The headline on the front page of USAToday two days after U.S. President Barack Obama was returned to the White House for four more years said it all:

“POST-ELECTION DIVIDE SURFACES/Partisan pledges sour conciliatory remarks.”

Could we have expected anything else? Certainly not from the mainstream media, which only considers that which reflects conflict and struggle to be “news.” And probably not from people themselves, who have been raised having been told that “fear” is the most desirable primal power, not love.

Instead of celebrating the American political system that produced yet one more decision without violence about who shall be in power, the mood of the country, stoked by opinion-makers and the media, exudes not celebration but consternation, not joy but judgment, not happiness but hatefulness — as if, in a world full of economic downturns, conflict, and killing, the United States was not, in fact, still one of the best places on Earth in which to live.

Did the USAToday article point out that last Tuesday’s election gave President Obama, House Republicans, and Senate Democrats a “new chance to resolve issues that they could not give in on before, because of the upcoming election”? No. It said that the election gave all parties “a new lease on strife.”

Why point out the grandest possibility when you can help create the worst?

Ours is a civilization craving negativity. If there is a positive story in the news that the media just has to report, you can count on it being on page 37. Yet why does humanity have such an appetite for that which it fears? The New Spirituality says it is because we have been told that God wants us to fear Him. Indeed, in many circles the highest compliment you can give a person is to say that he or she is “God-fearing.”

And so, as it has been explained in Conversations with God, we have equated “fear” with that which is good. We’ve even confused “fear” with “love,” imagining that the second must be based firmly in the first.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

There is another way to be human. In this new way, we do not fear God, we do not fear life, and we do not fear each other. We live without fear. Or at least, without fear driving the engine of our entire experience; without fear running rampant over us; without fear ruling our every choice and decision.

There is another way to be human, but it takes great courage. The new way is to imagine a God that has no reason to judge or condemn us. The new way is to understand and embrace fully who we really are. That is, our True Identity as aspects and individuations of the Divine. In the moment we accept our True Identity, we easily and joyfully let go of fear. And then, our differences no longer have to divide us. Contrast no longer has to produce conflict.

The people of the United States face a great opportunity right now. They can demonstrate to the world that while they differ in their opinions, they do not differ in their determination to find and create answers to their society’s biggest problems from a place of mutual respect and of willingness to compromise and to forge collaborative solutions.



  1. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    Thank you indeed, am always appreciating the news.

    In this connection, it is interesting to quote an introductory paragraph which George Wright(who lived within another time-sequence), wrote in the digest of messages of “The Master,” previously referred to as the Green Book(from “the open door”).
    In this, he said:
    ” We must go beneath the surface of Reality back of expression if we wish to come in touch with All, and to do this it is necessary to find some starting point that is common to the human race.
    We cannot find this common ground in our environment, which sets us one against the other in contrasting conditions, nor in our personality, which is largely an outgrowth of our diversified experiences.
    So we turn at last to that which lies WITHIN us, confident that it also forms the foundation of every other human life and is in itself integral in its essence even though it manifests itself as different individual members of the human race. It is that which lies beyond the threshold of our consciousness and forms the vast continent of Life, on the hither shores of which we are but pioneers.”

    This conforms in many ways to the thinking of later(or of the former, in nowadays perspective) psychological philosophers, such as Jaspers and Nicolas Berdyaev, who turned from the objective world as the primary source of life`s mystery, to concentrating on the “inner self.”

    NOTE FROM NEALE: This is wonderful stuff, Inger. I had not heard the George Wright passage before. I am going to use it liberally, as I am sure George would want me to and encourage me to. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. sunseed Avatar

    did I ever tell u that I love u…
    this was written as tho from my very self, & I’m sure I’m not the only abundantly fortunate soul who feels the same…

    oh wait…we ‘are’, quite literally even, connected to the same energy that in-spires these knowings, eh ;D

  3. Erin/IAm Avatar

    Inger Lise…Mr. Wright sums this post quite nicely, I’d say!:)

    I have observed that when One feels ‘enough’ freedom is removed from Without, the only free place felt is Within…and then ‘magic’ is created.
    Humble thank yous for the examples of this that our Native American family has proven, that Neale has proven, that anyone who maintained their courage to stay Without & became grander Within, has proven.

