) egoic thoughts and reach inside myself to my Soul and, through it, my connection with the Divine Energy that had grown out of belief in a personal God.

    I now see myself as a triune being consisting of who I am physically, my Soul, and Divine Energy. All of us three decided on this particular incarnation for the benefit of all three. As a physical being, I serve as an example of transforming what are generally seen as wholly negative experiences into understandings about who and what human beings are and can accomplish. My Soul supports me in this life by fulfilling its agenda of expressing compassion and unconditional love in grander visions and greater versions of who I am, as well as giving me inspiration and courage as I do so. Divine Energy experiences everything that I am and do, which is so unique an experience that it could gain it through no other means but my uniqueness and this particular life. In this way, Divinity itself evolves in an experiential way.

    I still pray, sometimes even to a God that appears personal to me, but more often to “creative energy” or “Divinity,” and in the form of gratitude rather than for what it is I think I need. I know there will be an answer, but need to remain open to whatever form that answer will take. It might be inspiration, or something someone says, or an opportunity that arises, or the loss of something or someone to make room in my life for newness.

    For me, from my beginning to reaching this point in my life–therein lies my miracle.

    Love and Blessings Always,

    1. Jethro Avatar

      CWG showed up for you in just about the same way it did for me. We were in dire need of something and there it was. I’m still getting new understandings of and for myself. I probably will for a while, I almost completely lost my sanity for a while and I’m still learning who I am, and I will work that in to who I wish to be.

      1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


        I’m not sure that we ever stop “getting new understandings” about ourselves, what our reality is, and who it is we choose to be until we pass over to what’s next… if then. Awareness has many layers and levels, I’ve found, but it sounds like you’re on the path. Perseverance was the key for me. Either that, or sheer stubbornness. ?

        Love and Blessings Always,

        1. Jethro Avatar

          Experience creates a much better understanding than any thought about it. That is, you can’t clean the dog mess of of your shoe until you’ve stepped in it. Perseverance or sheer stubbornness, either one gets the shoes cleaned. I personally need to keep a better eye out for where I’m stepping, it’s the best reason we have to look into a possible future and plan our next present moment.

          Love and Blessings Always

    2. Kirsten Avatar

      Hi Annie,
      With so many medical issues, do you believe in the teachings that all physical ailments are a manifestation of the soul or non physical aspects of ourselves? Each body part related to a non physical matter via our mind, thoughts, chakras, meridian lines etc? Knees represent lots of prayers unanswered, ribs a missing soulmate, feet our journey, liver how we believe untruths, viruses deception, cancer a dislike or incompatibility with our body, hands to give and receive? Or even manifestations from past lives, bought into this life via reincarnation if unhealed?
      Just curious to know your view on this since you’ve sure had more than your share and your stories fit with the teachings.
      Take care,

  3. Awareness Avatar


    i enjoyed this 🙂

    From “Amazon” website I decided to cut and paste the following regarding Conversations with God-Book 4: Awaken the Species :

    “In the middle of the night on August 2, 2016, Neale Donald Walsch found himself drawn into a new and totally unexpected dialogue with God in which he suddenly faced two questions:

    Is the human race being offered help by

    Highly Evolved Beings from Another Dimension?

    Is there a key role that humans are being invited to play in advancing their own evolution by joining in a mutual mission to assist the planet during the critical times ahead?

    He was told that the answer to both questions is yes.

    Then he was given 16 specific examples of how Highly Evolved Beings respond to life differently than humans do―and how adopting even a few of those behaviors could change the course of world history for the better forever.

    That information makes up the body of this work.

    A striking invitation to every reader sets the stage for the extraordinary explorations that follow. Picking up where Book 3 in the Conversations with God Trilogy series left off, the revelations about Highly Evolved Beings and about how ordinary humans can answer the call to help awaken the species on Earth will breathtakingly expand your view of both your personal and your collective future.

    Which is exactly what the dialogue was intended to do.” 🙂

    Bless ALL 🙂

  4. Marko Avatar

    TOWEIC The Origin Which Energy Is Created.

  5. Stephen mills Avatar
    Stephen mills

    Is it not self evident that humans are creating life on Earth and that no other is responsible for the outcomes . The problem is the people getting together to form ideas on what they believe God wants or needs and seeking power to advance their own agenda be it religious or nationalistic.We Have been over this many times before !

    Great article Neale I take my hat of to you for your persistence in trying to wake up the world . Looking forward to book 4 . As we just discovered a star only 39 light years from Earth with seven planets in close proximity some in the habitable zone in Earth terms . We are fast discovering each star has the possibility of having its own solar system. With over 200 billion stars in our galaxy ,life out there is coming closer to our home . The possibilities are mind bending .

    1. Jethro Avatar

      Hi Stephen, I think I highly agree with your statement that

  6. Jethro Avatar

    Story of a non-believer. I showed up at a customers house the other day to install a couple items, it had been a while since I had been there and the wife stepped out to tell us she had a lot of stories to tell us. She shared a few of them, then announces her husband has been saved. My wife and I paused for a moment, I looked at her and said, “Saved?”. She says, “yes, he found God”. I encouraged her to explain. Here’s her story.

    ” John was hunting near Doniphan, (a couple hours away). While he was there, a guy from Baker implement (near where we live) sent him a text saying, “You will be saved today!”. She explained that John was a little concerned about it, he couldn’t figure out what trouble he might get into that he would need saving. He doesn’t even really know this guy, he’s just someone he buys parts from, making the message, that much more Odd. John asked him what he meant, The guy said, God told me you would be saved today. John had excused the text messages, and this happened…. John had found an advertisement in the area for a nice archery bow. The cost was $1500.00. John was trying to get a better deal from the guy and they had just about decided the deal was not going to happen, when the guy calls him and says, “where are you? God told me to give you this bow.” John asked, “how much?” the guy tells him, “no charge, it’s free. God said give it to you”….. John and the fellow met and the bow was given to John as directed. John offered the fellow as much as the original asking price and the guy would not take the money, He said, “When my God tells me to do something, I do it!”.

    John has changed his life considerably in just a short couple of months. I look forward to talking to him again to see how much more he will figure out. Most of all, knowing he is very prejudice against African Americans, I’m going to work that into the next conversation, just a little, to see how its going. It’s a great story.

  7. Mateia Andrei (A true friend) Avatar
    Mateia Andrei (A true friend)

    “Everything that occurs in our life occurs in perfect order with perfect timing in the perfect way, allowing the Soul to address its lifetime-to-lifetime agenda”

    Sorry Neale but I don’t do perfection. How does God dare deny my greatness. How does that bug dare to defy me.
    He should just kill himself and everyone who is against me.
    For those concerned that I might want your will rest at ease my plans have nothing to do with you.

  8. Marko Avatar

    Just ordered the book from our local neighborhood book store. Highly anticipating reading it.

    There is a group called Allies of Humanity who claim & warn people that “all” aliens from other worlds here on earth have secret agendas. They want our resources & to pacify us. They don’t use weapons, as that is not considered wise in the “Greater Community” of races beyond earth. War simply destroys precious resources. But using subtle mental, psychological manipulations is considered fair game & business. The briefings & writings of this group is incredibly extensive & fascinating. I think it wise to heed the warnings.

    that said, I believe there are very good ET’s on earth & Lisette Larkins work on enlightened ET’s seem to be the very embodiment of the HEB’s written about in CwG book III. Plus the other HEB’s that Neale will be talking about in his new book coming out in 2 weeks further contradicts the Allies of Humanity.

    The key as I see it is, that the ET’s of Lisette Larkins writings have no agenda but to help us. They have no needs for our resources only friendship & mentor ship if we choose. They do not need food, sleep & live 1000’s of years. Nutrition is gotten from starlight. That is how they get it.

    The aliens of the Allies of Humanity have many needs to get from earth, but the ET’s of Larkins have no needs & traverse & live in the universe free to do what the desire. According to her they are basically scholars studying life.

    I look forward to hearing more of the HEB’s Neale’s book and talking about and discussing the ideas here. Also on how we can implement them, to help ourselves, and the world, to live in the way we truly desire.

  9. Francisco Morfi Avatar
    Francisco Morfi

    Ordered CWG4 and am waiting with complacent anticipation.

  10. Jean Avatar

    Thanks Neale for this very inspiring article.

  11. Sam Avatar

    “Is our faith in a loving, caring, compassionate, and healing God misplaced?”

    Is faith in a pill, given by the doctor, misplaced, even though, hush-hush, it’s just candy? I guess not. But it also depends on the person. Not everyone needs “trickery” to activate their own healing powers. God does not care. But if you think so, it will still work.

    “God is The Great Provider, […] Giver Of Divinity […] gift-giving Father, a nurturing Mother […]”

    Not some monarch sitting on a throne? Still, that’s how it sounds: A good monarch, providing for us all. And I don’t like it. Because this is how distance is made between human and God. God sits on a throne, up there, and we humans crawling down beneath. It’s not true. God is you and me.

    “Do miracles happen?”

    Sure, as a figure of speech.

    “Does God make them happen?”

    God makes everything happen. Because everything and everyone is God.

    “What good, then, is prayer?”

    Prayer, and meditation, is how you reach your pure God-part within yourself. It’s a good thing.

    “God has provided us with the power to create our own reality. And God has given us the freedom to do that in any way we choose.”

    Nothing is provided. Nothing is *given* us. It’s opposite. We are Gods; always with the creativity and freedom, since forever. Our full potential is *taken* away from us for a period of time. This voluntary, and for a good reason.

    “It turns out, then, that God is, in fact, our strength in time of need.”

    So it was for the Vikings as well, etc. Thor and Odin, etc. If the pill makes you feel better…

    “For the Mind of humans is limited in its comprehension, until it isn’t anymore—until it matures and grows in its Awareness, joining with the Soul in becoming the fullest expression of God on Earth for which every moment and situation has been designed.”

    True. But then you are at starting point. Unavoidable, yes, but not our goal. The road is the goal. So then, you start from scratch once more.

    “Therefore, raise not your fist to Heaven, and curse the darkness not, but be a light unto the darkness, that you might know Who You Really Are…and that all those whose lives you touch might know who they really are as well, by the light of your example.”

    Why not raise your fist to Heaven, when you can’t do wrong, and there is no final goal? 🙂 In fact, to “raise your fist to Heaven”, is a requirement to understand more, walking your road.

    “I believe this will be the New Spirituality of our future which, when coupled with our new understanding of the total lack of separation of anything from anything, will produce the Heaven on Earth that our species has been promised by every sage and seer of every age.”

    No matter what I do, or what you do (there is no wrong), and it will lead to better times. Based on, once again, higher understanding. Evolution is a law of nature, which include everything.

    – Sam

    My goal is to have a conversation with Neale Donald Walsch.
    I know, for that I need a miracle.
    This is my mail: samnoha@mail.com

    Never mind my English—it’s not my first language.

  12. Sam Avatar

    “Is our faith in a loving, caring, compassionate, and healing God misplaced?”

