Some people are saying it’s the most vitriolic, attack-oriented, negativity-based political season they can ever remember.

The American presidential election, with its concurrent races for the country’s Senate and House of Representatives, has turned into a cesspool. Most (but not all) Americans are saddened by this, and wonder: “What has happened to a political process that we were once able to celebrate, and were proud to place before the world as a model for the entire planet?”

More important, perhaps, than what has happened or how, is what, if anything, can be done to save the situation. And not just to save one country’s interior decision-making process, but to save all of humanity from itself—for our entire species, from one corner of the globe to another, has failed to find a way to disagree agreeably.

And a poisoned political system is just one manifestation of that. At least (so far) people are not killing each other en masse in the U.S. to get their point across or their grievances heard. The same can’t be said in some other parts of the world, where there is no room—none whatsoever—for dissent of any kind, to say nothing of vitriolic denunciation of those who are or would be leaders.

What, then, could be the answer? Is there any antidote to humanity’s poisonous ways?

Yes. It is a New Spirituality that informs our politics. That is, a new set of sacred understandings that we hold about ourselves and about the purpose of life. And, of course, about God.

“Spirituality” is just a long six-syllable utterance for a two-syllable word: beliefs. Our highest and most sacred beliefs form the basis of our most critical and self-creative behaviors, and of our politics. A politics that do not arise out of our most sacred beliefs are bankrupt. Yet if you most sacred beliefs are themselves incompletely informed, what then? What we need is a new set of beliefs about everything: who we are, why we are here, and the best way to accomplish that. Our present understands and beliefs about God, about Life, and about each other arise out of religious doctrines that are incomplete.

Those beliefs hold that we human beings are separate from each other, and separate from God. We are not, those dogmas tell us, all The Same Thing. Yet the New Spirituality holds otherwise. “All things are One Thing,” it says. “There is only One Thing, and all things are part of the One Thing There Is.”

One source of that New Spirituality, a series of books titled Conversations with God, has placed a remarkable “dare” in front of all the world’s leaders. In the dialogue which comprises the books (from which the above statement emerges), every global political figure, every planetary spiritual or religious leader, every world business or economic trendsetter, and especially every teacher or professor in every classroom, is challenged to place a simple, astonishing 15-word message before those who turn to them for guidance:

We are all One. Ours is not a better way, ours is merely another way.

Those are 15 words that would change the world. Conversations with God calls them The New Gospel. Can the Pope say them? Can the highest Ulama utter them? Can the chief Rabbi speak them? Will the Archbishop of Canterbury? Will any president, prime minister, senator, member of parliament, or candidate for any such office, make this declaration?

How about you? Can you say them, in the midst of a disagreement you may be having with another?

Until and unless we all can, we will never remove the poison from our politics. For our politics are our lives, narrowly defined by greatly magnified. Yet the antidote is there; a healing formula is available. It is not a “secret formula.” It is widely known and widely available to all of us. We can mix up a batch in a jiffy. All it takes is a blending of the Soul, the Heart, and the Mind.

What could cause humanity to embrace this New Gospel? Do we have to be brought to our knees? Must we come right to the edge of our own extinction? Will we have to virtually self-destruct, as we are watching ourselves do in Syria and other places? Would even the threat of planetary (as opposed to regional) self-destruction be enough? Some people in America are asking that right now.

We must get clear as to who has the answer—and it is neither Mr. Obama nor Mr. Romney.

It is you.

(If you have an observation that you would like to offer specifically in the area of World News or Current Events from a New Spirituality point of view, we will be happy to consider it for publication here. This is your opportunity to Dialogue With The World on your ideas about what’s happening making headlines these days, within the context of The New Spirituality–and how you believe the second could one day affect the first. Please send submissions to Lisa McCormack, Managing Editor, at



