There is nothing useful or substantive to be said right now. Not right now. There will be time later for words of analysis. Now is a time for feelings. And for inner pleadings.

We plead with the God of our understanding, each of us. We ask our God — if we believe in a God at all — please God, tell us: What do we need to know, what do we not understand? Is there anything, anything, that could change all of this?

They will say, of course, that we are making something of it that is not there. They will say that, sad as it is, this is just another one of those cases of a deranged man (Why is it always a man? Do women ever pick up a slew of guns and head out the door to commit mass murder?) acting out his derangement. Yet I feel a nagging sensation. Do you? I have this vague sense that there is something more to it than just one more guy with guns, shooting his anger or madness out. Or at least there’s more to the conditions that create and produce such insane acting out.

But this is not a time for analytical words or distant observations. This is a time for feelings. So go ahead. Go within. Feel what you are feeling. And, if it helps, share those feelings here. This may not be a time for analytical words, but this is a time to share feelings.


75 responses to “A MOMENT FOR SHARING

  1. James Avatar

    The echoes of more than 100 rounds of gunfire are sounding in my Wisconsin heart. I am sad, Neale. I am profoundly sad that this is the world we continue to create for ourselves and our children. Like all parents, I will be hugging my kids tonight and trying to be brave for and with them. May God bless us all.

  2. mewabe Avatar

    Only tears can truly express these feelings…

    But a song can also express these feelings better than simple words can.
    This song was written by a Native American.


  3. sharika Avatar

    I feel this is a wake up call , you treat someone bad it’s a ripple effect, that ripple might not show up for about 10 years later but over time with all the other ripples aka assxxxxx it comes out as shooting death of 27 people. He was very angry to shoot his mom and her students… very very angry. We have to be the one that makes a difference in somebody’s life, not the one that adds to the pile of fxxxed up experiences this person has had…. people need to take responsibility this is the WORLD’S karma. I for one choose not to be a ripple affect ANYMORE in someone”s story. I choose to be the one friend they had. Maybe we didn’t force him to the school today, but enough of us didn’t really do anything to help it from happening, either.

    (NOTE FROM NEALE: This is a family site, and it is our policy here to delete or “x” out obscene or unsavory words and phrases. We appreciate your understanding.)

  4. Alex Avatar

    Anger, Sadness

  5. Caroline Avatar

    I am angry. It angers me even more to hear people pray to GOD for comfort for these families. I feel that if GOD in the Christian sense existed, this would never happen. I can’t even wish that this person will burn in hell -because there is no hell. There is no GOD. It’s all senseless tradegy that just keeps getting worse. I feel hopeless for our future.

  6. Concerned Avatar

    Sad, very sad. I wish I could reach out and hug the parents. Sending healing thoughts and vibes to all those touched by the tragedy.

  7. Terry Kennedy Avatar
    Terry Kennedy

    I feel sad that this man (you’re right, it’s always a man, it seems. The maniacal ego thrives in men more i guess), couldn’t get some help before such an atrocity took place. I’m praying and meditating for healing for all those affected…peace and love

  8. Arthur Avatar

    I see it as another wake up call for all of the world to take notice. From each tragedy or tragic perception there comes healing in masses. We each feel what we do because we try to understand how something can happen and we don’t see anything else because our mind is full of emotional stress. Yes we feel sad, some feel angry, some feel compassion and some even go on living and may say (Oh another shooting that’s just natural and has happened before and will happen again.) How can something feel natural to someone? Because they have lived with it many years earlier and it is becoming a common theme that people living in this human existence form opinions based on the past. Whatever comes of this I know it opens the awareness of the masses (BUT) how many will continue to live their life? I’d say just about every single one of us will continue to live but remember that something like this can bring so many communities together to heal and send love and prayers.

  9. Alle Avatar

    This story hit me like a ton of bricks! I saw it on the news as I walked into my doctor’s appointment. I was so saddened and in such disbelief, my words would not come out to the receptionist in front of me… I could not speak, and tears filled my eyes. Apparently and unfortunately something similar happened in China today, 20 children… it wasn’t a gun.. it was a knife… I just don’t understand it…. Are people losing their minds over to fear over the 12/21/12 predictions? I feel such a sadness in my heart and my head feels foggy.. I just can’t believe that this stuff exists in the world and that it is actually real… Love, light, healing and blessings to those that are in the darkness… there is a always a rainbow after the rain

  10. Luana Avatar

    I am sitting here in pain for the parents of these beautiful innocent children and for the parents of the gunman, I understand that he killed his mother as well….he did her a favor rather than enduring the horror of knowing your child could be caplable of doing this. I am feeling the deepest sorrow I have felt in a long time….I’m embarrassed to be an American or even a human being at this point. Thank God it is “DarKest before the Dawn” I am now reaching for and cherishing the rebirth and the light.

