What do you think?

Here are my last answers to the series of questions I placed for us back in late September.

Let’s review the final questions in that series first, then I’ll offer you my answers. Those last questions were…

What does it take to make life work? Is it possible that there is something we do not fully understand about God, about life, and about ourselves, the understanding of which would change everything? If so, what do you think it might be?

I have become aware that what it takes to “make life work” is to understand what life is about. I had no idea what it was about until I was 50 years old. Oh, I thought I knew what it was about. There was a whole formula I could recite that described what it was about, and for over 30 of my adult years I was “playing by the rules” and doing what I was “supposed to be doing.”

The Formula: Get the guy, get the girl, get the car, get the job, get the house, get the spouse, get the kids, get the dog, get the better job, get the better car, get the better house, get the better spouse, get the grandkids, get the office in the corner with your name on the door, get the building on the corner with your name on the wall, get the grey hair, get the retirement watch, get the cruise tickets, get the sickness, and get the hell out.

There were slight variations on the theme, but that was basically it: a 20-step process that got you from 18 to 78 (if you made it that far), or even a bit beyond.

And there were some good times…I wouldn’t try to kid you into thinking it was all without joy…but my life seemed to be getting nowhere…and I would up, eventually, living in the weather as a street person, through a series of events too long to go into here. At that point my life was a shambles…and I see now that it was because I didn’t know where I was trying to go, or what I was trying to do. I had no idea in the world what life was really all about.

I wound up writing about this is the book titled The Only Thing That Matters, which leads off with the paragraph, “98% of the world’s people are spending 98% of their time on things that don’t matter.” I was one of those people, for sure.

I now realize, after my Conversations with God experience, that I’m not here for anything having to do with my body or my mind, but that I’m here to serve the Agenda of My Soul. My body and my mind are merely tools with which to complete that agenda while I am in the Realm of Physicality.

And what is the Agenda of My Soul? According to CWG it has nothing to do with anything I am doing, and everything to do with what I am being while I am doing whatever I am doing.

The Agenda of My Soul is to recreate myself anew in every golden moment of Now in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever I held about Who I Am. That is, (to put it neatly in a phrase), to evolve.

And this becomes a real adventure when I hold within me a wonderful vision of Who I Am. And CWG helped me there, too. It invited me to remember that Who I Am is an Individuation of Divinity.

This is what I did not understand, the understanding of which could change everything. Since coming to clarity about this, I have experienced my life in an entirely different way. I have become aware — among other things — that my life is not about me. It is about everyone whose life I touch, and the way in which I touch it. This is, for me, the fastest way and the most effective means by which I can evolve, becoming in my experience what I know myself, conceptually, to be.

To turn Concept to Experience has become the goal of my life. It is the greatest irony of my life that through this process, everything else that I was ever working for has been manifest in my personal reality without effort. All the love, all the joy, all the peace, all the inner serenity and sense of personal fulfillment that I would ever have hoped for occurs almost automatically.

This has been my experience. And I am so happy to be able to share it with you!


108 responses to “What do you think?

  1. Raphael Avatar

    The “formula” serves the small part of the self that imagines itself to be separate, lost and lacking something. Some call it the separate ego consciousness…this is also what society and civilization focus upon and serve as well. It is of course an illusion which leads to suffering.

    As much as we wish to touch others, we are equally touched by others…as much as we want to give, we also receive…as much as we help others, we are helped by others, not from the perspective of our small, separate and illusory selves, but that of our total being.

    1. AKA Patrick Avatar
      AKA Patrick

      So what about War? Since 1700 the US has been involved in 79 wars, some just a few weeks. Wars, nonetheless. On another forum I discovered a discussion from a
      military lieutenant general (vintage World War I), who had a discussion entitled: “War Is A Racket”. Who are the Greedy Ones” in the World today? (Then too!)
      Big Pharma; Munitions Makers; Bankers;, you name it. Which, if the inner and the outer are One, means we are at war with ourselves. True, or not? You must decide for yourself. I’m only 81 and wasn’t around during WWI, so I didn’t actually experience this. I am serving as a Wayshower, just as Our Brother Jesus was.

      1. Raphael Avatar

        Yes I am familiar with the book War is a Racket…and the fact that the US has been waging war continually.
        Yes, I think the human race is at war with itself…externalizing internal conflicts. Yet another aspect of this is our partly animal nature, which most people have difficulty understanding or admitting. Watching animals, wild or domesticated, we can see striking similarities in their behaviors with our own (greed, being territorial, aggression, possessiveness and jalousie, etc).
        For example, I see no fundamental difference between a tiger marking its territory and a nation waving a flag.

        1. AKA Patrick Avatar
          AKA Patrick

          I still feel that “The Kybalion” covers a great deal of the ground in all the foregoing discussions. It’s ostensibly information from 35,000 years ago in Egypt. The “teacher-author” was supposedly an alien who came to Earth to teach the Egyptians. While here he taught them mathematics, agriculture, astronomy, architecture (think Pyramids), and all the sciences known at that time. His name was “Hermes Trismegistus”, (The Thrice Blessed).

  2. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

    I’m in a mood, so watch out…

    It’s obvious to me, as I write this, that there are so many different wells which one can choose to draw from the waters of Life, but there is only one river from which that water comes.

    I mean, as I sit here, I remember Neale’s retelling of his story in bits and pieces, here and there, used either as an example of how misunderstanding leads to emptiness (literally and Spiritually) or how knowledge and the shifts in perspective they cause change us forever. I’ve also read Raphael’s comment, and think about his connection with Nature and what’s natural when one sees the whole and all its parts, and how unnatural our society has become in its separations. And I think of my own personal history, with its drastic changes from one thing to another, sometimes seen as good and sometimes seen as bad, but which all led me here, which is great by my standards but not by others.

    I think of Kirsten, whose brain works in such a way that she simply cannot conceive of some of what’s shared here, who is firm in both her own knowledge and conviction of who she is, yet makes jokes about tutus and WalMart parking lots. Jethro is succeeding in transforming the world, one quiet kindness at a time, while trying to broaden and deepen his understanding of himself and others. Marko is deeply active, both Spiritually and by having an open mind about trying something new.

    Maybe it’s the way I look at Life, with its patterns and synchronicities, but what I see in nearly everyone is that we’re dipping from our own wells, but it’s all the same river. It’s whatever you want to call it: God (by any name), Life, Divine Energy, Source, Beginner’s Mind, all possible outcomes being present in a quantum field…

    No matter the well, part of what we all draw out of it asks us to look at ourselves, to go within and understand ourselves, that to know God one must know oneself as an evolutionary co-creator–however one wishes to put it. It’s always about perception–of ourselves, and of Divinity. If we understand who we believe ourselves and our God to be, we have just developed the most important relationships in our lives. We have a relationship with ourselves, and with whatever we call Divinity.

    Am I the only one that sees this? That regardless of how we got here, there’s a certain something that caused us to at least be curious enough to show up? To keep showing up?

    Am I the only one that sees that which well we draw from matters so much less than the water it’s helped us draw, and what we do with it?

    Am I the only one that sees so many similarities in every story I’ve heard, no matter from which part of my life or from whom?

    Am I the only one that sometimes wants to give out whacks up the sides of the heads of those who are purposely distracting us from, or literally keeping us from, our wells? And a dousing of cold water to wake those who are sleepwalking?

    I’ve seen the darkness, including my own. I know my own light, and I let it shine wherever and whenever possible. And it’s not hidden under a bushel but on as high a hill as I’ve ever climbed.

    Has anybody else ever asked, “So, now what?”

    I have. I get different answers, reflecting my different moods. “Just be.” OK, so this is my pinnacle? I can be no more than I currently am? “Be unconditionally loving and compassionate to as many as you can, as often as you can.” Yeah, I’ve got that one, and even had to back off a bit after not listening to my instincts got me burned. Twice. “Write a book, develop a website, create safe spaces online so those who have experienced abuse can share freely and heal more quickly, with support.” OK, it’s inching along, as I have the money and focus and passion to work on it. “Your society is a reflection of its collective beliefs.” Well, then, we’re screwed, unless we can rapidly change society’s collective beliefs.

    And, there it was. The connection. The BOOM! that I’ve expected for so long I very nearly forgot about it. “Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world,” or however Margaret Meade put it. And also whoever added, “In fact, they’re the only things that ever have.” The connection I made was between where I’ve felt “topped out” Spiritually, and how I can immediately turn it around by connecting with others. Relationships are what it’s ALL about. How do I relate with (fill in the blank) is not a statement about what I am relating to, but who I choose to be in relation with (fill in the blank). That necessitates relationships of all kinds.

    I cannot evolve alone. I must interract in order to have the knowledge to determine what I choose my relationship to be–with everything and everyone. If I’m to be fair about it, I must give (fill in the blank) the same attention and time I would give anything else I’ve developed relationships with. This, of course, would be impossible in a single lifetime. It is beyond the capacity of the human brain, as it currently exists. I’m faced with what feels like two choices, if I desire to truly know myself and Divinity: I have to split myself up into a million gazillion parts so I can be everywhere, all the time; or, I have to live forever, in different forms and different “times” and for different “lives” in order to gain the knowledge over an infinite amount of time.

    Well, why not both? I am a bit or piece of Divinity, which is present in all things, everywhere. Yet I am here to help Divinity, and myself, evolve beyond our current understanding. That means new relationships while still valuing the old, and Divinity becoming something it’s never been before, but now is, as it evolves. We’ve even developed a neural network for the globe–the Internet. And the alt net. And the dark net.

    What is it that’s so different when a person sends a message via WiFi to another person on the other side of the world that’s any less miraculous than those who hear that still, small voice inside themselves? Where’s the wonderment in the things humanity has achieved that improve our lives? Why does it feel like there has to be a choice between either focusing on the negative, or believing in Humanity?

    Choosing only the former leads to possible annihilation and despair. Adding the latter, believing in Humanity’s abilities to turn things around because we’re all Divine beings, leads to hope. Not a magical hope where some Divine being outside of ourselves swoops down and cures all our ails, but a realistic hope because more and more people are understanding their own Divine power.

    Or am I just crazy to hold out for hope, and Humanity, because I believe that the world will awaken? Not today or tomorrow, and not without more severe backlash from cause and effect, but I still believe we’ll get to the other side of it without total annihilation.

    Anyway… Done rambling.

