A Voice in the Wilderness

I inaugurated here, a little while ago, an exploration of what I believe may be one of the most important questions of our time — if not the Most Important Question: Can we solve humanity’s problems using the same energy that create them?

As you know, Albert Einstein famously said, “No.” And I agree with him. Who am I to disagree with a genius of the ages?

Einstein understood that you can’t end someone else’s violence with violence of your own, you can’t end someone else’s anger with anger of your own, you can’t end someone else’s stubbornness with stubbornness of your own. He was very clear that you can’t end someone else’s resentment with resentment of your own, you can’t end someone else’s terrorism with terrorism of your own, you can’t end someone else’s verbal abuse with verbal abuse of your own.

The real question is not whether Einstein was right about that, but how to put his wisdom into practice within the human arena. We humans seem to know no other way to respond to incoming energy except with energy of “like kind.” So we do, in fact, respond to violence with violence of our own, terrorism with terrorism of our own, verbal abuse with verbal abuse of our own…and so on, right down the line.

We’ve decided that “two can play the same game” is the way to “win” — even though that exact strategy so often produces loss after loss after loss. We don’t seem to know what to go with that information. We don’t seem to know how to deal with that data. We have had a hard time, our species has, with looking at what’s right in front of our nose and doing anything about it.

As Conversations with God-Book 4: Awaken the Species says:

“If your objective is to live a life of peace, joy, and love, violence does not work. This has already been demonstrated. If your objective is to live a life of good health and great longevity, consuming dead flesh daily, smoking known carcinogens continuously, and drinking gallons of nerve-deadening, brain-frying liquids like alcohol regularly does not work. This has already been demonstrated.

If your objective is to raise offspring free of violence and rage, placing them directly in front of vivid depictions of violence and rage during their most impressionable years does not work. This has already been demonstrated. 

“If your objective is to care for Earth and wisely husband her resources, acting as if those resources are limitless does not work. This has already been demonstrated. If your objective is to discover and cultivate a relationship with a loving Deity so that religion can make a difference in the affairs of humans, then teaching of a god of righteousness, punishment, and terrible retribution does not work. This has already been demonstrated.

“Do you need any more examples?”

We don’t. We can see clearly that our tendency as a species is to look directly into the face of every evidence we could possibly hope to find, and then do exactly the opposite of what that evidence suggests is the best course of action.

The president of the U.S. and other world figures are facing this dilemma at this very moment as global leaders seek to find a way to peacefully deal with planetary events taking place in Syria, and now in North Korea, as well as in the United States, China, Russia, the countries of the NATO Alliance, and other nations across the map.

As everyone knows, U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the U.S. military to strike an airfield in Syria from which that country’s government was accused of having launched a chemical attack on its own people. The Syrian government itself has denied that it did so. Whether it did or did not is not the question in this exploration. Serious as that question is, the prime inquiry here is larger than even that. The question here is whether, when any person or government suspects another person or government of aggression or attack, is the most effective and best response to be aggressive and attack back?

Ironically, this is the very question North Korea is answering right now. Its leader, Kim Jong Un, is accusing the United States of acting aggressively — and even of preparing to launch an attack on the DPRK (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea).

The solution to these problems we are facing today as a civilization is two-pronged…and the difficulty is that we are approaching the solution as if it had only one aspect, only one approach that will work.

You can keep disciplining a child over and over again in response to misbehaviors, or you can use a two-pronged approach: Discipline and Discipleship.

The dictionary defines a disciple as “a follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopher.” And if you wish to create a follower, you can do so with the force of your power or the force of your ideas. You can create someone who follows your orders or someone who follows your example.

The first approach, if used exclusively, rarely works, as it almost always generates resentment, rebellion, and revolution in the end. Both approaches, used co-jointly, can generate surprisingly positive responses, and, in the end, even uncommon loyalty.

The trick in all behavior modification is not simply to force change of an unwanted behavior itself, but to alter the stimuli that motivates all behaviors, wanted and unwanted.

When it comes to people and nations, what is being talked about here is not simply a battle of munitions, but a battle of ideas; not simply a competition involving conflicts, but a competition involving concepts.

We need to place before humanity a whole New Cultural Story, a complete set of New Notions about what it means to be human, what we are doing here on the earth, what our purpose and reason for existing is, and what we can do to actualize and functionalize all of that.

This is not something that today’s world leaders appear ready to fully comprehend or deeply understand — much less to implement. We have the ability — now more than ever with our instantaneous worldwide communication — to place these new ideas before our species…we simply do not have the will to do so. All of this has to do with our infancy as a species.

A lot of people like to think of humans as highly evolved. In fact, humanity has just emerged from its infancy on this planet. In their book New World New Mind, Robert Ornstein and Paul Ehrlich placed this in perspective in one mind-boggling paragraph:

“Suppose Earth’s history were charted on a single year’s calendar, with midnight January 1 representing the origin of the Earth and midnight December 31 the present. Then each day of Earth’s “year” would represent 12 million years of actual history. On that scale, the first form of life, a simple bacterium, would arise sometime in February. More complex life-forms, however, come much later; the first fishes appear around November 20. The dinosaurs arrive around December 10 and disappear on Christmas Day. The first of our ancestors recognizable as human would not show up until the afternoon of December 31. Homo sapiens—our species—would emerge at around 11:45 pm…and all that has happened in recorded history would occur in the final minute of the year.”

We are, in fact, the children of the cosmos — and we are acting like it.

The challenge before humanity right now is that we are simply too immature to understand that eliminating violence as a response to violence makes sense. Conversations with God-Book 4: Awaken the Species makes it very clear that Highly Evolved Beings would never use violence in any way as a means of resolving differences. They have understood that differences do not have to produce divisions, that contrast does not have to produce conflict, that variance does not have to produce violence, and that proponents do not have to be opponents.

As humanity moves out of its childhood, we will no doubt let go of childish things. We will put down our toys (our warplanes, our missiles, our bombs), we will stop our screaming and our yelling, we will quit stamping our feet and throwing tantrums, and we will begin considering and adopting news ideas about what it means to be human that allow us to continue to be human without having to be inhumane in order to guarantee our ability to do so.

We can begin that process — that is, ordinary humans like you and I can inspire, ignite, and initiate it — by providing to everyone whose life we touch a striking example of what it means to be an awakened species. And, as well, by placing before humanity…idea, after idea, after idea…producing an evolution revolution all over this planet.

Ideas the loveliness of which, the efficacy of which, the preferability of which, and the benefits of which will be so self-apparent as to magnetize the behavioral changes that they invite, generating at last the so-long-hoped-for greeting card outcome: Peace on Earth, and Goodwill to Men and Women and Children everywhere, forever and ever, and even forever more.

Now you may think this idea naive. You may label it unsophisticated or simple, childlike, and ingenuous. Yet I am reminded of Victor Hugo’s powerful insight: All the armies of the world cannot stop an idea whose time has come.

I will propose and explore some ideas whose time has come in this space in my next entry here.


252 responses to “A Voice in the Wilderness

  1. cloutierfamily Avatar

    I just finished reading ‘ Awaken the species today’, and like you I have had an ongoing conversation with God. It is undeniable in my personal direct experience, and you said in your book if “If my exchange with God here leads you to your own, my publishing it will have succeeded in its goal’. And it has. Somehow, I am able on a fleeting basis to temper my negative thoughts, and let them go, but they come back though. Many of the suggestions of living like HEB’s are beyond challenging; and with peak oil, catastrophic climate change, financial apocalypse ect… all on their way down, it is hard to hold only positive happy thoughts, and let go of the negative.

    It is hard but not impossible, hopefully it is not all for nothing. That the 1 or 2 percent of the population that are ‘Awakening’ will be able to drag the rest of the people along, I’m also skeptical that this will work, but lets hold the energy of intention together anyways.

  2. Tuatha de Danann Avatar
    Tuatha de Danann

    Love this
    “We can see clearly that our tendency as a species is to look directly into the face of every evidence we could possibly hope to find, and then do exactly the opposite of what that evidence suggests is the best course of action.”

  3. stardust Avatar

    The paragraph by Ornstein and Ehrlich is fascinating. It helps us imagine life as a plane, a field of force, stretching life into a year, but imagine squishing earth’s history, its past, present and all imagined future possibilities into a single second. We would have a blink of an eye situation where earth survives as a function expressing true creation or lies in a state of pure nothingness. I guess it’s dependent upon our actions, thoughts, words and deeds from here on out. The way we exist has not been functional, and more love is needed.

    “Highly Evolved Beings would never use violence in any way as a means of resolving differences. They have understood that differences do not have to produce divisions, that contrast does not have to produce conflict, that variance does not have to produce violence, and that proponents do not have to be opponents.”

    Highly Evolved Beings understand every aspect of divinity is unique and we retain our uniqueness. This makes us more interesting not less, assuming all honor each other and allow each other freedom to be who they really are. Proponents do not have to be opponents. Proponents of what is the real question I ask. What do we want to propone? Is that a word? Propose? What are the proponents proposing and how to create a field that is peaceful is what I must ask again. Why do we judge each other for the differences in God’s big heart. Why not delight in variances. That’s my lesson for me today and forevermore.

  4. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

    I think that there are many who are beginning to do so—to answer with different energy those things we find unacceptable—here in the US.

    Unintentionally, our new President is serving as an example of how force alone does not work. The very day after his inauguration, women took to the streets over the election of a misogynistic sexual predator, who wants to reduce women’s access to sexual health care, to say, “No, this is not acceptable.” He has tried to force a ban on immigration, and the courts and the protesters are saying, “No, this is not acceptable.” He has put at the head of the EPA a climate crisis denier, and even science took to the streets and said, “No, this is not acceptable.” When he tried to force through a health care bill that would leave many without health care, even his own party couldn’t find a workable replacement and members of his own political party basically said, “No, this is not acceptable.” And for every misrepresetation (at best) and every lie (at worst), fact-checkers, the media and many of the people active on social media are saying, “No, this is not acceptable.”

    I agree, though, that what is needed is not just saying, “No, this is not acceptable.” Almost any psychologist will tell you that the best way to change a behavior that isn’t beneficial is to replace it with a behavior that is beneficial, or the vacuum left by the taking away of one unbeneficial behavior may easily be filled by yet another unbeneficial behavior. Because this is in the realm of changing one’s thoughts, this is where each of our own personal power lies as each of us is capable, even proficient at, changing our minds.

    Do we still think, as we did as children, that we should get whatever we wish for? Most of us don’t because we’ve matured enough to understand that what we sometimes wish for isn’t going to benefit us in the long run. Do we still think, as teenagers do, that adults are just “full of it” and we know better than they? Most of us don’t because we’ve matured enough to realize that life is more difficult when responsibilities increase, and we (hopefully) welcome the wisdom of our elders to help us. Do we still think, as young adults often do, that the “establishment” is something we must fight against? Most of us don’t, at least not as cockily, because we’ve matured enough to understand that without the systems to provide the services we all need, we would descend into chaos (or, worse chaos than currently exists, anyway).

    The challenge, as I see it, is changing our thoughts with purpose rather than relying on the different stages of life to allow us to mature. This, then, changes the actions we take as they are usually based on our thoughts (if we have enough time to think). It’s not always easy. Sometimes we have to “act as if” for a while before a new behavior takes hold. But, even in doing this, we are changing the way we move in the world and interact with others, which necessarily changes the way others, and the world, interacts with us, providing a feedback loop that reinforces our change, although sometimes after a “pushback” from those in our lives who don’t want us to change.

    With all this personal power we have with just our thoughts about things, how much moreso we have when we add the knowledge available through our Soul! Changing our thoughts based on the knowledge available to us as and through Divinity, there’s a discernible shift. We begin to see and think and act from a place of “us” rather than just “me.” The Soul provides us a larger viewpoint where we consider not just ourselves, and not even just our intimate circle, but of the species as a whole. There are no borders, imaginary or real, at the level of the Soul. There is no color of skin, no nationalism, no gender, no elite at the level of the Soul. We are simply “all of us.”

    To add that knowledge available through the Soul, we have to learn how to access it and, I believe, befriend it. What do we do with our friends? We talk. We spend time together. We laugh. We enjoy quiet moments where talking isn’t necessary. We bring our problems to them for both comfort and input. The more we do so with our Souls, the more able we are and the more easily it happens.

    I’m learning to befriend my Soul. I have the advantage of having more time to do so because I can’t work, and spend more time alone than most because of it. I’ve found, for myself, the best way to approach my Soul is through meditation. When my thoughts are racing too much to settle enough for meditation, I use guided imagery to calm them down, then go into meditation. I’m learning that my Soul loves me unconditionally, and I then act from that place more often. I’m learning my Soul is joy itself, and I’m feeling that joy more often.

    I have an unexpected “feedback loop” in my life right now. I’m sharing my home with a homeless friend while he saves up for a place of his own. While we knew each other before, we’re now living in close quarters. He keeps saying the most incredible things. “You really mean that, don’t you?” is one I’m hearing often, sometimes with incredulity. It comes, I think, from consistently being who I am around him. Yes, I really do mean it when I say I think he’s smart in his own way, even though he’s only had a fifth grade education and his family tells him he’s stupid. Yes, I really mean it when I say, “If I have it, then it’s yours, too,” whether that’s food or shampoo or whatever. He’s also learned that I mean it when I say, “If you choose to get drunk, find another place to sleep for the night,” and knows it comes from love. He may not realize it, but he’s helping me as much (or more) than I’m helping him. The more reinforcement I get from him when I’m coming from a place that includes my Soul, the more courage I have to do the same when I walk out my front door.

    Life isn’t just about what we oppose, but about choosing what we prefer to replace that with. More and more of us, as we awaken to our Souls, are finding that replacing “me” with “us” is much more beneficial for all.

    Love and Blessings Always,

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      My dear Annie…….This is a wonderful and even remarkable piece of writing, filled with insight and awareness, brimming with higher consciousness, and overflowing with love. My goodness, you should write a book. These kinds of thoughts need to be seen by everyone. I found myself saying, “You really mean that, don’t you?”

      I hope you have read Conversations with God-Book 4: Awaken the Species, and I hope you have self-selected, and I hope you have gone to http://www.ihaveselfselectd.com, and I hope you will begin posting your reflections at http://www.CWGConnect.com…because the world needs to hear from you, Big Time.

      1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

        Dearest Neale,

        Thank you so much for your encouragement. And I am, indeed, working on both a book and related website that will include a blog.

        I have read Conversations with God-Book 4, and I have placed on my tablet, on its own screen, the 16 behaviors of HEB’s for easy access. What a marvelous book it is, and I thank you for allowing it to come through you to us!

        I think I had already self-selected before I read the book. I have been to both sites, and read the powerful articles you have written there. I have left comments, but I think that in continuing to develop the site, they got lost. No matter, though, as I’ll be a frequent visitor. ? I go to CWGConnect regularly to read new materials, or to reread the books you’ve made available at both sites.

        Thank you for again putting yourself in the cross-hairs of those who will disagree, as well as for what it will mean for those who find value in it and help change our world.

        Love and Blessings Always,

      2. Raphael Avatar

        Regarding the new censorship being implemented on this site by an overzealous moderator: all forms of censorships, all suppressions of diverging thoughts or (polite and non insulting) disagreements originate in fear and insecurity, and do not make a person or movement stronger but much weaker, to a degree that is directly proportional to the severity of such censorship.
        You might want to think about this.

        1. Stephen mills Avatar
          Stephen mills

          Hi Mewabe I had a few posts removed latterly ,don’t know why ? Perhaps there’s a glitch in the system . Never used abusive language or insults.
          Take care there are many paths and many mountains !!
          Good journey….

          1. Raphael Avatar

            Thanks Stephen, take care!

        2. Marko Avatar

          As someone who has been participating on Neale’s blogs & websites for over 17 years or so. I’ve never seen any inappropriate censorship. Regarding the last blog which had what, 500 or more comments, I stopped participating quite quickly with all the inside bickering etc.

          Since some people have also mentioned this, I would have to think it’s a glitch. However, until it’s addressed we won’t know for sure.

          1. Raphael Avatar

            I never experienced such censorship either under the name Mewabe. However 4 posts (politely) expressing some disagreements with one of Neale’s points were promptly removed, while one comment (which I then posted as an experiment) expressing blind and absolute agreement with Neale was accepted (I later removed it). I doubt very much that this would be a coincidence…a heavy hand and somewhat obtuse mind seems to be behind this new form of censorship, and in my view it does not benefit Neale in the least.

          2. Marko Avatar

            I have no answer for you on that, I have not been following all the posts you mentioned. I will take a wait & see how Neale responds to this, though, I’m surprised he’s yet to say something. Time will tell.

        3. stardust Avatar

          I think censorship is appropriate for vulgar language, of course. Some of my posts were not off topic but were moderated. In at least two, I gave my cosmology of my interpretation of a quantum God in a physical flesh and a physical God in a quantum field, so I deleted my posts. I came back to help, but like you, Mewabe, I am tired of being moderated. I appreciate humor. I appreciate diverse points of view. It seems the moderator has a bit of a skewed perspective on what is appropriate and when to allow freedom to be expressed freely. Surely the narrator will not fail to recall Neale has a sense of humor. At least I thought he did, but the moderator is giving him a shady appearance on that respect. On the Messenger Circle, he seemed more humanly funny. Here it is all buisness and serious business at that. To see the true Neale, at his golden heart, we have to see a little sense of humor because God is funny as heck. We all give a lot and some of my moderated posts are copyright material and going in my book, so gifts are given freely here on a global conversation. Honesty is best. We are writers and appreciate humor and responses that are authentically honest. How else can we dialogue an revolutionary evolution unless we are being authentically human and honest?

          1. Raphael Avatar

            “Surely the narrator will not fail to recall Neale has a sense of humor. At least I thought he did, but the moderator is giving him a shady appearance on that respect.”
            Very good points…I indeed think that this new form of stringent censorship is very negative and makes Neale look bad. I had 4 short posts removed that simply expressed some disagreements with one of Neale’s points, without anything inappropriate being written or implied. As an experiment, I then posted a comment that expressed total and absolute agreement with everything Neale has ever said, written and even thought, and that one was accepted (I later deleted it). Coincidence? I don’t think so.
            This blog might be going in a new direction with Neale very surprising suggesting that a 2-pronged approach is best to change the world (force/coercion and example/persuasion). The idea of forcing others to obey one’s orders is something I very strongly disagree with, and that I find to oppose all spiritual truths, including my own inner truth.

          2. stardust Avatar

            Hi Raphel, I don’t know why I said “narrator.” Honestly, life is like this. As observers, we have a big narrator who oversees our observances, I guess, but I really meant to write moderator and typed narrator. I type faster than I think usually 🙂 Truthfully, your experiment sounds like Neale, ad in a good way, I can add this. It’s endearing to know he only wants people to agree with him in a good way. He used to like that a lot on his Messenger Circle. He actually came out there more with his helmet on, and ready to tackle any debater on his turf 😉 He put up a good debate in an endearing way, meaning his emotions showed more there. It was a smaller environment though. What happened to the Messenger Circle? Is it still around? I guess he could tell more jokes and appear more personable in such a small circle. We heard more of his true opinions is what I am after here. He came right out and disagreed in a louder way, which was endearing. I used to smile to watch him defend his opinion, so maybe he will disagree with us here, especially since we are incognito not and talking about him on his blog, and hopefully check his moderator more often, I hope. It is real that all opinions are what makes a global conversation happen or not. We have to hear each other in order to face each other We have to walk softly, but laugh and cry together a little to know we are sharing “humanity.” Like you said, we need lightness of being. We have to “speak softly, but carry a big stick, and we will go far,” to put it in the wise words of Theodore Roosevelt. I don’t carry sticks. I hate war, but in self defense, I will say I might reach for a stick and hurl it right back at them who hurled it first.

    2. stardust Avatar

      I enjoyed reading your post. How true that “Life isn’t just about what we oppose, but about choosing what we prefer to replace that with.” I believe it’s best to not oppose the opposition, but replace the opposed ones with love, and this means looking at the other as our true soul self.

      I also meditate and often use guided imagery, but I also use my hands and varying shapes, like the diamond shape over my heart chakra. I was guided to do this and it really shines a light. I highly recommend this practice.

      Thank you for the post.:)

    3. stardust Avatar

      “Almost any psychologist will tell you that the best way to change a behavior that isn’t beneficial is to replace it with a behavior that is beneficial, or the vacuum left by the taking away of one unbeneficial behavior may easily be filled by yet another unbeneficial behavior.”

      Behavioral modification works, yet it doesn’t mean we don’t confront that which we oppose. We can’t simply look another way while looking at the problem(s) facing the world today.

      1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


        I’m not implying that we don’t confront what we oppose. Of course we must stand up for those incapable of standing up for themselves. I would suggest, though, that confrontation doesn’t have to include violence and can come from a place of understanding through empathy for all involved.

        If we have the time, or rather choose to make the time, to understand what the facts are and what the motivation or provocation was for the act we oppose, we’ll find new answers. When, however, we assume to know the facts and assume the motivation or provocation (which we have been doing in both the national and the global political arenas), we’ll find incorrect “answers” because they’re based on assumptions.

        How many here have had a meaningful dialogue with, for example, an undocumented immigrant about why they chose to leave their own homeland to risk living in the US illegally? How many of us have had a meaningful conversation with a refugee who’s been driven from their home by war? How many of us have talked with a Muslim about their religion and how they view the extremists in their religion? How many have conversed with an extremist who believes in their jihad?

        We do the same thing here in the US. How many of us have taken the time to talk with someone who’s homeless and how it is that they came to be so? How many have talked to women who have had to make the agonizing choice of whether or not to carry a pregnancy to term, the circumstances around their pregnancy and whether they’re capable of raising a child? How many of us have had a conversation with a transgendered person about what it means to have to have their private lives exposed in ways most of us don’t?

        I’m no saint. I’ve been just as guilty as making assumptions as anyone else. But I don’t have to continue to do so, and can change my thoughts (and have) about moving away from assumptions and moving towards truth. Part of that means being informed, sometimes reaching out to those whose behavior we may oppose. Maybe then we can build on commonalities rathere than tearing down based on differences.

        We are, after all, human. All of us. We all belong to the same species and share the same planet. In my humble opinion, we really ought to start acting like that matters more than our differences do.

        Love and Blessings Always,

        1. stardust Avatar

          I didn’t mean to imply that you were meaning to imply anything negative. I was just responding to a new way of looking at an old idea that we turn away from that which we oppose and focus on something different. This is something I was guided to do 20 years ago, frankly. It didn’t work, so I am looking at alternative methods of looking at things.

          I agree the violence is never the answer but only in the case of self-defense would I entertain the notion. This is an idea I have already stated, and I suppose the President is looking into this more these days, I hope. I am glad that he is attempting to t gather allies. The world needs worldwide support for an action rather than a single entity acting alone, so I applaud the friendship with China.

