Worldwide Discussion:

And so now we have 20 students randomly stabbed in the chest, back, and abdomen in a blood bath at a high school outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the hands of a sophomore boy who is in police custody, being questioned, at this writing.

Where are we going in our society? What is happening to the Body Human? Did this kind of thing occur with this kind of frequency during my youth? No. Plain and simply…No.

The makers of increasingly violent video games played by millions of children around the world for the past two decades continue to deny, to this day, that those graphic depictions of fictional violence have anything to do with the sudden and shocking increase in actual violence in our youth.

The makers of increasingly violent motion pictures watched by millions of people around the world for the past two decades continue, to this day, to deny that those graphic depictions of fictional violence have anything to do with the sudden and shocking increase in actual violence in our society.

The makers of increasingly violent television programs watched by millions of people around the world for the past two decades continue, to this day, to deny that those graphic depictions of fictional violence have anything to do with the sudden and shocking increase in actual violence all over this planet.

Nobody has anything to do with anything.

The makers of laws guaranteeing free and easy access to assault weapons, and the manufacturers of those weapons, have nothing to do with the shocking number of killings by guns in the U.S.


The purveyors of porn and the providers of easy access to it now on the Internet, together with the creators of the increasingly raw and explicit sexual content in all forms of our entertainments — from television to music to films to videos to comic books, for heaven sake — have nothing to do with the sex-run-wild environment of our society today, in which the beauty and the wonder and the sacred intimacy of physical love has been reduced to a primitive act of self-gratification, and crimes of sexual violence are on the increase everywhere.


The producers of genetically modified crops and the manufacturers of chemical after chemical after chemical and the makers of cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco have nothing to do with the through-the-sky statistics of cancer and Alzheimer’s and birth defects and the slow but sure degradation of the collective Body Human.


The proponents of fracking and the extractors of more and more oil and the clearers of entire old growth forests and the releasers of pollutants into the air and into the waters and into the earth itself have nothing to do with the warming of our globe, the obvious and undeniable changes in our weather patterns and the once slow and the now rapid despoiling of our environment.


The lawmakers behind the unending machinations and stalemates and spying and erosion of personal rights coming out of Washington and many other seats of power around the world have nothing to do with humanity’s growing frustration with and lack of trust in its ability to even govern itself.


The powers behind a global economic model that allows 5% of the world’s people to hold or control 95% of the world’s wealth and resources have nothing to do with the widening hopelessness, despair, and suffering of the world’s teeming masses, nor their increasing restlessness, anger, and violence.


Nobody has anything to do with anything.

Oh, and one more thing. Lest we forget. Let us be clear that the preachers and speakers of the ever more strident claims of our species’ incredibly intolerant religions have nothing to do with the numbers of people killed or maimed in the name of God under the banner of protecting God’s “honor,” expanding God’s kingdom, or demonstrating God’s authority.


We have decided that we live in a world where nobody has anything to do with anything.

And most human beings are, apparently, content to leave it at that. After all, they can do nothing about any of this. So what can be expected of them…?




50 responses to “Worldwide Discussion:

  1. Christopher Toft Avatar
    Christopher Toft

    Oh God not again.
    “Where are we going in our society? What is happening to the Body Human? Did this kind of thing occur with this kind of frequency during my youth? No. Plain and simply…No.”
    See this scares me. I can sort of understand, I guess, Ideas, cultures, countries etc where much more monolithic back then so things must have felt much more emotionally stable in a safe, but rather narrow and constrictive kind of way.

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      It should scare you. But I am intrigued. What do you mean by your statement that things were “much more monolithic” in my youth?

      Oh, and things did not FEEL much more emotionally stable…they WERE.

      And if by “narrow and constrictive” you mean that everybody did not carry a gun, gratuitous sex was not shown in explicit portrayals on television, and violence was not the Name of the Game in toys and video games (which did to even exist) for our 7-year-olds…you are correct. We simply wouldn’t have dreamed of such things in our “narrow and constrictive” (read that “sane”) environment.

      1. Christopher Toft Avatar
        Christopher Toft

        Neale don’t jump the gun, I hadn’t finished! 😉 Sorry I meant mono-cultural. Things “seemed” simpler in the 50’s is the impression in get from your generation. Change was so much slower. (Perhaps this is why a lot of people in the 60’s 70s and 80’s suffer from “grumpy old man syndrome” 😉 )

        “Oh, and things did not FEEL much more emotionally stable…they WERE.”

        Really? McCarthyism, the terror of nuclear annihilation(Actually I remember that-I’m of the 80’s two tribes generation)…okay I see what you mean!

        And if by “narrow and constrictive” you mean that everybody did not carry a gun, gratuitous sex was not shown in explicit portrayals on television, and violence was not the Name of the Game in toys and video games (which did to even exist) for our 7-year-olds…you are correct. We simply wouldn’t have dreamed of such things in our “narrow and constrictive” (read that “sane”) environment.

