Some people around the world have had their fears raised even further Monday with the announcement in Stockholm of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
The prize has been awarded to John B. Gurdon of the University of Cambridge in England and Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University in Japan for their years of work and ultimate discoveries leading to advances in cloning and stem cell manipulation.

In a news report of the story for the New York Times, Nicholas Wade, the paper’s science writer and editor, wrote that the techniques of both researchers “reach to the beginnings of life, and have generated objections from people who fear, on ethical or religious grounds, that scientists are pressing too far into nature’s mysteries and the ability to create life artificially”

This raises the question: Is there such a thing as “artificial life”? Because we simply define “artificial life” as Life which is created in a way that does not involve intercourse, does that make it really “artificial?” Or are we actually, as a species, finally learning about the true nature of Life, and is it our definitions, our beliefs, and our religions that are creating “understandings of life” that are artificial?

Dr. Gurdon, who is 79, and Dr. Yamanaka, who is 50, share the Nobel Prize in their field this year for pioneering work that they conducted 40 years apart. Their separate research led to “the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent,” according to the Nobel committee.

The term “pluripotent” refers to the ability of a living human body cell to differentiate into another type of living body cell. The work of the two researchers has shown that completely mature cells can be induced to turn back the clock of their own maturation process, returning to their original state as immature cells—meaning that they become cells that are once again undifferentiated, and can differentiate in any way. The discovery that living cells of the human organism are both reversible and reprogrammable is monumental.

The ability to reverse and reprogram cells in a laboratory suggests that cells of any human being can be extracted from the body, induced to reverse their life cycle, turned back into undifferentiated cells, then reprogrammed to differentiate, or form themselves, into healthy cells that could replace injured, diseased or dying cells in that person’s body.

In other words, illness—and even deathly illness—might well be able to be reversed, by using the body’s own cells, simply regenerated.

This implies that ultimately—when continuing research moves to the next step forward—a person could live forever, simply by replacing degenerating body cells with regenerated ones. This approach, already being seriously explored as a means of abating disease, is called Regenerative Medicine.

Now might be a good time to point out that Conversations with God made it clear, in a statement that drew scoffs and skepticism years ago, that life in the physical was meant to be eternal, lasting as long as any individual wished to inhabit a particular body, and that it has been the Free Will decisions and choices made by our species that has created behavioral (smoking, no exercise, etc.) and environmental (pollution, global warming, etc.) factors leading to our own short live spans.

In other words, says the New Spirituality, it doesn’t have to be this way. And now Science is proving it—and giving us the means to actually reverse our own previous bad decisions. Could it be that there is no such thing as “artificial” life, and that there is only Life? Could it be that how it forms itself out of Itself is the mystery that creates Eternal Life? Could it be that this mystery is now being solved? And should humanity fear this knowledge, or celebrate it?

When we know more and more about How God Works, is this a cause for sadness?


20 responses to “ARE WE DISCOVERING GOD?”

  1. Phil L. Avatar
    Phil L.

    I met God. And everyone’s face became the same.

  2. Theresa Avatar

    Years ago when I read about the prospect of physical life lasting forever in CWG, my first thought was, “Really? Is that something I really would want? Why?”

    Humanity has chased the idea of physical immortality forever. The Christian religion is based on the notion of having eternal life. Legends such as the Holy Grail and Fountain of Youth have been built on the concepts of turning back the clock and living forever in a state of eternal health and youth.

    To me, some of the excitement about existing here on this planet isn’t really staying here forever. I still see a great amount of excitement about living this life and then returning to the spirit realm once I’ve finished with this body and incarnation. I also see a great amount of excitement in the prospect of coming back again, regrowing again, and experiencing myself as a different gender, race, and from a different culture… with different physical attributes and personality differences. I really love the idea of being able to experience myself in so many different ways and to see so many facets of myself shine throughout time, whether on this planet or not.

    That being said, regeneration is an exciting premise as well, as it would be something to alleviate pain and suffering during a single incarnation. We could cure or prevent cancer and many other diseases. The idea of young children not having to die from said diseases is a very welcome change. Many people do see this as something to be feared, as they still see themselves as separate from our Creator. Perhaps the concept of “playing God” only means we’re stretching further and becoming closer with our potential.