    Is faith in a pill, given by the doctor, misplaced, even though, hush-hush, it’s just candy? I guess not. But it also depends on the person. Not everyone needs “trickery” to activate their own healing powers. God does not care. But if you think so, it will still work.

    “God is The Great Provider, […] Giver Of Divinity […] gift-giving Father, a nurturing Mother […]”

    Not some monarch sitting on a throne? Still, that’s how it sounds: A good monarch, providing for us all. And I don’t like it. Because this is how distance is made between human and God. God sits on a throne, up there, and we humans crawling down beneath. It’s not true. God is you and me.

    “Do miracles happen?”

    Sure, as a figure of speech.

    “Does God make them happen?”

    God makes everything happen. Because everything and everyone is God.

    “What good, then, is prayer?”

    Prayer, and meditation, is how you reach your pure God-part within yourself. It’s a good thing.

    “God has provided us with the power to create our own reality. And God has given us the freedom to do that in any way we choose.”

    Nothing is provided. Nothing is *given* us. It’s opposite. We are Gods; always with the creativity and freedom, since forever. Our full potential is *taken* away from us for a period of time. This voluntary, and for a good reason.

    “It turns out, then, that God is, in fact, our strength in time of need.”

    So it was for the Vikings as well, etc. Thor and Odin, etc. If the pill makes you feel better…

    “For the Mind of humans is limited in its comprehension, until it isn’t anymore—until it matures and grows in its Awareness, joining with the Soul in becoming the fullest expression of God on Earth for which every moment and situation has been designed.”

    True. But then you are at starting point. Unavoidable, yes, but not our goal. The road is the goal. So then, you start from scratch once more.

    “Therefore, raise not your fist to Heaven, and curse the darkness not, but be a light unto the darkness, that you might know Who You Really Are…and that all those whose lives you touch might know who they really are as well, by the light of your example.”

    Why not raise your fist to Heaven, when you can’t do wrong, and there is no final goal? 🙂 In fact, to “raise your fist to Heaven”, is a requirement to understand more, walking your road.

    “I believe this will be the New Spirituality of our future which, when coupled with our new understanding of the total lack of separation of anything from anything, will produce the Heaven on Earth that our species has been promised by every sage and seer of every age.”

    No matter what I do, or what you do (there is no wrong), and it will lead to better times. Based on, once again, higher understanding. Evolution is a law of nature, which include everything.

    – Sam

  13. Sam Avatar

    So, my post was obviously removed. Anyone have a clue why?
    In my mind Neale Donald Walsch is one of the greatest, so this was a bummer.
    Is one obligated to agree with Neale absolutely, and no matter what, to avoid being deleted?
    What does the “global conversation” actually mean? A one-way communication? This was completely unexpected and disappointing.
    I must now rethink every thought I’ve ever had about Neale being a wise person.
    Too bad.

    – Sam

    1. Jethro Avatar

      Hi Sam, it made it to my inbox, if it wasn’t a glitch it’ll disappear again, this is what I got, copied and pasted back here….

      “Is our faith in a loving, caring, compassionate, and healing God misplaced?”
      Is faith in a pill, given by the doctor, misplaced, even though, hush-hush, it’s just candy? I guess not. But it also depends on the person. Not everyone needs “trickery” to activate their own healing powers. God does not care. But if you think so, it will still work.
      “God is The Great Provider, […] Giver Of Divinity […] gift-giving Father, a nurturing Mother […]”
      Not some monarch sitting on a throne? Still, that’s how it sounds: A good monarch, providing for us all. And I don’t like it. Because this is how distance is made between human and God. God sits on a throne, up there, and we humans crawling down beneath. It’s not true. God is you and me.
      “Do miracles happen?”
      Sure, as a figure of speech.
      “Does God make them happen?”
      God makes everything happen. Because everything and everyone is God.
      “What good, then, is prayer?”
      Prayer, and meditation, is how you reach your pure God-part within yourself. It’s a good thing.
      “God has provided us with the power to create our own reality. And God has given us the freedom to do that in any way we choose.”
      Nothing is provided. Nothing is *given* us. It’s opposite. We are Gods; always with the creativity and freedom, since forever. Our full potential is *taken* away from us for a period of time. This voluntary, and for a good reason.
      “It turns out, then, that God is, in fact, our strength in time of need.”
      So it was for the Vikings as well, etc. Thor and Odin, etc. If the pill makes you feel better…
      “For the Mind of humans is limited in its comprehension, until it isn’t anymore—until it matures and grows in its Awareness, joining with the Soul in becoming the fullest expression of God on Earth for which every moment and situation has been designed.”
      True. But then you are at starting point. Unavoidable, yes, but not our goal. The road is the goal. So then, you start from scratch once more.
      “Therefore, raise not your fist to Heaven, and curse the darkness not, but be a light unto the darkness, that you might know Who You Really Are…and that all those whose lives you touch might know who they really are as well, by the light of your example.”
      Why not raise your fist to Heaven, when you can’t do wrong, and there is no final goal? 🙂 In fact, to “raise your fist to Heaven”, is a requirement to understand more, walking your road.
      “I believe this will be the New Spirituality of our future which, when coupled with our new understanding of the total lack of separation of anything from anything, will produce the Heaven on Earth that our species has been promised by every sage and seer of every age.”
      No matter what I do, or what you do (there is no wrong), and it will lead to better times. Based on, once again, higher understanding. Evolution is a law of nature, which include everything.
      – Sam

    2. Jethro Avatar

      Hi again Sam, Neale is not in the habit of deleting posts that disagree with him or his books. I believe he sees all posts as an expression of God therefore we are allowed to show up any way we wish… within reason of course. I too have lost a post in the same way you did. Don’t give it another thought. Share what you like. Computers will be computers.

      1. Sam Avatar

        Ok, I give Neale the benefit of the doubt 🙂 As an experienced participant, do you know how to contact the moderator at this site? Could come in handy.

        1. Jethro Avatar

          I do not. Neale pops in now and then but that’s all I got so far. You could try facebook if your into that. I’m not. Share your thoughts whatever they may be, someone will surely join at some point. Been slow this past week. New article due by Monday generally, depends on those in charge which I think is Neale in this case and he’s a busy man. Been a few changes with the new book coming out.

        2. Kirsten Avatar

          Hi Sam,
          Things are also deleted if there are any swear words or smut as well. If you do things as a reply to someone, even if deleted, that person will receive your comment as an email alert. As a non cwger, Im frequently screened and blocked for a period of time, so I wouldnt agree at all with Jethros comment, but its Neales site and Neales rules, as well as perocotive to delete anything he wishes to. Ive seen stuff from people who are clearly in an unsound phase of mind or probably havnt taken their meds deleted as well, and where heated ‘debates’ get personal and people may type things that are too personal in the heat of the moment, especially when Neale intervenes to chat with that person.
          I dont think there is a moderator, just Neale and others who read and keep an eye on things.
          This might get deleted if I point out that CwG is just blatant blasphme, and whomever channels gibberish to Neale, is prophecised about as He of Lawlessness (full freewill) in scripture, and is attempting to brainwash you through overuse of words to confuse your brain, so you believe it, as well as saying the same thing a thousand times with different words!
          Not Neale, but the evil entity he channels, no different to mediums. As scripture states, if anything differs to what God has said in scripture, then do not believe it!!
          Take care,

          1. Sam Avatar

            Disqus has some automatic spam filter going on. It might be what caused the problem. At the moment it works fine. But if the problem keeps coming back, only a moderator can fix it.
            You seem to be a handful, though 🙂 I would certainly hit the mute button myself, confronted with blind fanatics, having no heart or logic 🙂

          2. Kirsten Avatar

            Thanks, you just made me cool…a blind fanatic with no heart or logic! The exact opposite of what I am, but thats ok, if your mind interprets me that way, then thats fine by me, as distorted as it is.
            Im actually a Kabbalic Master of Law, who has completed the Tree of Life journey, and just in here doing what I was led to do ten years ago, and that is to ensure people make informed choice in being aware that Neales God is not the Scripture God.
            Your very statement is the exact opposite to CwG teachings, youve made yourself look like a douchebag. Try a different type of religion or teachings if you want one based on opinions, and using your own words to define others who differ to you with negativity…..thats very anti CwG!!! Neales groupies are certainly odd sometimes, especially when they miss the key points!!!! Start with book 1, page 1.
            Or plan B, you could delete your own post so people dont see how far you still have to go.
            Ill even give you a plan C…..since I have no heart or logic. You could pretend that you are following Y’shuas teachings, and adopting ‘be like little children’ by calling people names.
            All said with a smile, it made me laugh and since Ive studied psychology for years, clearly displays your ‘issues’…ex Catholic I assume!!
            Take care,

          3. Jethro Avatar

            Hi Kirsten, Your post made it to me but by email only, i’m putting it back here.

            Hi Jethro,
            I dont think they were able to save any whales in the end, those they managed to save just restranded the next day. A huge pod of 400 I think. Seals are doing odd things too. It quite normal to hear of seals inland for whatever reason. Last year one came up an estuary and plodded inland a few hundred metres, staying a few days at a carwash place or they visit the airport. Since we dont have very rocky beaches, perhaps they think concrete is a big rock to sunbathe on!?
            Unfortunately in Victorian times NZ was boomed with seal clubbing, to provide oil for England…now thats feral, and incredibly embarassing!
            I heard years ago, probably a myth, that whales are the energy carriers of the Akashic records of those on Earth, or the books of life, I hope not.
            Always an optimist, yesterday (its Summer here in NZ), I was lucky to be invited to a fundraiser thing for a rescue helicopter, that involved a charter ferry ride an hour offshore to one of our many islands, Waiheke Island, to an amazing ten course lunch by top chefs in a vineyard (thank goodness I wasnt paying!).
            Anyway, I made friends with a young Brazilian couple on the way over who were here working. Nice normal people, making a new life as a couple away from family and everything else, full of wonder, enthusiasm and gratitude. He was telling me that he had never seen a whale but on a ferry trip the other week there were a couple of dolphins racing and playing alongside the ferry for quite a period of time, enthralling him as they do, but something we take for gr anted. Most Summers there are speed limits on power boats due to the marine life. Low and behold, in the way back, bottles of wine consumed, just as he was going through his photos, a whale came close, or close enough to see, spouting and splashing just enough for him to be able to finally say he had seen a whale. Cute! For him it was the highlight of his day, an insanely paid ad exec with a multitude of awards, ranked the third worldwide in his field as I overheard someone saying, but to me they were just new people to hang out with on a fun day…all he wanted to was to see a whale in the wild. Cute.
            The day any species has a mute button, would be a very sad day, but I also think actions, body language, natural sign language, how people dress and present themselves, plus intent are much better expressions than words….the things you can’t fake, cheat or lie about. Sometimes a spade is just a spade! And the internet is full of people who have a need to be listened to, they are ignored in in the real world, people just dont notice others anymore, not even their neighbours or the person next to them on a ferry or bus. Each and every person is interesting, all have stories to tell, something I hope people relearn…the fine art of conversing with strangers about the shallow impersonal things first, putting personal political and spiritual views to one side. Old people had it right..have manners, converse with every person you see in your day and dont talk politics or religion. If people get to know people, no one would suffer or go without, and the human race would revert back to how we were made…..nice! I do wonder if it’s labels, like Sam determining I am a fanatic, or a man made class system where we determine whom we talk to based on their job o r income, that have generated this sad loss of friendliness, manners, nice and conversation on matters other than what we feel a expert in.
            Take care Jethro,

          4. Kirsten Avatar

            Haha. I dont mind posts being deleted by Mr Nobody.
            You can be the mysterious non existant moderator.
            Sams point was proven though…if Neale doesnt erase posts, that I know he does because Ive read him telling someone he had erased an argument late last year, then there must be a CwG ghost that erases some AFTER they have been accepted or you wouldnt receive it as an email reply.
            Neales site do he can allow what he wantd, doesnt bother me, its quite funny.