        Good God Neale, no of course I don’t mean any of that. By Narrow and constrictive, I mean I would have been locked up for the crime of being gay, Black people were “narrowly constricted” to segregated toilets, Britannia ruled the waves, and by god we were “right”.

        1. Christopher Toft Avatar
          Christopher Toft

          Neale I am rather upset that you are upset (I guess from typing the above headline) because I love you.

          1. Debra O'Bryant Haworth Avatar
            Debra O’Bryant Haworth

            As an awakened one I can see that all of these things have definitely played a role. I can see the responsibility, I can take new courses of actions, but the un-awakened will only argue and deny. Ego is the dominate factor in the un-awakened. We need more awakened individuals to raise the consciousness enough to effect change.

          2. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

            I do not feel upset, but I do feel observant. I remember when people said to Harry Truman in his run for the presidency, “Give ’em hell, Harry.” I’ll paraphrase Truman’s response: “I don’t give ’em hell, I just say what I see and it sounds like hell.”

            What we could use on our planet today is a citizenry that is ready to take responsibility for what our species is doing to itself.

          3. Christopher Toft Avatar
            Christopher Toft

            I am happy you feel okay 🙂 Okay, it’s me that’s upset then. Because you are right, it does sound like hell. You have really got me thinking today. I have been feeling this strange need to “Hide my light under a bushel”.

            I think this is because waking up, allowing yourself to truely, feel, understand, think and empathise with world problems can feel overwhelming, it can feel like the downside of evolving sort of “The more you see the complexity, the insanity, the senselessness, the more it fills you with grief, pain confusion and hurt.” It can feel very frightening too. I think this is the cause of the ostrich syndrome you observe so accurately. The irony is, as you have so famously observed “What you resist persists”. It’s frightening because it calls us to change, reconstruct and reassess our lives, our choices of “entertainment”, consumer choices, everything. Every area of our lives. It can feel like every aspect of how we live has to change all at once.

          4. Erin Avatar

            “Give ’em Heaven, Neale!”:)

      2. Edon Eden Avatar
        Edon Eden

        Emotional state > Mental State> Physical Actions.

  2. Jimmy Hammer Avatar
    Jimmy Hammer

    I find it interesting that people will say, over and over, that violent video games and such do not affect children or any person for that matter. Yet, a company will pay 4 million dollars for a 30 second commercial to, I guess, not affect anyone.

    1. Erin Avatar

      Fab point, Jimmy! ‘Some bodies’ have Humanity by the brain stems! We often speak of bio & chem warfares, but hardly stop to ‘think’ about the psycho-tools in the battle-box. ‘Bomb-barded’ comes to ‘mind’. 🙂

  3. Marko Avatar

    The book “The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined” by psychologist Steve Pinker shows extensively that we have less violence today than ever in the history on earth.

    That is in comparison to the population. For having 7 to 8 billion people on earth verses the past. We are doing much better.

    During what we think of as the more idyllic times of hunter gathers society was way more violent than now & with much less population.

    Of course we long for a violence free society & we will get it as we outgrow violence & the need for negative drama to fill the hole it seems to fill.

    The violence free society along with peace & harmony, will still have lots of high drama, it will just be very good drama, expansive drama. Even otherworldly drama & interstellar safaris to other planets, galaxies as we share, wisdom business, art & science etc beyond our world.

    In the mean time those who hurt, hurt. The answer? love them back to wholeness as best we can.

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      The overall amount of violence in the entire world is not what I am talking about and, Marko, I want to believe that you fully understand that. When I said “this kind of thing” I was not referring to our overall violent humanity, I was referring to the part of that violent species’ behavior that is now manifesting, more than ever before, in school killings, people shooting other people in movie theaters for throwing popcorn in their face, ministers and congregants being gunned down in churches, and the kind of random acts of violence that we are seeing more people inflict on more other people in these kinds of shocking individual events.

      This is not to in any way, shape, or form minimize horrific events such as WWII. It is, rather, to point to the obvious and clear, shocking and saddening increase in individual acts of violence, where little school children are killed in cold blood, and moviegoers may soon have to pass through metal detectors to watch a film (in which violence will, chances are, play a huge role).

      The point I am making here, Marko, is not that we are more violent overall as a society, but that there are now more random acts of violence than I experienced in my childhood. We never had to worry about someone carrying a loaded gun into a movie theatre. We never had to worry about someone walking into an elementary school and shooting 24 children.

      And I should like to point out that the article above is not only about violence. That is just one focus of a piece that speaks of the many ways in which our human society, collectively, refuses to take responsibility for the effects of its collective choices and decisions.

      1. Marko Avatar

        “I was referring to the part of that violent species’ behavior that is now manifesting, more than ever before, in school killings, people shooting other people in movie theaters for throwing popcorn in their face, ministers and congregants being gunned down in churches, and the kind of random acts of violence that we are seeing more people inflict on more other people in these kinds of shocking individual events.”

        Is this in any way simply, a result of a larger population than in our youth in the 60’s?, added to that, there is more mental illness being untreated? Much of this seems to be mental illness & maybe even the popcorn incident as well?

