The question that must be asked in the aftermath of the latest incident revolving around Pakistan’s blasphemy law is: Why are no Muslim spiritual leaders speaking out against the violence that Muslim mobs perpetrate under cover of the law?

Indeed, why are no Muslim spiritual leaders speaking out against the law itself?

Another question that must be asked: How can merely an accusation of speaking in disrespect of the Prophet Muhammad or of Islam be enough for police to place official charges against a person?

The filing of such charges requires police to then arrest the accused, who must await trial in jail. Some people so accused have been killed in jail by religious zealots who have somehow reached them, or in the premises of the court, according to reports coming out of Pakistan.

The present situation again got out of hand March 9 when 3,000 rioters burned out virtually the entire Christian neighborhood of Joseph Colony in Lahore, Pakistan. The small enclave contained about 200 homes, 178 of which were destroyed by fire, according to a report in the New York Times.

The Times story said that the incident grew out of a simple allegation by a local Muslim barber that his friend, a Christian sanitation worker, had spoken disrespectfully about the Prophet Muhammad. Yet such an allegation is anything but simple in Pakistan.

There are those who reportedly observed the two men who say that they were indeed friends, that they had become inebriated together a few evenings before the charges were filed, during which time of drinking they had argued. The next day, the Muslim made the accusation.

According to press reports, there are those who say that the accusation is false, and has simply been used as a form of pay back for the argument. People in Pakistan know that accusations of violating the country’s blasphemy law can spell big trouble, ruining the accused’s life, if not ending it. (In Pakistan, insulting the Prophet Muhammad or the religion of Islam is a capital offense. There are at least 16 people on death row for blasphemy and another 20 are serving life sentences, the organization Human Rights Watch says.)

After making the blasphemy accusation, the barber then reportedly called friends and members of his community and told them about the alleged disrespectful comments, and those people, in turn, became agitated and went to the local police, demanding action.

According to media reports originating in Lahore, the police felt pressured to file a case against the sanitation worker, who was immediately arrested. As word spread of the arrest and the filing of charges, 3,000 rioters on March 9 descended upon the Christian community of Joseph Colony where the sanitation worker lived, burned his house, and set fire to nearly every other home in the village as well.

At this writing, not a single major Muslim spiritual leader — in Pakistan or anywhere else — has openly condemned the violence, much less the law under which the sanitation worker was charged. It is perhaps understandable why.

“Two prominent politicians were assassinated in 2011 for urging reform of the law. The killer of one of the politicians was hailed as a hero, and lawyers at his legal appearances showered him with rose petals,” a report by the Associated Press authored by Zaheer Babar and Rebecca Santana on March 9 said.

Still, if the role of the clergy of any religion is to lead the way to righteous action, moral thinking, and appropriate behavior, how can the increasingly vitriolic responses of thousands to a law that itself would seem by most standards to violate every norm of human rights be ignored, with Islam’s spiritual leadership utterly silent?

Even more to the point, how can any people, using their spirituality as their reasoning, justify perpetrations of violence? People have done so, of course, for centuries—as the Christian crusades evidenced, and as other religious brutality, savagery, and barbarity by people of many varying beliefs in a loving God has sadly demonstrated.

Now, for the record, I think Islam is a great and wonderful religion. It brings humanity magnificent wisdom and insight, as does Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, and the world’s other great religions. So the observation above is not a commentary on the religion of Islam itself, but on some of the clergy and people who practice it. And saying that the same can be said of the people and clergy of other religions does not invalidate the points made here.

I would absolutely agree if someone said, “What about the spiritual leadership of other countries and other religions?” Indeed, where is it? What the world needs now is a massive revival of spiritual leadership. And, indeed, a whole new Spiritual Story to tell humanity. A story of a God who would knows only love, and never punishes or condemns anyone.

It has been said that no one does anything inappropriate, given their model of the world. Is it time to change humanity’s model of the world? Have we had enough now of our ideas of a God who demands and commands violence and killing in the name of religious “honor”?



  1. Shireen Hussain Avatar
    Shireen Hussain

    Excellent article. Thank you Neale.

  2. Simon de Weerdt Avatar
    Simon de Weerdt

    This is an example of people being carried away with passions. They are being carried away from God, carried away from being present, carried away from compassion and mercy. The people who do this are following the voice of passion, not reason. The Prophet would not recommend or advise revenge, let along this disproportionate escalation. Anyone advising this is blind, seeing only an injustice and not what they are doing or saying.

    Can we let go of the urge for revenge. Here we see it as folly and tragedy in others, can we let it go from ourselves?

    It goes way past that, Simon. At present, there is not even an “injustice” for any of those rioters to be upset about, don’t you see that? There is only an accusation. Is a simple accusation enough to make a person guilty? You speak of these riots as a “disproportionate escalation.” They are not that, Simon. They are a “completely unjustified response.” Why not call them that?