          5. Jethro Avatar

            Kirsten, you figured me out. “I am” the “non-existent” moderator…and I’m good at it! It’s as if I do nothing, can you feel it? Having posts that disappear bothers me so I copy just in case. I’m not much for typing so I hate to see it go wrong.

            Neale and I had a disagreement a few weeks ago and it was decided that deleting the posts was a good idea, I agree. What I said, I said in anger, and Neale, more than likely, still had a bleeding wound running down his torso. It’s all good, but your right, things have been deleted. I just have a hard time believing it would happen without explanation. It goes against Neale’ train of thought. I wrote some stuff just to be unkind not long ago that should have been deleted and it’s still there. One of the things I enjoy about this site is the differing ideas of spirituality. The genuine beliefs that is. There is at least one person that hasn’t been genuine, but he’s speaking more honest these days so carry on.

            I’m saddened by the news about the whales. Akashic records, I learned something new. I can see why it could be believed they would carry that knowledge. They are very majestic and mysterious animals. Seals! Dogs with fins. I love to watch seals! I would love to have a pet seal, but I cannot leash or pin any animal. I lost a pet bird because I refused to shut the door on his cage. He was a good friend before he decided to go find a like minded partner. Turns out there was a large cage of cockatiel three doors down, I’d like to think that’s where he went. Back in the 90’s when I fished a lot, My favorite place to be was at the bow point to watch the porpoise run with the boat at sunset…beautiful memory. The ocean brings peace to my mind. Clubbing anything, humans do many strange things for money. It’s just shameful and embarrassing to be human sometimes.

            We are all humans wishing to experience the wonder of life as life has never been experienced, I have seen many things and I have been blessed. At the same time I have missed many things and yet do not feel cursed. I’ve seen more than most ever will. I have felt the fear of climbing a cliff without ropes and the relief of making it. I have stared into a valley from 12000 ft. and stared at 12000 ft from the valley, both equally astonishing. I have scooted along the the salty waters as it was smooth as glass and I have bobbled in the ocean with 50 ft. swells. I have watched my children grow into adults and have children of there own. I have listened to them become wise. I have felt the ignorance of my own thoughts even today because I am human. We will never ever know it all. I am not surprised by the story of your new friend, education and success do not create wisdom. only his experience in life can bring that. Seeing animals in the wild will stay with him for a while and change him in ways he may not realize.

            Wow! Chefs AND a vineyard, I wouldn’t qualify financially for that one, but it sounds wonderful. I’m learning to prepare different foods these days and make homemade beer and wine. My diet doesn’t fit yours in the least. I hope Mewabe has provided info that has helped in your journey. Sounds like something I will not try for myself.

            “””Each and every person is interesting, all have stories to tell, something I hope people relearn…the fine art of conversing with strangers about the shallow impersonal things first, putting personal political and spiritual views to one side.”””
            Yes! I totally agree. We should share experiences of life not opinions and beliefs. It has become a bad habit to talk about the world and the weather instead of ones self. I have yet to care about a persons world views as I set here thinking about it. I do remember peoples stories about themselves. I was taught years ago, when I became a service plumber, to not ever discuss sports, religion, or politics. Those were subjects that could lose a customer regardless of how well you did your job. Some customers share their beliefs and I have yet to disagree. It’s just not that important in the bigger picture. I have worked in the homes of thousands of people who were of different religions and race, the mentally ill and the sane, millionaires and those who are barely hanging on to their homes, of all those different people, there are only two categories, Kind and Unkind. That’s the bottom line. Labeling others generally starts in school as children begin to notice the differences between each other and they never outgrow the need to judge. It doesn’t help that their parents and mentors are also creating these judgments. Even at age fifty I find myself occasionally doing it. It’s a habit we must consciously change when raised by those who judge. I was raised in a Pentecostal church, on top of that I’ve been raised in America, plenty of judgement going on around there. Every person, even Sam in his journey, may find the wisdom and know judgement is a waste of time. So, continue to have manners, converse with every person you see in your day and you will know you got it right.

            Jethro (nice Hebrew name)…. Jethro is my nickname on our Geocaching page. My legal Name is Charles but I go by Roy. I’ll answer to most any name as long as it appears someone is addressing me. I find that its not the name that’s important either, (unless your at the bank) most everyone will answer to “HEY” others only answer to HEY, HEY, HEY.

          6. Kirsten Avatar

            Hey Jethro Charles Roy,
            Nice reply.
            You committed the ultimate sin in my world….mentioned the number 50.
            Aaaagggghhhhh. Its looming like the boogey man..I stopped having birthdays at 38. Actually, Ive just looked at the work diary..it’s my birthday today. Haha, I literally dont do them and people respect my wishes, but it will explain why my mother popped in to work yesterday to bring me a coffee.
            Youve done a lot for 50, while raising kids, good on you for managing to have a ‘life’. Im still waiting for mine to grow into being adults, although my eldest is 24!
            Dont worry, my budget doesnt extend to top chefs in a vineyard either, although in NZ we do go to cool concerts in vineyards in Summer. But Im one of those blessed people that seems to get invites to really cool things, opening nights and things. I think God knows I have champagne taste on a beer budget…Heineken!!
            Mewabe keeps me well stocked in moldy fried bread, sends it on a regular basis! I met him in here when I had visions of a Native American guide, once actually sitting on my bed almost giving me a heart attack or breakdown, with a message to find the person he was a guide for in here and ask him to please contact his guide as he had to get back on track on a Tree of Life path, similar to mine, while a spiritual portal was open for it. Took a while until I read someone finally mention Native Americans. For some reason Israelites (generally Jewish) and Native Americans do the same Tree journey, I think we are two related races, and very similar in the core old fashioned principles of life. And oddly are very judgemental, but about peoples choices like obesity. I pretty much ignore everything Mewabe says, and vice versa, but because the core is the same, as you said. There are two types of people, the kind and unkind.
            So glad you are the moderator. I assume you are then aware that Neale speaks up when he needs to retain a ‘client’, an ex catholic needs complete conversion to CwG or when females have a pretty profile picture.
            The team in here, like Erin, that used to swoop on people to completely convert them have now gone, perhaps thats in your new job description.
            And perhaps when Neale does a new book like in Dec 2012, you could perhaps help him with marketing….that well publicised campaign, recruiting as many as possible to ‘change the world’, turned out to be that you printed off flyers about the new book to give people and put on windscreens.
            Genius!!! I hope you can manage better than that! Or at least insist on recycled paper…the logic in saving the world by cutting down trees is rather odd.
            Neale needs you, congratulations on your new role.
            Take care,

          7. Jethro Avatar

            So it happened again. Very mysterious!! The disappearing posts…Your a magician aren’t you? Well I refuse to be stopped!! Vanishing binary codes, much more impressive than ink. Most of my replies are nice until they’re not, but thank you. The ultimate sin at fifty? what could 60 possibly be? I would think unspeakable but I spoke it (worse! I wrote it) ruining that theory. My birthday is still three days away and then one more year until I’m actually 50. I quit getting older at 25 then when I turned 40 it started catching up with me. Now I’m 60 something!! Well I have the birth certificate, if I ever get concerned about it I’ll give it a look. My oldest is 30 and I have had a blessed life. My father was always headed somewhere, I carried on the tradition. So many places to see, So little time. Speaking of time, the kids never actually grow up, they just get wiser like the rest of us. It could be centuries before humans start actually growing up. I never really liked champagne, so there goes the taste thing! Who doesn’t like a good time though. I’ve had many and plan many more. I like Heineken but it’s an import here so 12 dollars for that or 7 for miller. I change it up quite often though since the whole alcohol abuse thing I had going on a few years ago. Now I’m a connoisseur, I can’t spell it, but I are one. I have enjoyed the conversations between Mewabe and you. very entertaining at times. Tree of life path…I’ll check that out. Grandma was born and raised on the reservation but she didn’t say much…at all. With 8 surviving children, we could say she was a woman of action. There are many things I don’t know about my Native American heritage. Now don’t go making me a moderator, I can handle NON-EXISTENT Moderator but that’s about it, besides, Neales name has MOD next to it and I don’t want rumors to get started because someone would have to re-post all of MY posts too! I have no interest in spreading the word Kirsten and the deals I close result in better looking homes. I was not aware of the other things you mentioned, If people will fall for fancy words and great showmanship then there is an obvious lesson that will inevitably be learned. I’m not so trusting. I haven’t passed out flyers since my father opened his business in ’78, I didn’t like it then and I’m still not very accepting of the practice. I’m one of those who believe wood is even abused in construction. Neale will be fine without me, but i appreciate the vote of confidence!

