There is hope. Today there is a little hope. Not as much as we might have liked, but a little more than we might have expected. And that’s a better sign than it is a worse one. That’s an Up arrow, and not a Down.

On Friday the newly appointed Archbishop of Canterbury (who is to members of the Anglican Communion something of what the Pope is to Roman Catholics — although outside of England more in a titular sense ) promised to bring “a passion for reconciliation” to his new job.

The 105th spiritual leader of the 77-million member worldwide Anglican Church is having to deal with what all of today’s global leaders — spiritual leaders, political leaders, business leaders, environmental leaders, or educational leaders — are these days encountering: an open and widening schism between “conservatives” and “liberals” in each of their fields, across the planet.

The newest global spiritual leader, Rt. Rev. Bishop Justin Welby, hopes to resolve continuing discontent within his global congregation surrounding gay marriage and women bishops. Most conservatives within the Anglican church resoundingly oppose both. The Rev. Mr. Welby says he supports “the Church of England’s opposition to same-sex marriage,” although he has stated that he is “always averse to the language of exclusion, when what we are called to is to love in the same way as Jesus Christ loves us.” The new Archbishop of Canterbury does, on the other hand, support the consecration of female bishops. So he is halfway to where a spiritual leader offering a new direction for our world might wish to place himself.

What spiritual reason there could be to oppose the uniting of loving couples who wish to commit their lives to each other, or to oppose the elevation of female clergy to top level church leadership, in each case simply on the basis of the shape of their body parts, is incomprehensible. Yet there are billions of people across the earth who apparently believe that their views in opposition are God’s views. The new Archbishop of Canterbury can, if he now chooses to, show them that God holds no such views at all. But to do this, he will have to bridge an enormous gap.

The widening schism in the ideas people hold with regard to “what God wants” was predicted in the Conversations with God books, which said that as the world moved toward the embracing of A New Spirituality, the population of Earth would essentially divide itself into those who wish to cling to the ways of the past and those who wish to adopt the ways of the future (described as more progressive and far less dogmatic).

The next 30 years will see the final struggle of this dying culture to hold on to its fading ideas, CWG predicts, but will fail to do so — with wonderful results as an outcome in the social, political, spiritual, economical, educational, and environmental arenas. This transformation to a new breed of human will not be without rising and massive opposition, however, because new and untried ideas are almost always considered by humans to be less desirable than old ideas — even old ideas that clearly do not work. At least they are known, at least they are familiar, and so, at least they are comfortable.

And while Conversations with God observes that “life begins at the end of your Comfort Zone,” it says there will be many persons, glued to Old School thought, who remain stuck, refusing to be pried from what they view not as “ideas that no longer work,” but as their most sacred principles.

An erstwhile candidate for the U.S. Senate in the State of Indiana, Richard Mourdock, perhaps exemplified this personality type when he spoke to supporters following his loss in the recent American election. In his concession speech in a race that he was widely predicted just a week ago to easily win, Mourdock said, “As I will look back on this night over the weeks, the months, the years ahead…I will look back knowing that I was attacked for standing for my principles.”

And the “principle” on which he stood? The idea that a pregnancy which results from a rape is something “that God intended,” and for that reason abortion should be opposed and outlawed — even in cases of rape or incest.

The first half of his thought is actually so radical that it could easily have come from the messages of The New Spirituality. Conversations with God says that all outcomes in life are “what God intended,” or they could not have occurred. CWG does not envision a universe in which God is somehow out of control and relegated to standing by and watching things happen that God did not want to have happen.

On the contrary, CWG says, everything that occurs — everything — happens for a reason. Everything that occurs is collaboratively created by Life itself, and by all Souls, in order to produce a Contextual Field within which, on Earth, each Individuation of Divinity (that is, each human being) may announce and declare, create and express, become and experience the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever they held about Who They Are.

And so, Mr. Mourdock was accurate, according to The New Spirituality, in his remark. It was, according to these new spiritual messages, his conclusion that was off the mark. And it was this conclusion that pushed Indiana voters away from him in droves.

Mr. Mourdock’s conclusion was that because a pregnancy resulting from vicious and violent assault upon a woman was something God intended, the woman should not be allowed by law to have (and, in his view, should not even request or seek) an abortion. Or even the option to have an abortion.