  3. Anita Avatar

    The fear here, is founded in the belief, of course, that we are separate from God, and that to imitate God in any manner, ie. “creating” life in any way, is somehow blasphemous and downright sinful. There was a time when I might have believed that way too, but today, existing, hopefully, in a state of somewhat higher consciousness, I can see that we all can, and do, partake in creating, that we are indeed co-creators in all of life, and this project is no exception. People fear getting too close to God, getting too close to finding out the mysteries of life, as if knowing the mysteries would somehow bring condemnation upon us.

    I think the reason people fear knowing more about God than they already do is because they fear that all their learned ideas and “truths” that they’ve been taught their wholes lives, and built their own lives around, would begin unravel.

    I think it’s time, entering into this new and better era in 2013 that we begin to learn more about God, much more. I believe God is revealing more of herself to us every day, and more and more of us are listening, with ears wide open.

  4. Paula Avatar

    Absolutely not a cause for sadness. Humanity will celebrate if we all take the time to research and understand!

  5. Lori Avatar

    Celebrate!! This answers and raise questions at the same time! Love your articles and books Neale!! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Robin Russell Avatar
    Robin Russell

    To me, there is something cold about the idea of creating life in a petri dish under the artificial light of a stainless steel laboratory…but the question that immediately pops into my mind is; are humans ready spiritually for this kind of knowledge? Can we feel at ease knowing that this knowledge will be used for the eradication of disease and or to prolong human life (which I am all for, though I wonder if we should learn how to respect our bodies through proper nutrition, exercise, spiritual practices etc first, rather than depend on medicine to rebuild our bodies for us once the damage has been done)or, as with so many other discoveries that had such great potential for the betterment of our lives, will this knowledge end up in the hands of governments and heads of corporations who, for example, would use this discovery for the creation of a more efficient soldier – one that can kill without conscience and not suffer the psychological and physiological effects. This is just an example. The human race has proven it’s left brain prowess in the advancement of science and technology but we are right brained/spiritually bereft. Until society in general begins to care as much for and devote as much energy to the spiritual aspect of life as we do to the physical the result of this knowledge will lead to humanities further alienation from the soul. People in general and especially in academia are left brained dominant and deeply programed by fear propaganda. Until this is recognized and a healing begins, history has shown that discoveries such as these have the potential for damage. Should humans continue to discover and create? Absolutely. But the key is balance.

  7. mel Avatar

    Yes and No. It depends how advance the “spiritual evolution-al state” of said such species of human beings. If life is eternal and God is eternal and “YOU/
    I/WE” are eternal, what is the point of doing these kinds of discovery? The problem here for us is our “TRUST AND FAITH” in the GRAND CREATOR” of all things both seen and unseen in this world or on Mother Earth. I do believe that “dis-ease” or “ill-ness” and “death or transition on the other side” corresponds as to how one view his/her own life and the way they deal with their fellow human beings. As you have written Neal, “Life is perfect and “GOD” created it all! That is my opinion. Thank you very much. Love and peace.

  8. Jaz Avatar

    We are playing with clay, we are molding it the way we want to see or feel it. These scientists are lost in their own creating process, in their own godding process. Rather then focusing on their own energy that puts these thing outside of them, they are lost in the mirage/reflections of themselves that are outside of themselves. They will never be able to find the answer out there until they stop putting the questions out there.

    It is like that story of a man who lost his sewing needle in the house. But because it was dark inside the house, so he thought he will go out and look for it under the street light. So, they will carry on.. and.. carry on.. going without, until they turn their attention and go within.

  9. mewabe Avatar

    It all depend how the knowledge and technology is used…for the benefit of humanity or strictly for profit and possibly to the detriment of humanity. Look at what has been done with genetic engineering…some is possibly beneficial, but the manipulation of DNA in food (GMO’s) has not been sufficiently independently tested to be proven safe, and the industry has had too much control and influence in thwarting consumer choice.

    “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”

    I think this may be a more valid fear…not the religious kind, that tends to view all scientific research and discoveries with suspicion, but this: when are we going to use our tools wisely, and in a more humanitarian way?

  10. mewabe Avatar

    Other thoughts:
    Shouldn’t science concentrate on finding ways to regenerate the earth and develop sustainable sources of energy, aren’t these more urgent tasks than regenerating human beings, who are in their present state of non-evolved consciousness destroying the earth?

