Is there no way that people can talk? Not even when the possibility of war and the future of the planet could be at stake? What is it that stops us from talking out loud, in front of everybody, with the whole world watching? Why not utter transparency?

The situation that has developed between the Democratic People’s Republic of  Korea — more commonly referred to as North Korea — and the United States has deteriorated to the point where the DPRK has publicly threatened to launch a preemptive nuclear strike against the U.S., and has put its missile launching mechanisms on full-alert status, awaiting an order to fire from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has flown two B-2 stealth bombers from the U.S. mainland to South Korea, dropped a unarmed payload on a remote targeted area, and returned to their base in the U.S., as part of what America says is nothing more than standard yearly military exercises (but, some observers say, obviously to demonstrate to North Korea the ability of the U.S. to send aircraft not from a Pacific Ocean base — which North Korea could presumably target and destroy with its current missile capability — but directly from the U.S. mainland, to the Korean Peninsula and back again, in very short order).

All of this saber rattling apparently seems to both sides to be preferable to just sitting down and talking about how to resolve what is making everybody so upset.

U.S. sources say privately that it cannot talk directly with the DPRK now, of all times, just when North Korea has conducted both long-range missile firings and underground nuclear tests, both in violation of international arms agreements.

The United Nations Security Council punished North Korea for those violations by imposing even stricter economic sanctions on the reclusive Asian nation, and if the U.S. now opened bi-lateral talks with the DPRK, it would seem to be rewarding that nation for its bad behavior.

The DPRK, for its part, has said no to so-called six-party talks involving itself, South Korea, China, Russia, and Japan in addition to the U.S.  It says it will not engage in such talk unless and until what it calls the “aggression” of the U.S. ends. North Korea blames the U.S. for spearheading the move by the U.N. to continue to impose, and to actually toughen, economic sanctions against the DPRK. It also says that joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises in South Korea are further examples of U.S. “aggression.”

And — apart and aside from the timing just now, following the DPRK’s missile and nuclear weapons tests — why has the U.S., even before now, refused to enter into the one-on-one talks with North Korea that the DPRK has long demanded? The U.S. has repeatedly explained its position, saying it will only speak directly with North Korea if the DPRK unilaterally dismantles its nuclear development program — a program undertaken, the U.S. points out, in direct violation of international non-nuclear-proliferation agreements.

The U.S. position is that it will not reward North Korea’s flaunting of those agreements, because that will just lead to more bad behavior, with the DPRK continually throwing temper and weapons tantrums to get what it wants. The North Korean government, meanwhile, says it has just as much a right to develop nuclear weapons as any of the nations that already have them, and refuses to be bullied by nations that didn’t think twice about developing their own nuclear weaponry, but now want other nations not to do it.

And so, we have a standstill. And a world on the edge of its seat, its people collectively worried about how high tensions can be ratcheted before something horrible happens. North Korea has already invalidated its armistice agreement with the south, and within the past few days has cut off its hotline between the north and the south, put in place to avoid mishaps and misunderstandings.

Part of the problem, U.S. sources say privately, is that even if talks did take place, North Korea has demonstrated that it will not keep its word regarding any agreements that might be reached. It has been alleged that the DPRK has  said before that it would halt nuclear weapons development in exchange for economic and development aid, received that aid, then went ahead and further developed its nuclear capability anyway.

Meanwhile, few people doubt that if North Korea did launch a preemptive attack on any U.S. military base in the Pacific, much less on the U.S. mainland, that it would mean all-out war with America — which could lead to the nuclear holocaust that the world has long feared. Even if North Korea launched a limited military attack on South Korea, the U.S. would be bound by treaty to immediately defend the Korean peninsula’s southern nation. If the situation begins to look a little like children playing with matches in the dynamite room, that’s because it is.

So…what would New Spirituality principles call for in this situation? And what would you do if you were the North Korean leader or the President of the United States? I am most interested in hearing your comments, below.




  1. Mateia Andrei Avatar
    Mateia Andrei

    Let them dish it out ?

  2. disqus_LCW419OYd0 Avatar

    smoke a joint, chill the fuck out, then have a conversation like adults

    1. Lisa McCormack Avatar

      Publisher’s Note: It is this newspaper’s policy not to print obscenities or extraordinarily impolite and ugly language. This is a family website. Your comment has been edited to conform with this policy. Say what you wish to say in a civilized manner. It is civil discourse that is missing on this planet, and it is civil discourse that we intend to return to the global conversation. If you disagree with our decision, you are free to not engage here. With respect…Lisa McCormack, Managing Editor

  3. Rhea Cotsis Avatar

    Dear Donald,
    our government is not interested in talking with anyone. Our government is intent on one thing only. And that is world subjugation. And our government is not the government and everyone knows that. Thinking anything else means that one is still in a deep hypnotic state. If I were the president of the United States, I would be like any other president of the United States, a puppet. I would be so deeply girded in, and so deeply gridded in, that I would have only one choice. To follow the line. Of those who are truly in power. As to what I would do as the Korean leader, because there is no talking to people who have forgotten their soul connection, and are alligned only with ultimate intelect. I have no idea. But I do know what I can do as a being of power. I can pray and visualize a better outcome.

    1. mewabe Avatar

      “Our government is intent on one thing only. And that is world subjugation.”

      Indeed! Thank you for mentioning it…

      The US does not consider China an enemy, or “evil”, no matter how severely repressive its regime, because China deals with the US, as a trade partner. That’s all that matters.

      On the other end, Iran is the enemy because Iran does not deal with the IMF, it is not indebted to big western banks, and does not have to bow to the WTO and other associated tyrannical globalist organizations.

      What is missing in this conversation is a real assessment of the situation: all conflicts with the US (or any other nation) have to do with two thing: geopolitical issues (such as a nation having a strategic significance like Iraq and Afghanistan), or trade/resources issues.

      That’s what the “big boys” in charge wrestle with, while the public is fed fairy tales about a leader being “irrational” or “evil”.

      As long as we consume and discard more than the earth can sustain, conflicts between nations will accelerate, as they compete for resources and economic supremacy.

      So it is great to visualize a new earth, but no new earth will appear by magic…we should actually go back to the old earth, the earth that existed for millions of years before modern civilization began to rape it for power and profit.

      We should each go back to finding our place within the web of creation, living in harmony with all life (meaning the natural world), which means doing NOTHING that the earth ecosystems cannot absorb.

      That’s how inequity, blind competition and wars will end at the global level, when we stop vampirizing the earth, acting like cancer cells on the earth’s body, never having enough dominant power and control, enough wealth, enough material stuff.

    2. Victor Avatar

      I think that one of these “better outcomes”, would be precisely that many people, a critical mass, would know what you know as a matter of fact. Only then this critical mass could stand up as one and say “not in our name!”, with enough strength to stop a couple of things, and for starting huge and total changes…

  4. Robert McCallum Avatar

    pray, that higher healing realms may prevail

  5. Princess April M-G Avatar

    Realize that the only thing you can ever change is your own mind. And then change it (your mind) Also, everyone involved should learn the importance of Doing 3 Good Deeds, every day of their life. “It’s an elegant habit, that once cultivated will assist all who engage it fully” ~ Letitia Fairbanks

    1. Princess April M-G Avatar

      Both leaders and their administrations could pay special attention to point #9 at (Follow the link to see the illuminated image in Letitia Fairbanks’ original manuscript.)

      9. A good deed never involves doing harm to any other, even if the end result could be considered “good”. [In other words, if a person invokes “the ends justify the means” then this is not a good deed.] A good deed is always done from wisdom and with kindness.

      “As soon as everyone was fast asleep from the effects of the drugged wine, Princess April took the key to the tower from the wicked King’s belt and hastened to meet Prince Chivalry.” ~ Letitia Fairbanks’ “Princess April Morning-Glory” (see for more info.)

      Commentary on this example for #9:
      Princess April doesn’t kill anyone; She merely temporarily incapacitates them, leaving them to live and lick their wounds; note there is no revenge on the part of the vanquished. This is a far cry from the modern example, endlessly repeated, of lethal violence as the only solution to all problems that surround us – and our children. There are other solutions; let us employ non-violent measures to achieve our goals.

  6. Brenda Ryan Avatar
    Brenda Ryan

    Neale. Your awesome. Thanks for posting. Whenever I read this kind of thing (i.e. the world going crazy and heading towards doom), it inspires me to head further into the LIGHT. It reactivates the knowing of my earth mission / life purpose: to hold the vibration of the New Paradigm … Solutions to this discussion above are indeed not to be found in the same paradigm that created them. It is our job to be the channels for increasing Light and Love on this earth realm … and to hold a strong vision for the New Age. My vision of the New Earth does not include these children playing with matches … and so my energy does not flow into that situation, adding to the reality of it. My heart feels that the New Spirituality principles would call for a mass gathering of consciousness, focused on a vision for a New Earth … a gathering at one time all around the world, of meditators and lightworkers etc. to hold a very strong vibration of LIGHT, and hold in their hearts a vision of the kind of planet they want to live in. Namaste

    1. Wren Margaret Avatar

      I agree with you Brenda. Buying into it doesn’t help at all. Yes it’s reality, I am not denying that. But lending my energy to it by allowing fear or stress is not helpful. More helpful is to keep the dream of a New Earth alive, right in front of my eyes, and to create it one minute at a time with my words and actions. That is really all any of us can do, and I suspect it may be a far more powerful weapon that we realize.

  7. Diahanna McCracken Avatar

    It is easy to focus our energies on N. Korea because they are the ones being demonized. They are one of 3 countries left to be consumed by the greed of a few Elite Bankers who want it all. These bankers who hide behind curtains are wreaking havoc on our world by funding the wars. There are many of us who are awake, the age of reason is over and we are ascending into consciousness. How about we turn and focus our energies on balancing love with greed and power?

    1. Paula Horn Avatar

      I am with you Diahanna! I pray and visualize the “Elite Bankers” loosening their hold on our daily lives!

      1. Victor Avatar

        But… Why to let them have a “hold” on us anyway…?

  8. Renuka Avatar

    Even if Hatred can destroy a person, he/she will be fine with it.. but they
    will not be willing to walk the path of love and harmony. There is a
    need for serious shift in people’s perspective. To walk the path of
    life, with Love… rest all issues, melt like sugar bringing sweetness
    to their existence. I am pretty sure, this way of lifestyle(leading with
    love) is just around the corner..SO IT IS.

  9. illumi_nation72 Avatar

    I have experienced my own conversation with god,and i sure wish kim jong un would somehow have his own too,it sure would be good for the world.

  10. Michele Harvey Author Avatar

    Since no one does anything they believe is inappropriate given their view of the world, it seems to me the US ought to courageously sit down and open up dialogues with North Korea right away, so that we really understand what their leader believes is justification for threatening to launch a preemptive nuclear strike against the U.S. Dialogues have a chance of providing an opening, through which conditions can be changed and catastrophe averted. It must be shown that we care enough about life to be flexible and to listen. It must be shown that a permanent solution (a nuclear holocaust) is not an appropriate consideration for conditions which through the perspective of open dialogue, active listening, and prayer, can be perceived as temporary, yet conditions which can only be changed if North Korea and North America sit down and talk.

    1. Michael L Avatar
      Michael L

      HI Michelle,
      Since 1953 we have done nothing ,but talk and listen generation after generation.
      If your attacker is crying for help as Cwg says all are, he will only fight for survival when he thinks he can’t get what he wants. Unless the Chinese cut them off they won’t attack as they are getting what they want . Now they may want more from the west, but we don’t have to give them it, or do we plan to?

      1. Michele Harvey Author Avatar

        Are you suggesting we ignore Kim Jong-un in order not to be manipulated? Didn’t Barack Obama state that he strongly believed in open dialogue with all nations when he ran for office? Have we really be listening since 1953 or has North Korea and its people largely been isolated? Might anything have been different re: 9/11, if we had been having open dialogues? I am not a politician, in fact, I don’t follow news very regularly. That said, I respect your opinion, Michael, but I don’t know if cutting off communication and flexing a muscle toward a country that despises us, can possibly pave the road to a necessary and lasting peace.

        1. Michael L Avatar
          Michael L

          I hear what you are saying that we haven’t made enough Good faith effort to see each others point of view.

          But the amount of folks who are told since their ears could hear, that the US is despicable boggles the mind. we know that words are the worst form of communication,. so when the people of North Korea which will probably have dreams of a brighter future see that reality they have created not working, then change will happen, it is the new age for heavens sake. There must be channelers in that country too.

          Now this North Korean leader has reached out to Dennis Rodman. Seems only natural.

          1. Michele Harvey Author Avatar

            I recently watched some documentary films about life in North Korea. The North Korean people are prisoners in their own country. Their “Dear Leader,” Kim Jong-un, is their only God. He is their meditation and their breath. The North Korean people have no internet or cell phones nor do they have free access to information about anything, but they do have concentration camps. Kim Jong-un, like his predecessors, rules with an iron fist. “There must be channelers in that country too,” you suppose? Most North Koreans are on a different rung of Maslow’s ladder. If there are channelers, they are most likely channeling extra food rations, or access to needed medical care for a family member.”Words are the worst form of communication,” you think?
            There is no such thing as better or worse. There are different forms of communication. We use thoughts, words, and deeds, in order to create and express who and what we are. The only difference between them is their rate of vibration. I learned that from Neale. The other thing is; it is most important that our thoughts, words, and deeds be aligned, in other words, to show up authentically, whether it be in transparency with North Korea, or anything else.

          2. Michael L Avatar
            Michael L

            Hi Michelle, one last thought.

            I don’t understand what you mean by channeler “asking God for extra food?

            “They are most likely channeling extra food rations, or access to needed medical care for a family member”

            I was suggesting that information was coming into that country from spirit that could change life there.

          3. Michele Harvey Author Avatar

            Yes Michael. I understood you to mean that.

    2. Claude Leruitte Avatar
      Claude Leruitte

      dialogues !! are you kidding. We tried that with Hitler and we procrastinated and we talk and talk and talk. The result, millions of death
      Can you teach love to a mad dog? let’s be real here.

  11. Marc Mazis Avatar

    Looking throughout our history, we find that our poor, lower, beastly, or evil choices, then placed upon more of these: war for profit, corruption, greed, enslavement of our brothers for power, and those things for profit which have ruled our decisions and led us to this precipice – are wrong and there have been every form of Sign` along our way, that this is wrong, and that consequences would ensue. Now, to look up from the chessboard so to speak of earth, and think a few moves from checkmate about these things, is to miss that every choice we have made, and make, and are still making, has led us here. We must take responsibility for these ways of corruption, war for profit, enslaving our brothers for power, even our hate, anger, fear, greed – we man kind have to change our behaviors, not look afterwards to plug a leak. If man kind doesn’t change his ways, then we know, that we will suffer from our own selves’ doings. Want a real change? Want to really fix not only this but save humanity? Okay, here’s how: first man kind himself, must one person at a time, cultivate his highest being, pulling the weeds within him or herself of the lower negative emotions of hate, anger, fear, greed, a bloated ego or vanity, selfishness; and replace each with their opposite positive higher corresponding emotions of love, kindness, courage, sacrifice, integrity, generosity, humility and the like. As man each cultivates his and her higherself, these ugly things which spring from within us will reflect this and humanity will blossom. We will take back our governments from despots who usurp power and enslave their brothers, we will out-law lobbying with money to bribe our government officials on every side for laws which push our wrongful special interests, We The People will replace We The Special Interest Groups, we will look to feed, medicine, water, and take care of our fellows humanity all. Sure we can attempt to place a band-aide on the North Korea problem and attempt a temporary fix – and we should; but, there are refrigerators with ebola-small pox mixtures in countries waiting for an accident or a crazy person to unleash, and is that crazy person any more crazy than he-who-made this in the first place, created this? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? We have those purchasing and doing anything necessary to promote their interests, oil, water, land; none of which for the betterment of man kind, our highest good. Countries, Governments, Corporations, are all riddled with evil and corruption – because we-ourselves are riddled so with these things, and bring them with us into these, any institutions, and organizations. We humans, ourselves, are our problem. We need to change our selves. Our self. It begins with us, each. Then one by one, individual self-transformation – then leads to our collective transformation. If we are well gardened in our interiors – feeling-right, thinking-right, filled and cultivated of the positive-emotions – then these good things will spring forth from us instead. We will thrust them forth with a measure of WILL – then the Universe never fails to do its part, and the outer worlds that are born from the inner worlds will mirror this. You don’t look at ONLY the catastrophes that are on our lap, you look at every right and wrong thing as you go. If every wrong thing was not done, and every right thing was, we would not be in this mess. The fate of the world relies on You, and Your doing Every right and no more wrong things. Then All humanity.

