Did you know that there is a new book that identifies the 25 most important messages of the 9-installment Conversations with God series? It then offers practical suggestions on how to apply each message in every day life. Powerful and inspirational reading. To see the first seven chapters and hear a one chapter sample of the audio book, click here.
(This is Part IV of an extended series on being part of the change, rather than simply observing the change, that is occurring on our planet right now.)
When I was a kid my father used to ask me the same question over and over again. I heard it so often that I can still hear it to this day, his voice ringing in my ear. Over and over, from the time I was six until the time I was 16 (after which I think he just gave up) my father kept asking me: Who do you think you are, anyway….?
Of course, this was not meant as a genuine inquiry. My father was in actuality trying to get me to stop acting the way I’d been acting.
Now we have an opportunity to get others—people all over the world—to stop acting the way they’ve been acting, by asking the same question: Who do you think you are, anyway……?
This is the only question there really is. There is nothing else to ask. Once we have answered this question, and once we have given it the highest answer, we will have changed the world.
What is “the highest answer”? It is, to use the language of Conversations with God, the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever we held about Who We Are.
It is our highest idea about ourselves; the grandest notion we can imagine. Amazingly, this is something that very few people think about. They rarely think about it as it relates to themselves, and they never think about it as it relates to humanity at large.
Ask yourself, right now, what is the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about who you are? Do you even have a vision about who you are? If you do, you are among the few. If you do not, what would it take for you to create such a vision?
Are you a person who changes the world?
(By the way, changing the world is about changing the world around you. If “changing the world” sounds like too big a job for you, think of it as changing the experience and the understanding and the awareness of the people around you—the people whose lives you touch. That you can do, yes? Of course you can. And when you do that, you change the world. Because every change for the better that you produce in the life of another is sent forward through that other to those whose lives they touch, and then, through those others to still more, and still more. Do you believe that this is true? I assure you that it is. People who have changed the world have all started with one other person!)
So, are you a person who changes the world? Good. So what does it “look like” to be the next grandest version of that? What would it feel like to go to the next level in that experience?
That’s what we are talking about here. Our world will change when people change their idea about our world. The people on our planet will change when the people on our planet change their ideas about the people on our planet! It is every bit as simple as that.
We have to all ask ourselves, looking in the mirror, Who do you think you are, anyway……?
Then when we have decided, then when we have created what the next grandest version of that looks like, we can begin to take the ten simple steps outlined here, stepping into our role as a spiritual helper.
This is what Life is calling forth right now: spiritual helpers. For it is as it has been clearly stated in The New Revelations, in Tomorrow’s God, and in What God Wants: Our world is facing a spiritual dilemma of the first rank.
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