Recently I posted a series of questions that I suggested it would be fascinating to ask every person we met for the rest of our life. I promised that I would answer those questions myself — even though most of the visitors to this site already know how I would answer them — just for the record.
Here are more of my answers to those questions.
Is there such a thing as the human soul? (I answered this in my last entry here, so now I move forward with this continuing inquiry.) If not, are humans simply two-part beings, comprised of Body and Mind and nothing more? Within that context, if we hold this to be true, what is the best, the most fruitful, the most fulfilling, the most joyful way to live our lives? Is there any reason to behave in a certain way, other than to avoid the punishments or consequences of civil law or the disapprobation of our friends, relatives, and peers?
I believe that human beings are more than two-part beings, comprised of Body and Mind. But let us suppose for the sake of this discussion that we are. What, then, would be the best, the most fruitful, the most fulfilling, the most joyful way to live our lives?
I would never presume to answer that question for anyone else. Each person must decide that for themselves, obviously, and their answer would be intensely personal.
For me, the answer is found in Conversations with God. There I was told: “Your life is not about you. It is about everyone whose life you touch, and the way in which you touch it.”
I have come to understand that this means my life is not about “local” me, or “little” me — the part of me that identifies as the person I see in the mirror every day. It is about all the other “little me’s” that adorn the Earth. Or, if you please, it is about “universal” me, or “big” me — the part of me that is One with everything and everyone, and which chooses to express that, thus to know it in my experience.
Even if all of this last part is just stuff that I am imagining, I can’t imagine a better, more fruitful, more fulfilling, or more joyful way to live. Sadly, I didn’t learn this until I was in my 50s. And even then, I have not practiced it nearly as much as I would like. But at least now I know what for me is the pathway to true happiness, and I’m doing better than I ever was before at taking it.
The next question I have been considering…Is there any reason to behave in a certain way, other than to avoid the punishments or consequences of civil law or the disapprobation of our friends, relatives, and peers?
For me the answer goes past simple “self improvement,” which is essentially a solitary pursuit, and it also goes past the desire shared by most of us to be our “best selves” for others. For me, the “reason to behave in a certain way” has to do with the evolution of my species. This feels to me to be a really meaningful endeavor to which to be committed — and I have felt especially dedicated to this cause since reading Conversations with God-Book 4: Awaken the Species.
That newest text in the CWG series of books, released just seven months ago, tells us that now is the perfect time for our advancement as a breed or genus of sentient beings. We no longer have to wait for this to occur through centuries and millennia of evolutionary adaptation within our species. We can now exchange “adaptation” for the much more rapid — the unbelievably rapid — process of “imitation.” When imitation replaces adaptation as our evolutionary driver, we can achieve Critical Mass and Species-wide transmogrification within years and decades, not centuries and millennia.
So the way for us to move ahead right now in our evolution is for each of us to self-select; to say: “I am going be one of those who wishes to send a message of Who We Really Are to everyone whose life I touch, creating a ripple-in-the-water effect.”
Don’t think that it doesn’t already have an impact, because it does. The only question is not whether ordinary people can do that. The question is “What shall be the idea that drives them forward?” What shall be the understandings that are now being embraced by humanity, collectively?
Is it possible that there’s something we don’t fully understand about God and about life and about ourselves…the understanding of which could change everything? That’s the question of the hour. So if you’re wondering what direction we should now be going, I would say that the direction that humanity is now invited to go is in the direction of answering that question.
Is there something we don’t fully understand about God and about life, the understanding of which could change everything? If there is, what is it, and what does it look like to embody it, to embrace it, to be an exemplar of that new idea?
Every spiritual master who has walked the face of the earth has answered that question with a resounding “yes!”, and then demonstrated what we might find it useful to understand and to implement more fully, through the living of their own life. Now, all of us have an opportunity to do that. All of us. By simply saying “I self-select.”
By the way, those who might have an interest in engaging in this process may go to: This is a very simple Internet site that gives people an opportunity to join with others around the world who say, “I’m all in.”
The hope and the idea is to invite and encourage everyone whose life we touch to accept their own spiritual inheritance and embrace their True Nature.
Do you want to see something that describes our True Nature with imagination in just over four minutes? Watch this. Here is what the wonderful team at MindValley did with this message. You’ll be glad you saw this:
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