  12. doesnt really matter Avatar
    doesnt really matter

    if i was the north korean leader or the the president… i would take along good look at my children and realize i want them to be here . and come to my senses about how much i loved them and loved them enough to talk to the leader and lay down the grounds for peace for both sides . because ultimately this will effect us all either way . if we choose war or if we choose peace love over fear is the answer

  13. Iamlife Iam Avatar

    Alright. i guess we should be serious now, because the world is seriously getting a clearing. All inhabitants, including people, places, events, earth, the bodies of all on earth, including the body of earth are being cleared in the light creating a new day. If we continute to perceive these downward cycles as real, we experience them here now. If we perceive them as not here, gine, we experience them as gone. This is a difficult concept for me, and my conversation with God in me named Chista just yesterday was just about this concept. i am in the middle of winter where I am. i see darkness in video games my kid wants to buy and I have to say no, but Chista told me, “Stop. Just stop. Stop perceiving it as downward spinning, spiraling outward in a negative spin. When you perceive something as negatively spinning, you create that realit for you. When you alter the perception and say, “I’m looking through it. I’m looking through this fear here that seems so real here,” then you begin to be the master neale speaks of in his latest blog post on enlightenment, the one part where he said God told him how to create matter from invisible energy. This is what I am speaking to you reading this post about. Invisibilitiy is what I am. I Am I AM, and so are you. I told you you were Gods. You can create a new day. Just be us. Create with your thought that all fear is gone. It is difficult, but only if you say it is difficult, love. Say it is easy, and it is easy. Say Korea is love, light, filled with peace, and it will lighten the load of Korea. Say it’s good and it is. Say it’s bad, and it isn’t, but it will appear so, in order to allow you, God, Goddess the expression of what you perceive happening. Perceive only Life, Love, Laughter happneing and that is all you will express, experience everywhere even 3 d. Love to all here, Chista Hi”
    Alright . I know some will say yea yea yea, but here is the deal. Neale knows it. He wrote about it. I’m not there. I know that, but I know the way there, and Chista just spoke it. The Way is through us knowing the power we wield as lightbodies sparking with a spin always looking through fear as if it’s gone.
    Love to all in the room Hi
    Michelle with a little aside from Chista always welcome in my house Hi Ho He

    1. Michael L Avatar
      Michael L

      That is reveling Michelle,
      Because Neale does speak about the creating we are doing. When we don’t create any fear in our thoughts or multiply the old, it doesn’t exist for us.
      The more we have no fear the more fear fades and the only thing that is left of course is love.
      And as we say,,,, love what shows up is creating ,but not from fear.

      1. Iamlife Iam Avatar

        Hi Hi Hi Thanks, love Hi Ho He Here is another line I get from Chista, when I tell him, “Wait a minute. This fear looks pretty damn real to me.” He says this to me, “Look through it. Look through fear Fear is never real and all you need is to speak, be, fearless.” Then he squints his eyes at me and I just want to say, “I am so sick of hearing that line. What do you mean look through something?” He says this back to me, “Come in. Do come in. The water is fine. The world needs more to step up and be me. The world needs people to speak God Mind, not hide and let the fearmongers speak fear to love. Fear speaking fear is out of here, when love steps near. . .wow. he’s a poet, isn’t he 🙂 Fear is out of hte picture, hwen life comes in the nest of living life as tree of all love. We are here to be God, Goddess. That is why we came. We came to lift the vibration of the earth and all its inhabitants. We didn’t come here to look at the reason we came here and panic. We came here to look through it and speak life as love sweet love, fearless frightfully fearless life. Frightfully fearless? yea. You’ve got to be frightfully fearless, because fear is only frightful to the ones who fear it. Fear creates fear for fear, not love. Love loves fear. Even life will take care of life trying to be fear, becasue fear is really crying out in pain from somewhere. Love says, “here you go. I’ll hug you,” and fear says, “where are we? who is this wierdo? We don’t like this smushy love thing. get rid of it. just get rid of it.” Let it be he he he me who gifts you fearless fear. Just be me. Be free of fear always in life, even in the midst of a seemingly dark night. The nights are over, love. The day is here forevermore Whew Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Love to you Michael, Michael, Michael Hi”
        And, I get it, but I still struggle with it. How do you look through a seemingly dark video game, a game that looks so dark that you don’t even want to buy, much less for your kid sitting there saying I want it. I don’t see many video games in the stores today that I want to buy. I think they’re all terrible. mostly, I mean really. Really I do see little to buy. Then it comes down to a battle of wills and that’s not good. At some point, somewhere a will will find a way to choose to express to be whatever it is desiring to be as an expression of a defiant will battling for its freedom, and that is exactly what is happening with korea. Like a teenager battling for freedom to be something all know isn’t good for anyone, korea is defining itself as freedom in a defiant way, a way that says animosity doesn’t matter. This is really about declaring me free to be mad becasue you took my freedom away from me. I am free, but not peace, love. Peace and love are not there when one is struggling to create an identity but housing so much anger. What is a parent to do? at some point, a parent has to let the chps fall where they may and be ready to pick them up, dust them off, and maybe find a scratch on that video game, sooner, rather than later.
        Love to all Hi Ho He

  14. Manoj Kumar Avatar

    neale history is repeating itself, yet again in such short time. ideologies which are outdated, which cannot withstand the reason and logic surely bound to attack those …people, nations…whom they consider false, untrue and wrong.

  15. mewabe Avatar

    Men have, throughout history, found ways to beat each other to shreds while those at the top make a killing at it, pun intended, and those at the bottom are brain-washed into patriotism.

    And each new generation repeats the exact same idiocy…when will it be that the leaders declare war and no one comes? When will it be that the PEOPLE refuse to participate, leaving the leaders themselves to sort it out?

    For the insanity of the world to stop, nothing needs being done…on the contrary, everything needs to stop…everything except emergency services.

    Imagine everything stopping for an entire week, throughout the world…imagine the people no longer participating in the global insanity, causing the leadership to be completely powerless, to be put in its place, as servants…serving the people rather than the profit-makers, the war-makers, the military-industrial-corporate-banking complex.

    1. Iamlife Iam Avatar

      I agree, Mewabe, .when the people rise up. The insanity will have to stop. We act as if we are powerless in the face of government. We act as if we have no choice, no power, but we do, when we band together. We come together like a band and none of these insane policies such as arms to fight war. . let’s arm everybody with a machete then maybe we’ll be peaceful. . ok. . i don’t get that, but who am I? I don’t get much about this culture. i do hope we step up and declare no war the ideal world, no weapons the ideal state, no insane discrepancies between so many, poverty here, wealthy in maybe 1 or 2 % of the population. . so what’s the reason people feel so helpless, so powerless? Why don’t more people step up and say “no that policy doesn’t work. We’ve had that policy in gear before and it’s never worked”? When we do become aware that we are one life? when do we treat each other like we want to be treated? love to you Hi

      1. mewabe Avatar

        Thanks Michelle…yes, we have the governments we deserve…perhaps when we truly feel that life is worth honoring and loving, we will end the global insanity. So far humanity has acted as if it was suicidal…as if it hated life. It’s a striking thought…but when we think about it, we can see it.

        So what is it that humanity hates so much about life in the physical, that it wants to leave the earth? (either to go to heaven or to board a space ship and settle on a new planet…)

        Why don’t we love life enough to respect and honor it in all its forms? And how could peace ever come without this love?

        1. Iamlife Iam Avatar

          Thank you, Mewabe. I agree. We came to earth in order to lift the earth. The vibration of earth was not low, until we came to it in fear. We, the inhabitants of earth, brought fear to earth. We came to earth on mission to rise the earth’s vibration to a higher level. We cannot do it with the same energy we created this low vibrating fearbased operating system we witness day to day here.

          Now the quandary. We know, from CWG, if we know we are God, Goddess, we fastly create from pure being, pure being that springs forth action from pure being, not action from struggle with staring at fear as if it’s real. God, Goddess create with thought. That’s my understanding anyway. I haven’t attained that level yet, but Neale mentions it in his post on Enlightenment, how to create from invisibility, how to manifest what we want with thought. We are God’s thought here, but, heck, we sure don’t act like it.

          How do we create from pure being? How do we reconcile the fact that so many enlightened ones now knowing they are God, Goddess are not enough to Be God, Goddess. So many know who they are, yet we are still witnessing so many inequities in life, so many warmongering ways in life. So, what’s up, God, is what I say? I don’t know. I wish I could invisibilate heaven here now for every man, woman, child, blade of grass, every particle of earth. We are earth. Why can’t we be love, if love is all we are? Why can’t we create heaven, if so many know they are heaven? That’s my only question.

          Love to you, Mewabe

          1. mewabe Avatar

            Thank you Michelle,
            From my own experience (not from mind knowledge, but from direct experience) what separates us from knowing ourselves and all life as being divine is judgment. That’s also what gets in the way of love…

            We do not know we already are in the “Kingdom” because of judgment…we judge everything, including ourselves and all aspects of life.

            It is difficult to step out of judgment completely…even seeing something as being “positive” is judging, and almost immediately attract its opposite, its “negative” side.

            Love is neither positive nor negative…like the divine, like all life, it just is, and it is awe inspiring.

            When we can step out of judgment completely, we enter a blissful state. I have spontaneously experienced it…we see that all is divine, and what is out of alignment is just in that state temporarily, because we see the divine essence of absolutely everything.

          2. Inger Lise Karlsen Avatar
            Inger Lise Karlsen

            Wonderful Mewabe as always. Thanks !
            We`ll meet again, don`t know where, don`t know when……But we`ll meet again some Sunny Day.

          3. mewabe Avatar

            Thank you Inger…may the sun always shine on your life…

          4. Iamlife Iam Avatar

            Thank you, Mewabe. Wiser words were never spoken, as always from you. You lift with your wisdom. We create life in this manner. We create love by lifting life to love and love to life with words of love. We are one love. We lift life with words of one love. We are one love, lifting life to the knowing we know we are living the heart, the spark, the Christed light we truly are in God’s spacious vast heart. We are home, when we lift all sparks of Christ light anew. We are home when we lift all Christed light sparks of life to knowing life is anew as we become newly birthed in every new moment as oneness in all life.

            We lift life here as we become one voice of life. We lift life living love for all and all for one life. One love for one life and one life for one love. We need nothing. We need nothing. We need nothing, in order to know we are one love. We are heaven. We need nothing, in order to truly live life as God lives life, as God lives us as love as heaven. We are heaven. We are God’s heaven in mind, body, soul.
            We have heaven housed within the very bodies of us, the minds of us, the soul of us. We can access this heaven within the body of us, the mind of us, by greeting the soul of us right here, right now. We can have heaven here now at any time. We are told this even in CWG. We don’t have to die to go to heaven, says God there. Heaven is who we are. Heaven is us wherever we are, just like you say, Mewabe. We are the bliss.

            We lift our bodies to this blissful heaven by sparking the Christed heart that lies dormant in the body of us, the physical body, I mean. This spark, which most on the planet now refer to as chakra line, is actually the Christed Heart Energy itself. It is actually the Godhead energy itself, and when one meditates, communes with God, one ignites this light, this spark, this lighted spark, this Christed lighted spark energy and awakens that sperpent like sprialling upwardly moving massive line of light to the bliss that we truly are in God, as God, through God as us. We are the bliss. We just are.
            We are the Christed ones, the Ascended Masters. We came sparked already within the body, the mind, the soul, and in order to lift Mother Earth from the eons old energies housed in Mother Earth, the eons old fearbased energies stored, repressed deep within the heart of Earth, deep within the cellular memories of all Earth’s inhabitants here now on the planet, we need to ignite as one life, one love for all life.
            These energies move up and out as we awaken what many call the chakra line. I, personally, hereby declare I will never ever call it that again. I will never ever refer to chakras as chakras again in my life, because I realize that mainstream culture thinks chakras, the word, I mean, are flakey, new agey. There is a highly degrading connotation with the word, and, therefore I don’t acknowledge it as such, for this spark is the holy, holy, holy heart of Christ himself, God energy of light itself, that occupies the space of our own bodies. We can rise it up by calling it heart line, in my view. At least, that’s how I perceive it. Maybe, I’m wrong, but too many associate chakras with flakes, you know, too many flakes cause too many to not want to ignite and one ignition just might be that little Who, like Horton hears a Who, that starts this engine revving up in life. Heart line is to me forevermore and I mean ever evermore.

            We know that true masters know heart lines are real. They know heart lines are the only way to spark the Christed Heart energy, the energy that lifts the Christed light housed within the base of the spine to the level of God Mind. It’s the only way to attain Godhead, so to speak. But, because of the denigration attached to the label “chakra”, many run from atempting to ignite this spark of Christ Heart itself. I will never call it chakra again. Never will I.
            Every heart on the body of us houses certain spaces in God’s Mind. The base level, the first previously aforementioned heart line, known as first chakra before this moment, but heretofore now being called first heart line, houses fear, the ego, the desire to have enough, enough of whatever the holder of that level believes is needed, believes is enough. The next heart line up is the heart that holds the energy that moves outward more, a little bit outward, a little bit on, and a little bit upward more, and on and on this energy moves up the heart line, spiralling energy, spiralling outward, upward until one attains Godhead.
            One moves this light through the crown, the crown heart, the crown heart of Christ heart energy through the head and out and beyond. It is the light that is the transmitter attaching the heart to Christ Being himself, attaching heart light to heart light throughout all life. It is Christ Heart energy we are talking about here and in a very literal way. Therefore, to denigrate this name chakra line is beyond me, beyond my comprehension in life. The heart line itself is how we reach God Mind, bliss, one love, each other as each other. One Love is who we are, and one love feels grand. Bliss is not something to denigrate. Bliss is who we are.

            When we move our energy up and out the crown heart we are, we begin to let go of judgement, fearbased energies housed in the body, the mind, the soul of us and earth itself, housed for eons. These old ancinet cellular memories house energies that travel with us from body to body, lifetime to lifetime, and releasing them is so important, in order to reach total Godhead.
            Why reach total Godhead, some might want to know. The answer is this. We are God. When we know who we are, we remain unharnassed not. We harnass all lightbeams as we attract all lightbeams. We create lightbeams even in this room of oneness as we come here in love. We are God, Goddess. We manifest heaven as we speak of love here now. We raise the level of the earth’s vibration as we speak of oneness here now.
            That’s why we came. We didn’t come here to sit around and bliss out maan. We came here to lift off, maan. Why leave heaven if all we are to do is bliss? We could have done that everywhere. We came here on mission. We came here to help lift a New Earth, to help rise the Earth’s fearbased energies stored here within the heart of earth, the heart of all on earth. All are releasing the old and birthing the new and some of this release is not fun, but the release s helping Mother Earth. So igniting the heart line is not something to ever speak of in a negative, denigrating manner. It’s nothing to speak of as anything other than the holy, sacred heart of Christ as us here now.

            The tree of life? I agree. It is a metaphor. God speaks in metaphor. We lift life in analogy. Metaphor and God go hand in hand. Why? Becasue God is always up and out, always changing, yet never still not. We are the moved and the movers, the seen and the unseen energy of all life. We can only speak of God in metaphor, for to each heart of God, God is different.
            However, God says most metaphors of the bible were misconceived and he now comes forth a little more forthrightly in life with a little more common dialogue. He prefers to speak straight forwardly to all life with simple sentences, clear convictions that none can minsconstrue in life. God believes many misunderstood the tree of life, yet you hit that nail right on the head,so to speak, Mewabe.
            To me, God says this. “The tree of life is representing dual mind. The mind that thinks this, that, love, fear, hate, life, war, peace, there, then, here, now, breath, death, and so forth. That’s dual thinking. That’s duality. Duality is not what I intend for life to be. That’s not why Eden, Earth, paradise, originally was intended to be. I didn’t intend my children to express this, that, there, then, here, now, love, fear, war, peace. I only intended them to be me. I am not that. I live love only in life. I don’t experience fear as love. I let go of fear. Try feeling life a fear. Then try feeling it as love. Your little heart chakra will let you know they aren’t felt the same. Fear is out of my realm. We don’t keep it haning around here in the garden of eden of life. I live all life as a garden of Eden. That’s the metaphor for heaven. Eden. That’s me. I live all life as heaven, as Eden. I live every particle as Eden, and you are my paradise as Eden. Eden is alive in the heart, the heart of all life that lives life as you in me as you living your true heart you live as Christ. You are Christ Heart. Every one on earth lives a divine aspect of Christ Heart, and that is your true heart. I lift you as you lift to that heart. Eden is who we are. You have it right, Mewabe. Eden, Bliss is who we really are. We only need to house the spark and lift the spark to me in meditation or in life just by being you, just by being a true heart of Christ. We only need to gift me you as me in the true heart of Christ that lives as I live in you. I live you as a Christed heart, and that is the Christed heart you truly are in all life. That is who you truly are in me, as me, through you living life as I live heaven in all life. In order to lift the mind of me to the mind of you, in order to lift the earth to the newness, to the higher vibrating level of love not fear, we all need to ignite the true sparks we are in life. All my children have true sparks and all can come home at any time right here, right now. All can come home by granting themselves all of themselves, by granting me the truest heart all truly are as me. We don’t need to wait, not for a thing. We are the thing waiting. We don’t need to wait for anyone. We are the one lifting here already, here to express heaven here now, We are the ones we’re waiting on. Love to all here. God I Am.”
            Well, there you have it, Mewabe. You’ve got it, as usual. Love to you and to all.

          5. mewabe Avatar

            Thank you Michelle

          6. Iamlife Iam Avatar

            Thank you, Mewabe. Wiser words were never spoken, as always from you. You lift with your wisdom. We create life in this manner. We create love by lifting life to love and love to life with words of love. We are one love. We lift life with words of one love. We are one love, lifting life to the knowing we know we are living the heart, the spark, the Christed light we truly are in God’s spacious vast heart. We are home, when we lift all sparks of Christ light anew. We are home when we lift all Christed light sparks of life to knowing life is anew as we become newly birthed in every new moment as oneness in all life.

            We lift life here as we become one voice of life. We lift life living love for all and all for one life. One love for one life and one life for one love. We need nothing. We need nothing. We need nothing, in order to know we are one love. We are heaven. We need nothing, in order to truly live life as God lives life, as God lives us as love as heaven. We are heaven. We are God’s heaven in mind, body, soul.

            We have heaven housed within the very bodies of us, the minds of us, the soul of us. We can access this heaven within the body of us, the mind of us, by greeting the soul of us right here, right now. We can have heaven here now at any time. We are told this even in CWG. We don’t have to die to go to heaven, says God there. Heaven is who we are. Heaven is us wherever we are, just like you say, Mewabe. We are the bliss.