          I agree that we must consider multiple perspectives before acting on anything. Even presuming to know another’s assumption is precarious as we are in the midst of a spiritual revolution where many perspectives all deriving current ideas about how to survive in a multiplying and multiplistic world. We decide for ourselves how to exist with the assumptions flying about crisscrossing in variable lanes. Thought is one method of creating energy, so every man, woman and child’s perceptions must be construed as limited unless they come from a spoken word through the highest soul mind. Who is qualified to divide so many false lines, old lines, dimness visible, from true perceptions? Only God knows. Only those sensitive enough to hear a soul speak can deem to help God with such a feat. Only ones hearing a lot what with the complex informational and high tech world we live in today are equipped to manage such a messenger’s task. Exchange of energy is necessarily expanding but also contracting on so many levels and all perceptions must arrive from one’s true personal soul at the highest level. I guess, my idea of Oneness is what we might differ upon. I believe Oneness is not a simple crockpot kind of thing. My view is that all hearts are unique and that in heaven we are celebrated for this, so being who we really are is of utmost importance.

          As far ass speaking to immigrants, both legal and illegal being driven from their birth country even immigrants born in the US, as well as Muslims relocated here who believe in vitriolically in their religion, I have spoken to all of the above. As a teacher, I learned a lot from students. In fact, on my syllabus is always the statement “I learn more from you than you could ever learn from me. In fact, don’t think of yourselves as students. Think of yourselves as teachers.”

          As far as dealing with homelessness, speaking to women who have had the agonizing choice of carrying a pregnancy (ies) to term, I have heard many cry many tears from close relatives, even, and, yes. It does broaden one’s perspectives. As we experience, we grow. We expand as we become more aware of varying truths. I have been around like many people today. We each carry a certain perspective and we each are faced with our own reflecting mirrors looking back at us. I personally choose to meet the soul without false reflections succumbing to a false glare in a broken mirror, like a circus mirror. A prefer to return to innocence and listen to the soul speak, a true heart speak. Art and poetry send me there as well as meditation and music. I’ve got to have music.

          Just be aware that I wasn’t meaning to imply that you don’t believe in confronting in a loving way what is needed to be opposed. I was also responding to your last statement from the previous post, as well. I believe we can’t believe that all our assumptions we hear, especially for those intuitive ones, who seem to be waking to more and more intuitive moments sharing throughout time and space and back again through space and time, are tossing the highest truth all around the globe. Many are waking to a high self, but not all are free from previous false minds. Look at our shared world. There is chaos. War on the front is not heaven. A return to the highest soul is necessary for all.
          Assumptions about how best to conglomerate in a positive spinning axel wheel called Earth as we travel through the apple orange cosmology are always changing as life itself changes with every passing moment. As we believe in this present moment, we confront new ideas, old ideas we hold and held about life. As time moves rapidly or more slowly, depending upon the person shifting and impacting in a great manner, we reconfigure and reconform a new way of conceiving and believing what we hold of most value in life. What we thought about what we thought is always tossed into a newer more gleaning and hopefully more shimmering idea of truth. Confronting all that we thought we thought and all we thought about how best to confront that which opposes our newest ideas is always needing to be evaluated and reconstructed. Opposing beliefs happen as all mingle from the truest high self. We have to listen with an open heart in order to hear true high selves sharing planes with others and reconfigure our placement along the lines that stream through the apple in the sky. Assumptions are needing to be reevaluated always. Only the highest idea coming from the highest intending mind is considered a true original thought. It is challenging to divide falsity from truth if we are aware these days. We have combat in so many locations of our modern world that to even contemplate a movement’s history, much less its present and future stakes is requires nothing short of surrendering to the highest reaches of the sun of our soul. Our complex world has given us so much information, high technology, new lines and ways to meet in varying playgrounds, quantum playing fields, and false thoughts travel. Assumptions are difficult to trace in order to pinpoint what is communal and what is personal truth. Our placement in the sun varies on what particular notion we conspire to have as One.

          We are all connected in so far as we are human. Oneness is far from being expressed on so many levels as human in our current world however. We are apart in our multiplied world that one should not ever assume a thing.

          As a teacher, I was confronted with this lesson while at Auburn University. My student was late every day with a paper. Handsome, young, football star, tan, tall but always late. I assumed he was partying a little too hardily, a little too much with cheerleaders and such. He quietly came up to me after class, asking for an extension. I said, “You really need to get your paper in on time. What’s going on?” He then blew me away. He said, “Oh. I had to travel to Atlanta for chemotherapy. I have leukemia. I found out on Prom King night. My mother left me when I was little, so my dad drove me to the hospital after Homecoming, when I found out about my cancer. I was rushed to the hospital after falling in the middle of a long pass on Homecoming night. I was to be Prom King that night. Instead, I found out that I had cancer.” I wrote a poem that night instead of doing my own work, of course. I couldn’t stop thinking about him and how silly I was to presume a thing about a student and anything at all. That was my vow then and there to not assume a thing again. But, I fail always. I swore then that I would never assume another thing. We all make mistakes. As one who has spent thousands of hours with underprivileged immigrants and ESL students for over 20 years, I can say that I have learned a lot more than had I never had the privilege of being someone’s teacher/student. We can never assume to many presume so many things about another’s life. It’s enough to deal with my own. Sorry if you got the wrong impression. I was really responding to that last statement of your previous post. I know it goes back to CWG in that it states “We replace that which we don’t want with what we prefer.” It just seems hard to accomplish in our complex system called earth life. It takes a mountain to raise a village capable of lifting the earth “A journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step.” I am quoting my latest fortune cookie. Pretty powerful words.

          Blessings to you always,


        2. stardust Avatar


          I assume you received my post. It was lengthy and loving. I am done with this 2 pronged approach on this Global Conversation. It is a one prong in so far as my most heartfelt thoughts are being moderated by a not so loving moderator. Is it love who keeps love from love? This is not a conversation I ever dreamed of having. It is sure not global from my perspective.

          goodbye to all.
          Love and blessings always,


          1. Jethro Avatar

            i have been having problems out here in my world and have deleted and re-entered a few times. My stuff comes up missing too. Just let it go. Quit responding if you want but don’t delete your membership. It starts all over again. I really don’t think it’s a person behind the problem.

          2. stardust Avatar

            It is me who has deleted many times and come back again and again but wish the problem would get fixed soon. After writing a heartfelt post, one feels a little down, down, ,down but not really. I have decided to maybe create my own blog here. It’s free.

        3. stardust Avatar


          Please check over the moderators’ checks. Many here are stating the same problem. Something is amiss. Annie upvoted my comment. I doubt that she interpreted it wrongly.


    4. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
      Bruce Scott-hill

      Cannot help but endorse Neale’s suggestion to you to write your book and we will all line up to read it. If you keep up this standard here, it will be sure to win a prestigious literary award – such gentleness, perception, positivity, love of your soul (God) – unconditional?, spirituality and great wisdom – for a five year old (joking). And what a packed full, fascinating life you have led so far (with obviously plenty of mileage left still yet in your tank). Your life biography itself would make a delightful, interesting book when combined with your exceptional outstanding English expression talent. You are truly in Neale’s words: Magnificent!

      God Love you and Bless you.

  5. Gross Prophet Avatar
    Gross Prophet

    While I believe this to be a laudable template for individual action, it is (at this time) unworkable to try to apply it to international relations. There are simply too many psychopathic personalities in charge of countries around the world for us to practice complete non-violence as a nation.

    I believe America has, historically (and, our attempts at installing/propping up foreign gov’ts. notwithstanding) chosen the best (overall) policy, of peace-thru-strength, and standing up for the downtrodden and against injustice when we can. Would John Wayne stand idly by while a low-life slapped an innocent damsel? Even now, there are no real teeth in any global agency (ICC, world court, UN, etc.) to effect a timely response to true violence and brutality. Our best bet for now is to do what we can when we can, with as little collateral damage as possible. Sometimes, however, even this is problematic, as when dealing with asymmetrical tactics from an entire world-wide organization with psychopathy at its center, and global domination/subjugation as its avowed goal.

    I’m sure many here will think of that as bizarre, or uninformed/ill-informed, but such is the ideal which we as a people should, and do, strive toward. As I said, there are many impediments and/or exigent circumstance to actually carrying this out successfully, and most of the time we, as individual citizens, will rarely receive, or know, the full truth of most incidents around the world which precipitate some armed response from our gov’t..

    But to try to implement what you describe here as a national policy would not only be capitulation and ruination, but would be forcibly repudiated by an overwhelming majority of the populace, possibly leading to an even less-desirable environment..

    1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

      Gross Prophet,

      I don’t think that Neale is proposing that we institute a national policy, but rather that we, as individuals, influence those in our immediate circle by our behaviors, who then influence those in their immediate circle, in an ever-widening sphere. In addition to choosing to change our thoughts and behaviors, we can also do our part to start bringing new or different ideas into the public view. We can use our social media influence, we can write our legislators—we can talk or write or blog about our greatest vision for humanity in meaningful ways.

      Will it change overnight? I doubt it. But I believe that if we keep reacting to world events the way we have been, the results will be the same—an escalation of violence that threatens to end our physical existence here, and maybe that of our planet. I’d rather choose to act on truth with empathy than to continue to react based on assumptions, even if my own sphere of influence feels small. I have to remind myself that we all touch more lives than we think we do, and remember that the energy I place in the world affects everyone as we’re all connected.

      That’s how I read it, anyway.

      Love and Blessings Always,

      1. Gross Prophet Avatar
        Gross Prophet

        While I agree that such would be the only workable model, Neale did specifically mention global geo-politics within his article, and I merely wanted to point out that anything close to what he recommends is many generations of lifetimes away from being either practical or practicable within that arena.

  6. stardust Avatar

    In the ideal world, there is no violence and no intent for causing pain to anyone. Notwithstanding the world we live in is fraught with some who desire to cause ill will to many. I cannot say that I ever thought of causing harm to anyone, not even a fly, but if someone ever thought to harm a child, especially my own, violence is on the table. Worldwide relations are facing these problems because of a few unruly leaders and blind followers. When Jesus said, “Come follow me,” he was not always laid back. He yelled at the tax man or whoever it was in the bible, calling them vipers. I am not sure what to say. I try to send positive thoughts to all, but the news seems to grow frantic with each passing moment. I think we should hit back when struck, but help as a whole with those acting as a unified force to help innocents.

    1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
      Patrick Gannon

      Not really pertinent to the discussion, but I can tell you about the religious aspects. Generally Jesus was castigating the Pharisees (the clergy) by calling them a brood of vipers on several occasions (but not at the temple incident).

      When he said, “come follow me” he also told people to leave their wives, their children, their jobs – extremely irresponsible if you ask me – but his point was that the end of the world was imminent, and would come “before some still breathing” passed away, and your soul was more important than your wife, kids and crops, so screw them! The wife and kids were just property, like farm animals. As we know, he was wrong – as was Paul who preached the same thing several decades later, so anyone who foolishly did so, probably came back to a rather upset and uncooperative wife!

      The incident at the temple – surely mythical – needs to be seen in context. The temple was huge, covering acres, and these “money-changers” were all over the place, and were engaged in a legal business patrolled by Roman soldiers. The likelihood that Jesus could make any sort of meaningful disruption and get away with his life, or being captured, is pretty low. People were required to make sacrifices to Yahweh because the smell of burning meat is “pleasing” to him. Dragging animals all over the place is inconvenient, so the money-changers would take your money and give you pigeons or whatever you needed to sacrifice. Of course they would put a markup on this, but the OT laws say you can’t charge fellow Jews interest, and this markup was essentially interest, and it was condoned by the clergy, getting their cut, and who were in cahoots with the hated Romans. Jesus was a devout Jew and likely objected to the interest and certainly objected to the corrupt clergy. (Assuming he was a historical person, which is becoming less and less clear as scholars look more closely at the available data).

      1. stardust Avatar

        You raise a very good point when you said the great Master said leave your wives and come follow me. I guess it depends on the wife. I say it with a big grin 🙂 I must agree with him. The soul is more important than the little lifetime here in a single cycle through time and space. The soul lives forever as long it is true to its certain placement in the big scheme. If Paul came back to an uncooperative wife, it’s his own fault for marrying her in the first place. Big grin 🙂 The lilklihood of Jesus getting away with his lilfe in the midst of moneychangers is not so low, in my view, as he is pretty doggone high. I think to be honest you are not placing history in perspective. I am big on Gadamer and he taught all about perspective, placing our current views in perspective all around the big circle of life. Actually it’s a sphere or not. Who knows, but we must place all that we read today of ancient texts which are fraught with mistakes, fragments, missing links into proper context which boils down to our own interpretive Mind. I don’t intend to debate on every episode in the bible, as we must divide myth from previous interpreters’ beliefs mingling with present interpreters’ beliefs. It’s a complexity for the soul to figure out. I don’t know but sacrificing a child is not ever deemed in my view as holy. So, I do away with that false mind of ancient practice. Even the Mayans did some crazy stuff like this, so we must place our own truth in proper historicity, which means think for yourself.

        1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
          Patrick Gannon

          We have no evidence for souls.

          Ultimately Jesus (mythical or otherwise) did not get away with his life. That was the crime for which he was supposedly arrested, and later executed.

          I read a lot of religious history. That’s why I know the likelihood is very high that Jesus was a mythical person. Paul, the first writer in the NT knows nothing of his virgin birth, family, genealogy, baptism, disciples, ministry, miracles and sermons. All Paul knows is the crucifixion and for him this seems to be a celestial event, and one he only knows about through visions and old scriptures – some of which are not in the bible. None of those historical details developed until Mark, the next writer, apparently invented them.

          1. stardust Avatar

            In the old days, word was so different. People were different. Texts were sung, literally, and people heard only. There was no written word. Homer spoke from memory alone. Imagine that. Did Jesus Jesus not get away with his life? I believe in God and heck yes. He got away with his holy Life. He rose. He is a rose that cannot be torn asunder by any executioner. He arose after 3 days. That I believe. I believe in Moses, too. I believe in Hari Krishna. I believe in you, if you don’t believe in tearing asunder another’s heartfelt belief that does not hurt a fly.

          2. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            That’s a discussion for another blog. The historicity of Jesus is very much in question. If you’re willing to put forth the effort to challenge your beliefs, I recommend Bart Ehrman to argue why he was a historical person, and Richard Carrier to argue why not.
            Believing doesn’t make things true – other than for the person who believes them I suppose, but many humans are driven to discover real truths, and that is how we will determine with some degree of probability the likelihood of a historical vs mythological Jesus.

            We know beyond reasonable doubt that there was no mass Exodus from Egypt as described in the bible, thus no Moses…. unless maybe a small band of Israelites, having completed their service contract, returned to Canaan, and stumbled upon some magic mushrooms and told a fabulous story!!! (Actually we know much of Genesis came from earlier civilizations).

          3. stardust Avatar

            Interesting. How do we know about Genesis from earlier civilizations. I’m all ears.

          4. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            I should have said, “part of Genesis came from earlier civilizations.” The flood myth, for example goes back through several civilizations before the Israelites adopted it. Have you heard of the Epic of Gilgamesh? As for the Exodus, according to archaeologist Cyprian Broodbank, it is “at best a refracted folk memory of earlier expulsions of Levantine people” following the reconquest of the Nile delta by the Egyptian king Ahmose around 1530BC. By the way, the name Moses is Egyptian, not Israeli.

            There’s more, but I really don’t want to go into further detail since this is not pertinent to the discussion, unless we are going to revisit my idea on the earlier blog that a group of influential, secular Jews announce on a global stage that the Jews are not “chosen people” and were not given a “promised land” by Yahweh. Muslims would like very much to hear this admission, but the next part is harder, because it acknowledges that the reason there is no chosen people or promised land is because the foundation for the Abrahamic religions has washed away. There was no six day creation, no two-person DNA bottleneck (very difficult issue for Catholics), no global flood, no mass Exodus from Egypt and no conquest of Canaan. Without these pillars, there is no remaining foundation for the Abrahamic gods. To proclaim this boldly in an international forum, by influential Jews, might lead to the same sort of response as MLK sparked. Or not. But I think it’s a better option than war.

          5. stardust Avatar

            I am not claiming to be any kind of historian but am reading your posts with interest. That and geography are my weakest subjects. Unless it pertains to art and poetry, math or science, I have zip knowledge. Other than hearing God say we are One and I am Moses, Yaweh, Cypress and Egypt, rock and mineral, dog and cat, and the Buddha and the Muslim, too, and seriously speaking we are everything if we are love. Everyone is everything when we act in love as love. I am fascinated by your plethora of knowledge of history. How did you come by it? I know we get off topic, but gee whiz. It is interesting to read. I am Catholic, or at least a baptized one in a big ceremony at that but I have developed my new awareness through experience using love only, though I did get dunked extra specially by dear Father Bado, who I spoke to recently. He splashed me extra hard with holy water, and I think his extra splashing may have been all that saves me now. He was a little shocked at the baptism ceremony when I had to announce I had chosen Luke rather than a female, someone like St Francis or I don’t know. He was sure surprised when he asked who my patron saint was in the middle of ceremony. At the podium, he drowned me and then drowned me again and again. What a look. At any rate, I am off here. Anecdotal evidence is a form of experience and it makes us human. Love to all 🙂

          6. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            I have always loved to read. I read a lot. One of the best things I ever did was to subscribe to audible books. I jog two or three times a week and instead of listening to music, as I used to do, I listen to books. I go with whatever is interesting to me. I got on an evolution kick a while back and read about that subject. I read books about NDEs and OBEs and reincarnation, I read lots of religion and religious history and textual critique, then there’s consciousness and physics, etc. Most people stop learning when they get out of school, but our brains are actually better at learning as we age, and the more we do, the easier it gets.

            The first physics book I read was very difficult, but most authors have to provide the same basics in order to get to their pet theory, so after you hear the basics several times, it starts to sink in. Once you begin to understand how it all fits together you end up with the same question that Princess Elizabeth asked Descartes, long ago…. paraphrasing, “I still don’t understand how an immaterial thing that doesn’t exist in space or have mass or extension can causally interact (via contact) with a physical thing (i.e., the body). I cannot conceive of an immaterial thing as anything but the negation of matter, and in order for matter to move, it must be acted upon by physical force and contact (none of which are possible for an immaterial substance to do).”

            Once you understand the core theory of physics and the standard model, you realize why she was right to ask this question, and why Descartes, nor anyone else, has been able to answer it satisfactorily. In order for such external forces to impact our particles, they would have to be able to break the strong nuclear force that binds atoms together and if such a force existed (outside of the ones we already know about) we would have found it by now. We will find new particles, and if a theory called super-symmetry is correct, we will find a whole bunch of new particles – but they will not affect our particles in the ways necessary to explain paranormal or soul things. We know what our particles can do. There are no outside forces acting on them with magic.

            It sounds like you were baptized Catholic at a much later age than I was. I was a baby. I was recently in a Cathedral for my dad’s funeral, and amazingly did not burst into flames!

          7. stardust Avatar

            I don’t have much time but will return to finish reading. You read about NDE’s and OBE’s. I have a lot of interest in these subjects as that is where truth exists. At 18, I let’s just say I was guided to not read the bible as Revelations scared the bejeebies into me. I had had a little champagne at a party with a navy engineer now called Frank. We drank too much. Next day I vowed off drinking ever again because I felt guilty. Started reading the bible to repent of all drinking sin. Soon I threw the book down never to return again. Shortly thereafter I had a very powerful OBE. I was up late studying physics magnetism, of all things, and oh my God. I felt a powerful spin, saw red and black, felt my self turning and then felt a pop more like a book. Flew to the ceiling, looked around, saw my body lying on couch, looked at clothes on floor. Flew through time and space, through stars and everything.
            Suddenly, I heard laughter, met the Council. Spoke to the big guy who was so loving. He told me”It’s not your time to return.” I begged to stay, but he said no. No. It’s not your time. You haven’t completed your mission. You must return. Instinctively, I knew if I didn’t enter my body, I would be gone? I don’t know but I knew I had to go back to my physical body. I never wanted to leave his presence. Came back. Had another powerful experience. Studying physics again up late. Entered a dream with a dinosaur. Oh my god. I was riding a dinosaur. I didn’t like it. It was scary. I’ve had other experiences that train me. I have to run ,but am interested in this topic.

          8. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            Well, I read both sides of the story for OBEs and NDEs, including Robert Monroe’s book on OoBs, “Journey of Souls” and similar books. But I also read books by neurologists and scientific researchers and learned that there are natural explanations for them, that they can be induced manually, and that there is no compelling evidence that they are anything other than a function of the brain. It’s a way of cutting off the System 2 part of the brain that (like when you dream). In certain states your System 2 brain is not operating to discern between fantasy and reality. For reasons not fully understood, these visions are more real to people than reality itself. Some propose that this is because the track gets laid down in the brain without the associated “fact-checking” of System 2, and hence it seems more real than real stuff. It’s like sending data without a parity or checksum to confirm the veracity of the data transfer.

          9. stardust Avatar

            I was baptized shortly before marriage so I was old entering the Church. Thankfully, I didn’t get beaten too much and went to many different services, not the least of which was a snake handling place in a countryside setting. Also, a Billy Graham service and others that did not impact me much. Nature is my teacher.

          10. stardust Avatar

            Thank you, Patrick! I am going to have to read the Epic of Gilgamesh 😉 I actually took a whole course on Epic. I read Homer, Virgil, H.D. Helen of Egypt, and Jerusalem Delivered and more. In fact, Helen of Egypt is what my thesis was on, and that won best graduate paper of the year award. It was Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Helen of Egypt. What about that. Best paper of the whole grad school. and me just a low MA. I beat out the phds. What do you mean by a two person bottle neck? Adam and Eve? Probably but I believe Noah and a flood were real. I also believe in an Exodus. I don’t know why, but I do. I get that you are adamantly desiring to argue that we need to breakdown the idea that there was a “chosen people.” I guess it could be scary to think one has a choice to rise to become a high level Mind and Space and be like God, acting in love only, but everyone is a guide of their own ship. We are a ship as we determine our highest expression of who who we are in the great sovereign eagle in the sky.

          11. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            Two-person DNA bottleneck = Adam and Eve. The DNA evidence indicates that we did not come from a single breeding pair, but rather a small pool of a few tens of thousand early ancestors. If we had come from just two people, our DNA would not be as diverse. This has been confirmed with four different methodologies – according to what I’ve read. One good source with a good summary is Biologos – does genetics point to a single primal couple.