        “And I should like to point out that the article above is not only about violence. That is just one focus of a piece that speaks of the many ways in which our human society, collectively, refuses to take responsibility for the effects of its collective choices and decisions.”

        Ah this may be “the” main point of consideration. In spirituality, a giant giant step of any individual is to start to take responsibility for their experience & their thinking as opposed to being a victim. When we start to take more responsibility not only as individuals but as a society as a whole we will have taken that giant leap for society toward the healing & resolution.

        I tend to think mental illness is behind much of this stuff. And to a lesser unfortunate degree simply deep unhealthy anger that has blown uP as a result of suppression. It’s also very male centric.

        We do not usually if ever, imagine a women carjacking, or going on a shooting rampage. It’s possible but not likely with some exception.

        Thus is this not about unresolved anger & self worth issues?

        Thank you very much for your response. Hugs & blessings 2u.

  4. Carina Aduddell Avatar
    Carina Aduddell

    It seems to me that that violent video games have been around since the beginning of video game systems. It also seems like kids are spending a lot more time playing the more graphically violent video games..and yes the way more violent and sexualized entertainment they’re exposed to. I have also come to understand that a lot of adults are unhappy with their own lives…divorce rates still on the increase…all of the planned activities…having to look a certain way…looking like you have money and can buy whatever you want. I guess my question is..who’s raising our kids? The games…tv…maybe a daycare provider taking care of multiple kids? And when parents are with their kids…they’re usually too busy doing their own thing..can they be bothered to ask their kids how things are going? Letting politicians and big corporations get away with repeatedly knocking us non-millionaires. And still voting them back in! Who can we trust? There are so many aspects of today’s society that make me so upset..and I realize this whole paragraph looks like a cling crazy ranting..but when it comes down to it..if we don’t do anything we can kiss the Earth goodbye. Perhaps then people will own up to their lack of care and compassion. I can’t speak for anyone but myself..but I’m trying to teach my kids how to stand up for what’s right..and that they are responsible for their actions or lack of. I guess the real question is how can we wake people up to the crisis that’s staring us in the face?

  5. Cathy Ginter Avatar
    Cathy Ginter

    Neale, you wrote,”Did this kind of thing occur with this kind of frequency during my youth?”
    Yes, WWII was taking place when you were a child, a war in which over 50 million people were killed. As a species, we have both a violent and a loving nature. It is up to each of us to choose what our response will be in each moment. ~ Cathy Ginter

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      WWII was one of the most horrendous events and experiences in human history, but that is not what I am talking about and, Cathy, I think you know it. When I said “this kind of thing” I was not referring to our overall violent humanity, I was referring to the part of that violence species’ behavior that is not manifesting, more than eve before, in school killings, people shooting other people in movie theaters for throwing popcorn in their face, ministers and congregants being gunned down in churches, and the kind of random acts of violence that we are seeing more people inflict on more other people in these kinds of shocking individual events.

      This is not to in any way, shape, or form minimized horrific events such as WWII. It is just to point to the obvious and clear, shocking and saddening increase in individual acts of violence when little school children are killed in cold blood, and moviegoers may soon have to pass through metal detectors to watch a film (in which violence will, chances are, play a huge role).

      1. Tracey Anne Miller Avatar
        Tracey Anne Miller

        I have to agree with you, Donald. Both my brothers were shot in the head on street drugs, one in 1968 (suffering Traumatic Brain Injury) and the other in 1984 by a friend on street drugs, first homicide in Lake Havesu, Ariz (and this friend got off with 100 hours of community service and has since spent two times in jail for burglary). It destroyed our family.

        Neale, you did not mention the psychiatric drugs that are behind much violence, shootings and suicides. These are mind altering drugs, no different and worse than street drugs.

        I understand spirituality, I understand forgiveness, I understand the sacredness of life. I understand our true essence of being. I understand prayer.

        What I do not understand is if we are one of the most enlightened societies with so many spiritual leaders (and I am associated with many) and growing, why this is continuing? Why is there no accountability? I would feel that as a collective whole we are all responsible on some level and have a collective responsibility to do something about this.

  6. Erica Bates Avatar
    Erica Bates

    Neale everything you have said is true. Those in “power” around the globe will continue to deny……however the tide is turning within humanity……thats what I feel anyway. The news today shows communities becoming restless and refusing to accept what once was taken as ” oh don’t worry, the government knows best and looks out for us” philosophy.
    Peaceful protest is growing…….and joining together people from different walks of life, religions, political persuasions to speak out and stand up for the good of the whole.

    People are changing from being sheeple. And taking Ghandi as inspiration for creating change through Non Violent Direct Action, and looking after the environment, protecting their communities, agriculture etc.

    People power will win the day, turn the tide and eventually see humanity take over the reins ……………maybe over decades as the young learn they have a voice and set such an example by caring elders.

    Is it possible that it is by witnessing such atrocities more people are woken up to say Enough!!? And thus the revolution gathers momentum ?

