What would it take to create a free-sharing, sustainable, open source planet without copyrights and limits of use? Arguably, there has never been a time in history when the awareness of so many people has been directed to the possibility of a planet beyond competition, capitalism, and even money itself. For those who believe in the potential and value of this concept of sharing and collaborating on every aspect of our coexistence, the internet has provided the path to successful coordination and mobilization of our groups and ideas.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ~ George Bernard Shaw
As One Community, we think global transformation is possible when even 1-2% of the population is collaborating, open sourcing, and free-sharing for The Highest Good of All. The amount of information, resources, and tools this would make available is hard to even imagine. For example, when you look at the impacts open source collaboratives (like the Khan Academy and Wikipedia) are already creating, the possibility of multiplying resources like this 100 or 1000 times is staggering.
Open sourcing and free-sharing, however, is difficult for most people to do if they are struggling to meet basic needs. For this reason, we feel the ultimate collaboration and open source model currently needed is one that sufficiently supports people to remove the financial foundations of scarcity while simultaneously operating as teacher/demonstration models.
We are calling these open source villages, and the first will be called One Community. The purpose is to design, build, and open source free-share what is needed for duplication of food self-sufficiency, off-grid energy, sustainable housing, and a superior living experience. All components will be able to be duplicated modularly or as a complete self-sustainable teacher/demonstration community, village, or city model. Teacher/demonstration villages modeled after this initial open source village will operate to further evolve, open source, and free share the model with others.
For a model like this, which is designed for and capable of creating global transformation, these are the open source and free-sharing aspects that we feel are foundational:
> Superior living experience
> Globally accessible and duplicable
> Sustainable and reduces cost of living
> Business model for financial freedom
> Affordable with clearly defined cost to establish
> Diverse open source options to meet diverse needs
As we see it, putting these foundations together and open source free-sharing the process is demonstrating not just a model solution, but a solution creating model capable of duplicating itself for exponential growth. This is what the One Community Non-profit Organization is doing while building a global collaborative of people who want to see a model like ours open source and free-shared.
(Jae Sabol – Executive Director, The One Community Non-profit Organization. Visit www.SustainabilityNonProfit.org or just Google “One Community” for complete details on infrastructure, non-profit model, business model, open source model, how you can get involved, and more.)
(If you would like to contribute an article you have authored to the Guest Column, please submit it to our Managing Editor, Lisa McCormack, for possible publication in this space. Not all submissions can be published, due to the number of submissions and sometimes because of other content considerations, but all are encouraged. Send submissions to Lisa@TheGlobalConversation.com. Please label the topic: “Guest Column.”)
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