33 responses to “CAN WE EVER GET THE POISON

  1. Lloyd Avatar

    When we look upon another can we honestly see Ourselves, a part of me looking back at me? My answer for years has been of course, and when I embraced this as my reality, my reality changed the way my world opperated. I could see myself in children, in women, in other men and all regardless of race, religion, politics, education, awareness of Self, etc., and the reason for pernouncing judgements upon others lost its appeal. I made a list of things that made us all the same, and a list of what made us different, and then upon looking at the two list I found that the differences were more surface oriented, superficial, while the likeness list was more spiritually uniting. Make your own list and see what you find.
    Humanity is just one species of the animal kingdom upon this planet we call Earth. Look around at the other animals and see which one kill each other of the same species for no apparent reason. The answer is none. We love to call ourselves intelligent, but I do not see human action as intelligent, do you? Why do we have this need to attempt to dominate not only our own species but all others? What does it take to tear down our illusion of our own importance to this environment? Would this planet continue to exist without humanity, absolutely, and by many points of view not only exist but flourish, without the human infection we have spread over this planet. Try to separate yourself from your presence upon this planet and look back and judge for yourself the benefit our species adds to this existence and this world.
    Life is a gift and to exist within our ego bubble of our own self proclaimed importance is our biggest hurtle humanity has to overcome. I have been told it is unmanly to be humble, to be compassionate, to embrace all existence as myself, equally, and lovingly. My conclusion is it is insanity not to see myself as part of this existence, of all existence, and to act otherwise is destructive to myself and ALL existence. This blessing of life, which I have so enjoyed for 65 years, has given me some insights into own heart, mind and spirit, and I daily share this joy with ALL that come into my realm of existence. I have learned there is nothing to fear, and no one can take from me this Love, this Joy, this passion for lifting up Ourselves, as I am the only person with this power over my choices in living this life. So I challenge all who read this to take responsibility for thier own choices and live this existence to the best of your ability to Love One Another. Namaste’

  2. mewabe Avatar

    Many people identify very strongly with their own ideas, opinions, beliefs. They invest a lot of emotion into them as well. When confronted, even very gently and innocently, with other ideas, concepts, beliefs, they perceive these to be threats not only to their own but to their very identity. They get extremely defensive, offended…they experience fear and strike back, even when they were never attacked.

    This is why dialogue is extremely difficult…because everyone comes to the table with an agenda, with experiences and expectations, and with much prejudice, with preconceptions. Many people view other people as one-dimensional caricatures…in political, racial, sexual, cultural, religious terms.

    So open-minded conversations are a great challenge, because ideas are not simply experienced as ideas, to be shared, challenged, probed, expanded, changed, etc…ideas and beliefs literally (and very strangely in my opinion) become who a person is, and obviously who a person is cannot be challenged without this process being experienced as unwanted aggression, so endless apologies and extreme caution must be displayed at all times even in a purely intellectual discourse (or what should be so, but which often becomes an emotional argument.)

    Consequently people confuse oneness (“we are all one”) with sameness (we are all the same or should be), and perceive differences to be conflicts. This is very clearly revealed in the saying about race when a non racist person proudly state that s/he “sees no color”…When the best way (for me) is to see differences (in race, gender, culture, beliefs, etc) and not just “tolerate” but actually celebrate them. This is how I understand unity…not sameness but celebration, rejoicing in the wonderful creativity and diversity of humanity.

    The idea of sameness or conformity and uniformity as sources of peace and order originate in the conditioning that comes with living under authority. It begins early in school and pervades all of society. Authority directly opposes creativity, by engendering uniformity (look at the army, an extreme example). This is why artists and creative people are usually “rebels”, non conformists, because called to follow their own paths away from the crowds, to break new grounds, to explore new ways of expressions.

    Uniformity and intolerance are then intrinsically linked (the “in-group”, society, versus the “out-group”, outsiders), and both are the outcome of living under authority, whether it is the authority of an actual leader or that of a social, cultural, political, religious model or system.

    As far as politics, “divide and conquer” is a strategy that always works for leaders. Most Americans have much more in common than not, but our politicians and all of the governments of the world fear nothing more than a united population. It is far easier indeed to control and manipulate people who are alienated and at each other’s throats, and while the people are busy attacking each other, they forget the real problems and live in a state of perpetual distraction, which allows for the repetition of the exact same strategies at the top under the cover of new dialectics.

  3. Erin/IAm Avatar

    Butch…B-e-a-u-t-fully said! Age does have it’s advantages…We have much in the pool of experience to choose of. Glad to know there is more that awaits the comers of ages than Senior discounts & wrinkles.:)

    On the positive notes, the past few years in the U.S. has brought much to light, haven’t they?
    We See that if our judicial system ‘worked’, there would be no crime, no need for more prisons.
    We See that if our modern medicine & educational systems ‘worked’, there would not be need of a drug-induced society, nor laws necessary to give them helm to do so.
    We See that if militaries ‘worked’, there would be no wars.
    We See that if Corporate World ‘worked’, our economy would be thriving.
    We See that if our educational system ‘worked’, stupidity would not be thriving.
    And if our governing system ‘worked’, we would be dealing with none of the above.

