Amy Adams, author of Book of Love: Poems to Light Your Way Home, caught my attention immediately when on one of the very first pages of her book she shared this definition: “abyss: the primal chaos before the creation.”
I knew I was about to venture into the Soul Space of someone who not only understood but actually experienced what it means to “create yourself anew” while at the same time it seemed as though life was actually falling apart. Amy describes how her journey into and through the darkness delivered her to Who She Is. And her poetry reflects a clear and at times gritty visualization of this process of awakening, transformation, and divine realization.
Amy’s authenticity and vulnerability are inviting and comforting and real. Raw emotions and powerful remembrances interweave her words and draw you into the space of her experience as she witnesses the dissolution of life as she once knew it, which ultimately gives birth to the realization of her highest potential through the gift of her creativity. Her life is a demonstration and her poems are a declaration of the universal concept that ALL change is for the better…even though it may not appear to be as we navigate through some of those hairpin turns that often accompany unbidden or unwanted changes.
Within the covers of this wonderful book, whose pages are overflowing with intimate thoughts and colorfully painted words, I especially love Amy’s poem entitled “The Only Thing Left to Do,” which consists of one single powerful word:
(Humaira/Amy Adams is a poet/writer/lyricist/facilitator who expresses mainly through the mediums of poetry, dance and song. She can be reached via e-mail at , @amy1111adams on Twitter,Traveling Light Poetry and Dance on Facebook, or her website: The Dancing Pen. Amy has been interviewed by the online magazine, The Rusty Nail, and is a regular contributor to “Book of Love: Poems to Light Your Way Home” is available through, and She is currently working on her second book, “Book of Life: Poems for the Journey.”)
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