Recently I asked 21 questions to which I invited answers from visitors here. I also promised to offer my own answers. Here is my second installment in the keeping of that promise.
Questions: Do our thoughts have anything to do with creating or producing our reality? Is there such a thing as collective consciousness? Is there such a thing as “consciousness” at all — collective or individual?
NDW Answer: Yes, yes, and yes.
I should really just stop there, but I feel such simple replies deserve a bit of explanation. So here goes…
I experience thoughts as energy. To be specific, I understand them to be energy transmissions. Energy projections. Energy transferrals. Energy exchanges.
It is my awareness that all of Life is energy. Nothing more, and nothing less. It is my further awareness that energy is not only the fundamental element of Life, but that it impacts upon itself. Energy affects energy through the processes of Energy Itself.
I see Life’s every expression as merely an exchange, or a transfer, of energy between the countless particles of energy that exist, each of which emit energy in the form of vibrations or oscillations that send out “waves,” not unlike a pond sends out ripples when its surface is shaken.
Our thoughts, then, are a shaking of the surface of the Universe. They send out ripples, which have their effect on the whole pond (to speak metaphorically). Or, if you please, on the quantum field (to speak scientifically).
My life has shown me that particular kinds of thoughts produce particular kinds of energy, which I would describe as generating particular kinds of ripples in the slipstream of collective consciousness. The Rev. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale authored a book on this subject in 1952, titled The Power of Positive Thinking, and French psychologist and pharmacist Émile Coué described, years earlier, a process he called optimistic autosuggestion.
There has been much other writing and teaching offered on this subject, including a seminal book, As a Man Thinketh from James Allen (1903), The Law of Attraction from Esther and Jerry Hicks (2006), The Secret from Rhonda Byrne (2006), Psycho-cybernetics from Maxwell Maltz (1960), Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson, first series (1841), Philosophical Conceptions and Practical Results from William James (1898), and others.
(I owe this list to author Mitch Horowitz, who declared that “positive thinking is at once the most widely embraced and the most frequently reviled philosophy in America” in this 2014 book, One Simple Idea: How Positive Thinking Reshaped Modern Life, which purports to answer the age-old question—Does it work?—and says that it shows that, yes, positive thinking can change the world.)
If my own life had not demonstrated to me the power and efficacy of thought (both positive and negative, by the way), I would never be making such a point of all this — in spite of the fact that Conversations with God does.
The dialogue’s 3,000 pages offer a virtual treatise on energy impacting energy, and on every sentient entity in the cosmos being a source of such impact, both individually and collectively. But I needed to try it in my own life, and see affirming and confirming results, before I was willing to embrace and adopt Focused and Intentioned Thought as a dynamic force and creative tool.
I have seen such results, over and over again. I see our world at large, as well, as striking evidence of the power of collective consciousness — and of the need to raise and shift that group consciousness if we ever want to see real change in humanity’s experience of itself.
My awareness and understanding of this was firmly corroborated and substantiated in Conversations with God-Book 4: Awaken the Species, the newest dialogue with Deity, release just last March. There is no question in my mind now that the thing we call “consciousness” exists. I think that is a three-syllable word referring to the collection of energy particles, magnetized by their similarity to each other, surrounding both individuals and collectives throughout the cosmos, and having a direct effect on the milieu in which those particles swim.
I could, of course, be wrong about all of this. It is merely my own understanding. The journey in life is about reaching one’s own understanding, coming to one’s own conclusions, acting on one’s own awareness, and expressing one’s own convictions. I’m sure I don’t have to advise you not to take my word for anything.
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