  11. Candace Avatar

    I feel rage that this could happen. I feel sadness that this has happened, and grief over the young lives lost and the greatest compassion for their poor parents. The loss of a child has to be the worst experience one could ever have to endure … it is a pain incomprehensible. I know the love I feel for my child and how over-protective I am. Fear is, at least in the instance, an expression of love.

    I also feel a great disgust, an emptiness, a deep sadness that we still, as a race of humans, have not gotten to the point where we are past all of this. And with that in mind, I am reading with great interest and eager anticipation, “The Only Thing That Matters”, much as I have read the other works of Neale Donald Walsch.

  12. Anand Avatar

    Sadness and Anger.

  13. Angela Avatar

    My heart hurts, I can feel it but there’s a divine purpose for all good and bad experiences in this world. We came to this world to experience all emotions. This time: sadness and despair. Now, we need to practice compassion and understanding.

  14. Tom Avatar

    The truth is I feel nothing but gratitude, for everything. Neither sadness nor anger. Not frustration or even concern.

    I know what I “should” be feeling. I know what everyone else must be feeling. Yet I do not feel it unless I let my mind wonder. If I start to imagine what it must be like for all those involved, I definitely start to feel sympathy.

    To me, it’s all just part of the process. Good or bad. The path we have chosen, this time around, is the path we have chosen.

    There is no need to feel responsible for something we did or didn’t do to prevent this. Everyone must take responsibility for themselves and themselves only. The day we take that path is the day that all things such as this, will disappear and we will be grateful for everything that has lead us there.

    Embrace yourselves and don’t focus on changing anyone…. but yourself. Then, teach your children to do the same.

    With love.

  15. Arthur Avatar

    Love and Prayers to everyone, not just those affected by the tragic events in Connecticut but to every single person/human being that is feeling some form of compassion/anger/frustration/love/sadness/loathing/depression…..From tragedy comes healing, love to you all. xox

  16. Riitta Avatar

    the pain of loss
    unbelievable suffering
    caused by senseless acts
    of violence
    no attacks on others
    are ever justified
    by more than
    madness in the minds
    of aggressors
    whatever the stories we tell
    to justify our actions
    to ourselves and others
    when we resort to
    they are nothing more than
    illusions of the worst kind
    and the pain of loss
    is shared by every mother
    every father every brother
    every sister with a heart
    as some are made to part
    from loved ones
    by the madness of others
    in this world
    and the heavens cry our tears
    as we are lost
    in madness in anger in fears
    in sorrow
    and god forgives us all
    even those
    who have lost our souls
    to madness

  17. maria Avatar

    Como podemos nós condenar um ato tresloucado? Seremos insanos se o fizermos. O jovem que cometeu esta atrocidade era, com toda a certeza, um jovem desiquilibrado. E nós também o seremos se o julgarmos. Temos sim que mudar a nossa consciência. Não olhemos para este ato como sendo uma causa mas sim um efeito.
    Quanto ao falarmos em Deus, acho que também é insano. Porque será que a maior parte da humanidade só se lembra da existência de Deus, ou não, quando acontecem desgraças? A responsabilidade do que aconteceu É DE TODOS NÓS! Se duvidam, reparem na reação que muita gente tem a este acontecimento. Apontamos o dedo mas esquecemo-nos que nós somos a geração de referência deste jovem.


    How can we condemn an act insane? We will be insane if we do. The young man who committed this atrocity was, surely, a young wobbly. And we also will be the judge. We do have to change our consciousness. Do not look to this act as being a cause but an effect.
    How to talk to God, I think it is also insane. Why is it that most of humanity only remembers the existence of God, or not, when disasters happen? The responsibility of what happened IS EVERYONE! If you doubt, look at the reaction that many people have to this event. Point the finger but we forget that we are the generation of reference of this young man.

    My love for the young man who committed this act of madness and for all the victims. Let try to see beyond all the appearances.
    I don’t desire blessings for anyone because WE ARE ALL BLESSED (excuse my bad english)

  18. PJ Kemp Avatar
    PJ Kemp

    I’m so saddened by this. How is it possible that any human, distressed by his life or not, could choose end the lives of children. What has happened here? What is happening? What needs to be learned? Please, God, be with the families in a way that they are aware, so that they know they are not alone; that their grief and lost love are known to be acknowledged; that they know others are feeling with them. Today I don’t really understand.. just sad

  19. Berit Christensen Avatar
    Berit Christensen

    Takker Gud for at jeg har så flotte venner i slike stunder. Jeg føler det så grusomt akkurat nå, men prøver og tenke på hva Gud har sagt til deg i “Hjemme hos Gud”. Akkurat nå når man har sett nyhetene så er alt nesten uvirkelig. Hjerte mitt gråter for familie, venner av de døde. Klemmer og kjærlighet fra Norge.