Never mind if a woman’s idea of the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever she held about Who She Is, is a human being who would never choose to bring life into the world that was conceived against her will and in violence on her person. Never mind if a woman’s idea of the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever she held about Who She Is, is a human being who chooses not to endure and experience the unwanted outcome of an undeserved and brutal physical attack. Never mind if the woman wants to have the baby. She is supposed to have the baby because having the baby is what God wants, or she wouldn’t have become pregnant.

That is such convoluted thinking that it defies description. It is equaled in its astonishing lack of intelligence only by the remark by another losing Republican U.S. Senate candidate, Mr. Todd Akin of Missouri, who said during his campaign that a woman’s biology automatically prevents her from conceiving an unwanted child in cases of “legitimate rape.” A female’s physiology “shuts that down,” he said — but, presumably, not in the case of illegitimate rape.

Mr. Akin’s comment is equaled in its conservative, hang-onto-the-dogma-of-the-past-no-matter-what attitude only by the remark offered by incumbent (also losing) Republican Congressional Candidate Joe Walsh in his own 2012 campaign, who said that abortion should not be allowed even to save the life of the mother because “with modern technology and science, you can’t find one instance” in which an abortion would be needed to save the life of a mother.

Faced with an avalanche of protest — not just from “liberals” but from the usually very conservative medical community —  Mr. Walsh amended his foolish remark later by saying that “in rare instances” such a procedure might possibly be needed, but it was too late. His soon-to-be-former constituents could, apparently, only in rare instance embrace this level of mentality. He did not receive enough votes to remain in the U.S. Congress.

The list of far right wing conservatives who have made statements bordering on the absurd goes on, and typifies the pronouncements of those who insist on clinging to Old School dogma even in the face of clear and obvious evidence that their views are not simply outdated, but flatly and factually inaccurate.

But inaccuracy is not the greatest offense against the future committed by the “I’m-stuck-and-glued-to-this-place” conservatives around the world. Obstructionism is.

The Minority Leader in the U.S. Senate, Republican Mitch McConnell, famously and loudly declared just weeks after the first election of Barack Obama in 2008 that the sole and only agenda of Republicans in the U.S. Congress over the ensuing four years would be to stop Mr. Obama from winning a second term.

From that day on he preached nothing to his GOP colleagues in Washington but obstruct, obstruct, obstruct — even (and especially) it the President’s idea happened to be a good one. The idea was to deny Mr. Obama credit for anything, so that the country would have to eject him from the White House.

Mr. Mourdock likewise sent a message to his constituents in a television interview months ago, just hours after he won his party’s nomination to run for the U.S. Senate in Indiana. “Bipartisanship ought to consist of Democrats coming to the Republican point of view,” he said. “The highlight of politics,” he said, “is to inflict my opinion on someone else.” He later claimed that his remarks were either meant as a joke or where taken out of context.

It didn’t matter. The voters in Indiana found them not at all funny, rejecting Mr. Mourdock in a shocking defeat for the Republicans, who had previously called his election a sure bet.

Senator McConnell seems equally determined to completely ignore the fact that his tactics over the preceding 48 months had produced utter failure (Mr. Obama was victorious in eight of nine so-called “swing states” and won the popular vote by a margin of more than two million). Within days of Mr. Obama having been re-elected, Mr. McConnell was at it again, issuing what news reports on called “a stark warning to Senate Democrats and President Barack Obama who see their election victories as a clear mandate to raise taxes on the rich: He won’t let it happen.”

And so, America seems to be in for another four years of Republican obstructionism, in which the value of anyone’s ideas is deemed less important than the source of them. If they come from Democrats, they must be labeled bad, and they must be defeated, no matter what. No matter who suffers. Even if it is your own country.

But what we are seeing is not just about a particular political party. It is about “conservatism” versus “liberalism” all over the world. It is about, in some very large ways, “yesterday” versus “tomorrow.”

In spirituality it is about Yesterday’s God vis-à-vis Tomorrow’s God. In economics it is about Yesterday’s Commerce vis-à-vis Tomorrow’s Commerce. In the environment it is about Yesterday’s Ecology vis-à-vis Tomorrow’s God Ecology. In politics it is about Yesterday’s Solutions vis-à-vis Tomorrow’s Solutions. In the culture and society it is about Yesterday’s Cultural Mores vis-à-vis Tomorrow’s Cultural Mores.

(For instance, several states in the U.S. voted to legalize same sex marriage last week; as well, some states voted to legalize recreational use of marijuana. Both stances were considered impossible to consider just one or two elections ago.)

Soon, these issues — just as the issue of whether the government should have any say, much less be able to intervene, in a woman’s decision on abortion — will be considered Resolved Questions. The American electorate will be ready to move on. On to other cultural/social issues, such as Gun Control, and the Death Penalty.

