Gone to Pot

With Colorado’s voters passing the historic Amendment 64, is this further proof that the country is going down the drain?  Or have we just begun to realize that our power lies within the freedom to make our own choices?

Marijuana has long been considered the gateway drug, meaning that it leads to harder drugs and a life of crime and dereliction.  This point has been argued by many, with little progress in proving or disproving its validity.  I could, from my own experience, argue it either way.  What I have realized on my own spiritual journey of recovery is that all choices lead us to a higher place, eventually.

The legalization of pot for adults over the age of 21 is vital to point out here.  My first experience with pot was when I was 12 years old.  I believe that for most people with addictive personalities the first experience with pot comes well before they are of legal age.  What is not common knowledge is that an addictive personality exists long before the drug ever is introduced.  The disease of addiction is a genetic condition passed down from generation to generation.  I do not use the term “genetic defect” as some would because I do not believe it is a defect.  In my case, it has been my greatest asset.  God would not create a being with a defect, nor would the soul make a mistake.

Do I believe that the smoking of pot unleashed my craving to be high?  No, I do not.  My first drug was attention, the getting of people’s attention any way I could. I had the strongest desire to be the center of attention in my family from my earliest recollection, and if I didn’t succeed in doing so,  I would quickly try another method of achieving my goal.  Failing to achieve the attention only gave my addictive personality reason to act out, seeking louder and more brazen behaviors.  By the time my first drug (cigarettes) entered the picture, I was merely nine years old.  I first began using them to seek the approval of my peers, while at the same time unconsciously still looking to be noticed by my family.  Negative attention is better than no attention in the mind of a person with addictive traits.

What happens now in these states that have decided to legalize marijuana?  Do we care if someone drives high?  How do we administer drug tests when accidents have occurred?  Is there going to be a legal limit?  What about contact highs?  Although I do not fear the occasional smell of pot sending me spiraling back into the darkness of active addiction, it certainly wouldn’t be advised that any recovering addict be exposed high concentrations of secondhand pot smoke.  It took going to one indoor concert to realize that was no place for me to be.

What about employers?  Will they be cited for discrimination by not hiring someone or firing someone who openly smokes pot?  How will society deal with the open use of marijuana?  Imagine yourself sitting at the beach with your family and all of the sudden you are surrounded by a group of people who choose to get high.  Do we want that as a society?

The list of issues that will need to be addressed will keep the lawmakers busy for quite some time.  The personal effect cannot be determined until some time has passed to see what other consequences may pop up.

I do believe that pot use is less harmful than alcohol, and statistics certainly back that up.  It is almost unconscionable that society makes legal alcohol consumption.  The damage that alcohol costs society is mind-boggling and the personal destruction that can occur in families from drinking is beyond pandemic.  Yet the past tells us that it is easier to accept the consequences rather than stand for what is in our best interest.  Yes, denial is alive and well in the human species.

So let’s hear what you think about this.  Take this time to be open about your thoughts and feelings regarding the legalization of drugs.  Should they all be legal?  Do we allow people to make choices that we see as unhealthy and let them learn from their mistakes?  Does legislation make a difference?

Conversations with God states, “Obedience is not creation, and thus can never produce salvation.”  It would seem obvious to me that this statement is proven to be true over and over throughout the course of history.  What say you?

(Kevin McCormack is a “Conversations with God” Life Coach, a Spiritual Helper on www.changingchange.net, and an Addictions Recovery Advisor.  To connect with Kevin, please email him at Kevin@theglobalconversation.com)



14 responses to “Gone to Pot”

  1. Laura Pringle Avatar
    Laura Pringle

    You brought up many points to ponder in this piece. It is hard to conceive of a society where people openly smoke pot. That this is becoming a reality in my lifetime is jarring. I do not oppose it, yet, I can’t imagine how things will be when this is regularly happening. The variables- strength of the product, it’s effects on different people, what should be DUI levels- it’s mind-boggling. At least the junk-food industry should see more sales;)

    However- you gingerly skirted around the whole pharma-cult- the financial giant that rules our country, and how THEY are reacting to this? I’d love to hear from one of their execs on this topic! Let’s face it- if pot becomes mainstream, many drug co.’s will see decreases in their #’s of DEPENDENTS. Ha ha. Hope so.

  2. Erin/IAm Avatar

    I Am all about ‘Remove the warning labels/laws, and let stuff be sorted’.