    We have been given a threshold of years to See everything we don’t wish to Be, yes? Now we need to be able to choose of Leaders that See “another way”…and knowing that that is not what there is to choose of is disheartening at the moment, to say the least. Though perhaps the next 4 yrs., many of which we have survived thru thus far, will be the time when people realize that We All Can See other-‘Wise’.(?)

    I have noticed that children listen more intensely to a whisper than to screaming. I See this New Gospel of sorts coming on “little cat feet”…a soft fog that covers then clears to expose “another way”. An Alliance, perhaps, that runs along side what is, steering it with firm, but loving hands to what could be…Ways that Work, not just people that work…See? If the example is solid…if the results are true…if opportunities are taken…the next chapter of history would be it’s most Amazing yet. And I See no logical reasoning to Be other than Amazing, do you?

    Good Journey, indeed!:)

  4. Lloyd Avatar

    The most unique connection any of us have is that we exist within Source Energy. There is only one Source Energy, and humanity as well as the Universe has that connection. Regardless of color of eyes, or hair, or culture, religion, education, everything is connected through this energy, and that is just a plain scientific fact of the physical plane of existence. So to say “We are all One” is obivious. This does not mean that everything is the same though, we all know this isn’t the case, nor is this some “government takeover” of our freedom and individual authority.

    Lets think logically. One Source Energy iminating within us ALL means we are each part of authentic authority, and responsibile for our own choices. Now this is true Freedom, being our own authentic authority figure, and being responsibile for our own thoughts, emotions, actions, and words, leaves no blame game to be played. What could be more free than that? So who is going to take control from me? Who is responsibile for me? Whose permission do I need to think the thoughts and sing the songs, and paint the pictures or write the books, but my own authentic expression of my spark of Source Energy? This is a sacred spark that is blessed upon this physical expression, and to give it away to any other is to disrespect this Self.

    So be free, be creative, be responsibile, be Love, and you will acknowledge the Oneness of Source Energy within existence. To make the choice to separate from our Oneness within your mind is ill logical illusionism, ie lying to ones self. When humanity can become aware of our Oneness political, social, religious, ie all issues will fade into the past cultural story. We are Amazing, and humanity can Love unconditionally. Namaste’

  5. Scott Harrell Avatar
    Scott Harrell

    Religion is to Spirituality as the Party System is to Politics – not bad ideas in concept., but unfortunately, instead of boosting like-minded ideals we have given way to a negative tendency to label, polarize and separate us into factions – left, right; red, blue; liberal, conservative; etc.
    For those of us who are trying to raise the vibrational bar, it is an even-greater challenge these days, when so many are angry, dissatisfied and feeling hopeless or powerless, to maintain a positive attitude. There is so much abundance and opportunity out there, but centrally, the paradigm shifts will only occur when we recognize the God in each of us and focus on what COULD BE rather than what’s been wrong.

  6. Pat Avatar

    I still struggle with “ours is just another way.” If I’m doing something “this way” the only reason I can think of to do it “that way” is because it’s better – otherwise why bother? To me the way of ‘oneness and magnificence’ instead of ‘inherent sinfulness and separation’ is simply “better.” If it wasn’t, or if I didn’t think it was, I wouldn’t be here.


    P.S. I was really hoping this site would get a new blog engine…. With this engine, any small group can hijack and control the discussion as has happened often in the past.

  7. Laura Jean Pringle Avatar
    Laura Jean Pringle

    When our constitution was finally agreed upon, so many years ago, it was based on Christianity. What we are talking about here is not. There’s a fundamental difference that is staggeringly large. We’re talking about thousands of years of misinformation being un-done in a relatively small time. Until we de-brain-wash a majority of our population, nothing can change in politics. I am so grateful to my mother for letting me decide for myself what felt true to my heart instead of forcing me to adhere to a religion in my formative years. Thus, I am clear, and Neale’s words were readily accepted into my psyche. Most people can never un-do the damage of early teachings. Sorry, but it’s true. Maybe in another universe… But hey, Neale, you are a blessing to this earth for trying!!! Keep it up, I totally support you!!!

  8. Ionic Breeze Avatar
    Ionic Breeze

    Hey guys,

    I guess I’m finally getting the hang of this one love game called newspaper room. 🙂 Sorry for posting so many love lines on these threads. A little too much bliss is a little too much. I guess. I’ll be sure to put my two lining cap on.