    As for your second paragraph, what, exactly, was the “folly and tragedy in others?” Nothing has even been proven. One man said that another man said something. Goodness, all of this for that??? What kind of world is this? Let that be our question for the day. Let the people of Earth ask themselves: Is this who we really are? Are we really this barbaric that we punish even before the accusation has been proven?

  3. politics Avatar

    How can Spirituality and Religion exist side by side, when both are completely different conclusions on how to worship Life?

    Perhaps the transition is apparent now in places that are willing to act accordingly?

    Our Nation grew up before we had time to realize it, and now we are stuck in a diplomatic nightmare, so to speak.
    So is it beneficial to our Nation to point the way for others, when we ourselves are just “beginning” to understand what Life really is ?

    Now here is the real question, doesn’t Life grow in ways that pertain to the actual reason of understanding how it got to this particular stage in it’s own Evolution?

    Putting a band-aid on a minor scrape is one thing, but applying the ointment takes understanding of the infection and how to address the disease that will benefit all involved parts of the body.

    Do you really think that Life is not in charge?

  4. Carolyn Scaletta Avatar
    Carolyn Scaletta

    Because they live by the mind and body. Until they truly learn to live by the Soul and actually get what it means. God does not demand and command violence. Mankind does. The Soul does not live by words. The Soul lives by love. Yes there has to be a change but it has to come from free will that comes from your soul.

  5. Simon de Weerdt Avatar
    Simon de Weerdt

    I don’t know what is in the minds of the rioters, perhaps its greed for gain, perhaps its fury for perceived injustice they associate with others of a different creed. The suckers game is to get us to act in “self-interest” that actually seals our lips and ensures we loose the easy gain we seek.

  6. Simon de Weerdt Avatar
    Simon de Weerdt

    The fury or greed is the folly I refer to. I experience the urge for revenge often, daily when someone cuts ahead of me in traffic or brushes me aside. I see myself get the blind desire to assert and as often as I can I let go.

  7. Simon de Weerdt Avatar
    Simon de Weerdt

    Now this injustice, and more this lack of mercy, will be used to make just all sorts of other injustices and unkindnesses “right”. When we feel pain, can we not wake up?

    A question for you Neale, how do those people caught in this fury step away? Do they need to practice rigorous self-examination? Do they need to recognize that what they are doing is wrong and unjustified? Does the “blame” lie with political opportunists that are taking advantage of this blindness?

    How can we have a world stage without this mass madness? Does it need to stop long before its gets this way, or can we avert the mad rush at this hour?

    Ok, its a few questions.

  8. André Quaas, Germany Avatar
    André Quaas, Germany

    There is no spiritual leadership in muslim-ruled countries – it’s an religious leadership. Religious leaders of the only true religion cannot be wrong and all their followers cannot be wrong too.
    Sometimes it makes me sad. Most it makes me angry.

  9. Marko Avatar

    What I think we are seeing & what is developing in the world is all kinds of pockets of specific mentalities & various degrees of mentalities. Old school, new school & what we may call new evolved schools.

    So some continue to show very primitive, barbaric, tendencies. Others are more progressive.

    So I think we will continue to see small but growing pockets where a much higher consciousness is being exhibited & experienced. This is along side of pockets of very barbaric consciousness.

    They all exists & continue to evolve or in some cases perhaps de-evolve.

    These will all be examples of what we can choose to move into or move out of. Thus, we can decide what models we prefer to take on.

    I can Imagine that there will be pockets be they countries, cities, neighborhoods etc. where more highly evolved concepts & lifestyles are being used & by the success & happiness that they have as a result. Thus people will gravitate toward them or not.

    It’s a choice & as more evolved concepts are exposed & taught more choices can be made as a result. It will be harder not to be aware or exposed to such alternative ideas.

    More evolved individuals & groups have the choice to stay where they are & help enhance the frequency of where they are or choose to leave if they can & it’s too repressive for their spirits. It’s always a choice, except when it isn’t, depending on what country you are in.

    Yet even there we can realize we can always control how we think & move in this world regardless of how others do. In doing so, our experience moves us where we are best suited, even when in un evolved areas.


  10. Helios Phorus Avatar
    Helios Phorus

    Those things will not be solved by words and love. Did the merchants listen to Jesus when he did ask to leave the temple for prayer ? They didn’t because they did had their own belief and advantages. So only the language of a stick did kick out the marchants out of the temple. Let’s say, I am Prophet, what can I do with sweet talks ? Write books ? We have to admit, in those times, only a few can master to write successfully books, not to mention to sell them properly. Will the book change the heart of people who do belief in their own perception of God ? No. Those books will make them more angry.