            This particular issue is not a big deal for the Jews, but it’s huge for Catholics and most other Christians because it means there was no original sin, no fall from grace, no need for salvation, no need for Jesus. This new knowledge challenges the very legitimacy of the Catholic Church and they know it. They are beginning to put out articles on their blog sites that appear to be paving the way to change their definition of original sin as requiring only two people – something they’ve been adamant about. The decades ahead are going to be interesting. They could not get the sun to keep orbiting the earth after Galileo, and they won’t be able to put the DNA evidence back in the bag either.

            You believe as most people do in Moses and Exodus because most haven’t studied the subject and realized that there is no evidence whatsoever, and much evidence to dispute it. If you start searching, what you will find are endless apologetic sites trying to defend the Exodus, each one of them admitting that there is no evidence. The only argument they have is that lack of evidence doesn’t mean it didn’t happen – but that’s an amazingly weak argument. Lack of evidence that the moon is filled with green cheese does not prove that the moon is not filled with green cheese – will you accept that argument? It’s the same one the apologists give. Historical accounts of course, all point out that the event certainly did not happen as described in the bible, and there are many reasons for this. One is that Egypt was the superpower of the day; their army, the largest in history was about 100,000 soldiers, yet the bible says the Israelites had 600,000 fighting men. How could that be? If 1 – 3 million people had left Egypt all at once – a significant portion of the population then – the entire economy would have collapsed and neighbors would have come in and taken over the country. That didn’t happen. Leading Israeli archaeologists given access to sites nobody else had been able to research, such as Mt. Sinai, came back empty handed and proclaimed that further search was fruitless – there was no actual Exodus as described in the bible, only a myth, a story of slavery – like the slavery they endured at the hands of the Persians.

            Remember this story was probably written, or developed when the Jews were captives in Babylon (Iraq). They had been absolutely devastated; their god had deserted them and allowed the Persians to enslave them and those not killed were hauled off to Babylon. In order to feel better about themselves, they apparently wrote a story in which they were the genocidal conquerors, rather than the Persians.

            As for Noah’s flood, the geological evidence that this never happened is overwhelming. It’s not worthy of discussion. Nobody but a handful of fundies takes this story literally any longer. It grew out of stories of regional floods like Gilgamesh; but clearly there was never a global flood. There are flood stories around the world – about 10,000 years ago when the last glaciers melted, they would have released dammed up water at times that would flood large regions and some of those stories may have survived as legends.

            Muslims hate the arrogance of Jews claiming to be “chosen people” granted a “promised land.” An acknowledgement by a large number of influential, secular Jews (accompanied by other non-Jewish secularists) that they are not chosen people, granted a promised land, might spark the conversation we all need to have.

            Or they can all blow each other up… Sunnis and Shia (Arab vs Persian) may be getting ready to go at each other, and so far the US is siding with Sunnis, the ones who are the most hardline, while fighting the offshoots (Al Qaeda and ISIS) of that sect, that our support helped to create. It’s insane, and it’s ultimately it’s primarily about religion, in my view.

  7. Raphael Avatar

    A suggestion: it would help greatly if the new stringent rules implemented by the new site moderator where explicitly posted somewhere, so that comments do not appear to be randomly accepted or rejected for no rational reason, one of which seeming to be that disagreement or variance in thought or opinion is no longer tolerated, which would be quite ironic on a blog which champions the idea that no one is “right” or “wrong”.

  8. Raphael Avatar

    “Both approaches, used co-jointly, can generate surprisingly positive responses, and, in the end, even uncommon loyalty.”

    I assume that these 2 approaches are to tell others to follow our orders as well as to follow our example.

    I apologize for disagreeing…but honestly, this sound repugnant to me…the desire to obtain “uncommon loyalty” can only be contemplated by a person who seeks to raise a dog, not someone who desires to help humanity evolve and grow into its own spiritual power.

  9. Raphael Avatar

    Everything Neale has ever written, said and even thought is absolutely true beyond any doubt, and should be followed to the letter by everyone.
    (Now let us see if this comment gets censored!…disagreement is censored, will total agreement be accepted? You may call this an experiment).

    1. Raphael Avatar

      The experiment seems to be conclusive…expressing an absolute agreement with Neale’s theology (even if the comment is laced with irony) appears to grant you an entry into this blog, according to the new rules. Any disagreement is however now censored.
      I am the person formerly known here as “Mewabe”. I registered with Disqus again to be able to say goodbye to Annie, and Jethro if he is reading this…And Kirsten!
      But I am seriously outta here. There is no point hanging around a blog whose author I now more than ever disagree with, and who has essentially ended this conversation, if there ever was one. This site will now be little more than an echo chamber…as it was most likely meant to be from the start.

  10. Patrick Gannon Avatar
    Patrick Gannon

    In my view, the “energy” that created humanity’s problems is the process of evolution. It’s not so much an “energy” as a “process” but it explains how we got here and thus where our problems come from. We evolved traits that permitted us to survive. Some of those traits are no longer as beneficial as they once were. Can we use the same energy/process (evolution) that created them, to change them? Is there any other choice? We might manually modify our evolution through gene technology in the future, but we are who we are and we can’t wish ourselves to be different in any kind of hurry. After all it took about 8 million years to get this way. We are less violent and more spiritual than we once were, but the process of evolution is necessarily slow.

    These traits ingrained in us long ago are in our “System 1” thinking system that is referred to as the reptilian brain. It is automatic rather than deliberative like our cognitive System 2 thinking system. The “energy” we could use to address our problems is the energy involved in being more deliberative; using the part of our brain that supports critical thinking, logic, rational thought, etc. That however creates a problem for movements based on belief – because most belief is System 1 unfortunately. Our System 1 brain makes it “hurt” when we challenge our beliefs by moving our thinking to System 2.

    It’s my observation that NDW and CwG has largely focused on war and violence, and the killing of humans as being our greatest threat – while at the same time insisting that we never die and we’ll come back again and again and again…. and because of our ONEness, everyone we kill chooses for us to do so! The greatest focus by Neale and CwG, as I recall in his books and blog, is on the problem of war and violence. That’s not the only one – he speaks of economics and other social ills, but war and violence always get more attention it seems to me. I’m not convinced that war is such an existential threat. We’ve been doing it a long time, and we’re still here, and sometimes it produces good results. Hitler could have won, in which case, all those Jews who psychically asked Hitler to kill them as part of their ONEness, would have died for nothing.

    What really is humanity’s greatest problem(s) if it’s not war? How about extinction?

    Why didn’t “God” suggest that the annihilation and extinction of species on our planet at unprecedented rates was something we should pay attention to back in the 1990s? Why didn’t “God” tell us about the environmental disaster that has the potential to greatly eclipse the killing of religious fanatics in Syria or N.Korea? I don’t think Neale’s moral relativism is going to overcome evolution or solve our problems anytime soon. Neale asked for ideas, and it’s not my favorite idea, but hey – war might work!

    Perhaps violence is our salvation. Perhaps we can violently remove enough people to give the earth a fighting chance. (I sound like Mewabe here, don’t I?). Mostly I wonder why Neale’s god was so unconcerned about humanity’s real problem(s), back in the mid-90s, if we agree that extinction truly is an existential threat. If we’re going to come back here again and again, it could be pretty miserable for a long, long time. But after all – it doesn’t matter, right? Nothing matters. There is nothing we need to do. Right? Isn’t that the teaching? If we kill all those people over there, it’s because we’re all ONE and they asked us to do it, right? Maybe they are asking us to kill them so we can save our planet for the good of all of us, given that we’re all ONE. What do you think?

    Neale’s moral relativism approach is based on accumulating enough believers to hit a threshold (3% of population???) but I see no signs any such threshold is anywhere in the foreseeable future, even if there were some magical consciousness force that could create a “tipping point.” Real, lasting change, usually comes with blood, sweat, tears and pain, like a new birth. Being kind and nice didn’t get Martin Luther King anywhere.

    The Persians and Arabs are traditional enemies – maybe we should spark a conflict and let them go at it and get it over with. In the last article, I suggested a global initiative to essentially debunk the Abrahamic religions, in an attempt to work on one of humanity’s biggest problems, (also a product of evolution), but this idea was met with derision; so what the heck – let’s go to war and remove enough of us so that the survivors have a chance at avoiding mass extinction.

    (Hopefully at least some will recognize the sarcasm embedded throughout this post).

    1. Gross Prophet Avatar
      Gross Prophet

      So typical. Another complete mischaracterization of what someone else has said. Why should anyone ever expect anything else from the pathological?

    2. stardust Avatar

      “Why didn’t “God” suggest that the annihilation and extinction of species on our planet at unprecedented rates was something we should pay attention to back in the 1990s? Why didn’t “God” tell us about the environmental disaster that has the potential to greatly eclipse the killing of religious fanatics in Syria or N.Korea? I don’t think Neale’s moral relativism is going to overcome evolution or solve our problems anytime soon. Neale asked for ideas, and it’s not my favorite idea, but hey – war might work!”

      Actually, Patrick, I believe CWG speaks about annihilation and extinction of species on our planet as being a real possibility. In fact, CWG was adamant about that and stated that our world is at jeopardy. I believe CWG also spoke about environmental hazards and other future not so desirable possibilities. I don’t think “hitting a threshold of (3 % of population???)” is workable. We need to curb the flux at a smoother rate. The shift in the world is rapid and too much chaos has ensued. We need to go lightly, lest we experience complete annihilation of our species and the planet itself. There is no guarantee that a nuclear fallout will return in the manner previous wars returned a thriving economy. I get the point that wars, historically speaking, showed a thriving economy after war, but without a planet, there will be no thriving. We have bigger toys these days and a reptilian brain is sometimes necessary, so attempting to use mere “logic” doesn’t meet the bill.

    3. stardust Avatar

      Patrick, let me know if you got my post here. I responded.

      1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
        Patrick Gannon

        Hi Stardust. I got the email notification, but don’t see it posted here. This platform has become most unruly.

        You questioned my comment about why “God” did not tell Neale in CWG1 about the massive extinction going on right now. The book mentions “environment” a couple times, but usually not in regards to nature. It never uses the word “climate” or mentions global warming or climate change. The topic of war and killing comes up much more frequently. You can do word searches on the book in the pdf that is online. I’ve read or listened to the book probably a dozen times, though it’s been several years now since I last read it, but with word searches, it comes back to me pretty quickly. I’m usually pretty good at finding what I’m looking for, and I find no mention of all the species going extinct (the word species is not used). I’m pretty confident of my point here, but willing to be proven wrong.

        I raised the point because it is one discussed in an earlier debate. Prophets or messengers NEVER know any more about technology and problems than what is active at the time they are writing. God provided Neale with no insights as to developing science. He didn’t tell Neale that the likelihood that Moses was a real prophet approaches zero. He didn’t tell him about the ongoing mass extinction of a large number of species. He didn’t mention global warming or climate change. He talked mostly about war and violence, something Neale could be absolutely sure would still be going on decades later! Geez, he didn’t even warn us about Trump! (grin)

        You also commented on my tongue-in-cheek, largely sarcastic comment about using war to solve our problems. It’s not an entirely sarcastic suggestion, but I don’t see anything else on the table. As I mentioned in the past article, I think a lot of the problems in our world, particularly in the middle east, need to be addressed by talking about religion, and it has to be done in a way that grabs attention. Waiting for a tipping point of “kind” and “spiritual” people to change the world seems unlikely to occur before we destroy ourselves.

        China and India need to get involved as well. If there’s a nuclear war in the mid-east, the fallout dust is going to their countries first, and will be much diluted by the time it reaches us. Of course such a war could envelop the whole world. I see three solutions on the table: 1) Kumbaya. We sit around the campfire and be “nice” to each other until there’s enough to make a difference. 2) We start a difficult and contentious discussion about the core problem in that region – religion. It may result in violence. We do this the same way Martin Luther King did about the core problem of racism and deal with the aftermath. 3) We cut to the chase and start a war.

        Any other suggestions?

        1. stardust Avatar

          You summarized my post pretty accurately. I recall CWG being mentioned, though I did not pinpoint which book precisely. I know that, overall, God through Neale spoke rather pointedly about the world needing to wake up to a new way of dealing with diversity, multiplicity. I believe there was talk of much danger to the world if we didn’t find a way to engage each other in a more positive manner. Sitting by a campfire is challenging with so many diverse perspectives mingling on so many levels. I believe that war is not the way because nuclear fallout is not desirable for any country. I feel limited in what I can say as my post was harmless and moderated, so I will leave off with this last comment. Martin Luther King did not create a war. He created a change in the world’s perception through Civil Disobedience. There is a big difference.

          1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            I didn’t say MLK created a war. He started a difficult discussion about race, but the discussion was messy and violent at times. I proposed a similar solution in the last article to address the problem of religion, particularly in the mid-east, and was lambasted for it.

          2. stardust Avatar

            I know that Malcom X was violent. However I never interpreted MLK that way. I understand you are for war. I am not. There must be a way to overcome a tendency to resolve differences with combat.

          3. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            I knew I would be misinterpreted despite all my comments about “tongue-in-cheek” and sarcasm. Of course I’m not for war. My point is that I don’t see any other feasible solutions on the table.

            MLK was not violent, but his message provoked violence, just as some said my suggestion to face up to the problems of religion in the mid-east might provoke violence. Rioting is better than blowing up bombs though…

            Sure there’s a way to overcome our genetic traits for violence to solve problems – lots of time and continued evolution! But why does it matter? If you believe in souls, and what Neale preaches, then it doesn’t matter because nobody really dies in war…. however they they might reincarnate to a burnt out planet in their next life!

          4. stardust Avatar

            I knew you were being tongue in cheek and I knew you would misinterpret my pointing out MLK was not violent. I think he did a good job changing the world’s mind about race and he did it without war. If he was violent, I am not aware of it. If his message provoked violence, I am aware of it. Believe me, I am from Memphis and was in the midst. I still remember MLK being shot. I was six living in Memphis on April 4, 1068 when James Earl Ray shot him at the Lorraine Motel. I watched all unfold on tv while my mother sat drinking a beer. It struck me right at the heart so I am aware of the violence that ensued from his great mind and contributions to uplift life to a space of equality, despite a backlog of clogged thinkers on earth for eons. I do believe in souls and I don’t know that Neale sees himself as a preacher but a messenger. Yes, I am one, too. Do we really die in war? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust is always a chore. How to divide nuclear fallout is a chore for the big guy alone.

    4. Jethro Avatar

      Patrick, God is defined in many ways by many different people. So, Some would feel justified by their definitions to state that God has announced that the annihilation and extinction of species on our planet at unprecedented rates was something we should pay attention to back in the 1990s and earlier. Teddy Roosevelt started preserving masses of land and quoted this at the turn of our last century “We have become great because of the lavish use of our resources. But the time has come to inquire seriously what will happen when our forests are gone, when the coal, the iron, the oil, and the gas are exhausted, when the soils have still further impoverished and washed into the streams, polluting the rivers, denuding the fields and obstructing navigation”.
      While it may not be a message from God, as “you” define God, the message has been delivered over and over.

      Our system of thought is a result of being taught what to think about everything we think, which is invented by us with every experience. We then pass on our actions which is judged as correct or incorrect based on the understanding of those around us in that moment, because we have turned our thoughts into action. That judgement is based on everything those people have experienced since birth and how well they understand you. If you are the type of person that few people like, chances are, anything you do or say will be considered incorrect, even when it is known you are correct. We can change the way we treat others regardless of all the experiences we have ever had by simply deciding to do so, if we could believe for just a moment that such a change is possible. We change our minds all the time so it’s entirely possible.

      Being kind and nice got Martin Luther King shot. He was a black man in a sick nation saying great things. Things we should reconsider today. His words have been severely twisted in the last 50 years to mostly promote black folks and not a peaceful world in which he wanted to see. Quite honestly his words are fairly lost today because of the color of his skin in the 60’s. I don’t agree that it got him nowhere, he achieved something in his life that was great and if I could make the amount of change that man made I could be shot and die a satisfied man. In the same, Neale is offering a message to the world that could very well change things for the better if people could get past that part of his message that deals with a God that they don’t believe in. Just because there is a small part of a message such as “God said”, we decide that the entire message is bogus. We listen to people who say tough things because we like to believe we are tough and we promote that. Who needs all that kindness and love mush?! Well…. Humanity does.

      1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
        Patrick Gannon

        ” I don’t agree that it got him nowhere,” Where did I say that it got him nowhere? I suggested that Kumbaya gets you nowhere. What MLK did for race, is what I think we need to do for religion, because what he did was quite successful.

        Agree that everyone defines god differently. That’s why I always refer to “Neale’s god” or “your god” or words to that effect. The word means whatever we want it to mean.

        Teddy Roosevelt did not claim to have “revelations” from his god. He did not write a book purporting to tell us what his god wants. I want to know why prophets and messengers of god, never, ever know anything about the future. It’s easy to predict war. They did it in the bible again and again, and they were always right. Duh. Why didn’t Jesus teach people about germs and the value of washing one’s hands? Why didn’t Neale’s god predict global warming and the mass extinction of many species on our planet right now? Answer – because Neale was talking to himself. All his god knew at the time, was what Neale himself knew.

        “If you are the type of person that few people like, chances are, anything you do or say will be considered incorrect, even when it is known you are correct.” So what? Do you know how many highly successful people were not liked? Some on the list include: Rudyard Kipling, Robert Redford, Don Imus, Babe Ruth, Michael Jordan, Stephen King, Steven Spielberg, Vincent van Gogh, Lucille Ball, Abraham Lincoln, Socrates, Newton, Darwin, Einstein, Bill Gates, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney… all these people and many more had issues with other people, and were not liked by many. Richard Carrier is reviled, but has completely changed how we look at the historicity of Jesus. MLK was reviled by countless whites and probably a lot of blacks, but he changed history. Being liked isn’t important. Making a valuable difference is important. Sitting around the campfire singing Kumbaya is fine, and it feels good, but what does it actually accomplish?

        As I’ve indicated, at this point in the discussion I see three options: 1) Kumbaya favored by almost everyone here. 2) A pivotal event such as created by MLK to spark a global discussion about religion. 3) War. And I’ll add another 4) Do nothing.

        1. Jethro Avatar

          “Being kind and nice didn’t get Martin Luther King anywhere.” MLK promoted kindness and love for all, between all, to eliminate hatred for differences between humans.

          “Neale’s god” or “your god” Good news is good news, good ideas are good ideas, should it matter where the author says the good come from?

          I, like you, believe the voice of God to be internal. In that belief I can read or hear what is being said as the views of the person, regardless of where they believe the information came from.

          “If you are the type of person that few people like, chances are, anything you do or say will be considered incorrect, even when it is known you are correct.” So what? Well, that type of action towards another creates an even worse person, not a better person. What’s wrong with credit where credit is due. The people you mentioned were given due credit or you wouldn’t know their names. Some are not so lucky whether they were liked or not.

          Do you see kumbaya, the same as doing nothing? The kumbaya method I’m thinking, is changing The actions of ones self to set the example for others to see what they like, and react in a like fashion. Very slow but it might work. At least nobody has to be wrong or right for being who they are which was created by experiencing people being who they are.

          1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            Staging demonstrations and sit-downs that disrupt society is not being “nice.” It’s civil disobedience, and it’s not “nice.” Yes he promoted kindness and love, but he did so in a forceful way and certainly was not universally liked for it.

            Should it matter where the author says the good came from? That’s an interesting question, and in most cases, I would say probably not, but in this case Neale’s concept of god is central to, and dependent on, his good news. He is asking people to believe things for which there is no evidence, and much against it. He has to be willing to face skepticism for that. He’s the one who made god – as he defines that, as his central figure. You can’t put “god” in the title and not expect it to arouse emotions and controversy. He did it intentionally to create a ruckus, a conversation, a way to shake up the world. The problem is that it depends on the same thing all religions depend on – belief, and thus can be no more reliable than any other.

            “Well, that type of action towards another creates an even worse person, not a better person.”

            So you’re saying that MLK created worse persons? He did not improve the character of America? That seems to be the point if you are saying that treating people unkindly leads to the even worse results. He treated many people unkindly with his demonstrations and sit-ins, and protests, but today I think it’s fair to say the situation has improved significantly from the 50s and 60s.

            The point of listing those famous people was to point out that being kind is not necessarily a path to success. Sometimes you have to be a little unkind if you are going to make things happen. It’s a little unkind to discipline our children, isn’t it? Yet would you say that makes them worse persons?

            I see Kumbaya as doing next to nothing. If it has an effect, and it may, it’s very small and very slow. We don’t have time to wait for it. We’ve got problems to solve now.

          2. Jethro Avatar

            So you’re saying that MLK created worse persons? No. I’m saying that most people who are jerks are jerks because they feel they have been treated poorly. To treat them poorly yet again just adds to the problem. If we treat the jerk with respect when its deserved, they are less likely to be jerks. I’ve proved it at work myself by telling the boss I respect their position and will follow their lead but I won’t respond well to insults. We found peace, he stopped being a jerk and we were good friends when I last spoke to him. Just one kind response is all it took.

          3. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            That may be applicable in interpersonal relationships, but we’re talking about people killing each other over imaginary invisible beings that live in the sky. There’s no way around it. If we are to discuss this problem or any other serious problem, there will be hurt feelings. That’s just tough. It’s part of being human. We have no right not to be offended. Show me a meaningful regional, national or international problem Kumbaya has solved. There may be some, but none that I can think of right now, MLK did not play by the rules of Kumbaya. He kicked up a storm. As did the people who lobbied for women’s rights, and the people who lobbied against slavery, and the people who lobby for LGBT rights, and the people who lobby for the environment. If we all shut up because we didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, we’d still be buying and selling slaves.

          4. Jethro Avatar

            I’m not feeling all Kumbaya about the killing, I cannot address the killing tonight when I go to dinner, or when I wake up in the morning, or when I go to work, not going to happen when I leave town tomorrow to go to a special event in Arkansas. I can treat somebody like a human being, I can be kind to everyone I meet, I can be helpful to those who need it, I can forgive someones poor attitude and ask if they’re doing alright. This is a good start.

            What attitude will you have as you discuss with all the Jewish people you can contact, about admitting the wrongful claims about being the chosen people and the supposedly promised land? Will you be kind or will you be blunt and unkind. You never really got into how it could get started.

          5. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            I am certainly not suggesting that we shouldn’t be kind to each other, and treat each other as we would like to be treated. I’m suggesting that this low-level of basic human decency is not sufficient to kick humanity in the butt so that it will sit up, take notice, and do something. People like MLK deliver a kick to the butt. That’s what we need. Remember, we can all be just as nice and kind to each other as we like, as we are marched off the top of the cliff.

            How would I put this into effect? Well, the first step was to throw the idea out there. I’ve done that in a couple different forums and this one, where I expected that it would be greeted with some enthusiasm, given Neale’s focus on the evils of legacy religions, was where I received the most hostile response, starting with insinuations and thinly veiled suggestions that I was prejudiced or bigoted towards Jews. I think that may have been a typical liberal knee-jerk response, hoping to achieve moral superiority by accusing another of being a bigot. This is one reason we are having so much trouble dealing with the Islamic issue. You can’t raise the subject without being called a bigot, and there is a problem – Islam is not like other religions.