    Thank God I have such great friends in such moments. I feel so horrible right now, but try and think about what God has said to you in the “Hand of God”. Right now, when you have seen the news that’s all almost unreal. My heart weeps for family, friends of the dead. Hugs and love from Norway.

  20. Peggy Entwistle Avatar
    Peggy Entwistle

    I feel deeply saddened, sadden by this act of desperation which continues to surface in these times. I, as a mother, can imagine the anguish the gunman’s mother must have felt having a child who displayed such behavior. Want so much to love people back to health………….

  21. Firewater Avatar

    Hurt people hurt people.

  22. Mary Avatar

    Light a candle for the souls that have left this earthly realm

    Light two more for the survivors of this devastation

    the parents, siblings, families and friends

    the teachers, staff and leaders of all

    Ease their burden of grief

    tie up prayer flags

    light incense and as the smoke lifts up to heaven

    send support and prayers from the heart

    Feel the terror and heartbreak

    Hold your loved ones and let the tears fall

    May they wash away our petty concerns

    Reminding us of the treasure, the miracle of each moment,

    the gift of life

  23. Tom Madigan Avatar
    Tom Madigan

    Yes, a time for feelings, and talking about those feelings. I feel sad, and flabbergast. I feel self-righteous, and I want my will imposed, because I feel that I know better. I want firearms to be illegal, and I want the desire for anyone to ever own a firearm to disappear. But I feel like arguing about guns doesn’t directly solve the problem, as we have deep-seated darkness in our minds, which is the real problem. On the other hand, conversing, or arguing about guns might just get us to the root of the problem after all.

    I want to be heard, like all of us do, but I’m not willing to kill someone over my inferiority complex.

    I want the shooter, and those whose Earthly lives have transcended, to be shown as teachers to us all. I want to hug the family members of everyone affected.

    I want to feel safe everywhere I go, inside, outside, public or private. I think we go crazy when we feel threatened and feel dis-empowered by those threats: Be it cigarette smoke, dogs off their leashes in the park, or a crazed gunman shooting up a school, neighbors shouting at each other, or dropping bombs on our children.

    I don’t know how to articulate my feelings fully here, except that it all feels wrong.


  24. Angela Avatar

    Tragic events help us develop compassion and unity. We do not need to wait to experience these events to develop love and compassion; we can start NOW.

    With love Angie

  25. Adrian Lopez Avatar
    Adrian Lopez

    I feel this is a disturbing attempt to inflict fear in the hearts of parents with young children to slowly strip society of its rights. People ask for gun control, I ask for psychiatric evaluations for anyone possessing a gun, be they military, police over any other profession in which gun handling is involved, more so the public. How about thorough background investigations, violence predisposition screenings.

  26. Ada Avatar

    This morning I was reading CwG and felt joyfull for a couple of hours, but then I saw the news and I feel a really deep pain in my heart! I can’t stop crying and asking for an answer for this terrible act! Help me God to understand…… ='(

  27. K-130 Avatar

    This may sound crazy, but perhaps the guy was mind controlled by someone else and commanded to kill those kids. People tend to underestimate the power of hypnosis. I do believe it is possible to drug someone, hypnotize them, put a gun in their hand and order them to kill. I’m not saying that this is what occurred in this case, but I’m saying it is a possibility. I heard that James Holmes, the man behind the Batman shootings, plead Amnesia in court.

    Also, did you know that when you act as a TRUE channel for a spirit during channeling sessions that you have no awareness of what you are typing at the time, then remember it later? A similar thing happens during hypnosis. I know this from first hand experience, being a channel for spirits, I mean. Some people channel spirits but they do not act as an official channel, instead taking autosuggestion gleaned from knowledge already present within their heads. The entity merely lights up logical pathways you would not normally light up yourself.

    If you’ve channeled a message from God, most likely he will only talk through autosuggestion because you have to train to be a medium. The scientific research holds that it can takes years of meditative practice (genetics plays a role, no doubt) to be able to achieve perfect zen, just as it takes time for a new athlete to get the dream body he’s been after.

    This may be an analysis, but it is one thart comes from a metaphysical standpoint. So I hope that’s good enough for the theme of your post…

  28. Doug Avatar

    I feel sad. I am comforted that those dead know no pain now.

    Bless those grieving. May the community help with their grief.

  29. merilee Avatar

    Another symptom of our current system… senseless killing, pharmaceutical drugs involved, and the resulting spike of human emotions… but wait, there are children dying everyday due to malnutrition/hunger… not quite as violent..but far from home…

    This is yet another sign of the times….. time to awaken m’luvs!