    And if this dream of eternal life was made possible, who would get to benefit from it, wouldn’t the privileged elite have access to it and the poor and “riff raff and undesirable” be left out? Could this possibly happen?


    How does this sound? Welcome to HELL!!!

  11. Alda Ines Avatar
    Alda Ines

    Congratulations to the great scientists, John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka. We should celebrate this fantastic achievement. The fate of humanity is the evolution continues. So do not believe in such a thing as a mystery. I believe yes, that danificamos for some reason the original configuration of our brain and spent so little access to. Research shows that use ten percent, and the rest is unused. The brain is a living three-dimensional computer that works like a windows 95. That’s too bad. We should support these great scientists in their discoveries. They are working on our behalf, paving the way for returning to power, acessanso our full potential. How to live forever locked into a three-dimensional body is impossible, because if we get this advance will be free of physical prison, and we become what we think and the universe will be our limit.

  12. Lorraine Abdulovski Avatar
    Lorraine Abdulovski

    Yay. I am excited to read this confirmation. I thank you for this information I have been awaiting these incredible truths to be revealed. what a re – discovery for humanity. The more I hear of such ongoing life wisdom the more excited I become.

  13. Ionic Breeze Avatar
    Ionic Breeze

    It could be the grandest invention of all life, or, it could be like telelvision, the greatest invention for which mankind has yet to discover how to use well. I still don’t watch tv much. Really, what is on these days? I watch only a great movie now and then.

    I hope we do more with this invention, because it could create a life instead of just a walking through time kind of life. I would rather live a well life than just walking through time around life’s many circles of life. Some people have very severe illnesses and don’t know they can heal those with a change of thought, like most spiritual masters have done. Look at Jesus, look at Eckhart Tolle, loook at every other spiritual master I have heard about. All of them teach healing the body, mind, soul is done with a change of thought.

    Read in CWG about how to alter persective and how to change reality with a change of thought. When we change our belief, we create a different awareness of our experience. How do we change a belief? We have to create a new thought. How we perceive our awareness happening right here, right now creates a happening right here, right now, because what we focus on right here, right now creates it into our exerience. How do we begin to create a new reality if we don’t like what we perceive ourselves to be creating as real? None of it is real. We are nothing but a thought in God’s grand Mind of all thought. We are pure thought manifested into physicality so God can know GodSelf. If we don’t like what we are exeriencing, as God and Goddess creating God and Goddess’ reality here, all we need to do is Switch a thought.

    All masters have taught it. Jesus healed by seeing a perfect image before him. Never did he see one unwell in an attempt to heal them. He saw them well. Read in The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle, about the little “i” voice and the big “I” and how Eckhart stopped listening instantly to the chattering little “i”, the ego “i”, the one that thinks it must be something more, in order to save someone or do something better, in order to be better, or to secure more, because there is not enough, etc, etc. It’s a simple understanding that one is not the little “i”. It’s a simple knowing that one is not the little “i” that goes day to day, to work, to play, to whatever the little “i” thinks it does so importantly. It’s when Eckhart was on the verge of suicide that he discovered he was not that little “i”, but he was a much grander “I”, an “I” that causes him to create much grander things in life, like his book, “The Power of Now,” created into millions of copies for millions of people worldwide so that they can learn how to stop a chattering mind instantly. He went from a state of despair and suicidal intention to a state of Bliss beyond Blisses in an instant. He knew instantly that what had caused him pain was not real. He knew instantly that what he had believed about the little “i” was completely false, when he suddenly stopped listening to the chattering little mind and started listening to who he really is, the biggest “I” that said, “I Am Peace. I Am not that which is depressed. I Am more than that. I Am not that little “i”. I Am here and I Am grand. Hi” Suddenly, his life became something waay much grander. Ahhh, he said. He felt peace instantly as he realized he was not the little “i” perpetuating a false belief. He feels good now because he felt it in the heartspace speaking a true word of God. When we speak a true word of God, we feel it in the heart chakra. It feels good to the chakra of the heart, where divinity is actually housed on the body of us, when we speak truth. Once Eckhart said, I Am that I Am, his heart blossomed opened wide and let the great sunshiny air in. He could breathe the sun in because the heart energy is real divine energy that lifts one out of despair instantly. When Eckhart said, “I am depressed. Therefore I must be depressed. Therefore I must act depressed”, his heart chakra couldn’t have felt good, because the thought of being depressed or fearful doesn’t honor the true Truth of us. It doesn’t honor who we really are. We aren’t depression. We aren’t fear of any kind. Christ named Chista had no fear. He would walk into any room and lift it in love. Chista never feared illness. He said, “That’s ridiculous. I Am not that.” And, it was gone. That’s that in a nutshell. Change a thought and instantly one gets relief. Eckhart felt the bliss immediately, when he realized he didn’t need to believe the crap of the little “i” that said “I am sad.” Suddenly, he was awake, loudly awake, when he said, “I Am Peace.” Suddenly, he knew himself as who he truly is, which is pure Love, pure divine Energy housing in all hearts on earth everywhere forevermore. The big “I” created such love through him that he has so many books now I couldn’t even begin to recommend one over the other. They are all grand to open a mind of love for anyone feeling fear. I love them all. I hope this helps someone. I love Eckhart Tolle. Hi

