Every event and circumstance on Earth is jointly produced, placed into the collective reality as a collaborative creation of The Collective Itself.  And the tragedy is that The Collective does not know this—or, worse yet, does know this, and merely acts as if it does not.

The result of this is that most people wind up turning to God at the wrong time….usually after, rather than before, events have taken place or circumstances have been created.

This is because most people do not know who they truly are, nor do they have an accurate understanding of what their relationship with God is.

Thus, people think that most of them are at the effect of events and conditions such as conflict and war, financial collapse, political upheaval, violence and killing.  They believe that it is the tiny few who are in power who are creating them, and the masses are left to only endure them. And when it comes to so-called Acts of Nature, even the powerful few are thought to be at the effect of life.

Whether it’s an act of Man or of Nature, our species is very clear: It’s not our fault. We had nothing to do with it.


FOCUS: The Nature of God and Life/an exploration of critical importance in our time

No human behavior has anything to do with global warming (which half the planet continues to deny is even occurring), earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes, raging wildfires, torrential rains, or tsunamis—or the increase in disease among the Earth’s people, such as the growing cancer rate, or the increase in early heart attacks, stroke, and Alzheimer’s.

No human behavior has anything to do with the dying off of the bees (which, if it continues, is going to have a disastrous effect on pollination worldwide, and then on global food crops), or the increasing toxicity of our drinking water, or the fact that tests show that hamburgers from fast food chains rarely contain more than 15% real meat (and in some tests have been shown to contain only 2% actual meat), or the fact that more than 650 children die every hour on this planet because of starvation.

When an entire culture refuses to believe that it has anything to do with what is occurring, it cannot do anything about what is occurring. 

This, in 25 words, is a summation of the present reality on Planet Earth.

As I have noted in this space before, much of this has to do with our understanding of the nature of God itself. Is there even a being called “God”? What is the true nature of The Divine — and what does it want, need, require? What does it actually do in our lives? How does Divinity interact with Humanity? What is the nature of this relationship? Does it even exist?

These questions and more will be explored here in this multi-part series titled FOCUS: The Nature of God and Life/an exploration of critical importance in our time, headlining The Global Conversation online newspaper in the weeks ahead.  I hope you will join in the discussion by posting in the Comment Section below — and invite your family, friends, and acquaintances to do the same. Now is the moment for a worldwide conversation on a matter of global impact and universal significance.

In the months ahead I will bring this discussion right into your home via telephone and video links. Look for that from CWGConnect. In the meantime, join us here for the online print-media element of this exploration.



  1. Awareness Avatar

    ASPARAGUS, AVOCADO and WALNUT suggested as CURE for cancer by BASHAR (channeled by Darryl Anka) of the Sassani (Living Light) Civilization 🙂

    Bless ALL 🙂

  2. Eric Avatar

    I was talking with a friend the other day about a story in which the people said “We wish God would hurry up (to solve their problems).” My take was that the people and God co-created those ‘problems’ because it was something the people wanted to experience, and God is OK with that. My friend had the view that we all want God to ‘hurry up’. I responded with “God doesn’t wear a wristwatch. Divinity exists in everything (visible and invisible) and God exists outside of the human concepts of space and time.”

  3. Ricardo Lockhorst Avatar
    Ricardo Lockhorst

    Hey there. I live in the Netherlands and i am telling people about what is going on in this world. I feel sad because no-one seems to understand what is happening. They won’t even wanna think about it. People don’t want to see there is a solution for all of our problems. They all believe that the world is on a destructive path and no-one can do anything about it. No-one wants to change there lives for anything, not even to change this world. It makes me so sad……..

  4. Don Allen Avatar
    Don Allen

    I would like to weigh in on the financial issue.

    Since 2008 the world has been in an economic flux, which I believe the news media, western corporations and Wall St. speculators are responsible for.

    These people drive the price of goods up, take away the wages of people that are not initiated or are unaware of the Wallace D. Wattles school of thought ( create something, show it to the world and give a man more in “life” value then you take from him in cash and you will be monetarly abundant), who feel they have no choice in the matter and don’t know that they can do something about it.

    The economic crisis is manufactured by one thought that has been hammered into the sub-conscious of the general public, perceived scarcity.

    Do you honestly believe that there is a scarcity of any commodity (fuel) or that we don’t have enough of anything that we need to live fulfilling, happy and fruitful lives?

  5. Charles Avatar

    we are all part of this system the collective the create this situation. If people don’t want to see that it’s because they don’t want to have to do anything different.then of course sometimes we just are not sure how tonot be part of a failing systemor do something different because it seems like life demands that we continue to consume so we can have what we need to survive.I just mean it’s not always that easyto just stopbeing part of the problem win no matter what you do you’re still linked and you still need a home in a vehicle in a job unless you just don’t

  6. Shelly Kay Avatar
    Shelly Kay

    I am currently struggling with some disturbing memories I had tucked away long ago. I was about 3 or 4 years old when these troubling events took place. Partial memories of them have popped out from time to time, but the emotional volume of them was muted… they seemingly meant nothing in the big scheme of things. When we experience trauma, we release energies, adrenaline etc. in order to activate our fight or flight. If we are in a situation where we can neither fight nor run, we simply FREEZE and these energies remain trapped, swirling within us. They contain the fear, anger, rage, sadness, what have you, of the moment they were created and released. For this reason, we unconsciously emit these same energies as part of who we tell the world we are. In return, we attract similar situations to match these energies, which are now a part of our make-up. They remain a part of our make-up until we realize what has happened and begin to understand the effect these events have had on our lives. All this to say, I believe it works the same way in the collective as it does with individual lives. Whether conscious or unconscious, we create our circumstances via our reaction to events. Once conscious, however, we are no longer victims to circumstance. We have the ability to redirect energy currents to a more preferred, healing and loving existence. We, as a collective, have a responsibility to take control over our emotions and subsequent reactions to what is happening around us… not only do we have responsibility to react in a more constructive way, we have a responsibility to ACT in a more constructive, healing manner, in order to create with love instead of destroy with fear.