    Love and Blessings Always,

    1. Kristen Avatar

      Nice Annie….I get it. As a visual person, I liken it to different food colours added to oil (probably coconut oil as it works an emulsifier), then dropped into a tray of water (from the BIG river). Theyll stay seperate and merge around eachother, marble if you gently run a skewer through it, but be able to remain seperate yet together when treated gently. In places the blendings will make a new colour…like the billion colours in a rainbow, but we can still see lots of differences all together, and those new colours are a welcome addition.
      What happens when some jerk roughly whisks it all together….an ugly mess and probably that persons colour…the colour of poop. Then another jerk tips it in a bowl and shakes it hard, then puts it down…..watch the seperation happen between the water and oil, eventually all the nice coloured droplets are just a mess trying to get their identity back as it tries to scientifically break down. Its as screwed up as society, and all those different droplets struggle with the new one colour fits all.
      Two solutions….they just fit in and be the sheeple the shaker wanted them to be OR say ‘hey cool, I was yellow, now others have shared their other colours with me, now I can relate to blue, red, orange and the other colours. I’m still me, but I can also see those others in parts of me now.

      PS don’t knock Walmart tutus….I see on the news my latest Walmart carpark husband broke his hip reaching for a watermelon and just won millions in court…I’m rich now. Yeehaa. Ill divorce him soon and take half then rake in alimony!!!! Im onto a really good thing here, I tell ya, they’re a good catch!

      1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

        I’m a visual person myself, so I like the way you put it. I’ve played with food coloring, water and oils. I used to make Mason jars with them for decoration. Every now and again I’d flip a jar over slowly to watch the action. That was back in High School. Maybe I’ll make some new ones! This place could use some color.

        1. Kristen Avatar

          Remember the 70s fad of those glass swans or thjngs that you put food colour in with water then white flowers and watched the colour change? Well theyre coming back in, even where they GM inject different colours into some gerberas for diff coloured petals…our supermarket now sells them. I had a dream of a guy giving me flowers lkke that about 10years ago so I am rather freaked out.
          You can be well ahead of the trend with jars and your colours now, and put it as colour play therapy on your website if its up and running yet, before everyone else does.

          1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            I’m old enough to remember celery sticks in colored glasses of water in the fridge, ‘cuz Mama colored them. They soak it up really quickly. So do carnations, when she could afford them. She was coloring flowers before they were sold that way in stores.

            And I was the proud owner of not one, not two, but THREE lava lamps the year I was in college. And a glitter lamp. And “the wave,” which was rectangular and if you moved one end just a bit, it would cause a blue wave of water to move across it.

            I’m drawn to colored lights, and use colored rather than white lights at home. I like the pink ones, but I also have a blue and a purple, and the (mandatory) black light. I’m also drawn to prisms and the rainbows they make, though I haven’t hung one here yet. I’d have to hang it inside or it would get stolen. I also like the different sounds that chimes and bells make. Wood chimes are my favorite, but I’ve yet to meet a neighbor who likes them. I used to have a ring that drove EVERYONE crazy because it had three tiny little jingle-type bells on it. I wore it on my thumb, which made people even crazier.

            Life is (or can be) so sensual. Smells, colors, sounds, sights, textures, tastes–I love it all. And you can be sure that most of the survivors I’ve been around have a toy chest, and in it a set of crayons and coloring books. Becoming childlike again, without the pain and without the threats, is part of the healing process. Learning to play without fear is a huge step. That’s why, in every successful peer group I’ve been in, there’s a playroom, and you can bet mine will have one, too!

          2. Kristen Avatar

            Please never be my neighbour!
            Im the opposite, other than drums I cant stand retetitive constant sounds or rattling, cant have movements in my pheriphial vision like people jiggling legs etc.
            Bells…..aaaaggggghbhh please shoot me, I cant stand high sounds especially repetitive. As for lava lamps…theyre like big crystals, they put me in a trance, I just stare then 3 hours later wonder where time went.
            Colour drives me nuts as well. Although im relatively normal, Im very well aware of high functioning autism with senses. I cant stand a lot….theyre as unsensual as it gets….other than a hot guys body!

          3. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


            I understand your sensitivities. One of my conditions is Fibromyalgia, which some know a bit about but most (including mainstream medicine) do not. Most only know what they see on a commercial and believe all it consists of are “overactive nerves” that can be soothed with a medication. But I’ve had it for over 20 years, and I can tell you it’s so much more than that.

            One of the things that happens during a bad flareup (there’s a baseline of pain and fatigue, with flareups being triggered by many things, but definitely the weather) is hypersensitivity. Of all of the senses. My sheets can feel like sandpaper. I have to stop smoking and move my ashtrays away from the bed because I can smell them too intensely. Sounds are harsher, tastes are too bitter or too bold, I feel like I’m overheating and then freezing.

            Fortunately, the first adult flareup is the longest and worst, so after that even the bad ones are something to just be ridden out with lots of care and comfort. That acceptance, along with some alternative healing products, means making the choice to not suffer through a flareup, but to minimize and just make it through it without resistance. I won’t say it’s not difficult. It can be. And it’s then that many of those colors and scents and textures and lights cause me problems, and have to be put away.

            Some of them help. Lavender is a great scent and sight. I also burn sage, when I have it. Fresh basil, apple cider vinegar, vitamin D all help. So do meditation and visualization. And Biscuit and my teddy bear. And my redneck neighbor who loves Biscuit and helps us out when I can’t walk far enough.

            I can’t imagine what it might be like to have those sensitivities all the time, though. It’s rough enough when they’re periodic and I know they’ll end. I know that it’s part of your “normal,” but I wish it weren’t.

            Love and Blessings Always,

          4. Kristen Avatar

            Hi Annie,
            Ill ask Dr Google about Fibromyalga.
            I llllloooovvvvveeee my normal, its quiet, calm and still. When I go to people houses and see things moving everywhere, photos and ‘stuff’ around as distractions that make things look messy to me, people eating so noisily that I almost want to punch them, watch people scraping cutley on plates so its impossible to block out and listen properly, then I come home and think ‘wow, my kids eat so quietly I hardly hear it, they know to sit still and not fidget, my house looks so calm and clear and I can hear every different bird outside or focus 100% on whatever song is on with every bit of my brain and my brain can absorb every detail of the important things I like and want without distractions’ then wonder if people actually realise what they are missing out on sometimes, almost like tjeir lives are filled with ‘junk’ and sensory white noise.
            But then, its all I know, my world would probably drove them nuts and their world does to me I guess. Tje key is that anyone is incredibly lucky to actually understand how they tick and be able to create their own little world within this huge world.

          5. Craig Avatar

            Smart advice.

    2. Marko Avatar

      “Your society is a reflection of its collective beliefs.” Well, then,
      we’re screwed, unless we can rapidly change society’s collective

      Well, just to qualify a bit, society’s collective beliefs are far from all negative, and well, are a gargantuan mix of awfulness and greatness and all the in between.

      It behooves us to fix the negative and much of the planet is in peril, none really know how this will play out. Neale’s book “The Storm Before The Calm” takes a more positive view that we are seeing the current darker elements of society before the overhaul and breakthroughs come about. I hope he’s right. But does anyone really know?

      I continue to see that if we focus on solutions and wisdom, that this can eventually prevail.

      1. Kristen Avatar

        I’d love to believe we are heading into the storm before the calm, or darkness before the light, I would love nothing more……BUT I just can’t see it happening short of an almost Mad Max movies senario, or others where it gets down to survivors adjusting and adapting.
        There is just too much going on for there to be any solutions short of us being able to do what we can, and getting into a good psychological headspace. Almost tricking ourselves into thinking its not as bad as it is.
        In talking about spiritual solutions or people talking in general, we are able bury our heads in the sand, and believe we can make it ok.

        We can’t stop climate change and all the suffering with that, millions of issues starting to effect people already….just starting note. Here in NZ insurances have hiked although we are in a ‘quake phase’ as well, immigration is beyond what we can cope with especially from India and the Pacific Islands, they’re pretty hard hit. Housing doubled within ten years, wages went up 15%..go figure, pests like flies are rife, its just snowed e weeks before Summer, a wet winter has bought rats, mice out, viruses and flus reached almost pandemic proportions with Influenza A and the Adian 90day flu making comebacks, fruit and vege prices have hiked rapidly with basics like potatoes doubling, people are pretty broke with high power bills, food hikes, doctors visits etc…….which hits retail hard……

        Worldwide retail is struggling other than chainstores that make up a bulk of all statistics. They are fine for now as people are needing to use store cards, they have no cash! Another battle retail is facing is the entire generation of people 18 to 28yrs buying online, they’ve almost dropped off the retail radar unless at 50% off sales so most their disposable income is ending up in China or online warehouses, and all on credit card as well, their generations version of alcohlism. Shops are starting to notice the new ‘breeders’ missing from the market, watch toy and kids clothes stores shut shop soon. At the moment baby boomers are disguising the seriousness of it as they are ‘topping up’ their kids by buying for their grandkids. In mine and other shops the Baby Boomers account for about 50% of kid related sales.
        Watch the Cars movie, the first one about small towns suffering when malls and new highways are built…..thats the real story of whats happening to retail now the internet is built, and malls are slowly emptying as owners not to renew leases, getting out now as they watch turnover drop on average by 10% a year.
        Retail slowly dying will create a huge crisis….jobs lost.

        Not to mention guns, mental health issues, war, terrorism, cancer epidemics now hitting 1 in 5 in NZ I think…thats 20% of the population that have, had or are pretty much anticipated to get cancer, obesity, drugs, alcohol, addictions, unemployment, politics and everything else.

        Its really ‘nice’ that we and others try to do our bit, and great if people can get a good headspace or be optimistic, that has benefits for all…..BUT ‘nice’ can’t fix much unfortunately. Like you, I HOPE Neale is right, but hope is just a psychological optimistic trick, real hope can only come when we can actually see light at the end of the tunnel, and right now that tunnel is getting longer and darker, mostly man made…selfishness being used as the building blocks to build it.

        1. Marko Avatar

          Well it’s a choice we get to make.

          “hope is just a psychological optimistic trick, real hope can only come when we can actually see light at the end of the tunnel, and right now that tunnel is getting longer and darker, mostly man made…selfishness being used as the building blocks to build it.”

          Optimism, hope can at times be used as a spiritual by pass, a spiritual refusal to see the darker shadow side of life. Facing it and working through it is called integration and health, happiness follows this. Our choice. Be the example for others.

          Healthy spiritual living does not ignore this and I agree there is much peril in the world. Earth currently is a pain and suffering planet. It’s the contrasting dark planet other HEB’s have to go to see their opposite. I do work and play to see that we are also on the brink of transformation and breakthrough however slow it appears at the moment.

          As I understand it, all societies go through this phase, and once enlightened, you don’t go back. In the mean time, we could possibly destroy what is one of the more beautiful and bio diverse planets around.

          Though Neale in his latest CwG book 4 says that the collective will of the world will not allow us to completely destroy ourselves. I hope that we create this current crisis only to heal it. More on that in a moment.