  30. Jaz Avatar

    Yes, sad, very sad and tragic. But no different then Israelis recently killing over 200 hundred Palestinian, including women and children, or Mr. OBomber’s drone killing young children in Pakistan. Oh, wait.. It IS different.. It happened in the United States of America.

  31. Melanie Avatar

    I really want to know what God says about this unbelievable crime? How do we (as hamanity) get better?

  32. Jason Carl Owen (@JCOblessed) Avatar
    Jason Carl Owen (@JCOblessed)

    So sad that a human being can come to the point that they act in this way. So sad that those around him could not, or, did not, help him in time to prevent this from happening. Although, I too, feel this is a sign of something deeper that is broken is society, something we don’t yet understand.

  33. CJ Avatar

    My stomach is in knots. My heart is heavy. I feel frustration that so many people don’t see how wonderful and uplifting it feels to help others instead of hurting them. Sigh. I would love to understand what is happening and how to help, and if I can. Yes, let us know if there is something we can do.

  34. mewabe Avatar

    Hey Jaz, welcome back!

    You forgot the sanctions against Iraq that killed an estimated 500 000 Iraqi children, “well worth it” according to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and that was before we even started to bomb Iraq.

    This is not considering the numerous children suffering and deformed in Iraq by the use of depleted uranium weapons, which is a war crime.

    War is still not considered mass murder…although it is the worse kind.

  35. Laura Pringle Avatar
    Laura Pringle

    Tears fall as we empathize with all the people who’ve been affected. We struggle to understand how this could happen. Outrage at the fact that children died. Gut-wrenching dread at how twisted the shooter must have felt. Wonder what prompted this atrocity. Over and over, the cycle is repeated. (((Hugs))) to everyone as we deal with this disturbing event and decide how to have it change us…

  36. Lianda Avatar

    My heart hurts for these families who were getting ready to celebrate holidays with their children- seeing the excitement and happiness when they opened their presents..
    My heart hurts for this killer – what created such misery, fear, hatred that turned him into someone who had to hurt and kill others? This isn’t normal.

    I turned to Neale to read what he had to say to help ease my pain.. I thank him for sharing his wisdom.

  37. flingking70 Avatar

    Anger and Grief
    Why and What for

    Some day…

  38. Geri-Lynn Wayt Avatar
    Geri-Lynn Wayt

    “I am feeling such deep sadness ~and~ devastation with what had happened today at Sandy Hook Elementary School in CT. My heart feels every child, parent whose lives were taken with such tragedy. My heart goes out to all their families, relatives ~and~ friends who are in mourning. As I am a parent/grandparent, I am feeling overwhelmed with such a horrifying nightmare that occurred today. May God bless each ~and~ every one with His eternal light ~and~ love always.” ~GL

  39. Angie Lile Avatar
    Angie Lile

    There was nothing else I could do today but to feel. My heart broke wide open and I cried more tears than I had in a year. Everywhere I looked people were looking at me with the same kind of sad knowing. We are ONE in our sadness, and while that is a beautiful thing, the feeling is lost on me because my primal feeling is that of loss and sadness for the parents who have to spend Christmas without their child. I’m ready for this new world that we’ve been so busy birthing. I don’t want the birth pains any more.

  40. Misael Avatar

    Neale i want to know could someone go back in time and change the past and he could change the past and return to the changed present would his memories change?

  41. Mathew Ellis Avatar
    Mathew Ellis

    I live in Australia and woke this morning to the tragic news. I feel an immense sadness that a young man (indeed, why is it always a male that performs these acts??) was so lost, alone and disconnected from the source that he felt this was an acceptable thing to do. Immense sadness for the families and loved ones of those who were killed who are now trying to cope, desperate to makes sense of such a seemingly senseless and random act.

    I do believe there is divinity and infinite wisdom in this somewhere. The challenge for those affected and humanity as a whole is to find it. My love goes out to everyone hurting today. I pray that compassion and patience prevail and that we all find that light of understanding in our hearts that brings us peace and healing.

  42. Cat Avatar

    All I could think today was how sad that a young man was so powerless and so injured and wounded that all he could think to do was hurt innocent people. I know that we will never understand all that brought this event to pass, but it is my deepest desire that it will serve as a catalyst for change. That we finally begin an open and sincere dialogue about how we treat one another – and ourselves. That we finally begin to see that if we hurt any one of us, we hurt all of us. Yes, we were united in our grief, sadness, and despair today. But – will we choose to be united in our resolve to love one another and prevent this from ever happening again?

  43. mewabe Avatar

    I read a few comment indicating feelings of anger as well as sadness…

    Feelings are what they are and should all be allowed to be experienced and expressed.

    But we must remember to keep loving…if we do not love, we cannot help such a person, in this dimension (perhaps to prevent such an event) or the next (to heal).