  7. Greg Fallows Avatar
    Greg Fallows

    We as a culture must come to realize that every single symptom of the world mentioned above is due to one single and ongoing event. We are witnessing an unprecedented explosive increase in world population numbers which not only threatens us with disaster – it is happening right now. When I ask God what I can do about it, God says to contribute and spread the word. I’ve been thinking about this for many years, and suddenly Dan Brown’s “Inferno” comes along. As many folks are aware, “Inferno” is a thriller, and the Catholic Renaissance history in the novel is of course interesting, but it is the larger theme of the story that is integral. Thus, I believe that Dan Brown has an identical mission, but with a much broader audience.
    I believe God exists. I believe God is interacting with us. We have the ability to to think and choose. I believe that God is pointing the way to paradigms we have not yet begun to conceive.

  8. Marko Avatar

    People desire to see these problems solved. It’s less a matter of not wanting to solve them, but finding a majority consensus, agreement on what & how to do that.

    People greatly desire to make a difference & impact. How to exactly do that in a way that benefits most of the planet awaits our decisions.

    Until we decide on a larger scale to focus our energies on the how,– we will endlessly debate what to do with out doing it, except for small pockets of people, groups, organizations etc.

    Plenty of people are working & playing toward environmental global balance, creating and inventing ways to help our world every day. Support & attention to them is not always very great.

    Solutions already exist, it’s deciding on which ones to implement, focus & give our largest focus, energy & monies toward.

  9. Blanca Avatar

    Actually the reason to believe “god” is an entity very far away and totally independent from us is to be able to sit back and watch without solving any problems we may have created.

    That faraway unknown and yet extremely vengeful entity caled “god” (or “the devil”) is to blame for all our problems: global warming, floods, cancer, alzheimer, etc., etc.
    And then we just look at things and empower that faraway stranger so that any of our doings will be too small to make a difference. Again, we sit back and do nothing.
    It would be terrible in a guilt-abiding mind to accept we have any effect on having the things we say we don’t want happen, and then realizing it is us who made them happen.
    So we sit back and watch, in fear and rejection of ourselves and our capacity to DO something. We could not be god or the devil causing all these problems. We are too finite for that.

    And we deny our nature therefore keeping ourselves to actually solve the problem. We expect the strange faraway ousider to come and help us. God will save us. The aliens won’t let the planet go to waste. Nature will solve the problem. Not us human. We are too limited for that.

    The root of the problem is how we cling to the belief that being separate from the “mysterious forces” that move the world we are not “to blame”, and that “blaming” helps anyone or anything.
    Actually, blaming helps no one and guilt solves nothing. We are definitely not to waste our time in blaming, but should rather tace action, any and all action that we can to solve any part of the problem that is available to us for solving.

    Humanity is “goddity” as a whole. And when we realize that we will realize this is our chance to BE.

  10. Rebecca Twiss Avatar
    Rebecca Twiss

    This world is such a spectacular place to visit. From the perspective of an un-born soul, it is bright, beautiful, sensual, which is why we come back, over and over. As a piece of God, we enter in, as we have so many times before – forgetting what it can be like to be here as a human being. And when we are here, we forget what it is like to be an ever-lasting soul. If we could remember eternity, life here would not be the adventure it is. We have the power to create the most amazing things, and yet, when we walk through the gates, we agree to let go of All to be Here Now. After that, its all about the ride.
    If we can regain a glimpse of our true selves as we roll…we can make it better, for us, and everyone else here. Small ways, big ways, whatever we may be up to. We cannot add to it, or take away from it. How we experience it is always a choice. When we can see who/what we really are, compassion, empathy, and kindness are natural acts. There is nothing that feels better to me than helping another human being…and it is all set up for us to do so. We bring what we choose with the knowledge and wisdom that we have. In all aspects, equal in Divine value. We just don’t see it from the perspective we are experiencing.

  11. Peace Monger Avatar
    Peace Monger

    I for one definitely believe ‘thoughts become things’ & the conundrum humanity finds itself in now is directly linked to the story we’ve been sold by the media/govts/science is what’s keeping so many in slavery.
    The time has arrived to break those chains & reclaim out God given rights as beings of The Divine Creator’s intent to allow our light to shine.
    After all, we are the ones we’ve been waiting for!
    We are ONE with all & have infinite power.

  12. Awareness Avatar

    GOLD can be used to balance out the climate of planet Earth according to BASHAR of the Sassani (LIVING LIGHT) Civilization 🙂

    Bless ALL 🙂

    1. hempwise Avatar

      Awareness can you tell us how GOLD can balance out the climate ,this makes a mockery of self responsibility.

      Humans will continue to rape plunder and abuse the Earth and it,s resources until they see that this has detrimental consequences to those living from the Earth .
      Yes we have to find a balance that serves the species system so life can live long and prosper .
      This takes into account the future ,many humans and corporations are only interested for the short term.


      1. Awareness Avatar

        Great question 🙂 BASHAR made this suggestion in answer to a question on “chemtrails” (Chemicals sprayed into the altmosphere using aircraft). The video is titled “ET channeling on chemtrails, climate change, whistleblowers and alternative solutions” on YouTube. You can listen to it and see what you make of it. So far though my perception about BASHAR is that he has high integrity. I have experimented with some of BASHAR’s suggestions in my personal life and see evidence that they do work.

        No details on the process was available from the video. My personal understanding is that the GOLD would have to be in a form that would allow it to be easily introduced into the atmosphere just like is being done in “chemtrails” 🙂 Further research may be necessary 🙂

        Alternatively you can speak directly to BASHAR of the Sassani (Living Light) Civilization and ask for details about the “GOLD” suggestion by emailing for 🙂

        Bless ALL 🙂

  13. Daniel Rosado Avatar
    Daniel Rosado

    How to do when a situation arises as in seeing, remembering, and acknowledging a reality, understanding that I am, and that we are all the same, ONE. God him self experiencing, and you have a person, a loved one, that does not see it, or understand it in that matter, that way ass you?