            Hey Jethro Charles Roy,
            Nice reply.
            You committed the ultimate sin in my world….mention the number 50.
            Aaaagggghhhhh. Its looming like the boogey man..I stopped having birthdays at 38. Actually, I’ve just looked at the work diary..it’s my birthday today. Haha, I literally don’t do them and people respect my wishes, but it will explain why my mother popped in to work yesterday to bring me a coffee.
            You’ve done a lot for 50, while raising kids, good on you for managing to have a ‘life’. I’m still waiting for mine to grow into being adults, although my eldest is 24!
            Don’t worry, my budget doesn’t extend to top chefs in a vineyard either, although in NZ we do go to cool concerts in vineyards in Summer. But In one of those blessed people that seems to get invites to really cool things, opening nights and things. I think God knows I have champagne taste on a beer budget…Heineken!!
            Mewabe keeps me well stocked in moldy fried bread, sends it on a regular basis! I met him in here when I had visions of a Native American guide, once actually sitting on my bed almost giving me a heart attack or breakdown, with a message to find the person he was a guide for in here and ask him to please contact his guide as he had to get back on track on a Tree of Life path, similar to mine, while a spiritual portal was open for it. Took a while until I read someone finally mention Native Americans. For some reason Israelite’s (generally Jewish) and Native Americans do the same Tree journey, I think we are two related races, and very similar in the core old fashioned principles of life. And oddly are very judgmental, but about peoples choices like obesity. I pretty much ignore everything Mewabe says, and vice versa, but because the core is the same, a s you said. There are two types of people, the kind and unkind.
            So glad you are the moderator. I assume you are then aware that Neale speaks up when he needs to retain a ‘client’, an ex catholic needs complete conversion to CwG or when females have a pretty profile picture.
            The team in here, like Erin, that used to swoop on people to completely convert them have now gone, perhaps that’s in your new job description.
            And perhaps when Neale does a new book like in Dec 2012, you could perhaps help him with marketing….that well publicized campaign, recruiting as many as possible to ‘change the world’, turned out to be that you printed off flyers about the new book to give people and put on windscreens.
            Genius!!! I hope you can manage better than that! Or at least insist on recycled paper…the logic in saving the world by cutting down trees is rather odd.
            Neale needs you, congratulations on your new role.
            Take care,

          8. Kirsten Avatar

            Het Hey Hey,
            Told you I get screened and censored, I told Sam I probably would!!
            I cant believe anyone read my and Mewabes verbal diahorrea, anything other than the subject on hand other than one vague comment related thrown in somewhere. Its his fried bread, makes you crazy! But as a piscies, you know that anyway. A million thoughts and a million things going on, nothing done properly but if intelligent enough you can link those random things in some semblance of non order that only you will ever understand! The complexities of fish….if only people knew what those tiny brains think!
            Fancy words, especially made up ones are a form of brainwashing, nothing more. Heck, words with more than eight letters confuse most people especially when you add a re as a prefix or put gaps in compound words.
            But you’d know that as the non existant moderator.
            Most beers here are $2 bottle in the supermarket or $7 in bars (add on 30% to USD) whether imported or not, but we are a no tipping country so the price is the price. We’re a beer and wine snob country, as producers and exporters. Lots of really good wines for under USD $15 most the time, and cider drinkers but Heineken is generally the beer of choice for over 40s, or Corona.
            Take care, time to head home to deal with a flooded house. Gggrrr. Damn climate change giving us heavy downpours for hour after hour now, our drainage systems just cant take it. My house just has open half circle things with grates as the only way to stop it all, all we needed until 5 years ago. I hate rain at the best of times, let alone in bedrooms. Check out our floods last night online, Clevedon Auckland is about a half hour away from us. Give me a drought any day! Im not a farmer, they can keep their rain dances for rain to themselves.

          9. Jethro Avatar

            Het Hey Hey, Now there’s a different greeting. If you say it a couple of times out loud it sounds Native American. Yet without the typo I’ll answer to just one hey. I’m not stubborn. Ok, I’m very stubborn but not with the name thing.

            I read and hear verbal diarrhea all the time, It kinda goes with being human. Mewabe and you have a spiritual side I find interesting. That is I enjoy your view of life. I don’t understand a lot of things and I’ll never learn believing I know everything I need to know. Now to address that! what is a computer link to best learn about this tree of life path journey thing? All I found was confusion and a little astrology. I got a hung up on astrology for a while and still believe there is a lot of truths if we don’t treat it like a religion. I’m Pisces and my wife is Aquarius yet when all the signs of our birth are combined, we are a perfect match. Well almost, we have to take turns being in charge, so I take that into account. I don’t mind at all. She’s the most wonderful person I’ve ever met, which was in 1982. Still the most beautiful on earth! I know, I know, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but every other has to come in second place through my eyes…and does.

            Words with more than eight letters are confusing by nature, I mean sorting out all of the syllables is work, just to think about them, let alone actually speak them. Look at supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, It took me days just to learn how to say it, and there are more letters than the alphabet! Then you have to learn a song just to get the definition. Life is unfair!!! So I looked up the longest word in the English language and Wallah!! Latin. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. I’m pretty sure I’ve spit one of these out of the car window. except there was nothing microscopic about it. Life goes on…

            A non-existent moderator has non-existent duties which means I’m highly qualified with all my non-existent knowledge. It’s the only job I’ve had that ignorance is beneficial. It only makes sense though that the paycheck is non-existent. This is beneficial to my non-existent retirement. I don’t generally agree with dirty minds but I’m totally against brainwashing! So no washing happening here, my head is way too thick, (so my parents say…and a few others…most everyone…) to get into and wash anything anyway.

            I don’t pay attention to the cost of beers anymore, I want to try them all. Warm, cold, dark, light. I’m not a fan of corona. My wife is. I’m a dos Equis fan though.

            Climate change sucks and I’m quietly angry with humanity about it, as I start my car and go to work! If Vickie and I were there we could handle a few restorations sounds like. Time to adapt for a new weather system. Everything can be overcome. Just gotta figure out how…

            I’m gonna wish you the best in your project and hope it’s an easy project for you! So sorry to hear about this struggle.

            You take care and best wishes!!!

          10. Kirsten Avatar

            Typos are the spice of life!
            Dont look too much into The Tree of Life, its dangerous and practically impossible to avoid a stint in Hell. Alice in Wonderland, The Labyrinth etc are all about it as a journey. Hell is despair, confusion, going nuts trying to work things out or understand, spiritual poverty at some point that manifests as financial poverty and you are asdigned an overseer from above to guide you, who will put you on isolation to study for hours and hours…a ghree year sacrifice. This type of Hell is to force you to continue, keep your head above water and the only way out is by getting it right. Its tough, I was there for years, thats why most religions, including Y’shua/Jesus have their students with them in a safe place , and Monks etc did it in a Monestry (typo!). Many Jewish Rabbis killed themselves or died trying, so they knly take on single people in their 40s. Hell as a punishment is different, based on suffering for your beliefs, Karma for suffering you cause etc which is why I think CwG and most things are dangerous. Anything beyond the truth is deception, and the consequences for being deceptive is Hell…perhaps for eternity (Revelation).

            BUT in saying that, everyone is on the Tree of Life, and its in all religions and old teachings, including Native Americans, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism The easiest to read online hadnt prjnted whom it was….google A Journey Through The Tree Of Life. Basically The Source makes all souls, new and pure, and they travel down to newborn babies like on an elevator, picking up astrology on the way through space, then we as a person/soul travel back up in a zigzag like a lot of staircases. Every step is something so there are thousands of stages, few get to the top, but if you dont, then have to be reincarnated to try again. I had to stick it out as I hate reincarnation.
            First adult stage is in paid or volunteer employment to prove ethics, ghen the mass mind of humanity where most stay, then truth seeking where people lkke Neale block people, then you defjne what you want from life, do a sting in beauty and perfection. Obese people and those without pride and ugly dressing and taste blocks you here, then you move on to fighting evil and stopping suffering, then pass through beauty and perfection again as an energy and craving, then onto ghe law of attraction where what you want from life is provided, especially study. Most people stay in this position, but some can then cross the void if telepathic, intuitive and have good instincts, and study natural laws etc, then female principles, law again combined with upgrades as The Source or God are around you. The standard they need to sustain you are high, think Hollywood make up and clothes for females. Then you move on to God and Christs to do a Masters in Law, and they choose a path for you after that. Its all screwed up now though, as its past its best by date, like everything around Earth. The tree is in three columns. God has now split away, taking all staff with Him, He left Earth in general in 1977 which is why the world turned to crap. Its a good thing though, because thats for judgement day. In Revelation in scripture, the Pearly Gates are the Binah position on the tree, the properties of the walls are the position under The Source, then those approved in the books of life, can go through to God, and will have a Heaven on Earth life under Him, instead of The Source (where Im just starting but under major spiritual and life attacks but Im well used to it now, just another phases of losers wasting their time. When through the gates you do other things, much more fun, since Gods properties now are love and joy, all in Revelation if you use a dream interpretation book, then its THE END, one final tree of life that Im doing now, fun tasks, then you are immortal, without reincarnation, evil or crap ever again.
            As I said, its all automated anyway, all those odd cravings people have to suddenly collect things or try a new thing are all a part of it, you need credits to progress, life skills credits in the University of Life, and its really just like a board or computer game, where we are the players, unknowingly).

            Astrology is fun although I have to ignore anything involving other Gods, but go to a library. They should have the biggest book in the world, Personology by Gary Goldschneider. Do it the old school way, its astoundingly accurate, scary accurate.

            Beauty isnt in the eye of the beholder, its a ‘program’ we all have, ask kids and honest people. Our souls are all pre programmed. Mean judgemental moment….an ugly fat person would have started that rumour. Along with people saying they are big boned, its whats on the inside that counts etc. Everyone will look exactly like they are. Nice inside…nice outside. Im not PC, if people choose stupid reincarnation paths to have deformities and things, thats their choice. Stupid choice as The Source, and all Gods are beauty driven so theyll never get anywhere, but still their choice. And Im sooooooo glad you still feel like that about your wife. I did a psyche paper on people changing and wondering why spouses leave them, especially females. Hppe you didnt marry at 13!!!

            You sound so much lkke my dad its insane, he could have typed your paragraphs about words and your non existant job. Hes aquarius, a genius but sells oil to gas stations as his boss races v8 supercars, so dad gets to drive the transporter and play pit crew (hes 70), and hilarious. Classic dad….’dont bother thinking I know when your birthday is, cos I actually dont give a shirt (delib typo for censors). A 60s teddy boy, who never grew up or changed!

            Youre so lucky about spitting up the pneu……sis. Thats nasty. I puked one up. It grew legs, gave me the finger, then headed off to find a new host. I hear its mutated now…with ginvivitis. You get ginger kids as well.

            House can stay flooded, well the two rooms anyway. It would do my head in, and thats hell, not going there. Storage room and a sons room. Hes a builder, off at the pub now so I assume cant be bothered either. I live upstairs so can pretend I dont know!!

            Ill book you and Vickie in for renovations. Well, more she and I will be girls for a few days, and you can dig up my lawn thats on two slopes, remove a fence and remove huge old trees, dig up a 20m concrete path right against the house to get to the small drain under it, and replace with a bigger one. Then put it all back together. Quote estimate…$15000nzd. No thanks, Id rather flood and replace the carpet although the smell is already wafting up (NZ houses dont have basements, we’re solid rock and clay, thats a lot of why we flood, ground doesnt absorb water, it floats).

            Take care, and apologies for typos. Im on a tablet so end up with a thousand typos? You can correct them, non existant moderators job! Bill Neale.