          There is this thing called the LOA. Law of Attraction. And once the collective gets a larger hold on that and works toward the eradication poverty and negative climate change will do much.

          The power is within us and my vision is always toward what I desire to see. Including counter visualizing our stupidity to seeing a wise people, wise government and a eventual enlightened society.

          All the problems you mentioned have solutions. It’s up to us of course to deal with them. That’s why I created a page called Soul-utions. It only deals with solutions and the good that people do as a counter balance to all the bad media news, which while important, is only part of the picture.

          But I do share your caution, but like the super hero’s in our fantasy, sci fi and comic books, we have created this current crisis subconsciously only to consciously transform it.

          In doing so, we experience through this wild contrast our truly powerful superhero human potential.

          1. Kristen Avatar

            Have to be quick sorry…but LOA, Im a Kabbalist, thats actually Kabbalic, we study Laws in action.
            If only we could get everyone to realise that we all have the super hero within us, starting with small random acts of kindness.

          2. Craig Avatar

            Superwoman… Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care… Small acts of kindness to those who cannot reward you in return if I may add…

          3. Kristen Avatar


          4. Raphael Avatar

            The mainstream media gives bad news, but not important news or actual information…it gives emotionally disturbing news, repeats them and exploits them to no end, yet does not cover or provide information that would actually empower people to change the political corruption we are experiencing across the board, to counter the extremism of this present administration and its nefarious and borderline criminal actions, the purging of progressives within the democratic party, and to make informed everyday choices.

            Originally, the MSM covered disturbing events to help its advertisers sell more stuff through commercials. Studies showed that anxiety, stress lead to an increase in impulsive consumerism. But another important goal is to dumb down the population and keep it docile and “entertained”, pacified (the old, proven bread and circus strategy). Television is a very effective adult pacifier. It is a form of tranquilizer, which is why many people are addicted to it and cannot live without it (how many keep their television on all day?).

            Fortunately only old people watch the MSM today, it is dying and is being replaced by independent media on the internet…I especially recommend Democracy Now and TYT politics.

            The solutions to present world problems are outside of the box…within a different paradigm. Most of humanity doesn’t yet have the wisdom required to get there voluntarily…it will have to be pushed there by great challenges, by the impossibility of staying on the same path (as in New Delhi, the extreme pollution of which is 10 times worse than Beijing, and which has been called “a gas chamber” by its mayor). Hopefully it will not be too painful…but the pain will be directly proportional to the addiction the world has to its present materialistic lifestyles and beliefs.

          5. Craig Avatar

            I read somewhere that we cannot resolve the conflict using the same paradigm we used to create or identify it. Out the box hit and run solutions are needed not perfect or ideal solutions…

          6. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            I believe that statement is multi-source. There is reference in A Course in Miracles about it. And Albert Einstein, as well as Dr. Werner Von Braun both espoused the idea that new solutions need
            answers from principle. The idea of a three-stage rocket is what finally got us into space. Also, as I see the evolution of Neale’s books, his first CWG was for him basically, dealing with his personal issues. Then book two came along and dealt with our world’s issues; then book three expanded further to deal with Universal issues, and our relationship(s) with everything there.

          7. Craig Avatar

            Thank you for the response AKA Patrick.
            Interesting to note that both right and left wing extremists grab the exact principle on to justify their defiance…
            So the right choice would be to bring creation evolution into the criteria for selecting which choice is the right option for mankind. Humans cannot evolve with confrontation of their current predicament. When the predicament is generalised the problem arises that the most votes get the go ahead. Votes are 80% of the time on favouritism or short-term advantage only 20% of votes are based on truthful assessment on what is being offered…

          8. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            Blah, blah, blah…

          9. Craig Avatar

            Come now is that how you are telling me I am making noise and no sense…

          10. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick


          11. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


            I agree about MSM. I don’t have cable anymore, so I get most of my news from the Internet, from a variety of sources. I do keep track of what MSM is trying to sell us, but don’t take it as gospel, like previous generations have. Instead, I compare it to what “alternative” media sources are saying.

            TYT is great. So is Conscious Evolution, when it comes to what may be being purposely hidden from us. (All that stuff Patrick fought so hard against.) But, as always, I believe the best source for information is internal. We all have the ability to discern what’s true and what’s not, but not all of us use it. That “gut feeling,” or that “still small voice,” or just “getting a bad vibe” are all very real signals most ignore.

            I guess for me it’s a combination of taking in the information from various sources, and then using myself as a barometer of sorts to discern the truth. I must admit, though, that over the past few years, that’s become more difficult. I’m not talking Trump–he’s pretty blatant and easily read. I’m talking about figuring out the power behind the powers-that-be, the ones pulling everyone’s strings, the ones purposely causing uproars to keep us divided.

            Something is telling me that Putin and Trump and Kim Jung Un are all part of some–I don’t even have a word for it–organization?–that’s dismantling everything we think we’re sure of–food, clothing, water, air, our planet–militarizing governments and alienating our allies. It’s a means to control us with fear. Call it a “hunch.”

            It’s notable that the military-industrial complex has become the military-industrial-coal-oil-technology-banking-corporation-1% complex.

            Love and Blessings Always,

          12. Raphael Avatar

            I personally do not believe that there is a power behind the powers that be…although there are a lot of private, elite clubs and semi secret societies, but that’s just little boys playing the elite game, imagining themselves to be special and important.

            If anything, the top dogs are international banks. They control the corporations and industries that control the politicians, governmental institutions and the media that control us. The military establishment as well as the legal system and intelligent agencies are their enforcers.

            Politicians are little more than puppets. Obama was a puppet, Trump is a puppet. They sound different but roughly follow the same domestic and foreign policies. Trump sounds like a wannabe dictator, but Obama is the one who gave the executive branch the powers of a king by suspending habeas corpus. With “friends” like the establishment Democrats, who needs enemies?

            There is one thing that you can be sure of: the world is run by thieves and liars, as Native Americans say. Everything else is just details…

          13. Stephen mills Avatar
            Stephen mills

            Thanks for that Raphael the wise one ?

            This Spiritual power or Original power is something that indeed we all have ….now to use it ,is what must happen . Neale talks of a New Spirituality with the main message being Need is an illusion .He says the idea that Need exists together with the consumer culture that drives ,people into the mentality of Bigger-Better-More ,has done more than any other single thought to keep us all in bondage to manufacturers ,corporations ,politicians ,energy suppliers and a whole cadre of others that we think we need to exist. He goes onto say by embracing the message of tomorrow’s god, a god that needs nothing as she is everything . By getting us to experience that we can change everything about the way we live .
            Using this Spiritual Power will get us out of the rat race ….of this never ending treadmill grinding us deeper into the mire.

            People have to take more responsibility for their choices .One of the main problems of our globalised culture is one of dependence .An example would be in Yemen 90% of produce is imported into that country do a blockade of imports would cause devastation famine and chaos . That’s what’s going on there …millions are going to starve . The whole of Africa is practically dependent on the Wester Powers and predatory organisations set up to keep them down . Why ? Because self sufficient people’s are free and not controllable.
            You know most people are a couple of missed mortgage payments away from real hardship. Probably 90 % of us are just getting by paying our way by direct debits to corporations having not much left over for fun with our families . Here in the UK we have had Austerity pushed on us all by the Conservative government after they bailed out the banksters with £350 billion of public money …it went straight to the richest 10% of the population .
            One thing I do not understand is why people are not taking to the streets in mass protest at the massively unfair system . The Paradise Papers have just been released which shows how much we are all been played like fiddles . The greed of these folks is obscene sucking up the wealth of the ordinary people and stashing it offshore in secret accounts . This includes the Royal Family already with wealth more than some countries .

            That’s my rant for the day must go now and be that slave for the system . My wife is a sick children’s nurse she does 12 hour shifts looking after kids dying of cancer she has had a 14% pay cut since 2008 .Thats no pay rise in 10 years .

            Blessed are the meek .

          14. Raphael Avatar

            “…self sufficient people’s are free and not controllable.”

            So true. That’s the bottom line. This is why the British Empire dismantled India’s cooperative farming villages, why America destroyed the Indigenous tribal populations’ ability to support themselves, why any attempt by third world nations to retain control of their own resources is brutally opposed by Europe and North America.

            Exploiters and predators see no greater threat than a self-sufficient and united people. They need to divide, separate and alienate them and enslave them with debt, through the creation of artificial needs…this is actually exactly the strategy that was used to destroy Indian tribes in the Brazilian rainforest, apart from massacres.

            If anyone wants to understand the beast (the nature and strategies of the civilized world), all you need is to look at how it dealt with and is still dealing with Indigenous people. Civilized people have been enslaved and subjugated for centuries, they have forgotten and need to be reminded.

          15. Marko Avatar

            As for news, we have a lot more choices. We simply have to be more discriminating. NBC, ABC, CBS are still more responsible than many rouge internet news sites. They still check their sources and even admit when they make errors. 60 minutes is still uncovering great stories.

            Democracy now, Vise news and others all quality alternatives. We get to decide and choose. Check sources, be discriminating.

            I’ve been behind the scenes of certain news stories and have watched several mainstream news media cover things, and believe it or not, in a very unbiased way.

            One example: I went years ago to a symposium at the University of Milwaukee on the 911 controversy and watched how they (mainstream news) covered the main speaker. When I read the articles on it the next day, they did a very good job of reporting the facts and what happened. I was there and knew what to watch for, and they did their job.

            To lump them all in a generalization of only corporate media is not only unfair but a stereotype. That does not mean they are free of corporate influence, but good reporting still exists, even in MSM.

          16. Raphael Avatar

            We all have different opinions, perceptions and expectations…I could cite hundred of example of media bias, and everyday examples of MSM journalists not doing their job. It all depends on where you stand, on your own perspective…like looking at a landscape, I might see a mountain whereas you see a valley. In such cases we just have to agree to disagree…without any bad feelings, and with mutual respect.

          17. Marko Avatar

            Just watched NBC news tonight. They fully endorsed climate change in a story on glaciers. I’ve watched them (NBC) hem and haw and tiptoe on this subject back and forth. But tonight I smiled.

          18. Raphael Avatar

            Good…perhaps there is hope for them still 🙂

          19. Marko Avatar

            Perhaps! 🙂

          20. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            True. As witness to this, Dan Rather(then with CBS News) came to
            Denver Colorado for the Columbine High School killings. I’m not sure where he got the term “The Trenchcoat Mafia” for the two teens
            who did the killings, but he did a fantastic job of reporting the whole.