    Here it is. If the game of life is an evolution of the heart, how do we move beyond dual thinking in a political game where there is a left and a right, a wrong and another right, a this and a that? A little bit of a light way goes a long way towards oneness, but a lot of a bit of a dark way goes a long way from home.

    I hope you get the gist.

    Love to you,

    Ionic Breeze

  9. Sinclair Avatar

    We are all One. Ours is not a better way, ours is merely another way.

    How many here really believe this?

    Back in 2008 Neale made a special video pleading for people to vote for Obama. I give Neale credit that he did not defame McCain and those who would vote for McCain as evil or close to it, as most of those who voted for Obama then did.

    Nonetheless there was no question in Neale’s appeal that Obama represented a better way, a superior way to what Republicans offered that year.

    How does Neale or others here reconcile Neale’s new slice of wisdom that “ours is not a better way, ours is merely another way.”

    Sounds like convenient hypocrisy to me.

  10. mewabe Avatar

    Sinclair, are you suggesting that people should not vote, because voting is clearly an expression of the belief that one choice is better than the other?

    Or are you suggesting that Neale should not express any political opinions, that spirituality is meant to be an abstract pursuit that is completely disconnected from society and from the world?

    just wondering…

  11. Sinclair Avatar

    mewabe: Give it up. You don’t know what I’m saying and I’d appreciate that you stop attempting to paraphrase my thoughts. You have no talent for it here or in the previous incarnation of this conference which Neale et al. have conveniently deleted for eternity.

    I’m pointing out what appears to be a contradiction in Neale’s thinking — “Ours is merely a better way” vs Obama was the better way in 2008.

    If you can reconcile this, or anyone else for that matter, please spell it out.

  12. Sinclair Avatar

    “Ours is merely a *different* way.”


  13. mewabe Avatar

    Sinclair, although I did not see Neale’s video, I assume that he did not attack anyone, any of Obama’s political opponents or their supporters.

    So I see no contradictions with the statement that “ours in only another way” juxtaposed with suggesting that people choose this “other way” of their own volition.

    Did he force people to vote a particular way, did he use threats, coercion, condemnation? Did he tell people that they would go to hell if they did not vote for Obama?

    Seriously, what is your beef?

  14. Lloyd Avatar

    Each of us express our Source Energy as best we can understand how. That makes it our way, and each way is different, not necessarily any better but just our individual expression of our interpretation of Creator Love flowing within our existence.
    As for whom to vote for, personally I ask which candidate expresses more freedom, and which is more open and honest with the public. The Republican party and candidate wants to restrict freedom for women, for the aged, for the sick, and for those of us who lack the means to help Ourselves through no fault or lack of desire to do better in life. The Democrats seem to offer more freedom of choice to citizens, and less restriction upon our thinking and our beliefs, so they appeal to me as more beneficial to our whole society. This is my opinion, that all of our society would be better served with Universal health care for all, free education for all, and freedom to choose whom we marry, rather than have an outside authority figure attempt to tell us what is right and what is wrong. Republican Tea Party members claim to desire less government but the fact is they want to control how society thinks and acts, by passing laws to inhibit all sorts of things from a womans right to choose and who can marry, what education is best based upon religious beliefs not scientific data. OK, I vote my conscious and no one can direct my vote but myself, and I encourage everyone to vote their heart. Namaste’

  15. Jaz Avatar

    Agree, I am..we all are. I Love all this place brings to the world. We here in NZ have the same issues. We are slowly starting to see what is going on. And I think we reflecting on many issues. Thank for all this clarity.

  16. Ionic Breeze Avatar
    Ionic Breeze

    Wow! what a difference a day makes <3 We can make a difference with the heart of love we are being, when we heed the call of a true heart of love.

    which heart do we choose for the next president of the United States? I know who I pick and it's really neither candidate on the ballet. i prefer one who chooses to be who he says he is, and usually noone ever acts what they say they are until they do, and if we choose one love in a day, we can all experience heaven right here right now way before 12.21.12.

    Maybe we can all write in a vote. Who do we choose? I'm all for one love. How about you?

    Love to all,

    Ionic Breeze

  17. Pat Avatar

    Jean Pringle, while it’s true that most Americans were Christian at the time, the US Constitution was NOT based on Christianity. This is a common misconception put forward by the religious right, but the evidence is clear that such was NOT the case. Do not grant them this point without argument because they are trying to invent a “truth” that is completely invalid.

