Did you know that there is a new book that identifies the 25 most important messages of the 9-installment Conversations with God series? It then offers practical suggestions on how to apply each message in every day life. Powerful and inspirational reading. To see the first seven chapters and hear a one chapter sample of the audio book, click here.
(This is Part VII of an extended series on being part of the change, rather than simply observing the change, that is occurring on our planet right now.)
We said in our last installment here that the first step in becoming a spiritual helper is to:
This means that you have to declare yourself, publicly.
This means taking a risk. It is about being a bit uncomfortable. It is about being willing to “look bad” or to “fail.” It is about knowing that “failure”, in fact, does not exist, that it is an illusion, a figment of our imagination.
It is about forgetting the self and putting the highest good of the largest number at the top of our priorities. It is about being able to be counted on. It is about forging ahead, pushing on, even when the bramble covers the path.
Especially when it does.
It is about understandingWho andWhat You Really Are, and determining to express and experience that.
It is about knowing why you are here, and what life is really all about.
And then it is about announcing that.
Hellen Keller famously said, “Do what you can do.” That last ten per cent is about doing what you can do. Nothing more, but absolutely nothing less.
Some practical ways to take Step One
Taking this first step in becoming a spiritual helper is as simple as A-B-C.
A. Get clear on what is true for you . This is the beginning of everything. Clarity precedes action, and sustains it. Indeed, clarity produces action where confusion stalls it. You must, therefore, commit to getting clear about what is true for you…
* AboutWho You Are
* AboutWhat You Choose
* About How YouWill Demonstrate That
B. Find out what is already being done, and by whom. There is more going on in the world than most people are aware of. Causes and movements with which you agree need your support. These days, with Internet search engines such as Google.com and Ask Jeeves , you can find just about anything and anyone you are looking for—including groups of people who a goal in common with you.
C. Create what you cannot find. If you really can’t find anything out there that speaks to the issue of your concern or that is doing what you want to see get done, create it. Stop waiting for some other group to form or some other person to stand up. Form a group or organization of your own. Call a meeting. Hold a rally. Raise your flag and see if anyone salutes.
Now let’s take a look at how you can do this.
This series of articles here assumes that you have already read one or more of the Conversations with God books. If you have not, one of the fastest ways to get clear aboutWho You Really Are, and about your right relationship to the universe, is to read Conversations with God-Book 1 (PutnamPublishing)
Indeed, the entire opening Trilogy in the CwG series is highly recommended.
(The 25 Core Messages of the Conversations with God 9-book series are summarized and expanded upon under one cover in the 2013 book What God Said. This is the first time that such commentaries and observations, spiritual-principle-by-spiritual-principle, have been offered on these remarkable books. Each chapter in What God Said concludes with a list of practical suggestions on how to apply in one’s life the key principle being discussed.)
Everything in the current writing is based on the messages in those books and in the dialogue books that have followed, including:
* Friendship with God
* Communion withGod
* The New Revelations
* Tomorrow’sGod
This booklet is also heavily foundationed in thematerial found inmy 2005 book, What God Wants.
Getting clear on who you are and what you want is not as difficult as it may seem. I have created a program designed to help you do exactly that. It is an intensive (and highly enjoyable and exciting) retreat called ReCreating Yourself.
The intent of the retreat is to provide a space within which you may recreate yourself anew in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held aboutWho You Are. It is offered in a five-day format several times each year.
Many people who have participated in these programs have told us that they have reached a level of personal clarity about themselves, their relationship to God and to Life, and their life purpose, that they never thought they would ever achieve.
You may receive more information about these retreats by clicking on the Neale Donald Walsch circular icon at www.CWGPortal.com, then looking in the Calendar of Events.
It is important to understand that you must be in-the-moment clear about Who You Are and about your true relationship to the universe, to all of life, and to each other, before you can become maximally effective as a spiritual helper.
There are many programs and opportunities in theworld opening up the space for you to do this.
Ours is only one of them. Find a personal growth and spiritual development program or activity that you feel best suits you, that resonates with your current sense of self, and undertake that activity with commitment and deep caring.
If you do, you should be able, in relatively short order, to know and to declare:
* Who you are.
* What you choose.
* How you will demonstrate that.
Embark on a reading program as well. At the conclusion of this series will be an opening list of Recommended Reading for persons seeking a greater awareness of themselves and the world around them. Check this list out when that list comes out, and decide to read at least one book a month for the rest of your life that supports your personal growth and spiritual development.
Remember that the New Spirituality that is talked about in the CwG books is based upon the following assumption:
There is somethingwe do not now fully understand aboutGod and about Life, the understanding of which can change everything.
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