    If we do not love, we cannot even help ourselves.

    The world is not a terrible place…all here is love. All has always been love, and always will be.

    The difference is, is it love expressed and fulfilled, or betrayed, suppressed, ignored, wounded, distorted?

    That’s the only thing we need to consider.

  44. Mary Avatar

    I know it’s not popular to say, but, I refuse to think of this young man as a monster, what he did is truly monstrous and tragic and awful and sad, but we are all connected, what he did is a result of humanities wrong thinking, no, most of us will not ever do such a horrible thing, thankfully, but we all need to look inside ourselves and ask what we can do to help humanity come together and live as one, to end the judgement on mental illness and the urge to arm yourself against supposed evil, lets love one another and learn to live in harmony with god as she intended!

  45. Scott Avatar

    You are right Mewabe

    Love is the answer. Our essential essence is Love & the more in touch we are with that part of ourselves, the better off we will be.

    Hello Mary

    You are right to separate what this man did from who he really is. My definition of us all is as follows: We are all a Divinely created all knowing Eternal Spirit of perfect unconditional Love.

    Sadly many have forgoten who we really are & have only learned to express what we see around us as examples.

    To heal we must learn to Bless the Un-blessable & Love the Un-loveable, until we do life will be difficult to say the least.

    Namaste Scott

  46. Darien Avatar

    We have lost too much this day.

    Indeed, we have forgotten who we really are.

    Perhaps this tragedy will help unite us in the desire for less violence and for more love. A different choice. A different answer.

  47. Maribeth McFaul Avatar
    Maribeth McFaul

    I feel sick and confused. Although it was a young man who used the weapons, his mother purchased the guns. Why, why?? I wish there was a Gort right now (The Day the Earth Stood Still) who could evaporate all of the weapon on Earth.

  48. Jawana Hummingbird-Kitchens Avatar
    Jawana Hummingbird-Kitchens

    I am gut wrenched at what has taken place. I can’t even fathom what the families are going thru. A country mourns with them and for them. I think its not so much passing laws about guns, but that gun owners should be more aware of taking out the bolt to their rifle and or taking out the fire pin so as to better protect others from such doings. That way, if they are accessed without owners consent it would be a pain for them to use a gun that cannot fire. That seems to make more sense. First place to be addressed. Guns can be controlled in the owners hands, better than passing unnecessary laws.

  49. mewabe Avatar

    Gun are meant to kill.

    There are not toys, they are not meant as home decor.

    So the question is, who or what do average Americans need to kill in their daily lives?

    Thank you Scott.

    Yes, loving the “unlovable”, forgiving the “unforgivable”, understanding what seems totally foreign or repulsive to us, and helping a total stranger without a chance or any desire for any kind of return or recognition…that’s how our oneness is best expressed in loving thought and action.

    Some call it being selfless…I call it being soulful and open-hearted.

  50. Buzz Avatar

    Hello. Hello everyone. All three of me are here, but it has been decided by a vote and unanimous verdict the XL is not needed here. There are more than enough people here to feed his ego, almost everyone is awake and feeling, and further antagonism would definitely be harmful. Now Phoenix, on the other hand, has rheems of pages, perhaps even books or libraries, to express on this subject.
    The floor is hers, from this keyboard that is, from now to the end of this thread.

  51. Phoenix Avatar

    (The Global Conversation invites and values the contributions of anyone who feels moved to express thoughts and opinions, share observations, and engage in meaningful dialogue on our website. If you feel you need to do so anonymously, we respect that. However, posting under multiple user names in an effort to mislead others about who is doing the posting undermines the authenticity of our relationship with each other on this site, and inhibits a mutually beneficial exchange. The editing department of this newspaper will therefore promptly remove all posts that are designed to intentionally misinform or deceive whenever they are discovered. If you observe such deception, please inform us with a note to Lisa@TheGlobalConversation.com)

  52. Buzz Avatar

    ” At times, people in grief will often report more stages. Just remember your grief is an unique as you are.”

    My being in the acceptance stage doesn’t negate the feelings I have at the other 4 levels, denial, anger, negotiation and depression. You could even say I’m at all 5 stages simultaneously. This is not uncommon, just harder to comprehend from observations of others who flit between them like a juggling act. XL seems to be in anger and depression a lot, Phoenix feels the acceptance and denial stages, and Buzz is the eternally intellectual negotiator.

    Many people hate and/or fear people with volatile emotional expressions the way XL does, and resent Buzz for trying to getting involved in their experience of grief. You can make this a personal experience, as Phoenix does, or an interactive experience with anger or logic as XL and Buzz do. Except there is nothing logical about emotion.