    1. Awareness Avatar

      You let them be 🙂 Be an example of remembrance of Who You Really Are for them to observe and choose to follow freely 🙂 The best you can do for them is just to BE Happy 🙂

      Bless ALL 🙂

  14. john Avatar

    Hi this is my first post. As God says in the books. We should find our truth and not what someone else has told us. Id like to share some of my thoughts. I have read the CWG books and HOME as well. And with all of the knowledge I’ve remembered that GOD says that’s part of what we are here to do is remember. So I feel people have believed in false created image of GOD by people in years gone by. And the GOD in the CWG is real. Its the GOD ive searched for. Not the one that people say fear of and so on. GOD is GOD and the feared GOD image that’s been created over the top of real the GOD isn’t serving us. As man fears fear. God says don’t fear anything love as always wins. I love GOD and in so I love myself. People have created their own everything on this planet. But we all could be as one as we should. As we will end up doing in the end. As its said best…”your will be done on earth as it is Heaven”. In heaven we are 1 with GOD in peace love and harmony. Earth will be as it is in Heaven. God reaches to everyone and just have to reach out. I do and its amazing. If we all lived according to what are spirit knows is best for are journey here. As its part of GOD which and is that which goes to heaven then we return home. We would live much more happier lives if we lived by the spirit. As the spirit is one with the body and that spirit is connected to GOD all the time. As Jesus said I am not from this world. And we are not also. We are from the Kingdom of God. If we all read the CWG books the answers to all are questions to help us are in those books. Believe in those books. We have nothing to loose. Look at the world right now. Then if all on the people on this planet go with the content of the books we could be evolved on a on going basis. Glory to you Father. Amen

    1. Awareness Avatar

      I am extremely pleased to say that BASHAR of the Sassani (LIVING LIGHT) Civilization recommends “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch 🙂

      Bless ALL 🙂

  15. Kelly van Spaendonk Avatar
    Kelly van Spaendonk

    We have everthing to do with what happens to and around us, we just need to understand how to work together, and make the change that actually works for us…

    With Love, Kelly Cherish

  16. Kelly van Spaendonk Avatar
    Kelly van Spaendonk


    Though we think we are apart,
    in essence we all share one Heart,
    I am that I am, living in all creation,
    existing in ever-moving vibration.

    Our Source in purest form,
    is the center of this storm,
    of living in given illusion,
    our ultimate conscious conclusion.

    In experience of separation,
    we can come to true creation,
    living our unity with grateful care,
    together we can lovingly share.

    Kelly Cherish (1990-….)

  17. Kelly van Spaendonk Avatar
    Kelly van Spaendonk

    John, that is a beautiful, powerful message you have posted.
    I thank you, and join you in celebrating the CWG-books in my life.

    With Love, Kelly Cherish

  18. mewabe Avatar

    A major question to ask of the religious, the spiritual, the atheist and the scientifically/technologically minded:


    Because if you don’t, even with the best intentions you will destroy it, thinking that there is something better than the life you know around the corner: heaven or technological nirvana.

    A vision of a spiritual heaven as apart from the earth leads one not to care about the earth in any way, and a vision of technological heaven leads one to treat the earth as both a slave to be worked into exhaustion in the most expedient way and a giant trash can.

    In either of these approaches, there is no love for physical life as we know it, as it was given to us.

    A people who are without love cannot but choose a destructive path.

    It seems rather obvious to me.

    You can say that you love God, but if you perceive God to be separate and above the physical creation, to be separate from physical life, from the earth and all its creatures, if all you care about is your place in what you think will be heaven, what good is your love, and how real is it?

    1. Stephen mills Avatar
      Stephen mills

      Then our job is to spread the message that god and life are the same ,when you destroy life you are destroying a part of god ! Why would you want to do that ?

      Neales book Tomorrows God tells us that at our level of consciousness we are both the blessing and the bane of the universe children in fact at this juncture ,not seeing what would serve life/ god for the highest good.

      Thanks Mewabe I alway,s look forward to your posts ,but our only hope is getting the children to see themselves as divine beings living on a small part of heaven .The new spirituality ,the missing message so far from religions understanding,s and contempt for life on earth.

      1. mewabe Avatar

        Thank you Stephen, I agree…

    2. Awareness Avatar

      “Enjoy everything. Need nothing” – Conversations with God 🙂

  19. mewabe Avatar

    Speaking of being at the effect of conditions on this planet…obviously, the only way to experience this state of victimization is to live in absolute denial, regarding both these conditions and our responsibility.

    I flew over the continent two days ago, something I hadn’t done in a few years, and I was shocked by what I saw.

    Dirty, shiny and almost iridescent, smoke-like clouds were covering most of the land below me. For those who do not know, this is the effect of what is called geo-engineering, a process that involves blocking part of the sunlight to cool the earth, because although global warming is said not to be real by so many, scientists and governments know otherwise.

    These strange, highly toxic clouds are better known as chemtrails. Anyone who looks up at the sky more than once a year can see them, different from contrails in so many ways, one of them being that there are not continuous, they are often interrupted, and persist.

    The toxicity in these chemtrails come from minute particles of aluminum and barium, which come down to be found in ground water, in the air, in your food. The readings on ground aluminum have skyrocketed lately.

    Why mention this on a spiritual website? Spirituality, after all, is thought to be about transcendence, transcending “negativity”.

    There is a very fine line between transcendence and denial. If I cut one of my arteries and start bleeding profusely, I would not attempt to transcend the condition, but would look for immediate help.

    The earth is bleeding profusely, in so many ways and from so many sources. We all will eventually experience the direct effects of this haemorrhagia. I believe that it is the duty of all who claim to be spiritual to come out of their little bubbles of self-absorption and stand for life, to be protectors of a life that we all need to recognize as being divine and sacred in all of its aspects.

    There is nothing more symbolically significant, in terms of being at the “effect of conditions”, than being at the receiving end of poisons falling from the sky. This, it could be said, is the last straw…the ultimate trespass.

    The people who implement these geo-engineering programs are not evil, they simply have a blind, absolute faith in science, and in this blindness are made to act in a manner that is so unintelligent, so absurd, so inept and destructive as to apparently provoke paranoia and tales of “alien agendas” (among other strange agendas) in some mentally unstable sections of the public.