          21. Craig Avatar

            Online shopping only seems to be working when it is cheaper and more convenient than direct sales. Direct sales catering for a niche group cannot succeed if the niche group is not identified and kept being catered for. As for the retail industry they try to fulfill these two roles and that is where the problem lies. Try KFC over the counter versus KFC deliveries… Convenience. Every industry goes through this cycle cater for all and the battle is the pricing.
            I pay 50% more to get through my shopping list downtown. While downtown inhabitants crowd and cause disruptions uptown…
            I buy online to cater for future necessities not survival essentials…
            The problem is for small enterprises to outsmart large ones offering retail, delivery and online. The way to do it is use more of the customers senses to lure them to the enterprise…

          22. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            Are you saying “Lie to them”?

          23. Craig Avatar

            No, use visual, audible, touch, smell and taste. Have you heard you relaxed people talk when they really enjoy a meal over people just finishing a meal to get out a restaurant with bad prepared food…

          24. Kristen Avatar

            Hi Craig, I just saw this.
            I actually dont agree. Im one of the lucky few, my shop is 40 years old with families now in 3rd generation and Im prepared to put in the labour to meet their wants, including now hand decorating cookies and things no one else will do at an affordable price BUT thats just me, others cant and dont have such a loyal customer base.
            You dont understand small businesses. Whether retail, building or otherwise generally 50% of what customers pay is your materials bought, and the other 50% needs to cover wages incl your own, rent, taxes, admin, utilities etc. So you only have 50% of your turnover to use each month to replace or buy stock with.
            Sitting doing quotes online is time consuming and unproductive a lot of the time, small businesses can only spend so much $ on stock and cant get it anywhere near what big stores pay and its difficullt to ‘outsmart’ big businesses who are trained to manipulate the market, can have 50% off sales and employ people with marketing degrees with millions to spend AND can get goods straight from China at a 10th of what we pay, not to even mention people look at big businesses websites first.
            Trust me on this one, I know what Im talking about and every small business owner works their butts off, I cant agree with your suggestions of ‘try harder and drop prices’.
            I agree about appealing to the senses, I have that down pat with radio always on, baking always in the oven, lots going on visually and lots of ideas (you forgot a toybox and free lollipops, a mothers sanity) BUT that only works when customers are already in your shop. When still at home they want CHEAP and online with free delivery…something small shops just cant do. If selling at a loss to compete you may as well not bother, its that 50% profit we NEED.

          25. Craig Avatar

            Accepted as you are in the business. I I can just comment on my local activities as I am watching my market how your market works you will best know…

          26. Raphael Avatar

            Yes but what is the point of experiencing ourselves as “superheroes”? (Please don’t read this as being antagonistic, only questioning…I like to question everything).

            What is the point of setting the entire world on fire (metaphorically) to prove to ourselves that we can develop the ability to put the fire out? Isn’t this an exercise in futility, an absurd exercise, in the final analysis? Why not simply appreciate the beauty of life, the beauty that is all around us and within us, and live in harmony?

            I never felt a need to break my legs in order to subsequently appreciate my natural ability to stand on them and walk.

            You will answer that it is because humanity is not evolved enough…because it is still “young”. Perhaps. No one truly knows, as we don’t even know our actual origin. It seems that humans are innately conflicted…I think there is more to our collective story than we suspect.

          27. Marko Avatar

            No antagonistism felt my friend. I get your point and welcome your questioning.

            I think the whole sci fi superhero concept is bleeding over and soaking through. Think a billionaire politician who’s uncouth, dysfunctional and inexperienced and people vote for him is for Batman/Superman comics only? Look at our current Twilight Zone Trump reality!

            “Why not simply appreciate the beauty of life, the beauty that is all around us and within us, and live in harmony?” Ha good one! Welcome to my world! I agree wholeheartedly. But this world is one of many realities not just mine.

            Also, as I understand it, all societies in the cosmos go through this same evolutionary phase as we are doing.

            Lisette Larkins ET’s explained that they blew them selves up twice before they finally go it. They went through all the stuff we did as well. There are many small trees and orchards of budding enlightenment in various stages of growth on our planet. May they sprout strong sooner than later.


          28. Raphael Avatar

            Trump is unfortunately not merely a passing anomaly…he has the opportunity to appoint over a 100 politically extremist judges who will hold their positions for decades, potentially. While we all have our eyes fixed on the con man and his ridiculous tweets, his team is slyly destroying everything most Americans cherish, not to mention that Republicans might soon have the political power to have a Constitutional convention and modify the Constitution.

            All of this points to a long term crisis.

            It seems that the world is getting ever more divided…between the spiritually awakened or gently awakening, and the barbarians who want to take us back to feudal times socially, politically and in terms of religion, and who do not merely have ideas but have ambitions of achieving absolute control over all of us.

            Every piece of the world puzzle has a role to play…but humanity is a bit of a slow learner. Should we visualize a firecracker under its collective butt, so it doesn’t have to experience a mushroom cloud?

          29. Marko Avatar

            I personally would visualize the world we all desire to experience and add that good energy to the receptive collective and create the snowball effect.

            We don’t ignore or airbrush over the worlds problems we do what we can and are inspired to be and do action wise.

          30. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            Check out a book by Anne Wilson-Schaef entitled: “When Society Becomes an Addict” for an excellent discussion of the international dysfunctionality of the world. Very enlightening (psychologically).

          31. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            Questioning EVERYTHING is VERY WISE!

        2. Raphael Avatar

          Good analysis…there is no doubt in my mind that the “storm” Neale and many other traditions and prophecies refer to is way darker, global and more catastrophic than Neale even imagines or is willing to face. According to my own little vision, it will cause all of humanity to plunge into near absolute despair.

          That’s not something anyone wants to hear, obviously…anymore than anyone wants to hear they have cancer.

          After this period of near absolute despair comes something that I am not sure I know how to describe or understand…all I know is that it is better than anything we can think of, and it is a new way of being. Perhaps in a new dimension. It will be as if the divine is made visible throughout all life…a world of inner light and knowledge. Many, who will be unprepared, will be disoriented and need help at that time…and they will get it from christ-like individuals.

      2. Craig Avatar

        Why must we change the negative? Is it not the counter balance essential part of being alive. Yin yang… We cannot evolve without the opposite. If Raphael be right we need to accept our role in every encounter towards enlightenment. If we play the Yin role today in say your life and within an hour I play the yang role in Kristen’s life. We do not have only one singular role we play an ever changing role. All to help each other evolve to the ultimate self… That which is created unto the essence of creation…
        When we try to fix the negative in others we become oppressors but when we help each other and understand the significance of the experience we have a win win situation… We should not claim we are evolving when we stick to a norm that applied 2000 years ago… Penalty and all if it were otherwise then the death penalty and corporate punishment would self be a crucial part of our way of donig…

        1. Marko Avatar

          We don’t necessarily need opposites to evolve. That’s a bit of old school spirituality.

          HEB’s live in perfectly enlightened societies. If they want to see negativity or opposites, they do not exist in their front yard or even their planet.

          They have to travel untold light years to find a place like earth to see negativity and opposites. But it does not exist in their experience. It does exists somewhere in the cosmos. In this case, earth is one of those opposites.

          “When we try to fix the negative in others we become oppressors but when we help each other and understand the significance of the experience we have a win win situation.”

          We only need to fix the negative in ourselves if that’s our choice. In doing so we influence others regarding the life and choices we make.

          As I’ve said on many occasion here over the years. We eventually out grow negativity and violence etc.

          Some simply out grow it sooner.

          1. Raphael Avatar

            I think we need to make a clear distinction between the natural world and the human world. The following comment is about the natural world, the natural creation, the natural earth.

            There are no opposites in the natural universe, only complementary elements…there are no conflicts, only a dance, a movement, multiple motions of high and low, light and dark, past and future, life and death.

            The conflicts only exist in our human minds, not in life itself. We see conflicts where there is actually balance and harmony. Even the prey and predator exist in a state of harmony in the wilderness.

            If there were no contrast, no polarity, there would be no movement, no motion…there would be immobility, as when a scale return to its center position.

            Some confuse immobility with peace…but immobility is death. Peace comes with the understanding that conflicts are mental creations. Peace comes with the understanding that life is a dance, and with dancing gracefully, without fearing or resisting the flow of nature, the Tao, like a leaf in the wind…for joy only.

            If only we could all learn from nature…

          2. Marko Avatar

            I’ll buy into that quite a bit. I thinks it’s a fair distinction.

            Lisette Larkins enlightened ET’s she writes about work and communicate with animals and nature regarding crop circles. They don’t just use technology, they use psychic spiritual enlightenment together for permission and dance with them in the process.

            However, I just saw the documentary on Jane Goodall and while her studies of the chimps revealed a lot of harmony there was also conflict and disharmony, violence.

            When we are enlightened and completely at peace, it’s possible that animals themselves may also change in behavior.

            Search for : How to have a relationship with a wild animal narrated Steve Karlin sustainable human. For a way we should approach wild animals.

            I think most animals domestic and wild have a natural Buddha like peace built in except when in danger and hunting where other modes kick in. We’d do well to be in that Buddha like space. I work and play to be in the space our cat is in.

          3. Raphael Avatar

            Interesting…I just watched the video. That “Buddha” like quality is indeed that of being fully present, here and now.

            I bonded with an owl in the past…it was wild but did not want to leave me, and stayed with me several days, staying on my shoulder. The last scene on the video reminded me of it, when I petted that owl on the head it would close its eyes…

            I have had bonding experiences with wild turkeys and deer as well. When you are very calm, have an inner calm, animals come to you and trust you.

          4. Marko Avatar

            Amen brother amen! That was one great video and short too! Very profound. Posted it on my Facebook page last week. Glad you enjoyed and related. I thought you would. No, I knew you would!

          5. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            It’s actually difficult for me to live without animals. I’m struggling now because Biscuit is ageing rapidly. When I’ve had cats, I’ve always gotten a second one when the first got to be about 10. I also allow them to pass over at home and in my arms rather than a veterinarian’s office.

            I’ve bonded with every domestic animal I’ve lived with, and several when I’m sitting outside. For some reason, butterflies are the ones that most often alight on my arm or my hand. I’ve recently been making friends with the native lizards here, who come in and help keep the bug population down. A couple of them have gotten used to my talking to them.

          6. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            Interesting to note: Would there Be the Presence of Life without MOVEMENT? Absolutely NOT. In the Bible we are told: “And God MOVED” on the face of the deep. Without movement or motion, there is no active Life.

          7. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            Amen to what you say!

          8. Craig Avatar

            Thank you for the clarification… We need to fix in ourselves to be an example for others. I have to agree with that. It is the way we perceive things that may be the problem. We need enlightened eyes of the mind to change.

        2. AKA Patrick Avatar
          AKA Patrick

          “We need do nothing” is a statement from the Course in Miracles. It simply means (as a Catch-22)that it’s more important to BE than to DO. So we don’t need to change the negative; all we need do is BE the positive opposite thereof. So the idea is that we need to BE THE CHANGE WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE IN OUR WORLD. Neale clearly understands this, as he has clearly stated repeatedly.