            We lift our bodies to this blissful heaven by sparking the Christed heart that lies dormant in the body of us, the physical body, I mean. This spark, which most on the planet now refer to as chakra line, is actually the Christed Heart Energy itself. It is actually the Godhead energy itself, and when one meditates, communes with God, one ignites this light, this spark, this lighted spark, this Christed lighted spark energy and awakens that sperpent like sprialling upwardly moving massive line of light to the bliss that we truly are in God, as God, through God as us. We are the bliss. We just are.

            We are the Christed ones, the Ascended Masters. We came sparked already within the body, the mind, the soul, and in order to lift Mother Earth from the eons old energies housed in Mother Earth, the eons old fearbased energies stored, repressed deep within the heart of Earth, deep within the cellular memories of all Earth’s inhabitants here now on the planet, we need to ignite as one life, one love for all life.

            These energies move up and out as we awaken what many call the chakra line. I, personally, hereby declare I will never ever call it that again. I will never ever refer to chakras as chakras again in my life, because I realize that mainstream culture thinks chakras, the word, I mean, are flakey, new agey. There is a highly degrading connotation with the word, and, therefore I don’t acknowledge it as such, for this spark is the holy, holy, holy heart of Christ himself, God energy of light itself, that occupies the space of our own bodies. We can rise it up by calling it heart line, in my view. At least, that’s how I perceive it. Maybe, I’m wrong, but too many associate chakras with flakes, you know, too many flakes cause too many to not want to ignite and one ignition just might be that little Who, like Horton hears a Who, that starts this engine revving up in life. Heart line is to me forevermore and I mean ever evermore.

            We know that true masters know heart lines are real. They know heart lines are the only way to spark the Christed Heart energy, the energy that lifts the Christed light housed within the base of the spine to the level of God Mind. It’s the only way to attain Godhead, so to speak. But, because of the denigration attached to the label “chakra”, many run from atempting to ignite this spark of Christ Heart itself. I will never call it chakra again. Never will I.

            Every heart on the body of us houses certain spaces in God’s Mind. The base level, the first previously aforementioned heart line, known as first chakra before this moment, but heretofore now being called first heart line, houses fear, the ego, the desire to have enough, enough of whatever the holder of that level believes is needed, believes is enough. The next heart line up is the heart that holds the energy that moves outward more, a little bit outward, a little bit on, and a little bit upward more, and on and on this energy moves up the heart line, spiralling energy, spiralling outward, upward until one attains Godhead.

            One moves this light through the crown, the crown heart, the crown heart of Christ heart energy through the head and out and beyond. It is the light that is the transmitter attaching the heart to Christ Being himself, attaching heart light to heart light throughout all life. It is Christ Heart energy we are talking about here and in a very literal way. Therefore, to denigrate this name chakra line is beyond me, beyond my comprehension in life. The heart line itself is how we reach God Mind, bliss, one love, each other as each other. One Love is who we are, and one love feels grand. Bliss is not something to denigrate. Bliss is who we are.

            When we move our energy up and out the crown heart we are, we begin to let go of judgement, fearbased energies housed in the body, the mind, the soul of us and earth itself, housed for eons. These old ancinet cellular memories house energies that travel with us from body to body, lifetime to lifetime, and releasing them is so important, in order to reach total Godhead.

            Why reach total Godhead, some might want to know. The answer is this. We are God. When we know who we are, we remain unharnassed not. We harnass all lightbeams as we attract all lightbeams. We create lightbeams even in this room of oneness as we come here in love. We are God, Goddess. We manifest heaven as we speak of love here now. We raise the level of the earth’s vibration as we speak of oneness here now.

            That’s why we came. We didn’t come here to sit around and bliss out maan. We came here to lift off, maan. Why leave heaven if all we are to do is bliss? We could have done that everywhere. We came here on mission. We came here to help lift a New Earth, to help rise the Earth’s fearbased energies stored here within the heart of earth, the heart of all on earth. All are releasing the old and birthing the new and some of this release is not fun, but the release s helping Mother Earth. So igniting the heart line is not something to ever speak of in a negative, denigrating manner. It’s nothing to speak of as anything other than the holy, sacred heart of Christ as us here now.

            The tree of life? I agree. It is a metaphor. God speaks in metaphor. We lift life in analogy. Metaphor and God go hand in hand. Why? Becasue God is always up and out, always changing, yet never still not. We are the moved and the movers, the seen and the unseen energy of all life. We can only speak of God in metaphor, for to each heart of God, God is different.

            However, God says most metaphors of the bible were misconceived and he now comes forth a little more forthrightly in life with a little more common dialogue. He prefers to speak straight forwardly to all life with simple sentences, clear convictions that none can minsconstrue in life. God believes many misunderstood the tree of life, yet you hit that nail right on the head,so to speak, Mewabe.

            To me, God says this. “The tree of life is representing dual mind. The mind that thinks this, that, love, fear, hate, life, war, peace, there, then, here, now, breath, death, and so forth is the mind of dual thinking. That’s dual thinking. That’s duality. Duality is not what I intend my children in life to be. That’s not why Eden, Earth, paradise, originally created life here now. I intend only paradise for all my children. Earth was never intended to be expressed as fear. I didn’t intend my children to express this, that, there, then, here, now, love, fear, war, peace. I only intended them to be me. I am not fear. I am not that in the highest realm of me. We release fear and rise to new. That’s why we came, loves. I live love only in life. I don’t experience fear here or anywhere. I only live all my love as love. You are my love. You are my life. I let go of fear. I let go of all fear of all life, and all life is to release fear of all love as me as them in life. Try feeling life as fear. Then try feeling life as love. Tell me how that little heart . . .wait a minute. .we don’t call it chakra anymore. . tell me how that first heart of your seven, no, no , no it’s actually beyond belief how many hearts you have of me as Christ. .there is way more than seven. Let’s just say you know you know love and fear are housed differently within the body, mind, soul of all love. Tell me why we would ever want to hang on to fear anywhere. I let it go in all life. Your heart let you know they aren’t felt the same. Fear is out of my realm. We don’t keep fear hanging around here in the garden of eden of life. I live all life as a garden of Eden. That’s the metaphor for heaven. Eden. That’s me. I live all life as heaven, as Eden. I live every particle as Eden, and you are my paradise here as Eden. Eden is alive in the heart, the heart of you in all life. When you lift your spark to heaven, you greet me and this spark is the light that lives life as you in me as you living your true heart you live as Christ here on earth now. You are Christ Heart. Every one on earth lives a divine aspect of Christ Heart, and that is the true heart of life. I lift life as we lift to that heart here now. Eden is who we are as one. You have it right, Mewabe. Eden, Bliss. It is who we are. It’s who we really are in every particle of al. We only need to house the spark and lift the spark to me in meditation or in life just by being you, just by being a true heart of Christ. We only need to gift me you as me in the true heart of Christ that lives as I live in all love. I live you as a Christed heart, and that is the Christed heart you truly are in all life. That is who you truly are in me, as me, through you living life as I live heaven in all life. In order to lift the mind of me to the mind of you, in order to lift the earth to the newness, to the higher vibrating level of love not fear, we all need to ignite the true sparks we are in life. All my children have true sparks and all can come home at any time right here, right now. All can come home by granting themselves all of themselves, by granting me the truest heart all truly are as me. We don’t need to wait, not for a thing. We are the thing waiting. We don’t need to wait for anyone. We are the one lifting here already, here to express heaven here now, We are the ones we’re waiting on. Love to all here. God I Am.”

            Well, there you have it, Mewabe. You’ve got it, as usual. Love to you and to all.


          7. mewabe Avatar

            Thank you Michelle…
            I sometimes have the feeling that I live in two worlds…the real, eternal world (bliss, heaven, love), while witnessing the temporary illusions, the madness, the fear that engulf some of the temporal world (wars, oppression, suffering).

            I don’t get pulled into the fear and madness, I look at it as I would look at black and red ants fighting each other…a strange spectacle indeed. Then I go back to focusing on the eternal reality…love and bliss (:

          8. Iamlife Iam Avatar

            I Am that I Am, too 🙂 We are in the world, not of it, apparently, mewabe 🙂 Wish I knew how to be in it, of it, and living it as bliss. How do we bliss a spectacle? i dont know how God does it. He says he lives all life as heaven, and all life is every thing, so i don’t know. I don’t know how to bliss on some of these ants fighting each other, climbing over each other . ..some know how to fly, too lol 🙂 love and much bliss to you. here’s to no gnats flying this day 🙂

          9. mewabe Avatar

            The human world makes a lot of noise Michelle, as you know, and it kicks a lot of dust…like a sand storm…

            But all of this drama is temporary…it is as a game of hide and seek…people hide from themselves, from their true, divine self…they get lost in the drama of the day, lost in the illusion of time…then they seek again, and they find, looking within.

            It’s all about love, as you know…literally being in love, or outside looking in…or being so far away from love that all one can express and inflict is pain.

            It is all temporary…love will win always, at the end of the journey, because, as you say it so well, it is what we are, and we can only run so far and for so long from ourselves.

            And so love is patient…it waits for us. It has eternity on its side…

            Be who you are, be love, be all of life, there is no greater power or reality anywhere in the universe. Those who temporarily live outside of love seek dominant power in this world precisely because without love they feel powerless, impotent.

            They live in the illusion of powerlessness, and in the illusion of dominant power over others, over life. This is the story of human civilization (the pursuit of dominant power).

            But the dramas of the world cannot harm the divine self anymore than a storm can harm the ocean…when you are love you are everything, and when you are everything you are like God: you cannot harm yourself, no matter what.

            The children are playing…it is what the world is doing…playing war, playing out all imaginable, horrific scenarios…pretending death is real, pretending that fear is more powerful than love…pretending to be what they are not.

            Be love, be patient, you have eternity on your side.

            No gnats where I live…I feel envious 🙂

          10. Iamlife Iam Avatar

            Thanks, Mewabe 🙂 It’s true. It’s true we are identity, and when we realize our true identity, nothing can ever harm us. Our identity is eternity itself. It’s true life takes care of life. Life always takes care of life. Life gives life to life that steps up for life. Always love takes care of love that lives life for all love. I guess that’s why I never see the gnats either. i hear of them, only if God decides to tell me about them. I never see them, where i live in God’s heart, and I thank God for that. i do. i just do.

            I thank God that some decide to play in mysterious ways. Some play in ways I don’t understand, and God doesn’t allow that into my part of the heart I reside in. I don’t think I’ll ever understand the heart that plays these parts. I don’t encounter them at all, where I live in God’s grand spacious living heart of gold. I don’t like playing in those lands, and God doesn’t gift me those. He keeps that from me, and he shields me. He just does. I am you, Mewabe. i love your wisdom. Thanks for being so lovley in life. Goodnight, I guess, or Good morning, whichever you prefer. Love to you

  16. disqus_LCW419OYd0 Avatar

    “chill the ? out, smoke a ?, then have a conversation like adults”

    this message previously had the F word in it and a reference to a natural substance provided to us by nature

    then was removed for the reason stated below

    but something for you to consider

    words, things and everything are just energy

    you have to look beyond the words

    look at the intent behind them

    you assumed i was angry based on a few words

    always assume a positive intent, rather than a negative one

    then everyone can freely express themselves

    there is no such thing as a “family website”

    children will eventually learn what the F word is, and what marijuana is

    they are just different forms of energy

    children need to be taught intent

    the lack of understanding and acceptance of this language of the universe is what is missing on this planet

    Publisher’s Note: It is this newspaper’s policy not to print obscenities or extraordinarily impolite and ugly language. We believe that anger is no excuse for classless behavior. This is a family website. Say what you wish to say in a civilized manner. It is civil discourse that is missing on this planet, and it is civil discourse that we intend to return to the global conversation. If you disagree with our decision, you are free to not engage here. With respect…Lisa McCormack

    1. spongebob Avatar

      I feel this better approach.. .. 🙂

    2. nealewalsch Avatar

      You are right. “words…are just energy.” That is absolutely correct. And the energy this online newspaper sends into the world will not under any circumstances include the kind of disrespectful, dishonoring, and ugly use of language that you displayed in your earlier post. You can count on us to eliminate that kind of language every single time. Count on it. Precisely BECAUSE it is energy. And the kind of energy we consciously choose not to transmit or amplify. You are right, as well, when you assert the “children will eventually learn” about ugly, negatively-charged words in our language. The question is HOW they learn, and they will not learn it from us.

      You are wrong when you say “there is no such thing as a family website.” You may like to think that, but you are wrong. THIS is a family website, viewable by all members of the family, of any age, without concern that offensive or attacking languaging will be found here.

      Here we follow the invitation. “Speak your truth, but soothe your words with peace.”

  17. disqus_Luufwf5n8z Avatar

    Hi Neale

    I did not have time to read all the other comments, so I apologise if I am
    repeating anything.

    I think your question is so relevant, for I imagine that most people who are
    experiencing the pace at which our collective consciousness is expanding on
    this planet, will be asking themselves this question in some way, consciously
    or unconsciously.

    My own answer, as I am experiencing it inside myself, is that I want to watch
    and observe, first of all, what my reaction to all this is, what thoughts and
    feelings I am bringing forth, and what energy I am adding to the planet when I
    am thinking about or watch the situation in Korea.

    If I do not choose to BE Peace, if I am still engulfed in Fear based thoughts,
    then how can I possibly judge and criticize the leaders on both sides, whose
    decisions are totally fear based.

    If however, the language I choose when I speak about this or any other conflict
    is full of Peace and Love, and yet my solutions seem “unrealistic”,
    “uneducated” or ‘fanciful” to anyone hearing them with their
    logical mind, I am OK with that for I know that in the field of unlimited
    possibilities, a peaceful solution which serves all of humanity exists and
    simply awaits our collective creativity to discover it.

    If I allow my imagination to reach out and see a peaceful solution, and don’t
    fear judgment or ridicule, then the energy of my thoughts and words is added to
    the energy field around this planet, and has a positive influence, whether I am
    consciously aware of it or not.

    Barack Obama has a very different world view, and a very different set of
    learned beliefs than Kim Jong Un, and all that would stop him from exercising
    the global leadership he is capable of bringing to this standoff, is fear of
    the political consequences in his own country.

    If I were Barack Obama, I would allow myself to see this situation through the
    eyes of humanity, not the west or the US.

    It is difficult to put myself into the shoes of Kim Jong Un, for I know so
    little about his perspective, other than that he feels like a victim, backed
    into a corner by a big gang of bullies. I guess I would find it within myself
    to rise above the picture I see and view it from a global perspective, from the
    view of humanity, with which I and my people are connected and a part of.

    Chris Tazreiter

    (Just a Thought)

  18. ilona Avatar

    My teacher said in times of difficulty ask yourself what would love do now? The soul will answer you. The other is to send light to the situation.
    Dark forces are at work challenging all of us that work in the light.

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      My friend, Ilona. My understanding is that there are no such things as “dark forces.” There is no “devil,” and “dark forces” do not exist. Life is not a science fiction film, with the guys dressed in black and the guys dressed in white opposing each other. Yet while there are no such things as “dark forces,” there is such a thing as “incomplete knowing.” Our opportunity now is to expand our awareness and increase our knowing of what is really so. That is what The New Spirituality, born of the Conversations with God messages, is all about. Once the largest number of people on the Earth know and understand Who They Are, and what is Really True about God, and Life, and Each Other, all of this turmoil on our planet will end. We can play a role in creating this outcome. The question is not whether we can, but whether we will.

  19. Trisha Schelble Avatar

    Can the CWG Foundation put together a weekly call for us to meditate for peace and that our leaders find a way to work together for the best outcome for all? Maybe a weekend morning when more of us can attend? You know, work and all on the weekdays, it’s hard to do all the conference calls.

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      Better yet, let’s hold Global Conversation Action Groups on-the-ground, all over the world, meeting once a week in people’s homes, meditating for peace, and also holding very visible and meaningful conversations about how to create peace in people’s lives and in the interactions of nations. Then let’s write letters to the editor of all the world’s major newspapers. Let’s start a Global Conversation on How To Stop Our World From Creating More and More Turmoil.

  20. disqus_LCW419OYd0 Avatar

    the world needs to know the truth

    read the book thiaoouba prophecy

  21. Avatar

    What would spiritual principles call for in this situation?
    An understanding that not all are aware of who they really are & that there is nothing to fear from any situation that confronts us. An unprecedented attitude of compassion & generosity would shift the ambience of the whole affair & surprise everyone.
    The unexpected action of ultimate compassion arising from an understanding that requires no forgivness is needed here.