    I love this subject, too…it has never failed to entertain.:)

    Personally, I enjoy the relationships that I share with Plant People. Beautiful providers of ‘Good Life’ are these folk. A gazillion members of a higher-thinking, cultural society, of both Earth-made & Man-made stuffs. All connected, all serving their greatest talents as feast foods of nourishment, well-living, & entertainment…They provide the Earth connect to Sky…They are a vast part of Earth’s sensors of experience, until She, too, ‘goes Home’…’Earth’ is every bit a God/Goddess in Her own rite.

    That said, you can imagine my stance on the Cannibis clan. This fam rose up to show humans the ‘Bliss’ of Ignore-ance, yet quells the stresses & heals the ills of masses…world-wide…in the same message. And how does human respect this gift?

    This is simply how Nature serves All it’s beings…The antidote grows alongside the poison because one’s poison is another’s life-blood…She serves All…from the same plate. Human simply rarely seats himself at the dinner table.

    Alcohol is another gift…Very much a medicinal elixir that is capable of providing healing & calming needs to mind & body during transitions & traumas. Best used in last resort efforts, because there are milder options that are just as effective for everyday bumps & bruises.

    Humans have the option of using their intelligence, or not…just as any other silly little critter afoot.:)

    And to the last question posed: “True that!”:)

  3. Marko Avatar

    Your forgot to mention that marijuana causes severe depression!, especially when you run out of it! Okay seriously. 🙂

    Could it simply simply simply be that the answer lies here: Responsibility.

    If you choose to smoke weed, do do responsibly.

    Put all the consequences out there pro & con & by the way,– the degree & levels of high have much to do with this discussion. Yet the answer to all this is to be at a mature enough level to do any drug responsibly.

    A mild buzz is way different than being stoned again like R.Crumbs cartoon poster panel of the 70’s of a guys head melting. http://createbuilddestroy.com/wordpress/?p=7489

    Smoking pot like cigarettes has health concerns that should be addressed, though eating it in brownies etc is a healthier way to go as I see it.


  4. mewabe Avatar

    If we look at old Indigenous societies, if we go way back in time, we see that most of these substances (alcohol, tobacco, hallucinogens) were at first considered sacred and used only within the context of spiritual or religious ceremonies.

    Somehow, perhaps as Christianity spread in Europe and other organized religions spread elsewhere and eradicated most pagan religions, the substances remained but without the sacred Indigenous context, and could then be freely used and abused by anybody.

    There is still a tribe of Indians somewhere in Brazil I think that uses alcohol for ceremonies…no one is allowed to use it outside of these ceremonies, except elder women…perhaps they earned it!

    Likewise, I think beer was used by the Celts in their ceremonies, and of course tobacco and peyote are still considered sacred and used in this context by contemporary Native Americans.

    But as Laura pointed out, our population is over-medicated by today’s legal drug lords, Big Pharma, and their local drug pushers, MD’s. The abuse is rampant, and has, in my opinion, more drastic consequences than a semi-natural plant like marijuana.

    While on this topic, it seems to be totally ludicrous for the government to ban the cultivation and use of hemp that could be used to manufacture a wide range of products, and is in other nations that import products made from hemp to the US…but that’s typical out of control US bureaucracy.

  5. Buzz Avatar

    “Does legislation make a difference.”

    YES. Mostly undesirable differences. I don’t know about most of the laws that govern my behaviour, and many of the ones I do know about I don’t understand. I’m effectively blundering my way through life with deductions, guess work, and follow the leader sheeple actions.

    Why is ignorance not a valid defence?

    It is our system of law, judgement and punishment that makes taking responsibility undesirable, and in some cases suicidal. Allow me to paint an example:

    Joe Citizen has an addictive personality. He is in denial about this. Not a crime.

    He uses some drugs, and runs out. He really believes he needs more as soon as possible, regardless of cost. His impaired mental state makes it impossible for him to understand that he has an impaired mental state.

    He tries to drive his truck to his dealer, and has a vehicular accident that blows up a semi loaded with compressed gas, which kills a bus full of kids, a few families, and the semi driver. Maybe it was on the motorway, and Joe was weaving through traffic. Maybe he ran a red light. Maybe he lost concentration and veered into oncoming traffic. It doesn’t actually matter.

    A month later he faces court, pleads guilty (takes full responsibility), and is sentenced to death by injection. During the sentencing, the judge looks down at the list of cases to be heard today or this week, and remembers the cases so far this year, and sighs in disbelief. ‘How many similar cases there are in every courtroom, in every county, in every state, in every country that enforces laws with judgement and punishment?’ He asks himself under his breath.