            I need to test the idea out a little more, but I think the way to go about it would be to seek out secular Jewish organizations or perhaps propagate the idea in an article or letter to the editor, perhaps on one of the secular magazines I subscribe to. Clearly the “spiritual/religious” community is not going to be interested – as evidenced by the response here – so I need to look for a more secular audience to help generate interest and potentially help put it into action, if it’s actually a good idea. I haven’t heard anything so far that persuades me otherwise.

            MLK said, ‘We need to have a conversation about race,’ so he started one Susan B Anthony said, ‘We need to have a conversation about women’s rights,’ so she started one. Nelson Mandela said, ‘We need to have a conversation about apartheid,’ so he started one. I’m saying, ‘We need to have a conversation about religion,’ and if there’s anything I can do to help start one, then I suppose I should try to do so.

          6. Jethro Avatar

            If you can move on that I wish you all the best. I did not see prejudice against Jews in your idea, only in the the belief of a god. I knew/know where your going with it. While I, and most people hear, see the benefits of at least changing the idea of what and who god is, which I see as next to impossible in some places, I don’t see removing god as even close to possible. Is it impossible? Maybe not, “I” don’t think it is, and that doesn’t make it fact. It may actually be easier to prove there is no God rather than change the idea of, if we look at irelands conflict between catholic and Protestant parties. If genetic changes are needed, why not pursue that first?

          7. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            It was once unimaginable to consider that the earth went around the sun. It was once unimaginable that slavery would be ended or that women would be allowed to vote and own property or that gays could get married. I think we should at least start the conversation. Keep in mind that a lot of people are cultural or traditional religionists, and don’t really believe everything they are told by their clergy. With the advent of the internet, there’s a lot more questioning of the reality of gods, than there was just a couple decades ago. We may be more prepared to have this conversation than we think.

            As for modifying people’s genetics; that technology is still out there quite a ways, and then you have the sticky issue of whether you can “force” people to have their genes modified in order to become more decent human beings.

          8. Jethro Avatar

            Many things have changed since we have recorded things. Some people who drop beliefs in God are now looking towards alien lifeforms to explain things they don’t understand. Same thing happened with Gods which were used to explain things that people don’t understand. A lack of understanding triggers the imagination. Something I don’t understand is human thought. When we figure that one out and wipe away the belief of fantasies, we will have taken a giant leap forward. If we can’t find a factual reason for something, we tend to hang on to the best answer whether its correct or not. It’s just too hard for humanity to say “I Don’t Know”.

            I watch Ancient Aliens and it’s more of a comedy than anything close to fact. What troubles me is the number of scientists who are agreeing with the alien theory.

          9. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            Perhaps we’re just a species that isn’t willing to take personal responsibility for ourselves. There’s always a god or an alien or something that will save us in the end. Or not.

            You said, “If we can’t find a factual reason for something, we tend to hang on to the best answer whether its correct or not.” The thing is, we have factual reasons for a lot of things, but some people, for some strange reason, refuse to accept any evidence that questions their beliefs. It appears to be a function of how well we’ve evolved to use the two thinking systems of our brains.

            We’re actually learning quite a bit about how people think. We evolved two thinking systems, one is primitive and is referred to as our reptilian brain. It’s mostly automatic, and it “rewards” us for not questioning it, because for billions of years of evolution it kept us alive. It appears that 7 or 8 million years ago we began to develop a more advanced thinking system, one that is more deliberative and contemplative and skeptical. We haven’t been using it as long, so perhaps we’re not as good at using it as we could be. In the mean time, once useful traits that are part of the reptilian brain, are no longer as helpful, but they took a long time to get there and will take a long time to go away.

            I can only say, “I don’t know” when it comes to aliens. They are far more probable than gods given the overwhelming number of potential planets that could support life and the many billions of years they have had to evolve and advance – but by now, you’d think we’d have more concrete evidence. Sightings seem to have gone down, now that everyone can record them.

            I have read the bible a few times, and once was during the Ancient Aliens series when it first came out. I read the bible with an eye toward parallels – and there are a bunch of them. You could easily substitute “God” for UFO or “angel” for “astronaut,” or “pillar of smoke and fire” for jet exhaust, and so forth. You may or may not recall that the Ark of the Covenant was a means of communicating with Yahweh. I recall reading some part of the OT describing the construction of the temple to house the Ark and thinking to myself, “that sounds just like a grid antenna.”

            I figure if there are any ET’s they are waiting for the virus currently covering the earth to kill itself off, so they can come in and mine the remaining resources without having to deal with the nasty natives!

            It’s nice to believe there are gods or aliens or HEBs or other magical critters out there who will save us in the end, but is believing this helpful if it prevents us from saving ourselves because we’re sure some other-worldly being is going to do it for us?

          10. Jethro Avatar

            It’s not beneficial to believe that there is any other entity in charge of humans other than humans. Once we accept that, a change will be possible.

            Excuses, excuses….

          11. Jethro Avatar

            It’s funny you say waiting for the virus to kill itself off, I have referred to humans as a virus or mold on the earth destroying its host for years.

            It’s not a belief in God that does the destroying or the saving, it’s how people define what their god wants. One little shift and the world desires the world ends so they can go to whatever their definition of heaven is. Isis has started all of this to bring God to earth, my Christian pastor neighbors let me know they are ready for the coming of the lord. Not prepared! Ready! I wonder how many suicides we would witness if it were believed killing ones self wasn’t a sin. The world has gone more than one kind of nuts.

            The only beings I’ve seen evidence of is humans and the average inhabitence of this earth. The only people saying there are others are those who are making a buck by doing so. Ghosts, Bigfoot, aliens, and whatever else the rednecks find on mountain monsters. And it makes no sense to study outer space when inner space has so many solvable problems to be resolved!

          12. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            I’m not sure the world is any more nuts than it ever was, the nuttiness is just better publicized now!

            I take issue with your statement that it makes no sense to study outer space when inner space has so many solvable problems to be resolved. Everything we study ends up bringing value in the form of new technology. If we study the stars, we have to invent new technology to overcome certain problems, and that technology almost always has other applications. Consider that coming up with ways to quantify the number of stars for example, has parallels to quantifying the number of neurons in a brain.
            Techniques used to study one, could be used to study the other.
            Studying outer space tells us about our origins, and shows us how insignificant and meaningless we are in the grand scheme of things. Our only meaning is in what we create ourselves.

            I saw a cute video clip this morning in which a map illustrated all the world’s major religions. Blue for Catholic, Red for Protestant, Orange for Sunni, and so on. How odd that the almighty divided his people up into different religions that are based on geography. The speaker pondered what it would look like if science worked that way. He put the map back up and said ‘People in the blue area believe dinosaurs were destroyed by meteors, people in red believe it was a volcano, those in purple say it was a comet, and so on. How completely ludicrous it would be if the scientific community operated the same was as the belief community.

          13. Jethro Avatar

            It’s very true that one study creates benefits to other studies, the war department has been doing it for, I assume, centuries. There could be something good coming from our studies of outer space but what do we need to know from there that makes a difference here? and forbid we find something of value out there. The world would kill itself trying to get to it… Wait, no problem there, we are already doing that. We are not insignificant by any means, we have the power to destroy a planet and each other and are continuing to do so. Our origins are right here on earth. What is a Grand Scheme? We are born, we learn, we act, we die. What we learn and how we act between life and death is the grand scheme. We study what others study, we do what others do, we are replaced by younger people interested in learning and doing what we do in the name of interest, but mostly making money to pay for life as we think life should occur. We have complicated life to make it seem more important than it is. So people can be more important than other people and feel better about themselves. The President is no more important than a bum, just richer and has more friends. But we will categorize human importance in the case of nuclear devastation or the like to make sure we can resume the destruction of our planet when the Chaos has died down. Only the greatest minds.

            How about technology that ensures every person gets equal supplies to survive, the essentials, available to everyone at all times. Have you heard the ridiculous statement that there is a water shortage on a planet that is 2/3 covered in water? Or, The rain forest being removed to raise beef (not sure i’m totally correct). Anyway… I’m not an activist that knows complete facts about any one thing, except my profession, but I know there are better ways to conduct necessities needed by all human beings.

            Science has to go through a process of beliefs and politics and funding. So the only difference between science and religion is, when one of them can’t prove truth, it quits searching after a while and stops trying to prove it.

          14. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            We discovered positrons while studying outer space, and that led to big advancements in particle physics which led to understanding how our natural world works. What do we need out there? How about mining for minerals without having to kill the people who happen to be living on top of them first? Doesn’t getting resources from outside our planet make more sense than continuing to deplete what we already have?

            This planet is the only repository we have for our genes. Perhaps, if we think we’re worth saving, we should get some of that genetic material off this planet as a backup…

            Consider that there is at least one theory, called panspermia, that suggests that life here was seeded from outer space. Our origins may not be earth, but from elsewhere in the cosmos. Part of studying space, could involve searching for our origins, because if life did not arise here on its own, then we have an even bigger mystery to solve. Why do we want to solve these mysteries? Why do we want to understand? Because we are human beings and it is in our genetics to do so. We are discoverers, and explorers, and knowledge seekers, and that’s glorious to me. Belief slows down this amazing process. Belief thinks it already has the answers. Discoverers and explorers have always paved the way and left strong genetic stock in their wakes, beginning with migration from Africa.

            Good question – what is a grand scheme? I used it as an expression, but it appears to me, that there is no grand scheme. If there is, and we want to know what it is, then we have to study all of it, inner and outer space. We have to study it to figure out if there is a grand scheme. So far the only “grand scheme” seems to be the process of evolution. Everything seems to evolve, whether it’s the universe or cockroaches. There seems to be no “purpose” to the universe or to us. We simply are, and any purpose comes from us.

            In one sense a President probably is more important than a bum. A President will more likely reproduce and pass along his genes. The bum is less likely to do so, and if he does pass on his genes, the offspring will be hampered with disadvantages, such as poor health care or dangerous environment, that reduces the chances of reproducing healthy offspring. “Important” is a relative word, but to the human genome, I think it can be safely argued that a President is more important to that genome than the bum and in the end, all that there is of either, after they die, is what they contributed to the human genome, or the efforts they made to protect and improve it… that is actually a place where a President can have a larger impact on the genome, than just his individual genes. (Disclaimer – in the case of this particular president, all bets are off! The bum, if he survives, might be a better contribution to the gene pool).

            I think that if we have any hope for the salvation of most of mankind, it will come from technology. We could have a major catastrophe and the few survivors return to the evolutionary progress of our ancestors many centuries ago, but that’s a brutal way to go back to basic natural selection in a messed up environment, so technology seems to be our best hope.

            I’m not sure your suggestion regarding the use of technology to fill everyone’s needs, is the best for our genome, unless we figure out another way to evolve. As I see it, you are essentially suggesting that the species eliminate all of the competition that made it strong in the first place. At some point there will have to be a reckoning. When animal populations explode there is always a correction. We have eliminated the things that provided a gentle evolution, apparently leaving large scale calamities to continue the evolutionary process in a far less surgical fashion – or so it seems to me. With technology it’s possible that gentle evolution via gene therapy will continue or begin again, but this is not something I expect to see on any significant scale in my lifetime – but never say never. I would not have expected in 1980, selling low speed modems that I would have a computer, far more powerful than the computers that supported the Apollo moon missions, and which filled up gymnasiums worth of space, shoved into my pocket.

            There is a problem facing our species. Our technology has slowed evolution to a crawl by allowing people to live and reproduce who would not have been able to do so only decades ago, not to mention a century ago. Scientists tell us our evolution is slowing and possibly stagnating. Is that good? Hard to say. Cockroaches haven’t changed much in a long time. Maybe this is as good as we get.

            Technology may allow us at some point in the future to solve genetic problems, and perhaps even to change our basic nature, allowing us a better chance at survival as a species. But who gets it? Only those who can afford it? Or is it something we force on everyone? There will be ethical and moral considerations.

            By the way, the water problem is really an energy problem. It takes a lot of energy to remove the salt and minerals from ocean water. Studying outer space helps us find solutions for energy. Our solar panel technology would probably still be in its infancy if we hadn’t had to figure out how to keep satellites, space stations and probes supplied with solar power.

          15. Jethro Avatar

            I can’t seem to get into all that’s going on in our world without writing a book that I don’t have time to write. A lot of the problems we face are created by technology, while I also know if technology were applied correctly, would benefit people and the planet on which we live. Things are designed to wear out in the name of finances and everything is designed to create an income. some items could be built to last more than a lifetime in some cases. Science could be doing a better job for the people, I’m sure they think they are but it’s just not true. Do you really believe the solar panels were designed for outer space? “In 1839 Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect which explains how electricity can be generated from sunlight. Over 100 years later, in 1941, Russell Ohl invented the solar cell, shortly after the invention of the transistor.” That was a few months before space travel.

            We wouldn’t have a water problem if we would quit throwing crap into it. The black plague was due to us actually throwing our “crap” into our water! No lessons learned.

            I have nothing against scientific study, I’m in awe of the many things known today that we didn’t know just more than a century ago, It’s how it’s all being used that bothers me.

            “There is a problem facing our species. Our technology has slowed evolution to a crawl by allowing people to live and reproduce who would not have been able to do so only decades ago, not to mention a century ago. Scientists tell us our evolution is slowing and possibly stagnating. Is that good? Hard to say. Cockroaches haven’t changed much in a long time. Maybe this is as good as we get.”… We could actually be so much better without the illusions.

            Off the subject (maybe), you have mentioned how Jesus said there was no reason to wash our hands before eating. We humans, and most if not all animals, build our immune systems through exposure to the area around us. During Jesus’ time we didn’t worry too much about chemicals like we have today. I’m sure you understand that immunizations are a process in which we are introduced to an illness that allows our immune systems to fight that particular strain. So not washing your hands is another form of immunization. Tribes in the amazon were nearly wiped out by what we know as the common cold. I had a doctor tell me once, after cutting myself while he watched me work, that due to my career choice that I didn’t need a tetanus shot due to my exposure to so many different things. My immune system was probably one of the strongest. I have rarely been sick over the years. While we should not crap in our drinking water, we do not need germ free places to live.

            I could say so much more and say it better but low on time.

          16. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            Jethro, once again I see a response to this in my email notice, but no post here.

            You asked, “Do you really believe the solar panels were designed for outer space? “In 1839 Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect which explains how electricity can be generated from sunlight. Over 100 years later, in 1941, Russell Ohl invented the solar cell, shortly after the invention of the transistor.” That was a few months before space travel.” Jethro I did not say that solar panels were designed (invented) for outer space, did I? I said the technology would probably still be in its infancy if we had not needed that technology in outer space. There are few other options for power in outer space. It is very expensive to launch fuel into outer space, so using solar power was critical, and surely (I haven’t made a study of this) much research has been conducted in an effort to make solar panels more efficient in order to support platforms in outer space. It was just an example of the many benefits and advantages we’ve gained from the space program.

            In my view, the idea that spending money studying outer space is a waste is absurd, if that is what you are proposing. What I wouldn’t have given for GPS back in the days when I was a sales rep covering most of the state of FL. I spent most of my time in a perpetual state of “lost” trying to read paper maps and not drive off the road.

            You also suggested (off topic) that when Jesus told his followers they had no need to wash their hands, that he was improving their immune systems. If that is the case, then why did the introduction of germ theory make such a huge difference to mankind? Our anticipated lifespan has more than doubled since that theory was used to advocate for sanitation. Jesus, if he was really a god or a HEB or prophet or messenger with any kind of foreknowledge could have saved millions of lives by saying a word or two about germs. There is probably some technology that applies as well in modern times. If Neale’s god had told him about this technology, conceivably billions of people might be saved, but who will otherwise die – some virus perhaps that we could stop with the right technology – but Neale’s god has no more idea of the future than Jesus did. Prophets never know more than whatever the knowledge base is at the time. The easiest thing to do is prophesize war. You can’t go wrong.

          17. Jethro Avatar

            Missing posts, it is what it is. It’ll stop or it won’t, I don’t care because I know it makes the email. If one gets lost it probably wasn’t worth talking about and I’ll try again.

            “I said the technology would probably still be in its infancy if we had not needed that technology in outer space.”
            That sounds fair enough, I didn’t intend to twist anything. Most people believe that the government invented all of the wonderful things they have, when actually they took what they wanted when they wanted it.

            I navigated with a Thomas guide in Bakersfield when I first became a service plumber circa 1991. Gps woulda been nice, but we made it. after 8 years I didn’t need a map. But, the GPS came in handy when i was remodeling restaurants from Pennsylvania to Mississippi and needed the nearest home depot. I don’t like the thought of all of my info floating around in cyber space though. Everything on my phone is in a cloud server and not directly stored on my phone anymore, I hate that!! We can’t guarantee that nothing will happen every time we log in. But we need to keep up with what technology is throwing at us. I agree whole heartedly that we have some great things but those great things are being used against us all the time.

            Jesus could have saved us a lot of time building our first space exploration vehicle capable of traveling to Pluto in two days, but he nor anyone else did that. I don’t know why things weren’t done but I know with high probability, I guess it’s a legal theory now, why Jesus would have suggested eating with dirty hands.I don’t understand why most people say anything they do. I get a little out there sometimes and can’t think and some days I can ramble on like college professor. I guessing it’s a human thing.

          18. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


            Ditto of my earlier reply.

            My favorite gems?

            “Who needs all that kindness and love mush?! Well…. Humanity does.”

            “We can change the way we treat others regardless of all the experiences we have ever had by simply deciding to do so, if we could believe for just a moment that such a change is possible. We change our minds all the time so it’s entirely possible.”

            Love and Blessings Always,

    5. Gross Prophet Avatar
      Gross Prophet

      While we’re on the subject of you being wrong (come to think of it, that’s just par for the course) — in the previous article’s thread, you ‘corrected’ Bruce Scott-Hill, when he chastised you, and said that you considered him more of a ‘peer’. Another epic fail — he’s almost old enough to be your GRAND-father.

      As to your other character trait, within that thread there are nearly (or over, by now) 570 posts…roughly HALF of which are ALL YOU. Just keep telling yourself that you are NOT pathological. Whatever gets you through the night, and all…

      1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
        Patrick Gannon

        I’m not going to get into a battle with you, GP. I know your style. I’ve seen how you respond to others on other blogs. You made all your Disqus material private, after I commented on the similarity of your posts to others with whom you disagree, but there’s still plenty out there on other blogs with your vicious personal attacks to illustrate who and what you really are. You’re fine until someone disagrees with you, then you turn on the insults. I’ve seen how you treat anyone who dares to disagree with you, and I’m not going to play.

        I can’t find the info right now – and Bruce, please feel free to correct me, but I think I read that he was 78 years old now. If that number is in the ballpark, then he is certainly not old enough to be my grandfather, and barely old enough to be my father. You are wrong once again.

        1. Gross Prophet Avatar
          Gross Prophet

          He looks about 90+ in at least one photo I saw. And you are lying about seeing my posts in ‘other blogs’, as this is the only venue I post anything, under any moniker.

          You are wrong again (always…?) — as usual.

          1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            Are you the GP in this post: “The 1st Commandment and the Holy Trinity.” It is a Disqus blog, but apparently was not blocked. This was just one of several sites I found with your participation.

            How about this post in “What does god feel like”? You said this to someone else you were disagreeing with:

            “And that would be why I stated in an earlier exchange that a child must have hijacked your account. ”

            The GP Avatar is exactly the same. This is an example of the harsh way you talk to and insult people when they disagree with you. There are other examples, but I’ve made my point. I’m done with you.

            I assume by your response that you acknowledge your error when insisting Bruce could be my grandfather….

          2. Gross Prophet Avatar
            Gross Prophet

            No, I was correcting YOUR error. I saw a pic where he had to be about 90+. You also, pointedly, failed to address my comment about your pathology.

            Evidently you mean anywhere within disqus as ‘other blogs’. Either you don’t understand just what a ‘blog’ is, or you are simply (as usual) grasping at anything to keep from appearing any more the fool than you do all the time as it is.

  11. Jethro Avatar

    Many of us have decided that we don’t like actions occurring all around us. It is common that we find a person whom has caused the problem and punish them severely. It is the mentality of most that this his how to cure a problematic situation. Confusion is the result of having to admit that we ourselves are the cause of anything that may be considered negative. It is ourselves that we must pay most attention too. a new world leader is being brought into this world now and in thirty five years, what will that person have learned from people reporting the news, people who comment on the internet, people they call parents, teachers and peers in schools, people at there jobs?

    In everything we do, we learn from the people around us. The news is full of negativity and not something for children, it’s not something for anyone quite honestly, if they cannot find dramatic coverage near home they reach out beyond to find it. In turn we see a world that is falling apart. The internet is capable of providing the worst the world has to offer and we don’t have to search for it. The worst that the world has to offer is allowed to pop in at will it seems. Parents are the most important people in the life of a child and most are not prepared to take on the job of teaching a new life to live. Schools are a pool of political sewage and we force our children to swim in it during the most important time of their lives. We have allowed a messed up system to decide what our children should learn and cannot guard them from teachers personal opinions nor can they guard each student from other students. The other students is where they will get most of their education. Not much will change on the job, they may learn a skill but what will they get from those they work with, the leaders who have hired leaders all of whom teach that money is more important than people.

    In this large crowd of people that the child will encounter, who will we blame for raising a poor leader? We must blame ourselves. We must ask ourselves always, what life have we touched that touched the life, that touched the life, that will touch yet another life. What have we taught in our personal life that has an impact on the person that may someday lead their own children, or lead a convenience store, a city, state, continent or world.

    So here we are wondering how to change the world. Stop it. Work on yourself… the world is you.

    1. Marko Avatar

      HI Jethro, news is that which veers from the norm. Thus, a million kids get on a bus go to school, get back on the bus & go home without incident, is not news.

      News lets us know what’s happening in the world so we can respond to the contrasts we see. Plus, we don’t have to fixate or buy into the drama of news. If we do, that’s our fault. I do record some news, one national, one local. I then can fast forward not only the ads, but any segment I don’t like.

      “See if you can catch yourself complaining in either speech or thought,
      about a situation you find yourself in, what other people do or say,
      your surroundings, your life situation, even the weather. To complain
      is always nonacceptance of what is. It invariably carries an
      unconscious negative charge. When you complain, you make yourself a
      victim. Leave the situation or accept it. All else is madness.” -Eckhart Tolle

      There is an uPside to complaining for me.

      It allows me the energy to do something about it, by the sheer fact I don’t like it & seek to change it. That could be anything from cleaning the garage to paying a bill. Oft times for things I don’t want to do I say “piece of cake” to create a better mind set.