    People power will eventually turn the tide of public opinion worldwide, it has started and is gathering momentum. By standing up and speaking about the issues it spreads the confidence that its ok to do so.
    Right now, here in Australia we have an exact example of how people power can work together . With indigenous people, farmers, religious leaders, local govt officials all joining as one to say no to fracking at a tiny place called Bentley in Northern NSW not far from Byron Bay. A camp has been set up and the vigil to protect the area has been ongoing for 3 months, with local people and farmers to begin with and now folk from all over are joining in……it is a simple expression of oneness in action.

    The goodwill is palpable……and thus far the people are winning and creating an incredible moment in history. When organisers were told that 100 riot police plus 100 local police would be coming to force the drill rig through next day, the camp of 300 locals swelled to over 2000 caring individuals over night………the rig did not come ……. The police did not show…….they even cancelled their accomodation nearby!

    Local businesses are refusing to do work for the gas company, and other local businesses are supporting the blockade with donations of food, coffee, etc etc. musicians are holding benefits to raise funds and awareness………..the power is growing.

    This is just an example. But it is an historic example that shows that if enough people care about the bigger picture, miracles can take place. I posted a youtube clip of the Bentley Blockade on the Evolution Revolution page to share this special moment in time. The community will not give in, and quite frankly, the Goverment, the company, and the Police are still scratching their heads.

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      I am so heartened to hear this, Erica. Thank you for posting this…and I hope that we can get more and more energy behind the Evolution Revolution. (For those who do not know about this….see the ‘Blue Box’ on the Front Page of this online newspaper.)

  7. Diane Rhodes Avatar
    Diane Rhodes

    This sad event took place less than five miles from my home, and my first reaction was fear and anger over all of the things you mentioned above. Intense fear because two of my grandchildren attend a high school in a neighboring school district. Proximity makes it feel so much more real and frightening. But then I remembered one of the ideas that resonated so powerfully for me from CWG. “What you resist, persists.” So I am choosing to be focused on the heroes of the day. One young man pushed a female classmate out of harms way before pulling the fire alarm on the wall that evacuated the school and helped to limit the injuries. I’m sure there will be more heroic deeds coming to light in the next few days. I choose to send loving thoughts to ALL of the students and their families. I choose to be FOR turning off the electronics and encouraging our kids to find fun in nature. I choose to be FOR a complete overhaul of our educational system to place emphasis on teaching children how to think, not what to think. I choose to give my attention, my vibration, and my passion to the best version of the world that I can imagine. I choose to live my life with the intent to be the change I wish to see in the world. And I choose to be aware that all of this is God, experiencing.

    1. Erica Bates Avatar
      Erica Bates

      Wonderful choices Diane 🙂 thankyou.

    2. Erin Avatar

      Choosing the same in NEPa, Diane!
      Blessings for Courage, Wisdom, & Love, to quell the pains & Fears….and Our oh, so many vices.<3

  8. Wendy Quenneville Avatar
    Wendy Quenneville

    But we must not despair. We cannot give us trying to open people’s eyes so that they may see what is happening to them and the world. We will never grow unless we learn from our mistakes. Sometimes growing pains don’t just end because we would say, “Enough.” Endure.

  9. flojones Avatar

    I have been reading and liking Neale’s writings for while now.
    However this article seems moralistic to me. One could easily says “you’re right Neale, we need to carry out more control, we need to restore our moral” since we know what is bad and the one who are responsible for all these disorders. When we think we know the apparently responsible for this or that we can be tempted to fall into the trap of righteousness.
    I don’t believe it’s helpful to point at someone or groups of people since we are all responsible, and I don’ t really think it’s fair to say “nobody has anything to do with anything” because on the one hand a lot of people really care but try relentlessly and endlessly to solve problems at the same levels they are created and on the other hand few people really bring peace to the world.
    We are all responsible for the violence and suffering as long as our own daily choices as individuals, society or civilization don’t support life and only life…

    1. Stephen mills Avatar
      Stephen mills

      The argument has nothing to do with morality ! It has to do with what works to create the society we say we wish to live in.

      This functional society would never sanction what is now going on under the guise of individualism and powerful corporate interests .They would get the corporate death charter so fast they wouldn’t no what hit them .Also the makers of violent video games and films would understand what responsible means and this understanding would automatically fuel there desire to create images and stories in the movies that begin change our cultural story .

      All it takes is what functions to produced the desired outcomes we all say we want .The headline above reminds us that we have to take responsibility for all of it .When enough of us do this then the world really changes and the thousand years of peace will begin.

      It,s very helpful

      1. flojones Avatar

        It has nothing to do with morality… unless it has.
        It’s very helpful… unless it’s not.

        We agree that we are all responsible and that raising the level of
        consciousness of humanity could help create a more lively world.

  10. Erin Avatar

    Can’t we make a fine list of ‘bad’ stuff!
    All I See is Grand Frustration…in a process that we are repeating once again. Yes, it’s taken about 5000+ yrs. for the come-around, but here We go again.

