Should the United States and other Western powers (i.e., Britain, France, etc.) undertake a military action in Syria, bypassing the United Nations Security Council in doing so?


9 responses to “”

  1. Awareness Avatar

    No to military action on Syria or anywhere else πŸ™‚
    Bless ALL πŸ™‚

    1. Awareness Avatar

      And YES to World Peace πŸ™‚

      Bless ALL πŸ™‚

      1. iamlife iam Avatar
        iamlife iam

        And, Yes to Worlds of Worlds’ Peace πŸ™‚ Hi Thanks for all your light Whew Love it πŸ™‚

        1. Awareness Avatar

          Hi πŸ™‚ The Law of Gratitude is Given πŸ™‚

          1. iamlife iam Avatar
            iamlife iam

            Wow πŸ™‚

  2. Ivonne Holthey Ute Woelki Avatar
    Ivonne Holthey Ute Woelki

    Sie sollten eine LΓΆsung des Friedens finden

  3. iamlife iam Avatar
    iamlife iam

    I say no. Let the United Nations Security Council do
    something. Not only is it not one nation’s responsibility to undertake war
    ever, and, especially alone, but it is also all life’s responsibility to come
    forth and create a love network that actually does work. Let the Council, the
    United Nations ensure the safety of every human everywhere, not just Syria, but
    everywhere on this planet. We impact all
    life with our decision to act with response not reaction. We are not the caretakers of all on this
    planet, as Americans, but, we need a neutral party, the United Nations to do its
    job. We are humankind, and desire all
    humans to be granted certain rights, like breath. That’s what we’re talking about here,
    breath. But, America is not the savior
    of all on the planet. To come to bomb
    Syria for the purpose of saving Syria is to come in fear. Let the neutral party, the Council, the
    United Nations approach Syria in love.
    Let them ask why they feel compelled to murder their own species. Why would we engage, introduce war, when we
    are trying to maintain peace? Seems like
    a no brainer to me. Let all life come
    forth, not one nation.

  4. Lenora Dinunzi Avatar
    Lenora Dinunzi


  5. Bill Avatar

    NO, why else was the united nations formed ? it’s main purpose is to maintain peace and unity in the world. Yet the nations claiming to be free and democratic are the ones who
    mostly use the veto to obstruct the democratic process .why?

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