A series of horrible crimes has hit the golden city of Sarasota, Florida, according to news reports, and the city government itself has had to marshal all of its forces — from the city manager to the police department to the depart of public works — to forestall a complete collapse of civility and safety, law and order there.

First to be arrested in a crime sweep last Sunday was 28-year-old Darren Kersey, a homeless man, who was charged with charging. He did not charge the officer who arrested him on the charge of charging, and because he was homeless he could not charge on a credit card the $500 bail required to be released on the charging charge, so the charge of charging landed him in jail for the night, where the police were put in charge of him.

To explain further, Mr. Kersey was charged with charging his cell phone at a public electric outlet in a picnic shelter in the city’s Gillespie Park. The arresting officer was not a mere patrolman, but a sergeant on the city’s police force, Anthony Frangioni, who wrote in his arrest report that he told Mr. Kersey that the “theft of city utilities will not be tolerated during this bad economy,” according to a news report in The Sarasota Herald Tribune which may be found here…

Sgt. Frangioni, as a 14-year-veteran of the police force, knew a serious crime when he saw one, and took immediate action to protect the citizens of what in 2006 was labeled the “meanest city” in the nation by the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty and the National Coalition for the Homeless.

The charge of charging against Mr. Kersey, standing alone, might be considered a minor offense — if an offense at all — but his crime is part of a larger and escalating problem at Gillespie Park, according to news reports. Apparently, more than a few homeless people use the electrical outlet there to charge their cell phones. They carry the phones, they say, so that they are able to call 911 should they ever need to. They also try to stay in touch with whatever friends or family they have left, the Herald Tribune story said.

Residents living near the park have started complaining, not only about the charging of cell phones, but the escalating situation when a homeless woman in an electric wheelchair stopped to charge her chair. And the crime spree goes further, the Gillespie Park Neighborhood Association says. According to the Herald Tribune report, the association president said in a letter to city officials that the stealing of electricity was not the only crime being committed at the location by the homeless. They were also burning wood in the park’s grills to keep warm, sleeping in the park overnight, and smoking and drinking in the park, her letter said.

To stop at least the first of these rampant crimes from continuing, the municipality recently sent a crew from the city, accompanied by a police captain, to the park to shut down all electric power at the location.

This left the homeless lady, identified as Maura “Cookie” Wood, with only an hour’s power left in her wheelchair, but it did stop the electricity theft crime wave. At least for an hour. Sixty minutes later that the park’s power was turned back on, with the city manager calling the shut-off a misunderstanding. Or, as he termed it in his own words, an “oops,” according to a follow-up Herald Tribune story, found here:

Meanwhile Mr. Kersey, the criminal originally arrested for the flagrant broad-daylight theft of the city’s electricity, said when he was interviewed later by the newspaper, that he wondered if perhaps his arrest on the charging charge might have been motivated by police Sgt. Frangioni being angry at him for walking over to the sergeant’s patrol car and snapping a picture of the car’s license plate after Mr. Kersey observed the officer arresting another homeless man for smoking in the park. Police officers have been known to react with anger when citizens try to make a record of their actions when seeking to put a stop to major offenses such as people smoking in a public park.

Such lawlessness cannot and will not be allowed in Sarasota, if press reports are to be believed. A major crackdown will apparently be required to keep the members of the Gillespie Park Neighborhood Association safe.

Oh…a final note: The charging charge against Mr. Kersey was dropped when he appeared in court as ordered the morning after he spent the night in jail. Circuit Judge Charles Williams threw the case out — but not quite soon enough. When Mr. Kersey reported for work at his new job as a laborer at a flower shop, a position he had just landed days before his arrest, he was fired for not showing up because he was in jail that morning, awaiting his arraignment in court.

But justice had been done in Sarasota, where the citizens can be proud of their police force and their city manager.



  1. Derek Reid Avatar
    Derek Reid

    This is indeed despicable in many areas, human rights for one, waste of taxpayers money for 2 and an arrogance and dehumanization for the people who the law are supposed to protect-To protect & serve? To publicly humiliate and squander public money more like

    Here’s a thing- one way to stop this is for any arrests that have been made that are thrown out of court due to the bad judgement of a police officer will have a 3 strike basis

    Upon their 3 strike allowance used up they will be reprimanded and docked one weeks pay

    This should allow the said police officers to focus more on the real crimes that cost lives, physical harm, emotional trauma & property damage amongst a few

    I’m sickened by this intolerance, a change is needed & fast

  2. Marko Avatar

    Compassion is key to healing and resolving conflicts within ourselves, others & the world. Learning, remembering, practicing & expressing Compassion & Appreciation are two major key ingredients to individual & World Transformation.

    Take the time to have compassion & appreciation on yourself, others & your enemies.
    Perhaps especially your enemies & those you disagree with.

    Compassion and Appreciation are just dripping & oozing with absolutely super brilliant exponential potential for individual and planetary transformation.

    I first came across this Compassion exercise when taking the Avatar course. Notice too that Compassion has passion in it!
    I share it here with you.
    Magical blessings, -Marko

    Honesty with one’s self leads to compassion for others.

    OBJECTIVE: To increase the amount of compassion in the world.

    EXPECTED RESULT: A personal sense of peace.

    INSTRUCTIONS: This exercise can be done anywhere that people congregate (airports, malls, parks, beaches, etc). It should be done on strangers, unobtrusively, from some distance. Try to do all five steps on the same person.
    Step 1 With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
    “Just like me, this person is seeking some happiness for his/her life”

    Step 2 With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
    “Just like me, this person is trying to avoid suffering in his/her life.”