    When this ‘shift’ began, did someone imagine a sweet & smooth move to ‘another way’? That an entire World Patriarchy, a huge establishment of power-happy peeps, would just say “Oh, Love the idea!, let us step aside & get your way rockin’!”?

    heehee…Parents & teachers hardly do this for their children without a hassle & a half…”What do They know?” with a frustrated “Because I said so!” as last line of debates. WII aside, does anyone recall ‘New Math’? Try explaining to a Dad with a 1950’s Phd in Mathematics that the late 60’s found ‘short cuts’ to ratios & long division…a ‘battle’ to say the least! “Short cuts are for slackers!” Ugh, lovely memories!:)

    I See the ‘unveiling’ in this Shift-process…that brings to light Our psychological (and other) weaknesses/strengths, with opts to alter Our way of thinking…as a specie, as co-existers, as individual expressions. And is not Shift hitting the fans in these moments?!? Why, yes, indeed, It IS!!!

    Much of the Jetsons is no longer unusual, & Star Trek is fast becoming as a reality show…and let’s behold that only very recently was psychic not deemed as psychotic…fun & funny stuff afoot, no doubt!:)

    Just a thought: Blind & Deaf folk don’t have many of the above particular ‘problems’, do they? Hmmm…??? Are They, perhaps ‘sense-shielded’ by such non-senses? Are They the ‘meek’ of the moment? Haven’t explored their realm much, tho it may be a wise move to do so.

    I have to giggle, because I remember the latter 60’s, & so rocked the 70’s & 80’s…got a little peeved in the 90’s when I noticed the real messages of those times were boiled down to sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll, & big hair. And now 2000 seems like yesterday. Time surely does fly…whether yer havin’ fun or not!:)
    Why be anything less than Amazing?<3

  11. mewabe Avatar

    It is called denial.

    Humanity has an infinite capacity for denial, which is a basic survival mechanism, that parallels a natural capacity for suppression.

    Suppression starts in childhood. A very young child who for example feels that her parents do no care much about her, automatically suppresses this reality because it is too painful and overwhelming. The brain itself shuts off this threatening reality as a survival mechanism. Later, suppression literally becomes a way of life, a NEUROTIC, NON-FEELING way of life.

    This is something few understand: FEELING IS AN ALL OR MOSTLY NOTHING (or very little) PROPOSITION: when you suppress your ability to feel pain, YOU ALSO SUPPRESS, proportionally, your ability to feel pleasure. When you suppress your sadness or anger, you also suppress, proportionally, your ability to feel joy and to feel free.

    When you suppress a part of world reality because you are afraid of feeling bad, you suppress your ability to comprehend ANYTHING.

    Many adults suppress the fact that governments and the elite do not care much about the people, and lie to them. They suppresses the fact that wars are waged for profit…that the bottom line in everything is money…that food is no longer food, that the air, the water, the land have been altered beyond recognition and not for the better…that civilization as we know it is a fiction, as we are not much more than technologically advanced barbarians, still preoccupied mostly with preying upon one another in the name of competition and of the survival of the so-called fittest.

    Let’s tell it like it is, without mincing words: denial is a necessary survival mechanism for the weak…a CHILD is vulnerable, an adult is not, but BELIEVES he or she is…yet denial is seemingly necessary for those who lack the emotional, psychological and spiritual foundation that would otherwise allow them to stand up and face reality without filters. Without this foundation, people lack the necessary strength to stand up to the storm…they, like addicts, must deny reality and resort to escape and fiction, to fairy tales, in order to make it through the day.

    I have seen people deny things that were right in from of their eyes, plain as day and not subject to interpretation or personal perception, and as obvious as a nuclear blast.

    It is maddening, and I have heard it many times “I can’t deal with this, I don’t want to talk about it”. This is how addicts create hell in their own lives, and this is how humanity creates hell on earth, by lacking the basic courage to acknowledge and deal with reality.

    This is connected to a fear a feeling as well as a widespread inability to feel (and consequently to think realistically) which I mentioned in another post…a fear of FEELING BAD. People will do anything in order not to feel bad, including die.

    We are living in a strange world.

    1. Marko Avatar

      Well said! I would only add while it can feel good to feel bad or sad. It’s when we stay in those feelings too long that creates a unhealthy experience.

      1. mewabe Avatar

        Thanks Marko, true…but when we express feelings (crying when sad, etc) they usually pass, and we get insights, and a renewed strength, usually.