        3. Kristen Avatar

          Im my own ying yang, balanced, or willplace God as Yang if Im stuck on male principles. Im Kabbalah He is the God of Law and male principles. That old buddhist diagram is just one tiny part of a huge lot of Universal Laws about balance, neutralisation, companionship, evolution, harmony and many other factors. Buddha cracked one of thousands of Laws, its blown completely out of proportion.

          1. Raphael Avatar

            Buddha did not crack that one…Chinese Taoists did. Yin yang is not a Buddhist thing, it is part of many universal laws the Chinese Taoists discovered about the universe.

          2. Kristen Avatar

            Sorry, my bad, was in a rush, busy season at work.
            I should have said ‘what is now promoted as Buddhism’ rather than Buddha.
            Glad you know there were lots of Laws cracked, yet for some reason that one Law is seen as freestanding and blown out of proportion when its actually a very minor Law, that the West seen to love. Odd!

          3. Raphael Avatar

            The Yinyang law is oversimplified in the west, as is everything else (western people look at everything as being separate from everything else). It is actually not a single, free standing law, but has countless ramifications (correspondence, vibration, polarity, rhythm, causation, gender, etc) which makes sense since nothing in the universe exists in isolation. More later…

          4. Kristen Avatar

            No more later…please! I studied Universal Law for the better part of 10 years, and glad you ‘get it’. No Law is freestanding and every Law must be compatible with all other Laws or it cant exist. Hence why there is no Law of Opposites…you can tell when people are still an early student or dont yet ‘get it’ when they talk of the Law of Opposites…theyre just learning info from others on Earth, never thinking that they could have it wrong.

          5. Raphael Avatar

            Exactly…I mentioned this to Neale in a comment once, and he somewhat acknowledged that “the law of opposites” (on this blog) was inaccurate but that his audience (average people) would understand it better than calling it “the law of complementarity”.
            I think it is a mistake to talk down to people and feed them inaccuracies because that’s all they are presumed to be able to understand. It is not that difficult to explain this law.

      3. AKA Patrick Avatar
        AKA Patrick


    3. AKA Patrick Avatar
      AKA Patrick

      Wow, Annie. You’ve GOT it– in more ways than One. You Are the One! Over the entry of a downtown bar and grill, (which company originated in Hawaii), are large
      gold-plated(?) letters about two feet high which clearly state: “LOVE ALL; SERVE ALL; ALL IS ONE”! The hard part of this is, it’s hard to be oh, so patient, while we
      wait for others to catch-up. But since we’re such a young race in the cosmos, we are a ways behind. Which means We have OUR work to do. You’re already doing some good examples. In helping others, you’re helping yourself. And that’s just as God wants it. More later, as I have time…

  3. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

    Yet another warning as I’m about to rant again…

    I have spent most of the morning watching the dramas that have been unfolding over the weekend (which I ignored until this morning–everyone needs a break). I knew my phone was blowing up with Twitter notifications, but had been ignoring them.

    Why is it surprising to anyone that, in a country where a narcissistic sexual predator has been elected President, someone running for Congress from Alabama has been accused of having sex with a 14 year old girl?

    Why is it surprising to anyone that, in the Philippines, Duerte views the press as the enemy and our narcissistic President admires his attitude?

    Why is it surprising to anyone that, in a world filled with self-denial, there is so much public denial about who we are as a society–one that allows child brides; one that supports sexual assaults against women as signs of power and control; one that has been informed by every “intelligence” agency that Russia interfered with our election but we refuse to believe it; one that can’t even pass legislation to prohibit the sales of the kits that turn semiautomatic weapons into near-automatic weapons after several mass shootings by lone gunmen?

    Once again, the distractions are so obvious. Instead of talking about how Trump is filling federal judicial seats with ultraconservatives, we’re talking about pedophilia (which is far from “new” news). Instead of talking about how many lives are being lost in Puerto Rico due to a lack of sanitary water and food, and now the spreading of disease, we’re talking about the latest Trump-Russia connections (which also aren’t “new” news).

    People are boycotting advertisers of Sean Hannity, and when the advertisers pull their ads, other people are smashing their products because they “caved” to the pressure–while our fellow Americans are dying in Puerto Rico! While a 7.3 earthquake has killed hundreds in Iran and Iraq! While the people of Yemen are being exterminated!

    Yes, I’m politically active. I put myself out there, to be proactive, to be the “voice of facts” when people who are ill informed or misinformed post incorrect information. I use data, like knowing the latest statistics show only 2%-10% of all sexual assault accusations are false. I do my research (there really are people dedicated to the accumulation of actual data). Or that people don’t generally die of seizures in their sleep but rather from the activity they’re involved in when they have a seizure, like driving or swimming (one would have to have a sustained seizure for over half an hour–rarely seen except in withdrawals from alcohol or drugs–for the seizure to cause brain death).

    It’s tiring, to be honest. Sometimes it’s tempting to withdraw from it altogether. But, then–if not me, who?

    I need to watch a silly comedy for a while, or maybe let some Angry Birds do some virtual violence on green piggies that steal their eggs. Or curl up with my teddy bear.

    Love and Blessings Always,

    1. Marko Avatar

      You can’t fight all battles. Choose a few and leave the rest. We need people with peace of mind as well.

    2. Raphael Avatar

      Hi Annie,

      Remember to walk with one foot in this world, one foot in the Spirit world. It’s a balancing act…being grounded in the natural world can help. Literally connect with the ground…barefoot…at least 15 minutes a day, and silently communicate with the earth and its healing energies. If you can do it at dawn and dusk, it will be even better…pre-dawn is a magical and powerful time, spiritually.

      The biggest issue is, in my view, the destruction of our planet. This is what all Indigenous people focus on…not that everything else is not important, but without the earth, we have nothing.

      The social climate is very toxic these days…the culture is toxic. The entire world is plunging into madness, or so it seems. Don’t turn your eyes away from it, look at it and act effectively wherever you can, stay involved but don’t let yourself being thrown into imbalance…remember your center, stay centered.

      I sign petitions every day, among other things…many can get me angry. Most stories are outrageous. That’s when I have to remember nature and what I call the real world, which from my perspective is not our present human world…that world is not real in the sense that it is rooted in illusions. That world is a mistake.

    3. Raphael Avatar

      To anyone who cares about our planet and life:

      “The fact that Earth’s climate is rapidly changing as a result of human activity on our planet is an enormous problem. Forget about the pretend “debate” going on, where one side explains that we need to cut back on our dirty energy needs and production in order to try to slow down the general warming of our planet, while the other side pretends that God will let them keep their money in heaven. The fact remains that fossil fuels and unregulated and unsafe industrial production causes systematic pollution—pollution of our air and our water and the soil from which we get all of our food.

      NPR is reporting on a new study showing that pollution was the cause of 9 million premature deaths in 2015, and the number of humans affected by pollution across the globe beats out those smoking tobacco and completely dwarfs people affected by AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and war.”
      By Walter Einenkel

    4. Kristen Avatar

      Hi Annie,
      I havnt been in for a while so just read this.
      Annie, you cant take on or fight the worlds problems, no one can, all the frustration and anger manifests in you. I got rid of my tv and dont even read the news online, the 3 minute news on the radio is all I need to know now…why? Because 99% of everything is a complete waste of time, it just pees me off. If I KNOW I can change something then its worth it, or if my voice or $ will actually stop suffering for someone or something, but other than that my stance is now ‘I cant change it, therefore would rather not know, Ive lost complete interest it all, it consumes you if you let it.

      Re deaths from earthquakes and things….I’m so anti suffering, that I’m pro death, I would eauthenaise billions if I could and half the animals in the world, plus execute millions. For that reason I never give immediate aid for natural disasters, I think that being saved and ‘bought back to life’ by well meaning people is, sadly, the crueler of the two options. I would rather die if I lost loved ones, my home, my everything, and have seen the ongoing psychological impacts of ‘survivors’ of natural disasters….so my stance is to allow people to pass away within a few days, especially children, rather than impose our natural instinctive decision on them by saving their lives. Lets face it, life in many places is already hell, if they get a chance to leave hell then Im all for that….sometimes nature is being kind when it looks cruel!

      1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


        I haven’t been here in a little while, either. I’m struggling with anger, depression and PTSD. The anger isn’t a useless one–I’ve been being active on social media. The depression started with the anniversary of Christie’s passing over and continued with watching Biscuit slow down so very much (he’s 11 now, and has developed a mass in his hind leg), and seeing the commercialization of the Christmas holiday a full two weeks before Halloween. That, and apparently my brain chemistry has changed so that antidepressants are no longer working for my Bipolar. And more red tape to see a neurosurgeon, then finding out my Primary doc (who made the referral) is leaving and I may have to start the process all over. Again. The PTSD is from the nearly unavoidable, always breaking news of one more perpetrator of sexual assault or harassment coming to light, and (as always) our elected President. (I don’t call him “my President” because he represents all I’m against and doesn’t speak for me.)

        I can’t say I don’t understand your view on natural disasters. But I can say that, under other circumstances, I have been someone who’s lost everything. My family fell apart after Mama passed, and those siblings I was still in touch with after I told the “family secrets” were judgmental about my going on disability. They haven’t spoken to me in years. When I got sick in St. Louis, my landlord took all my belongings, gave away my cat, and rented my apartment, leaving me homeless and without precious (to me) heirlooms and mementos. Then Christie and I became homeless here in Florida, and she passed over just months after finding a home. Friends have been steadily moving away as the mobile home park puts more rules and regulations in place (but not on the well-known drug dealer, or the manager’s extended family who have moved into about five of the trailers now). My neighbor’s being targeted and has said he will be leaving, and he is the last of the friends I’ve made here. I’m not the suicidal type (I don’t believe it’s my life to take), but I have wondered why it is that I’m still here.

        When I get to that point, I remember that I’m here, now, for a purpose. Yes, I can and do get overwhelmed, but it’s because I care. I care about every woman who has been willing to speak out about having been sexually harassed or assaulted because I know how very hard it is to do, even without the spotlights. I care about the group of homeless who move from one bus stop to another in my neighborhood so that they won’t be arrested for loitering, and that it’s starting to cool here. I care that the DAP burst, as predicted by many, spilling so much oil and spoiling so much of nature. I care that the President is slowly dismantling our government, from the inside, as he and his Bannonites intended from the start. I care that a climate change denier is in charge of the EPA. I care that the President has declared North Korea a sponsor of terrorism, changing the rules of engagement and bringing us closer to war.