  22. Erin Avatar

    Our New Story principals (homonym intended) will not allow such issue to get to this point, no doubt. North Korean leaders would have willingly expressed any concerns, All other leaders would have freely listened…Good compromise would have been attained. And the issue would not probably be about weaponry or threatenings of harms since these would have naturally faded in functionality with due process.
    However, at this moment, the U.S., nor any other nuclear-holding country, has a stand to put their leg on here & now…They will not practice what they preach…They are not walking their talk…Mr. Kim is simply showing a world exactly this.
    If I was in Mr. Kim’s shoes, with his perspective, perhaps I, too, might feel that arms-wars would be the most clearly Seen message provider…It IS obviously working in this regard. He is a young mind…zealous & verrry conditioned…with a verrry “Git ‘r done” attitude.
    By most Corporate World CEO standards, these attributes are highly praised & sought.
    If I was in Mr. Obama’s shoes, with his perspective, I might perhaps bypass the lineage of political ‘norms’ & publicly address that Our nation, in present state, cannot attest such behavior since We, as a nation, reflect the same mentality…but adding that We, as a nation of humans from All lands, are in transition of becoming wiser & grander of Our Selfs & Our worldly dealings…Openly & publicly expressing that this particular issue would give Us great challenge in being these things…Welcoming Mr. Kim, North Korea, All nations to a conversation table to explore alternative beingness of Our entirety. Perhaps writing a beginning chapter to Our New Story. I would then go down in history with a legacy worth leaving of my post. 🙂
    Good Journey, All…My personal contribution to this world are the realms created & maintained by higher thinking example…Love & Life have no boundaries…Our ripples effect. 🙂

  23. Erin Avatar

    Guys, how is it that these threads are jumbling…a 2 min.ago post shows up between 20 hr. ago & days ago. Tough to keep up with ‘new’ contribs. I know you’re workin’ on it…just sayin’. 🙂

    1. Iamlife Iam Avatar

      hi erin, i noticed that glitch, too, of course, of course, and here is what i did to not have to respond on it on life cyber world, but, here we are anyhoo. I did this and now it’s fixed. You can try it too. Go to the box link at the place right next to the little doomahickey that icon of yours by the comment box. Instead of “best comment,” click on “newest comment.” I’m like you. I read all life. I don’t judge. Woo hoo for us 🙂

    2. Lisa McCormack Avatar

      Hi Erin…Iamlife Iam is correct. You can select how you desire to view posts by choosing best, newest, or oldest. You can change that anytime you want. For instance, if you would like to read the very first post in the thread, you could choose “oldest comment,” and it will reverse the order for you without the need to scroll all the way down. If you continue to have difficulties, please let us know.

      1. Erin Avatar

        Thanks…Lisa & Iamlife1 🙂

  24. Din Avatar

    These two leaders, who are threatening nuclear war from half a world away, would have a better chance for peace meeting in person. I When looking into another’s eye’s, it’s impossible not to feel yourself reflected in them. Meeting in person is the only chance not to see the other a “other.”

  25. Din Avatar

    These two leaders, who are threatening nuclear war from half a world away, would have a better chance for peace meeting in person. When eye’s meet, it’s impossible not to feel yourself reflected in them. Meeting in person is the only chance not to see the other a “other.”

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      I agree with you profoundly, Din.

      1. Din Avatar

        Thank you Neale!

        1. mewabe Avatar

          Unfortunately, the “leaders” are not totally in charge, as we all know. They are influenced, and sometimes rather bullied, by opposing forces within their own societies, and can only stand up to these forces at their own peril .

          But since Obama won’t be running for reelection, he should have all the freedom he needs to stand up for what he believes, including talking with Iran, talking with North Korea.

          So why isn’t he doing it?

          1. Jaz Avatar

            Good Question. Mewabe.
            May be hes got a plan that only he and his supporters know. You know, like his other plans that brought so much change, the change we can all believe in. lol

    2. Victor Avatar

      Yes, I agree, but in practical terms, this seems impossible by now…

      I´d repeat the words that Neale posted a little above:

      “WE are the ones who must create consensus. We must gather our voices, speak with them together, create a Global Conversation that cannot be ignored. We, the people of the Earth, the citizens of all nations, must begin this conversation in a very public and visible and impossible-to-ignore, yet loving and peaceful, way.”

      1. Victor Avatar

        By the way, I think it would be tremendously beneficial to remember the events of the Cuban Misils Crisis in 1962. In that time there were no cell phones, no satellites, no World Wide Web, no instant Global Communications, etc. Indeed, there was not even a single telephone line between the White House and the Kremlin, which researchers some years after could not believe…

        So, Humanity remained alive almost for a miracle… Secret conversations and agreements between ambassadors, in very threatening and risky conditions…

        And after that, inmediately a direct telephone line was installed between Washington and Moscow.

        Haven´t we learnt a little since then?

        I think we do… 😉

      2. Din Avatar

        I totally agree the we must gather our voices. Surely, that will help Victor.

        I just feel that it isn’t impossible because of who they are – who we really are and all that. It’s just seems logical – there is always a chance that two souls will recognize that they are the one soul. There never won’t be a chance. But they could miss all their chances in this life, and the next, or not, or until they don’t miss them. Woh, now It’s getting heavy! I’m hoping for sooner than later.

  26. mewabe Avatar

    This is a general comment about war and conflict.

    There is no lack of knowledge today, in all areas of life, including the spiritual sphere.
    What is lacking is not knowledge but practice. If people practiced even 1/100th of what they know, they would get far and the world would change fast!

    Why don’t we walk our talk?

    Humanity loves drama. From the Greek tragedies (Homer) to WW2, it seems humanity gets off on drama, on an intensity of experience, on experiencing extreme polarities.

    Tranquil, harmonious, peaceful, calm living is usually discarded for drama, at all level: from intimate relationships to international relations between nations.

    When things are calm, many people get restless, uneasy. They do not like silence but seek noise, they do not like stillness but seek movement, and more often than not frantic movement, and disharmonious noise.

    Even those who experience combat often want to go back to feel the intensity, because in such extreme circumstances they feel more alive (adrenaline rush) than at any other time. This is also why people skydive, climb mountains, do car racing and bungee jump, or take a hot sauna followed by a roll in the snow or an immersion in a freezing lake or river.

    The unconscious motivations for conflict, for psychological and emotional drama, for physical shock, even for war, appear to be the same…paradoxically, humanity strives to feel all of the intensity of life.

    So…yes, humanity wants to feel more alive…to push the limits of what it feels like to have a physical body and to feel extreme feelings and emotions. It wants to equally push the limits of its consciousness, and to explore its outer limits, even in hellish conditions.

    This is why humanity cannot let anything be….why it is as restless as the proverbial damned… Some may say (and I often do), that it is due to a basic neurotic condition.

    But conflict may actually be a natural drive…to push us ever further, as most often rapid growth is achieved through chaos and strife…through being forced out of comfort and apathy, to conditions we never thought we could even survive.

    Ultimately, humanity, like the divine and like all life forms, strives to know and experience itself, and push the limits of experience, the limits of the self, of the experience and knowing of being. It does so in peace and in war, in harmony and in drama, in rest and in extreme intensity.

  27. madhavi sood Avatar
    madhavi sood

    In my opinion, for the greater good of Humanity and the withering Earth, both the U.S. and North Korea should halt at their steps and think of what repercussions Nuclear attacks could lead to. Perhaps in diplomatic circles, and in the U.N. there should be more talks and call for joint meetings with other countries who share diplomatic ties of friendship with both North Korea and America (USA) could put in some rationale sense into the heads of state of both countries. Maybe some kind of mid-way truce or pact ought to be worked upon….. For the greater good of humanity and the Earth.

    I hope and pray that both countries re-consider by bilateral talks, perhaps some kind of understanding could be reached where no bloodshed happens…. Maybe a consensus could be reached in the U.N. for the same.
    Also all countries could work upon ways and mean to harness the Energy of the Sun – Solar power, make more ties through interdependent trade.
    I guess all this must be already being done and I’m sorry Sir if I sound so naive… Yet, who does not want peace and freedom and an abundant bountiful Earth – free from radiation?

    Hope the people of power see the reason and show more sense, pragmatism and all turns out well for the World.
    Keeping my fingers crossed and sending a silent prayer to the Universe for the same…
    Best Wishes for a Happy Easter,

    Madhavi Sood alias Madhavi Mohandas
    (Author of ‘From the Silence Within’)
    Country Coordinator- Humanity’s Team, India

  28. Jaz Avatar
    Jaz While this is going on.. yeah sure, pull up a chair, lets sit down and talk heart to heart. 🙂

    1. hempwise Avatar

      A very sad video Jaz but we really have to look at this ,I mean not just once but every day until we say enough when is enough enough .

      We also have to call people to account ,we the people have to call our so called leaders to account, and end the nightmare that continues under the name of self defence .

      1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

        As Conversation with God says, “All attack is called ‘self defense’.”

    2. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      The alternative is to never, ever sit down and talk heart to heart, precisely because of what is going on. Yup, let’s allow “what is going on” to stop us from ever talking. Yeah, sure, that’s an even better idea. Now why didn’t I think of that?

      1. Jaz Avatar

        If I was abusive or violent, surely you will sit down and talk with me. Hell you are so touchy that if someone put a link relating to such issues you will remove it. 😀

  29. Belen Connelly Avatar
    Belen Connelly

    It seems to me Kim Jong Un wants a friend to entertain and who will give him attention and a taste of the US. Personally I think he could do a lot better than Dennis Rodman. There are some pretty powerfully persuasive, fun and funny people in this country. Couldn’t it be someone’s job to try to share the best parts of American culture with him, while showing a genuine interest in him and his culture. Perhaps minds and hearts would open, at least enough to create a mutual respect, allowing both sides to maintain dignity, diffusing the power struggle? Isn’t it worth a try? Who knows? Maybe it would change everything.

  30. disqus_LCW419OYd0 Avatar

    people just need to know the truth

  31. Dora Dougherty Avatar

    Well I believe that God is in Control of it. So I don’t fear it. Everytime I hear something going on in that corner of the world I shake my head and say wow, it’s all happening as the word says it will. I pray for God’s will over the situation. It will happen the way God wants it too.

    Peace to you, Kindly, Dora
    Self Transcendence

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      This is an interesting idea, Dora, because it suggests that there is something in particular that God wants in any given situation. Yet this runs counter to what I have been told very specifically in Conversations with God. I wrote about this exact topic in the book What God Wants. I invite everyone here to read that book. Especially, take a look at Chapter 13, which articulates very specifically and very directly exactly what it is that God wants. After reading this book and especially this chapter, I hope you and others will comment, below.

      Let’s get a conversation going, because this is not an unimportant item for our world to look at. What is it, precisely, that “God wants”?

      1. Victor Avatar

        I think Neale that it goes precisely in the way of our new dogmas: the New Age dogmas that tell us that just “focusing on the positive”, “letting God”, and “not focusing or spreading ´negative energy´, just meditate, send good vibes, and that will heal everything”, is part of the problem now.

        As our friend Mewbe said in a previous post: “what passes for spirituality in some of the metaphysical/new age movement, which is rather childish and irresponsible, and so money-obsessed.”. “It exonerates people from all responsibility and glorifies selfishness and self-centeredness”…

        I would add that in that sort these attitudes ignore precisely the greed, responsability, selfishness and self-centeredness of the real guys in charge, that ARE NOT precisely the Presidents of the United States, or Korea…

        But this is ´spreading negative energy´, we better let God be in control…

        1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

          But my question persists: What IS it, exactly, that “God wants”? My book, What God Wants, provides the answer.

          1. Victor Avatar

            Ha,ha… I´ve read it Neale… The answer is the one that many people couldn´t believe -for those who don´t have access to the book-: a blank…

            God, dear Dora, doesn´t have any particular will, demand, requirement nor command. God wants nothing. Because She doesn´t need anything. This is not the same than saying that God doesn´t have some desire or purpose, but in any case, it would be: that we decide freely who and what we are and what we want to be. So, Dora, WE are in charge here, so, we decide. God is the server or our intentions and decisions.

            So, with your permission, Neale, I´d like to repeat your previous words again:

            “WE are the ones who must create consensus. We must gather our voices, speak with them together, create a Global Conversation that cannot be ignored. We, the people of the Earth, the citizens of all nations, must begin this conversation in a very public and visible and impossible-to-ignore, yet loving and peaceful, way.”

            Thanks and blessings

          2. mewabe Avatar

            Obviously God doesn’t want or need anything because God has it all, BEING ALL. That’s very basic, except for the many people who conceptually separate God from life, thanks to old patriarchal religions.

            But humanity wants many things…and then says that it is God who wants it.

            When a group of people wants to destroy their enemy, they say God wants it, because God said the enemy is wicked or evil and deserves to be brutally butchered, wiped off the face of the earth, and sent to hell.

            Such a warm, cuddly God to have by your side.

            When a group wants to rapidly grow in size, it states that God declared that all sexual activities that do not lead to reproduction are a sin, so it can multiply rapidly.

            So this God presumably sends the many animals who do not obey this strict commandment to hell as well, if nothing else because their bodies have been taken over by the “devil”, and they are also a very bad, naughty example.

            When a group wants authority over a population, it declares that it is appointed to a position of power by no less than God himself, as did kings and queens.

            The peasants and serfs, the commoners, on the other hand, were under the influence of the “devil”…so they had to be kept in line and forced into obedience by the Church while the Kings and Queens abused them.

            What a great set up.

            When a nation seeks dominance over the world, it states that it is under God…and thus implies that it does His will.

            And what is this will? Wouldn’t you know, this will perfectly matches its “national interests”, just at it previously matched the doings of queens and kings in Europe.

            The list of absurdities that makes all of “God’s will” is endless, as humanity’s childish ways are many.

          3. Iamlife Iam Avatar

            Here’s my take. I believe God Wants us to be God. God desires us to express a certain aspect we are in the heart of God here in this realm. That’s why we came, in my view. We, who know we are Goddess, God, create life, God, love, energy in an old manner not, if we are being who we know we truly are in God’s heart. God creates with mind not might. God creates with faith, knowing, not doubt. God. Goddess can move a mountain with a tiny tiny faith. One lighted candle, one focused prayer might just be the little Who that speaks of oneness so grand, so loud that all life might come forth and grant all life the mind of God that lifts the land to home again. Does faith work? Well, it did for Chista. And, who do we think we are? Love to all the one loves here who have might of Mind of God, Goddess in tow Hi

        2. mewabe Avatar

          I think that the idea that a person’s God wants something, or is in charge, is one of the most lethal ideas created by humanity…it has repeatedly being used to justify the most horrific acts, or to let them go one…because it was all “God’s will”.

          I find this idea repugnant…revolting. I am glad you provide people with an alternative.

    2. Steve Kostov Avatar

      Dear Dora, please do not shy away or be intimidated by so many good folks replying to you so fast. I may be terribly wrong, but I have the feeling you had accidentally wondered into this wonderful environment here, completely unaware of the Conversations With God books, and we love your presence, as I believe that God wanted you to find your way here, or it would not have happened. As you may say, it was God’s will. Forgive me for making a statement that runs counter to your understanding of God, but if I may say so, you….got him all wrong. And I mean, God. You see, when you say: “I pray for God’s will over the situation. It will happen the way God wants it to”, that very statement freezes God cold in his tracks. It paralyzes him, it strips God completely off his power and disables God. You have locked yourself out of the room. You now have a standstill. Do you know why? Because he is waiting for you to make the first move. Because God wants for you, what you want for yourself. God’s will is your will, and your will is Gods will, you see. And that comes without conditions or requirements. God needs and wants absolutely nothing, outside of your own wishes and desires. I immediately gathered that this is news to you, or there would have been no way that you would have read the above mentioned books, and still miss the greatest news of this new century. All this may be a little too much to digest at once, so please look up the name of the author of these books, he actually directly replied to your post, and find his books to find out things about God we thought we knew, but didn’t. God is listening very carefully to his children now, and will not make the first move before you do. You may find such responsibility to be a burden, as it may be scary at first, but that is God’s Greatest Gift to you. That is because God wants you to be happy, unless you do not. Unless you say otherwise. So, the good news is, God’s will over the situation is your will over the situation, with a little catch: you always get to go first. So this is why we are all gathered in this place on the Internet to have conversations and wonderful discussions about any topic at hand. On the North Korea topic, we are discussing precisely what God’s will should be, and yes, we have a seat on the table for God as well. We are doing this together. Please join us, even from a distance, as how can one pray for God’s will to be, without knowing what that will is? You “stumbled” in here for a reason, Dora. Give it a thought. Thank you kindly 🙂

    3. Iamlife Iam Avatar

      Hi Dora,

      I think these guys, the ones below me, make a good point. The posters below my post here are well. God up above me, however, wants me to make another well point that I think they overlooked in your well post. You illustrate a most awesome idea to God I Am. While God chooses us to be God and to do life as God would do life here, were God truly here living life truly as us, which he is, and, we are, but and yet, I do see your grand awesome point, love. I just do, and here is why. There was once a tiny little tiny mustard seed and it said to all life, if you but have the faith of me, the faith of a tiny tiny tiny mustard seed, you can do anything. You can perform miracles with the faith of a tiny tiny tiny mustard seed, so, I do get the grand picture of your wonderful point, and I see you as Goddess of faith. Maybe we Goddess lights of the Feminine Light moving in this planet can do a little more with a little less testosterone at the helm of this ship moving in. Anyhoo, let it be. Love to all posters here as above as below, we are one ship of love here. Love to all, including those below 🙂

  32. Carl Avatar

    Why are we suprised and shocked that this administration will NOT enter into discussions with N Korea. This administration has consistently demonstrated one thing: the only opinion that matters is the presidents, no matter how dangerous, how depraved or how deplorable those opinions may be. Remember this is the president who demanded the right to execute american citizens without due process, and went ballistic when he didnt get it. A man who uses childrens as pawns for his means, but screams foul when his children get press coverage. A man whose adminstration admitted that they are going to “punish”/”destroy” anyone who opposed them during the election. And on and on and on …

    No surprise he wont enter into a discussion, and it would be no surprise if he has people in the background setting this up to force them to launch, which would no doubt serve his agenda.

    I’m trying to see this in a positive light, but as you have said Neale, we have free will, and we have a leader who appears to be exercising that free will with the deliberate intent to destroy this country and the people in it. How do we see this in a different light?

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      This is the same president who was severely criticized when he proposed sitting down for face-to-face talks with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of Iran. Those on the Far Right called him a traitor and an appeaser for even suggesting such talks. So what we see here is that you can’t win, no matter what you do in the White House.

      I never heard of the Obama Administration admitting that “they are going to “punish”/”destroy” anyone who opposed them during the election.” Could you give me a cite for that assertion? I would really be interested to know where you picked up that information.