    Blessed be, & Good Journey…onward & inward!:)

  4. Marko Avatar

    The Future Reality that we are moving toward, (which I believe we really desire & are already creating), has much more light, along with just enough darkness for interest, balance & contrast. Let me explain.

    The famous Yin & Yang symbol illustrates opposites with the idea that even within the most light there is still a little bit of darkness, and within the most darkness, a little bit of light.

    For me, current physical life, as we know it, is too focused on the darkness, & negative drama with only a wee bit of light. This illustrates much, though certainly not all, of our world at this time.

    That may be a bit of an exaggeration … we have a lot of light & goodness in our world, but certainly we can all agree: there is way too much darkness, pain, and suffering, which we’d like to see eliminated, or greatly reduced! I think you get my point.

    The half with mostly light & a little bit of of darkness, represents where we are headed, and transitioning or transforming towards.

    I also believe that pain & suffering can be more meaningful than we realize, but this meaning is often obscured simply because we have rigid judgments about pain & suffering, which are conditioned by religion, culture and society.

    Sometimes, the cosmic meaning has a LARGER sense than we currently understand. That’s part of evolution, too. Even if we understand the reasons for our pain & suffering, that doesn’t necessarily make the pain & suffering easier to endure, though in some cases it may, though it’s not guaranteed.

    Having a choice, and deciding not to experience pain & suffering (or at least greatly reducing it) as possibilities, is also part of a LARGER understanding of how life can be experienced.

    A part of this evolution is growing up into an adult being in the LARGER cosmic Universe, outgrowing most of the pain & suffering as being unnecessary. That is: we’ve had enough, and we are deciding, learning and remembering that we can have a choice about how we experience life. That’s part of the evolutionary process.

    That is ~ a world where most of our lives are positive, with lots of good drama & many variations of positive contrasts, such as good, great, wonderful, fantastic, ecstatic.

    We will then live more in a world of Light & Love, fulfillment, abundance, equality, peace, health, etc. Yet, we will also have just enough darkness to contrast to the beauty we have, without all the negative fall-out which we often have now.

    That’s where I feel we are headed. Join me in creating, manifesting and pulling in that reality.

    Isn’t that a fabulous way to look at it? Isn’t that what we desire to promote, example & give as an alternative to consider?

    Smiles & magic,

  5. Pat Avatar

    Small steps. We’re still divided, but we did send a message. Some think the message was intended for our leaders and representatives. I think the message is one we sent to ourselves. Some of us realize now that we are not alone – that there are other people who share our desire to get away from the current religious and cultural foundation that is based on ‘hostility to the other.’ The tide is changing, and as always the old and broken will be swept away in due course…

  6. mewabe Avatar

    This is not just about fear…the United States is one of the most competitive culture in the world. Competition is the modus operandi taught to each individual, especially boys, from an early age, and “winning is everything” in a culture that abides by the “principle” of the survival of the fittest.

    This kind of winning leads to power over others, to control, and you may have noticed that the words “power” and “control” are some of the most commonly used words in America.

    Cooperation and tolerance are thought to be for weaklings, sissies and other incompetents (such as “liberals”), and most “red blooded” Americans glorify in the idea that they are living in the biggest and baddest nation in the world, on top of the economic and military food chain.

    So what else would you expect in a nation that equates big business with war, a nation for whom competition is not play but a deadly serious affair and that equates winning with the proof of a decent supply of testosterone as well as other signs of superiority?

    A competitive spirit gone rabid and out of control may be the real problem.

  7. Charlotte Avatar

    So true, we had an election without violence. Some may not like the outcome, but we can make better decisions collectively….if we choose.

  8. Owen Wiggins Avatar
    Owen Wiggins

    Life is an illusion. Forgive the media, forgive yourself and it will change in your reality.

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