How to ‘turn on’ genes
that promote great health

Welcome to our new section of the Global Conversation on Health and Wellness. For me, this topic is an important part of the equation in having what I call the God experience, or what some have called bliss. If you are experiencing something other than perfect health right now, you know exactly the value of the above statement. Without health little else matters, so spending some time looking at our lifestyle choices is well worth our time and energy.

What we will explore within this blog going forward are the many ways of naturally returning to and keeping your body in a state of grace, health and balance. We will look at lifestyle choices that create the space for you to be fully alive, fully available to your life and all of the joy a healthy lifestyle has to offer.

Nature has provided us the perfect packages filled with all of the elements we need to have this state of health, all we have to do is make the correct choices for our body. Yet there is so much more to the picture than just “you are what you eat.”  As important as that is, we also cannot ignore the rest of that which makes us tick.

We all know that we have a body, a mind, emotions, and most would agree that we are spiritual in nature. Our emotional, mental and spiritual health are vital in creating wellness in our physiology, and each contribute to the makeup of our physical health. Within the health & wellness conversation here, we will will take a holistic point of view, since each of these areas desire our daily care.

As Conversations with God reminds us, “every act is an act of self definition.” Your actions and the intention behind them either contribute to your health or take away from it. When we act consciously with the intention of loving ourselves through every act, our health begins to immediately flourish.

Scientific research has shown that although we cannot choose our genetics, we do have the ability to influence which of our genes are expressed.  We have the ability to turn on genes which promote health and turn off those which code for illness and disease.  How can we do this?  The answer is surprisingly simple. Our lifestyle habits, including our diet, exercise, thoughts and the choices we make dramatically affect the expression of our genes. Actions really do speak louder than words.

If you are not feeling well right now, or have been making choices that you know do not serve you and your wellbeing, the great news is that you can choose again in this very moment. If you are feeling bad about your past choices, forgive yourself this minute, for the energy of resenting yourself will never lead to healing. Love is always the answer, and in this moment you can begin to make loving choices for yourself with the intention of healing your life. It begins when you say so. SO SAY SO!

Get into action. What are you doing today to love your whole self? Join in the conversation and share where you are, where you desire to be and what you are willing to change right now to begin moving toward the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about who you are and what health & wellness means for you. The God experience awaits you! Will you answer the call? Let the journey begin…

To your health! – JR

(JR Westen may be reached at


13 responses to “How to ‘turn on’ genes
that promote great health”

  1. Pam Avatar

    Have had several bladder infections and live with Irritable Bowel. Prayed to God to help me become healthy. Within several days the book “The Makers Diet” by Jordan Rubin appeared before me, pretty much agreeing with your concept. Have decided to turn my health around and be the best I can be. I am starting a new journey for the rest of my life.

  2. Laura Jean Pringle Avatar
    Laura Jean Pringle

    The fact that we are brainwashed by early religious teachings to believe we are sinners by nature, etc, leads us to feel guilt and dislike for ourselves when we behave or think in “ungodly” ways. Then we unknowingly make ourselves sick, either by thoughts, or body-abuse. When we become clear in what’s really up, we are rarely sick. Case in point: Me. I’ve been extremely healthy my whole life, never took a drug but antibiotics for an infection from a wound. Because I was raised without religion!!! It really can be that simple…

  3. Sofia Avatar

    Loved your article, JR, thank you!

    It’s a great reminder about what a great gift our body is to us while we are incarnated. Our physical body is the perfect mirror of what’s going on in our subtle bodies, especially the mental and emocional.
    As our senses don’t “see” what’s happening there, we need our physical body to show it to us, to make it “visible”.

    Once we understand this, we can be very grateful to our body, instead of being angry because it “doesn’t work properly” (being ill) or it doesn’t “look the way we wished” (or we THINK we wish).

    Now the trick is learning to understand what your body is trying to say to you… 🙂


  4. Sofia Avatar

    wrote wrong my own name when signing and there’s no way of editing the posting…. aaarrrgghhhhh!!!!

    @admin: will editing be possible once everything works here?

    S O F I A
    (now I got it right) 🙂

  5. Jaz Avatar

    I, too, Love your article, JR, along with all your being and doing in this world. thank you! Peace and love.