        1. Christopher Toft Avatar
          Christopher Toft

          I’ve felt myself slipping into denial over the last day or so over what Neale has so eloquently expressed. There’s something very confusing and this overwhelming sense of threat at the idea of the world’s problems becoming my problems. I don’t want to be an infant about this and it’s frustrating. Somewhere, somehow I am thinking in either/or terms. Perhaps it is the notion that I “should” know what to do.
          I have this strange sensation of feeling “told off” by Neale and I know that he has expressed no such attitude. It reminds me of the attitude expressed by many on the daily telegraph message boards regarding the stepping down of the boss of Mozilla because consumers disagreed with his stance on same sex marriage. They see it as “extremist” gay rights activists “punishing” Mr Eich for his point of view, a denial of his freedom. I think the reality is more impersonal, consumers expressing their right to disagree with his ethical choices, not necessarily the wish to deny him the right to think and feel as he chooses.
          In some sense I feel like them, I somehow feel I am being “denied” my freedom to carry on blindly in the face of “inconvenient truth”. I am not excusing myself, I am trying to understand myself.

          1. Christopher Toft Avatar
            Christopher Toft

            Perhaps it is the fear of being left in this place of not knowing what to do. I have been flirting with the Humanity’s team website, trying to wrap my head around the concept. It’s weirdly confusing to me. I feel like “How can we have a humanity’s team? what does this mean? I don’t understand the idea. The idea feels fuzzy to me, difficult to comprehend. I expect it to be an evangelical organization, trying to “convert” people to “Nealism” and of course it’s not. It something more complex and integral(To borrow Ken Wilber’s phrase) than that, that I don’t understand yet.

          2. mewabe Avatar

            There are many things you can do…many grass root organizations (one million worldwide) are working towards creating change for the better, and you can contribute to change in a myriad of ways. CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES, you cannot do it all.

            We each have something unique to contribute.

            I know nothing about Humanity’s Team, but I focus my efforts elsewhere. At any rate, I do not believe that there is one solution, one magic formula, one person who has it all figured out…I think change will take teamwork, and many different approaches, all complementary.

            I have never been “converted” to anything…because I know who I am. I resonate with bits and pieces of things here and there, but cannot ever espouse another person’s worldview as if it was my own, because it is not and cannot be. This is why I have a natural resistance to all religions, all ideologies, all spiritual movements and all forms of group thinking, because I have and always had my own thoughts.

            There is nothing wrong with this…if that’s how you feel as well.

          3. Christopher Toft Avatar
            Christopher Toft

            You know what Mewabe, I love you. You have a wonderful kind heart and it’s nice to feel your support and compassion. It feels hard to know where to start, what to prioritise and what to leave to others. I suppose I should play to my strengths and guess it’s going to take time to arrive at a place where I’m clear about the kind if activism/lifestyle/career choice I make that fits with a wider purpose of changing our strange and often frightening world.

          4. mewabe Avatar

            Thank you Christopher, that was a very nice thing to say! Wow…it made my day!

            Yes, use your strengths…your unique perspective, life experience and understanding. Start small…it seems ovewhelming only when you look up (at the mountaintop).

            The more you move in a direction that matches your heart and soul’s aspirations, the more powerful you will feel…powerful in a good way, in a spiritual way.

          5. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

            My sweet friend, Mewabe…There seems to me to be just the slightest contradiction in terms in what I see you so eloquently expressing. On the one hand you say: “I know nothing about Humanity’s Team, but I focus my efforts elsewhere. At any rate, I do not believe that there is one solution, one magic formula, one person who has it all figured out…”, then you add…”I have a natural resistance to all religions, all ideologies, all spiritual movements and all forms of group thinking, because I have and always had my own thoughts.”

            Then, on the other hand you say: “I think change will take teamwork, and many different approaches, all complementary.”

            This seems to be exactly the opposite energy of your statements just above. For how is “teamwork” possible if nobody joins the team? How will “many different approaches, all complementary” be created, much less undertaken, if every human being resists “all ideologies, all spiritual movements and all forms of group thinking”?

            Doesn’t a football team gather in a huddle to engage in “group thinking” to determine what the next play should be? Hasn’t all truly forward-movement-generating human activity been the result of some sort of human collaboration, not unlike the Evolution Revolution invited and suggested by Humanity’s Team?

            If we resist the exhortations of others to join together in spiritually revolutionary movements — and do so on principle because it feels that resistance to such collaboration is resistance to GroupThink — do we not in the same stroke eliminate any possibility of overcoming and changing what humanity’s unconscious collaboration has already produced?

            Is Conscious Collaboration not far more beneficial than Unconscious Collaboration? If the fulfillment of our highest human desires is our highest human goal, does not a Collective Effort to achieve a Collective Goal better generate that Collective Experience?

            The point I was hoping to make in my article above is that right now, humanity’s Collective Experience is not being driven by humanity’s Collective Goal, but rather, by the Collective Goal of smaller sub-sections of humanity which, while working assiduously to produce particular outcomes, is denying any role in creating them.

            Lovingly submitted to our Collective here, for discussion…


          6. mewabe Avatar

            Yes Neale, there is a contradiction, I know…I will not try to justify or defend it, but perhaps I can clarify my position.

            I have a very strong, fierce need for independence, I always had it, perhaps it is a flaw, perhaps it is a quality, I believe that is it an integral part of being born an artist (generally artists follow their own paths and inspiration and manifest the uniqueness of their expression), but I understand that such a need may cause me to make statements and choices that are not necessarily rational when seen from another perspective.