    Therefore Neale has asked us to get social with our emotions, which is harder than it sounds. Our language and vocabulary are built on known, definable quantities, and emotions are neither, which is why we say “words cannot express how I feel about this”, and why Phoenix keeps her emotions to exchange with people in person, where actions speak louder than words.

  53. Judith Devlin Avatar
    Judith Devlin

    Weapons equal “The Will To Kill” period.
    I’m begining to wonder is it just FEAR or genetics…

  54. Stephen mills Avatar
    Stephen mills

    There are no words ,we can only imagine how the parents and relatives of these children are feeling. I try to put myself in there shoes as a parent myself but until something like this happens to us personally we can’t comprehend what that would be like.

    I send a prayer to humanity to help us find peace within ourselves and end our use of senseless violence against all people and especially children and for us to remember violence comes in many forms !


  55. Sibila Reventlow Avatar
    Sibila Reventlow

    I feel compassion and sorrow in my heart that someone has been so far out within him self and in such utter pain and hate, that he acted it out killing – his mother, children and a man, that might be his father.
    I have compassion for all involved, there must be surviving witnesses that are utterly chocked and devastated, parents and grandparents and siblings who are mourning dead children.
    I am moved to remember and pray to be able to get my heart around what I do know, from the bottom of my heart: We all have at one time or another experienced devastating things. We all have, at one time or another, done things that were devastating to others.
    Yes, I remember times in my own childhood and young years where I was in such inner pain and hate that I did have an urge to be devastating to others,
    I felt that when I lived in such hell, I had an urge to make others live in hell as well. I do not have it within my self to judge someone acting out in pain, hate, insanity. I have had insights into what I have learned from what I have done in other lives, I have learned from having had the role of the executor and the role of the victim. As a therapist and healer I have also been humbled and moved by insights into other peoples lives and experiences and what they at some point have learned from them. In short, all of us have had the roles of an executor or a victim one time or the other and none of us are those roles, we are a human who can learn from an experience. Countless times I have seen that an executor has to live through the consequences of his or her actions and this is no small thing.
    I feel compelled to remember that forgiveness is needed, maybe self-forgiveness most of all. Until we deeply re-member who we are.
    I am moved to pray for the souls of all who died and their relatives.

  56. Erin/IAm Avatar

    Feelings? They are as any other ‘tragedy’ of today’s human reflection…Disappointment…”Sadness only”. Though, expected & accepted as part of the Light Process.

    We were given Word of these ‘happenings’ many many times, over many many years, by many many messengers…Obviously, ‘Listening’ is not a quality of majority still.

    We seem to be most deeply touched when Littles are involved…ergo, why Littles are present targets for those who must ‘See to Believe’.

    So, ‘See’ already!…and this stuff will cease to Be!

    Blessed be to all the flaming candles of such events…May your lights shine into many eyes.<3

  57. Pedro Avatar

    La muerte es una puerta a otra realidad. En algunos casos no vemos quién abre la puerta, en otros como este sí lo vemos. Cada persona tiene su momento y su forma para volver. Es duro escucharlo, pero este chico hizo su trabajo.


    Death is a door to another reality. In some cases we do not see who opens the door, in others like it if we see it. Everyone has their time and way to return. It’s hard to hear, but this guy did his job.

  58. Pedro Avatar

    Death is just a door to another realm. Sometimes we can’t see who opens that door, sometimes, like this one, we see it. Every person has her moment and her way to come back. It’s hard to hear it, but this boy made his work.

  59. Amanda Strong Avatar
    Amanda Strong

    It is a horrible and tragic thing that happened. All of those innocent lives taken. It’s one thing that adults were gunned down, and it’s very tragic, indeed. The sadness, however, is really with those little tiny children. Murdered. Senselessly murdered. As mad as I get sometimes, at my mom, my kids, my ex husband, my job, my boyfriend, my life, I cannot think of committing such a horrid act. What brings someone to that?! What makes them think they have the right to do that to people?! What goes so terribly wrong in their twisted minds that they think what they did was justifiable. By killing himself, he knew what he did was wrong. It was the only way to escape any form of justice. There will be no justice served until that sorry excuse for a man comes to his day of judgment. What was done is deplorable.