    Out loud he berates the youth for poor judgement, which are rabbited throughout popular media, who broadcasts to an already judgemental Christian public that practically demand he be put to death in the name of justice. If you’re state or country don’t use death, imprisonment for life with no chance of parole ever is the next logical choice.

    Remember how this post started? Joe is in denial about his addictive personality. Now here’s the punchline … everyone has some aspect of themself they are unable to change, adapt, alter. For most people there’s a long list of aspects and characteristics. Surprise, surprise, this is the definition of an addict. ” To involve oneself in something habitually, to the exclusion of almost anything else.” – Wiktionary

    Our society encourages addiction, provided you’re addicted to a socially approved point of focus. Our tertiary educational institutions, workplace environments, religious organisations and philanthropic causes all require devotion, specialization, commitment, expertise, sub-sub-sub-speciality, focus, and passionate enthusiasm. These are all synonyms for addiction.

    Reality is far too important to be taken seriously!

  6. Erin/IAm Avatar

    Buzz…That last line is sooo perfect.:)

    Laura…Like the phrase “pharma-cult”…and no doubt, they run this whole show of ‘legal & illegal’ ‘drugs’. Their fortunes are founded in J.Q. Public’s ignorance, & the governance supported by these folk has proven the ridiculous.

    Anyone following the line of ‘legal weed’ sees this…all that they are doing is genetically engineering the THC content by replacing it with ‘other stuff’. At the same time, they are using the popularity of this plant being to gain control of All Plants…their medicinal & entertainment values, esp. Closing the doors to healers other than ‘their’ group of ‘professionals’ would skyrocket their industry into infinity & beyond…Keeping folks from doing so for themselves has already been high-ly successful for them.

    It is also very true that hemp, once an export of prosperity…roping, cloth fiber, vegetan leathers, paper, medicinal oils…nearly unsurpassed in quality & lifetime, has been ditched, except by government regulated sources, of course, and no longer allowed to be grown by the Indigenous tribes that had done so for centuries prior. Go figure!

    Personally, I care little about what choices people make of the resources available, nor whether they feel they are genetically or otherwise disposed to personality traits…excuses of loop-hole convenience (mpo). I do care that the Plant People have no voice in their matters, and provided little respect within human realms…and they Do Not belong in a human justice system! There are common houseplants & pretty garden varieties that can easily kill a 2 yo…but these are ‘okay’ to have about. (Zero deaths are linked to Cannibis, btw…Zero!)

    No-sense…lots of no-sense! So, again, I will say…”Remove the warning labels & the restricting laws, & let Stupidity be sorted on it’s own”. Humanity could use a good wake-up call of their Natures…no longer with the option of hitting ‘Snooze’.:)

    Puff, puff, paaasss…:)

  7. Rob Avatar

    Addiction is NOT genetic!!!!! There have been studies done by Genetic scientists who have disproven this. Turns out we are products of our environments from the 1st moments we have environments to live in…… The Womb. If a mother is stressed out or is in a abusive situation, the baby in the womb experiences this stress. Later in life these fetuses have a considerably higher percentage chance of being alcoholic or drug addicted. This is the new reality, PROVEN fact. Now we can change our experiences to help make the world a better place starting with the mothers who can control these scenarios.

  8. mewabe Avatar

    Very good point Rob, about stress in the womb. In traditional, old Japan, expectant mothers were taught to be very careful and avoid strong emotions, stress, etc…they knew something we have forgotten.

    Arthur Janov has written extensively about this, as well as the stress of birth. For example, a difficult, long birth process often results in a feeling of wanting to “give up” later on in life, a feeling that “nothing makes any difference”, because it was the primary feeling that was imprinted in the baby’s brain while struggling to come out.

    Life is a lot more complex than most of us would like to believe.

  9. Buzz Avatar

    Simple and complex, oh God, don’t start that again lol, shut up Buzz.

    I fail to see how it matters, whether it’s genetic or a predisposition to reality learned in the womb or during birth. If someone wants to blame someone else for their problems, they’ll find someone to blame. If they keep looking back far enough, the parents are always to blame.

    This is not about responibility, justice, and who should pay the shrink. This is about understanding you are human, part of a giant species wide accident, and we all have problems we need to accept in ourselves and each other.

    This is about making different choices, bucking the trend, breaking tradition, and trying something new. We will still make enormous mistakes, but they’ll be different from what we went through, and it’s all on record so the next generation can learn from all this too, and maybe in 1000 years we’ll have a working formula, if we’re lucky.

    From Kevin: Very well said Buzz, thank you for your insight.