            I totally relate to a Native American saying: “Do not walk ahead of me, do not walk behind me, walk beside me”. Similarly, I would never lead, and I would never follow. This is just a way of being, I do not mean to imply that it is a way of being better, although I probably come across as if I thought it were, which is not good I know.

            What I meant by teamwork was egalitarian collaboration, not working under any kind of leadership. I believe that people who have roughly similar visions can collaborate as independent thinkers and doers, their efforts coalescing in an organic way into a whole, global movement that is not hierarchical and that is constantly reinventing, recreating itself, rather than set in principles that are strictly defined.

            I distrust group thinking because I have a tendency to doubt anything that all can agree on, as my immediate reaction is: let’s look at this upside down and sideways and inside-out before we all decide that this statement is ready to be written in stone for all eternity. I do this with my own thoughts, as the instant I decide that something is true for me, I see that the opposite is just as true and valuable.

            In other words I never cease to question everything. Does it make me a nihilist? Who knows…I relate best to the wind, always changing and always in movement.

            Some may think that functioning without leadership would be anarchy, and ineffective, much like the OWS movement. But that was part of their message, which is very difficult for a world that is used to rules and hierarchy to comprehend and apply.

            But I would not and should not imply that this is a preferable way. I do not want to discourage people to join anything, such as Humanity’s Team. There is place for all different forms of transformative efforts in our world, and they all complement one another.

            Personally, I choose a more action-oriented, rather than a theology-oriented approach. I understand the need for having the support of a spiritual community, and for addressing crucial spiritual questions, but this is not something I can do in a group, perhaps because I have such an aversion to all original religions and all that even vaguely resemble a religious assembly, even when it is not and is actually a spiritual assembly, when under a leadership or a teaching. I would never be a lamb, but forever will remain a wolf.

            It must be a flaw, but it is all mine 🙂

          7. mewabe Avatar

            Your feelings will bring you to clarity, if you follow their thread without analysis…but first you may have to experience confusion, if you are not used to doing this.

            Too much introspection is self-defeating. In my experience true insights (about oneself) emerge spontaneously when feelings have been felt and worked out.

            Most people are very afraid of feeling so-called “negative” feelings (especially anger…many spiritual people hate anger, that’s why some become passive aggressive). My advice: all feelings eventually lead to self-understand, self-acceptance, liberation and love, if followed all the way to their true origin. And you can only follow the thread of a feeling by feeling and expressing it. You will then see that feelings are like the layers of an onion: each layer leading to greater depths (greater delpth of being and of understanding).

            Feel and express your feelings without fearing or judging any of them…and you will understand yourself, from the inside, as a unique individual who does not have to conform to anything society or other people would suggest you be or do…be yourself!…But to be yourself, you first have to understand yourself, your triggers…your vulnerabilities…and to do this, feeling is the quickest and most direct path, if not the easiest.

            Just a suggestion…

  12. Michael L Avatar
    Michael L

    “So what can be expected of them…?”
    Nothing of course.
    What can we do when observing these words, much of course.
    It comes from within us and we have actions that are ready to be used from within.
    I come from beingness and will not first be doingness. In my Beingness all others I feel will Be exactly who they wish to be and by observing my actions of beingness get some ideas that could elevate their beingness to a higher vibration, as Erica shared about her feelings in the protest in Australia.

    Time to love what shows up, yes all those things we as a collective “do nothing about”. They are all there for a reason or they wouldn’t be there. Lets look deeply at each one of Neale’s thoughts about a subject and make a loving decision, a en-lightened thought based on who you are being right now. I read in a book once that we are creating our own reality. Lets create something wonderful so we en-joy life as we always believed and believe it will be.

    1. Marko Avatar

      Just to clarify, we create our own interior reality & co create the outer reality.

      1. Michael L Avatar
        Michael L

        Interesting thought Marko, that I would need others to “see” my creations. Well yes for more enjoyment of the creating, bigger perspective yes. But when I en-joy my creation as is(Beingness), that could be enough. Others can take it or leave it as outer reality. IMHO.

  13. mewabe Avatar

    One more thought (or a dozen): all of the problems listed by Neale have been politicized, which is a sure way to prevent their resolution and to assure that they will remain to be used by all political factions in political power games.

    Who is responsible, us, or “they” (the liars, killers and predators in high places)?

    We are all responsible, in many different way. Every decision we make, every step we take, has consequences. We are also greatly responsible for collective cowardice…many of us, in diverse nations, fearing our increasingly despotic and dangerous governments and failing to stand up to them and to those they protect, who abuse the earth and abuse humanity, especially now that we are all living on a global battlefield and are all potentially guilty until proven innocent, and potentially subjected to the absolute and secretive authority of the state as were commoners to the authority of kings in previous centuries.

    Do we choose to believe that global civilization can be saved in its present form, that the “system” can be modified here and there but without changing its foundation or general direction, or do we choose to think that all of it is a mistake, from top to bottom, and requires a complete overhaul?