    Black Elk,
    Lakota holy man

    1. Michael L Avatar
      Michael L

      Love your observations mewabe,

      I have felt though that as we pollute our air we hurt ourselves, but as for global warming and carbon dioxide …its not happening. We have had 10-20 years of no change in the overall temperature of the planet with massive cow farts in that time. As I have said on this forum before, scientists are predicting a mini-ice age very soon.

      It’s what we believe that will come about, unless it doesn’t.
      I choose no gloom and doom with Gaia in charge. I’m not selling my over coat just yet!!!

      1. Victor Avatar

        So, Michael, are you saying that global warming is not real…?

        1. Michael L Avatar
          Michael L

          Hi Victor,

          Real….. is kind of like truth….. which is totally subjective in this 3d world. So lets say our perceptive on this subject is opposite. any words we speak after that has to be from images we see the same or our conversation ends there.

          I just believe that our earth has the power to self sustain itself and a little Co2 is not enough to unbalance it as the studies on no increase in earths temperature in 10-20 years has illuminated. But as I said before we are killing our selves with pollution and chemtrail and poisons in our food and just the foods we eat. Global warming is the least of our worries, arsenic in our apples is much more relevant.

          See anything in those words we can agree on Victor?

          Other wise have a wonderful weekend.

        2. Marko Avatar

          Victor, I think it’s less of denial & spiritual by-pass.

          I think people are very willing to give a lot of energy toward
          solutions, they just find it difficult where & how to do it.

          There is more good going on in the world now than ever in our history.

          Check out on Stever Pinker’s book The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined

          Another example:

          A Billboard That Condenses Water From Humidity
          Peru’s University of Engineering and Technology has designed a
          billboard that creates clean drinking water from atmospheric humidity.

          At the edge of the Atacama Desert,
          one of the driest places on earth, Lima, Peru, receives almost no
          rainfall. About 700,000 people have no access to clean water for
          drinking or bathing. Another 600,000 of the city’s 7.5 million residents
          rely on cisterns for their water, which must be filled by pumps or by
          hand and cleaned regularly.

          But Lima’s Pacific Coast location experiences humidity of more than 90
          percent on summer days, from December to February. So engineers from
          Peru’s University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC) have devised a
          way to turn that humid air into usable water. Last December, they
          erected a billboard in the Bujama District of Lima that by early March
          had produced 9450 liters (about 2500 gallons) of water.

          idea came about because UTEC was facing a slump in enrollment as the
          new semester approached; the engineering department wanted a way to
          attract more engineering students to the university. They went to
          ad agency Mayo Publicidad, and the partnership of engineers and
          marketers crafted an advertisement that would provide a very visible
          demonstration of the university’s engineering projects. The
          water-collecting billboard was born.

          Electricity from the city’s power lines runs the five condensers inside
          the billboard. Like the condenser in your home air conditioner, the ones
          in the UTEC billboard are cooler than the air outside. When air
          contacts the cooled surfaces of the condensers, the air also cools, and
          the water vapor in the air condenses into liquid water. After
          reverse-osmosis purification, the water flows down into a 20-liter
          storage tank at the base of the billboard. The billboard generates about
          96 liters of water each day, and a simple faucet gives local residents
          access to the water. UTEC has not yet announced whether the water will
          be available for free, but the billboard reportedly cost only about
          $1200 to install.

          Read more: A Billboard That Condenses Water From Humidity – Popular Mechanics

      2. mewabe Avatar

        I think that the global warming debate is actually distracting the world away from the major pollution problem which may be much more significant.

    2. Victor Avatar

      Yes Mewabe, as we’ve persistently told: denial and ‘spiritual’ by-pass are the strongest problems we have.

      As you’ve said, denial regarding both the conditions of our planet, and our responsibility in them.

      So, our ‘job’ is to keep spreading the message of interconnectedness (a huge part of Oneness), awareness, and people power for taking decisions.


      1. mewabe Avatar

        Yes, and the problem is that no one likes bad news…no one wants to hear that they have cancer…no one wants to face the fact that our planet is turning into a cesspool of pollution, and few are ready to acknowledge responsibility, because everyone is addicted to an environmentally destructive lifestyle, and addictions are very hard to overcome.

        We are, globally, as insane as a person sawing off the tree branch upon which he is perched, and what makes this possible? Conceptual thinking, which allows us to live in fiction, within the perimeters of beliefs and concepts which have nothing to do with the real world.

        Civilization itself is a concept. It is born of false beliefs in a separation from and superiority over nature, and of a desire to make nature obsolete, to conquer and master physical life in all of its aspects.

        Unreal concepts are toxic, and this is where all toxicity originates: in the mind that has chosen to detach itself from reality, from life, from nature, to operate within its own realms of illusions and delusions.

        This is why our planet is turning into a global mental asylum of which the nuttier are in charge, while the masses are fed ever more effective and profitable means of escape, of denial, of distraction from reality, and given ever more means to satisfy consumerism addictions.

        Deplorably, some aspects of spirituality contribute to this mind-numbing desire to deny and escape reality by disregarding the validity of physical life, by encouraging contempt for the “lowly” physical, and the religious, obsessed with heaven or the second coming, could not care less about the earth.

        1. Marko Avatar

          Mewabe & Vic. Thanks for the extra info.

          Government & corporations in my view are simply gargantuan exaggerations of individuals & groups at a highly magnified level.

          We do many similar things we critize government & corporations do that we do also, just in miniature. Be it waste, fudging on taxes etc.

          I also think most of us are smart enough to know the difference between surface solutions verses more fully realized solutions that get to the core. Of course more education is always the key. Getting the info out to as many as we can.

          There is an imbalance of overly pessimistic negative energy in our world. That’s the LOA being used in reverse or nonbenefically.

          Corruption on any level, be it individual, corporate & government is around fear of not enough.

          I welcome the projecting the light of superficial spotlighting of optimistic creations that cover over deeper issues. I also welcome the advertising of solutions that we have.

          People like actor Matt Damon are using their clout to promote healthy water & sanitary toilets. So is Bill Gates using his billions to promote a better healthier world.