          11. Jethro Avatar

            Another re-post for Kirsten

            Typos are the spice of life!
            Dont look too much into The Tree of Life, its dangerous and practically impossible to avoid a stint in Hell. Alice in Wonderland, The Labyrinth etc are all about it as a journey. Hell is despair, confusion, going nuts trying to work things out or understand, spiritual poverty at some point that manifests as financial poverty and you are asdigned an overseer from above to guide you, who will put you on isolation to study for hours and hours…a ghree year sacrifice. This type of Hell is to force you to continue, keep your head above water and the only way out is by getting it right. Its tough, I was there for years, thats why most religions, including Y’shua/Jesus have their students with them in a safe place , and Monks etc did it in a Monestr y (typo!). Many Jewish Rabbis killed themselves or died trying, so they knly take on single people in their 40s. Hell as a punishment is different, based on suffering for your beliefs, Karma for suffering you cause etc which is why I think CwG and most things are dangerous. Anything beyond the truth is deception, and the consequences for being deceptive is Hell…perhaps for eternity (Revelation).
            BUT in saying that, everyone is on the Tree of Life, and its in all religions and old teachings, including Native Americans, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism The easiest to read online hadnt prjnted whom it was….google A Journey Through The Tree Of Life. Basically The Source makes all souls, new and pure, and they travel down to newborn babies like on an elevator, picking up astrolo gy on the way through space, then we as a person/soul travel back up in a zigzag like a lot of staircases. Every step is something so there are thousands of stages, few get to the top, but if you dont, then have to be reincarnated to try again. I had to stick it out as I hate reincarnation.
            First adult stage is in paid or volunteer employment to prove ethics, ghen the mass mind of humanity where most stay, then truth seeking where people lkke Neale block people, then you defjne what you want from life, do a sting in beauty and perfection. Obese people and those without pride and ugly dressing and taste blocks you here, then you move on to fighting evil and stopping suffering, then pass through beauty and perfection again as an energy and craving, then onto ghe law of attraction where what you want from life is provided, especially study. Most people stay in this position, but some can then cross the void if telepathic, intuitive and have good instincts, and study natural laws e tc, then female principles, law again combined with upgrades as The Source or God are around you. The standard they need to sustain you are high, think Hollywood make up and clothes for females. Then you move on to God and Christs to do a Masters in Law, and they choose a path for you after that. Its all screwed up now though, as its past its best by date, like everything around Earth. The tree is in three columns. God has now split away, taking all staff with Him, He left Earth in general in 1977 which is why the world turned to crap. Its a good thing though, because thats for judgement day. In Revelation in scripture, the Pearly Gates are the Binah position on the tree, the properties of the walls are the position under The Source, then those approved in the books of life, can go through to God, and will have a Heaven on Earth life under Him, instead of The Source (where Im just starting but under major spiritual and life attacks but Im well used to it now, just another phases of losers wasting their time. When through the gates you do other things, much more fun, since Gods properties now are love and joy, all in Revelation if you use a dream interpretation book, then its THE END, one final tree of life that Im doing now, fun tasks, then you are immortal, without reincarnation, evil or crap ever again.
            As I said, its all automated anyway, all those odd cravings people have to suddenly collect things or try a new thing are all a part of it, you need credits to progress, life skills credits in the University of Life, and its really just like a board or computer game, where we are the players, unknowingly).
            Astrology is fun although I have to ignore anything involving other Gods, but go to a library. They should have the biggest book in the worl d, Personology by Gary Goldschneider. Do it the old school way, its astoundingly accurate, scary accurate.
            Beauty isnt in the eye of the beholder, its a ‘program’ we all have, ask kids and honest people. Our souls are all pre programmed. Mean judgemental moment….an ugly fat person would have started that rumour. Along with people saying they are big boned, its whats on the inside that counts etc. Everyone will look exactly like they are. Nice inside…nice outside. Im not PC, if people choose stupid reincarnation paths to have deformities and things, thats their choice. Stupid choice as The Source, and all Gods are beauty driven so theyll never get anywhere, but still their choice. And Im sooooooo glad you still feel like that about your wife. I did a psyche paper on peo ple changing and wondering why spouses leave them, especially females. Hppe you didnt marry at 13!!!
            You sound so much lkke my dad its insane, he could have typed your paragraphs about words and your non existant job. Hes aquarius, a genius but sells oil to gas stations as his boss races v8 supercars, so dad gets to drive the transporter and play pit crew (hes 70), and hilarious. Classic dad….’dont bother thinking I know when your birthday is, cos I actually dont give a shirt (delib typo for censors). A 60’s teddy boy, who never grew up or changed!
            You’re so lucky about spitting up the pneu……sis. That’s nasty. I puked one up. It grew legs, gave me the finger, then headed off to find a new host. I hear its mutated now…with ginvivitis. You get ginger kids as well.
            House can stay flooded, well the two rooms anyway. It would do my head in, and that’s hell, not going there. Storage room and a sons room. Hes a builder, off at the pub now so I assume cant be bothered either. I live upstairs so can pretend I don’t know!!
            Ill book you and Vickie in for renovations. Well, more she and I will be girls for a few days, and you ca n dig up my lawn that’s on two slopes, remove a fence and remove huge old trees, dig up a 20m concrete path right against the house to get to the small drain under it, and replace with a bigger one. Then put it all back together. Quote estimate…$15000nzd. No thanks, Id rather flood and replace the carpet although the smell is already wafting up (NZ houses don’t have basements, we’re solid rock and clay, that’s a lot of why we flood, ground doesn’t absorb water, it floats).
            Take care, and apologies for typos. I’m on a tablet so end up with a thousand typos? You can correct them, non existent moderators job! Bill Neale.

          12. Jethro Avatar

            So I have re-posted yet another Kirsten’s in limbo post. It’s starting to look like I’m talking to myself, which is fine, I do that quite a bit too. The arguments are rough though, I generally lose. They stick when I post them. Maybe your finger is crooked when you hit post?
            Your post is below “another re-post for Kirsten”

            I will not act on the ceremonial portion, just wish to know more. I’ve already did my stint in hell (2006 – 2011) and that was enough for me. Alice in Wonderland, The Labyrinth, very good descriptions, despair, confusion, going nuts trying to work things out or understand, spiritual poverty at some point that manifests as financial poverty. Yes. When it ended, I isolated myself in a sense and studied a multitude of different thoughts. It took a while to know what was real and imagination. By the time I emerged, and I’m not sure I have totally, I have the love of my life and a successful business. I am living the way I always felt I should and things keep falling in my lap that I need to continue. I have yet to visit openly with an overseer and I haven’t been able to remember any dreams for 4 – 5 years. I wonder sometimes if I had maybe succeeded at suicide and I’m somewhere in between. My level of knowledge or ability to understand things has increased a great deal. I have even wondered if maybe I made a deal with the devil that I don’t remember. “everyone is on the Tree of Life, and its in all religions and old teachings, including Native Americans”. That fits. and it’s probably a matter of recognizing it. “The Source or God are around you” Again Yes, I know that I am apart of this, Its not just around me. I have even regained a bit of my intuition.

            God has now split away, taking all staff with Him, He left Earth in general in 1977. I have heard this or read it but don’t remember where. Why do you mention it?

            Mean judgmental moment….an ugly fat person would have started that rumor. I too am very judgmental of the morbidly obese. You can imagine my disappointment when I gained 40 pounds for no apparent reason and had to replace my wardrobe. No sign of any further change for a year and a half now. “Beauty isn’t in the eye of the beholder”. Beauty is an opinion, whether internal or external. We decide for ourselves one way or the other what beauty consists of, so I must maintain that it’s at the very least in the Idea of the thinker.

            My honesty cannot let you believe that I have been with Vickie since 1982. I fell in love with her when I first seen her in 1982. We were friends in school and neither one brave enough to say anything. She and I were married to other people for twenty years each. Her husband cheated and I drank my ex wife out of the house. My ex and I feel we found our perfects. I’m with a California girl where I was born and raised and she is with a Missouri boy where she was born and raised. We knew we had some differences and was together mostly due to a need to get away from our parents. I am blessed to have Vickie after 25 years of absence. Her ex was a dick, and she feels I’m more attentive than any other. Yes I’m bragging! I have thought about her often since I last seen her in 85. Now here is the uncanny part, We both started looking for each other again the same night and found each other within two hours after I had quit for the evening in 2010. I was actually trying to help patch her bad marriage when he admitted he was cheating on her. I did not hide my excitement!! Vickie and I have been together since. If you would like to ask why for anything feel free. I’m open.

            Ginger kids run in my family every other generation, I blame it on the Irish blood.

            ….Got a tornado warning and there calling for shelter. gotta go. I’ll get back soon.

          13. Kirsten Avatar

            Will read properly and reply tomorrow. Two hours of bailing water, neighbour rang the fire brigade who watched for a half hour, refusing to pump, get on the roof and unblock a downpipe or do anything except watch females lug buckets of muddy water up the driveway.
            Ill enjoy my flood, you enjoy your tornado, and Im back to work for a couple of hours in torrential rain….for some reason when people order cakes they actually expect them to be done, a huge 3d crocodile is my date for the night, when I make him. Selfish wierdos, its 8pm, NOT worktime!!
            Happy Birthday for tomorrow I think.

          14. Jethro Avatar

            Tornado passed a couple miles north. I have the keys to a vacant house with a basement that is a couple houses away so we weren’t too worried about our lives and I let my son know where we would be just in case i didn’t contact him.

            Fire brigade wouldn’t help? Sounds like politics are hurting everyone everywhere. Such a shame. hope the cake turns out. My customers don’t believe we need a day off either, but off I go when people are without water or toilets. Without water… sounds like a dream doesn’t it?

          15. Kirsten Avatar

            We’re flooded , stench is horrific, muddy water, contained into three rooms thank goodness. At least insurance co have a brain. Just said take photos and rip up carpet and anything contaminated cos are so busy they cant send assessors out til Tue. New record for rain in an hour. I think we had 6 hours of torrential rain, 50mm falling an hour. Contents may be a whole different ballgame though as Im not accepting having to keep beds etc, goodness knows what bacteria will be absorbed although theyre all on legs. One sons room, plus another he and his girlfriend use for all their clothes, plus storage room. Thank goodness we contained it to just end, and have two stories anyway so have enough space without having to move out. Rumpus room and conservatory are a bomb site, full of everything we could move. Garage is a swimming pool, I dare not even look, hope my boys used their brains and took all tools, air compressor, fridge and everything off the ground. Probably not!! Both builders, and do up cars, but both useless with no logic. Im hiding at work til 3.
            Big city, whole city hit and weve been told to converve water, its a matter of days before its contaminated, slips and landslides are everywhere so we’re now on underground back up water supplies I think. NZ is really hilly, walking or driving in most places is constantly up and down, I live 1/3 way down a big hill so property is on two angles. Grrrr!

          16. Jethro Avatar

            I’m very sorry to hear of your trouble. Glad to hear your insured. We tend to complain about insurance until we need it and then we are a bit thankful. I hope only good things come of this disaster.

            I have lost track of the conversation I’m afraid. Since I have had to re-post your posts, nothing is in order and I have a phone ringing off the hook…phones don’t have hooks anymore!… So it’s ringing a lot. Anyway, been busy but in a good way. No personal home devastation and I’m thankful.