    There is no mention of God in the Constitution, and there were a few who tried mightily to make it thus. Most of the writers were deists, not theists and had little use for Christianity. They specifically used non-Christian language in both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The only reference to God is in the date, “in the year of our Lord” which was common nomenclature then. If the founders intended America to be a Christian nation, it’s an inexplicable oversight that all references to such were omitted. The Declaration uses deist rather than theist language that refers to Christianity with references to “nature’s God,” the “Creator,” “Laws of Nature,” etc. Interpreting the document as Christian is sheer fantasy. Evangelicals are trying to make something that never was – an explicitly sectarian statement of commitment to Christ worked in to national law and public policy. In the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli it is affirmed that “the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” This treaty was unanimously ratified by the Senate and publicly endorsed and signed by Pres. J. Adams. It was passed without debate and nobody objected to the denial of a Christian foundation. After the Constitution was ratified conservative ministers objected because there was no reference to Christianity. After the Civil War conservative ministers tried repeatedly to amend the Constitution to add references to Christianity and were soundly defeated. If the Constitution was a “Christian” document, there would have been no need for them to make that attempt. There are many additional pieces of historical evidence that completely undermine this attempt to change history by the religious right. Don’t concede this point. It is very important that we not do so, just as it’s important that we don’t concede that Young Earth Creationism deserves to be taught as a competing “theory” to evolution (which science now accepts as fact). One is based on faith and the supernatural, the other on science. One belongs in a philosophy class, the other in a science class. Let’s try not to go back to the 12th century where Islam is stuck, given that their leading cleric at the time (second most important after the Prophet) said essentially that math and science were the work of the devil, and what was the center of learning and culture collapsed, never to reemerge. Just look at the number of Nobel Prizes given to Muslims. We don’t want to go there.

    Don’t let them do it. Don’t help them do it, by saying something that is completely untrue – that the Constitution was based on Christianity. It specifically was NOT!

  18. mewabe Avatar

    Thank you Pat for accurately pointing this out.

    This is also a big part of what makes the political debate so poisonous in the US today, because the fundamentalists who wish to take this nation back to the 12th century in the name of religion are obviously fanatics, and such people are generally not open to mutually respectful dialogue when their assumption is that those who think differently on the side of “Satan”.

    But we can take comfort in the knowledge that the resurgence of extremism we see everywhere in the world is actually a good sign: it indicates that many feel a global storm brewing, and seek the reassurance of extreme and ancient beliefs to feel secure in a world they sense is about to change drastically. Their response is fear, meaning that they seek control and power, they seek to hang on.

    But their time is up…all of this mental agitation is comparable to the last jerky motions of a wounded, dying animal…insignificant in the end. Humanity will birth a new world, and this process cannot be stopped, no matter how many fear it.

  19. Pat Avatar

    I don’t know that we’re coming up on global destruction, though I concede the possibility. Some days it sure feels that way. I worry about thinking too much of that possibility because there are so many religious extremists in our society that look forward to such an event with glee and would love to push it along, as they expect Jesus will show up with his flaming sword to right all wrongs and smite the wicked like me, as I am unlikely to be taken in the impending rapture! (I envision the rapture as ET using anti-gravity to pull fundamentalists into their spacecraft in order that they might be served for dinner).

    Perhaps the right thing is happening now. The economy is down. Perhaps this is the new normal. Maybe it’s good. Since the economy dropped, our oil consumption here in the US dropped. That has resulted in cleaner air. Most of the oil out of the Persian Gulf goes to India and China, so no need for us to protect it and maybe we can pull back and cut fat out of the military. With a slow economy, we may become less materialistic and buy less “stuff” just so we can keep up with our neighbors. Maybe what’s needed is more of the same; just slowly tamp it down till we’re living the ‘voluntary simplicity’ advocated by futurists like Duane Elgin – or perhaps it will become an involuntary simplicity if we don’t!

    Getting the poison out of politics means changing the system, and you can’t do that if you vote for either of the two-party candidates. Obama is more Bush than Bush was; why would Romney be any different? I believe we need to vote for third party candidates in order to express our discontent with mediocrity and corruption. As long as we continue to vote for mediocrity, that’s what we’ll get.

    I’ll be voting for Gary Johnson, Libertarian so I don’t have to choose between fiscal responsibility and personal liberties as the two-party system forces us to do today. A third party brings the chance for cooperation and compromise where such is unthinkable today with the two-party system. Vote Libertarian, or Green, or Constitution Party – just don’t vote for either Romney or Obama. Send a message.