  10. mewabe Avatar

    Hey Buzz, I understand your point…

    But being intelligent you probably understand that my mention of Janov’s discoveries and study about trauma in the womb and at birth (and after birth) had nothing to do with blame, or who is responsible for what…but with understanding the source of the brain’s imbalances, chemical and otherwise, in order to actually heal them for good.

    To understanding this, one has to accept the premise (and the scientific proof) that true healing is possible…that we are not just broken toys here on earth attempting to deal with our own inner madness the best we know how.

    The thing is, no one can undo the past…blame or erasing the past are not and have never been the object of therapy. Whatever happened to an individual will remain part of his or her experience, but what therapy changes is how a person deals with trauma or pain.

    In the case of Janov, the imprint of the trauma (or pain) is spontaneously brought to full consciousness (when the patient is ready and on her or his own terms) in order to be totally integrated with the specific corresponding memory, felt, expressed and released in a safe environment.

    The assumption (proven by experience) is that such integration and release could not occur in a young child, as the brain naturally suppresses such trauma which cannot be dealt with at the time it occurs, particularly anything before 3 years old, when the brain is not fully developed.

    Yet suppression does not mean that the pain or trauma disappear. If the defense system is adequate, the person can function, although his or her ability to feel is impaired by this suppression, proportionally. The greater the suppression, the lesser the ability to feel anything. The neurotic is a case in point.

    If the defense system is inadequate, because of brain chemical imbalance, because there is too much pain or trauma (usually the case with addictive personalities), the pain seeps through from the unconscious to the conscious, but without being probably integrated with the corresponding memory. The person then cannot make sense of his or her moods, feelings, impulses, or even thoughts. This leads to disorder, to compulsions, phobias, depression, addictions, etc etc which are all widespread.

    These are apparently still new and controversial (and totally misunderstood) concepts, yet they has been around for a few decades now, and many have benefited from such approach!

    Such rejection is logical, if we are to remember that the ego is an important part of the psychological defense system, the last defense, and always vigilant!

  11. Lloyd Avatar

    Prohibition does not work, yet humans keep trying to tell others what is right and what is wrong and how to live their lives. Oh this drug subject, what is so wrong? Isn’t the real answer the money which leads to the violence against others? What if we make it all legal, any drug, and free if you show up at clinics and drug centers to receive them? Then perhaps we could help the addicts, health wise, counseling wise, and remove the danger that keeping it illegal has caused. Take the money out of it, eliminate the black market, drastically reduce the inmates in our jails, and restore these humans so they can become productive citizens. We could save our society Billons of dollars a year, in law enforcement, in jails, in stolen goods, and in the destruction of human life, so why do we continue to want to control the acts of others and damage our society? Namaste’

  12. Buzz Avatar

    Thanks Kevin, Mewabe and Butch.

    You’re right butch. Prohibition doesn’t work. I don’t mean just for drugs. Prohibiting any thought, word, action, event or circumstance is trying to enforce impossible rules on free thinking, emotional life forms. Our neurotic nature makes compliance by everyone at all times, like forever, futile and foolish.

    Mewabe, the method of therapy is not as important to me as my belief that every living human needs to be in some form of therapy their entire life. This is one reason religion is so popular. They all offer free unlimited counseling services to parishioners.

    Churches keep their flock because no one likes changing / abandoning their most trusted confidant just because there’s a slightly better brand of belief structure. It’s the relationships that are important, and the bond between child and priest begins at a very early age.

    Only the very rich, athiests and the extremely mentally ill establish a bond with a professional therapist not associated with a religious denomination.

  13. Laura Pringle Avatar
    Laura Pringle

    The notion that all humans need lifelong therapy is interesting. Have never pondered this! I sure feel the need for periodic re-affirmation of {the validity of} my being. I’ve never felt the right connection with any therapist, so- for my therapy, I go within, (literally), and converse with my own inner voice. If I am torn or distressed, I write, and then listen…soon, soothing wise words appear, and help me put my emotions aside and plot a course of action to fix the situation or release my attachments.
    Works like a charm! I am so thankful that my mother kept me away from religion.

  14. Little Flower Avatar
    Little Flower

    Cannabis is a medicine given to us by God. Just like echinacea angustafola, or st. Johns wort, or valerian root, or burdock root, or opium. These medicines are all used to heal. Mushrooms are used to eat cancers, just as they are decomposers in nature. You should try to abandon your preconceived judgement and believe that those smoking cannabis have the ability to have wisdom, responsibility, and self-control to be doing so. You have to have faith that there is a good nature in it, otherwise it would not be so widely accepted. Cannabis has numerous health benefits, as well as spiritual balancers.

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