      I do not believe for one minute that Barack Obama has a “deliberate intent to destroy this country and the people in it.” I’m sorry that you feel this way, and I truly wonder how you came to such a conclusion. Wrong-headed or ill-advised policies? That I could hear. A “deliberate intent” to destroy his country? He no more has that than George Bush had that. Or Bill Clinton. Or George Bush Sr. Or Ronald Reagan. Or Gerald Ford. These are good human beings whose policies and decisions we may disagree with, but I do not believe it is necessary (nor has any connection to reality) to impugn their character or motives.

  33. Serene Voice Avatar
    Serene Voice

    The North Korean leader seems to have no problem talking to a particular sport’s star. Perhaps if a whole team he likes was prepped and sent over to have a sit-down with this young man to explain the facts of life and what is at stake, armed with clear negotiating terms, he would listen? In a pissing contest such as this one, someone has to save face and someone has to be the grownup(s). Kim Jong-un may respect the sport’s stars enough to negotiate, thus save face by not appearing to yield to American authority. Just a thought.

  34. Blanca Adriana Le Duc Avatar

    I had curious insight this morning. We know thought is energy, we know agression is love misdirected’ we know the world is shifting and we know Easter indicates a rise in consciousness. Then what better day tha today to raise (rise) our consciousness ( ourselves) tofor this shift tnan today? To allow our Real Self to Arise and put the world right?

    1. Iamlife Iam Avatar

      True. We are God’s thought here, because God called us here. We called us here to Be God. God is Isness. God is Love, light, high thoughts of oneness. If we spring forth being from true being, we spirng forth life as what we truly are, we spring forth a rise in true consciousness, true oneness. We rise the vibration of all on earth. We cannot do this with this same old energy of blame, anger, misguided temper tantrums of egoistic males pressing buttons, pointing fingers in blame, acts that spring forth from misplaced identification. We are not hemmed in as God, Goddess. We are free. We are free. Korea is free. All are truly free. Korea is not hemmed in by anyone except their own anger at not being allowed to build missiles. We are not hemmed in by allowing Korea to build missiles. What creates this sort of tempest in a teapot, ready to boil over, is reaction. IF we don’t react, we don’t boil over as fear. We be God. Love to you.

      1. Michael L Avatar
        Michael L

        Well said, Michelle,
        Especially, We Are God’s thought here,…..We raise the vibration of all earth.
        No fear only the thought of freedom.

        I’ll live that creed now!

        1. Iamlife Iam Avatar

          Me too 🙂 I think I’ll live that freedom, too, right here, right now. Love to you, love 🙂

  35. Jas . Avatar
    Jas .

    When will U.S. stop trying to play God?

    1. Victor Avatar

      When a great amount of people, a critical mass of people, inside and outside U.S. stand for this truth: God is not a ruler, a dictator, a Lord, an owner, an egotistic Being with egotistic wishes, and egotistic ´chosen peoples´. God is not what for so many time has been believed about her… God wants nothing, nor has any will, nor command, nor demands, nor punishments for his ´sons/daughters´…

      So, claiming to be the one “nation under God”, is false, dangerous, and dysfunctional, if the God in which you believe is the “almighty God of armies”…

    2. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      When will North Korea stop trying to play God?

      1. mewabe Avatar

        I am sorry but I have to interject…I do not see North Korea attempting to dominate the entire world economically, culturally or militarily.

        They most probably would if they had the means, granted…in terms of acting like either a benevolent or aggressive bully, there is unfortunately not one nation that can be called innocent if we look at history, except perhaps Switzerland, and it is probably because they hold much of the wealth of the world.

        However the fact that all nations were or are proportionally guilty in action or intent does not justify continuing to pursue dominance, in my opinion.

        The most mature of two fighting brats must be the first to end a conflict. And in this situation this goes back to your last comment…about children playing with matches. Who will be the first to grow up?

        One would think that America would act more wisely, rather than provoking a tiny, relatively insignificant bully wannabe, particularly is this little bully is said to be irrational.

        It would be like a doberman antagonizing a mad chihuahua. What is the point? Why not give it a tiny little bone and calm it down?

        And whoever decided that it was right for certain nations to have nuclear weapons and to keep developing more, and for others to not even have nuclear energy because it may lead to the development of nuclear weapons?

        Isn’t this double standard, enforced largely by the US, a form of bullying?

        1. Victor Avatar

          Of course it is, Mewabe, moreover, when in recent times U.S. has in fact, thousands of military bases around the world, launched or intervened in wars everywhere, and has an imperial approach to geopolitical affairs everywhere. Being besides, the only country that has used nuclear weapons against other, but worst, against civillians.

          So, as a writer named Benjamin Schwarz that I quoted said:

          “… the idea that a foreign power’s effort to counter the
          overwhelming strategic supremacy of the United States—a country that
          spends nearly as much on defense as does the rest of the world
          combined—ipso facto imperils America’s security is profoundly misguided.
          Just as Kennedy and his advisers perceived a threat in Soviet efforts
          to offset what was in fact a destabilizing U.S. nuclear hegemony, so
          today, both liberals and conservatives oxymoronically assert that the
          safety of the United States demands that the country must “balance”
          China by maintaining its strategically dominant position in East Asia
          and the western Pacific—that is, in China’s backyard. This means that
          Washington views as a hazard Beijing’s attempts to remedy the weakness
          of its own position, even though policy makers acknowledge that the U.S.
          has a crushing superiority right up to the edge of the Asian mainland.
          America’s posture, however, reveals more about its own ambitions than it
          does about China’s. Imagine that the situation were reversed, and
          China’s air and naval forces were a dominant and potentially menacing
          presence on the coastal shelf of North America. Surely the U.S. would
          want to counteract that preponderance. In a vast part of the globe,
          stretching from the Canadian Arctic to Tierra del Fuego and from
          Greenland to Guam, the U.S. will not tolerate another great power’s
          interference. Certainly America’s security wouldn’t be jeopardized if
          other great powers enjoy their own (and for that matter, smaller)
          spheres of influence.

          This esoteric strategizing—this misplaced obsession with credibility,
          this dangerously expansive concept of what constitutes security—which
          has afflicted both Democratic and Republican administrations, and both
          liberals and conservatives, is the antithesis of statecraft, which
          requires discernment based on power, interest, and circumstance. It is a
          stance toward the world that can easily doom the United States to
          military commitments and interventions in strategically insignificant
          places over intrinsically trivial issues. It is a stance that can
          engender a foreign policy approximating paranoia in an obdurately
          chaotic world abounding in states, personalities, and ideologies that
          are unsavory and uncongenial—but not necessarily mortally hazardous.”

          1. mewabe Avatar

            Perfect! Thanks Victor…

            Yes, America “exceptionalism” is nothing more than a hypocritical stance to justify imperialism (“we are the good guys, so that allows us to bully you because it is for your own good and the good of the world.”)

            And now, the government is using the same strategy on the American population (you are too stupid to know better, too stupid for freedom so we will take many of your rights away because we know better and you don’t.)

      2. mewabe Avatar

        American Special Ops forces are operating in 71 countries…as of today (see AlterNet Article, March 31)…most probably illegally (under the radar) and in violation of international treaties.

        In how many nations are North Korea Special Ops forces operating?

  36. Paul Nyctea Avatar
    Paul Nyctea

    Each side (USA and North Korea) believes itself right and true so no one gets to win.Only through releasing being right do we find a way to co-exist in happiness.

  37. Cynthia Miller Avatar

    Dialogue could be hard if it is a vibrational mismatch. In reading “Power vs. Force” it discusses this. We do not know what traumas this leader has experienced in his childhood or other lifetimes and he has his hand on weapons of mass distruction. Not just love, but self-love would be my recommendation for sending via energy and intention. The color pink represents self-love. They found that even hardened criminals could not be violent after being in the presence of pink for more than 15 minutes. I can be very good at times expressing myself via dialogue. Other times I feel so frightened the words come out wrong and what I am saying is misinterpreted and things escalate. Of course in those moments I am not experiencing the threat of a world war. So when I know I feel frightened to speak with someone, I pray and intend without ever having to speak it. That may be inappropriate and/or weak, but that is what works for me in those moments. It is the love and intention that helps my inner child find its peace.

    1. Iamlife Iam Avatar

      I love your idea. Pink is brightening and maybe these warmongers could do far worse than to wear pink. Love to you

  38. disqus_Mq4DLLfqt4 Avatar

    Wow, that is a tough question. If I were either of these two people, we wouldn’t be in that position because I don’t live that way, I believe we are all one, so I would hug that other person and say you are my soul brother and I love you. But they are are wrapped up in fear. Sad to say the least. I can only control what energy I put out to the world and hope that the more people begin to awaken and create that same energy of love and oneness, that will be enough to cause a shift. I am grateful though to be alive at this time in history because I do believe that shift is occurring.

  39. Josh_Burke Avatar

    Hey Neale, I wonder if this isn’t all just designed to stoke fear. I for one am not putting any energy into it. Whatever appears to be happening through the media and on the surface, there is no doubt much more to the whole thing. North Korea knows they can’t follow through on their threats or it will mean their annihilation. We know any missle they launch we can likely shoot down. But would certain forces want to actually allow a devastating attack to succeed, in order to push through a hidden agenda? It happened on 9/11. That whole event launched 2 wars, the destruction of freedoms in the U.S., killed over a million people, made a lot of military industrial complex insiders rich, and served towards the destruction and collapse of the economies in the U.S. and Europe, allowing the world banking elite to begin moving towards the solution end of their Problem, Reaction, Solution formula, which is more world government, more centralized control, etc etc. And there are still thousands of unanswered questions about the official story, (why building 7 came down for example). If we think we can get our “leaders” to sit down and talk and fix the problem, it’s possible we don’t understand the problem. In any event, I think Brenda is right. Let’s focus on the reality want to create for this world, and continue to choose a higher vibration of consciousness.

    1. Victor Avatar

      I agree Josh: we don´t understand a lot of problems, including those you mention about agendas, and the real ones in charge…

      By the other side, I think that meditating, choosing higher vibrations, etc., is ok, but it could be not enough…

      I think that precisely contributing in helping understand the nature, amplitude, details, and contexts of our problems is crucial. And there is much action needed and possible in that field and many others related.

      Starting conversations about these things everywhere.

      Thanks and greetings

      1. Josh_Burke Avatar

        Hi Victor, good to hear from you. I agree, really. And I realize in my comment I kind of forgot the actual question Neale asked! What would I do if I were in charge…I’d call Kim up and say hey, let’s talk. I don’t want to see us blow each other up, and go from there.

        As citizens and not leaders however, and back to what I said previously, I don’t think that we should fool ourselves into thinking that all our positive thinking and new ageiness is going to get world leaders to stop in their tracks and re-think what they’re doing. But, as thoughts are things, the more we focus on empowering ourselves as creators, and dissolve the programming of fear and control in our own consciousness, and act from that, the better. We have to demand accountability and transparency from our world leaders. We have to demand truth. And we have to wake up to the fact that there are people in power throughout the world who’s agenda it is to keep us unaware of our divinity, our power, and our light, and who literally seek to depopulate the world by billions, and keep everyone who’s left under strict control. What do we do about that? Well, the more people who are who know they are creating their reality with thoughts, words and actions, the fewer people there are who can be controlled through fear and lies.

  40. ian mcloughlin Avatar
    ian mcloughlin

    Neale, Humanity has displayed countless times in recent years that we have not gotten any farther than kindergarten in the last 50,000 years..even things that humanity has co created for humanity as a collective to choose who they are in any given moment related to that experience has been as though we have experienced it individually..the truth is when we start to display that we are one with god and the domino`s start to fall then we are truly masters of our own creation. sitting and talking with north korea is the only way that we are going to benefit as a whole and when we make the move to sit at the table and there is nobody there then we do it again and again and again…that my friend is a demonstration of who we truly are..

    1. Victor Avatar

      Just for precision: Humanity is in this “kindergarten” of violence and separation, more or less since 10.000 years ago… We had very different cultures before…

      Of course I´m not talking about ´lost paradises´, or ´golden ages´, but the idea that all the history of humankind is violent and murderous is not accurate.


      1. mewabe Avatar

        Indeed the most aggressive and deadly of all cultures seem to have come from Europe…Europeans fought each other for many centuries, and after exhausting all of their wealth in these endless and bloody struggles they set out to “conquer” the world in search of more riches, in order to continue these struggles for dominance.

        When the “Holy Roman Empire” was created, the blood baths became God’s will, which was very convenient.

        It’s a disease (the pursuit of dominance) from which no one has yet found a cure.

  41. Jesse Pohoda Avatar
    Jesse Pohoda

    It sounds like someone is standing up to the bully (USA).

    They are right to think they have the same rights as ever other nation that has already created these nuclear weapons and demands that no one else build them for whatever reason.

    If these countries, that already own these destructive weapons really mean what they say by asking other nations to stop creating these, then, those who already own them will dismantle theirs, all of them, to show that it is not wanted in the future.
    As for giving this nation aid when it was asked for, maybe they giver of the aid did not comply with the demands, for example, sending over empty boxes or a box of band aids.

    No wonder they are so mad.

    1. mewabe Avatar

      This is probably irrelevant, but meant to demonstrate that the mentality of the top dog never changes…

      When Native Americans stood up to the Euro-American invader, they were called “hostiles” and “renegades” rather than patriots.

      Today, the leaders of those nations that disagree with US foreign policies are called “evil” or “dictators” (as was Chavez and as is the Iranian president), even when all they seek to do is to separate themselves from US domination and chart their own course, as are meant to do all Sovereign nations.

      However the Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein, Manual Noriega, Pinochet and others were not called evil by the US administration, although they were all as bloody and dangerous a dictator as they come, as long as they acted in line with US interests.

      China’s brutally repressive regime (take a look at Tibet) is not called “evil” by the US government because China lets US corporations exploit Chinese slave labor on its soil, so it is considered “progressive” and moving towards freedom.

      How upside down, Orwellian is that?

      1. Erin Avatar

        Amazing in-sight. 🙂
        And We, as nations support this stuff, not by Our voting as much as Our consumerism, which feeds their continuance…personal observe, of course. On the North American end…Are there Native tribes that specialize in food production, clothing lines, & building ways, that can be made more available as alternative to Corp. World offerings? Are there organizations in place that accept involvement, whether financial or physical, with such processes…Would ‘crossing the lines’ be welcomed?
        I ask you these questions because I resect you as a means of personal knowing…an inside Source, so to speak. I Am not Euro-American, btw…I Am simply North American, unsatisfied with present Americanized ways, including the continuance of separations within Our bounds. We live on an Amazing plot of Earth, no doubt, but if I was given options to above’s offerings, could support a wiser beingness whole-ly, I See investment well placed. Would not economic merging bring All the prosperity & Freedom We seek? Would that wiser beingness merged not be beneficial to All in effect & by example?
        Thanks. 🙂

        1. mewabe Avatar

          Thanks Erin…yes we all support the abuse of the earth and of some people through consumerism…buying stuff we don’t actually need, stuff that has nothing to do with actual human needs, and often gets in the way of their fulfillment (such as television that end communication within a family, such as video games and the internet that prevent children from being physical and from being directly, humanly interactive with each other).

          There is a video, Standing Silent Nation, worth watching: the story of a Native family (Lakota) that strove to be financially independent by growing hemp, for industrial and food purposes.

          Unfortunately our intellectually challenged (and honesty challenged) governmental bureaucracies refuses to tell the different between hemp meant for industrial (such as clothes and plastics) or food use (such as oil or protein powder) and marijuana meant as a recreational drug.

          Yet the same US government allows products made with hemp (clothes, oil, protein powder, etc) to be imported to this country from other places whose government is not so incredibly obtuse.

          Other tribes attempted to save the buffalo the National Park Service “manages” with bullets each year around Yellowstone…to let them live on their reservations.

          But the government once again proves that it would rather kill thousands of buffaloes needlessly than let Native people have them…old hatred apparently do not die easily in the good old US of A (one only has to look at the comments on YouTube relating to Native issues to understand that).

          The Native people’s hands are tied by the BIA, they are still considered wards of the government and lacking the ability to direct their own affairs, and are made to ask permission to do anything that remotely resemble free enterprise…except when an outside corporation comes in to mine their land or take their timber or water, at which point they are made, by a puppet local Tribal Council controlled by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), to submit to being treated the exact same way the third world is treated by the same corporations, which means raped.

          The third world exist in America…it is called an Indian reservation. It has everything the third world has: extreme poverty, unemployment, very low life expectancy, violence, puppet governments (Tribal Councils controlled by the BIA, which is under the Department of the Interior), and resources the government wants to get its hands on (Uranium, coal, etc etc).

          And yes, we all support all of this through consumerism. We support it because Americans DO NOT WANT to look at this reality, because it’s uncomfortable, it makes them feel guilty. And who wants to feel guilty when you can instead live with the illusion that you can have it all and no one is suffering as a result of our greed?

          That’s the same reason Americans do not want to take a serious look at America’s foreign policy, particularly about resources wars, which will be the wars of the 21rst century…because they know they would see things they do not want to see, so they prefer to ignore it and to choose government and media propaganda.

      2. Victor Avatar

        Yes, the world upside down, as the uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano says in its homonym book.

    2. Victor Avatar

      Dear Neale, I want to remember that it was you who wrote in Conversations with God book 2, that the UN was “ineffective and impotent”. Well, it was God transcribed by you…

      I don’t know if it would be too obvious to explain why…

      Among other reasons, the UN is ineffective, impotent, unefficient, and almost inoperative, because it only serves the interests of the powerful. Above all, of course de U.S.; who could deny that? There is no way that if the +192 countries of the UN Assembly vote anything that contravenes US interests, or by the way, the NATO interests -which is just a servant of U:S.-., US will use its veto powers to discard it, or, as it is usual, completely ignore it, as happened with the intervention-destruction of Iraq, one of the few U.N. resolutions that contravened U.S. dictations.