      There is the be do have paradigm. And thought word and deed for creating or more accurately pulling into our experience that which we desire. Most spiritual people have the thought, word down, just not the deed to take action.

      I’m not discounting your complaining here, there is a place for complaining ranting etc. I’m simply responding to your post, in a way that might help others who may read it. Plus on social media there is plenty of positive new stories that circulate as well. We have the choice to watch the news or not watch. I’m sharing my process on some of my thoughts on the matter.

      1. Jethro Avatar

        I wasn’t complaining as much as pointing out the amount of negative information being pumped into people on a daily basis. Though I have and will probably continue to complain when I know that something wonderful is going on that’s not being told about in the news such as what’s on the menu for the homeless at the soup kitchen, which may not be serving soup. What would be so wrong with letting everyone know the all the buses arrived safely today? Is bad news the only news? What message for Neale might you have about all the complaining concerning a world that refuses to love one another in the way they should love one another?

        You have delivered a great message Marko, helping others is a commendable project that I hope you never give up on.

        1. Marko Avatar

          Hey Jethro, I did say there’s a lot of positive news on social media. Even in local & national news they do report good news. I see it all the time.

          “What message for Neale might you have about all the complaining
          concerning a world that refuses to love one another in the way they
          should love one another?”

          I would have no message specifically for Neale per se, but I do work & play to be a role model here, on the internet and daily life.

          People will eventually out grow violence & hate. In the mean time, I do, or more accurately “Be” the change I want to see. As you said, we work on ourselves . From there, we let that energy influence the world in positive ways.

          1. Jethro Avatar

            Amen Marko! I hope it will stop for sure.

            Social media is something we search for, I guess in a sense when we turn on the news we are searching, I mostly search for the weather forecast. That is personal preference though. How many people I wonder are setting in front of there televisions without a clue that there is a better source and believing the world has no hope. How many are ignorant to all the wonderful information being placed in an area that has to be searched for that lets us know that people, like yourself, are fighting to change the way humanity is treating or world and each other. Could an outgrowing of violence and hate be sped up with better information on say the news, a source of information that appears without having to search, especially for those with limited signals and no internet services? I think so.

          2. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


            I think that what is happening on the Internet, awakening and connecting humanity spiritually, is growing exponentially.

            Just as each of our individual spheres of influence affect others in limitless ways, so do the spheres of influence of grass-roots organizations (Spiritual politics), the reemerging of community as a place where one knows and cares for and about one’s neighbor (Spirituality expressed and experienced), the multitude of messengers and the connections they’re making (Spirituality exampled)… and more…

            I think part of reaching that “tipping point” will be very newsworthy. Unable to ignore, can’t get away from it newsworthy. And I think we’re as close as one more person touching the lives of the people they touch, who touch the lives of others, as I heard someone say somewhere. Or one smile away, or one miracle away, or one discovery away, or one experience away, or one hug away, or one understanding away. Whatever it turns out to be.

            Yes, we must each look to ourselves, but sometimes it’s kinda nice to know we’re not alone.

            Love and Blessings Always,

          3. Jethro Avatar

            The straw that broke the camels back… The smile that created world wide love… I like it. I’ll be on the look out… Smiling. (people are going to think I’m up to something!)

    2. stardust Avatar

      “We must ask ourselves always, what life have we touched that touched the life, that touched” the life, that will touch yet another life. What have we taught in our personal life that has an impact on the person that may someday lead their own children, or lead a convenience store, a city, state, continent or world.

      So here we are wondering how to change the world. Stop it. Work on yourself… the world is you.”

      Had to step back up just to smile and say how lovely these words are. 🙂

      1. Jethro Avatar

        Thank you Stardust, you also have had some wonderful things to say. I’ve been busy, but I’m reading hear and there.

        1. stardust Avatar

          I am hear and there and everywhere 🙂 Just listening to rock and roll, Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, and Mick Jagger 🙂 I am getting busy myself. My paints are here and it’s back to the drawing board or canvas with oil paint. I’ve been inspired. Didn’t know Bob Dylan and Paul McCartney were such grand artists. I’m off until spoken to 🙂

          1. Jethro Avatar

            That’s cool, lost until found. I like it! Me too sort of. I’m not a Dylan fan but McCartney is the king not Elvis, Elvis left the building but I have moves like jagger, See you around and stay blessed. Love the stones! Rolling or not.

          2. stardust Avatar

            Not lost, just quiet, sort of. I’m thinking of rolling onward and rolling in my paint, at the moment. Plenty of artists, famous ones at that have done it. It wasn’t Pollock. He did those drip paintings. I can’t remember but someone did it and rolling or not 😉 the Stones still have it. I love Jagger. McCartney is king, but Elvis is also epic. Don’t know if the real one could ever leave a true building 🙂 Will the real Elvis please stand up 🙂

    3. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


      I suppressed my immediate reaction when I read this shortly after you posted. That’s not really fair, to you or to anyone. So…

      Hallelujah! Preach it, Jethro!

      Love and Blessings Always,

      (Pretty darn good words for an overundereducated plumber who just does what he can to uplift his neighbors while learning how to walk through the world cooperatively when possible and self-sufficiently when not, pausing here and there for a sip or two. ?)

      1. Jethro Avatar

        Annie you are the sweetest! This is a thank you for “all” of your kind words today. I have read every word and you have lifted my spirits more than once.
        Love back to you!!

    4. Raphael Avatar

      I am reposting this here, with apologies, as my reply to you Jethro keeps being taken out immediately and without even a semblance of any review on the last thread.

      “That is… I’ve learned a lot from you and would appreciate your sticking around.”

      Thank you Jethro, I have to say goodbye, unfortunately. There is now either a very petty and obtuse moderator or a completely faulty automated system that is censoring anything that is even slightly critical of Neale’s points, and I don’t have the patience to deal with it.

      I have to leave because I now very strongly disagree with Neale, as he revealed an agenda that I oppose completely, that of using a 2-pronged approach (leading through coercion and example) to develop a “loyal” following. I cannot be allied to anyone who would consider coercion and authoritarianism to be acceptable to any degree and in any form, as I know that this opposes the very nature of the Spirit.

      Thank you for all your great comments and insights Jethro…I have enjoyed reading them all!
      Take care,

  12. Raphael Avatar

    Wow…there IS extreme censorship on this site, which is not random, but targets very specific, pertinent disagreements. Patrick is not censored because although he disagrees with Neale, he hasn’t questioned Neale main point here. I have…and have been censored every time, and very quickly.
    All I can say is that this confirms what I now suspect…Neale is moving in another direction. perhaps finally revealing the true nature of his agenda.
    Needless to say, I disagree so strongly with such an agenda that it has become unhealthy for me to spend any time here.
    But you should all be aware that this is no longer a forum for free thinkers, let alone a conversation.

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      Nobody….absolutely nobody….is censoring this site, guys. That is Fake News. a False Report. Inaccurate Data. Simply Not So.

      If there is a comment that is made and does not appear, there is some mechanical reason. If it contains a link that pulls people away from the site, for instance, it may be kept off the site by the programming. But the idea that I feel so vulnerable that I cannot stand the idea of certain posts appearing on the site because my “main point” is being questioned is laughable. Write a book called Conversations with God someday, folks, and see how often you feel that your “main point” is being questioned! Ha! ;o)

      1. Raphael Avatar

        I am glad you clarified, Neale.

        My comments contained neither links nor vulgar language of any kind or degree. I never had any comment censored under the name “Mewabe”, so I am very surprised, as even thought I do not know you I never thought of you as someone who would not tolerate criticism or challenges. If it is then a bug in the system, it should be fixed, as I am not the only one having comments rejected from the onset or “vanished”, for no valid reason.

        Everyone here is scratching their heads…would it be possible to fix the problem before people start pulling off their hair? Unless it is a Disqus problem, but I have never heard of them censoring anything…of course there is always a first, especially in the strange political climate that has overtaken this nation.

        Okay, that’s enough paranoia in one comment…

      2. Mysie (Watson) McJannet Avatar
        Mysie (Watson) McJannet

        So,,,if ‘nobody’ is censoring this site,,,,,hmmmmm,,,,,,how about ‘anybody’,,,,is ‘anybody’ doing it?

        or,,,how about ‘somebody’,,,,betcha ‘somebody’ is the culprit!.

        BTW I love you Neale ,,,
        ,but even if I didn’t,,,,I still wouldn’t think you were ‘Nobody’ or ‘Anybody’ or,,,,ahem,,,,,,,’Somebody’

        You’re just Neale,,’,see thru’ Neale,,,,so transparent I should call you my ‘Invisible Friend’ but,,,,
        I save that title for Hebs etc

      3. Raphael Avatar

        Could you please explain Neale why my response to you from yesterday is no longer visible here? Inquiring minds want to know…

      4. babybleustardust Avatar

        Dear Neale,
        I am glad to hear you didn’t take my posts down. I hope you didn’t take my sudden departure personally. I am sure you are a big guy and I am glad you are not responsible for moderating my loveliness. I don’t claim to be a saint in that I always stick to a certain subject, but usually I at least try to make things interesting I am a free thinker, a true romantic, as in Romanticism, as in Keats, or Shelley, meaning I like to meander and ramble a bit. I can’t help it. It is in my blue ball of stardust HI so let bygones be bygones and Joy to the world for you and me. I am back in the saddle. So, what is up everyone? Can we talk about something more fascinating than hackers from China or Peking Duckland or whatever.
        I don’t care. Let’s talk about something interesting and get happy 🙂

        Love and Peace to you :p)


      5. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
        Bruce Scott-hill

        Hi Neale,
        Whatever you say, the fact is that the Disqus algorithms seem to be removing excellent posts with nothing contentious at all, making the authors give up and leave. The most contentious person who posts seems to be immune. Is he flagging some as inappropriate without you knowing, using the small square on the right hand side? Have you checked? I think it could be this, despite what you say. Whatever, it is, it is simply not fair, but perpetrated by “your” website, “your” energy. Surely you can see that this is also clearly inimitable to your wish – for us to assist you – yet when one complains to you, you ignore repeated complaints from those posting our best well thought out posts for you to use if you wish; and (under your watch). We then frustratingly have them “redded” as “spam” and they disappear never for anyone to see again (except us). Those identified as spam don’t even fit the definition of “spam” – which is “junk newsgroup postings”. Also the moderator never moderates! Ever! Crazy, yet you defend all this!

        On our behalf I think you should take up the matter with Disqus pronto, look at posts that have been summarily removed (such as mine) and negotiate and pay for different algorithms for these “conversations”, that will treat us fairly. We are not people who are having a happy chat – as with most newsgroups/blogs, but trying to help you change the world. Please think about it.

        I Love what you are doing but am shocked that given this, you are so surprisingly dismissive to our problems. And no, this is not fake news, disappointingly – you don’t seem to be listening.

        I suppose like all my best posts, this will be summarily removed as identified wrongly as “spam” – mostly before others have seen this..
        I challenge you to post my recent innocuous post yourself and see if you are moderated!

        God Bless,

        1. babybleustardust Avatar

          Amen Amon Ra Ra Ra It means a lot to the writer. If one works hard and ponders a little iota then poof into thinness and a big red flag on our own disqus wall looking right at me. Brings back memories of teachers who too much of a stickler. I know Neale probably didn’t do it but who is doing it. I don’t flag anybody but would anybody flag anybody? God. I didn’t think of it. I am so gullible. There are evil people, aren’t there. Damn. Dear God. This is not the army I signed up for. I am off to listen to music, probably rock and roll. Can’t take that away from me. Bye all.

    2. Kristen Avatar

      Agree completely, Ive done the same experiments as you tried.
      Sayonara and take care….hope you personally explained your name to Patrick!

      1. Raphael Avatar

        Here we go again, my response to Neale mysteriously disappeared!
        Whatever…it is not important. After banging your head against the wall a few too many times, you stop, figuring you have better things to do with your life!

        Take care Kirsten…it was great knowing you here…loved your humor! I am out of here for good. I hope you have enough moldy fried bread to last you through WW3…

        1. Kristen Avatar

          Neale must sure have one odd hacker that can delete posts of others, Ive watched them disappear, one was 13 minutes!!!! Probably a fanatic groupie!!

          I find after banging my head against a wall too many times Ive ended up with a Herman Munster forehead. I find it just adds to my unique, if incredibly unfortunate, looks.

          Great quote from Alice in Wonderland..’Begin at the beginning, and go on til you come to the end, then stop!’ Im stopping where Im at for a while.

          I signed out just after you…when Michelle, Jethro and then you all cancelled disqus so deleted posts, the long crazy thread ended up with me having one sided conversations..not cool. But I was just passing through for a couple of months anyway.

          Great knowing you too….always a smile even if it at you, rather than with you…haha, and thanks for showing personality and humour. Yip, I have good fried bread stocks thanks, stored in a garage freezer that I dont plug in! Plugging freezers in is for the common people.

          See ya at Walmart sometime. Im that huuuuugge bald man wearing a borat mankini with a cowboy hat and gumboots getting there on my vespa to stock up on body wax!

          Take care Raphael, say hi to the other Turtles from me, since Im sure you’ve never heard tnat before!


          1. babybleustardust Avatar

            Not cool to take it personally 🙂 I hope eating concrete will cool you. I wouldn’t eat it. I think it must be bad for you. I am soft and silky. Who wants to be that hard and pebbly not. It is fake rock, no mineral to it 🙂

          2. Kristen Avatar

            Hi Michelle,
            I dont take things personally, just half conversations look stupid and readers will miss the humour in things, it makes boring reading and there are lots of silent readers in here.
            Unless people are severly abused, in NZ we say eat some concrete and harden up, ring Dr Give A Shite or get some glue and hold it together. We’re a tough laid back bunch, still have a pioneering spirit and ‘make do’ with what we have rather than complaining.
            But it’s not pebbly concrete…just boring old driveway stuff! Ill try clay next time, good minerals in that. Or my mountain of Mewabes moldy fried bread he sends me on his drone. Thats gotta be good for ya!
            Take care,

          3. babybleustardust Avatar

            Ah well, I got a little miffed. I like it when moderators mingle. It is nice to here them speak on their blogs and occasionally speak to me personally. It is good for business. Plus, it is a little more like the author is a real person speaking to his audience, so getting deleted here not but moderated and swooped off like an eagle flying me around. Silly, silly, silly and it kind of hurt my feelings, okay? It had not a thing to do with you. I told you not to take it personally but you kind of are because you think your posts are sitting alone. Oh well, who cares about one’s posts. I have so many that are all over this wide web called internet. It matters not a whit. Do you know my posts are still up front when the site loads, and I could care less, though we were and probably already way off topic. Do you realize how much wildness I put up and it lingers nevermore in my big Mind. To be honest, my free roving posts make me look like a brown cheetah in a safari jungle land. I hope the moldy bread doesn’t taste bad. I like only french baguettes but an english scone is also grand with butter and tea or hot mexican coffee. My coffee grains hop and so do cigarette butts but everything hops near me if it needs to. It’s fun to watch. Anyway, as far as asphalt and driveway go, I hope you don’t slip. You might fall in the cracks and break your mum’s back 🙂 That’s a saying in the US I used to sing when I was a little thing. Take a car to that drone called Mewabe and make it cobalt and black jet black jack black and make it as slippery as you can get it like a jaguar just for me Xx


          4. Raphael Avatar

            I thought I recognized you at Walmart…you can’t fool me, you were the one wearing the pink tutu, bright orange top that barely covered anything and green/purple hair.
            See you there!

            Via con Dios!
            Mewannabe Raphael

          5. Kristen Avatar

            Wasn’t me sorry….that was a mirror you were looking in!!
            Glad you wannabe Raphael!!

          6. Raphael Avatar

            Was it? That would explain the unshaven face. Thanks for clearing this one up for me…it’s not easy living with multiple personalities, don’t make fun of the handicapped!

          7. Kristen Avatar

            Isnt it illegal to say handicapped now? Isnt it differently abled?
            Definately a mirror not me..I wax my beard or its chest length in a week. Not really a beard, more an impressive lot of really hairy moles. Hence the Walmart trips to buy buckets of wax. Know what you mean about multiple personalities too….theyre called kids!
            I did like your Walmart purchases, watch for my youtube clips…purchases of Walmart. I was a bit perplexed about all the adult diapers, Vicks, mentos, Coke and cooling gel pads, but hey, who am I to question it?

          8. Raphael Avatar

            How about challengingly disturbed?
            The hairy moles sound so sexy…I can’t tell you what it does for me.

          9. Kristen Avatar

            Or disturbingly challenged.
            No need to explain about the purchases, I think I get the gist of it, as scary and disturbing as it is!! The moderating ghost troll would censor it anyway.
            And please…..feel free to never find the words to tell me what the hairy moles do to you…a, Patrick, the name and flirting police might call you out and start a war…b, eeeewwwww….c, one can only hope that isnt why you fell off the chair……d, your fetish is my phobia!
            My monobrow is a nice touch as well, I find it gives me character. A bit like your tattoo on Walmart people, on the back of your bald head of a womens face. Very cool, although keeping hair at the front and shaving the back is a bit odd.
            Be an inspirational rather than intuitive artist, dare you to hide a hairy mole in the label design!!

          10. Raphael Avatar

            Monobrow? Darn, the hairy moles, that was very exciting, but this? Now I am in love! I think I saw you in the woods the other day, unless it was big foot?

            Yes I am covered with tattoos from head to toes…very classy! It goes well with my nose and eyebrows rings, and dreadlocks. Can you spell Rastafarian?

            I have to go smoke something now…and I will hide that in the design.

          11. babybleustardust Avatar

            oh tattoos are my favorite. I’m getting a belly button piercing soon. nothing but a bleu baby jewel, maybe an emerald. can’t wait. I have scrolls of tattoos in my black and cobalt jaguar ship 🙂

          12. Kristen Avatar

            Hahaha….Ive had my belly button pierced since 1999 I think…just me, Britney Spears and Janet Jackson, no one else was cool enough other than us 3. All low riding our cargo pants, damn I was cool (with 3 young kids). Always just a cubic zirconia. Cant get it out now. Only other piercing was a clavicles one, like a diamante without the necklace chain. Loved it but after a few months it worked its way out, too skinny, no fat there to stop it moving. Clavicle piercings are the coolest but you never see them, Ive never seen one other than mine, you should get one, start a trend, everyone loved mine, at least 6 comments a day saying how cool it was (2012 I think). In the piercing shop I saw the coolest thing ever….the lady had ring piercings all down her back in two rows then a ribbon laced through like a corset. Very cool, but ouch!!!!!!!!

          13. babybleustardust Avatar

            Well, I can only say that I am only starting to be cooler with my recent divorce so I think a belly piercing, and possibly a second ear piercing will do me grandly. Piercings in the clavicle sound like ouch as I had a broken clavicle in the recent car wreck. Not really desiring to tamper with what is still a miracle healing. I once had a student who divulged he had private part piercings Ouch! Don’t think Ii’ll go that far but who is to say. We’re as old as we feel.

          14. Kristen Avatar

            Hahaha, a few years ago my sensible Catholic doctor (my age but died a few years ago from melanoma) was telling me a friend referred a patient to her for a follow up, she forgot her friend volunteered at a std clinic. The guy dropped his pants and my doctor nearly had a heart attack, then burst into laughter yelling ‘you have your willy pierced’ then couldnt stop laughing. Shed never heard of it before, her friend did the referral as a joke. I wish someone had told the story at her funeral.
            As old as we feel….yip, I got stuck at 33. Never too late to start being cool!

          15. babybleustardust Avatar

            Hu HI

          16. Kristen Avatar

            It was me, yip, Im hot. Especially my feature where I just wax to over my knees then leave like a fringe to show all my thigh hair.
            No tats sorry….I was getting one on the Gold Coast but my daughter snuck in before I could. She got the tinest cute bee just so I couldnt, biarch!! Then a year later had a dream catcher down one side of her torso. Cool, but only cool on skinny people there.
            A great new tattoo for you would be to make your nose tattood like a vase, then flowers coming out all over your forehead. Send a pic!! One brow ring can look good on guys if he has perfect brows and face. You didnt mention your 5 tongue piercings!!

          17. Raphael Avatar

            I didn’t mention my 5 tongues either…some things I would rather keep private here, such as the 2 horns on my head on which I have attached a few bells and other colorful trinkets and which are actually telescopic, very handy to communicate with the Big Green aliens, who are cousins of the Small Grey, twice removed (for misbehaving).

            What happens to tattoos when people get fat, wrinkled and saggy? (I meant…youthfully challenged).

            I will send you a picture of my new nose tattoo…or a thousand words, whichever comes first. There is a new tattoo parlor in town, right next to the bar, so handy, you can just crawl on your hands and knees from one to the other.

          18. Kristen Avatar

            I find tattoo parlours next to bars are always the best ones, you name it, theyll do it. One step up from the ones in Bali. Our only one is above a kids after school care place, next to a bakery…rather civilised.
            5 tongues…no wonder you only drink water..Ive heard about that. Each tongue has its own taste sensors, one for sweet, one salt, one spices etc. Must get confusing at times!
            Trinkets…how cool can you possibly get? Another of my phobias! I have allergies to Christmas earrings and the like, although in my old age I am starting to realise some people do actually believe they are a Christmas Tree. Try telling them theres a reason primary colours are called that for a reason…its illegal to wear them past primary school. That will start WW3 with a bang…over 70s on a rampage in their floro vests that give extra power.
            What happens to tattoos when people get fat, wrinkled and saggy? Look in the mirror, you, or Mewabe, is the guru, you know the answer to every question about people can be found in a mirror!! I find my full back tattoo of Barney the dinosaur looks great now its near my butt. If I pull granny undies up high enough he looks like a kangaroo with just the top half showing.

            Hey….the non moderator is loopy…why is tbis stupid conversation at the top now, are they a double crosser (or cross dresser, same thing) thats now sabotaging Neales sensible thread?????
            Is it you???

    3. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
      Bruce Scott-hill

      Ditto for me, maybe he is a plant – the moderator in disguise?

      1. Raphael Avatar

        That might be going too far…I don’t think there are any plants on this site…bugs may be, but no plants.

        1. babybleustardust Avatar

          ants and flies. what pests 🙂

    4. Kristen Avatar

      Ive been a troll..my test post has shown up the top. Wow!! Usually anything anti CwG is deleted.

      1. Raphael Avatar

        Perhaps the non existent problem-according to Neale-has been fixed?

    5. Patrick Gannon Avatar
      Patrick Gannon

      It is interesting that I am one of the most vocal critics of the underlying fabric of Neale’s movement – the idea that there is a god, soul, universal consciousness, essential essence, or whatever words you want to use, and I am not censored. I’ve also been here a long time, use my real name and work to avoid personal insults. I may be on a “safe” list, along with others like Annie. Change your name, or show up new, and you may have to go through a more serious vetting process – just a guess.