        I’m only one voice, but I can’t stop speaking out. Literally. I’ve tried to tune out the insanity before, and I have cut way back (no TV anymore), but I find myself even more depressed when I try to detach entirely. When my heart knows that what I’m seeing around me, even in my own neighborhood, is inhumane and destructive, I can’t stay silent. It’s part of who I am, who I’ve been since I left home at 18. Actually, even earlier, because I campaigned for Shirley Chisolm before I could even vote (she was a local politician, breaking barriers of gender and race, not to mention being intelligent and caring). And I was an environmental activist before that, in Junior High. Heck, I even mentally battled with my father’s abuses, never giving him the tears and screams he desired because (at the time) it was the only way I could win.

        I guess I’ve always been a fighter. Even depressed, even triggered, even feeling myself losing more of my physical abilities, even in pain. I’ve been told before that I need to “pick my battles,” but my battle is for humanity to be humane to all living things, and the planet and universe that supports us.

        When all else fails, I recall my favorite Dr. Seuss book, “Horton Hears a Who.” While Horton is usually seen as the hero because he will not stop believing in a world that exists on a speck of dust, for me the hero has always been that final Who in Whoville, whose voice added just enough volume for others besides Horton to finally hear the cry, “We are here, we are here, we are here!” And I imagine that final Who is me.

        Love and Blessings Always,

        1. Kristen Avatar

          Hi Annie,
          I understand, I just worry since every emotion or brain chemical aspect of ourselves manifests in our physical body somewhere, the worlds problems and others are making you sicker….you know this, you live with it every day. But you also know what you need, and thats a purpose. I have work, kids etc to keep busy, and now choose to only do what I can change or fix, Ive wasted enough money and time over the years but understand you are different. I dont have one drop of activism blood, nor political, I just cant do anger, its not something Im familiar with, so dont have that drive many victims get.
          Annie, can you just sit calmly with feet in warm water for a bit then picture yourself surrounded by white light and dark or damaged ‘bits’ should show as dark spots and let me know where they are, or I can do it by drawing a picture like the Operation Man. When I tried to top you up last week I couldnt even visualise anything, you were blocked but since I picture people at a beach, if your energy is ‘bad or negative’ for you at the moment, it wont be compatible with the light energy of a beach. I could see a motor home or like a house thing built from one, but shut down myself incase it was real, thats probably not realm or if it was is a breach of privacy. Tell me somewhere different that you ‘feel’, like woods or something and I’ll try to lead you out. Or let me know something you instinctively feel you need and Ill work with that. My instincts for you are pink rock salt.
          Sorry to hear about Biscuit, my one and only dog ever died at 13 a few years ago, completely devastating, worse than a nasty divorce and other horrible things. Ill stick with cats now, its just too hard.
          Take care Annie,

          1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            It’s spot on that you saw a trailer “or like a house thing built from one.” My home was originally a single-wide, but two “permanent” rooms were added on later to turn it into a two bedroom. I would not consider it intrusive of you or a breach of privacy as I feel no threat from you, but I leave that to you.

            I love the ocean and have never felt more at peace than there, but it wasn’t at the beach. I love the northern California cliffs, where one is sensually immersed in the ocean as the waves crash and the water sprays and the wind smells clean. In fact, I’ve only been to the beaches here in Florida once, and it was before I got my glasses. Christie lived for the beaches here and insisted I go, even though I couldn’t see.

            The place that used to ground me, however, were the Redwood forests. It was almost as if I could feel the wisdom of those ancient trees, whose roots reach deep into our Earth and whose trunks reach far for the sun and sky.

            Right now, my nature spot is a small garden in front of the original trailer. The ground is more sand than dirt, but still smells of the Earth. I love tending to the plants that grow there–butterfly bushes, elephant ear plants, aloe, Cuban buttercups, and bulbs that have yet to flower but I’m told are tall and aromatic. It’s full of life, and I’m very careful not to disturb lizard eggs or the occasional coccoon. I take off my shoes and socks, and dig in up past my wrists. It’s very healing for me.

            I had to laugh at sitting with my feet in the water. The only time that happens is when I shower (using a shower chair), because my bathtub drain is very slow. It’s too chilly here for the beaches now, and the thought of going without Christie hurts my heart.

            Would Himalayan salt lights be considered pink rock salt? Just last month I put one on a “wish list” at an online store. They’re supposed to help ionize and clear the air, but I’ve felt drawn to them since they came on the market a few years back.

            Love and Blessings Always,

          2. Kristen Avatar

            Smiling, at least Im on the right track. Ill visualise in a Redwood forest. A bowl of warm water is fine, preferably not plastic.
            Yip, your instincts are right with Himalayan salt lights, I have a big Arkansas crystal one but its too strong for me even when I grounded it in salted Holy water.
            Majic is in place with anything instinctive and Laws ensure equality between the wealthy and the poor, there are always cheaper versions of everything accessible, like Kmart cushions copying designer ones etc. For you, the majic will work if you can get a packet of pink rock salt from the supermarket, here its around $4, and ours is Himalayan. Just put it on a saucer or bowl that ‘feels’ right. Sunlight, the moon or even light from a cheap tealight candle will energise it for you the same as the salt light would work. Use some on your food, the majic will work as faith healing or a placebo, if you believe in it, or trust your instincts, backed up by mine, then the salt consumed will carry healing properties. And if you can get some, have a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar each day, that carries ‘majic’ as well. Its also absorbed well through the skin. Soaking your feet in water with some of your ‘majic salt’ will also be absorbed through your skin. If you can, and actually believe in it, try a mantra over and over again along the lines of “I believe in the power of me and all I am, and my body can self heal everything it can, and it will”. You have to believe in what you say though, and cant do anything contrary to what you believe. And dont fight smoking while trying to heal, your body will just recognise the cigarette chemicals as your bodys normal chemicals the same as everything else, addictions are a non issue with healing.
            Id put some in Biscuits water or food, and if you can get hold of any, give him mussels, theyre amazing for old dogs. Lots of poultry food has mussels in them so that could do crushed into his food. Mussels are a liver food, as is apple cider vinegar, the liver sorts good from bad and removes toxins, so the majic works with language. Liver=live er=longevity. Good liver foods stengthen the ability to rid you of anything negative, physical or mental, and give your healing body and brain the clear message of a strong will to live.
            Ill try something today or tomorrow, but Im wary of making you sick again, tell me it it makes things worse, Im a bit strong sometimes. Im sort of a go hard or go home person!
            Take care Annie, and Ill surround Biscuit with some healing energy. Wierd thing is I know his breed but picture him like a brown labrador. Unsure why, the mind does wierd things. I think its because I have a privacy code so the majic distorts things deliberately for me, I wouldnt do things if I didnt have that distortion veil in place as I would literally see into your home. Thats not cool!

          3. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            Thanks for the tips on the salt. I’m hoping to get the one on the wish list because it’s also a design that I like, but until I can afford it (I forget how much, but it wasn’t all that bad) I’ll look for some Himalayan or Arkansas salts. Christie was a scrounger, so I have plenty of pretty glass bowls I could put it in and let the sun/moon shine on it. I’m also one of those people who salts a lot of food, though currently my grinder has Kosher salt in it as I couldln’t find the crystalized kind. And, guess what I use to disinfect my mouth so I stop getting infections from all the rotted teeth I have? (Mama and Granny both had caps on all their teeth by their 30’s–something about the enamel–and dental was cut from Medicare some years back.) Yep. Apple cider vinegar. If I have an active infection, I spit it out, but as a routine, I just swallow it. It fights off a whole host of things. As a kid, it was black strap molasses. Now it’s apple cider vinegar. Being German, I grew up on strong, sourish/tart tastes. I also drizzle some over green beans on occasion (after cooking). And my next door neighbor just found a set of ceramic cruets for oil and vinegar, and didn’t want them, so gave them to me.

            Biscuit loves it when the holiday season hits, because he loves turkey. He gets a bit of the meat every day, but what he really likes are the knuckles off the ends of the bones (not the bones themselves, or the ligaments in the legs). When I cooked up the goodies that are packed inside, he also got the whole liver–not all at once, becaue I didn’t want to throw his system off. I can’t stand liver of any kind. Smelled and ate way too much of it after Mama started her perpetual diet. He’s had bits of turkey every day since I cooked it on Tuesday (only food in the house was the Thanksgiving Day giveaway). I saved the heart for myself. I feed him Blue Buffalo because that’s what Christie fed him once we were renting. Here, it’s the best there is. I did switch him to an adult formula with small bites after Christie passed because she refused to think of him as anything but a puppy. He grew up on “Spot Stew,” a recipe for fresh dog food she got from an old boss at a natural animal food distributor. She cooked up a batch, starting with a whole chicken, every week until she went on disability.

            I have instincts about animals. I think Biscuit is more than just feeling his age. He’s had his struggles–parvo as a pup (wasn’t supposed to live through it), a broken hip when hit by a car, being kicked across the room twice trying to defend Chritie when she was attacked (broken ribs and knocked unconscious), moving around a lot when Christie became disabled, and our eight months of homelessness. I treat him like a Prince.I’ve been paying attention to and using my hands on the mass (the left for removal of toxins, the right for inputting healing energy). German breeds are known to often die of cancer. Something to do with their growing moles so easily. I don’t know if I’ll get another dog unless it’s an even smaller one, so that they can use the small patch of yard here. Part of me wants to because I feel safer with a dog, but I do miss having a cat (or two, or three). The (use whatever nasty word you want here) management at the trailer park is getting even tougher on their rules. It would have to be certified as a service dog, as Biscuit is, as they’re no longer allowing dogs. Cats have to be totally indoor cats, or on a leash while outside. Jerks. If I didn’t own this place, I’d move.

