Is there any way — and way at all, short of all-out war killing thousands — to bring an end to the Israeli-Hamas conflict?



7 responses to “”

  1. Marko Avatar

    Well sure. You get the larger unorganized spiritual commUnity together to have a collective guided visualization with the purpose of Visualizing, Imagining, Praying for their united peace.

    With a specific purpose with a specific outcome that is desired. We get the commUnity together at certain times & spend oh 5 to 15 minutes a day or whatever we decide.

    We do this until peace manifest or whatever we decide is best to do as a result of our collective desired Prayer Visualization for peace.

    The question is, why are we not at least doing this?

    Why ask this question when this is the answer? Or at the very least, part of the answer that could lead to other solutions or be the instigating influence to the eventual solution.

    I say stop asking the question & work & play on influencing this as a collective spiritual group. Can we at least do this?

    We can still seek answers other than this collective visualization for peace. Yet we seek those answers in conjunction with this. This is our first line of healing influence.

    If our problems are spiritual as CwG says this is part of using the solution at our disposal.

    Why are we not using this?

    Magical blessings,

  2. Rosemarie Mettel Avatar
    Rosemarie Mettel

    Thank You for all the information!

  3. Rosemarie Mettel Avatar
    Rosemarie Mettel

    Thank You for all Yours information!

  4. mor Avatar

    the only solution to the Jewish-Palestinian war is to replace the leaders of both sides, or at least the Israeli side, in a mature, responsiblle factor.
    this could be a UN government or a third-party of an evolve kind of being

    until this happens, there is absolutly no way the Israely decision makers will let go of their cultural story, which sais: Panic! they are going to demolish us! all of them! there for we must be first and kill or imprison them ! close them in Getto’s, prevent them from spreading out.

    this is an age old , historically rooted piont of view, which underlines every action and decision towards the Palestinians, who are suspected, in the eyes of many Jews and all the political alite, to be terrorist before proven otherwise….
    sadly and irronically, this same view was held by Fascist and Antisemities groups against the Jews themselves…

    (p.s- i’m a 5th generation of Israelies, living in Israel\Palestine. I know both sides very well)

  5. Erin/IAm Avatar

    It would take of all the children…of both sides & of nearby areas…to gather & play in the middle of the killing fields.
    It would take their laughter & disassociation to all else around them…no hearing of ‘adulterated’ calls & screams to cease & come…evading all attempts to be removed from the scene. A mass of conscious children playing games & running amok in sharing & being…and then all grasping their hands to sing a single song as loud, in any language, as they can. And have it media-shown…live…for all the world to See…for all of Israel, all of Palestine to See.

    It is the adults continuing such hatred & abuse of each other & they must see that it is they who perpetuate this non-sense…Not their ‘heirs’…Not the children. For the Littles come to re-new Life…with no grudges, with no hate. It is only thru Child-eyes that Love can be seen again.

    Kumbaya, Dear Littles…I wish you courage & boldness. Provide these lands your healing laughter, join your spirit songs as One…Raise the vibrations of those you Love to heights they have forgotten to dream of. I wish you Good Journey!:)

  6. sunseed Avatar

    yes, negotiations starting with a cease-fire maintained thru transparency & accountability & overseen by if not the arab league, than a group of arab nations nearby who have direct interest in seeing the conflict stop, rather than overseen by those who have been gaining by destabilization…

    & we can help this process by helping our fellow humans understand, even as we help ourselves understand, what is really going on “over there”, so that as many of we humans as possible can give voice to & express the truth of our being which states that “this killing is unacceptable to me”…

    it would help if folks understood that israel’s justifications for killing are built largely upon propaganda w scarcely any other goal than to sway the GP to continue to sponsor & allow the indiscriminate killing of innocent peolple…

    I also do not agree w hamas membership sending missiles over the border to israel either, even if they r mostly naught but symbolic…what that symbolizes continues conflict…

    all this I describe, being the physical manifestation of ‘higher level’ collective creating, needs to be changed, I believe, by adjusting the inner conflicts we share collectively…changing what is thought of as conflict within has no choice but to manifest itself by change in our physical realities…our choice is our reality…

    how we do this is personal, & will vary for each of us, but I recommend we all take a gander by looking @ the conflicts we may hold within, searching w honesty & without fear (illusion) the best we can, & helping others, our families & friends, to see the prudence in this…we can not force thinking of others, but we can offer opportunity for growth w new understandings; w new information there is opportunity for expansion…
    some will accept taking a look @ new information, & some will not…the result beyond the offering is best left alone, & none of your business 😉
    we can give w/out expectation, & do our own inner work…

    changes have to b desired from within, & implemented from within to be had @ all…but maybe by offering to others new information besides what folks are likely bombarded with on their televisions…maybe this new information will influence BEliefs & BEhavioral patterning…

    we can change what we all are experiencing out here…why not try?

    much love to all,
    & I appreciate the opportunity to write within this forum 😉

  7. Sibila Reventlow Avatar
    Sibila Reventlow

    I only know of this conflict from what I´ve read and what I sense – I´ve not been in the area where it is lived myself.

    Yogananda, from who´s teachings I have learned much, is somewhere quoted for saying, that the m area where this conflict is lived is the most highly charged area in this world with the most destructive emotions. Because of this, it is life endangering to even be present there – no matter what – because the atmosphere is so highly charged with hate, revenge and all kinds of destructive thoughts and emotions that are more than likely to ignite likewise actions and re-actions.

    I was brought up withbeing taught, that this convict is among the conflicts that are mere facts, part and parcel of the conflicts that we live with in the world since WW II.

    It seems to me that part of the problem is that a particular group of people, jews that survived the horrors that jews as a race where victims of during that war – these survivors were given a peace of land to start anew. I do not know if part of the underlying motivation was to say ” We´re so terribilly sorry, we feel so partly quietly, we´re trying to make amends…” What to me is problematic here is a continuation of a vicitim-perpatuator-guilt spiral, that is kept alive and real and therefore perpetuates it self. Also, I do not know the precise facts of how it was done and decided, as it did not live yet then – but somebody was moved out of land that had been their home, so this land could be given to a different group. In this process, some people were victims of being moved out of their homes and land – which at least from afar seems to have been a painful, undoing issue since. There seem to be inferiority issues which are very heavy for all involved who feel as victims of someone else. There seem to be superiority issues which are very obvious and feel righteous for all involved who feel they are entitled to a specific action because of who they are, who they have been, what they go through now or have gone through before. And the list of involved lives seems endless on both sides, so a lot of people feel so deeply wronged by a lot of other people.

    An image comes to my mind of a documentary I once saw of an elderly mother Teresa taking care of wounded and dying soldiers in a conflict zone where all war had stopped for a while so she could be there and give what she gave. She demonstrated a possibility of peace, love and healing with her mere presence. And so we could say, well she was her, a saint…
    I know she was a deeply holy woman and because of this her presence was healing and sanctifying. But she is also a demonstrator of what we can do if we choose to. I think a group of people who agrees to co-operate on meditating and/or praying for peace in this area can do wonders with demonstrating a peaceful way. How about having this kind of inner work developed by a group of people, maybe near the troubled area? Co-operations of meditation and consciously directed praying have already had life-enhancing effects on global events. it can happen again if a group agrees on co-operating with a specific spiritual focus and I see this as a major possible part of the solution. Which is up for our times as so many people are waking up, globally.

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