Soon, the obvious and painfully hypocritical position of conservatives that an unborn fetus may not be aborted in the name of “life” — not even in the name of saving the life of the mother — but a fully grown adult may be killed in the name of “justice,” will be called out for what it is: another astonishingly unintelligent idea to be thrown on the trash heap of yesterday.

It is as a reader on this website commented just recently, regarding the American election:

Comment by Pat on November 9, 2012 at 3:43 pm

Small steps. We’re still divided, but we did send a message. Some think the message was intended for our leaders and representatives. I think the message is one we sent to ourselves. Some of us realize now that we are not alone – that there are other people who share our desire to get away from the current religious and cultural foundation that is based on ‘hostility to the other.’ The tide is changing, and as always the old and broken will be swept away in due course…



  1. Darien Avatar

    “The next time you are confronted with a condition or circumstance you judge to be problematical, express your immediate gratitude not only for the solution, but for the problem itself.”

    “Nothing can take your joy away from you, for joy is Who You Are and who you will always be. So, in the face of every problem, do a joyful thing.”

  2. mewabe Avatar

    Republican politicians have obstructed Obama even when he tried to implement a republican idea…they are out for power regardless of the cost to the nation…and are making themselves completely irrelevant and obsolete.

    They are desperate, because they know of the changing demographics in America…the Latino votes for example, that did make a difference in this election as never before, and the fact that angry white males are indeed becoming a minority, thank God.

  3. mewabe Avatar

    ” CWG does not envision a universe in which God is somehow out of control and relegated to standing by and watching things happen that God did not want to have happen.”

    There is a problem with the word control, as most people and cultures associate control with separation…with an entity controlling something (an object, a living creature etc) from the outside, and sometimes from above (as in a position of power and authority).

    It would be easier to accept this idea of control in terms of omnipotence and omnipresence, and in the same way one “controls” the cells in her or his body…not one by one and in a mechanistic way (as one controls a car), but in terms of whole being.

    So in this sense God’s will is God living and breathing through us…all life is his/her/its will, and it is “governed” from within as a totality, a total manifestation and expression of divinity. This boggles the human mind, but if we look at how our own consciousness “governs” our body and all of its functions perfectly (as long as our consciousness is healthy or wants a body), perhaps we can better understand.

    The word control, for me, conveys too much of the old dualistic biblical concept of a bearded God-king at the helm of the universe and controlling every minute detail from the outside and above. That’s a childish concept, but some religious people appear to believe this.

  4. Jaz Avatar

    I agree there is great stuff happening all around us…We always have hope, we know it is all sweet. For the sake observing fear, I also like to see the glass half full. 🙂 Immediately after President Obama’s re-election, gun sales have risen dramatically, with buyers fearing new restrictions on firearms. .

  5. Erin/IAm Avatar

    First, a reason for opposition of same-sex marriage in foundational sects is because any marital relationships, parental relationships, friend relationships do not belong within these bounds…at all!!! Relationships should reflect of foundations, not seek rules within them.

    Personal relationships have no business being as business…unless they ARE as business, in which case they should be ‘papered’ as such.

    As far as pressing those who develop human body vehicles…Again, this is a process that should not be within the realm of foundational rule, but reflective of One’s participation in them.

    Now, if the only reason One has to become involved in the ‘legalities of Life’ is to be ‘paid’ somehow for their choices made…Well, now you come under ‘Business’ & should be treated that way.
    And NOOO, I do not agree with “Corporations are People”…Yes, they are made up of people (& machine), but they are not the commodity of which the Corp. is founded upon…they, are a Business, & thus require human management.

    Early morning thoughts…Have an Amazing day, Folks!:)

  6. G.G. Avatar

    When will we ever learn? Why does it take a catastrophe to get people to reach out to one another in the spirit of compassion and care? So much competition breeds contempt!

    Oneness, it seems comes at a price. We become one when there is a relationship to ourselves.

  7. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    Hello, and a good afternoon on this side of the Atlantic Ocean to all.

    Adding something with The Theme of Today.
    (The book by Neale, titled: The New Revelations).

    Recalling when of Norway got the first female Bishop of the Lutheran State Church(es) back in the 1970thies, and if not recalling it all wrong later on with the gay priests following soon afterwards; and then the discussion of it went on high about it back then. But in the end, not many among the population cared if it is (whether or not) to be continued the old State Church at all.