          17. Kirsten Avatar

            Hi ya,
            Im an optimistic pessimist, assume for the worst then 99% of the time things will be better than you could have hoped for.
            Agree about insurance…between work, cars, medical and contents I pay $ usd $550 a month. Only claims EVER were a few gp visits ($30), even then none of us have been to a doctor in probably 4 years. Having the ‘funny gene’ which as you know, means all your senses process things differently, often very literal, and its not what you say, but how you say it (your brain/soul seek anything vaguely funny as your brain produces a different chemical, a longevivity and youthful one, but can also be destructive…the chemical behind ‘laughter is the best medicine’)..but back to the point. In my car insurance yesterday I found that if we are in a car accident and lose one leg, one arm or hand AND one eye, then I get 10k. Wow! How on Earth does that accident happen? Perhaps the small print will indicate that ‘lose or loss’ is defined as the loss of use, so Ill stick with the odder version! I do like the 10k bonus for driving skills though, has to be a bonus since all hospital medical care, treatment and rehab in NZ is free.
            Floods are insanely boring, messy and hell. Im not capable of a hell headspace, or even crying or frustration anymore. Still raining but we have a pump, carpets already gone and rooms are clear. Im actually more concerned about ten thousand loads of washing, think Ill spend my day off tomorrow at the laundromat. Cats are fascinated tho. They arent normally allowed in those rooms, so now the windows are open they think its Narnia as cats do with any new adventures. Theyre all in and out constantly, just new windows to jump through, no other reason. Cats are so retarded. All day yesterday the 4 of them watched everyone working, intrigued, all on the driveway and retaining wall snooping!!! A family outing for the day.
            Anyway, must go, slept in, we all did, and a million things to do. Did want to reply about re meeting Vickie and other stuff, but brain needs coffee! That story has The Source all over it…he LOVES first loves, crushes, unrequited love, calestine situations, forbidden love and anything other than boring. We really do exist as their entertainment and toys, The Source and all Gods are so highly intelligent they NEED us to keep them mentally stimulated and entertained. The Sources favourite sensation is that precise moment when couples in that situation would finally snogm so he drags the stages before that out forever, his fun is in the pre relationship and early stages, the actual relationships are boring to him. Just as he would love the shopping for a new outfit all day, rather than the event most the time.The Source is the one behind it being about the journey, not destination. Thats exclusively his trait, so those he oversees will tend to have everything dragged out and slow, with lots of anticipation planning. All dieties do things different, its easy to spot whom is overseen by whom. Listen to the song One Day by a kiwi band Op Shop, great song, but so confusing it does my head in, thats like The Source.
            One of the best songs ever.
            I mentioned God left Earth in general in 1977, fully gone other than for a few Israelites by 1980 because thats what makes the Tree of Life and Kabbalah virtually impossible now. Its the game of snakes and ladders…Jakobs ladder to God, no guesses who the snake is! Without God holding the ladder up, its really hard. So guess who now has free rein in his short rule to tempt people and play games. Like Neales books! Dont fall for it.
            I have a better game for you and Vickie to play. Get a good dream interpretation book, Pamela Ball is the best in my view. Everything in our lives is deliberate and its all in there. We are programmed to view everything that exists on a scale from love to hate, this is how we function. Look up thjbgs you love, have or really want, and the definitions will give you a psyche pfofile or where you are heading. You can ‘read’ everything. Basically good people get the good stuff like glasses, candles, feather pillows, nice clothes, etc and crappy people get all the ugly and crappy stuff!! Walmarts market!!
            Its actually heaps of fun, and kind of cool to know what those above think a out you. If you collect anythjng, thats viewed as abundance of that trait.
            The joke is that wealthy people have to pay people to dress them and do interior design as their own taste is generally crappy.
            Take care,

          18. Jethro Avatar

            So…your message, “Im being censored…all posts needing approval by Neale before they go up. A disqus message. The truth is banned.” Makes it to the blog but your other one doesn’t! Repost time.

            Hi ya,
            Im an optimistic pessimist, assume for the worst then 99% of the time things will be better than you could have hoped for.
            Agree about insurance…between work, cars, medical and contents I pay $ usd $550 a month. Only claims EVER were a few gp visits ($30), even then none of us have been to a doctor in probably 4 years. Having the ‘funny gene’ which as you know, means all your senses process things differently, often very literal, and its not what you say, but how you say it (your brain/soul seek anything vaguely funny as your brain produces a different chemical, a longevivity and youthful one, but can also be destructive…the chemical behind ‘laughter is the best medicine’)..but back to the point. In my car insurance yesterday I found that if we are in a car accident and lose one leg, one arm or hand AND one eye, then I get 10k. Wow! How on Earth does that accident happen? Perhaps the small print will indicate that ‘lose or loss’ is defined as the loss of use, so Ill stick with the odder version! I do like the 10k bonus for driving skills though, has to be a bonus since all hospital medical care, treatment and rehab in NZ is free.
            Floods are insanely boring, messy and hell. Im not capable of a hell headspace, or even crying or frustration anymore. Still raining but we have a pump, carpets already gone and rooms are clear. Im actually more concerned about ten thousand loads of washing, think Ill spend my day off tomorrow at the laundromat. Cats are fascinated tho. They arent normally allowed in those rooms, so now the windows are open they think its Narnia as cats do with any new adventures. Theyre all in and out constantly, just new windows to jump through, no other reason. Cats are so retarded. All day yesterday the 4 of them watched everyone working, intrigued, all on the driveway and retaining wall snooping!!! A family outing for the day.
            Anyway, must go, slept in, we all did, and a million things to do. Did want to reply about re meeting Vickie and other stuff, but brain needs coffee! That story has The Source all over it…he LOVES first loves, crushes, unrequited love, calestine situations, forbidden love and anything other than boring. We really do exist as their entertainment and toys, The Source and all Gods are so highly intelligent they NEED us to keep them mentally stimulated and entertained. The Sources favourite sensation is that precise moment when couples in that situation would finally snogm so he drags the stages before that out forever, his fun is in the pre relationship and early stages, the actual relationships are boring to him. Just as he would love the shopping for a new outfit all day, rather than the event most the time.The Source is the one behind it being about the journey , not destination. Thats exclusively his trait, so those he oversees will tend to have everything dragged out and slow, with lots of anticipation planning. All dieties do things different, its easy to spot whom is overseen by whom. Listen to the song One Day by a kiwi band Op Shop, great song, but so confusing it does my head in, thats like The Source.
            One of the best songs ever.
            I mentioned God left Earth in general in 1977, fully gone other than for a few Israelites by 1980 because thats what makes the Tree of Life and Kabbalah virtually impossible now. Its the game of snakes and ladders…Jakobs ladder to God, no guesses who the snake is! Without God holding the ladder up, its really hard. So guess who now has free rein in his short rule to tempt people and play games. Like Neales books! Dont fall for it.
            I have a better game for you and Vickie to play. Get a good dream interpretation book, Pamela Ball is the best in my view. Everything in our lives is deliberate and its all in there. We are programmed to view everything that exists on a scale from love to hate, this is how we function. Look up thjbgs you love, have or really want, and the definitions will give you a psyche pfofile or where you are heading. You can ‘read’ everything. Basically good people get the good stuff like glasses, candles, feather pillows, nice clothes, etc and crappy people get all the ugly and crappy stuff!! Walmarts market!!
            Its actually heaps of fun, and kind of cool to know what those above think a out you. If you collect anythjng, thats viewed as abundance of that trait.
            The joke is that wealthy people have to pay people to dress them and do interior design as their own taste is generally crappy.
            Take care,

            Hey there Kirsten, Glad to hear your moving along!! An optimistic pessimist, I’m with you in that one. You can always expect something better than expected if if your expectations are lower than expected…I giggled out load after rereading that one. I’m easily amused. I have auto insurance for a couple hundred a month and aside from a 4.5 meter fall from a dam on to a very flat rock under the water and a visit or two for anxiety medication that I decided I didn’t want anymore I don’t get sick enough for a doctor.
            Floods are boring, If my place flooded it would just be another thing on my list to handle. A fire would be devastating.
            The laundromat will save a lot of time. We have four cats, had five but one of them took off. they are entertaining.
            I’m a little confused by your comments of the source and Gods who are entertained, I was under the impression you believed in one God, the God of the Bible.
            I read the lyrics to the song but too early to play the music. sounds interesting. dream interpretation sounds entertaining if I could remember my dream longer than it takes to get out of bed.
            Falling for things is not my thing. I am in constant thought about different ideas, mostly why and how. The mind is a funny thing and I’m curious about why mine doesn’t “connect” in the way others do. I wanted to know how to feel the way my parents or grandparents did while in church and it just never happened for me. So much so that I’m almost sure it was all an act to deceive others in the congregation. The truth may never be known.
            I looked up… “thjbgs you love, have or really want, and the definitions will give you a psyche pfofile or where you are heading”… I’ll give it a better look later. I’ve played the games they present and they can be entertaining at times. We shop Walmart for a few items if we don’t expect it to last long but I try to give my money to mom and pop shops or thrift and antique shops. My stuff will need to last if they’re going to count on a chip to go under the skin to purchase things, I have no need for it. My wealthier customers have a hard time picking things out and my poorer customers ask for the cheapest products, which I rarely deliver.

            I see you posted another…on to the next. things will be fine sounds like.

          19. Kirsten Avatar

            Im being censored…all posts needing approval by Neale before they go up. A disqus message. The truth is banned.

          20. Jethro Avatar

            You must have really really created a stink. Good for you! Having a belief you can stand behind is awesome and I have no quarrels with that as long as it doesn’t call for harm towards others, which I haven’t witnessed to this point. How did you find out? on disqus? where can I see that?

          21. Kirsten Avatar

            It often happens, my real post didnt get up. When you type a post, if Neale or any site host puts you on their ‘censor and pre approve list’, when you go to post it says ‘waiting approval by the Global Conversation’. I know the drill, and expected it. I know Neales triggers after ten years. Anything but the truth is fine, things about God from scripture generally get me screened, then banned. On the current thread I put that Revelation clearly states what God wants, or forbids. Thread suddenly changed, but hey, you have your own thread now. Exactly as I expected. Shoulda placed bets on it!!! I actually dont think its Neale personally, but a ‘non existant moderator’, a female that is easily wound up, maybe a daughter if Neale has any. Im sure Neale wouldnt let a little girl like me bother him, he knows what he’s doing, and making informed choice to take on the real God and knows the consequences he will face. His choice, I only promote informed choice to be fair.
            Take care,

            And to whomever is screening these…come on, be fair to CwG groupies, they are entitled to informed choice. Early CwG states there are two sides to every story, why be threatened by the other side??? Why ask questions where the answers are clearly in scripture?. Whats the next stage….Neale starts a thread quoting me out of context? Or am I officially a troll?

          22. Jethro Avatar

            ‘waiting approval by the Global Conversation’. I’ve seen this myself and couldn’t figure out why. Some suggested it was my colorful language in the post. It made it to other email boxes but never posted. Its happened one other time I think but that’s it.

            I’m not sure what you mean here…”Thread suddenly changed, but hey, you have your own thread now. Exactly as I expected. Shoulda placed bets on it!!!” and the comment about non-existent moderators. I certainly hope you don’t believe I have anything to do with your posts disappearing.