          1. mewabe Avatar

            Yes, governments and corporations reflect our collective consciousness.

            My opinion is that it all goes back to our false belief in separation (from nature, from each other, from Life), that’s probably where a perception of scarcity originates.

            However…do animal predators believe in separation? They compete fiercely for mates and for food, as if there were not enough. Are we predators as well? Our behaviors would appear to indicate that we are.

            Do humanity’s complex problems boil down to the fact that there are not enough good looking people around, is that why we have a rat race, the prize of which is the dream mate 🙂 ?

          2. Marko Avatar

            To me it’s all about evolution & evolving, I know it seems slow for many of us, but as an example, the iphone came out in 2007 & the ipad only 2010! Only 3 years & it’s revolutionized many peoples lives in business, government & individuals.

            Now how fast did the world pick up on those things! I believe it may happen with spiritual concepts becoming more accepted in the coming 5 to 10 years.

          3. mewabe Avatar

            I like your optimism…personally I am neutral, neither optimist nor pessimist. I have let go of the goal, of the outcome, of the dream of humanity’s evolution, and decided to enjoy the journey, the light as well as the dark.

            It is a “hero’s journey” as described by Joseph Campbell…that’s the path humanity is following collectively, a path of self-discovery. It appears slow because it is not just a spiritual matter…the heart, mind, body and spirit must all work together and move along on this journey, as one, and that’s where it get more difficult for most.

          4. Marko Avatar

            I can see your neutral position benefits you.

            Using the senior law of attraction I feel it’s always benefical to promote creating what we desire in all we be say & do. This does not in my view ignore problems but spins them toward solutions we deisre.

      2. Marko Avatar

        Victor, I think it’s less of denial & spiritual by-pass.

        I think people are very willing to give a lot of energy toward
        solutions, they just find it difficult where & how to do it.

        There is more good going on in the world now than ever in our history.


        Check out Stever Pinker’s book The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined

        Another example:

        A Billboard That Condenses Water From Humidity
        Peru’s University of Engineering and Technology has designed a
        billboard that creates clean drinking water from atmospheric humidity.

        At the edge of the Atacama Desert, one of the driest places on earth, Lima, Peru, receives almost no rainfall. About 700,000 people have no access to clean water for drinking or bathing. Another 600,000 of the city’s 7.5 million residents rely on cisterns for their water, which must befilled by pumps or by hand and cleaned regularly.

        But Lima’s Pacific Coast location experiences humidity of more than 90
        percent on summer days, from December to February. So engineers from
        Peru’s University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC) have devised a
        way to turn that humid air into usable water. Last December, they
        erected a billboard in the Bujama District of Lima that by early March
        had produced 9450 liters (about 2500 gallons) of water.

        The idea came about because UTEC was facing a slump in enrollment as the new semester approached; the engineering department wanted a way to attract more engineering students to the university. They went to Peruvian ad agency Mayo Publicidad, and the partnership of engineers and marketers crafted an advertisement that would provide a very visible
        demonstration of the university’s engineering projects. The
        water-collecting billboard was born.

        Electricity from the city’s power lines runs the five condensers inside
        the billboard. Like the condenser in your home air conditioner, the ones
        in the UTEC billboard are cooler than the air outside. When air
        contacts the cooled surfaces of the condensers, the air also cools, and
        the water vapor in the air condenses into liquid water. After
        reverse-osmosis purification, the water flows down into a 20-liter
        storage tank at the base of the billboard. The billboard generates about
        96 liters of water each day, and a simple faucet gives local residents
        access to the water. UTEC has not yet announced whether the water will
        be available for free, but the billboard reportedly cost only about
        $1200 to install.

        1. mewabe Avatar

          From the Food and Water Watch website:

          “The reorganization of the water sector should prioritize overall public health, worker rights, and increased access to water and sanitation services in poor and underserved areas. Unfortunately, World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank reforms are promoting the wrong solutions. Similar to the “cookie cutter” model applied in many other countries and economic sectors, the loans of the international financial
          institutions (IFIs) are requiring reforms that promote privatization or public/private partnerships, and require full cost recovery (increased water rates) in a sector that is vital to human health and public welfare. These reforms place the interests of the private sector over public health.”

          In other words, the poor in Peru (Indians) doesn’t have access to water because it cost too much and the rates were increased to prepare for privatization.

          It’s very unlikely that the technology of creating water out of the humidity of the air will be allowed to be accessible to the poor in Peru (40% of the population earns less than $2 a day), as private water companies will not allow the undermining of their control on water supplies, and as they are supported by a culture of corruption.

          Let’s be leery of announcing good news while disregarding the bad reality, which is something the spiritually inclined seems to do frequently.

          It’s like cheering the painting of a house in bright happy colors while disregarding the rotten foundation. It’s ultimately make believe, pasting the “positive” over the “negative” and hoping the “negative” will magically vanish by itself.

          The implementation of better conditions in society most often requires some serious fighting, as the rotten status quo doesn’t look favorably to the taking away of their means of the easy exploitation of the populace and of their political control.

          1. Michael L Avatar
            Michael L

            I see Marko’s positivity and say build on it. What the corporate world does,does not change my positive thought that solutions will be found and the folks will not be held down as before. Just my thought!!!!

          2. mewabe Avatar

            I hope so, but it will take a certain amount of backbone to overcome the tremendous and often brutal resistance that always comes with positive change, from women gaining the right to vote to child labor laws, to the civil rights movement, to changes in the Middle East (Arab Spring).

            We can’t just sit on our rears and expect positive solutions to be implemented by themselves just because they make sense. That won’t happen! We need to actively take part of the changes, from changing our lifestyles to ending corruption and exploitation.

            And this means using some degree of force, the same degree of force you would have to use to remove a boulder crushing your foot. We can’t just wish or pray or visualize abuse out of our lives, we also need to take action. The spiritual community needs to ACT.

          3. Michael L Avatar
            Michael L


            Action comes from individual truth. And is how we all act from.

            Folks have suggestions of how to act as a group and some resinat with them and some don’t.