    Step 3 With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
    “Just like me, this person has known sadness, loneliness and despair.”

    Step 4 With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
    “Just like me, this person is seeking to fulfill his/her needs.”

    Step 5 With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
    “Just like me, this person is learning about life.”

    Love is an expression of the willingness to create space in which something is allowed to change.
    -Harry Palmer

    Compassion Exercise This is one of thirty exercises that can be found in ReSurfacing®:Techniques for Exploring Consciousness,
    by Harry Palmer. ©Copyright 1998.

  3. Jean Avatar

    Such pettiness….. 🙁 Light, Love, Beauty, Joy and Peace to the World. We are all ‘the Others of You’……

  4. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    Compassion is great if it is really Felt when watching the news each day.
    To do a regular meditation in whatever way of doing it, is always useful.

    Cannot but help in sitates something from “the source” in the same book of to have mentioned once before, and the written “messages” done by people living long before the Internet and long before the world of the modern communications, it is from 1904(I`m oftentimes reading many books at the same time, not just one).

    Sitates: “Learn first to recognize the Reality that underlines Appearance. The Real, however, is not what you see with eyes, feel with hands, or hear with ears. Your senses only recognize what lies in the field of Appearance. The Real must be grasped directly by the Consciousness within and comprehend as a greater Consciousness, of which it is only a part.

    Learn also to regard Appearance as the manifestation of the Real to your senses, not as an illusion or false in any degree. It is the projection of the Real into the field of your senses, although the primary Cause that expresses itself thus can be felt by the Soul as a separate and dissimilar entity.

    Learn that everything you touch through the senses or through the power of reasoning is a phase or form or aspect of the One Underlying Reality expressing itself in the realm of Appearance. And further learn that nothing exists in itself, or for itself, or by itself; for there is no such thing as isolation.
    Separateness is impossible. Then in loving a part you love the Whole; in desiring a part you desire the Whole; in comprehending a part you comprehend the Whole; and in despising a part you despise the Whole.

    Learn lastly that this Whole which you see reflected in the universe about you is not only that which of you are a part, it is YOU(the upheavals of letters in the book). The reality that expresses itself as a universe is that which IS, and that which is is SELF.” Sitates ending.

    Quite amazing, and the author became really concerned in how to reach out to others with these messages, and he said:” You know, if we are going to teach these lessons to others, we must understand them ourselves.”

    I can certainly imagine how it must have felt to him back then, in 1904.

  5. mewabe Avatar

    I had the desire, years ago (15 years) and while living in LA, to paint giant portraits of homeless individuals, with their permission, and have a gallery show, the proceed of all sales going to homeless shelters with some going to the individuals portrayed.

    I wanted to make a point: to make these “invisible” individuals extremely visible, particularly make their humanity visible, thus the giant portraits (over 7ft tall), attempting to capture their souls, their pain, their hopes, their suffering, their presence…in their eyes, that no one could avoid looking at, seeing, and deeply feeling.

    Life distracted me, and I never got to do it, but it is not too late.

  6. evergreen Avatar

    This is what I love about the increasing light…it exposes the darkness.

  7. Jaz Avatar

    Great article.. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Chris. Avatar

    Wow! I am an incorrigible criminal obviously. I nipped into my local pup last week and used their toilet without buying a drink. You see work was being done on my bathroom. Still ignorance is no excuse, guilty as charged. Your honor.

  9. HelenWojciechowski Avatar

    What is the world coming to? Have we no re gard for our fellow human beings?This is he height of stupidity too…

  10. Pat Avatar

    I smell a business opportunity. Coin operated charging stations in the park…

  11. mewabe Avatar

    It is natural to feel outraged by this story…yet we all know fear and denial make people do very ugly things.

    What does society hate about homelessness? It seems to be a direct and poignant challenge to the notion that America is the greatest nation on earth, and that the American system works. This could be one of the reason…

    Another is direct, personal fear…”this could be me in a month or two, if I loose my job”.

    Another is guilt…the guilt that causes people to ignore the homeless, to act as if the homeless person was totally invisible, is the same type of guilt that causes America to act as if Native Americans were invisible, as if they did not exist as contemporary human beings, only as feathered historical relics whose function is to entertain tourists.

    Guilt leads to denial, to the suppression of the truth. In this case, it takes the form of blaming the victim…the homeless veteran for example, who suffers from a very bad case of PTSD and cannot function, should just “toughen up”, he’s got only himself to blame. The schizophrenic young man, the homeless mother, the drug addict, the unemployed, it’s all their fault somehow, no one is to blame but them, they alone are responsible for their conditions.

    So society not only walks by and ignores the problem, but punishes the victims, because their presence are inconvenient for so many reason: at the local level, they challenge the “order” of society…they also disturb the collective psyche, contradicting the illusion that society works.

    The fact that there still are homeless people coexisting with individuals of immense wealth in this century seems to indicate that, in some respects, humanity has not evolved that much since the middle ages.

  12. Andrew Avatar

    You know what despicable here let George Carlin say it

  13. Laura Pringle Avatar
    Laura Pringle

    Mewabe, I agree. The fact that such conditions exist at this time of our evolution doesn’t speak well of our progress. I like your idea of painting the homeless. Hope you get to manifest it someday…

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