Among the most controversial statements in the Conversations with God books is the pronouncement Nobody does anything inappropriate, given their model of the world. The statement ranks right up there with other CWG messages such as “There is no such thing as Right and Wrong,” and…”There are no Victims and no Villains,” and….”Everything is perfect” in its unbelievability.
CWG is spiritually revolutionary, there is no question about that. Its statements challenge everything we have been taught and told since we were six years old. How can we hold these ideas within our operating guidelines and still function in our present-day world? That becomes the question for the day.
The statement says, essentially, that everybody is innocent. And it is true. Everybody is. People are just as innocent at 40 as they are at 4; at 30 as they are at 3; at 60 as they are at 6. We are all little children — and we are acting as little children, in case you haven’t noticed.
And, as little children (on the Timeline of the Universe) we can’t be expected to know all that we need to know to make decisions that are in our own best interest. We can’t even convince ourselves to stop smoking, for heaven sake, even when we know it is killing us. We can’t even convince ourselves to stop eating food that is not good for us, even though we know it is killing us. We can’t even stop ourselves from arguing with each other “to the death”…even though we know it is going to kill us.
What is the problem here? Is it that we are just plain stupid? Or unbelievably stubborn? Or astonishingly barbaric? Or is it that we just don’t understand something very important — the understanding of which would change everything?
I am going to suggest that it is the latter. I am going to suggest, as Conversations with God tells us, that we simply don’t know Who We Are. We are living a case of Mistaken Identity. And we don’t know what the purpose of Life is. Nor do we understand how it functions. We have no idea of our true relationship with each other, and with all of Life. And we certainly have no idea of who and what God is…and what God wants.
Our model of the world is extremely elementary. It is very, very incomplete. And, according to our model of the world, everyone IS acting appropriately. Or at least, certainly we are…
We are caught up in living into Fallacies about Life and about God, and these mistaken notions are what’s killing us. We think that we are being terrorized by others, and we are not. We are being terrorized by our own thoughts and our own ideas and our own beliefs about everything from where we are to why we are here to how we got here to what happens to us when we leave.
All of it. We hold terrifying ideas about all of it. No wonder we are living terrifying lives.
We will discuss, in this space, in the days ahead, what Conversations with God has to tell us about these things. And then we’ll invite all of you to do something with, and about, that.
Stay tuned.
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