    And when it comes to the freedom of what to do with the own body(in this particular case discussed above)dear friends, the scales of equality between the ladies and the gentlemen, have come thus far nowadays, as now it is the ladies who rules the gentlemen here with us. SOME exceptions from the rule of course, we cannot all be the same as you`ll know.

    I`ll know(smiling)because of to have three grown up sons, three daughter-in-laws, and 9 grandchildren, a lot of diversities by the personalities to tell the least. Am glad as long as they`ll keeping the peace. Each of them to have their own opinion of everything.
    P.S. it is NOT allowed with any weapons among the public, and a few decades ago not even the
    Police Force using any weapons at all. It was`nt neccessary(not in England either back then), but the time have changed,
    and not for the better here with us (except for the former nazi-occupation in five years that is)in this former peaceful corner of the world.

    Wishing all The Very Best Comrades(cheerio).

  8. Erin/IAm Avatar

    Just popped back in to view the other comments…usually do first, but today was not ‘as usual’.:)

    Darien…Thanks for verrry wise starting words…always a tasty treat!:)

    mewabe…Excellent cell analogy! Love it whole-heartedly!:)

    Inger Lise…A breath of fresh air…& thanks for the ‘other side’ news!

    Jaz & G.G….No doubt! Cool stuff is afoot!…tho, G., here is an example of relationshipping w/o the catastrophe, yes?

    It is not the fear of government that is fueling gun sales, however…It’s fear of people going bananas due to “circumstances beyond their control”. No gun on the market could begin to compare to the high-tech capabilities of present militaries/sciences…Who, by the way, have been more concerned with meteor killing than the other ‘distractions’ conceived. (Gotta ‘test’ things somehow/somewhere, yes?) We may just get a taste of ‘catastrophe appeal’ yet, G.G.! A game-changer, fer sher!

    Can we imagine “Armageddon, the Aftermath”? (referring to the movie, “Armageddon”…People were in count-down to total destruction of Life as they knew it via an asteroid. Hmmm…wonder what the “Day After” might truly be like…Biz as usual, or total ‘Shift’?

    May ‘Interesting’ never cease…May ‘Amazing’ always be!:)

  9. Ruchir Avatar

    I wish liberals and conservatives and independents would just get together and make an agenda they can agree on. Then they can go on to list their differences, too. Certainly there will be plenty to agree upon.

    I have started reading republican blogs and forums to understand the republican point of view. There seem to be many who think that the party does not represent them at all. I found this site quite intriguing:

    I would love to do a nation wide survey asking people about their core beliefs. I bet most people have simply not examined their beliefs. Two people may call themselves pro-choice, but ask them if they would want to make abortion illegal, and they may differ. I would ask people if they would rather trust their own conscience or someone else’s interpretation of a book. Especially when that someone else has a conflict of interest and benefits from your blind allegiance.

    My suspicion is that over 95% political and religious leaders have no beliefs at all. Their only interest is the continued prosperity of their organization and their personal control over it. We are not living in year 1500. A reasonable intelligence is sufficient to recognize the oneness of life. These leaders have vested interest in keeping people from thinking for themselves, and the people do not have sufficient self-worth to have their own opinion. Match made in heaven.

    My guess is that statistically speaking, the younger you are, the more likely you are to have an open mind. I would like to start some movement that would reach out to the youth to encourage them to think for themselves and wrest control over their future from these self-serving out-of-date leaders. They need to get on board the new spirituality. Perhaps I can raise funds for such a project at a site like crowdrise or kickstarter.

  10. Lew Avatar

    It seems to me that the world would get a jump start on the road to change if everyone would spend more time getting in touch with who we really are and less time trying to convince others that they are wrong. There is no right or wrong, and everyone should feel free to express their own opinion without getting “corrected” or criticized by those who are so sure that they are “right.”
    This is my first visit to this conversation and I must say that I am surprised that there are some know-it-alls in the dialogue.
    It is important to share our thoughts on the subject presented so that together we can develop a collective consciousness to guide us through the coming change. It is a time to open our minds and listen and accept differing views without feeling the need to correct or to try to change those views.

  11. Pat Avatar

    Try out this line of discussion when it comes to abortion… Ask the fundamentalist:

    Why is abortion bad?

    A: Because it is taking a life.

    OK, but we kill cows and pigs and chickens every day. Why isn’t that wrong?

    A: Because humans have souls

    OK. What happens to the baby’s soul? Does it go to Hell because it didn’t have the opportunity to believe the right thing?

