Get out of that box!

Last week we spoke about “turning on” your health & wellness by taking a whole being approach. This week we will dive into some practical ideas in and around that old familiar saying “you are what you eat.” Much of what goes into us on a daily basis from a traditional diet may not be beneficial, and just because it’s edible doesn’t mean that it should be eaten!

Over the last 25 years I have tried various ways of eating, from the super healthy to the not so much. Predictably, some ways have worked great and some have not. Like many, I was on the yo-yo plan of gaining & losing weight. Most of the diets I tried were simply unhealthy no matter what my weight was…and sick & skinny was certainly not my goal. I long ago ended the diet mentality in exchange for creating a lifestyle of health and wellness. After years of experimentation, learning and paying attention to what works, I have found solutions that are a fit for me and I know work because they keep me fit. Remember that you must find what works for you, so take the following suggestions below not as gospel, but rather as ideas to set you on a course of personal exploration. Pay attention to how you feel, as this is always the best guide!

Here are some simple suggestions that have worked for me and may help you, too.

Remove processed foods from your diet – Get out of that box!

If it comes in a box, bag, or a can, instead of right out of the ground, you probably want to limit or avoid it. Most of these so-called foods have been processed in some way and probably not in a way that is going to be healthy for you. Processed also usually means a whole bunch of extra stuff added that have little or no benefit for your body. And far too often, when it says “all natural” on the side of that box, it just means added junk your body doesn’t want or need. Lots of things are considered natural that you wouldn’t dare put in your body…like arsenic!

Instead of reaching for that box, fill up on fresh organic foods which are packed full of living enzymes. Live Enzymes are referred to as the life force or energy of whole food. Processed and cooked food no longer contain this life energy which we need daily to be well. Other so-called food may sustain you, but it’s not going to do much in creating health or in keeping you well. If you begin eating processed-free foods, you will quickly notice your energy level increase, and perhaps, like me, some of those stubborn pounds will begin to melt away.

Get raw! Eat at least one raw meal a day 

Raw simply means uncooked. Along with losing much of its life force, the process of cooking whole food removes up to 80% of the available vitamins & minerals; and if that isn’t bad enough, those precious live enzymes die off, too. Most conventional foods these days have very little nutritional value to begin with, so cooking it makes it worse. I suggest having at least one meal a day that is uncooked (or cooked below 118 degrees). This could be a big colorful salad, lightly steamed veggies, or a fresh blended veggie smoothie.

How about a Juice or Smoothies?

I drink 2 or 3 green smoothies a day. I make them fresh in a powerful blender with only organic raw and fresh ingredients. (By the way, this does not include what some smoothie bars make.  Most of them are full of sugar, processed powders, and junk). If I am still hungry after my smoothie, I add salads, steamed veggies, kale chips, flax crackers, nuts and seeds etc. The idea is to get as much nutrient-dense and nutrient-rich foods in you every day as possible. If you desire to lose weight, using smoothies where the fiber remains in your drink, rather than juicing where the fiber is removed, is a far better path for weight loss and great for overall health.

If you are going for a juice, use can use the same organic ingredients, like kale, spinach, beet, cucumber, celery, carrot, apple, ginger, lemon and so much more. If you really want to optimize your health, invest in your own juicer or high-speed blender and then get busy in the kitchen coming up with your own marvelous creations. AND DO SHARE! Wheatgrass shots are also packed full of nutrition. If you can’t handle the taste, chase it with a little bit of freshly squeezed orange juice or add it to your favorite juice blend to hide the taste.

Here are some of my creations. These are blended drinks rather than juiced and are about 2 to 3 cups in volume.


Romaine lettuce

flax seeds

chia seeds

hemp seeds




or your favorite fruit

small handful of raw mix nuts

1/2 Hemp milk unsweetened

1/2 Coconut water

Lunch / Dinners:

mixed greens, spinach, kale, veggies of all kinds

flax seeds

chia seeds

hemp seeds

small handful of raw mix nuts

salsa – use all different kinds like mango or pineapple for variety

dash of cayenne pepper

raw garlic

nutritional yeast

shot of liquid aminos

In the lunch and dinner smoothies, I use either my lemon-aid recipe below or low-sodium organic veggie broth for a more soup-like flavor.

JR’s Lemon-aid mix: 4 lemons squeezed to 1/2 gallon of fresh spring or filtered water with 4 squirts of liquid stevia. Liquid stevia is an ideal sweetener. It is 300 to 400 times sweeter than sugar, yet nourishing to the pancreas. Lemons are full of benefits for the body too, and help in detoxification…who doesn’t like a cool glass of lemon-aid on hot day? I also steer clear of things in a can. Soda is on my “avoid at all cost” list! My lemon-aid mix is great to drink all day, so it makes that task easy. I also enjoy green tea or just plain hot water as well. Great to help aid in digestion prior to eating.

Remember that you want to pack in as much nutrition into each meal to give you and your body the tools to create energy and great physical health. These nutrient-dense smoothies have also provided something I had not experienced before…the feeling of being full and satisfied. I will tell you that I understand the pain associated with feeling hungry after eating a regular meal and the emotional ups and downs that can be experienced when you are trying to lose weight but having little success using traditional methods. My smoothies have allowed me to lose weight effortlessly, increase my energy & overall health, and end the whole food drama in my head. What a gift!

We will talk more about exercise in upcoming articles, but just a note to say that including daily movement is also very important. My favorite exercise is my yoga practice, and I love walking too. Just a 20 minute walk a day can make all the difference in your health. Get out and soak up some vitamin D and get that heart & butt movin! You can do it!!

These simple suggestions can begin you on your way to better health. All that is required from you is your willingness to get out of that box and get into making some healthier choices. Keep it simple and remember – what would love do now? Make each and every choice out of this question and watch you and your health thrive. Until next week, cheers! – JR

(J.R. Westen, D.D. is a Holistic Health & Spiritual Counselor who has worked and presented side-by-side with Neale Donald Walsch for over a decade. He is passionate about helping individuals move beyond their emotional and spiritual challenges, transforming breakdowns into breakthroughs. His coaching provides practical wisdom and guidance that can be immediately incorporated to shift ones experience of life. As is true for most impactful teachers, JR’s own struggles and triumphs inspired him to find powerful ways of helping others. Sober since June 1, 1986, JR’s passion for helping individuals move through intense life challenges drove him to also specialize in Addiction and Grief Recovery. J.R. currently shares his gift of counseling & coaching with individuals from around the world through the Wellness Center, Simply Vibrant, located on Long Island N.Y. . In addition, he works with Escondido Sobering Services and serves on the Board of Directors for the Conversations with God Foundation. He can be contacted at, or to book an appointment, write



2 responses to “Get out of that box!”

  1. Mark Michael Avatar
    Mark Michael

    Thanks for the reminder as have went towards the not as healthy lately. And I love the shakes and juices also.

  2. Erin/IAm Avatar

    Nice, JR…Quite the Chef of brain & body fuel!:)

    You may want to direct toward each individual’s environment in their food search as well…The foods that are naturally or agriculturally grown in their own neighborhoods/regions rather than those of far-away lands. Yes, it’s wonderful that exotics are available, but in an ’emergency’ if you don’t know what can feed you just outside your door, you leave yourself helpless…not so wonderful. Local foods also boost immunities and help bods adapt to changes (allergies & waters) when we move to other grounds.

    Just a thought…Sure do love yours!:) Good Journey!:)

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