            Love and Blessings (and Gratitude) Always,

          4. Kristen Avatar

            Hi Annie,
            Remember when using hands for healing that you have a way of disposing of the toxins or illness, or it will end up in you. Healers often get quite sick as they assume their own body will destroy it. Id just head outside and swing your left arm around and visualise it white.
            Our dog was in amazing health, a black wolfhound, and lived to be 13 when her breeds expectancy was 7 or 8. She only slowed down and became cautious of our stairs (my hpuse is two stories with wooden stairs up to the deck that the front door is off) about 3 months before she died, then lost weight and started puking one weekend. She had a big liver mass and died at home three weeks later. The vet said she should have been full of arthritis and sick for ages…nope! She had a human diet for dinner her entire live, all the leftovers. When we had icecream, she would too. She became an omnivore I guess and it kept her alive and healthy. People used to laugh at her, a huge 40kg monster, that would sit down nicely and lick her icecream in a cone like a human then bite the cone gently like a human until the last two inches. And drank water from a people water bottle when out if I just squeezed it a bit. 50% dog, 50% human…she rode a skateboard as well like you see on youtube. I think because we got her when my son was 2, the third not even born yet, she never actually realised she was a dog since raised with little ones, even fighting with them for the front seat in the car. Other than dog biscuits, her breakfast dog food once she was a year old was the cheapest dogroll called Hounddog, full of garlic, put in a bowl of milk.
            It took me years of not having a dog to feel safe at home alone, an odd feeling that Id never thought about before. No more leaving ranchsliders and windows open downstairs when Im up here, and I woke with every noise in the night. I was just so used to having a a 4 legged alarm safety was never something I thought about before. When you have over 40kg on a leash, people cross the road, theres no way any guy would have attempted to attack me, I dont walk anywhere now, it just doesnt feel safe.
            Take care,

  4. Jethro Avatar

    So, been a while. Life is exactly the way it’s supposed to be. We keep wondering what is wrong with everyone and why things aren’t the way it’s supposed to be. It is. It’s only our thoughts that keep us from seeing that. The wrong is in our thoughts. Everything is ok. Just know it in your hearts, it’s all ok. Be who you wish to be…. then let be.

    1. AKA Patrick Avatar
      AKA Patrick

      According to the Course in Miracles, what you say is true. This is a perfect world.
      After all, how could a perfect God create anything less than Himself?

      1. Raphael Avatar

        Which world are we taking about? God did not create pipelines that leak for example, or industries that spew poison into the air, or nuclear weapons, we did. Nature is perfect…but the human world is sick.

    2. Raphael Avatar

      Not sure I agree. “Wrong” and “right” are human judgements that do not apply to reality. But “in harmony with nature” or “in conflict with nature and against the natural order” are realities which humanity is increasingly being forced to face as it endures the consequences of its war against nature and its destruction of the earth’s ecological systems.
      There is nothing “oaky” about destroying our natural world and causing all life to become increasingly toxic.

      1. Jethro Avatar

        We cannot be out of harmony with nature. In one way or another we are connected. It’s those of us who give a damn that have the hardest time.

    3. Kristen Avatar

      Hey Jethro. Sorry, I disagree. Not much is Ok, this is not how things are meant to be, this is merely how they have become.

      1. Jethro Avatar

        The time change drives me nuts!! Yes, everything is weird. The clock is out of whack and most people react to it and we know it. Being in such close contact to everyone’s emotions can have it’s moments. Ride it out like every other time…. But I insist, everything is going just as it should, it must. We make it happen.

  5. Raphael Avatar

    Celebrating”Un-Thanksgiving Day”

    Every November since 1975, Indian people have gathered on Alcatraz Island, in the San Francisco Bay, on what they call “Un-Thanksgiving Day,” to honor the occupation and those who participated and still fight for Indian rights today. This year was the 48 th anniversary of the American Indian Movement occupation of Alcatraz.

    “Before AIM (the American Indian Movement), Indians were dispirited, defeated and culturally dissolving. People were ashamed to be Indian. You didn’t see the young people wearing braids or chokers or ribbon shirts in those days. Hell, I didn’t wear them. People didn’t Sun Dance, they didn’t sweat, they were loosing their languages. Then there was that spark at Alcatraz, and we took off. Man, we took a ride across this country. We put Indians and Indian rights smack dab in the middle of the public consciousness for the first time since the so called Indian wars…AIM laid the groundwork for the next stage in regaining our sovereignty and self-determination as nations, and I am proud to have been part of that.” – Russell Means, Oglala Lakota

    In Nov. 20, 1969, until June 11, 1971, more than 5,600 Indians joined in the occupation of Alcatraz, from many different backgrounds and nations, claiming it as Indian land under the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty, which promised Lakota people surplus Federal land.

    In a background of US policies of Relocation and Termination, of the government attempting to dissolve all remnants of Indian cultural and racial identities in America’s “melting pot” and to end all treaty rights in order to grab the little land and resources Indians still had, fed up with economic, social, political neglect and with widespread racist policies of harassment and abuse, the Indian youth of the sixties was ready to take a stand and make a difference, and they did.

    They ignited a spark that fed many fires of activism, and that reasserted Indian identity.

    No longer were Indians going to submit to the dominant culture’s ideas of what an Indian should think, how he should act, what she should feel … specifically, no longer were Indians going to let themselves be coerced into pretending to be White.

    “If you wanted to make it in America as an Indian, you had to become a hollow person and let them (the government and White American society) remold you…Alcatraz put me back into my community and helped me remember who I am. It was a rekindling of the spirit.” – John Trudell, Santee Lakota

    A few years after Alcatraz, Congress passed 52 legislative proposals on behalf of Indians to support tribal self-rule. They included passage of the Indian Self-determination and Education Act, revision of the Johnson O’Malley Act to better educate Indians, passage of the Indian Financing Act, passage of the Indian Health Act and the creation of an Assistant Interior Secretary post for Indian Affairs.

    Mount Adams was returned to the Yakima Nation in Washington State, and 48,000 acres of the Sacred Blue Lake Lands were returned to Taos Pueblo in New Mexico.

    During the occupation Nixon quietly signed papers canceling the policy of termination, which was designed to end federal recognition of tribes and of all treaties.

    “Indian lands were being drained. Indians were marked for destruction so that the government could take over the lands and the coal, uranium, timber and water on them.” – Fortunate Eagle, Red Lake Ojibwa

    While the FBI busied itself with its secret anti-dissident operation COINTELPRO and in listing Indian activists as “enemies of the state”, popular support for their causes poured from many quarters … many wanted to see them succeed, and went out of their way to help them.

    After the occupation, AIM began a series of national protests, among them the takeover at Wounded Knee in 1973 and the Longest Walk in 1978, demanding that the government honor treaty obligations. Since then, Indian activists have fought on many fronts, for fishing rights, land and grazing rights, for sacred sites, protesting athletic teams Indian mascots, working for the repatriation of sacred objects taken from Indian lands, of thousands of Indian remains kept in museums throughout this nation. And in an era of energy crisis, Indian are still forced to resist the corporate takeovers of their natural resources, pipelines like the Dakota access pipeline and the pollution or draining of water tables under their lands by industry such as was occurring with the Black Mesa Peabody coal mine.

    The yearly reunion and ceremony at Alcatraz is meant to honor and give thanks to the individuals who, by taking such a stand, helped Indian people remember who they are, and paved the way for the revival of the Indian spirit. It is officially an “Un-Thanksgiving” as far as the dominant culture’s holiday is concerned, yet is it truly an Indian Thanksgiving.


    1. Stephen mills Avatar
      Stephen mills

      Thankyou Raphael ,i stand with all my Indiginous brothers and sisters and remember the horrendous treatment and genocide of the Native Americans at the hands of the European dominator culture. Without the help and kindness of the natives when the Europeans arrived they will have surely died. They seldom teach of what really happened after this !!!

      Its time for massive reperations and for the present government of the USA to allow the Native American peoples to self determination and freedom to live how they please . It’s time to leave these lands pristine and let nature recover the water becoming pure again and the air that we breath and ground be free of pollution .

      The Indiginous peoples must unite now more than ever and give us their profound knowledge and wisdom …wake us up out of our trance of believing that progress is the answer . Any technological progress now without spiritual understanding is heading us towards demise not advancement.


      1. Raphael Avatar

        Thanks Stephen I agree! And I think all people must unite to declare their allegiance to the earth and to life. They can ally themselves with Indigenous people, when they understand that today our fight for survival is the same, the fight is for clean air, clean water, a clean earth, and freedom from a system that now enslaves all of humanity.

        1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

          Thank you for recognizing allies. I have often allied myself with groups of which I’m not a member. For me, it’s as simple as what feels right for me to do, which usually means standing with others who are unlike myself.

    2. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

      The holidays have been hard for me for as far back as I can remember, especially the winter holidays. As a young child, I was forced to play dress up and pretend I was part of a loving, happy, Roman Catholic family. Nothing could have been farther from the truth. After my father left and we became suddenly shunned and poor, I had to pretend to be happy for the sake of my Mama, who tried so hard to make the holidays special for us. But what I felt was the pain of her working so hard to create a “normal” holiday for us kids, then watching her drink herself into a depressed stupor, probably to try to forget all the unpleasant “pretend” holidays she’d had to endure.

      As a young adult, I turned my back on the holidays. Most didn’t hold any personal meaning for me. “Independence Day?” For whom? Certainly not for young women working in the Civil Engineering field, who had to work twice as hard as the men to prove themselves while putting up with comments about kitchens and bedrooms and barefootedness and pregnancy and our bodies (and those are just the “clean” comments I’m willing to post), working a physically hard 50 hour week just to be able to have a roof over my head, food in my belly and clothes on my back. “Thanksgiving Day?” There are many, many things for which I’m grateful, but the systematic slaughtering, coralling and stealing the land of Native Americans certainly wasn’t one of them, and I’ve no relation to the Pilgrims, being of German descent. “Christmas?” The holiday stolen from the pagans, using the same symbols but adding Jesus to the mix. While I believe Jesus was a Master who spoke many truths, I also believe those truths have been misrecorded, manipulated and misused to control the masses.

      Somewhere in my mid to late 40’s, I decided that I would give my own meaning to each holiday. Since I am grateful every day, I don’t need a special day set aside for it. And after meeting and becoming friends with some who are of Native American ancestry, I started to see our American Thanksgiving as a memorial day for all those Native Americans who were slaughtered, coralled and had their lands stolen. For me, it became a solemn day of rememberance, even though I and my family weren’t in America until between WWI and WWII.

      I’m so grateful that you’ve shared here the story of Alcatraz, and the reigniting of the Native American spirit it brought with it. It has lifted the meaning for me a bit, though I still feel I live on stolen land soaked in the blood of so many Native Americans–fellow human beings–who were never made to feel they had a right to or ownership of their lands until it was denied to them.

      I actually visited Alcatraz in my early 20’s, when I lived in Sonoma County, playing “tourist for a day” in San Francisco. That would have been in the late 70’s or early 80’s, if my math is right. I’ve never before heard the story you’ve shared, even though I lived only an hour away for about five years.

      Love and Blessings Always,

      1. Raphael Avatar

        Thank you for your comment Annie…I agree with everything you wrote. As far as the official holidays for the dominant culture, it looks to me like they have all too often become another obligation and source of stress for many people.

        I did not go to Alcatraz this time, but my friends did…The Native American and all Indigenous issues have now become global issues of survival for all of humanity, so I think an awakening humanity would do well to ally itself with Indigenous people all over the world. In Brazil, Indigenous activists are being murdered by the dozen! But Indigenous rights and environmental issues are very much one and the same, and if Indigenous people do not survive, neither will humanity!