      What do you consider Neale’s “main point” to be here? He suggests a two-pronged approach – discipline and discipleship. I take it you disagree with the discipline part. I don’t, but discipline has to be used sparingly and thoughtfully. In this case, I’m not convinced that what we saw with the strikes on Syria had anything to do with discipline. I think the primary purpose was to change the news cycle. Just before that event, the press was embroiled in a controversy about bombs we dropped in Mosul that killed a couple hundred people including women and children. The Syria strike knocked that right out of the news and it did not come back. Some of the focus on how many people were at the inauguration and how many illegal aliens voted, and whether Obama wiretapped Trump Tower and other foolish nonsense, was also diminished by the new focus on America kicking butt – the one thing we know we can do to feel better about ourselves!

      I would like to understand how Neale expects to implement the “discipleship” portion. I suppose he’s talking about sending out emissaries or disciples to spread the word of ONEness. I think that’s a Kumbaya pipe dream. Over time I have become less and less enamored with ONEness anyway. The idea that we are all ONE, means that if I decide to kill you, then, in some sense, you asked me to do so. That justifies all kinds of wrongness. Hitler helped the souls of the Jews he killed to meet or accomplish their agenda? Or maybe he just killed them because he was an evil person!

      I do agree with setting an example though, providing a leader to follow, and that goes with my idea of organizing an influential group of secular Jews who set the example by acknowledging that they are not “chosen people” and have no divine right to a “promised land” and to start the discussion we need to have about the Abrahamic religions. That would live up to his idea of providing discipleship and being the example for others to follow, but I doubt that’s what he has in mind!

      1. Raphael Avatar

        It seems that either the “non-existent” problem has been fixed or I have been “vetted”…so far no more suppression of my comments.

        I do disagree with coercion and with the use of authority. It might be practical in a less than ideal world, but should never be seen or recommended as the ideal solution, especially by a person who professes to be spiritual. In my view, spirituality leads to awakening, awareness, personal responsibility and freedom, not to following and obeying and being loyal to any leader or movement, or “group think”. Obeying is for dogs, not for evolved human beings.

        The idea of oneness can, as all ideas, be taken too far, to the point where nothing matters in life, because all is “pre-determined”. You then become a fatalist or stoic. I see oneness a bit differently…as the fact that all life in the natural world is interconnected and interdependent.

        Could people find a way to live peacefully together while having different beliefs and world views? Or must we all submit to the tyranny of agreement and group think? Must we all believe, think, feel, behave, look and dress alike in order to get along? Must we play “follow the leader” and give up our own power and authority?

        In my view, neither harsh coercion nor gentle persuasion would be necessary among people who are evolved enough to respect and even celebrate their differences. Oneness, in the natural world, does not imply sameness but infinite diversity. Only humans manifest the inane belief that peace can only come from uniformity and conformity, which imply authority and coercion.

      2. Raphael Avatar

        I replied to you Patrick but my post has been, once again, censored, for no valid or rational reason. It contained some strong statements (no foul or family-unfriendly language or links) that were political (denouncing the lies and corruption of governments, of the mainstream media) as well as spiritual…and which apparently someone or something does not want to see posted here. I don’t think Neale has anything to do with it. But in the proto-fascist political climate that has overtaken this country, everything is possible.

  13. Stephen mills Avatar
    Stephen mills

    Is it possible the Russians are responsible for hacking this site , they seem to be getting the blame for everything else !!!

    It’s a conspiracy man ?

    1. Kristen Avatar

      Its North Korea.

      1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

        Nah. It’s India. Or Pakistan. I can hear the sacred drummings, mystically sounding a lot like… Kumbaya?

        1. Kristen Avatar

          Damn…here I was trying to work out if that was the drums in House of The Rising Sun or Black Betty. I was even wondering about Black Dog.

          Half of India has shifted to Auckland where I live in the past ten years, buying up every corner store, supermarket and gas station they can, plus all the dentists, taxis, doctors and opening liquor stores everywhere they can especially by schools, so it wouldnt suprise me one bit. Our city population has doubled in about 20 years with immigration.
          A conspiracy in the making? They go on strike and shut their businesses, and we are all deprived of the necessities of life???? Scary thought!!

          Im actually thinking Tuvalu, I think they may have a computer, not sure.

          Take care Annie,

          1. babybleustardust Avatar

            Oh Wow Tuvalu is something. Have fun!!! I wouldn’t want a computer there at all. I’ll take the tiki hut XXoo

        2. babybleustardust Avatar

          What’s with the Kumbaya thing anyhoo? Kumbaya my Lord is a great song but would my Lord hack. No. No. No. 🙂

  14. Kristen Avatar

    Who would you suggest people are disciples of?

    1. babybleustardust Avatar

      Me 🙂 of course, the guru here called Neale. Evrerybody already knows that but I am my own desciple.

      1. Kristen Avatar

        Good Lord….it gets worse by the minute!
        But that was a test for the invisible non moderator in here, guess they havnt read it yet!
        Ill eat my english date scone now I think, funny you said that below. I was just thinking how Americans call a scone something different to us before I read your reply to me. Cant beat english scones with raspberry jam and cream!

        1. babybleustardust Avatar

          Yea. We call them bisquets. I don’t know how to spell it but I hate american buisquts. Damn. Just call me Keats. He couldn’t spell either. The date is not the fig. I only like figs, the juicy kind. The date is good but who wants that doggone seed. It is too hard. I eat only the fruit of the fruit. I like fig newtons with coffee 🙂 But, rasberry jam is my baby’s favorite, so always myne. Xx take care,


          1. Kristen Avatar

            Biscuits. What you call cookies, we call biscuits, unless huge then we may say cookie just from American tv. We say nappies not diapers, jandals for flipflops, footpath not sidewalk, tin not can, fringe not bangs, holiday not vacation and spell differently like colour, flavour etc.
            Genius idea…buy pitted dates and figs!

          2. babybleustardust Avatar

            buscuits ugh cookies only myne I make the best chocolate chip m&m but nothing sounds good. Maybe I’m pregnant. a nappie here means sleepy time and a diaper is a pampie. jandals for flilpflops. A jackal is more like it. Pitted dates. I hate the pits, have been known to eat them 🙂

        2. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
          Bruce Scott-hill

          Hi Kristen,
          Great to find you are still here! after that blast at Neale above, I thought you would “take your bat and ball and go home”- I do so much share your frustration as you know. I was tempted to reply to your question to Neale, but obviously it is not my right, and anyway I wouldn’t wish to get in way of the faint chance of a reply from him. So I thought I would give my feelings and belief on what you say. I believe fully in all the concepts you say here advocted by Neale – except where you say “facts”don’t matter. Well of course you know they do matter – as these are our only lifeline of “truth” one can use against lies, distortion, continual assertions without evidence and deliberate misrepresentation of what is said often here by one person only – our fake moderator. If we had a true moderator here we would expect fair moderation to result in some posts being reinstated. But this never happens. Therefore moderation is a sad fiction, proven by Neale’s clever initiatives to get some of his posts reposted. Which should not be necessary.
          God Bless you Kristen

          1. Kristen Avatar

            Hi Bruce,
            I really was doing a test post to see if the moderating ghost would delete it, shocking its still there, but my point is that there is a very ‘dark’ side to CwG IF people choose to take from Neales teachings what suits them.
            When the things I’ve pointed out together are all combined…well, you live in NZ, we know what happens, similar to Aboriginies.
            Re the truth…his quotes saying perception is everything bugs me..look up the word. I much prefer the truth than guesswork based on half information.
            Take care Bruce, and hope you have a good time with your family staying.

          2. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Hi Kristen,
            Thanks, so was my posting a bit of a test. Makes me wonder whether Patrick has stopped being an unwanted moderator – as we are onto him. I like you, was thinking of testing it by using the little square on the right of an old post, but now one seems able to post just about anything. Long may it last! It would be wonderful to have a scenario where one was not frightened of having an innocuous post deleted or wrongly identified as spam. Since my main role now is as a afterlife validity researcher of esoteric literature, I think it is necessary to segregate a “receiver” i.e. “recipient” from what is “received:, e.g. a form of medium/automatic writer such as Neale etc, I wrote my book in a similar way to Neale and wrote down things that I didn’t even know in a sort of daze until I later checked. To cut to the chase, as humans, we are all fallible, but the messages could be from “God” and absolutely accurate – as God could make sure they were! I even know of a medium who was a criminal, channelled as a deep trance medium for eight years and the teachings that came through him were from purportedly the first Christian martyr, St Stephen – every word of the book seems on scientific analysis to be the truth and I have gone through it meticulously about 5 times and will later this year summarise my findings in a research paper. Later I will do likewise with Neale’s 3 major books. But so far, his books on a correlation research basis look great. By this method only one correlation/test that fails to comply means total rejection – in accordance with the teaching of St John you will see in the Bible.So research is not too hard, just time consuming.
            Dealing with perception, I guess Neale means the difference between just “seeing” – which when one is enlightened is huge – one can “see a universe in a flower”, and can receive great wisdom from being transformed into an intense and rewarding new type of vision and “perception” – far beyond what one is used to. Any form of beauty almost becomes overwhelming.
            God Bless you Kristen,

            P.S. Stick around, maybe one day this might come to something great. I just hope though that mind numbing negativity/falsity from one source doesn’t continue – otherwise I will withdraw as Jethro has done on occasions,

          3. Kristen Avatar

            Hi. I dont think its Patrick at all.
            I go by scripture, it states if anyone says anything that differs to what God has already said in scripture, then it is not of God. Backed up by the Apostles and those after going to great lengths to explain any changes Y’shua made.
            My personal opinion is that Neale is a messenger for He Of Lawlessness in scripture and we are now in a period of Satans rule, astrologically God ‘took a break’ in 1977.
            Im an Israelite Kabbalist and know the pearl, which are female principles, understanding etc have now been moved to under The Source, with those properties, take a quick look at a Tree of Life diagram online. The very end of Revelation is the Void on the Tree (Im under The Source now), the finishing of humans to how we are meant to be, so as far as I am aware, we are now very close to the final judgement day. When the pearl is with the Sources properties, thats the Pearly Gates and walls in Revelation.

          4. babybleustardust Avatar

            What do you know about pearls with regard to the tree of life? I find those and pop them like magic. Plastic not. Real pearls in the palm of my hand. Several in my pocket that I saved for show.

          5. Kristen Avatar

            The Binah position (Eve in Adam and Eve, its the same story but with God as ‘Adam, hence Genesis saying we are created in Gods image) is the journey through female principles, justice, understanding etc. Its represented by the pearl and the Moon. The saying of drinking moonshine is about females shining so guys fall for them completely, since alcohol will drop a males guard down….like breaking the Eden curse that made males jerks toward females.
            A pearl is round so represents completion (of the human soul), high value, purity, flow of water, all flow etc. When combined with other jewels as ghey are in Revelation, all the properties of them together create perfect humans, and a return to Eden for happily ever after…the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow as a complete human has all the traits of the colours of a rainbow…thousands of colours.
            Pearls are forbidden for me as scripture states God telling us to hate shellfish, pus and by products of shellfish, pearls are oyster pus, so Ive stayed well away from the Pearly Gates, and had my judgement day done differently at my request.

          6. babybleustardust Avatar

            I love shellfish, so not interested in hearing God’s view on that matter. Nothng like a plate of shrimp and lemon and cocktail sauce. Oh god. My honeymoon consisted nothing but shrimp for breakfast, shrimp for lunch, shrimp for dinner. Omelette in the morning with shrimp. Shrimp cocktail and oh my god. Just call me Forest Gump. Moonshine is a treat in ky. I might have had a taste, maybe a tiny bit but not really, unless I did 🙂 Actually, I did taste bootlegging wine that was good 🙂 I do recall singing with my granny and speaking French as we all danced around the wooden picnic kitchen table and the fireplace, “Vive Le moment!!!!!!!!!!!!” Yea that’s my motto. So all family quoted and requoted that my whole life because of that one day. That’s their association with me. Live in the moment. That’s me. As far as Adam in Eve and Eve in Adam, it matters about what direction Adam was heading when he entered Earth. Was he up or down, left or right? I guess I mean There must have been a HEB before Adam and if he melded with a fallen character like eve, mickey mouse, pebbles, or something like that then we’re all screwed, I guess. Actually, I believe in a perfect HEB somewhere out there over a golden pot so golden no one can see the angel over the True God. Goodnight means don’t let the bed bugs bite in our good ol’ USA.

          7. Kristen Avatar

            My theory is the Adam and Eve story is the introduction of causasion people to Earth.

          8. babybleustardust Avatar


          9. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Hi Kristen,
            You said:- “it states if anyone says anything that differs to what God has already said in scripture, then it is not of God.”

            Would you kindly provide the reference for that, for me. I have never heard of it.

            I am too certainly a believer in Christ, and what he said, and his message said, – “It has been said before, but I say unto you…”. Indicating that His, was a new message to that in the Old Testament, as you well know. The fact is, that even the New Testament has errors and contradictions, some due to errors and translation from early Greek, All of which have excellently been documented by biblical scholars. No original versions were left after the Romans apparently destroyed every copy in Aramaic, apart from the Dead Sea scrolls. The earliest scripture was apparently written at least 30 years after the death of Christ, thus most books of the Bible were handed down by mouth and from memory. With respect – for to suggest that all Biblical written exhortations and teachings we have, such as your above quote – are absolutely accurate in terms of what Jesus actually said, and therefore the teachings of God – is approaching fantasy land. We now have a great body of literature from other great religions that claim certain truths which do pretty much align surprisingly with each other (have you researched this? Also, a huge number of old and recent esoteric literature is now available since, which has used mediums – even professional regressive hypnosis – all of which maintain the core beliefs in the Holy Bible, yet provide updates of some teachings in the Bible. Have you examined these ? – most are in my book. Correlation of a large number of such teachings researched scientifically and statistically so far, have been shown to be 93.4% in complete agreement (see the AfterlifeData statistical analysis available on the web) yet you deny all this. You even support the concept of Satan, yet this has been shown by respected Biblical researchers to be false, and but invention by the Greeks (fake news) – as you will easily find on the web, if you research this, as I have.

            Critically,would you honestly believe that God would not be capable of, or would not have arrange literature that taught us now further teachings which both overcome and correct errors in the Holy Bible which naturally would be expected to occur over such a long period since the Bible compiled up to and then modified further by selecting only those Biblical books available at the whim of clergy at the Council Of Trent!

            If so, you are denying the omnipotent powers of the supreme entity who created us all, and whom I Love. Neale’s books are such an update.

            There are many others. Why not, “Seek and ye will find”.You might though have to be open-minded enough to be prepared to change your belief system and pray for guidance, as anyone might have to do.

            God Bless you,

          10. Kristen Avatar

            Hi Bruce,
            On my way out the door, days off work have huge lists so cant answer in full.
            Ive studied under a Kabbalic teacher and Rabbi for over ten years, years of seeking to find, thats what Kabbalah is, you are probably one without knowing it. And dozens of assignments, some hundreds of pages long studying everything. I have a ‘teacher’ from above, and a good relationship with God and ghe Universe..everything is answered, something Ive earned through sheer hard work, blood, sweat and tears. All done with an open mind, Ive never been Christian and was in fact under guides I could communicate with like a medium when I started this path. The path God chose for me to get me back on track, as a Levite.
            My no means do I claim everything in scripture is true BUT I do take the advice like I mentioned above, in conjunction with compatible comments like God is never changing amongst others. Sorry I cant give scriptures, my studies are boxes full like yours will be, and Im well out of that rabbit hole now. All academia bores me senseless now.

          11. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Hi Kirsten,
            That’s wonderful Kristen, then you and I are truly One.
            God Bless

          12. Kristen Avatar

            Your comment I replied to has gone with the awaiting moderation message now…you’re definately a target, it showed up before!! My posts are the worst..ani CwG and babbling about nothing yet Im getting through fine. I cancelled disqus and resigned in with slight name change and got straight through so its not targetting new people, nor anti cwg messages, its manual and specific. Mine often used to be deleted but I understand why…whomever it is has some odd criteria.

          13. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Hi Kristen
            I have one further non-contentious post to make regarding “words”/ “thoughts”/”ideas”, and I think then I will retire from this conversation completely. It is just hopeless and I am not prepared to waste any more time. It would not be so bad if the moderator ever appeared to properly review posts waiting to be approved or classified wrongly as spam and reinstate those which are ok, but I have never seen it happen, so I cannot expect improvement. I have dedicated my life to others, not to this “enslavement” treatment. In this environment, l cannot see the point of any filters at all, or moderation. Also as others have said, this is not what one would expect from Neale and his teachings. Still makes me feel it is manual and caused by the great timewaster. All very suspicious! After all he is never “redded” himself yet abuses others continuously, but never attacked me for suggesting our problem is him – which given his usual predilection for doing so is unusual. I must say I am disappointed with Neale as we wouldn’t be here if we did not support him, yet so far he has done nothing and seems deaf to our suggestions to do something about it, despite the logic that he is the only one who can. I also had some ideas on getting my Angel senior granddaughter to open her wings and give some her teachings here, but clearly the unfair treatment would be too negative and unsuited to her nature.
            God Bless Kristen,

          14. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Yep Annie -not Kristen, as your posting to me has been removed.

            Major hack in the last hour several posts of mine plus some abusive ones of Patrick with ability to block removed until restored now.
            The trigger is any criticism of Patrick, who may have even withdrawn- I’m not sure. Still think the hacker is with us. You would think Neale would hire some professional to vaporise the hacker?

          15. Kristen Avatar

            Patrick was arguing with me earlier today, hes around.
            He works in IT, I assume Neale has asked for his help!!!!!!!!!!!!

          16. babybleustardust Avatar

            1977, What a good year. First year of high school and first year for my long 10 year relationship with Tim, dear Tim. Dear God. He seemed harmless. .At any rate, I know a little astrology. How did you surmise God took a break? Personally, that sounds a little fishy not. It sounds ludicrous. Sorry but I don’t agree. Just because you’re a Kabbalist doesn’t make you special. Who says the pearl hasn’t been redone or reupped. God changes his mind every second. Damn. I’m tired of hearing him myself. The path through woods. How does that famous Frost poem go. What a lovely idea. I think I’ll go the untraveled path as a traveler. Here it is for all. I dedicate this to my Guy. I hope he hears it all throughout all time and space. I am off to write my own books. Goodnight to all.

            The Road Not Taken

            Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
            And sorry I could not travel both
            And be one traveler, long I stood
            And looked down one as far as I could
            To where it bent in the undergrowth;

            Then took the other, as just as fair,
            And having perhaps the better claim,
            Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
            Though as for that the passing there
            Had worn them really about the same,

            And both that morning equally lay
            In leaves no step had trodden black.
            Oh, I kept the first for another day!
            Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
            I doubted if I should ever come back.

            I shall be telling this with a sigh
            Somewhere ages and ages hence:
            Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
            I took the one less traveled by,
            And that has made all the difference.

            Robert Frost

          17. Kristen Avatar

            Haha….Ive never said Im special…its just a word..everyone is ultimately on the same journey by many different words.
            Look up the astrological changes in 1977/78, and the world plus study prophesies, ALL prophesies incl Nostradamus, Da Vinci and scriptures. Different dietys rule at different times, Y’shua via Christianity had a very long rule setting up the Western world…Gods huge empire on Earth.
            Yip…always travel the roads less travelled, then you can pave your own path as a pioneer rather than following dumb sheep and believing their info is correct. You cant go wrong when you know where you want to head, look ahead and plough through…a true journey is a lonely one.

          18. babybleustardust Avatar

            There are many languages that spake a thousand words in just one breath, but only one angelic being that never came as a single thing, just unseen energy. I follow my own path always, no plough to me. I just am what I am. That’s all good by me, little ol’ me, no damsel in distress though a true Memphis Southern belle at heart 🙂

          19. Jethro Avatar

            Hi Bruce, I changed my name and email the first time I made a change. The second time was to change my name back to Jethro to stop “that” conversation from continuing. The third time was due to a belief that the sight was shutting down. Negativity is merely a part of perception, Addiction is perception at its worst. We perceive we need something that we don’t. When we see something for “everything” that it is, perception becomes unnecessary, we only need to choose which part is beneficial or not. The conversation that is going on here is beneficial and its not depending on the reader. If you wish to know what other people are thinking, any conversation about any subject is important. Since that’s the reason for most conversations, every one of them is important. until we perceive there is something to win or lose in the conversation. At that point it’s not a conversation, but an argument. Unfortunately the human race is competitive and most conversations turn to argument. Conversations that provide no argument become silence…. rather quickly!

          20. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Thanks for that Jethro? Whether you accept it or not you are full of wisdom and l learn so much from you. I am the child and you the adult – particularly regarding negativity. How is addiction perception. For me I cannot get enough perception, and Love seeing the universe in a flower.

          21. Jethro Avatar

            “I am the child and you the adult – particularly regarding negativity.”
            Sounds as though I would have more to teach about negativity being the adult?

          22. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Yes, perhaps because I have been warned by friends that it is possible to attract people who may wish one ill – as they might have a different path. If you read a little of “Ra” – The Law of One” books freely available on the web, you will see what I mean.
            As HEB’s they refuse to even discuss negativity and I think would even frown on discussion here with anyone here of that ilk. Presumably as positivity is so important to retain growth. Maybe that’s necessary in their environment, but nevertheless no doubt good advice if one wishes here to evolve spiritually.

          23. Jethro Avatar

            I was going for a perception thing, But yes, it is possible to attract such people. The tough part is figuring out who that is before it’s too late. I think that people hang on to negativity not as a means of attack but as a means of defense. Expect the worst and hope for the best kind of thing. I think that preaching to the choir could be a waste of time, but that’s me. how can we bring a positive outlook to the negative if we fear the negative. I will walk through the desert with someone to get to the other side to smell the flower together, why would I want to arrive alone.

          24. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            That is fantastic! Just the answer I needed. I hugely agree. To genuinely wish to evolve spiritually on one’s own is a lonely path indeed. But to walk together and smell the flower together and study the “Universe” within it, would be awesome. Also “Oneness” which at last I am beginning to understand.

          25. Jethro Avatar

            Whats your view on oneness this far? Your understanding may guide me a bit.

            I believe it’s part of the consciousness of humanity, or all.

          26. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Hi Jethro,
            Lately I have come to understand that the concept is absolutely ‘Huge” . Namely that “Oneness” simply means that we are all one – linked together irrevocably by being related by birth to each other – if we go back just a few generations we find we are related to all mankind, all races, all colours etc. so it quickly follows that it is a nonsense to go to war and kill each other . In effect we are killing ourselves. instead we should reach out to everyone and Love them (Just as in a way we Love ourselves or so we should up to a point. After all we each – are pretty amazing). Also putting on my “science hat” – the are interconnected at a subatomic quantum basis whether we like it or not, and at that level again are “All One”. It is the way we were created!
            God Bless,

          27. Jethro Avatar

            Related by Abraham? Father of nationality? or back to Adam and Eve?