            I believe we don’t get a “group” action, because we all see life differently as we are suppose to… as we came into this world for separation from the whole and vast individually different experiences.

            So when push comes to shove, unless we are all at our highest selves which fortunately we then see it all the same way, We just can’t come together at these lower vibrations we are living now.

          4. mewabe Avatar

            Yes I understand that we are all individuals…but we should be able to all agree on some basic, common sense needs and principles, such as needs for clean air, clean water, unpolluted lands, and the principle of keeping the earth’s ecosystems healthy for the future generations.

            Unfortunately common sense is not part of our current humanity’s outlook.

            If you look at our societies (America, Europe) where individualism has become extreme, it seems that the more individualized we become, the more freedoms we loose. It’s a paradox.

            It’s because this kind of individualism leads to alienation and great insecurity, which cause people to have no sense of belonging and to merely use society as a mean to get what they want, while having no affinity with the group or sense of responsibility towards the group.

            It’s everyone for himself.

            In other words we have made our societies into battlefields through extreme individualism…ruthless. merciless competition, the survival of the fittest, the rat race, these characterize our outlooks and actions, while we all fail to understand that a battlefield is a place where the least amount of freedom can be found.

            As people find that, being exclusively motivated by self-interests, they cannot trust each other, an endless amount of laws must control our lives and every action, every decision.

            The Tarahumara Indians who live in the Copper Canyons of Mexico have more freedom than anyone in Europe or America ever had or could ever hope to have, because they live tribally, meaning in harmony with one another.

            Harmony leads to freedom…chaos leads to restrictions on freedom. Our extreme individualism has led us to chaos, and more and more restrictions are to be expected (check how many new laws are created and passed every year by government).

            So we have fooled ourselves into believing the myth that individualism means freedom, when the practical truth is the exact opposite.

          5. Michael L Avatar
            Michael L

            I take you statement “common understanding” as a literal thing.

            I say, when we see how even when we are physically separated, we can still be connected, some say Christed spark and others call it oneness. You mention harmony.

            Have we taken it to far in the other direction …of course. We have lost our connection with higher self and just see a barbaric world of lower vibration to emulate.

            Time to raise the vibration, as you are my brother, you always have been.

          6. mewabe Avatar

            Thank you Michael…hey, the word “raising” (raising vibration) implies effort, that’s why I do not like it so much…personally I prefer the concept of alignment, to align ourselves with the natural and cosmic order.

            I don’t think spiritual evolution should require effort…on the contrary, I think it requires a lot of letting go (of all our illusions), and a humble, gentle, loving, grateful openness to the divine reality that is in all things, and in which all things have their being.

            There is nothing to attain, we are already in it, we already have it, we already are it…heaven is not only at our fingertips, it is in everything we touch and in the action of connecting…all we need is letting go of all ideas, beliefs, perceptions that tell us this is not so.

            The Judeo-Christian idea of guilt may be something worth exploring, in new terms…for it is difficult to explain, otherwise, how humanity can perceive itself to be separate from God, from the “original garden”, from innocence, from the “Original Blessing” (see Matthew Fox).

            The idea that humanity is undeserving, unworthy is, in psychological terms, a neurotic idea, and it may be interesting to understand its true origin, which is in each one of us and as old as the world (even “pagans” believed they had to make sacrifices to appease an angry deity and get good crops, etc, because their guilt made them think they had caused this deity to punish them through droughts, epidemics, floods, lightening strikes, etc…the Bible itself is full of such descriptions of punishments).

            So…it may not be so much about raising vibrations, and more about freeing ourselves of unnecessary baggage, such as this all pervading, universal, neurotic human guilt, this feeling of unworthiness.

            And to discard this baggage, we need to know where it comes from, how it came to be, individually and collectively. I think that it is more than just a concept…it seems to be imprinted at a level of the mind that is non-verbalized, in other words it seems to be part of our psychological foundation.

          7. Michael L Avatar
            Michael L

            OK mewabe,
            lets go down the road of choice of change.
            As in changing the radios frequencies to a quicker osculated station, skipping over the old frequency and just leaving it behind.

            I also think light has low and higher osculating waves. As we observe a brighter light we don’t see the darkness as much.
            And light is information and dark is lack of this information it would seem brighter is more illuminating.( may I say this light energy is Love.)

            Course these thoughts would change this 3d world. Seem like freedom to me.

          8. mewabe Avatar

            I think that all information, or light and knowledge, is already here. It is all around us in nature, the earth itself is full of this energy/knowledge/intelligence, as well as the entire cosmos, as the divine energy that permeates all of creation is also information.

            But humanity has chosen blindness and deafness. It kicked itself out of paradise…and has created its own hell, out of which it sees no way out (such as the hell of global pollution) except by leaving this planet, either through technological means (migrating to another planet or living in space colonies) or by spiritual means (the “rapture”).

            Why has humanity chosen to essentially hate life, or at least the life it was given on this earth, and to seek to leave it behind, either spiritually or physically? Why has it chosen to be blind to the beauty and to the miracle of this physical life, to have contempt for it, and to seek spiritual or technological escape?

            What does humanity seek in “heaven” that it does not already have here, if only it could open its eyes and its heart? What is humanity seeking through technology that the natural earth does not already provide freely?

            Why are we acting as if we were lost here, and as if we did not belong in this creation and sought to find our way back “home”?

            We are at home, we are earthlings…cradled in a divine creation that reflects who and what we are in every way, in the light of day as well as in the darkness of night, in the above as well as in the below. Why can’t we understand this?

          9. Michael L Avatar
            Michael L

            Usually comes down to child indoctrination.

            deprogramming is a start I would think.

          10. mewabe Avatar

            I agree…

          11. Victor Avatar

            I would say that powerful actions come from collective truths in alignment with inner, individual truths that become common truths.

            In the meantime everybody “raises their vibration” individually, in that particular egotistic sense that so many times is promoted, of course it is the perfect and convenient approach for those who want to maintain things just as they are now. No change, no transformation, no threats for their income, no focus in insane, barbaric, and irrational profits sustained in the misery of majorities in the world.