      By the other hand, you also know very well, as repeteadly is stated in CWG books, that without observing History, without understanding the most completely possible what happened before and why, you end repeating again the same mistakes.

      Why North Korea is behaving as a “mad dog”? Remember that U:S. launched a war against it in the 50’s, continued after it with the Cold War Policies that isolated it more and more. North Korea had to learn by the ‘bad ways’, as in its proper case, but also, looking around: Indochina (a little later Vietnam), Cambodia, China, Germany, Cuba (and particularly the Missile Crisis after the Bahia de Cochinos plot), Chile, etc., that you couldn’t count on “conversations”, or “talks”, or the UN, if you wanted to be sovereign, or just survive, if you were a communist and ‘evil’ country, isolated, menaced, threatened, surrounded, and blockaded in every way. If the world is a it is and as it was, and the only respected ‘words’ are power and force, a ‘language’ particularly widely used by U.S. and its accolits, well, you also had to show big teeths if you wanted to be respected… And to sharpen and growing and augmenting those teeths the most possible. No matter if that makes you continue being called ‘evil’… You were that already, so, it doesn’t matter… No matter if that puts you in the risk of war, you were in that risk already, so, it doesn’t matter…

      And if the unique perceived reason that you understand that, in big difference with other countries intervened and destroyed by U.S. and its NATO allies, you have not been destroyed yet, is that you own nuclear weapons, as everybody around you owns them… No matter how many moral or legal allegations be made, if they are violated and discarded for your enemies in the first place…

      So, this is not a ‘defense’ of North Korea, but just an understanding that if you corral a ferocious dog, more ferocious it will be…

  42. Open Heart Avatar

    Hi all, my opinion is that if we could feel the love for ourselves and all life and then radiate it out, envisioning a world were people are open to dialogue and communication, well, unexpected miracles can happen.- After all politicians are people, and they will be touched be your energies and thoughts. If you radiate out fear, it won’t get any better. That’s my spiritual answer to your question.

    1. Iamlife Iam Avatar

      I love what you wrote. I just do. If we can’t be God, Goddess by creating a newness by what we are being, what are we being? It can’t be God. God creates with thought, love, energy, power, light. We are that, when we are being what we know ourselves to be. Thank you for that lovely thought. We are God’s thought of love here now to create the miracle ourself, our Big Self, that is. Love to you.

  43. mewabe Avatar

    Why was the link about the missile crisis in Victor’s comment removed?
    Just curious…as I do not see any justification in removing this link for The Atlantic article.

    1. Victor Avatar

      Yes, It is very curious…

      Anyway, the Atlantic article name is “The Real Cuban Missile Crisis”

    2. Lisa McCormack Avatar

      Dear Mewabe…a minor glitch in our new system led to a conversation around posting external links and whether or not to continue to allow them within comments. While some of the links posted here are informative and benign, we find that not always to be the case, which has led to our decision to begin redacting them. It is also our desire to keep our visitors on our website, engaged in the conversations and interactions taking place here, rather than redirect them to someone else’s website of which we have no control over the appropriateness of. It is our intention to provide everyone the opportunity to share what is most important: your thoughts and your words. Thank you for being here!

      1. mewabe Avatar

        Thank you for the explanation Lisa…I thought the article was very informative and benign, being pure journalism as it actually should be practiced by more professionals, but I understand and respect the decision you made.

      2. Victor Avatar

        Thank you Lisa for your answer…

        I supposed from the previous version ot this site that links were not
        too well welcomed. In the previous site you could put just one link,
        but if you put more than one, it appeared as “waiting for approval”. As I
        noted that some links of YouTube were permitted in this new version, I
        thought that that policy continued… But I see this is not the case…

        I agree that we must maintain the subjects in the topic and not
        deviate unnecessarily to others or other websites, but sometimes a note,
        a reference, an examination, some data, some pertinent information is
        absolutely relevant or necessary to understand some point. As in this
        topic that is so complex in historic contextualization. Without this
        contextualization, we keep only scratching a tiny surface, and being too
        superficial in the understanding.

        I think that it is preferible to put a link that shortens the space,
        and makes optional for the reader to go deeper in the examination, than
        to put longer quotations in the same text.

        In the case here, I agree with Mewabe, the information in the link is
        absolutely relevant, pertinent, and enrichs the perspective of this

        I’d suggest that you and the webmasters find a way for allowing
        important references could be made. I appreciate the many advances in
        this new version of this website, and I think that it would be very
        beneficial to include the possibility of appropiate references.

        Thanks and blessings

        1. Lisa McCormack Avatar

          Thank you for your feedback, Victor. As we transition into this new system, we are carefully evaluating all of the options. Your suggestions will be included in our considerations and decision-making as we move forward. Many Blessings….Lisa McCormack

  44. Jeannette Avatar

    Does talk really help? I don’t know. For decades politicians are talking about peace and in the background, they keep on investing billions of dollars into exploration of new weapons, which can kill more and more people at once. What is the sence of that????? I do not understand it. This way we will never solve the problems. We have to chance our minds completly:call me naive, but one vision I have is to lay down, rather destroy the weapons. all of them. If we show us vulnerable, if we show that we are willing to die, rather than to kill any other person, then a new conversation might be possible. this is my vision. and I pray for courage, for courage to go the way of love, like Mahatma Gandhi, or Jesus, love is stronger than fear, but love needs more courage, much more… (sorry for my english, is not my native language, I hope you understand what I want to say).. One of my favorite proverbs when I was a adolescent: “Imagine there is war and nobody is going (or joining?)…” This came back to my mind a few month ago, and I must say, WOW, that’s exactly it, isn’t? (but at these times, they don’t even need people to make war, they just press the button, so that proverb doesn’t work anymore…). There is one thing I do: pray pray pray. God help us, please!!!!!

  45. Claude Leruitte Avatar
    Claude Leruitte

    you cannot teach spirituality (love) to a mad dog. it is just like telling Hitler to embrace humanity. That guy in Korea is sick and suicidal and just like the Nazis he unleashes catastrophic manifestation for him and his people .

    1. Victor Avatar

      As I said in other comment:

      Why North Korea is behaving as a “mad dog”? Simply, because it has
      been treated as a mad dog, and reinforced that. As simple and as
      unfortunate as it is.

      Remember that U:S. launched a war against it in the 50’s, continued
      after it with the Cold War Policies that isolated it more and more.
      North Korea had to learn by the ‘bad ways’, as in its proper case, but
      also, looking around: Indochina (a little later Vietnam), Cambodia,
      China, Germany (Berlin), Cuba (and particularly the Missile Crisis after
      the Bahia de Cochinos plot), Chile, etc., that you couldn’t count on
      “conversations”, or “talks”, or the UN, if you wanted to be sovereign,
      or just survive, if you were a communist and ‘evil’ country, isolated,
      menaced, threatened, surrounded, and blockaded in every way. If the
      world is a it is and as it was, and the only respected ‘words’ are power
      and force, a ‘language’ particularly widely used by U.S. and its
      acolytes, well, you also had to show big teeths if you wanted to be
      respected… And to sharpen and growing and augmenting those teeths the
      most possible. No matter if that makes you continue being called
      ‘evil’… You were that already, so, it doesn’t matter… No matter if
      that puts you in the risk of war, you were in that risk already, so, it
      doesn’t matter…

      And if the unique perceived reason that you understand that, in big
      difference with other countries intervened and destroyed by U.S. and its
      NATO allies, you have not been destroyed yet, is that you own nuclear
      weapons, as everybody around you owns them… No matter how many moral
      or legal allegations be made, if they are violated and discarded for
      your enemies in the first place…

      So, this is not a ‘defense’ of North Korea, but just an understanding
      that if you corral a ferocious dog, more ferocious it will be…

      1. Michael L Avatar
        Michael L

        “Remember that U.S. launched a war against it in the 50’s”

        You usually have your fact more secure then on this topic. The UN came to the aid of South Korea after the north invaded it. And only because the Chinese sided with the north and attacked did a truce come about. And North Korea is alive at all because China deems it so.

        1. Victor Avatar

          Yes, yes; the story of the disinterested and unselfish U.S. that comes to the ´aid´ of…

          The good guys that went to Vietnam to the aid of the South Vietnam, because they¨re good guys… The good guys that bombed and invaded Panama, or Grenada, or etc., in the name of honorable intentions…

          The good guys that have to have thousands of military bases around the world just in the name of ´aid´; nothing else, please don´t we mention anything about imperialism or hegemony…


          1. Michael L Avatar
            Michael L

            Gee all you had to say was thank you Mike for correcting me, Ill check my facts more closely next time!!!!!

          2. Victor Avatar

            Thank you Mike… Yes, yes; close facts are that U.S. intervened in an internal conflict around 5000 miles away, just for ‘aid’ reasons… Very accurate facts…

          3. Michael L Avatar
            Michael L

            Thanks for you opinion Victor.

            Now I see, you believe the UN is the US, got it,,, makes sense Now.

          4. Victor Avatar

            My friend Mike, I won´t continue in a merry-go -round with you. In my criteria, I was specific and clear enough about what occurs with the UN. If you want to twist my words, ok, it´s your choice.

        2. Victor Avatar

          If you didn´t read the quote of the journalist Benjamin Schwarz, I suggest you read it. A resume:

          “… the idea that a foreign power’s effort to counter the
          overwhelming strategic supremacy of the United States—a country that
          spends nearly as much on defense as does the rest of the world
          combined—ipso facto imperils America’s security is profoundly misguided.

          (… )

          Imagine that the situation were reversed, and
          China’s air and naval forces were a dominant and potentially menacing
          presence on the coastal shelf of North America. Surely the U.S. would
          want to counteract that preponderance.


          This esoteric strategizing—this misplaced obsession with credibility,
          this dangerously expansive concept of what constitutes security—which
          has afflicted both Democratic and Republican administrations, and both
          liberals and conservatives, is the antithesis of statecraft, which
          requires discernment based on power, interest, and circumstance. It is a
          stance toward the world that can easily doom the United States to
          military commitments and interventions in strategically insignificant
          places over intrinsically trivial issues. It is a stance that can
          engender a foreign policy approximating paranoia in an obdurately
          chaotic world abounding in states, personalities, and ideologies that
          are unsavory and uncongenial—but not necessarily mortally hazardous.”

  46. Phoenix Huege de Serville Avatar
    Phoenix Huege de Serville

    If I was the president of the United States I would Listen, listen, listen. I would seek to understand the wound, the conflict, the misunderstanding. I would take a long time to listen, I would extend the hand of peace and ensure my message to seek a peaceful resolution was understood. I would stand as a leader not just for the United States but for the world, for the good of the whole. I would understand the world was watching and my actions would have impact on all beings for many generations. I would attempt to walk in the shoes of the other until I began to understand what is the real issue. I would offer the hand of support as a true friend who sought to heal a conflict. I would see in the Korean leaders eyes the eyes of my own children, I would talk when he was willing to listen, I would be kind, gentle yet firm. I would ask a lot of questions to seek greater understanding. I would use everything I have learned that was within my power to seek peace and if I felt I could not….then I would send someone who could. I would look back at history to see what happens when I allow my ego to lead me and my nation, when I listen to other egos surrounding me who have been blinded by personal agendas, I would continue to ask great spirit for the courage to face it all.

    Phoenix Western Australia.

  47. Michael L Avatar
    Michael L

    I’m waiting for the book on the insides of this administration. It is going to make Watergate’s shocking story, a nursery rhyme.

  48. 장대섭(Jang, Daesub) Avatar

    Thanks a lot, Neale. North Korea threatens quite often. Their real purpose is to maintain dictatorship. Here in Seoul, South Korean people are doing their ordinary works. Quite many people are cynical about the threats. Who gains from such tension? I am telling my friends to focus on them.

    1. IYD Avatar

      이란 – 북한 – 한국 지역이 제3차 세계대전 무대로 점찍힌 마당에, 닐이 신나이 신의 인도 아래에 잘 처신하고 있습니다. 닐은 역사적으로 유명한 수동적인 평화주의로 무고한 시민 수천만면의 죽음을 초래한 막연한 평화주의자와는 다르게 처신하고 있다고 봅니다. 과거 전쟁성 장관 스팀슨은 2차 대전 이전 일본의 동향에 대한 사전경고를 무는 개는 짓지 않는다는 식으로 ‘무시’했는데 그것은 의식구조상 비슷하게 네빌챔벌린이 보여준 현실 검증력 결핍으로 야기된 것과 비슷한 사건이었습니다. 챔벌린은 히틀러를 만난 뒤 ‘우리 시대의 평화’라는 구호를 들고 영국에 돌아왔는데, 검은정부의 히틀러는 이러한 그의 ‘우둔함’을 조소했습니다.

      2차 대전과 기타의 전쟁들(이라크 전쟁을 포함하는)에서 선행하는 사건은 거의 똑같습니다. 즉, 과대망상광 지도자는 자국민에게 호전성을 갖도록 선전하는 반면, 희생양으로 점 찍힌 상대는 결함 있는 지성, 순진한 외교적 무능함, 그리고 “우리가 저들에게 잘해 준다면, 저들도 우리에게 잘해 줄 것.”이라는 시적인 공상과 더불어 부정으로 들어갑니다. 사실상, 과대한 ‘마초’ 독재자는 그러한 나약하고 ‘여성적’인 ‘겁먹은’ 위치를 경멸하는데, 실제로 그러한 김정은씨 같은 의식구조는 원시적인 포식자/먹이 본능의 동물 뇌 반응으로 더욱 달아올라 공격에 돌입하게 됩니다.

      유명한 정신과 의사 스캇 펙은 그의 저서 ‘거짓말하는 사람들’을 통해 “세상에는 사랑, 온전성, 평화, 진실을 미워하는 사람들로 가득한데, 사실상 그런 것들은 그들의 분노에 불을 지른다.” 고 명확하게 관찰하여 밝혀놓기도 했습니다. 그곳(북한)을 밝게 비춘다는 것이 이미지적인 영성적 해결책이어서는 곤란해집니다. 실제 상황과 그 상황 속의 심각한 문제를 처리해야 하는 것은 결국 ‘빈틈없는’ 하지만 윤리적이고 실용적 현실주의자인 실행가라는 서글픈 논평이 나옵니다. 닐은 거짓된 평화주의가 아닌 실행적 영적원칙들을 찾고 있는 것이구요. 실행가들은 어떠한 행동을 요구받든 간에 그 다음에 정치적 공격을 받게 되어있기에 그 점이 안타깝지만요. 현실적으로는 강원도나 경기도에 국지전이 발생할 가능성이 큽니다. 남한도 아래의 선택을 내려야할 상황에 맞닥뜨리게 될 겁니다.

      솔직히 지난 20년 동안 강권력 말고
      악한 사람들을 신속하고 영향력 있게 통제하는
      다른 방법이 있다는 얘기는 어디서도 들어 보지 못했다.

      그들은 부드러운 친절에도 반응할 줄 모르고
      내게 익숙한 방법인 영적인 설득에도 반응할 줄 모른다.

      -『거짓의 사람들』 121p

      1. IYD Avatar

        ↑ Writer is IYD. It’s me.

  49. Steve Kostov Avatar

    How wonderful to have a gathering place to collaborate new, fresh ideas with Beings recreating themselves anew, thus shaping Humanity’s New Cultural Story by healing wounds created by the Old Ways of Doing and by eliminating Suffering one fresh breath at a time. Thank you Neale, and everyone involved. Thank you for helping shift humanity towards a time-line of experiential oneness, expanded comprehension, true enlightenment, Love, Knowingness and Bliss.

    Speaking of rockets, I find myself in a peculiar position, having been on both sides of the fence, raised under communism, having gone through “experimental” programs as a child and teenager in a school named after the first man in space, then having served in a former Eastern Block Red Army Artillery unit in the 80’s, mastering an endless exercise drill of firing rockets, pointed at where I live today in the West, even went to a higher educational institution named after the father of communism himself, where studying his grandest works such as “The Capital” was our bible at the time…, all that – made the core spiritual message of today, “We are all One”, easier to absorb by realizing it through experiencing our differences, ironically enough. Ironically enough, indeed. By witnessing first hand humans trying to do the best they can, given their model of the world, at any given time, from their level of consciousness. No one is ever truly “mad”, if you stand next to them and see what they see. The diversity of Life had to include differences in points of view as well, how could it not? Life looks at itself through all the vantage points and perspectives our eyes combined can conjure. Then creates some more. Or as Neale would elegantly articulate it: “Life is a process, which informs Life about Life, through the process of Life itself”.

    I see three questions asked. Starting with the first: What would New Spirituality principles call for in this situation? As a vibrant co-creator of our new reality and our New Earth, I see the current moment as follows: What a magnificent moment this opportunity is. This is the time where the mirror in our faces reflects who we really are at this moment in “time”. It reflects it back with such tenacity. Such persist-ency. Such clarity. Such truth… New spirituality taught us: We are looking in the mirror. Not out the window. This is who we are and what we have created individually, and this is who we are and what we have “called forth” collectively. This is the time-line we have placed ourselves on. This is the current “motion picture” reel rolling. This is the “now playing” situation. It is up to us now to decide, choose, declare, demonstrate and call forth what the “coming attractions” will be. We now are making the next grandest movie of our lives. What would it be? Which theater would you walk into next? There are many tracks playing at the same time. We can only “experience” one at the time. Would we choose the sequel? We are good at it. Then we can complain it was not as good as the first, so we make “sequel 3” and “5” and so on. Then nothing changes. No-thing.