          28. Jethro Avatar

            My idea towards oneness is one of consciousness, We all have a brain with the same basic mechanics, that is they are assembled in the same manner. Our most basic thoughts are also essentially the same. We desire the same things, the question is how much of what do we wish to have.

          29. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            I was a little unfair in raising the issue of consciousness with you, as without consciousness and memory we are nothing – perhaps just mindless robots. So this is scientifically a major conundrum. Unlikely to be solved here. You are also continually talking about the brain, which is an incredible processor, but not the mind. Your wonderful mind, contains consciousness and soul whom you pray to and receive answers from God every day. Both are immortal and timeless ( they are Quantum). Consciousness creates our reality. Little wonder that we haven’t a clue as to their substance as this lies in non-physical reality. Probably a ultra pure light form as mentioned by Robert Monroe in his books and lifetime research into remote viewing.

          30. Jethro Avatar

            Not unfair at all. I talk about the brain because without it we could not realize consciousness. I also mentioned addiction earlier, substance abuse alters the reality of consciousness, so does food, drink, atmosphere, natural imbalances within the body which create chemical imbalances in the brain which in turn create a distortion of the thinking mind which I think is the core of consciousness. Of course I may not be reaching into the realm of spirituality as your studies do. I never studied the quantum mind directly.
            Every brain may be constructed the same, but does each one fire the same? Does each one use the same path in the small portion that we do use? combine that with each and every person having different thought processes, made even more different due to personal experiences, and it’s not hard to believe we will never fully understand what’s going on in our heads. Sometimes even we don’t understand ourselves… enter our spiritual side.

            As a young child, I would cry at the sadness of a flower shedding a petal. After my parents and a few other life experiences got done with me, sadness isn’t a common emotion anymore as it seems to be a wasted emotion. My mother fostered a child that was 6 months old and had quit crying, neglect had shown the child that crying was useless. The mind will be mysterious for a long time to come due to the lack of physical properties, or until they understand the order of the brains mechanics that create thought and emotion.

          31. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Gotta get you away from thinking that mind is in the brain. It’s not, so respectfully would you kindly do a search on the internet on the famous mind-brain issue which divides scientists. Material scientists stick to their paragym/belief system that the mind (if it exists at all) is just an extension of the brain. There is nil evidence at all for this. Most quantum physicists believe that mind is completely separate from the brain and resides in an enveloping field called the “zero point field” – a quantum field where no space or time exists only thought comprising a sea of virtual particles – the Universal Mind where all knowledge exists.There is overwhelming evidence for this.Even books written on the subject – so you should search Google for this. So we have an obdurate standoff by materialistic scientists completely wedded to an erroneous belief such of those in days gone by that the earth was flat. If you have or are watching the TV program series “Genius” on Einsteins life, you will see how his genius was forestalled by philistine professors who feared his genius.Einstein was dogged by entrenched beliefs for most of his life. Was even quoted as saying. “How is it that my theory of relativity depends on ones political persuasion”. in this area of scientific “truth”, we are still in the days of Galileo where Global warming deniers are mainly in the conservative side of politics. Hey! just had a thought – must have been the same guys that Galileo had to face (funny, – joke!).

          32. Jethro Avatar

            I will do some searching as you asked, could take a bit. I have a bunch of customers who think I should never rest! Not really, but their keeping me hopping.
            I have been watching “genius”, great movie! I am actually watching it to see which parts of Einsteins spiritual quotes come about. If humans can do anything well, it’s argue. Unlike some, I will try to understand the mind from your perspective, with your patience and guidance I may get there.

          33. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Remember, that the brain is nothing but a massive parallel computer processor, whereas mind / soul / consciousness is the real you outside the brain with a variable filter in the brain to primitively block out rememberence of previous lives and universal knowledge so that one can concentrate on ones existing life. In my case my filter has got a bit damaged overtime with age and studying science, so I have become a psychic medium channelling science -that’s how I wrote my book. Believe it or not.

          34. Jethro Avatar

            “the brain is nothing but a massive parallel computer processor, whereas mind / soul / consciousness is the real you outside the brain.” I hesitate to respond very strongly because I don’t know where the line is drawn. Where does the brain end and the mind start or vice versa. I understand the line may look like a parallel sign wave crossing occasionally as opposed to a parallel straight line, because the two must work together to form our conscious thoughts, but which one is reading which and how? I may not be asking the question right so i hope your intuition can play a small role in knowing what I’m asking. Please forgive my ignorance.

          35. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            A parallel computer simply means it can perform more than one function at a time .e.g. driving and talking, the brain looking after bodily functions while you talk on the phone.

            The point of separation is thought – the power behind consciousness and words.

            Joining of soul/divine consciousness at birth with a fetus “unites and combines” with cellular conscious – which maintains the body. “Separation” (the opposite) occurs during OOB states and occurs during sleep, as a natural occurrence. When the soul desires transition, permanent separation occurs for that life experience and later if the soul desires the cycle repeats – reincarnation!
            Thus there is no such thing as death. It is a major illusion of mankind and fake news. Ha! Ha!

          36. Jethro Avatar

            So I’m reading a little and my first question is, how do “you” separate the different functions of the Brain vs the Mind?

            “must have been the same guys that Galileo had to face (funny, – joke!).” — Reincarnation humor?

          37. Jethro Avatar

            The separation of Brain and Mind as I’m reading it, sounds a lot like that of a computer connected with a cloud server. The cruel part is, as I was taught in religion, only the good stuff comes from the server and the bad stuff comes from the computer, though the bad stuff effects the server somehow.
            I really would like to know at which point the separation occurs.

          38. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Sounds like you have read my book, chapter nine – where science transforms to spirituality. l’m not kidding as this is the identical analogy I use, so Jethro we truly are in step, and Oneness. Separation occurs at “death”, although it is a misnomer, as there is no death only a transition to our true reality – life between lives – where as might be expected, all those illusions mentioned here disappear. When and if we wish to experience another earth cycle, we appear again as a baby and try to again fulfill a brand new life experiences pre- planned for further spiritual evolution but joined with a pretty hopeless hard drive lthat ages compared with the incredible cloud computer system in the sky, which is timeless i.e. Immortal. Moreover it can even know just about everything – dependant upon lessons gained mainly on earth.

          39. Jethro Avatar

            When I stated, I really would like to know at which point the separation occurs, I was referring to the brain and the mind. Where does the brain stop and the mind start?

            I feel compelled to offer you another version of oneness. Imagine putting on a pair of glasses that only let you see atoms. Can you imagine seeing only the atomic schematic of life as we see it? I wonder if we had such a gift could we see vibrations of energy transfer from one grouping of specific atoms to another. Would it be only humans transmitting those vibrations or waves of energy or would everything be transmitting and receiving? Would we be able to see dimensional doorways, gravity, or consciousness? I think we are one with more than just other humans. Simplified, God is all and all is God.

          40. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Just an important addition to the above – the point about loving oneself. It seems true – according to psychologists that you cannot love others i.e. even care about another, unless you love yourself to some extent (i.e. at least have a minimum of at least some respect for oneself (thus malcontents, criminals etc.) find it impossible to love, care or respect others until the at least find some glimmer of respect for themselves). Think Isis. Conversely if one hates oneself, I suppose, one suffocating with hate, hates and disrespects all others and might even wish revenge on all others who he might feel responsible for his miserable life. We all know people who cannot take responsibility for their own actions. So l guess they don’t feel particularly kindly towards others. If they only knew it is just them who create their own reality. And this is why Neale advocates one should while caring for others must take oneself seriously and respect oneself. Afterall until we go “upstairs”, we in our illusion are very much alone, few here feel our reality of Oneness.

          41. Jethro Avatar

            You suggested the book some time ago and I downloaded it then actually. Any particular session you recommend? Book one.

          42. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            No, just start from the beginning and keep going – you will soon see what I mean. The site is a treasure house of knowledge and worth spending sometime there. Your belief system is likely to be tested strongly but in my opinion it is all true. If you find the “Ra” books too tough try the medium’s ( Carla) – simplified one’s there – the first I think with 101 in the title. But you should stick with the main ‘Ra’ ones for a while.

          43. Jethro Avatar

            Thank you Bruce, I read a little bit this morning. It keeps you reading for sure, I had to force myself to quit. My belief system cannot be tested… A little humor for you maybe, My college professor and I were having a small debate about spirituality/Religion, toward the end he stated he grew up in an atheist family, I said ” I don’t believe in atheists”. Bruce, it’s the only time I ever seen the man with nothing more to say. Just had a look on his face like he crapped his pants. He knew I was right. We all believe in God, we just have different definitions.
            The book offers a different concept just as Neale has. I think that’s wonderful!!!

          44. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            And I like this and fully agree with you – well maybe when young, but sometimes some loose their beliefs – if only on the surface. Think Trump, labelled by psychiatrists as a malignant narcissist, but we also have psychopaths – so what have you got to say about them? I like your humour and the fact you drove your professor speechless!

          45. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Also Jethro, please never, never cancel your posts, I am very time poor and I wish to often copy your posts. You offer much in wisdom and others can learn from that as I do. Cancelling if you later disagree with an individual post as I did once is easy – you just click on the dreaded little square alongside your post and click on cancel.

          46. Jethro Avatar

            Bruce, It was too easy! thank you! It was in the square the whole time.
            What in the world could I have to say worth copying and pasting? If it’s worth something to you, I will leave it there. I would truly enjoy knowing your interest. what are you collecting? I have no copy rights so it’s all free!

          47. Jethro Avatar

            “we also have psychopaths – so what have you got to say about them?”
            The human brain is a series of doors opening and closing transferring chemicals after drawing necessities from the body. experiences form our thoughts and define them, tells us whats going on what is real, what is not… I have understated the brain here, and the answer to your question is I don’t know. I have a chemical imbalance that creates racing thoughts, anxiety, and panic when it’s not necessary, I have no explanation why it happens. Meditation and prayer keep me off of medication. But what of the sociopath or the psychopath, was it abuse as a child, some other devastation, is it another chemical imbalance? I would have to read to see what new news is out there.

          48. Jethro Avatar

            The possibility that I would wish one ill is remote. I find myself troubled that anyone might believe that about me. I would really like to know what I have said that would imply that I have a need to harm anyone. Could you please let me know?

          49. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            No! No! You have never said anything at all. The misunderstanding is my fault.To my knowledge no one would wish to harm you ever. Sometimes though there is a possibility that those who get carried away in a public forum who have strong views which oppose oneself, may choose in what they think is for the public good – if they have good IT skills -to delete, hack, and do whatever they can to prevent one’s posts. Just wondering whether this is why this site is being hacked, not because of myself because I am of little importance. But I thing Neale is. I just wish he would hurry up and get protection on this site, as I predict it has a great future.

          50. Jethro Avatar

            I assure you, not that I can offer much of anything else, that I personally have no idea why anyone is deleting posts. I have not figured out how to delete my own! I replace what I want gone with a smiley face. Minimum characters 2, Smiley faces require 2 characters, it works for me and marks a reference too.
            If someone wishes to delete posts, more power to them, they are cheating themselves and making navigation a little easier too. Everyone who chooses will get this in an email anyway if they wish to agree or argue and I’m not here to collect up-votes. How childish is that?

            “Just wondering whether this is why this site is being hacked, not because of myself because I am of little importance.”
            Bruce my friend, every person who chooses to share a thought with someone is neither less nor more important than the other, therefore, anything you share is just as important as anyone else. I am guilty of not understanding that, after realizing my mistake, I try to share always that every persons thoughts are important regardless of how ridiculous it may sound to me, or anyone else for that matter. It’s all just stinkin thinkin.

  15. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
    Bruce Scott-hill

    Hi Guys I’m back (i.e. Bruce),
    Neale asks us to consider a two-pronged approach. In the past when in the workforce, I was lucky enough to attend a management seminar and also attend his one week course and meet personally Edward Deming – the brilliant American mathematician/ engineer who revolutionised Japanese manufacture (and the world), to produce quality products aiming for and attaining zero defects, rather than the previous export quality rubbish which characterised Japanese manufacture up until then. I learned from these courses, the three steps of management, the American model which enslaved the workforce, demanding maximum output and rotas per person with the goal of maximum production capacity and profit for the shareholders. It failed. It was considered in management terms, the “stick “approach. Then they tried the “stick” plus the “carrot” i.e. Neale’s two – pronged approach, which gave bonuses for unrealistic goals which were beyond (as Deming found) the technical capability of the machines tolerances to achieve. Inferior quality output cost America companies dearly in customer returns, so this did not work particularly well either, but at last workers with great effort though, achieved at last a barely liveable wage. So eventually, when Deming examined the problem, recommendations he gave to the Japanese (he had given up on the American approach) when implemented first at the Toyota factory, revolutionised quality production eventually throughout the whole world. This sensible change which followed to high quality Japanese manufacturing production, increased returns dramatically and fostered an expanded paternal approach by Japanese Companies – where profit to shareholders was considered secondary. Instead respect for employees, decent wages and the Company came first, and was, and still is the swansong for Japanese Companies. Many of these companies even pay worker pensions and encourage family to also join the company, as if an extended family.
    My analogy with a two- pronged approach is surely obvious to major world problems and conflict – as follows: Enslaving people to work for long hours, a little return with most going to shareholders will never work. Just as a them and us attitude, with threats and attack mentality to attempt to solve world problems and national difference has shown, will not either. A two-pronged approach similar to the “stick and the carrot” i.e. sanctions (which are Neale’s “punishment” or my “stick”) softened by gifts of produce, or money, loans etc. (i.e. “the carrot”, Clintons day in trying to deal with the intransigence of Kim Jong-Un simply did not work either (as is self- evident). So, as Neale has said repeatedly, we have to do something different than this. It seems that therefore we should do (as he says), the opposite and follow Deming in looking for a better outcome for all, not just one Nation. Also show respect for each other not in a “we win, you lose basis”, as often – but as partners, dedicated to resolve fear between each other by negotiating a fair open ended “Peace” treaty (not just for a few years, as currently elsewhere), plus striving for “unity” between each other by fostering trade and critically friendship and kindness between and to each other, by having regular meetings and personal exchanges, to solve all differences – without any sanctions and punishment whatsoever, and aimed at creating a sense of Oneness. So easy! Surely with almost zero chance downstream of any conflict. The old saying “Love Conquers all” – says it all!
    Kindness and Blessings to you all,

  16. Raphael Avatar

    Posts do not just “disappear”, they are not abducted by aliens and molested…they are actually moderated, as can be seen by the notice “hold on: this comment is being reviewed by the global conversation team” (or something similar), prior to being taken out (presumably lined against a wall and shot).
    Explanation? That’s all we are looking for here….not denial, but a rational explanation for an irrational event.

    1. Kristen Avatar

      Some show up for a while then are removed as well, odd these ones are now staying up especially my test one below.
      Even if Neale denys its to do with him, it’s definately manual. Ive tried ‘looking’ but it swings between a female around 50, who is furious, and a younger serious boring male so ‘psychically’ Im probably completely off the mark. You try. But there is someone in here reading I would suspect whom I think works for Neale as a vigilante groupie, but do rather swing more toward a female in Neales office.

      1. Raphael Avatar

        I see a butler…the boring butler did it. He was disguised as an angry female with a pink tutu…
        Seriously, I definitively think it is/was manual, and probably without Neale’s knowledge. I haven’t looked into it, I don’t really have time…still working on a deadline (for an Irish Whiskey label) and I have been sampling the product a wee bit too much (the crashing sound you heard was…I just feel off me chair).
        If I have time to look at it I will you know the results…

        1. Stephen mills Avatar
          Stephen mills

          Hope your not drinking any of that Bush Mills Irish Whiskey ….it’ll fry your brain Paddy .

          1. Raphael Avatar

            Seriously I don’t drink anything but water…I use other means to fry my brain and bake myself to a crisp…such as the sweat lodge!

          2. Stephen mills Avatar
            Stephen mills

            All in jest my friend ..can you still drink the water from the streams in America as you could before the Europeans arrived or is it all a chemical soup ?
            See how much progress we have made with all this technology we poisoned the water forgetting we are made up of mostly water !!!! We even put it in our whiskey that’s a double poison .Its funny how the saying goes ” what’s your poison ” . So ironic.

          3. Raphael Avatar

            Mni wiconi…water is life.
            You know how civilized people think: using waterways as sewers was one of the first things this superior civilization did upon “discovering” this continent. But things have evolved…they now use waterways as toxic waste dumps. You can’t beat civilization when it comes to intelligence…

          4. Stephen mills Avatar
            Stephen mills

            Yeah what happened in Flint Michigan was unbelievable the Republican party should be up in the Haig as crimes against Humanity and Life .

            And those folks went to the best University’s money could offer. Not to despair though time to repair .

          5. Raphael Avatar

            You know how in America young people are essentially brainwashed into submission and obedience with the pledge of allegiance…I have a new pledge of allegiance in mind: an allegiance to the earth, to life. This is the only form of allegiance that would make any sense!

          6. Stephen mills Avatar
            Stephen mills

            My kids are realising this makes the only sense the rest is nonsense .And with this they will teach their own children the same ….providing we get past the next 20 years !

          7. Raphael Avatar

            There will be a lot of standing up to do, a lot of civil disobedience, a lot of “radicalism” to express under governments that consider killing the earth perfectly acceptable and call resisting such destruction a radical stand. We will need some luck and a lot of courage to put things right back up again in an upside down world!

          8. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            I join with you in all that you are saying, but do not believe that it is God’s plan to put up with it, or not to influence people like you guys and myself and others to do something about it. Already a large number of people and columnists in USA and through the world are rejecting exclusive policies of Trump and demanding action to deal with climate change. The first step is to “call it out” and to “call out” bad behaviour – as Jethro says, and it is having a quick effect. An example is the outcome of the recent French election. Attitudes are changing to adopt different approaches and hopefully in the not too distant future people might wake up to the power of “Love”, and realise that since we are all related it just seems ridiculous to kill each other ( it is like killing ourselves) – particularly as mass killing has never solved any problems, instead it has doubled them. Surely we need a “Love” approach to liaise and solve problems together with fair negotiations and forever peace treaties i.e “Love Conquers All” and to identify that we are really all One!
            Also, the global warming problems will eventually surely force us to “unitify” to remedy our “joint” problem but “together ” – since this issue clearly cannot be fixed with isolationist policies and blaming others. If we don’t, then we simply will all die!
            God Bless,

          9. Stephen mills Avatar
            Stephen mills

            Grow grow grow the worlds economy at all costs who cares about the fall out live for the now live for the short term .
            Go long humans go long ,this would be my message .

          10. babybleustardust Avatar

            water and whiskey? yuk. I hate whiskey. I’m allergic. one sip does me in. I like wine or a carona with lime only on occasion. that’s my poison unless it’s a Mexican coffee 🙂 I put my poison in the toilet to clear the waterway, so no problemo. mea condidos adios amgios I’m off to blog on my own blog before Neale comes back and says this is why I delete posts lol

    2. Jethro Avatar

      “A two pronged approach. Authority/coercion and example/inspiration.”
      This is an answer to possibly removing leaders or punishing leaders for acts of killing, in this case, chemical attacks in Syria. I myself when thinking about how I would handle the situation, wanted to respond to Syria in kindness one way or another. The part of me that has been taught by the people around me says use a sniper to put that leader, or any other cruel leader, out of our misery. Patrick has suggested we have the people who made up the Abrahamic God admit they were/are wrong or lying and that would be a good start to world peace. But Patrick also believes that the fighting will still occur until we genetically remove the part of us that desires to compete. In that, any action other than genetic alteration would be a waste of time due to the fact that if we were genetically altered towards peace, Gods would not be a problem, or any other product of prejudice.

      So what could be a better response to such actions as that in Syria? That was the question that Neale is giving an answer to in his post above whether it be one that works or not. We have been welcomed to respond to that. (even though posts keep disappearing.)

      A response to missing posts…. I have on many occasions re-posted things that made it to my email from those I’m having a conversation with such as Kristen, whom I felt as though I was re-posting every message she sent due to the absence of the post here. I have adjusted my emails so that I only get notified when people respond to what “I” have wrote. Anyone who gets emails to every post can re-post for anyone. If this is a matter of going to battle, right the wrong by making sure every missing post makes it back here until the problem is resolved. I’m getting tired of being spammed out of here, but I can still get my posts if desired. Copying and pasting from internet sites is a problem so when I do quite a bit of it, I put everything on my office program and delete any “link” formatting. It works better.

      1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
        Patrick Gannon

        “Patrick has suggested we have the people who made up the Abrahamic God admit they were/are wrong or lying and that would be a good start to world peace. But Patrick also believes that the fighting will still occur until we genetically remove the part of us that desires to compete.”

        I did put forth a suggestion that we start a conversation by having influential, secular Jews kick off such a discussion in a big public way. I do think that will lead to a lot of verbal outbursts, discussion and debate, and even demonstrations. I see all that as good, in the same way that it was for MLK. Because we still have the same genetic traits does not mean MLKs efforts were wasted. They contributed to our evolution. Most of us choose mates who are not violent, flaming racists, which makes a very small but significant modification to our genome.

        I would not advocate that we modify our genetics in order to remove a desire for competition – good heavens, no. Competition is essential to evolution if a species is not to stagnate or stop evolving. (Which is an option). However, violent tendencies might be something that can be modified. That’s all stuff that’s down the road though. We aren’t there yet. What we can do now, is start the conversation we need to have. We’ve done this for everything else, slavery, racism, sexism, homophobia, discrimination against the disabled, and so on. The only conversation we haven’t had in the way we need to have it is the one about religion.

  17. Jethro Avatar

    We think you’re crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us – in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain…and an athlete…and a basket case…..a princess…and a criminal. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club.

    1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

      I always loved that part of the movie! The truths that come from everywhere and nowhere in particular, if only we pay attention. Movies can be good for that.

      Thanks for the smile. ?

      Love and Blessings Always,

      1. Jethro Avatar

        Anything meaning everything can be obtained from everywhere on any part of the timeline because we are human and always have been… always will be. Each one of us is a brain…and an athlete…and a basket case…..a princess/prince…and a criminal. I was the one in high school that mingled with each crowd. As it was in my school, The preppies, the cowboys, the nerds, the stoners. there was a group that had no title. I didn’t care, I knew most everyone because I had been to just about every school in the district at some point lol. Quite a menagerie of different thoughts going on, all humans doing well, troubled, confused. In 1985 when the breakfast club debuted, I was 16. It is and may always will be the best representation for all that I witnessed in school. The same divisions are still visible in every age group. Not much has changed… except our ages. I still watch that movie for the first time every time.