          23. Kirsten Avatar

            Absolutely not, its just funny. Remember this discussion started with Sam wondering why his post disappeared, Neale saying he has never removed any. I deliberately said a couple of things that I knew would get my posts banned, just to prove a point that its not always a computer glitch!! Cool that you started a different thread!!
            Yip I know swearing, any smut and things get blocked. There are lots of observers in here, often including military or govt watchdogs, I assume this site is on some anti terrorist list or something because of the anti govt stance, and crazies love to do things ‘in Gods name’ as well.
            I have this psychic thing that I can get information on random people by looking at their name, and can ‘feel’ who is reading as an observer, like walking into a dark room and knowing people are there and just concentrating on the room energy to feel who is here. There are often aliens in here, or HEBs, one female at the moment.
            Internet is too dangerous without scanning people, far too many stalky people, radicals and crazies.
            Take care,

          24. Jethro Avatar

            I don’t believe in aliens or HEB’s. I do believe in crazies though and yes there are plenty to go around. If you can tell something about someone in there name, that’s quite a gift. I have to read a few posts. Speaking of, I never read anything that should get a message banned, I fixed the typos “FOR FREE” and re-posted.
            So what does your gift say about my name? Of course I gave you my real name so that may put a crook in the accuracy. When I chose Jethro, it said Beverly hillbillies, but that’s all I got. There was a time though that I wouldn’t answer a text message because I didn’t believe it was who I entered the number for. very scary days. I’m feeling much better now!

          25. Kirsten Avatar

            Hi ya,
            Lots of aliens etc are reincarnated in human bodies, look at peoples eyes closely, especially people with really wide dark rims. Most foreign species have different fluid requirements than humans, so their eyes lighten from dehydration and anaemia and the rims widen, often with yellowish markings on irises, humans get reddish marking on irises, indicating medical issues (iridology). Aliens also stare or hold eye contact far too long then look away really quickly, and cant talk while they think and are often psychic vampires, will literally sap your energy leaving you drained that only fresh cool water or breathing high oxygen breezy air will replenish. They lurk in places like shopping centres to do this, near queues as they arent self sustaining, lots are transvestites, and most try to avoid work if they can. They do it to me all the time as my energy is very light, but I get so furious when it happens to a friend. Shes epileptic and can be sapped or feel sick for days, a transvestite did it to her at McCafe last year, sapped her before me and took everything she had in her after lurking around us deliberately. I hate them. Just ask in here if there are any…youll be surprised, theyre pretty open. Theres a male one in here with very square teeth, who sits with a laptop on a glass table ancd chain smokes inside. Youre a piscies, train yourself to ‘feel’ others like blind people have to.

            With your name when I looked I just felt a normal married person, in America, with a temper if provoked but would place you about 70 in dungarees on a verandah, so perhaps that means you live in the country, like country music, are a redneck at heart or brew moonshine. No idea, its just split second thing. Oh you make beer and wine, that will be what the ‘old timer’ visual was telling me, no idea why. Funny that the name Jethro meant Beverly Hillbillies, wasnt that Jed? But same kind of image.
            Its just something I do for safety reasons, but like everything, you get stuff wrong. With Spiritual Annie I still see like a Japanese person in a buddhist place or something, and always have. All my own interpretive perception, and I think stemmed from being an empath, especially with fiction. In books, I can tell straight away if I like the character or not, before I meet them, same with email customers. The OCD and perfectionists have a red flag, like an intuitive warning not to deal with them. Funny thing is that people can’t ‘read’ me, not even psychics. I seem to be blocked, feel free to try though. You just stare at a name and will get a feeling, random picture or thought. Doesnt matter if its a real name or not, as its still that persons identity. This is my given name, although I go by a nickname and have since birth. I wouldnt even look up if someone said Kirsten.

            Take care,

          26. Kirsten Avatar

            Post I just did got straight up. Wow!!!

          27. Jethro Avatar

            I see that 🙂

          28. Jethro Avatar

            Your post went bye bye again. been really freakin busy too. I know some people are like aliens for sure. You forgot my suspenders and straw hat! Rednecks are on front porches not verandas lol. Toooo fancy. You are a kind hearted person with strong beliefs. I sense smiles and laughter in your posts…very playful. Your hard to read because of that. But i know you have very strong unbending beliefs. Beliefs that are strong enough that you don’t mind examining others just to see how they tick. It’s either fun, or your just curious. fun either way. You hit me as the type of girl that chooses dresses over slacks if only as a preference and not in actuality. You have a strong will and if not married it’s the reason. of course if you are married, it’s the reason. your also an artist

          29. Kirsten Avatar

            Hi ya.
            Haha…good intuition, well done, very impressive, and great that you could see my block, it’s joy, a spiritual protection shield of joy energy. Yes I am always laughing especially in here and a funny person, but I never laugh aloud, or rarely, always on the inside. Kind, playful, sussing others out is fun…all correct. Strong will..very correct. Not married…no time, Im too fussy to the point of guys needing a perfect body and great hair before I will notice them plus tall, and dont want other peoples leftovers they dont want!!!
            I wear pretty dresses most days, I’m a dress magpie and probably collect them, or 60s minis with tights and boots in winter. Jeans are always rolled up skinny jeans with chucks or levis shoes..Im possibly a female hipster. (USA size 2).
            Artist…cake decorator by trade, and my own mind I can draw, design or create anythjng including moving 3d things but can’t draw on paper, although I can paint, sculpt and design clothes. And I write Trixie Belden books, scripts, plan pretend concerts by rearranging songs, and things in my head because I can see and hear things I read like a movie…my own entertainment rather than reading others books. My mind is my personal playground.
            If Ariel the little mermaid had a mother she would probably look like me.
            Dont repost this one!
            Take care Jethro,

          30. Jethro Avatar

            I’m sorry to hear you’ve been treated in that way Kirsten. Your posts don’t seem even a little insulting to me, especially compared to some that were never deleted. Thanks for the correction.

          31. Kirsten Avatar

            Hi Jethro…I dont mind at all. Im an Israelite, so I am civil unless the thread would be offensive to the God of scripture, my God, whom is a complete different God to Neales God. Neales God, or whatever it is, is from the afterlife, associated with what scripture defines as realms of the dead, reincarnated here with a path they chose. The God of scripture is the God of Israelites, and as scripture states, a God of the living. Im not reincarnated, Im first lifer so have no pre determined path other than what I and God choose for me.
            I turn a bit feral sometimes, especially when people get the two confused as Neale does, and call the scripture God a ‘she’,or when ‘aliens speak up in here…since when is it acceptable to possess the physical body of a different species?. Thats as offensive as it can get!!!
            If people choose Neales God in place as the God of scripture, thats their choice and no concern of mine, as long as they are making informed choice and dont lose the fact that the God of scripture forbids associations with any other Gods, or for their names to even flow from their lips so may face consequences if they confuse the two! Especially if they have converted to CwG from Christianity or Catholicism so already have a baptism contract with God not to acknowledge other Gods.
            When I point this out, and people like Sam (as below) define me as a fanatic, well, thats his choice to now make informed choice, Ive been nice in telling him!!
            Take care Jethro (nice Hebrew name)….

            PS, Neale says hes never removed a post, therefore there is a moderator. And so there should be, this site has attracted a lot of crazies over the past ten years!

          32. Jethro Avatar

            It helps to be in control of ones emotions regardless, which we are, given time to think about it. The trick is how much time we are willing to spend thinking. Humans being feral, there’s a tricky thought. I wonder how many years we have to go back to be feral. Maybe you just get a little medieval under the right circumstances. It’s ok either way. Being true to yourself is the key to success. I think people should express themselves honestly and kindly. You know… I have not found a mute button on this page yet, nor have I found a way to completely delete even my own messages. Replace them with smiley faces maybe. I look forward to posts from both you and Sam. It’s one of those spice of life things maybe. The news reported the beached whales 3 or 4 days after you mentioned it, Very tragic event that breaks my heart. Hope they got a few back in the water.

          33. Kirsten Avatar

            Hi Jethro,
            I dont think they were able to save any whales in the end, those they managed to save just restranded the next day. A huge pod of 400 I think. Seals are doing odd things too. It quite normal to hear of seals inland for whatever reason. Last year one came up an estuary and plodded inland a few hundred metres, staying a few days at a carwash place or they visit the airport. Since we dont have very rocky beaches, perhaps they think concrete is a big rock to sunbathe on!?
            Unfortunately in Victorian times NZ was boomed with seal clubbing, to provide oil for England…now thats feral, and incredibly embarassing!
            I heard years ago, probably a myth, that whales are the energy carriers of the Akashic records of those on Earth, or the books of life, I hope not.

            Always an optimist, yesterday (its Summer here in NZ), I was lucky to be invited to a fundraiser thing for a rescue helicopter, that involved a charter ferry ride an hour offshore to one of our many islands, Waiheke Island, to an amazing ten course lunch by top chefs in a vineyard (thank goodness I wasnt paying!).
            Anyway, I made friends with a young Brazilian couple on the way over who were here working. Nice normal people, making a new life as a couple away from family and everything else, full of wonder, enthusiasm and gratitude. He was telling me that he had never seen a whale but on a ferry trip the other week there were a couple of dolphins racing and playing alongside the ferry for quite a period of time, enthralling him as they do, but something we take for granted. Most Summers there are speed limits on power boats due to the marine life. Low and behold, in the way back, bottles of wine consumed, just as he was going through his photos, a whale came close, or close enough to see, spouting and splashing just enough for him to be able to finally say he had seen a whale. Cute! For him it was the highlight of his day, an insanely paid ad exec with a multitude of awards, ranked the third worldwide in his field as I overheard someone saying, but to me they were just new people to hang out with on a fun day…all he wanted to was to see a whale in the wild. Cute.

            The day any species has a mute button, would be a very sad day, but I also think actions, body language, natural sign language, how people dress and present themselves, plus intent are much better expressions than words….the things you can’t fake, cheat or lie about. Sometimes a spade is just a spade! And the internet is full of people who have a need to be listened to, they are ignored in in the real world, people just dont notice others anymore, not even their neighbours or the person next to them on a ferry or bus. Each and every person is interesting, all have stories to tell, something I hope people relearn…the fine art of conversing with strangers about the shallow impersonal things first, putting personal political and spiritual views to one side. Old people had it right..have manners, converse with every person you see in your day and dont talk politics or religion. If people get to know people, no one would suffer or go without, and the human race would revert back to how we were made…..nice! I do wonder if it’s labels, like Sam determining I am a fanatic, or a man made class system where we determine whom we talk to based on their job or income, that have generated this sad loss of friendliness, manners, nice and conversation on matters other than what we feel a expert in.
            Take care Jethro,

        3. Jethro Avatar

          I stand corrected. I wasn’t aware of Kirsten’ experience here.