        I can relate to struggling to be able to put food on your head, clothes in your belly and a roof on your back…;)

        1. Kristen Avatar

          I think the ‘turtle phase’ you speak of, or maybe a tortoise since theyll eat fabric, is almost a right of passage. Although I screwed that one up..tried to eat my house and live in a giant pumpkin, but at least I wore my Christmas jumper from Walmart, albeit as trousers.
          I think we get thrown in a swamp, then its almost a form of someones sick entertainment seeing who will fight to keep their head above water and slowly trudge out one step or day at a time, and who will end up dead, loopy, an addict, sick or homeless. I think the key out is the attitude of thinking ypu can really only depend on youself, fight with everything you have, see it as a war and mission, never stop fighting for one minute and never allow the swamp to get the better of you for one minute, gettong sick is a luxury item and just not an option when you’re thrown in the deep end of the swamp.

          1. Raphael Avatar

            There are many people but very few human beings in our world.

            Fighting individually with all our might is an option. Another is to understand that “El Pueblo Unido Jamás Será Vencido” (that’s Mandarin Chinese for The People United Will Never Be Defeated).

            It is easier to live as a group, a tribe, a large family, a clan, than to survive as a lone individual in the jungle or the swamp, or the swampy jungle. The powers that be however fear a united and independent people (fear of “insurgency”), and do all they can to divide and separate us and keep us alienated and distrustful of each other, in order to control and exploit us.

            The elite displays the exact same predatorial behavior as do wild beasts: divide and separate the preys, and pick the weakest. For example Apple paying Chinese workers $1.85 an hour for a 12 hour shift 6 days a week is predatory behavior…picking the weakest and feeding off of it.

          2. Kristen Avatar

            Well I thought I was Cinderella so moved into the pumpkin. Finally realised Id screwed up when one foot got frostbite and Prince Charming never showed up! The orange oopma loompa look did suit me though, just as it suits Trump!
            I agree BUT tough journeys or phases are individual based, never teamwork, just as karma and many aspects are individual based.
            Re Apple..Ive never touched one Apple product, for that reason you mentioned, plus theyre open as Satanists. First Apple computer sold for 666 dollars, plus the logo is of Eves apple, encouraging people to eat from the Tree of Knowledge through education, rather tha tne Tree of Life…relationships with people and Earth, plus the life journey which is a physical one. They’re as uncool as it gets, same as original vodaphone logo was 666. People have lost the fine art of boycotting, in favour of being sheeple brainwashed by marketing.

          3. Raphael Avatar

            One woman’s prince charming is another woman’s frog…

            Yes teamwork and individualism are a balancing act. We can’t get lost in group thinking…that’s very dangerous because it ends being thinking and becomes allegiance, loyalty, uniformity, conformity, and ultimately blindness and an end to individual growth.

            Tough individual journeys always pop up, we can’t avoid the challenges we have chosen, for example in interpersonal relationships within a group…or perhaps with an errant grizzly bear if we live in Alaska, not to mention bigfoot (again?) or walmart shoppers in the city (not again?).

            Soon it will be trendy to have more than an Apple computer or smartphone…it will be promoted as very cool to have a sort of technological umbilical cord that will connect us, perhaps with nanochips, to the IoT (Internet of Things). That’s when I will be heading for the deep woods of Northern Canada.

          4. Kristen Avatar

            We’ve officially been Sheepled by the American marketeers…yesterday was apparently a shopping Black Friday of sales like America have. We really only started Halloween and Valentines Day about 15 years ago when shops fell for American money making scams although they arent huge. I dont think Black Friday will take off, people laugh at us Kiwis, we arent pushy at all and queue nicely. Never fight for carparks, who ever indicates first ‘owns’ the carpark, and would never be rude, argue or fight in public. Our version of that craziness would be people look at something without touching it, then when someone picks it up the rest would say ‘great bargain mate’. Look online at the Pineapple Lumps TV ad, thats what we’re really like. So get completely dominated by Americans, South Africans and especially Indians here, we’re just too polite to keep up in a multi cultural world.
            Re journeys and the tough phases..Im just grateful mine have all been physical or exams, using smarts to work out whats going on and try to get out of the mazes. I can eventually break out with sanity intact, still me, no medical issues, depression or addictions as coping mechanisms. Look at how many wealthy people are addicts, commit suicide, are in chronic debt or are screwed up. The more you have physically, the more the rough patches hit mentally or emotionally.

          5. Raphael Avatar

            Kiwis and Canadians might have that in common. Canadians are said to be almost too polite…

            Anything physical that we “possess” ends up possessing us. But the thing is, materialist and greedy individuals usually start off with a feeling of inner emptiness, and after having accumulated a mountain of cash and things, end up with the same feeling of emptiness, with disappointment and the bitterness of unfulfilling dreams added.

            Glad to know you are intact and did not loose anything on your journey…sanity is a very useful thing, I always try to keep it handy and within reach.

          6. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            I’m a Samsung and Android girl, myself. They get the job done at less than half the cost. It’s only occasionally I find a snag where my tablet’s incompatible because it’s not an iPad or a Windows computer. But Samsungs are getting pricey now, too, especially their phones. And Google isn’t saintly in its corporate dealings, either. Still, I find them both preferable to anything Apple puts out.

          7. Kristen Avatar

            Huawei is completely compatible with Samsung, and their cheap phones are around $50. They do everything Sansung does and you can use your phone data and ph as a portable wifi modum for your tablet the same as Samsung. BUT Huawei are a ‘spying’ company, so make sure you dont activate the locator thing to show the weather or google maps, and dont use the latest google chrome upgrades on your ph or tablet, just cancel the updates as they take half your storage.

          8. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            Boycotting’s important; protests aren’t. (People get killed in protests).

          9. Kristen Avatar

            Exactly, and thats where the world is at now. Protestors and activists arent really listened to anymore, its time to actually take the power rather than telling people you want it, and make your personal protests and views made loud and clear with your hard earned $$$$$, not giving people the attention they want and ignoring things you personally dont support. As people get more financially stuck, theyll finally realise where their $$$ and time is going…often to those very things they dont want to support.

        2. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

          Unfortunately, the dominant culture in America is that of white men who call themselves Christian, and who are unaccepting of anyone who does not look or act or think like they do. Yet they don’t act like Christians in their own homes in the treatment of their partners and children. Often, they don’t act like Christians in the workplace, either. They remember they call themselves Christian as Christmas and Easter approach, though they can’t be bothered to attend services regularly or participate in ministry. I’ve found they also remember they call themselves Christian in politics, but in my opinion they do not act like they are Christian there, either.

          I think many of us, in our own way, suffer indignities through the hands of white men, especially those of privilege and power. My father, as I’ve said, was a nightmare for me when I was young. I expected that when I went out in the world I would find that not many were like him, but I was wrong. I was a woman working in a man’s world, whether as a clerk typist or a Civil Engineering Tech, and we haven’t made nearly the progress we women deserve. Even as a homeless woman, there were white men who were stunned that I turned down the opportunity to make money by prostituting myself, and didn’t understand that their proposition was insulting.

          I recently watched a History Channel show (my favorite these days, as I pick and choose what I watch on my tablet) that told the story of some of the Australian Aboriginal’s beliefs. They are very grounded in the Earth and her care, yet their “dreamtime” ceremonies connect them with the entire Universe. It felt like a way to be that would benefit so many. I have been so impacted by stories of Indigenous peoples around the world. Feet on the ground, mind on the task at hand, and Spirit always connected with Creation. Now that’s truly a healthy trinity.

          I was recently called out on social media by a black woman, who claimed that I have “white privilege.” If being raped and abused, and being held back from promotions, is “privilege,” then I’m guilty. Am I more “acceptable” to our white man’s society? Yes. But that’s not always a privilege. And my “acceptability” disappears the moment they find out I’m part of the LGBTQ community.

          I rather like the pagan celebration of the Winter Solstice. It’s an acknowledgement that life occurs in cycles and, even though the world is not as green or as visibly vibrant, it’s a necessary time of rest and of death before rebirth can happen in the Spring.

          And thank you for the smile, my friend. 🙂

          Love and Blessings Always,

  6. holly hunt Avatar
    holly hunt

    I am the last human who will ever know “how life works;” however, I believe what Neale says and I am sure he is continually evolving and has talked person-to-person with God. I also know how the mind plays tricks on you, regarding Neale’s “plagarism” concerning a children’s Christmas play. I have sworn I have actually READ SPECIFIC PASSAGES from the Holy Bible, including the exact time and place I read them, but guess what? Those passages don’t exist in any version! That’s strangely wacko nut-farm of me; do I feel stupid or WHAT? What I am is poor financially, and my main strength comes from the Bible (I assume I am not dreaming awake while I am reading!) and the Lord Jesus Christ, our Emmanuel. God has helped me overcome clinical depression that was so crippling that I could not recognize my own best friends. They seemed to be people that I might have known many years ago but could not recall who they really were. Now I have been given the Peace that passes all human understanding, and it comes to me only from the Creator through Jesus Christ. If somebody else gets it some other way, TRULY FINE WITH ME. I am thankful for the first Christians who paid the price so we might be found by the Light.

    1. Kristen Avatar

      Sorry Holly, you arent the last human to know how life works, the human race is really just beginning to understand. We are still yet to re-enter Eden and have lives as humans were intended to have, and be as humans were intended to be. We’re in the labour stages now, the birth of the human race is yet to come.
      Take care,

  7. Raphael Avatar

    Hot off the press:
    “A month-long 2016 study conducted in the United Kingdom by the University of Derby and the Wildlife Trusts found that connecting to nature resulted in a “scientifically significant increase” in health and happiness, the BBC reports.”
    Reynard Loki

    What would we do without science? We would be completely lost, no doubt. Certainly, Native Americans and others who have strong ancestral ties to the earth could have never imagined such a thing as health and happiness resulting from connecting to where we actually belong, which is not in boxes and man made cities, not to asphalt, plastic and concrete, but to our native, natural environment!

    Will science discover next that deeply breathing non-polluted, fresh air causes us to have more energy and mental alertness, to be calmer and to live longer? I am holding my breath!

    1. AKA Patrick Avatar
      AKA Patrick

      The Native Americans have been prophesying such things for generations. As far as breathing fresh, unpolluted air, that will only happen when we quit using cars and other polluting devices.

    2. Kristen Avatar

      I love these scientific researchers…theyve just told me that 4 coffees a day is good for me.
      I await with anticipation their wonderous discoveries….that perhaps our self healing and regulating bodies actually know better than them? Im waiting the studies that show working out at the gym, plastered in anti persperant so you dont sweat and working your heart to its limits is dangerous and down right stupid, as much as excessive running and marathons are….or is too much $$$ at stake in the fake exercise industry for that one to ever come out?

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