        Love and Blessings Always

        1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

          I was a misfit, myself. I loved to read and got on the Honor Roll every year, so I was a nerd. I played varsity basketball and went to the State swim meet, so I was a jockette. I’m really good with computers and electronics (though what I started on was a manual typewriter), so I was a geek. I took a semester of Shop instead of Home Ec, and I was suddenly a dyke. Of course, absolutely no one had any idea what was going on in my home, so I was an adept liar and creator of stories.

          I didn’t mingle well back then. So, I and two other misfits I’d known forever hung out together. We were quite a sight. One very pretty blonde haired, blue-eyed, petite girl with long hair and always a boyfriend. One very tall, long-haired brunette with chiseled dimples and flashing brown eyes who was a tease. And me. I was the quiet one. We became known as “the Bobsie triplets” by our fellow lifeguards.

          Of course, there was also that part of me that enjoyed certain kinds of attention. The men’s swim team, which I helped manage, periodically broke into “Brick House” when I’d show up in my swimsuit. At meets, no less, not just practices.

          I’m still a misfit as far as societal norms. But now I know it’s not because I’m not any one thing, but everything!

          Love and Blessings Always,

          1. Jethro Avatar

            As it is with everyone, not one, but all. Not one thing, but everything.

            Love and Blessings

          2. babybleustardust Avatar

            Oh my God. We’re telling on ourselves, aren’t we? I always had people singing that to me. She’s a brick house. In my family, my uncle sang it when I just went to the frig to get a glass of water. They made me feel good a know. Try to build me up. I felt odd being an early blooming thing. My mother took me to the doctor to see what was wrong. Thought my early blooming was cancer lol oh well. I am goiing to delete again, i think. Couldn’t resist the brick house comment.

        2. babybleustardust Avatar

          That was me, Jethro. I was always one who mingled with heads and nerds. Cheech and Chong took me to school. My first real boyfriend and his brother. Plumes of smoke rolling out the window of his car always puff daddy puffing out the window when he dropped me out front of Lafayette High. Dear God. And, then I had to rush to student council and physics and chemistry. Friends with the big nerd Ned. He spoke 50 language. works at mcdonalds now. I had to make big decisions before heading out back with the heads to smoke a cig. Too many memories to mention. On my high school placement test, they predicted me as anomaly, smack dab in the center of a circle, unnameable. I can do anything they said. It was why I majored in everything 🙂 1980. Wow should have graduated early. Only three classes the entire year.

      2. Kristen Avatar

        Hi ya.
        My fav part of Breakfast Club is the ending of Pitch Perfect, watched it for the thousandth time last night….no pride!!

  18. babybleustardust Avatar

    hey Patrick. Are you in Arkansas? Swing by and say hi to dad for me. He’s out on the lake. Wait. There is more. I have a new Chinese fortune cookie, so poignantly pointed Hold on. Life is a mirror. When you smile at it, it smiles back. When you frown, it frowns back.

  19. AKA Patrick Avatar
    AKA Patrick

    This Patrick is not. I’m in Colorado.

    1. babybleustardust Avatar

      oh 🙂 I thought it was you. How is Colorado. Got a sister there 🙂 Family affair here on this wall, one in Arkansas and one in Colorado 🙂 It’s a family affair. Is it snowing where you are?

  20. Raphael Avatar

    I was wrong…comments are STIll censored. Amazing! My comment addressed to Patrick was eliminated, after being “reviewed” by the global conversation team. No foul language, no family-unfriendly language, no links of any kind.

    This is truly not worth my time. Whoever is doing this, have at it hoss, enjoy your tiny little power…you are a little pest, a tiny microbe, an insignificant bacteria.

    1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
      Patrick Gannon

      Yeah, I see your comment in the email notice. I loved your comment, “In my view, spirituality leads to awakening, awareness, personal responsibility and freedom, not to following and obeying and being loyal to any leader or movement, or “group think”. Obeying is for dogs, not for evolved human beings.”

      1. babybleustardust Avatar

        Dogs have it, in my view. Myne never obeyed. They just stick to the true master. I never had to use a thing but love and my dog walks me, flies me on a magic carpet like Jasmine through many wonderous things, at least six possible things that seemed impossible before my Mexican coffee this morning 🙂

      2. Raphael Avatar

        Thanks Patrick! I have never been a follower of anything and always hated “group think”, I think that’s one of the things we may have in common. I am really bad actually, wherever people gather, I go the other direction…no “group hug” for me!

    2. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
      Bruce Scott-hill

      Agree I have been spammed yet again. Also my P C which I will need to get repaired, so this is serious yet Patrick is always immune – go figure, l can. I think we have a major negativity issue here and maybe we need to withdraw until Neale fixes the problem. Obviously the true scammer now has all our emails and having a great malicious time.

  21. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
    Bruce Scott-hill

    Hi Guys I’m back,
    Neale asks us to consider a two-pronged approach. In the past when in the workforce, I was lucky enough to attend a management seminar and also attend his one week course and meet personally Edward Deming – the brilliant American mathematician/ engineer who revolutionised Japanese manufacture (and the world), to produce quality products aiming for and attaining zero defects, rather than the previous export quality rubbish which characterised Japanese manufacture up until then. I learned from these courses, the three steps of management, the American model which enslaved the workforce, demanding maximum output and rotas per person with the goal of maximum production capacity and profit for the shareholders. It failed. It was considered in management terms, the “stick “approach. Then they tried the “stick” plus the “carrot” i.e. Neale’s two – pronged approach, which gave bonuses for unrealistic goals which were beyond (as Deming found) the technical capability of the machines tolerances to achieve. Inferior quality output cost America companies dearly in customer returns, so this did not work particularly well either, but at last workers with great effort though, achieved at last a barely liveable wage. So eventually, when Deming examined the problem, recommendations he gave to the Japanese (he had given up on the American approach) – when implemented first at the Toyota factory, revolutionised quality production eventually throughout the whole world. This sensible change which followed led to high quality Japanese manufacturing production, increased returns and fostered an expanded paternal approach by Japanese Companies – where profit to shareholders was considered secondary. Instead respect for employees, decent wages and the Company came first, and was, and still is the swansong for Japanese Companies. Many of these companies even pay worker pensions and encourage family to also join the company, as if an extended family.
    My analogy with a two- pronged approach is surely obvious to major world problems and conflict – as follows: Enslaving people to work for long hours, a little return with most going to shareholders will never work. Just as a them and us attitude, with threats and attack mentality to attempt to solve world problems and national difference has shown, will not either. A two-pronged approach similar to the “stick and the carrot” i.e. sanctions (which are Neale’s “punishment” or my “stick”) softened by gifts of produce, or money, loans etc. (i.e. “the carrot”, used in Clintons day in trying to deal with the intransigence of Kim Jong-Un simply did not work either (as is self- evident). So, as Neale has said repeatedly, we have to do something different than this. It seems that therefore we should do (as he says), the opposite and follow Deming in looking for a better outcome for all, not just one Nation. Also show respect for each other not in a “we win, you lose basis”, as often – but as partners, dedicated to resolve fear between each other by negotiating a fair open ended “Peace” treaty (not just for a few years, as currently elsewhere), plus striving for “unity” between each other by fostering trade and critically friendship and kindness between and to each other, by having regular meetings and personal exchanges, to solve all differences – without any sanctions and punishment whatsoever, and aimed at creating a sense of Oneness. So easy! Surely with almost zero chance downstream of any conflict.
    The concept that “we are all One” – after all, we are all related to each other, seems a fundamental truth, but we tend to continually forget. Yet it seems the answer to all our problems. Furthermore, the old saying “Love Conquers all” – says it all!
    Kindness and Blessings to you all,

  22. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
    Bruce Scott-hill

    Problem is – what is consciousness – no-one knows so i will stick to what I said. Hate to say this but consciousness is covered fairly comprehensively in my book and fits in with the Oneness I mention. Sorry I gotta go! Will be back later.

    1. Jethro Avatar

      consciousness – self aware, self importance, awareness by the mind of itself and the world, awareness or perception of something. Maybe it seems more complicated than it really is… or vice versa. Depends.

      1. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
        Bruce Scott-hill

        Sorry, Jethro – missed your point about the brain being subject to drugs and saying consciousness is affected by this – you are obviously correct. I though was wanting to point out to you two things. The first is that no-one knows what it is, its constitution or how it arrived. Secondly, the fact that – amazingly it doesn’t even reside in the brain. Bob Monroe’s lifetime experiments showed all human consciousness leaves the association with the brain during sleep (by detection of hemisphere brain reversal in voltage) and that only cellular consciousness is left to maintain brain function. Neale agrees and says this is to rest the soul consciousness, sleep therefore is not just to rest the body.

        1. Jethro Avatar

          A lack of sleep leads to insanity, I would think by now they would know for sure that sleep is a product for the mind, Whoops! Brain. Even a computer benefits from being powered down for a while.

          1. Kristen Avatar

            I often kind of stay awake while my body is in a deep sleep, writing in my head and working stuff out as long as I dont need to concentrate or use my brain BUT downside is I dont remember much. Grrrrrr. I just kind of lay there even when my body breathing is really slow and my body rolls over. Its quite funny!!!!

          2. Jethro Avatar

            If I could use one of those smiley things that laugh and roll around I would.

          3. Kristen Avatar

            Nothing quite like taking wierd to a whole new level.
            I decided to try it when I was trying to work out why blind people dont fall asleep when watching/listening to tv. Must be like your eyes being closed. My logic!!! So I trained myself to listen to tv with my eyes closed but stay awake and now can do it automatically.. Body goes to sleep….but I can stay awake. Its hilarious!!

          4. Jethro Avatar

            I have a blind aunt, I wanted to know what it was like and practiced a lot. I’m rarely lost in a dark room and understand why she got so upset when somebody moved something. But I still sleep with my body so we are rested together… most of the time.

          5. Kristen Avatar

            Dont tell Michelle that, she travels the world when her body is asleep. A blind person would probably die in our house at the mo….finally have insurance and new drains sorted after our multiple floods but cant get contractors, still awaiting carpet re-layed (very CwG to use a hyphen!!).
            Rumpus room downstairs is full of furniture, convervatory full of ‘crap’ and son and his girlfriend are still camped upstairs in lounge…crap everywhere especially charger leads, shoes, clothes etc..the place is a tip and outside isnt much better with the aftermath and still need to get in a rubbish skip!
            Being blind must be horrific, Id hate it, plus on top of trust issues, Id be dreadful, wouldnt trust anyone. I mean, how do you know if your make up it right? Ill get practising.

      2. Kristen Avatar

        Youre right…read above.

    2. Kristen Avatar

      In Universal Law, consciousness is defined as things being natural positive behaviours and thoughts that you are consciously aware of. When people get to certain ‘level’ they are ‘uploaded’. Old memories come to the forefront to be dealt with, and sub conscious thoughts are bought into awareness to process personally. When the process is complete over a year or so, those people no longer have a sub conscious mind, only a conscious one. During that time your mind wanders constantly, like someone is ‘spying’ on your private thoughts, until you no longer have secrets, secret desires or anything about you that you would hide from others…definately not something that can happen to sexual deviants.
      This ‘uploading’ process is generally also done to old people before they die, and why they talk about the past a lot…their memories and brain photographs are uploaded into the mind so they can take memories to HeavenThe Afterlife. Remember most memories are in the brain…I try not to use my brain now since Ive been uploaded.
      It brings on ‘fish thinking’ where you can speak or type without having to think as everything you need is already in your mind, rather than brain. This is why the fish is used as the sign for Y’shua…fast rapid thinking without the need to process information, although scripture says not to use the fish sign for him.

      1. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
        Bruce Scott-hill

        I’m in awe Kristen and only too anxious to learn from your wisdom and knowledge. What is you understanding of consciousness. “Seth” says it’s form is made of conscious units – which can increase. Do you agree? what makes them increase. I suspect they are comprised of some exotic from of photons. Is this correct? If one dispenses with a subconscious mind under the circumstances you mention how can lack of subconscious functions still allow one to drive a car and converse with a passenger at the same time I.e. achieve parallel processing. Finally is memory stored in the zero point field, or associated with ones DNA ?

        1. Kristen Avatar

          Hi ya,
          I go by dictionary meanings for words, its the only neutral ground in life, words are literal. Most ‘beyond’ Earth have English as a second, or tenth language, so they get things wrong all the time. I have a new dictionary, Collins big one, NZ dictionary from The Warehouse, a really good one, its also online as collinslanguage.
          Their definition of consciousness is correct, as Jethro is below. Alert and awake, aware of ones surroundings and of oneself, aware of something, deliberate or intentional, the part of the mind that is aware of a persons self, surroundings and thoughts and that to a certain extent determines choices of action. The part scious being fron the latin tern scire which means to know!!
          Thats all it is….the aware part of our mind, which is the part of our soul embodying our head, including internally and the aura, each part of our own body energy/soul working in parallel with the corresonding body part. All parts of ‘us’ can expand or increase, the mind just like a brain can, the more you use it the more info you store BUT unlike a brain memory that stores memories as photographs and physical experience, the conscious mind stores memories as third person like a movie camera. It works with animated images rather than still pictures. If you lose your keys, and stand back thinking to retrace footsteps like a movie, thats your mind not your brain.
          No to lots of conscious units! We are one form of energy, solar and light powered, formed from billions of luminous spheres (thanks Suzanne Paul and Natural Glow for the term) but nothing seperate, unlike atoms, protons, cells etc.
          If you get a new tennis ball, and on a clear night bounce it on the road with no light behind you but a street light about 10 metres ahead, you will see a trail of tennis balls in the air in its path like one of those special slow motion cameras or an aura camera. That lighting allows us to see image energy where movement has disrupted the still air, we are similar, just light particles. Or like a rainbow, the suns rays etc.
          It doesnt increase as its not cells that can multiply, but can expand and enlarge when we produce more positive energy, all light related, just as the sun puts us in a good mood, as does love. I have long hair, in a good mood if I hold hair near my arm to see my aura/mind energy/soul vibrations, I can see the pulsing vibration 10cm from my body in my hair while its in my arms aura, in a bad mood its only a few cm away. Only positive energy will expand, negative energy constricts and tends to end up in relative internal organs, causing illness.
          We can also use that conscious mind energy to visualise as healers do. Visualising a big light blue ball of energy then transferring it from your mind to another body part or to another will use that positive energy to heal and ‘kill’ negative spots or pockets. I get rid of foot cramp like that as its faster but make it red for fire and it produces the heat needed to stop cramp.

          Look up sub conscious in the dictionary, again, its juat about thoughts etc, but those we try to hide, supress or are not aware of.
          Being uploaded doesnt affect driving or anything BUT you can do more, I thought about it on tne way to work….driving, listening to a song and thinking, none were affected, and when talking with a passenger I still hear the entire song on. One dowside though is shortterm memory loss with using your mind on auto pilot rather than brain…a type of OCD can develop, that I noticed and nipped in the bud….you dont recall locking doors etc, so I kept going to bed then getting up to check Id locked the door. I always had but your brain memory doesnt absorb things you do on autopilot…brains and minds.only remember what we find interesting, emotional or memorable, not the boring auto pilot stuff. The conscious and sub conscious minds cant lie, we are painfully honest at the core and this is reflected, often via mind or conscious memory…if you are interested in people you will remember a conversation with them, seperate to brain facial recognition, if not interested its in one ear and out the other….same with everything we see and do, the mind only craves our personal definition of positive aspects and interesting, to keep us self charged like a car battery. Hence the saying that boredom is a killer…plan B for a recharge is the sun.
          Since Im typing this without thinking, I actually have no idea what Ive typed to you as I have my mind energy high at the moment, above my eyes so Im seeing specks in the air, but if I lower it then its a bit slower and Ill start thinking….I dont need to think, I already know this ‘in me’, consciously aware of this info, if I had to think about it then it would be borderline brain memory and sub cobscious stuff…thats now a struggle to think that way, I end up writing or drawing diagrams as its faster, or will visualise 3d images and move things around.
          Parallel processing is a brain function, using our physical senses rather than one of the mind/soul/energy/sub conscious BUT does cross over purely by word definition because you are consciously aware of what you are doing.
          Hope this helps,

        2. Kristen Avatar

          Im laughing…Ill reply to yours, or someone elses next question as well before I start working, about personalities.
          We are all made with different set aspects, as per tarot or playing cards, different for male and female, or more there are male and female versions on each.
          These are all in our soul, sub conscious or mind, pre programmed, as well as an in build desire for people to see us in a positive light, first visually, often misconstrued as vanity, these things are what elevates the human race to an intelligent creative species with pride…now being lost in society as people lose pride and dont care if people dont like them, they are going backwards to an animal trait without those desires…scary.
          I explain it like a rubix cube, one colour for each main trait. Say red is the female lover/vixen or male lover/hero, in a relationship both parties may alter their cube so an entire red side is facing that person, yet at work just show a blue side, at home parenting it may be a mix of all colours.
          A developed person can acknowledge all these aspects and chop and change their rubix cube automatically, in a constant flow, so most the time all sides are mixed…thats why its important for people to choose a job that suits them, so their personality is reflected in how they do their job, and our lives need to suit us as well, plus have the money and time to be themselves.
          In a relationship with someone you dont like, they may see just the green side of you, say a male jerk and female biarch, so you leave the house like that and may stay ‘fixed’ like that, neglecting the other aspects of you.
          We need to be a well oiled rubix cube that moves freely all the time without us noticing.

          1. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            I’m still in awe – at this response and with another one which came later but even longer. I can’t yet find this in the conversation. From these two recent posts of yours, I have learned much and clearly see how much effort you have put into it on my account. Thank you! You certainly have addressed and explained too very well for me the issue of how we move from to greater consciousness when enlightened or old and when close to death.

            It seems eminently reasonable that “awake” consciousness (far more highly focussed than previously) should increase when enlightened -and at the expense of something. You said short term memory, which sound spot on – like an “absent” professor, intently focussed on other things most of the time. Problem is though, with the subconscious – that many support the concept that there is a outer consciousness/mind and an inner conscious/mind – the subconscious, and that the subconscious or inner mind is greater, as it gives access to non-physical reality and all knowledge. Thus on earth we happily can use the subconsciousness to carry out many automatic functions for us like driving a car which is child’s play to the capabilities of the ‘inner-mind’ Think Sheldrake’s research where animal ‘s use this all the time in a quantum realm e.g. to know “when their masters are coming home”. Therefore, if you say the subconscious reduces its function and can disappear completely, i have a major problem with this, as if the subconscious disappears, then enlightenment would be followed by multiple car crashes everywhere. May be it is a question of “words”, and that the inner mind is still retained with enlightenment and your “subconscious” reduction means something different – perhaps a reduction in “non-awake” time, meaning times when we are less focussing, and rather on idle, and half asleep – which makes better sense in what we observe in world (using observational science – largely forgotten about today), and validates your “receiving” completely. Also, I think (with respect), that ‘Seth’s’ teaching of “Consciousness” units makes a lot of sense – in that it provides a good explanation as to how across all life-forms that least complex lifeforms have less consciousness/mind capability, whereas higher life forms have greater (as with us humans). Like attracts like – so greater spiritual development results in new knowledge and experience attracted to existing consciousness units increasing the number of CU’s, so that consciousness/mind capability rises on to increasing degrees of enlightenment and spiritually. Also ‘Seth” teachings have been subjected to considerable scientific correlation testing recently including that of myself and others on “content”, and also that on Professor Cunningham on “source” , i.e. the validity of Jane Roberts, the medium. None of us can find a single flaw in his teachings and he appears a very high entity indeed, even to provide a valid instance of prophecy.

            I am not saying you wrong in what you say – you are looking at it from a different way – via your amazing sensitivity, and I find resonance, learning and gratitude with everything you say. Maybe you might like to comment on this further – as selfishly I have much to learn from your gifts.
            Love you Kristen and God Bless – you inspire me.

          2. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Hi Kristen,
            So did mine get vaporised, I must check on how I can repost, Re your most latest post. Seems I was right about words, in your haste you looked up “subconscious” – big time! but if you use Google, and look up “subconscious mind” (i.e.both words), you will see it has the same meaning I suggested to you.

            I’m getting close to exiting this conversation for a while. Cannot understand why Neale doesn’t hire a professional to rid us of this hacker.

        3. Kristen Avatar

          My long reply got deleted….no edits or anything, but at least you read it.
          Grrr. First time for me in ages.
          Re your reply….I’ll read it properly later BUT I probably didnt point out that pur mind energy works parallel to brain…re driving you are speaking of brain automated physical actions that we do on autopilot, memory based in our brains, using eyes and physical senses. If youve taught someone to drive lately, youll see how this becomes brain memory based, a habit, like making a coffee etc. These are brain sub conscious learned behaviours, rather than sub or conscious thoughts from the mind.
          The physical and metaphysical aspects work parallel, but differ, mind involves thought and speech, the brain doesnt need that BUT often out mind is telling our brain what we need to do…thats called focus or concentration.

          1. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Incredible Kristen, thanks I don’t think many would know about “brain subconscious” but like me, thought this attribute is “mind consciousness”. What you say though makes perfect sense, thank you! – as one doesn’t need autopilot when one transitions “upstairs”. Where is this memory for brain subconsciousness, cellular, DNA or zero point field. (i.e. Ashaskic field)? Ah! I see you said in the brain. If this is the case one would expect it would be affected by brain injury, yet this does not seem to be the case, Any comment?

          2. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            Lots of hacking here Kristen we both seem to be a prime target. Happily I had copied your long post. Neale really needs to spend a bit of money and hire a professional to rid us of this nonsense. I am sick of it and I am sure others are. Long posts certainly draw the knife of death from the hacker. He/She must be very sick! and Neale a major target – which doesn’t surprise me!

          3. Kristen Avatar

            I think its a Neale groupie fanatic who is a distorted way, deletes posts that are anti CwG or who threaten Neales position as their guru…ie people who know what they are talking about.
            Ive had most in the past year or two deleted, anything other than general chatter so always assumed it was an official moderator working for Neale, and respected Neales choice.
            I was shocked when Neale said its not him or not official.
            Im still sure its a groupie.

          4. Bruce Scott-hill Avatar
            Bruce Scott-hill

            I agree, and like Patrick is an extremist who has a superiority complex with little education and knowledge but thinks we are nuts and is on a mission to save the world from our ideas and Neale’s. Such people hate what they think are our namby pamby ideas and feel they have sense of entitlement to do anything they like to inferiors like us – insult, demean, manipulate even enslave us. I think Neale is unwise to seek Patrick’s cooperation as he is complicit with his hacker friend and neither is capable of changling his character in this lifetime. Disqus should be asked to provide a better firewall against this unwanted pest, with a moronic agenda and they both should consider doing good rather than harm – as it is much more rewarding. We must call out bad behaviour!!

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