    This is not about “defusing” another explosive situation. It is about defusing the ticking-devise within. The devise responsible for having us “choose” the most violent, the most destructive, the most filled with conflict and explosions movie most of the time we visit an actual theater. The seed within us that has conditioned our conflict ridden minds to gravitate towards one thing, while claiming we stand for and choose the other…

    So here we are. We have made it. We once again are face to face with the “beast” in the mirror. If we thought Hitler was a “problem child”, these new kids on the block today are playing with weapons of mass destruction. What to do, what to do…? I have an idea. Point a finger at the mirror. Oh, it pointed back. Wag a finger. It wagged back at us. Well lets scold it. Bark at it. Try to scare it, intimidate into submission. How defiant. It keeps mimicking us. Its mocking us. Lets use the reactive part of our brains again. The one we always rely on in such situations, because it has worked so well for us. Flex a muscle and demonstrate we can smash and break that mirror into pieces at will… Wait a second. What happens to “us” if we do that?… Would we see ourselves again without that mirror. It’s the only “reality” we seem to experience. Were we arguing with ourselves in there? Is that what a self destruction means? Are those weapons of “mass” destruction actually weapons of “self” destruction?

    The ticking bomb is not out there, it is within ourselves. Defusing that defuses everything. No, dynamite, no matches, kids can now play safely. The timer within determines the timer without. The ticking clock within you says when time is up. For you. And those populating your reality, generating the same vibrational frequency. Can we believe that? Do we even know that? Or all that we gathered from all that “new spirituality business” was: Love is everything. Love is all you need. Well, heck, the “Beatles” told us that few decades ago, we used to sing it. So what happened? Why did it not work? Could it be we did not really get it. Did we apply it with the broadest brush we could ever find in the vaguest way we could ever define it with?

    Neale’s messages taught us that “…you can not heal that which you do not hold”. Have not acknowledged within yourself. Then “you can not show another a part of you that you can not show yourself”, he said. But lets forget for a moment who said it. Placing a name next to it, personalizes it. Challenges the unawakened Ego, if you happen to oppose that man in general. He distanced himself from it by becoming a messenger. Someone else said it. So don’t kill the messenger. Rather, ask yourself, do these and all other messages resonate with you? Do they ring true… for you? Let me try this again. For…you. Not what the TV told you. Not what the old cultural story recorded on those worn out, overplayed, scratched, distorted quality old gramophone records keeps echoing. What is true for you? Now. Today. The old ties are too strong? The CWG messages related to us that “change is an instant moment thing”. New Life, New Beginning, New You starts…when You say it does. I say, now. Simply because Now is all there is. Now is all we have. Now is all we can choose.

    Practicality and Steps to Take (given the assumption you are at least familiar with New Spirituality principles as more than general statements about love):

    First: “See the other in yourself, and yourself in the other”. Employ and apply the “We are All One” message in the best way you can, from your current state of Consciousness development. Then the more you stay at it, the higher and faster the expansion of your comprehension. What does that do? Seeing the Korean leader as yourself, eliminates duality, finger pointing, name calling and the illusion of separation. Once you see others as yourself or part of your Self, incredibly simple answers and solutions spring into being with ease, where before were nothing but dead-ends, because we always seem to know the answers when it comes to the Self, don’t we. Now all we have to do is include the “others” in the Self, before we create an answer or strategy. But beware, that technique may fix other world problems as well, so be ready to accept that. As Neale had related what the unspoken truth reveals to us: “Oneness is not a characteristic of life…life is a characteristic of Oneness.”

    As a weird point of reference: One of the most ironical facts about life in my view is that humans have figured out how to apply the “All is One” principle on a fragmented scale, when it comes to efficiently killing each other, but not for preserving and sustaining life. A highly effective military unit uses statements as “a unit is only as strong as its weakest link”, a single soldier can compromise the whole by being so interconnected with the rest of the unit, and disobeying a direct order in combat is punishable by death on the spot by your superior officer, no further questions asked (at least communism operated that way). That is how well humans have understood that principle and how harshly they protect it, when it comes to killing the “other”.

    Second: If step One did not already do that, then you consciously eliminate Judgment. Remember: In the end it is not what’s “right” and “wrong”, but as the CWG material suggested, about what works and what doesn’t, given what it is we are saying we want for ourselves and trying to achieve for the Self and the World (though at this point one of these words should be redundant). We already granted ourselves the taxing luxury of trying what does not work through centuries of “madness”, without managing to wipe ourselves out completely in the process. Now, we have the means to do that wiping-out with incredible ease. We no longer have to drive metal blades through our hearts on the old-school battle fields, one human being at a time. Now we push buttons to eliminate entire cities, speaking of children playing with matches in a dynamite filled room. What does removing Judgment do? It eliminates the need to be “right” by making the “others” “wrong” while coming from a subjective “righteousness” POV. Now, what is “right” becomes what is good and beneficial for ALL involved. It creates complete, self-sustainable solutions, not “compromises”. It removes the “me-first-ism” Neale tried to relate to us so well, yet we seem to have managed to circumvent it. Beware, we are very, very good at manufacturing evidence to support our own convictions. Self Awareness is the key. Eliminating judgment includes not judging yourself as well.

    Third: Having removed the “me-first-ism” from the equation, apply your understanding of Personal Creation full force. Remembering Neale’s messages that “The purpose of life and of Personal Creation is to bring you – and every human being on earth – the grandest experience of who you are…thus to advance the evolution of the soul. Both the individual soul and the One Soul That Is.” Do not worry about Doing. As Neale and others have explained so well, the Doing should spring from the Being in its own accord. So simply Be. Be what? Be that change. Be that vision of the New Earth. Be that light. Be the light that shines on everything you think, say and do. Understand what “The Multiplier Effect” is from Neale’s body of work, so that you can use the creative Energy effortlessly and efficiently, as his messages state that “the energy that creates the solution must be equal to the energy that creates the problem”, as well as “you can not solve a problem using the same energy that created it. … It must be a different kind of energy, but it must be of the same intensity.”

    Fourth: Regardless the output and the way you generate that energy, be it meditation, positive thinking, old-fashioned prayer, new age love – regardless the tools you use, make sure you gather an in-depth understanding of how they work, or they can backfire when you least expect it. Example: The law of attraction – LOA term radiates negative connotation lately as it created a wave of selfishness and me-first-ism that in my view contributed to the “separation pathology” we employ, thus increased problems in the world, rather than solve them. This is where Neale’s material shines on the subject on “attraction”, so make sure you look at his other books, besides the CWG trilogy, though the basics always remain.

    Steps Not to Take:

    Focusing on the issue at hand in a fearful, euphoric manner, seeking emotional reactiveness from others containing worrisome and panicky vibrations. In other words, the way news stations report anything at all. “If it bleeds it leads” approaches only contribute to problems by perpetuating Fear. Fear activates the reactive brain. Then we lash out at the perceived problems by creating stiff opposition and resistance. Remember Neale’s messages on that issue: “Do not oppose, compose.” And “what you resist, persists. That is because, by your continued attention to it in a negative way , you continue to place it there. You can not resist something that is not there. When you resist something, you place it there. By focusing angry or frustrated energy on it, you actually give it more life.” Priceless words, no one seems to notice them much, in my view.

    A personal note on Energy:

    As a young communist soldier back in the day, serving due to a mandatory military draft, going through what felt like endless years of sleep deprivation training while handling life-taking equipment, I held a deep resentment towards the “west” for having me go through this ordeal because of its threat and agenda to eliminate our way of life at the time. We believed it in our hearts. That was our truth. That was what we knew and experienced to be true for us. What that means is that I, as millions of others, held a vibration, a negative energy at a high intensity rate, contributing to the pollution of the collective Consciousness, thus contributing to and ensuring the sustaining of the then current world problems, the Cold War and all its tribulations.

    North Korea is calling itself The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. What does that tell you? In my experience, most of the human beings there truly believe they live in a Democratic environment. That makes the Energy they generate pure, authentic and strong. So if we are to match that energy in quality and intensity, it can not be from a condescending stand point.

    So educate yourself on the facts we are given regarding the North Korean situation, without having to agree or disagree, or take a “for” or “against” position. See their POV, without having to understand it or rationalize it. Then embrace the concept of those fellow human beings on the “other” side judgment free, labeling free, hold that concept in order to bring healing qualities to the energy you will use to create a solution. Do not hold those images from a superior standpoint, or a “big brother” POV as if we see and get things they do not, as I may assure you they see things we do not as well. Who sees and knows what is irrelevant when we are embracing Humanity, for each of us is but a tiny part of the whole. No one sees all. Not from down here. Remember Neale’s words: “If you see yourself the way God sees you, you will smile a lot”..

    Quickly on the second question. What would I do if I am the North Korean leader? Given what I know today, I would do what Mikhail Gorbachov did to gradually reform and end the Communist monopoly of power and led to the break-up of the Soviet Union in the best win-win possible scenario given the situation at hand, and releasing the “buffer zone” of eastern European countries (which I was born in one) protecting the Russian front, by freeing them from Russian rule, reunifying East and West Germany at the time. I would unify North an South Korea using the model and the same tactics, most of which indeed remain unknown. Only an insider of a dictatorship like the Korean leader understands the complex web and rabbit holes of such a system, only such leader will know the best work around on these matters. Gorbachov did it without shedding a drop of blood, by understanding new spirituality principles and integrating them to work with people who do not. The Nobel Peace Prize he received could not even begin to describe the colossal achievement of such mastery. At no other time in the history of the world has a strong dictatorial party in power given their power away by stepping down without a shot fired, without a so called “revolution”. Like an immaculate chess player Gorbachov gradually collapsed an empire one piece at a time, then like a true master, quietly disappeared leaving the other alpha dogs of the world to imagine and claim that they exhausted Communism via their strong economies and brought it to its knees by shouting at the Berlin wall: “Mister Gorbachov, bring down this wall!”…

    So if it has been done ones, it is possible again.

    Briefly on the third question. What would I do if I was the President of the United States? Honestly, I can say what I would intend to do, but I do know that, ironically a dictator has more control over what he does, simply because he does the dictating, but a president in a western democratic society would instantly find himself with his hands tied behind his back the moment he arrives in office. And that is alright. Better than dictating. Because society is structured in such a non-new-agey way, complex politics, intrigues and strategies are being employed within the system to achieve anything, so I would not know what I would be able to do. However, what I will try to do is find a work-around for communication, no matter what. That may include behind closed doors or secret privilege meetings with the other side, not to say behind peoples back, but in-line with already established current ways. What I will NOT do is what the current president is not doing as well. Flex more muscles, harden the other side by counter threats or anything our previous administration would have and has done in the past. Dispatching a couple of B2 bombers may have been to keep our loose mouths shut on this side, as to not say he is not doing anything at all to protect his “own”, rather than intimidate the other side, we do not know. I should say, I do not know. What I do know is that no matter how free a society is, there is a limit to transparency as of current state of affairs, and there is always more to things than meets the eye. Or less. Either way, we only see an overall picture.

    I am truly not worried, not because I am an awakening new ager now and I’m “supposed” to say that, but because I do not believe anyone is truly mad, and I choose to not place myself on a time-line of destruction. I keep my energy vibrating at a frequency that ensures I experience the reality of these statements, thus gravitating towards those of you emanating like energies. I invite you all to join that new “motion picture” we are all co-creating.

    Don’t forget the popcorn.


    1. Inger Lise Karlsen Avatar
      Inger Lise Karlsen

      …Absolutely fantastic of what you have told Steve. I`m breath-taken. You have experienced it all from “the inside- and the outside.” Speaking words of wisdom, that`s for sure.

      And I have read through of what our dear S.Korean friend have told as well. Never underestimate the Far East Citizens….It is a proverb up here on the North-Pole.

      Thanks a lot to IYD as well…The wisdom in use.

    2. Iamlife Iam Avatar

      Thank you. What love is present in all your write. Life, Love, we are that. We are. We just are.
      Love, Michelle

  50. mewabe Avatar

    At the strictly practical, dollars level…the latest tally for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars is between 4 to 6 trillion dollars (from Democracy Now).

    An astronomical figure that the US will take many decades to pay.

    Let’s pile up another war on top of that, against either Iran or North Korea (or both?). Let’s do as the Roman Empire did before it fell apart: overextend ourselves in military adventures that cannot be sustained. What a bright idea!

    Better yet, let’s make war permanent (oh…they already have thought of that one). Let’s make war our main export…our prime industry (yes, weapons are about the only industrial product left that is made in the USA today…WHAT A GREAT CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORLD!!!).

    Then let’s bring the war on American soil.

    Darn…they thought of that one too!…arming the Department of Homeland Security with 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition, some of it hollow point forbidden by international law for use in war, and enough for the DHS to wage a 20 years war on American soil (Forbes magazine), giving the DHS heavily armored personal carriers repatriated from Iraq and Afghanistan to use in American streets (Forbes magazine), militarizing the police, giving themselves the legal means to arrest or assassinate any American citizens without due process, and implementing the agenda of Total Surveillance on the US population, monitoring every email, phone call, and including the use of domestic drones.

    We apparently have a severely, SEVERELY paranoid government that takes the following sentence completely literally: “we have met the enemy and he is us”. Should we start entertaining the idea that perhaps the time has come to offer them free psychological counselling?

    Seriously, they say that North Korea is “irrational” ???????

    And no, it’s not Obama…any other puppet would have done the same, as the Democrats and Republicans are in total agreement over only ONE issue (don’t you find this quite intriguing?): the rapid implementation of what in any other nation and at any other historical time would be appropriately called a police state (if it smells, looks, sounds and flies like a police state, it must be a police state).

  51. Iamlife Iam Avatar

    War is not life. If this is the best mankind can do in life, man is impotent in life. God did not conceive man, in order to destroy man.

  52. Victor Avatar

    As both south korean friends have told right here, and the posts by Josh and Mewabe suggest, North Korea threatens quite often, korean people are occupied in their ordinary business, and are cynical about the threats, and nobody of the north korean leaders could be so crazy or stupid to not know that any misile war would dissapear them from the map.

    So, the question is, as in any intrigue, ¿”Qui bono”?; who benefits from the crisis, or from stimulating the crisis…? That´s a major question not too hard to answer… As our korean friend said: “Who gains from such tension?”

    By the other side, the other relevant question is: how can this tension be dissactivated, or diminished to ´tolerable´, non mortally hazardous levels?

    I think that this crisis in particular, -particular because involves nuclear weapons that would lead to zero-zero results-, force humanity, would have to make people everywhere stand up and reclaim some kind of good sense, good judgment, to make that everybody in ´both´sides concede something, give up on something.

    Just like the cuban missiles crisis, the USSR and the US had to to make a deal, even if it was a secret one. Communication was key -primitive communications, by the way…-, and a rejection of all kind of provocations.

    This case has strong differences but a common ground. In the end, if this is not a competence for whom shouts louder, or has the bigger stick, but just bluffing; if this is not the case, then conversations have to be made, and one of the major topics would have to be: ´why some countries can develop and store nuclear weapons, and why others not´, if you want a deal, both have to give up on something…

    Ultimately it could be a good opportunity, for a good step towards honest and common sense conversations about the relevance of nuclear weapons. But this seems to be too much for the ´men in power¨… Some even don´t want any type of conversation to be mentioned… Based in the ´logic´ of: “if we talk, we´re showing weakness”…

    So, the other power in stake here is the people. Peoples of the world through public oppinion, manifestations, and if you want also; meditations, prayers, focused energy… In huge amounts… But again, only a deep understanding and awareness of the complex variables and aspects implicated here, can make the ´miracle´…

    Understanding and Awareness is key.

    1. Michael L Avatar
      Michael L

      Bring in China and now were talking.

      1. Victor Avatar

        I brought in China already.

    2. Iamlife Iam Avatar

      Thank you, Victor. What grand insight. Love to you,

      1. Victor Avatar

        Thank you Michelle… I’m writing a new comment now.

        Love to you too…

        1. Iamlife Iam Avatar

          thank you, Victor. I look forward to reading it 🙂

  53. scott Avatar

    What would I do if I were the President of the USA ?

    I would have a chat of course. At the first oppourtunity availible. What is there to be afraid of anyway ?

    What would I do if I were the leader of the DPRK ?

    Well, if I was leading the DPRK there wouldn’t be a crisis, there would be unity, so this is not a relevant question.

    What does the “New Spirituality” call for in this situation ?

    An understanding that there are no “others”. That interacting with other people is simply looking into a mirror & seeing a different aspect of yourself & you would never knowingly do harm to yourself.

    When this is the perspective, damaging conflict is replaced with compassion & an understanding that does not require forgiveness, only co-operation & the willingness to heal.
    Lets all write letters to the President asking him to adopt this persective of unity, community & co-operation. Is there a White House blog that can be used ?
    Love & Gratitude

  54. Therese Avatar

    Whew! Lots of energy around this topic.

    Okay, the leaders should sit down and talk is kind of a no-brainer to me. But why? and what should the conversation be?

    For me, the “why” is quite basic…everyone wants to be “seen”. The actions of the world, from a time long before the Korean Conflict, told the Koreans that they didn’t matter. The world exampled exactly what DID matter, however, and that is POWER. Because of the power Korea now has, it feels ‘seen”. But the question that must be asked is…is this REALLY working?

    To me, the answer is obviously no! Of course it isn’t working. People in N. Korea are starving and living a life of being dominated and thinking it is normal! People in other countries look at N. Korea, try to force (well intentioned or not, force is force), and think it is normal to do this.