  20. Ionic Breeze Avatar
    Ionic Breeze

    Note: this post might be a little long for some, but it is high talk, so I hope you don’t mind. Love to all :))

    Hi All,

    We are here in the heart of life living the mind of God when we believe we are God. If we are knowing we are God, who can we elect for president who will open the heart of man, so that all life can know they are God, too?

    Somewhere, somehow, somewhere along the way mankind decided to believe a cultural myth that only prophets can talk to God and know God well. Why? Because many parts of the Bible were deleted and thereby deconstructed from the getgo. By who? you might wonder. By religionists. The religionists believed the heart of man could not embrace the whole truth of man’s heart. If man knew the whole truth of man’s own heart, then man would need no relgionist ever ever ever. Why worship a religionist or a church or a priest, when one can go within to talk to the main guy. That’s my source’s information.

    I actually have some new books that back it all up, and I am so excited. One I am currently reading is Deepak Chopra’s wonderful book, “Jesus,” with a subtitle of “A Story of Enlightenment.” This book speaks so loudly about the truth I have come to know, the truth that the Bible was altered significantly by early religionists, fearmongers, who deliberately placed books in a random order and then deleted many, many books that pertain to God, Mary, Joseph, Christ, and Jesus. These books were intended, by God, to be in the Bible. These books were ripped out of the heart of the Bible deliberately, in order to teach mankind that he needs a priest. He needs to be saved. He needs to fear God, instead of the truth, which is he is God. His heart is Christ Heart is Buddha Heart is Mohammad is Krishna and all the other Ascended Masters. Chopra refers to the Jesus’ years as the “The Lost Years,” in his preface, because they were lost. From the ages of 12 to 30, there is no mention of Jesus. Period. Okay. What’s wrong with that picture? No mention of the savior of mankind?

    Something is rotten in Denmark, and according to my source, God isn’t too happy about it. This was an intentional plot to overthrow mankind. Mankind can’t understand why he is God. Why? Because he’s fearing God. He has been taught to fear God. He has been taught by culture, religion, parents, schools, art, literature, you name it. Everywhere we look, we hear tales of scary religions, tales of people dangling over fiery pits waiting to be thrown to hell. We have been corrupted because we were told a falsehood by religionists. The corruption was not our heart. The corruption was the religion who lied to us. God says it wasn’t by oversight. It wasn’t by undersight that the years of Jesus were lost. It was by pure leverage of the text, so that no man would never know his name. We can’t understand the true heart of God IS the true heart of man, if we buy culture and myth and history as it was taught.

    Phew! Give me a break! Christ heart is man’s heart. That’s what Christ taught. My God. Wake up, people. What do you think Jesus meant when he said, This you can do and more? Consciousness is Christ Consciousness is Unity Consciousness is enlightnement, and that’s what this whole go within means. Jesus taught it. Neale taught it. Every master taught it, but we still struggle believing it. how many hands here speak about talking to God? Show em. Just show ‘em. I know for a fact, many think people who speak out about speaking to God are lulu or think they’re all that or blasphemous. It’s a shame. Really it is. God is love. I love him so. This access to the whole enlightenment thing lies within the heart of everybody reading this. The true heart of Christ is everyone’s heart reading this page. The true life of Jesus is not found in the bible during any of the years between 12 and 30. They are completely ripped out of the bible. Now, can we trust history? Not in my book.

    If we look at the bible from an historical perspective, we lose ground. We can’t go around trying to look at a false text historically. Please give me a break. The bible is fixed, so fixed, so altered, so fragmented, no one knows the true chronicle of it. Historicism goes out the window. There is no chronology that is known. It just looks pretty. It looks pretty and it sits on a nightstand, but it isn’t what it looks like. It’s not a neatly bound, continuous story line. It was written by many authors, many perspectives over many, many time spans, not just a single text, not just a single time span, many filters in a fragmented world, but a filtered fragmented text, deliberately filtered again by demented fearmongers who desired mankind to not know his true heart is Christ on earth already coming home in the heart of all life.