            Is it really so, so hard to see and understand that polluting of waters or/and air is not beneficia?. No for the common, natural sense. Almost imposible for the minds obsessed with profits, profits, profits. Very hard for the millions of minds convinced by media and advertising that pollution does not exist, or that any ‘little destruction’ or inconvenience is nothing compared with the great good that industries do, or that ‘productivity’ is the most important good above all, and that’s the base of the greatness of our nation…

            Again, hiding, disguising, or manipulating big truths that anybody with common, reasonable sense could see and understand. And after that, putting in common with others, many others, for taking actions.

            But no, we in this corporate world can not allow this to happen. Our big profits are in stake…

          12. mewabe Avatar

            I agree Victor, it does not require spiritual enlightenment or evolution to understand that soiling one’s bed leads to disaster…that destroying the earth’s ecosystems in the name of consumerism and endless economic growth is not intelligent.

            But it does take a huge amount of denial and massive cultural brainwashing to not see or understand it, to disregard common sense. As we are transforming the land, the air and the oceans into toxic sewers, people are told that these are the unavoidable costs of progress, and science and technology will find a way out of this mess, not to worry, and please keep consuming and do not change your lifestyles!

            Thinking that it requires a spiritual awakening to reclaim common sense is a mental trap…like saying that you need to climb Mount Everest in order to learn to walk. What this sort of belief does is to paralyze you into immobility and inaction, waiting for a miracle when all that is required is a return to fundamental sanity.

            The understanding of oneness, that all life is interconnected and interdependent, is not spiritual enlightenment, it is the foundation of common sense, the most basic knowledge and understanding one can have in order for the individual and for society, for a civilization to be healthy. It is the starting point, not the finishing line. Enlightenment is not required at the starting point.

          13. Victor Avatar

            Thank you Mewabe!


            Sometimes I get a bit of impatience when I hear this “one by one enlightment” as the only way to get out of our mess, as you say.

            I know that in some sense this is truth, one by one, but I also think that there’s something missing there…

            I think that this line of thinking lets out, and sometimes absolutely avoided, the power of the collective. Yes, I know that the collective is made from individuals, but it’s also true that strong collective movements or actions can be taken by people with some ideas, feelings, or perceptions assumed as their own. Even when this people has not been ‘enlightened’ yet, or taken two dozens of spiritual workwhops…

            Of course, always some kind of awareness and awakening is needed, and if it is rooted in spiritual foundations, the better, but this idea that if you have not been ‘enlightened’ you can do or transform nothing, seems to me to be a boob trap.

            I think that anything that can be called ‘truth’, aligned with natural truths or laws, will resonate almost spontaneously or naturally with people, though they have not been ‘enlightened’ -or indoctrinated?- in some way.

            Moreover, indoctrination is just the problem…

        2. Victor Avatar


          I was going to reply to you saying that some good does not make dissappear the bad things that actually are stronger or wider that some tiny good news. I was going to tell you more: that some make up doesn’t cure a body disease, etc., but Mewabe did a nice and detailed answer already… Including details about the situation in Peru.

          So, I maintain my affirmation: denial and ‘spiritual’ by-pass are the strongest problems we have.

          Now enhanced by what Mewabe said:

          “Let’s be leery of announcing good news while disregarding the bad
          reality, which is something the spiritually inclined seems to do frequently.

          It’s like cheering at the painting of a house in bright happy colors
          while disregarding the cracked foundation. It’s ultimately make believe, pasting the “positive” over the “negative” and hoping the “negative” will magically vanish by itself.”

          This is not “negative thinking”, or a “bad attitude”, it’s just putting things in perspective and aknowledging what it’s so.

          By the way, I could agree also with you: “There is more good going on in the world now than ever in our history”. Yes, I think that this is observable.

          But I think it’s also observable that there are major threats, disbalances, and disfunctions going on in the world than ever in our histoy too.

          It’s a huge effort and it implies thousands of millions by ‘those in charge’ to hide or disguise some of our major issues, or to distract the attention using artificial or controlled threats such as ‘comunism’, ‘terrorism’, etc.

          All of this to stole the power and responsibility of the people for their particular interests.

          ‘God’ and some ‘spirituality’ is perfect for these intentions…

          1. Marko Avatar

            Victor this is my reply from fruther down the feed replies that you may have missed that may answer your recent post that may perhaps shed more light . I would have probably missed your comment until I saw it was only a few minutes old, that’s the only thing that alerted me. You, Mewabe & myself have a longer thread amongst ourselves & it can be hard to sift through it at times.
            Cheers, -Marko
            Here’s the post from below you may have missed in this long thread of ours:

            Mewabe & Vic. Thanks for the extra info.

            Government & corporations in my view are simply gargantuan
            exaggerations of individuals & groups at a highly magnified level.

            We do many similar things we critize government & corporations do that we do also, just in miniature. Be it waste, fudging on taxes etc.

            I also think most of us are smart enough to know the difference
            between surface solutions verses more fully realized solutions that get to the core. Of course more education is always the key. Getting the info out to as many as we can.

            There is an imbalance of overly pessimistic negative energy in
            our world. That’s the LOA being used in reverse or nonbenefically.

            Corruption on any level, be it individual, corporate & government is around fear of not enough.

            I welcome the projecting the light of superficial spotlighting of
            optimistic creations that cover over deeper issues. I also welcome the
            advertising of solutions that we have.

            People like actor Matt Damon are using their clout to promote
            healthy water & sanitary toilets. So is Bill Gates using his
            billions to promote a better healthier world.

          2. Victor Avatar

            I’m sorry Marko, but I don’t agree…

            Are you really telling this?:

            “I welcome the projecting the light of superficial spotlighting of
            optimistic creations that cover over deeper issues. I also welcome the advertising of solutions that we have.”