    Women do not seem to go out and take up arms and commit mass murders. Maybe it’s in our chemical make up. Maybe it’s the nurturing gene that keeps us from harming people. I don’t have the answers. I don’t begin to even know what I’m talking about. Women do snap, however. Earlier this year (perhaps it was late last year) a woman was home from work when her children got off the bus and she murdered them. Her two school children and her infant baby. In cold blood; gun shots to the back of the head. Then she murdered their father and killed herself. What drives a person to be that emotionally unstable? Like many other people, we all have a lot on our plates, but what brings a person to this point? Why has their been such a rash of murders lately? Why do people reach this point without someone noticing their instability? Why do things like Waco, Oklahoma City and this school shooting in CT happen? Why?! Dear God, why?! Is there a God? If there is why does He allow this stuff to happen? Why did he allow 20 innocent babies and 6-7 other people to lose their lives before taking his own? I guess if you want to kill yourself, you have free will to do so, but babies?! Little children. Children you didn’t even know! What drives a person to that level of insanity?! It’s despicable. It is unforgivable. Like I said, justice won’t be served until that man reaches his day of judgment. Those children, they have just grown their wings and will watch over the rest of us. While we’re celebrating the holidays with our families this year, take a moment to reflect and be grateful for what you have. Be grateful you’re spending the holidays with your family. Be grateful you are able to love on them. Never forget to tell those close to you that you love them. Each and every day! No matter how angry I am at my kids for something they’ve done to upset the apple cart in the mornings, I tell them I love them when I drop them off for school. I never know if that will be the last time I get to look at them, touch them or kiss them. It could be the last time they hear the words “I love you.” and I couldn’t live a day without telling them that. Never miss an opportunity. Never go without saying those three little words to those you love. Never miss an opportunity for a hug or a kiss. It may very well be the last.

  60. Lloyd Avatar

    I wish the news media would back off and be quiet….. the hype and who knows more about the why and how of it all exploits the emotions of all of us, but especially those involved. Tell us of the tragedy quickly, leave us numb and allow each of us to deal with our emotional cries of loss. The more they tell us how others feel, who did what and why(if they really knew), the more manipulated and biases each of us become. We know the sad truth, each of us feel the loss of possibilities, and none of us understand the full breath of others pain and suffering. Love one another unconditionally and trust that everything is exactly where it will be for the highest good of us ALL. Namaste’

  61. Constance Scott Avatar
    Constance Scott

    I feel inexplicably sad for those parents, teachers and community who lost those babies yesterday. I also feel terribly frustrated at our society (including myself) for allowing yet again, another senseless act of brutality.

    From the Hawaiian teachings of Ho’oponopono we are at fault for nothing but responsible for everything. If we are all collective consciousness – pieces of God learning about ourselves as God, we are all responsible for what happened yesterday. My angry thoughts about others contributed to this tragedy. If thoughts truly are things, then we need to change how we view violence in our society. Crime shows, video games, road rage, and on and on contribute to all of this too. Until we take the responsibility of our thoughts, and change our positive thoughts into positive action, and really start CARING about each other, than these acts of violence will stop. Poverty, hunger, lack of health care, mental and otherwise, will cease to be an issue.

    We must begin to love each other more. All the time everyday – not just during the times when there is senseless tragedy.

    I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.

  62. Lindsay Avatar

    Sending my Love, Light, and healing energy to all the beautiful children that crossed over and to the children and adults that had to witness this awful tragedy and also to all the families/ parents who lost a child or loved one.
    Neal, I’m left wondering, what happens to Ryan Lanza now? What does God do with him? What happens to souls that take their own life and the life of others?
    My sons father tried to take my life then took his own 7 yrs ago I’ve been asking this for years..what happens to the tortured souls that take their own life? :'(

  63. Lindsay Avatar

    I input the wrong email it is Lindsay.jensen1211@yahoo.com
    (Doing this from my phone, sorry)

  64. Sibila Reventlow Avatar
    Sibila Reventlow

    Dear Lindsay
    A movie called “Life After Life” about five persons who have come back to life after having had a near-death experience might shed some light on your question. One of the five people in the movie tried to commit suicide and she tells of what she learned about suicide before she came back to her body and took up her life again.
    with care,

  65. Buzz Avatar

    There are ways to control ourselves, our world, and each other. These ways include this forum, where people offer opinions and argue their case and manipulate others with rhetoric and use peer pressure and fear and conscience to make other people think the way they do. There are legal systems, moral guidelines, scientifically supporting evidence, and logical rationality all vying for our vote of agreement. They can also pressure our compliance with advertising, product placement, brand name dropping, political lobbying, parliamentary vote buying, … the list is long and complicated, and growing constantly.

    The alternative to the power struggle is acceptance and surrender. Let them have what they want, do what they want, be who they want. Give them the authority and power to kill who they like, when they like, how they like, and make no attempt to stop them or convince them they are bad or wrong.

    Until we collectively achieve the latter, we will always have the former.

    PROVE ME WRONG, I beg you! Really, please!

  66. Bones Rodriguez Avatar
    Bones Rodriguez

    I was really very upset yesterday, as I was performing for elementary school kids at the same time that the shooting was happening. It occurred to me howstrange that was:


  67. *lisa* Avatar

    Buzz, since this thread was meant for the sharing of feelings, not analysis or controversy, I responded to you on the question of the week since you posted the same thing there. Since you are asking for a response.