    3. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      Dear Sam…I have been very busy for the past several days, and so have not visited here in a while. This much I can tell you. I have never removed a post from this website in my life. If something was posted and then disappeared, I have no idea why. Have you re-posted it? I have no problem with people disagreeing with me. My goodness, if that were a problem with me, I would never have written a book called Conversations with God. You don’t think that this title alone drew many disagreements? Disagree all you want. You are your own authority in these, and all, matters. Hugs…….neale.

      1. Sam Avatar

        Dear Neale
        Posting here was a try to get your attention. And the attempt to get a word with you privately. Most certainly a clumsy way to go about it, but I couldn’t find any doable alternative. The disappearing post was a shock and a puzzle, but as I learned later on, was the wrongdoing of a spam filter used by Disqus. But now I don’t actually mind, as it brought you around. A mishap, or an intervention of the divine? 🙂
        All people have their burdens to carry, and so do I. But should I ever try to put that on you, it would be a crime, as I have never seen a person carrying more heavily — like you were holding the whole world on your shoulders. No, there is something else I would like to discuss with you. And no, not the mysteries of life either. Nothing of the sort, as I know this already; the only thing in my life coming to me fairly easily; explaining those things you do yourself. And I agree with you. Only, of course, using other words, having it seen from a slightly different angle, etc. I find myself at a crossroad, in life, which only your unique experience could shed some light on. This is my email, if you find it anyway possible to have a short conversation: samnoha@mail.com
        If not, I won’t hold it against you. I didn’t have anything to lose by asking, in any case 🙂
        As I always strive for perception, I’m sorry if my English is far from it. In my defense, it’s not my first language.

  14. Marko Avatar

    Re-reading this installment from book 4, it struck me that one point being made is the change of individual focus to collective focus,– on using the God energy in a more powerful way. It could be said that we do this now by negative default & therefore see the results of our unconscious creating, which is mostly negative. We don’t realize we are doing so because we do it un-knowingly.

    So it would seem that we might start thinking about experimenting with this larger collective creating or pulling in more desired world solution results to our manifold problems that we face. Like the environment, poverty, health & military reduction.

    To me that’s part of starting to use the God Energy in a more powerful way. We simply experiment with it.

    James Twyman has done this around certain hot bed parts of the world that had a lot of unrest & during the time of collective prayer/visualization/peace meditations it was found (according to him) to be effective. At least in the short term, not necessarily in the long term. As the disruption would simply continue afterward. TM meditations around crime reduction had a certain beneficent effect, but only as long as they stayed. They have as I understand it, been criticized for charging large sums of money to do this.

    I wonder if book 4 gives any experiments or tools to do such a thing more effectively & more long term?

    1. Jethro Avatar

      Here is the best way of explaining change in humanity. “If a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in cold water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of threats that arise gradually.” This also can be used to describe a persons journey into addiction. Even when the addicted has realized that the addiction is harmful, or even if it’s realized that the addiction is killing them, they continue to harm themselves. The only time a person will consider change is when they are legally forced to change, or the people around them have made it impossible to do “anything but” get help. In some cases a person will come to the conclusion that change is needed on their own, without intervention, coming to a point known as rock bottom which looks different to each individual. Now, be aware that the world is addicted to its current lifestyle and beliefs…humanity is bouncing back and forth between Pre-contemplation and Contemplation though there’s a lot people examining preparation.
      Stage 1: Pre-contemplation
      Not a great deal of desire to change because there is not an apparent problem.
      Stage 2: Contemplation
      Uncertain if it is worth the effort to effect change. They may be open to considering change “someday.” In advance of stage three, people make a decision and have a glimpse that the costs overshadow perceived benefits. Behavioral change becomes a possibility. It is not a “one and done” decision, but rather a process over time.
      Stage 3: Preparation
      At this stage people begin to see that they are responsible for their choices and have the power to make life-changing decisions. They need to do it for themselves.
      Stage 4: Action
      In stage four, people take the actual steps to engage in positive mental, emotional and physical change
      Stage 5: Maintenance
      People in the maintenance stage have become able to sustain these patterns. I liken it to a fitness routine. On the first day of workout at a gym, you are not as strong, flexible and energetic as you will be a year later. The more you practice, the easier it gets.
      Stage 6: Termination
      At the termination stage people can gaze into the mirror and behold a new man or woman. They consider it unthinkable to return to their former lifestyle.

      Although the Stages of Change is an orderly approach it doesn’t exist in a vacuum and is not always linear. People can move back and forth through the stages and relapse is always possible. Author- Not me.
      The world is in the process of change, and always will be. The direction of change is anyone’s guess. My opinion is, it all comes down to what changes will you make in yourself. The change you make could start the change that we see in the future.

  15. Patrick Gannon Avatar
    Patrick Gannon

    “Do miracles occur? Yes.”

    Prove it. Start by defining what a miracle is: “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.” Provide compelling, objective, empirically measured evidence for a miracle. Those who make a claim have the burden of proof, and of course neither Neale, nor anyone else, has any compelling, objective evidence for any event that violates the laws of physics.

    “God is the Primal Force, the Pure Energy, the Essential Essence of the Universe.” Would this god be something else if these words weren’t capitalized?

    “Divinity is That Of Which Everything Is Comprised.” Again the caps must lead us to some greater, non-standard use or meaning for these words? In our natural world everything is comprised of particles and forces that we understand very well, but gods are outside time and space, so how is it that they have any effect on the particles within our natural world?

    We have absolutely no evidence of these forces. We know all the ways particles can be affected, whether through neurons, synapses, connectomes, electrochemicals, electric nerve impulses, etc., and this manipulation of particles in our world, would have to happen in order for us to have spiritual mental experiences, and certainly for such things as physical healing (except amputees of course -the gods apparently hate amputees). This simply does not happen, and we are as close to 100% as we can be in knowing that this does not happen (science never says it has “100% proven” something, though it often makes sense to treat such things as gravity, relativity, germ and evolution theories as facts).

    If Neale’s god is not outside our space and time, then what he’s describing is simply the word: everything. Or maybe it should be Everything, with a capital E. I suppose that would be more encompassing? Is Everything is more than everything?

    “We can know with certainty that TOWEIC (That Of Which Everything Is Comprised) is the Giver Of Divinity (to use another acronym, GOD) to every living thing.” Um, how can we know this with certainty? How do we even know there are any gods? That of which everything in our universe is comprised is particles. What is god comprised of? If your god is comprised of particles like everything else in this natural world of ours – where is he or she? We would be able to measure the affects of this god, even if it was invisible, if it was acting on the particles and forces of our world. No such actions have ever been discovered in countless experiments and observations.

    “TOWEIC is the Essential Essence that, in human language, we would also call Love. It is in the expression of this Love through which TOWEIC is the Giver Of Divinity to humanity, and that is what makes it possible for miracles to be produced.” Once again, I have to ask, “what miracles?” There are no miracles, other than as allegory. A real miracle requires that something that violates the laws of physics take place, and we have no evidence for such things.

    “Why do some miracles that we so earnestly desire occur, while some do not?” Like amputees growing back missing limbs, for example? Why does that miracle NEVER occur? What sort of miracles do occur? We pray for the mustard stain to come out of our favorite shirt and it does, so it’s a miracle? No, actually it’s a chemical reaction, based on particles, that removes the stain.

    “The process of humanity’s transmogrification is beginning now.” Transmogrify: “transform, especially in a surprising or magical manner.” Magic. It’s all magic. “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!” We all know magic is not real; it’s illusion, just like the gods.

    “Perfect Time for Advancement” What could capitalizing these letters possibly do to change the meaning of those rather basic words? This is a perfect time for advancement – advancement of logic, critical thinking, intellect, reasoning, the scientific process. It’s a perfect time for what actually works!

    I have to go through the alphabet soup one more time. What is God?

    God = Primal Force = the Pure Energy = the Essential Essence of the Universe = That Of Which Everything Is Comprised = The Great Provider = Giver Of Divinity = imaginary invisible being that lives in the sky?

    String a bunch of words together, capitalize them, and lo and behold, you’ve got yourself a god! Look how hard Neale is working to convince us to believe in something our brains know very well, they have no evidence for. He wants our brains to mislead our minds, and lie to them about what we really do and do not know. How can this be good for our cognitive health?

    1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

      Just a note.

      “Start by defining what a miracle is: ‘a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.’ Provide compelling, objective, empirically measured evidence for a miracle.”

      Ummm… In the very definition you provide, it states the evidence you ask for can’t exist because it’s something “not explicable by natural or scientific laws,” ergo by its very nature a miracle would provide no objective evidence.

      Love and Blessings Always,

      1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
        Patrick Gannon

        Very clever. Point awarded!

        Perhaps I should have said, ” Provide compelling, objective, empirically measured evidence for an event that is considered to be a miracle.”

        Neale made the claim. The burden of proof is on the one who makes the claim. This is really a problem for him, not for me. If he says miracles occur, then he’s going to have to prove that. He has to prove that something took place which cannot be explained by the laws of physics in our natural world, which could only be attributed to a divine agency.

        1. Jethro Avatar

          Does this count?

          Story of a non-believer. I showed up at a customers house the other day to install a couple items, it had been a while since I had been there and the wife stepped out to tell us she had a lot of stories to tell us. She shared a few of them, then announces her husband has been saved. My wife and I paused for a moment, I looked at her and said, “Saved?”. She says, “yes, he found God”. I encouraged her to explain. Here’s her story.

          ” John was hunting near Doniphan, (a couple hours away). While he was there, a guy from Baker implement (near where we live) sent him a text saying, “You will be saved today!”. She explained that John was a little concerned about it, he couldn’t figure out what trouble he might get into that he would need saving. He doesn’t even really know this guy, he’s just someone he buys parts from, making the message, that much more Odd. John asked him what he meant, The guy said, God told me you would be saved today. John had excused the text messages, and this happened…. John had found an advertisement in the area for a nice archery bow. The cost was $1500.00. John was trying to get a better deal from the guy and they had just about decided the deal was not going to happen, when the guy calls him and says, “where are you? God told me to give you this bow.” John asked, “how much?” the guy tells him, “no charge, it’s free. God said give it to you”….. John and the fellow met and the bow was given to John as directed. John offered the fellow as much as the original asking price and the guy would not take the money, He said, “When my God tells me to do something, I do it!”.

          1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            No, that does not count as a miracle, just a coincidence. No laws of physics were violated.

            Prices have sure gone up on bows. I bought one of the first Matthews bows many years ago, and with good sights added, and I’m sure it was less than $800. I still have that bow, but I had neck surgery back in 2010 and it shortened my draw length, so I can’t use the bow any longer.

          2. Jethro Avatar

            Mine has been setting for several years too. Been thinking about converting it to fishing…Compound off a bridge shouldn’t be too bad and I can lighten the draw a smidge. I was surprised by the cost too but I but nothing past a millionaires wallet.

            The randomness of the first text message combined with the deal is a bit uncanny though you got to admit. My first thought was it was set up, but 1500.00 is a pricey set up. Either way, John is in church now.

        2. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

          Just wanted to let you know I’m still here.?

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