            If I’m understanding what you’ve said, well, I think you’ve illustrated so very fine, one of the core issues of our crisis: to project superficial spotlighting of optimistic creations that cover over deeper issues. In other words, don’t focus in a deep understanding of the complexity (not even in the basic, basic, very basic common sense understandings) of what’s happening in the world and its causes, no; that would be spreading ‘negative energy’. Rationalize everything with ‘positive thinking’, meanwhile you don’t understand anything in the bottom line. Don’t know anything about the IMPLICATIONS of ‘economic growth’ , the financial architecture, ‘technological progress’, the ‘biggest democracy in the world’ , the ‘free market economy’, and so on, no, just focus in YOUR particular well-being, YOUR prosperity, YOUR ‘evolution’, YOUR ‘raise of consciousness’, and please DO KNOW that everything is perfect as it is now, so please shut off your negative thinking. Call this Law of Attraction (LOA), and tell everybody that this is the ultimate spiritual truth…

            Don’t pay attention to ‘negative’ assertions that appear in so many sources of all kinds including Conversation with God series, for example:

            “You live in an expensive, decadent society. Almost everything that you do, integrate what ingeneers call “planned obsolescence”. Cars cost three times more and last 1/3 of what lasted before. Clothes break down after ten times of use. You add chemicals to foods to remain longer in the shelfs, though that means that you remain less in the planet. You support, stimulate, and empower sport teams, that receive obscene salaries for ridicule efforts, meanwhile teachers, ministers and researchers that effort for findind a cure for critical diseases have to beg for money. Each day, in this nation (USA) you throw more food in supermarkets, restaurants and homes that it would be needed to feed half of the world…… Everywhere, the helpless have to humiliate themselves, and scrimp to keep alive, meanwhile the few in power protect and raise huge money provisions, rest in silk sheets and each morning turn bath accesories made of gold. And meanwhile rickety children, from whom remain just ribs and skin, die in the arms of crying mothers, the “leaders” practice politic corruptions that impede that donated food arrive to starving masses. It appears to be that nobody has the power to alter these conditions, nevertheless, the truth is that power is not the problem. It seems that nobody has the will. And so it always will be, as long as nobody sees as his own the difficult condition of another.” (my translation of CWG2 from spanish. Chapter 10.).

            No. Dismise this sort of things. Not only it is hard to see the difficult condition of another and take it as my own, it’s SO hard to even SEE. Much less understand. Much much less to understand the causes and implications. And if I see something, ok, we have the LOA that tells me that they have a ‘wrong thinking’ , this is for their own guilt. They don’t know or apply the LOA. It’s their karma, or they chose to come to this world in that condition. So, we don’t have to alter that; it’s a soul’s choice. Let it be, everything’s fine. Or we don’t have to focus on that. Oh yes, we know that in some part children die of hunger, but let’s just send ‘positive thoughts’ at the energy net, and perhaps we could make or support caritative events, specially if they’re promoted by the glamorous rich and famous, but please, don’t make me understand WHY, what’s the root cause that makes that these children have to die. Don’t tell me anything about the aberration of the ‘free market economy’, nor the pervertion of the international order in which my country is the boss, no, no, so it is and so it must be. You know, we have to raise the consciousness of people one by one, before we can alter anything of that, and in the meantime, we can do nothing, NOTHING, to understand how this works, which could make that I change my perspective about things, vote other people, or change my lifestyle. NO! for Jesus sake! Everything in perfect as it is now… Evolution will do. In the meantime let’s sing OOOMM…

            Mewabe hits the core of the target again:

            “Thinking that it requires a spiritual awakening to reclaim common sense is a mental trap…like saying that you need to climb Mount Everest in order to learn to walk. What this sort of belief does is to paralyze you into immobility and inaction, waiting for a miracle when all that is required is a return to fundamental sanity.”

            Again: denial, deep and disguised denial is one of our strongest problems, principally when it is disguised as ‘spiritual consciousness’.

          3. Victor Avatar

            By the way, Marko, I tell you again:

            I think also that very positive things are happening in the world, but in a different sense. I’m talking about things that help to raise awareness, common sense, Oneness (as a very basic and also deep understanding of our interconnectedness and interdependence between all things, etc.), and empathy.

            For example:

            – Zeitgeist and Venus Project Movements.
            – Humanity’s Team Movement
            – Conscious Evolution Movement (Barbara Marx Hubbard)
            – This Global Conversation Movement.
            – Occupy and Indignants Movements.
            – Radical Participative Democracy Movements and Governments in South America
            – Edgar Morin approaches towards Complexity Thinking
            – Etc.

            Of course, all them very little have to do with denial or hiding Truths.

            And all of this is expanding!

            I don’t know if all of them will make it to achieve a turn out of our way towards extreme crisis, or if an ecological disaster will be needed for humanity doing that.

            I hope the first option will be the case…

          4. Marko Avatar

            Victor your response is way to long & involved for me to respond & is feeling cluttered in this thread & could go on & on.

            However, a place to perhaps do this & continue this dialogue would be to go to the cwghelpingoutreach on your web search, join in & go to the section forum “Just a place to chat about this & that”

            You can start a dialog with me there & we can go as far as you want. Cheers, -M

          5. Victor Avatar


            My response is way too long and so you didn’t read it…?

            I’m really sorry, but I think that some answers require some extension to go beyond some simplicities…

            Anyway, it’s not necessary that you respond. Yes, sometimes this site format makes it a little cluttered to follow when there are many answers between participants.

            I don’t know if it’s a good idea to go to another site to continue discussions started here. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it is not. The context could be lost. I’ll give it a try.

            Anyway, thanks for the patience and the offer…


          6. Marko Avatar

            No I read it, and the extent to go deeper into it was my invitation to go else where, to continue it in another area.

            That was to to go to the cwghelpingoutreach. You can get there on your web search, join in & go to
            the section forum “Just a place to chat about this & that”

            Otherwise I’m sure the context here will come up on a newer topic & you can bring up the questions to me there as well. Cheers, -M

  20. Awareness Avatar

    “SMILE A LOT. It will CURE whatever ails you” – Conversations with God 🙂

    1. mewabe Avatar

      Laughing is even better 🙂

      There is nothing better for the mind/heart/body/spirit than the kind of laughter that causes one to break into tears…uncontrollable laughter.
      The more silly the reason to laugh, the better!

      It happens, when one is high on…….LOVE!

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