Being a teenager in the twenty first century has given us the technological edge. More than any other generation before us, we have access to information-tons and tons of information-that can tell us the time of day in Paris, the latest trends in Japan, and the scores of soccer matches in Brazil. With so much information out there, literally at the tip of our fingers, we have more opportunity than ever to explore the life around us.
As our world seems to get smaller and smaller by the size of our web searching, our exploration turns to us to questioning. Though we have become so much more exposed to different ideas, cultures, and thoughts, it shocks us just to see how different our lifestyles are from others. We begin to see that there is not just only our way of life, but many other ways to live, and that leads us to our own questioning. We ask ourselves, “Are my decisions better than theirs? Is their way the right way? Will I make the best choice?”
With deeper and deeper thought, these questions bring us to a new level of uncertainty. We begin not only to re-search ourselves, but also our schools, our communities, and our world, and we begin see the faults. We see, more than any other age group, the cracks, the bruises, and the broken linings of all society. By searching these things, both on and off line, we feel our differences making us more alone and separated than ever before. But it doesn’t have to be like that.
What if we, not just one or a few of us, but many of us, could have a conversation about these issues, without judgment, without guilt, and without fear of being right or wrong? What if you knew that there are people who understand you, and are willing to discuss your questions? What if you could do all of this with teenagers just like you?
Instead of driving us apart, let’s have technology bring us together. Let’s have a Collective Conversation, one in which we can share and develop our awareness together, right here, on this blog. If you have ever had a question, had a desire, or had a moment to spare, join us in this global conversation, special to teens, to explore and understand the greatest challenges we face today. Become apart of the conversation, and become your highest self.
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