    Love to all,

    Ionic Breeze

  14. Erin/IAm Avatar

    Can’t hardly wait for the next line of cosmetic miracles to hit the shelves!:)

    Personally, I’m on the borderline on this topic…mainly due to intent of project. Blessed be to the those with brains that use them, & I’m sure that the personal intents of both of these Nobel holders is purely for the advancement of science & love of possibility.

    However, the supporters of such research (2 biggies are Monsanto & DuPont) are not of same thinking. These folks are in it for the possibilities of greater war/commerce advantage, the profits this can produce…and these elites are seeking to maintain their powers rather than pass to the next generation. Billion$ & billion$ are spent toward these endeavors. (Anyone recall cryogenics?) Does any one of the majority believe that this technology will be made available to the common Joe? Not likely…ever.

    If such discovery actually reversed the primitive mindsets to go along with advanced-tech bods…reversed the Causes of our dis-eases, rather than seeking ways around them…perhaps I would feel more hopeful, but knowing that this is not truly the case, simply leaves me with “UGH! Really? Whoop dee doo!”

    I agree that Life is Life, plain & simple. Do I care about Why Eternal Life Is? No! I find awe to be a wonderful feeling, & mystery a lovely spice. I also do not fear knowledge, tho it’s use in present power hands is often fear-full. Sadness, No…not for the discoveries, but how we acquire the facts/proofs of them, Yes…”Sadness only”. Our means of subjecting other lives to ‘Hell on Earth’ to bring a supposed ‘Heaven on Earth for Human’ just doesn’t ring my Soul Sounds in anything but discombobulated, irritating tones.

    Good Journey, tho!:) We sure know how to make Life interesting, if nothing else!

  15. LucíliaOsorio Avatar

    We should not fear at all but celebrate greatly. Celebrate and dream of all humans being regenerated and not only humanity but our Planet Earth in all its realms. We are in the process of menopause leading to the process of «regeneropause» as Barbar Marx Hubbard calls it.
    Let us welcome and celebrated our «regeneropause».

  16. Erin/IAm Avatar

    That’s sooo funny, Lucilia! I call This generation the RE-Generation! All the kids I play with in my area love this ‘name’ & the fact that it doesn’t just call out the children of the era, but All of Us!
    I sooo looove when this stuff comes around!:D It would be reeeally funny if that ‘stuck’, yes?:)

  17. Jeannette Avatar

    YAY! Didn’t KRYON say this in one of his books!

  18. mewabe Avatar

    Yes it is real news, and it does not surprise me. Total madness has become the new normal of the American Christian Right. They are so crazy they don’t even know it.

  19. Lloyd Avatar

    Thoughts are energy, and project energy into the Universe and the Universe responses, a simple concept that can have a major effect upon the physical plane of our existence. Thoughts create…..imagine, something we ALL know, and are aware about but use so seldom, and acknowledge to others even less. Imagine, again, not only living within a physical body for a longer time, living in a healthy, vital, world as well. Thoughts create…..through shared energy, ie energy of like frequencies adding together, to form a world of benefit to ALL existence. Imagine, clean air, enough healthy food for everyone, free, and no need for war, killing each other does not benefit anyone. Thoughts create and you and I and all of us contribute our individual speck of energy toward the thought creation of our individual choice. So are we not responsibile for what we are helping to create not only within our own bodies but within our world? Now is this news? Namaste’

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