    My heart goes out to the families of this incident. This is something that runs deep for all of us as global community and there is a sense of powerlessness that goes along with it. These are real people, families, devastated. And it could be any of us.

    Butch, I agree with you completely.

  68. Mateo Avatar

    neil, i feel that the more I impress in my subconcious new ideas of my ability to create my reality in a positive way the more these type of stupid incidents just kinda throw me off when everything is begining to feel so Harmonically. I hate the news and i hate these type of news.

  69. Pam Chaisson Avatar
    Pam Chaisson

    This tragedy has touched my heart and soul so very much I feel I need to speak out. As a parent when we send our babies, especially kindergartens to school; how much does it already tear at our heart strings because it is our first experience of our children being away from our protective sides. We give them to loving teachers whom we trust to care and protect them as we do.Then to even view such a tragedy on tv, now knowing violence can touch our babies in their first school experience, is beyond human belief.
    Our country has now shown how far we have gone in the extreme wrong direction. What else do we need to experience to prove this point. This new
    generation is being lost. Our priorities are at an extreme low. Our government would rather spend their time arguing over how the rich cannot be taxed more. There are not enough monies now for education, let alone securing our schools. Health care needs to start at the preventative point to help mental illness, to prevent such tragedies.We need to work together and show love instead of fear of our neighbors. Keep our monies in our country, taking care of our people, instead of fighting the worlds’ battles.
    Start with our United States. Show how powerful we truly are as we begin to truly care for one another.
    What other kind of lesson do we need shown to us that proves we are truly on the extreme wrong track. Let our government begin now to show love for our own people. It is as though we need our military to protect each and every one of our schools here, instead of sending them to other countries. And as hard as it is for some, for whatever name we choose to call it, maybe this shows it is time for God to be allowed back into our schools.
    Let our government be the change we need to project around the world for peace.

  70. Chuck Avatar

    There are no words I could possibly say nor any number of tears I could possibly shed to change things or ease the pain of those impacted in a “human kind of way” by this turn of events…..which at varying degrees impacts ALL of us. What I do know is that all things…ALL things serve a Higher Purpose…regardless. I also KNOW that if we as individuals adopted the attitude and took the kinds of action that this song conveys individually as well as “unconditionally”, we as a collective could certainly change or at the very least minimize in a very significant, powerful, profoundly transformational and lasting kind of way the insanity that is sadly, very real in this Newtonian world.


  71. Marko Avatar

    I love that Neale says it’s not a time to analyze, but to feel & morn.

    This is a very chilling wake up call that we are numbingly experiencing at this moment.

    Answering the seeming un answerable question about the bad really terrible stuff.

    Serial killers, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, animal abusers. terrorists etc…, show us through their behaviors who we are, in face of their terrible actions.

    If we are so disturbed by what we see, we would put a lot more energy in finding solutions that really work, like, “loving them back to wholeness”, allowing our divine creativity to think outside the triangle for solutions or soul-outions. That’s societies sacred community or come-unity task.

    What are we waiting for? For someone else to do it? We are the someone else!

    Magically & Compassionately,

  72. Herbert Wetterkamp Avatar
    Herbert Wetterkamp

    Your words are really convincing me, but there’s one problem left…A few months ago my mind and heart and soul were filled with burning hate and a deep depression at the same time cause of all what’s going wrong in this world (or, that piece of shit pretending to be a planet, the penal colony of the universe). Some miraculous experiences last summer took away that hate and it seems I’m back on my way to humanism aga in.But now I haven’t the slightest idea how to handle my thoughts and feelings about what happened in Newtown, Connecticut…seems hate can make life sometimes easier than empathy…

  73. Herbert Wetterkamp Avatar
    Herbert Wetterkamp

    But my feelings are tending to burning hate again, so what can I do to fight against this???

  74. Liz Avatar

    For me it has brought up a lot of fear- in my inner child, the little me that identifies with those children and the fear they must have felt. I found myself searching the web for guidance from the spiritual teachers whose voices I have learned from and going within I sent healing out to them but was made even more aware then of my own fears. Not rational fear- not of any one thing or person…just fear itself.
    I do know that their souls must have agreed to this and they have sacrificed for us all- but we need to understand why and perhaps that is different for each one if us? Beyond the bigger issue of changing gun control laws in the USA. Violence breeds violence- we all know that we can not fight fear with fear.
    Perhaps it is about releasing fear and finding peace within each one of us at our most vulnerable. I feel that might be it for me.
    While I search myself, I thank those beautiful little enlightened souls and God bless them for their love and for giving us all this precious gift to learn from. I just hope we are all listening

  75. Carley Avatar

    I feel that everything is in divine order even though it seems awful at this time.

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