    This book backs up my book. I love it! It understates the truth a bit, because Chopra speaks this truth from a perspective of a novel, whereas my book speaks it from God’s perspective. My book is all about the lost years. It’s also channeled by God, who says to me, “All religions are not true religiously. All religions are based on falsity. The falsity of the text of the bible was false deliberately made false, so that my children could know the truth of their heart, as many decided a literal truth was far too grand for man to know. If man knew the literal truth of his heart, historically all mankind would know they are me. Never ever ever take a biblical text literally. A biblical text is a no text to me. It was altered by fearmongers who feared my children would know their heart is mine. Why? Because, if my children knew their heart was mine, they would never need religion. Who needs a priest, when one can call on me? Who needs a priest when man himself can go straight to the mouth of me. I Am a horse within every man. Yes, Virginia. I Am a horse, too. I Am a horse and I Am riding high these days. Love to all. Hi”

    Well, well, well. I hope it wasn’t too long. Geeze. I’m not much of a nontalker, but that’s how it goes in the heart of God. God speaks a true speak and I don’t want to argue with a Godspeak :)))

    Love to all,

    Ionic Breeze

  21. Michael L Avatar
    Michael L

    Thank you Pat,
    I remember reading once, that America was based on brother hood, and in helping our fellow man. blacks next and then woman.

    Wonderful sentiments, unfortunately in this political environment we have created, we can’t pay for your wishes!!!

    “ours is not a better way, ours is merely another way.” I would say from my point of view that just stating what I believe does not equate with telling YOU what to do. I saw that tape and he did give his thoughts on Obama. But if you have watched the last four years, do you think his hopefull thoughts were an more true, then observed reality. He had hopes and hoped that the parts he heard would come true. And for him maybe they did. It only takes one thing you like about a candidate to vote for him, not the totality of his actions.

    Folks in this highly polarized country, politics has made the jump to ideological separation. There will never be compromise again for the good of the people, until an honest man gets elected.
    Red states will stay red and blue blue, disenfranchising most of the people in the US because their vote don’t count, expect those swing states, 7 states of the 50. In fact this year just 2 or 3 states will decide who the president will be.

    And the worst part, who ever in in power will by pass the congress and make his own law by decree like a king, yuck!!

    60% of the voting public have religious beliefs that makes impossible to live as One, as Ionic Breeze just said, They base their Beingness on a book that rips the heart out of a unconditional Loving God.
    That being said, the alternative is so completely corrupted that they have little principles to stand on just devison words. I don’t believe words are going to do it ,really, we know they are the worst way to communicate.
    At this point no one believes even one word of it!!

    One honest person to change it all, now to create a space for that one person, that’s something to pray buckets of love about!!

  22. Lloyd Avatar

    Michael L., don’t see the fact there is no money, there is plenty of money. Now the real problem is a collective voice for the majority of our population to direct our nations priorities. Does the American public want more war, or do we want Universal Health care, free education, renewable energy, etc? Didn’t we create this government, so why can’t we recreate it again with more open forum for ALL the people? In this age of computer technology why do we need congress to vote on issues of the well being of Americans, when each of us can vote on issues for ourselves and take back all this power that we have given away. Stop hiding behind this government and start leading it by telling everyone what you think and feel about misrepresentation.

    Our system needs to be redone, and no one said it was going to be easy, but in order to make it “JUST” and Fair to ALL each of us must take back some of our responsibility and make these changes. We must refocus our priorities from fear of the world and waging war, to honoring humanity first in our own country and then with ALL of our planet. Namaste’

  23. Michael L Avatar
    Michael L


    I just reread your post up top and found your opinion just that opinion with talking points featuring the liberal point of view.

    and then this post puts more talking points into the mix.

    (JUST” and Fair to ALL.) Those are subjective words again.

    The two things I can agree with you. That “humanity has to honor humanity”.

    and that recreating our original intent of brotherhood for this country, minus the religious separation and of course an upgrade to All the people.

    Unfortunately all the people are not ready and willing yet to make the change.

    Maybe 4 more years of presidential fiat, people would be ready to make the change full scale.

  24. mewabe Avatar

    If we are aiming to change the world for the better, shouldn’t we start here by doing away with labels and the generalizations they imply (such as “the liberal point of view”)?

    What is that anyway? Does it mean every “liberal” has the same point of view? Does it mean we are all clones, unable to have individual thoughts?

    Political ideologies and the categorizations they imply are ridiculous, hypocritical, inaccurate…obsolete.

    People at the very top have only one ideology: increasing profits and personal wealth at all cost. People at the bottom have another ideology: surviving. There are no more “principles” involved in this mess than there is when African hyenas feed on a carcass.