    A: No, of course not. The baby goes straight to heaven.

    OK. What then, is the problem? The soul does not have to come here and suffer for the biblical ‘3 score and 10 years’ like the rest of us, and potentially fail to believe the right thing and therefore have to spend an eternity in Hell. Why is that a problem? Or…. wait a minute! Is that the problem? Is that what makes you so angry? That soul does not have to suffer here like we do. It gets a short cut to heaven. Is that what makes you so angry? Is it jealousy and envy that some souls do not have to suffer and take the same chance at eternal torment that you do? Is that the problem?

    A: Well, no… duh…

    And what of the power of God? Is God incapable of putting that soul into another body if the soul really wants to come here, or is God going to tell that soul, “Sorry, but you have to go to eternal bliss. You don’t get to suffer like everyone else. You don’t have to take the chance that you might believe the wrong thing and suffer eternal torment. Sorry, but you have to go to heaven.” Is God going to say that to the soul? Is God incapable of putting the soul into another body if it wants to come here? Is that beyond God’s power?

    A: Well, no, but…. you’re taking a life. Only God should take lives.

    OK. Do you believe in capital punishment? (Fundies always believe in capital punishment!)

    Finally, I like to remind them that in Numbers 5, Bible God has his very own recipe for abortion. God handed down a test for wives accused of being unfaithful. They have to drink a concoction made from the scrapings of the Tabernacle floor – the place where all the animals are sacrificed. Think blood, guts, feces and urine splashing across this floor week after week and being forced to drink this e-coli laden poisonous slop. If the woman dies or has a miscarriage (abortion), she is guilty and presumably stoned for adultery if she survives. If she has a strong constitution and she and the baby survive, then she is innocent. In either case, the husband is cleared of all wrong-doing. Clearly Bible God has no concern for the unborn child or he’d never make a pregnant woman drink poison. You cannot use the bible to support a stance against abortion. Bible God slams too many babies against rocks and rips too many fetuses out of wombs for him to possibly have any concern about something that is nothing more than some man’s property. Even when a pregnant woman miscarries due to harm by another, the penalty is paid to the husband as it is his property that was destroyed. The crime was not against the child or the mother – the crime was against the man.

    They will quote you the passage about God knowing every soul before it was born – which is the perfect invitation to explain that’s because we are all ONE. We always were and always will be, which is why God knew us before we were born. (They won’t buy this, but it’s about the only passage in the bible they can turn to). And of course you should ask them to show you the specific passages in the bible detailing what Jesus had to say about abortion and homosexuality – and of course he said nothing about either subject.

    You aren’t going to change the fundy’s mind, but if you are holding discussions in public forums, others will pick up on the logic and it may help them to put this issue into a different perspective. I’ve shut down a number of anti-abortion rants using the above. They can’t respond, so they just go away for a while and hope you won’t be there then next time they decide to legislate their close-minded beliefs on everyone else.

  12. mewabe Avatar

    I enjoyed reading your comment Pat ):

  13. mewabe Avatar

    I meant to do this: 🙂

  14. Stephen mills Avatar
    Stephen mills

    The conservative agenda has alway,s been about OWNERSHIP in the above post Pat mentioned the word property and that man alway,s has the last word in what they think anyone,s right,s are.

    The con,s want ultimately to own government and return us to feudalism ,the true believers assume that society will run best when run by the small elite that comes out on top.They believe in corporatocracy-the view that an economic aristocracy benefit,s the working class because wealth will trickle down from above to below,I will point out that trickle down has never worked in the history of mankind so they have devised a new plan suck up all the people’s and the earth,s wealth and keep it for themselves in the form of corporations some which have more wealth than whole nation,s.

    The market comes before people they shout ,the people are inherently evil and cursed so a strict father stand in type of government is nessecary to control the rabble .Most conservatives believe that their worldview will best solve the problems of society.

    So bring on Tomorrow,s God today because we have gone so far in the opposite direction and as we can observe it ain,t working folks !


  15. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    Erin, thank you for keeping the good spirit up.
    And Lew, I do not believe it is any of us who will be exclaiming “of to know it all.”
    All of us have come together to study the purpose and meaning of life, and eventually how to change it all for the better.
    It is truly an adventure in consciousness.
    It is also a way of to be naming it as “all is well.”
    Through the books by Neale and the work by him, all of us have gathered here in of to do useful insights into the own psyche.

    Why not to call ourselves star-trekkers, the life as it is, to be a continued experience.

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