    There is a part of all of us that understands real freedom, that resonates with all that invokes the beauty of the human heart, the dignity of the spirit, the reality of love, and that longs to rise as a powerful, unstoppable tidal wave to end all that betrays the soul, to create a new world, a world that is a true expression of the human spirit, a world closer to what some have imagined heaven to be.

    This force, this inner power is revolutionary, not because it chooses to be or to oppose anything, but because it spontaneously reveals all that opposes the divine essence of soul, which, let’s be honest, is almost all of our present world civilization.

    Consequently, the question that we must all answer to and for ourselves is, “Will I make the choice to live in accordance with, in harmony with my soul, and will I RISE with it no matter what the risk to myself, or will I continue to choose to live in defeat, subjugated and broken by a system that is destroying all that my heart and soul know is precious and true, all that is life, within myself, within humanity and throughout the world?”

    In other words, do we choose to believe IN OURSELVES, or do we keep on living IN FEAR OF OURSELVES, a fear which has been part of the message of all religions, which have taught that humanity cannot trust itself and must be saved from its fallen, intrinsically sinful nature?

    this question is essential, because as long as we collectively choose not to trust ourselves, we will submit to abusive authorities, to opportunistic controlling forces that will take advantage of our fear and global paralysis.

  14. Erin Avatar

    Just a feeling…This ‘stuff’ is going to get rather interesting…in rather short order. Whether one ‘believes’ it or not, this planet has long-served other-than-Human. It’s resources & pit-stop potentials continue to be of great value & interest to species some refuse to recognize. To bad We do not hold such grand regard for what We call Home.

    I just have a feeling that the picture is much larger, and encompassing of meaning, than kept-busy little peeps can See. The demise we bring unto Our-kind does not alter the size or structure of the vast works in motion, but the mis-doings, of any specie, that greatly effect resources are not allowed to continue…in fact, they have been historically ‘removed from their existence’ here…seemingly by ‘natural’ occurrences, & mysteries we have yet to agree on.

    idk, Kids…If We ‘expanded’ our/Our view…Saw the political structures, corporate structures, religious structures, social structures, & the day-to-day challenges experienced of them, as ‘busy-ness’ (stuff that maintains ‘mind-full occupation’)…perhaps we/We would not entertain the fears that seem to be hindering our/Our means of altering disgruntling situations of them.(?) Perhaps We would be more willing to live well of & with those who are existing here, if We did not hold our-kinds in arrogance of being ‘oh, so supreme’ in the scheme…That it is Not about Us Only…That the ‘bigwigs’ are no more powerful in the true matters-at-stake than any one (or One) of Us.(?)
    Would we/We move differently Now with such thinking?

    Just wonderin’…a Change in the Gaming may not come from an X-Box.:D

  15. Roberta Lynch-Murphy Avatar
    Roberta Lynch-Murphy

    It takes Truth to change the status quo!! We need to speak the Truth no matter how hard and ugly it may seem!

  16. SunnyDoctor Avatar

    It ALL matters. We ALL matter.
    It ALL counts. We ALL count.
    It has always been “WE”…and we NEED to open our eyes, our hearts and SEE!

  17. Kenneth R Hopper Avatar

    IF there are Profits to be had by doing the irresponsible thing, then the irresponsible thing will be done. Instant Gratification in our Modern World, has made many of our desires more Conveniently available. Put such material within easy reach of the General Public, makes it very hard for people to resist the temptation to consume. The fact that these things may be available 24/7 Online, only makes the situation much worse. The Information Age is Killing Us Off One-by-One, and sometimes in swarms. But our Worldly authorities allow these things to happen because they can collect Taxes from it. Lining their own pockets to do whatever they want in the World, they control how it get’s spent, and spend on things which reinforce the lesson that Violent Solutions are Indeed Acceptable under certain conditions. Clearly They are Teaching the public how to behave and what is acceptable, because they are authorities on how the world should be Governed. But the TRUTH is, They’re not very SMART!

    1. Kenneth R Hopper Avatar

      Is that explanation clear enough for you guys? This is the way the World Really Works.

      The real matter which needs to be resolved is How do we Move Forward from here?

      1. Kenneth R Hopper Avatar

        They are very simply UnWilling to do the Right Thing because they believe it would leave us defenseless and vulnerable. They don’t really TRUST GOD!

        So I need to Prove to the World that the, “Technology of our Creator,” can defend us better than we’ve ever been able to defend ourselves.

        How would you like to enjoy the personal right to live free of all forms of physical molestation?

        I believe I now have the ability to get you that RIGHT GUARANTEED!

        I CAN NOT; However, decide exactly how and when you will be defended. Only our God & Creator can make these decisions, separate personalities working together with a single will. This is how I ‘Achieve Great Things.’

  18. Kenneth R Hopper Avatar

    It’s very easy to confuse Grandiosity with Confidence, when you don’t understand the language. But none of you has ever been the general expert on all things.

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