  25. Ionic Breeze Avatar
    Ionic Breeze


    I agree, Mewabe. We have a two party system, or it seems one candidate just loses a few votes. All in all, we seem to only elect one or the other, Republican or Democrat, and so far that person has to be a man. That’s the myth. I wish we could drop all myths. If one party is typically representative of the lower middle class, the have nots, and one is typically concerned about protecting the assets of the haves, how do we rise above this fray? How do we truely embrace a candidate who is for all life and vote him in when we have corruption on the frontlines, like Romney, who somehow was able to only pay taxes on his $50,000 income?! Give me a break like Romney got, will ya? I could use that a lot better than him, I bet.

    How do we arise out of duality and embrace a person truly for people all over the lands? How do we get to the cream of the crop and vote a person in who stands out above the slew of slugs who stand up for less, so that a few will have most, instead of standing up for more so that all have enough?

  26. mewabe Avatar

    I don’t know (Hi Ionic Breeze), I guess one of the problems is that many people who rise at the top of the political ladder (or most other social ladders) usually do so with claws and teeth…they are not necessarily the most principled, honorable individuals, but people for whom “winning is everything”, as in “the survival of the most ruthless and cunning”.

    Extreme competitiveness does not necessarily mean talent or real abilities, or even intelligence, it often precludes compassion, but our societies are founded on this mindless competitiveness, which as you point out does keep women out of the “game”, as many men seem to be threatened in their masculinity when women demonstrate that they can do what they do as well or better.

    The world is so ready for real change…or is it?

    I wish a Poetess would be elected for political office…to turn this world right side up, and turn the Pentagon into a garden.

    After all, isn’t this all the world really needs for change, just some Soul?

    Where are the Soul, the Spirit, the heart in these old patriarchal systems?

  27. Ionic Breeze Avatar
    Ionic Breeze

    🙂 🙂 I like your thoughts, Mewabe. I’m all for a poet for president. Any takers in all life? You would probably make a good one, too, Mewabe. We need an artist or a poet. I would write you in. Love to you Hi 🙂

  28. mewabe Avatar

    Thank you Ionic Breeze…love to you too
    I would make a bad President, turning the white house into a homeless shelter:)

  29. Ionic Breeze Avatar
    Ionic Breeze

    Hi Mewabe,

    I just like saying your name 🙂 Mewabe, mewabe, can I be more of you and say I would probably turn that white house into a rocking homeless shelter for artists. Eisels, paints, and a room in the white house with a gorgeous view for all homeless people in the world! Now there’s a world to smile about 🙂

  30. mewabe Avatar

    Some day, the dreams of every child, of every woman, of every artist, poet, musician, activist, humanitarian, mystic, lover, visionary and spiritual and truth seeker will be realized…and we will look back and wonder how we got so lost…
    I love to dream….without dreams life is as bones without flesh…a skeleton. We must dream to remain alive in our souls…
    Thank you Ionic Breeze…for being so creatively expressive.

  31. Michael L Avatar
    Michael L

    The question has been asked.

    “What has happened to a political process that we were once able to celebrate, and were proud to place before the world as a model for the entire planet?”

    My answer is, Ideologies that are diametrically opposed.

    One wants to make government bigger and the other doesn’t.

    As soon as the progressives got into power( last 6 years) The middle in politics was lost for now. All the moderates in each party were thrown out of office for not listening to their base.

    The hidden way that laws are made now is illuminating the way, we the people have been pushed out of the equation.

    So the best thing to come out of this whole grid lock is that Americans are standing up and saying they aren’t going to take it any more, on both sides.

    That leaves very little space for candidates that have no great new ways to get out of this mess.

    It doesn’t help that like Clinton, this president has not swung to the middle to get some joint action going. That is the way for lasting laws, not partisan ones that the other side will kill when they get in power, because they had no input.

    I believe that each of life’s actions we take have consequences and the light of truth will over power the liars, naturally.

    I will take no Joy in that, only compassion for the fallen.

  32. Ionic Breeze Avatar
    Ionic Breeze

    Hi Mewabe,

    I just happened here and saw your lovely note. Thanks for that. 🙂 I agree dreams are what make us God and Goddess in action. Artists are the best dreamers of all life. God is a grand artist and we are that.

    Love, Love, Love to you and may all your dreams always be filled with Truth, which is what you are. You are that you are Hi Love to you, Mewabe Hi

    Ionic Breeze

  33. Ionic Breeze Avatar
    Ionic Breeze

    Hi Michael,

    Nice post 🙂 I agree people have been pushed out of the equation. If we speak enough, we can create a ruckus to create a new equation, one that includes all people.

    Love to you Hi

    ionic Breeze

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