  6. Alda Ines Avatar
    Alda Ines

    Não fomos nós que criamos as ideias e os costumes que determinaram o tipo de educação que recebemos quando crianças. Eles são o resultado da vida em comum. São, na verdade e na sua maior parte, obra das gerações passadas. Como mostra “Etienne de La Boétie,” que a primeira razão da “servidão voluntaria” é o hábito, e a segunda a covardia. Mesmo quando despertamos para o questionamento, as sementes do bem que a natureza põe em nós são tão frágeis, exigindo muita força interior para acessar novos comandos em nossa mente. Essa impotência “Carl Gustav Jung” mostrou que somos influenciados pela mente coletiva. Sendo essa um depósito de energias qualificadas de forma negativa, medo ansiedade insegurança, isso tem o poder de influenciar e de manter toda a humanidade presa num emaranhado repleto de vícios. Precisamos urgentemente requalificar todo esse deposito energético positivamente libertando a humanidade dessa inercia, talvez neste sentido encontremos a cura para os vícios e a libertação da humanidade da prisão dentro da dualidade. obrigado

  7. Alda Ines Avatar
    Alda Ines

    We did not create the ideas and customs that determined the type of education they received as children. They are the result of common life. They are, in truth and mostly work of past generations. As shown “Etienne de La Boétie,” that the first reason of “voluntary servitude” is a habit, and the second cowardice. Even when we awaken to the challenge, the seeds of goodness that nature puts in us are so fragile, requiring a lot of inner strength to access new commands in our mind. This impotence “Carl Gustav Jung” showed that we are influenced by the collective mind. This being a storehouse of energy qualified negatively, fear insecurity anxiety, it has the power to influence and maintain all humanity trapped in a maze full of vices. We urgently need to retrain all this energy deposit positively freeing humanity from this inertia, this effect might find the cure for addictions and the release from prison of humanity within duality. thank you

  8. Michael L Avatar
    Michael L

    How do I read the rest of your post???

  9. Roger Groulx Avatar
    Roger Groulx

    When we act consciously with the intention of loving ourselves through every act, our health begins to immediately flourish.

    I have been practicing your statement above for many years and I have reaped the rewards of excellent health, therefore I know that what you are saying is true. But it has happened that I still get sick once in a while (flu, cold, arthritis, head ache…) that’s when I rely on the book from Louise Hay, You can heal your life, to give me the clues I need to discover when I have not been loving to myself, I change my thinking and the illness goes away, it’s marvelous how it works. I am totally in control of my health, no more do I fear microbes, viruses etc, total freedom from sickness, how liberating it is.

    I’m surprised that no actual scientific study has been made to validate her book, I imagine that if they did validate her book the health care industry would be bankrupt that’s probably why they don’t do it.

    In any case I loved your article,

    Take care,


  10. Flower Avatar

    Thank you JR, looking forward to reading many more wonderful articles!

  11. Rose Avatar

    I am very excited to see a blog spot dedicated to the topics of bodily health, as I’m sure many others are, so thank you for being a source of reference and allowing others an opportunity to connect in a way that is not yet commonly found.
    My journey in this world has gone down many paths since I was a child, and thankfully I was open to receiving insight into the world around me AND outside, so I could come back to source after many years of conditioning in the Christian evangelical ways.
    Not long after I watched the secret for the first time doors began opening for me and I have found a great wealth of inner peace, however bodily I have hit a mental or spiritual block in the form of hypothyroidism. My mother has been a dieter for many years, and I followed in these footsteps until the secret, and tried to change my thinking around my weight. Then about two years into trying fairly unsuccessfully I discovered that I have thyroid disease, what a relief! No wonder I am tired all of the time and can diet like crazy with little impact! Well that’s how I felt at first, that was 4 years ago now and I have been stumped by this “problem” and what to do about it ever since.
    I can get a physical diagnosis of what to do and be stumped by how that fits into my beliefs, and then get a spiritual diagnosis and am stumped by how to turn that into physical actions. I don’t even know if this is an open forum for questions now that I think about it, but I’d greatly appreciate any suggestions on materials to read or really ANY resources you could guide me toward.
    Thank you so much for your time!

  12. mewabe Avatar

    Rose, look into kelp or other seaweed supplements (Which contain iodine, the basic substance of thyroid hormone). 2000-3000 mg daily.
    Also L-Tyrosine, and look into Glandular therapy (raw Thyroid glandular, as prescribed by a physician)…
    Check “Prescription for Nutritional Healing”, a really great book found in most health food stores.

    There is nothing wrong with physical supplements, they do not contradict but complement a spiritual diagnosis. After all, don’t we breathe, eat and drink? We cannot yet live on thoughts or will power alone…

    I hope you soon feel better

  13. Jan Avatar

    Hi Rose, watch out with taking too much iodine without understanding the actual disease. If you have Hashimoto’s disease (blood tests will be able to tell you) iodine is NOT good to take as supplement. With Hashimoto’s, your immune system attacks your thyroid output. More iodine means more thyroid output, means more attacks and a quicker death of your thyroid.

    Make sure you read the Complete Idiots Guide to Thyroid Disease and get empowered. Take control. But don’t just take thyroid hormones for the rest of your life because some doctor tells you to.

    I have healed my thyroid disease by going on a 10 day water fast. I didn’t touch any medicine. Lost weight and felt great!!!

    Don’t do it without professional help though 🙂

    Love + Light, Jan

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