    None of this is normal, it is ego, it is the illusion being played out.

    But another illusion can also be played out.

    How about the illusion of one person “getting” that it isn’t working? How about the President secretly flying into NK (if he can secretly fly into Afghanistan, he could fly into NK I would think), and start the conversation something like this:

    “I have been looking at the past, trying to figure out how we all got to the place we’re at now. I don’t claim to have it all figured out, but…here’s what I have realized…none of us are benefiting from what is going on now. I am really sorry for the part the U.S. has played in this, and I am going to be the first to stand up and say that the Imperial paradigm that this world operates on now, and has operated under since ancient times just isn’t going to work any more.

    Further, I believe that if we all continue to believe that power, be it military, economic or otherwise is the way to move forward…our future is bleak. Dear Leader, I would like you to know that I now want to just listen to what you, another human being who happens to also be a leader of his people, has to say. I would like to know how you feel. No games, just human to human.

    Because of my own beliefs, in a Divine presence, I feel that we are all One. I have no attachment to whether or not you also believing this, but I do believe that we can both see the interconnectedness of this world. What I do effects the person next to me and across the world. I believe that we can both lead the world into a different way of acting towards one another. I believe we can change the world in a way that really works.

    I am now ready really hear what you are saying, with your help.”

    Doesn’t someone simply have to be first to say something like this?

    That’s what I believe the New Spirituality calls for in this moment. Someone in leadership, sure enough of a better way, to gently speak their truth. To accept the consequences of being first…knowing they may be reviled, but they WILL also be steering the world on a very different, and productive, course.

  55. Michael L Avatar
    Michael L

    So I’m the President of South Korea. Unfortunately She is hawkish and not a dove of peace.

    But we can let it pass.

    There is a story in the Bible that brings me to a clue as to how to connect family at a time where anger is high.

    Esau hated his brother for stealing his birth right with the help of their mother. but after years of separation Esau still could not talk to his brother, In fact wanted him dead.

    Now Jacob was successful and prosperous ,but wanted reconciliation with his brother.

    So he came back home and Esau was waiting with his army. and Jacob sent his fortune ahead to give as gifts to his brother who was still mad, but said, nice fortune hmnm.

    Then Jacob sent his family ahead to Uncle Esau as cousins met cousins for the first time. disturbed was Esau,but not totally ready to except Jacob.

    Finally Jacob came and bowed to to his brother and said do what ever want to do to me take all I have given as your birth right, I’m at your mercy.

    And by then Esau’s heart was healed and they both wepted.

    South Korea is the most Christian Nation in the region. They would understand this story personally. Their families are right across the border.

    I would propose instead of Dennis Rodmen to talk to Un , South Korea’s Celebrities bearing gifts in mass could sway him, even though they have been using this wedge issue to bilk stuff from the south for years.

    The korea’s have to really want to reconcile. After all these years.

  56. Victor Avatar

    So…what would New Spirituality principles call for in this situation?

    Many things… Some of them have been told here already.

    I’d like to suggest -given that many people here is in the context of Neale’s books- the reading of Conversations with God, book 2, chapters 11 and 17, that perfectly fit this topic.

    Here, my summary:

    One of the biggest problems is to understand that if we want a world in peace and harmony, we can’t have one only hegemonic superpower or supercountry -or group of contries- that exert dominion over all the others. Militarily, economically, politically, etc. The first problem is to understand that we have just that right now. As simple as it could seem, many, many people seem don’t understand this simple thing.

    “It’s an observable truth that in this world power can not rest disproportionately in the hands of just one nation, but it must me distributed in the whole group of nations that exist in this planet. Only in this way the world will reach finally peace, resting in the firm security that any despot, no matter how big or powerful his nation be, could ever never violate the other nations territories nor threat their liberties.”

    The second problem -and what I think is the biggest geo-political issue of our time- is how to dismantle that superpower that exists now. Not only the U.S. as somebody could think -though it is one, and the principal one, of course-, but also the NATO, Trilateral Commision, transnational corporations that are behind politicians and country policies, etc.

    This is esential if we want, as CWG2 suggests, “to form a global political community, in which every national state has voice and vote in world issues, and a proportionally equal participation of world resources”. Only to mention this would mean a revolution, and of course is labeled as ‘communism’ by the dominant structures of our world.

    The korean, the iranian, the latinoamerican, the chinese issues, are demanding attention in this unsusteinable situation. By different means, of course. Latin america (some countries) through deep democratic and peaceful revolutions with deep socio-cultural transformation attempts, China via the growing of an economic superpower, and of course, we have now this issue of Korea that is defying the hegemonic superpowers of the world through military ways. But the bottom base is the same: this world can not work for all, by means of a suprematic nation or group of nations that impose their dictats, by any kind of force.

    So, we have two things:

    1- To arise awareness about this situation to a critical mass of the world. Not easy, because the dominant media, religions, ideologies, power groups, transnational forces, even the educational centers, fight and will fight this awareness.

    2- How to dismantle this ‘international order’ of things. By now it seems almost impossible. But if we want this world to survive as we know it, it has to happen. The people of the world has the word and the power. Awakening and organizing is the way. It’s happening, little by little. As fast as it can be. If not, very awful things could happen… More awful things for our world…

    Of course, this 2 steps towards the construction of a new culture, a new vision, a new way of living, based in “We are all One”, “There is enough”, “functionality, adaptability, sustentability”, “Transparency”, “Honesty, Responsibility, Consciousness”…

  57. mewabe Avatar

    Are you all serious?

    Did Yeshua (“Jesus”) tried to sit down and have a chat with Caesar, of with any of the other Roman psychopaths who were molesting and raping the world?

    Come on, you will not change the world by talking to the leadership. They would laugh you out of the room…You would be wasting your breath…The young and naive Dalai Lama wasted his breath when speaking with the invading Chinese military leadership and with Mao Tse Tung when he actually thought they could be reached at a spiritual and human level.

    He now knows better.

    All leadership is an EXACT reflection of who and what we are. We will only change the world by doing a couple of things: changing ourselves, no longer participating in the dominant paradigm, and creating a new one.

    The most urgent of all three right now, because the world is in a dire crisis, is no longer participating. If you have enough clarity of mind to see what is wrong with the world, no longer participate in the wrong, whether through civil disobedience or whatever you have to do to walk your talk.

    Stand up and walk!
    That’s the only way to stop the psychopaths in charge, by NO LONGER NEEDING THEM to protect your lifestyle and standard of living…by MAKING THEM AND ALL THEY STAND FOR OBSOLETE.

    If you do not walk your talk, you are simply fooling yourselves, such as talking about ending war or unilateral world domination WHILE CONSUMING ENERGY AND RESOURCES WHOSE EXPLOITATIONS ARE TO A VERY LARGE EXTENT THE PRECISE CAUSE OF WAR AND OF A GLOBAL RACE FOR MILITARY AND POLITICAL HEGEMONY.

    When you finally stop participating, then you can take time to figure out who you are and how to create a human world.

    We don’t need global enlightenment at this point…learning to be HUMAN would seem to be a good start. Call it evolution if you want…I call it a first baby step.

    1. scott Avatar

      Mewabe my friend, you are passionate in your beliefs which is one of the reasons I appreciate you.

      As to your comment, my responce is that leaders are people too! They deserve respect & recognition just like anyone else & if we villify or exclude anyone we are perpetuating the problem that we are trying to solve.

      1. mewabe Avatar

        Thanks Scott, I am not excluding leaders as people or as human beings, I am merely excluding them as leaders. The world does not need leadership…at least not the way leadership has been understood so far, which is ruling from the top.

        As far as vilifying, I am not really doing this either…psychopathy is an illness not an insult, and it is very prevalent among leaders, at least as a tendency, for a simple reason: a competitive system seems to rewards the aggressive, the ambitious, the merciless, the cunning, the dishonest and the ruthless more so than the gentle, the peaceful, the honest, the compassionate and the meek.

        Yes, psychopaths are people too…but they have no business having so much power over our lives and destiny.

        Leaders do not deserve my respect as leaders, only as human beings…I have no respect for their position, anymore than I have any respect for anyone who assumes to have any position over anyone else.

      2. mewabe Avatar

        Scott, in case you missed it, this is what our own Dear Leaders do, among other wonderful things, such as waging endless wars and expending our military budget to be as large as that of all other nations combined (strangely enough, these are the only issues on which Democrats and Republicans agree):

        Arming the Department of Homeland Security with 1.6 BILLION rounds of
        ammunition, 500 000 of it hollow point forbidden by international law for
        use in war, and enough for the DHS to wage a 20 years war on American
        soil (Forbes magazine), giving the DHS heavily armored personal carriers
        repatriated from Iraq and Afghanistan to use in American streets
        (Forbes magazine), militarizing the police (equipment such as military-style sound machines to use on PEACEFUL protesters, etc), ending Posse Comitatus
        (meaning the military can now legally act as a police force within the
        US), granting the President the legal means to arrest or assassinate any
        American citizen without due process, giving the President the
        unilateral power to declare martial law, granting the TSA the power to
        not only molest airport travelers but to harass and search people in
        trains, buses, private cars and anywhere they please, and implementing
        the agenda of Total Surveillance on the US population, monitoring
        emails, phone calls, including the use of domestic drones
        for surveillance (ACLU).

        I don’t mean to ruin your day, but this is all happening right here in America…is ANYONE paying attention????

        1. scott Avatar

          Hey Mewabe,
          I hate to tell you this but you sound like an activist leader, & a darned
          good one too! (LOL)

          Yes my friend, I am well aware how far off the track America has gone. The Patriot Act would have the Founding Fathers rolling over in their respective graves & Hitler himself would be envious of the powers given to the DHS.

          Knowing what is really going on is important but what is more important is to maintain an equanimous attitude & state of being. Clear heads & calm unbiased non-ego driven minds are what will bring about the best solution.

          Leadership, like everything else can either help or hinder depending on how it is used. Good leadership empowers & advances human development in a positive way & like it or not is needed by some of us that can’t quite manage as well without it. Maybe some day individual leadership positions won’t be necessary & we will operate as co-operative communitys but that time isn’t here yet & probably won’t be for a while.

          Since it seems that leadership positions attract so many ego-maniacal nut cases, perhaps a pre-requisite for leadership should be that if you want a leadership position, you can’t have one! That would only leave those that are capable but unwilling to take on the role, people like you Mewabe! And maybe we can persuade those people to make the sacrifice of service for the good of the community.

          Love your work & talk to you later

          1. mewabe Avatar

            I really like your last point Scott…yes, reluctant leaders would be the best leaders…not driven by egotistical ambition, but selected for their true wisdom and basically against their will…gently persuaded.

            Thank you but I would never be a leader, I am not qualified and if I were I would never agree to it even under torture (:
            I am living at once in the distant past and in the future…in a world of complete and egalitarian cooperation…nothing else will do for me.

            As far as the DHS and other going-ons, I look at it the way a naturalist would study a tribe of agitated, perturbed monkeys. I can sound passionate about a lot of things, but ultimately I feel very distant from all of this madness…it is actually not “my world”.

            My world is nature, art and love…it is an inner world of total freedom, of individual sovereignty. I do not belong in the outer world that people call mainstream society, and I am happy I don’t…I would worry about myself if I felt a sense of belonging in something that in my view is not fit for the human heart and soul.

            The more people choose to operate and feel at the soul level, the more rapid the change will be.

            I do wish that in any international conflict, the people, rather than the leaders, would directly talk to each other…how could any war start when people become real and human in each other’s eyes, rather than the one dimensional images of the “evil and dangerous enemy” our leaders create in our minds whenever they want to take us to war?

          2. Victor Avatar

            I think that the key is what Mewabe has mentioned, and also Neale: people organized, each time more and more ahead of dominant paradigm.

            As this is a process, and can´t happen in an instant, from one day to the other, as a magic trick; some kind of leadership could be needed for some time.

            I don´t think that any leadership is necessarily ´wrong´. There can be some kind of conscious leadership that knows as his goal to empower, and help that people can manage more power. Power in the meaning of capabilitiies for taking decisions and acting them in harmony and sinergy with other´s decisions. Not in the sense of “I´ll crush you if you don´t do what I want”.

            For example, in Latin America, various governments with big and resonant leaders, don´t walk the usual dominant paradigm. People as Chavez, Morales, or Correa, are what they are because they have very clear that their role is “to lead obeying the people”. Empowering more and more their communities. Working very hard in all fields to achieve that all the conditions for people be impowered: education, formation, health, legal rights, economic opportunities and help, political decision making, authonomy, relationships, cooperation, all kind of supports, etc., be a living reality. Of course, nothing is perfect, but for some reason they have been vilified and condemned ad infinitum by global powers. Just for working very hardly and effectively for active, participative, and protagonic, real Democracy: power of the people, by the people, and for the people, not for corporations, elites, transnational powers, or, of course, not to favor hegemonic countries and their institutions.

            I think that transition to a new living and real paradigm, will need some kind of leadership, but of course, ANOTHER kind of leadership, not the egomaniacal ones that are so praised currently.

            As I said before: “The people of the world has the word and the power. Awakening and organizing is the way. It’s happening, little by little (OWS, indignants movements, civil rights movements, etc.). As fast as it can be. If not, very awful things could happen… More awful things for our world…”

            Of course, we can´t achieve that without the NEW information, formation, education, wisdom, energy, get and be alive in people. And for this, I believe that only Love for this new visions, processes, paradigm, and ultimately, for all humanity and the world will manage this way. Yes, with many ´leaders´, thousands, millons of ´leaders´ everywhere…

            And yes, my friend Mewabe, there is one little thing in what I agree with Scott: I think that you, want it or not, you are one of these new kind of ´leaders´…

          3. mewabe Avatar

            Thank you Victor…nope, me no leader…that would negate all I believe, that the people must lead themselves.

            About leadership, I would say that there is only one kind of legitimate leadership, and that is the leadership of the soul.

            It is the kind of leadership that reminds you what real freedom is, what the DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY of the spirit is. It is WITHIN YOU.

            This freedom is not a relative freedom…it is a not a freedom to assemble, to speak freely, etc etc…this freedom is absolute and unconditional, as is the freedom of love.

            When people go back to their soul, they will no longer feel a need for outside leadership. They will follow their internal compass, a divine compass that is innately in tune, in sync, in perfect harmony with all life, all beings, all creation, because it is the nature of the divine to be in harmony with itself.

            This is the vision I hold.

            Everything else that happens in the world, outside of the reality and truth of the soul, is just a lot of noise and dust, like a stampede. It is ultimately insignificant, no matter how much damage it causes.

            Yes, I like and greatly appreciate the Latin American leaders who are actually working for the people…WHAT A NOVEL IDEA…no wonder they are called our enemies, we can’t have this in the US!…Wouldn’t you know some of them are Indian (as was Pancho Villa, the Mexican revolutionary).

            Native Americans are revolutionary in the way their very ancient cosmology is diametrically opposed to the dominant paradigm. Theirs is the kind of “revolution” I can live with, grounded in the earth and real life!

          4. Iamlife Iam Avatar

            Thank you, Mewabe. Very insightful, in my view. We need to lead with the creative soul not the linear mind that follows what its been told for eons. Love to you Hi

          5. mewabe Avatar

            Thank you Michelle 🙂

  58. Iamlife Iam Avatar

    We are committing life to more than what we think,
    see, touch, taste more and more in life. All here know about spiritual
    awakenings and such. We know life is beautiful living in the heart, the heart of love, where every particle of life is holy, sacred material here divinely guided with the hand of holy touch.
    We know God is more than what religionists believed for eons. We believe the world
    is reflecting an old image, an image that reflects an old inward image. We,
    here, on this blog know we are changing in the inside, but how many out there
    making decisions, pushing buttons, maybe, are looking within instead of without
    at the false appearance appearing real?

    My question is do we look at what we think we see and call it real, or
    do we look through it, look through the fear and try to hold out a hand in
    love, try to sit in front of who we are calling “enemy” and really look them in
    the eye? When I look someone in the eye, I know no enemy. Truly, I don’t. Does

    Love to all here,


    1. scott Avatar

      “When I look someone in the eye, I know no enemy”. This is exactly the state of being that is called for in the world today.
      Beautiful Michelle, love your work too!

      1. Iamlife Iam Avatar

        Awww Thanks, Scott. Thanks for all of that. It’s fun to love fun work 🙂 Love you, too, and all you are 🙂

    2. Michael L Avatar
      Michael L

      Wonderful thread Michelle, look beyond!!!

      Then why do we, knowing it is all an illusion keep it…all… in place.

      I would believe from the posts written here that we don’t see what we are looking at now as our future.

      So lets start believing that the change we wish, will be created right here.
      Can’t change the past, but we can change the present for the future we desire.
      I believe it and you do to.

      1. Iamlife Iam Avatar

        uh you ask a hard one there, love. Why do we keep the illusion, knowing we know it is an illusion? I don’t know, love. Gee and Guy don’t know a thing, unless we do, I guess. We are the God, the Goddess, the Guy, the Gee here on mission, in my view. Until we know we know we are here to lift the lines of love to what we prefer to express through us in living love as living light, we can’t express all the life lines of oneness we truly are in life. We can’t be the one love, until we know we are the one love.
        All the love lines of living light in the highest Christed high flying love line of light.are here as us, moving and grooving in oneness as us here, there, all over this land meeting and greeting all life lines of light in all life. If we don’t win it, it’s not for lack of trying. Hmmm How to know we know we are that with all life? Hi Ho He Wake up to who we really are, I guess. I don’t know. I really don’t. Maybe others can enlighten us, I hope. Love to all in the one love life love room of oneness Hi Ho He Hi
        Michelle Hi x 3

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