    Once I did ask a christian. Suppose the Prophet, You do known as Jesus, would return. How should he return ? If he returns out of the heaven on a cloud, a lot of people would say, this is the trick of the devil. If he would do otherwise, do the work of the Prophets, they would say, this is a false prophet ! Beware don’t look or listen to him.

    My point is, one of the worse enemy of humanity is illusions. All in this worlds is controlled so much by illusions. Look how advertising works, how politicians come to power. They bring a kind of hypnotism. To let people belief, their story. So easy people can be programmed.

    I do known Christian families in Pakistan. They are scared. Scared about people who have no education. Who are violent. Who do abuse the words of the Prophets to do violence.

    What can I do ? What can I do if I am like a Knight, without sword, standing in front of a huge castle, full of soldiers, and I speak the words of love and understanding. They will laugh, and shoot me with arrows.

    The only solution to this is not with sweet words.

    However those who should bring chance are currently not in the power to fight equaly the battle, to make a different outcome.

    Sometimes, God needs to bring intervention, not always by sweet talk.

    I am….we see, when God decides.

  11. Siimon de Weerdt Avatar
    Siimon de Weerdt

    What can we say here but words? Is it not words that invite those violent actions or lack of words that did not condemn them? What have we to offer via the internet other than words? If one could act, then what can be done that will not be a yet greater folly?

    How has this been solved in times past? Do we have to wait for the bloodthirst to abate? Can awareness creep in? Or will this be used to justify another repression or revenge?

  12. mewabe Avatar

    What kind of world is this?…

    Neale, here is the latest from God:
    this whole planet is meant to be a huge mental asylum, where the mentally imbalanced from all other planets and galaxies in the universe must reincarnate as a form of banishment or to work out their problems.

    Just kidding of course…but it does seem that the patients are running the asylum here.

    Sometimes, attempting to changes such things appears to be equivalent to hitting one’s head against a brick wall.

    Humanity has an uncommon thirst for its own blood…and it seems that it periodically requires orgiastic libations. It looks as though it won’t be satisfied until it has experienced another world war, even more deadly than the last. Then it will have gotten it out of its system for a while, until the next explosion.

    What can we do?
    Stay away from the madness, plant seeds (ideas) where they may grow, and have compassion.

    This is a learning process…some elements, in humanity, are toddlers, they must learn at their own slow speed, and experience what they need to experience in order to understand that fire burns, that deadly ideas leads to suffering and death.

    You cannot be impatient…God is not…eternity is on our side.

  13. Scott Avatar

    Hello & goodbye for ten days as I am off to a ten day Vipassana meditation course.

    Where are the spiritual leaders? Some of them are here of course & it’s important to remember that we all have a greater impacton the world at large than we can see from our own persective.

    So keep putting out Love & don’t doubt that it has an effect.

    TM groups have proven the effectiveness of reduceing crime levels with sustained group meditations. (even though the levels rise again after the effort is completed it still shows what can be done)

    The mentality of the mob is well documented but most people are kind & peaceful & it is ever only a small minority that create conflict & turmoil. Unfortunatly some times that small minority are the people running large orginisations, like governments which result in bigger conflicts that effect the majority of peaceful people.

    If small groups can effect the larger experience, & we have seen how this is true, then let us, do what we can, where we are, NOW!

    Do something in your home, your suburb, your community & do it TODAY!

    Start a group effort for peace & sanity where you are. Look what Ghandi did!

    These situations are never going to be solved by one person but one person is all it takes to START!

    All the best to all & talk to you when I get back.

    Love & Gratitude


  14. mewabe Avatar

    Indeed, it seems that only a small minority is causing trouble…because the sane are not, are never as “driven” as the insane.

    All it would take would be for the majority (the sane) to rise up and be counted…peacefully but firmly.

    Idealists often end up as martyrs because they usually stand alone, as the majority remains uninvolved.

    Mediation, prayers are good ways…and then, sometimes we have to put our lives on the line, peacefully but without retreating, as during the civil rights movement. If no one stands up, nothing ever changes.

    We can pray to God, but she won’t act for us…we can meditate to raise the global consciousness, but sometimes in kick in the rear is also necessary, to propel some in the right direction, and remind them that actions have CONSEQUENCES, that some things are simply not acceptable any longer.

    They have had their times, their fun…not playtime is over, now is the time to grow up.

    My CAPTCHA code reads: L4BS…does it mean I am “all for BS”? Hope not…

  15. Sponge Bob Avatar
    Sponge Bob

    Excellent article Neale,

    SIR WITH YOUR PERMISSION Can i share this article to Indian embassy and UN Human Rights in New Delhi,India. ??

    i would ask Indian govt.,Hindu society,Sikh society,Christian missionary’s —

    => if their is some channel through which we can give those Non-Muslims in Pakistan a refuge in other secular countries.


  16. Erin/IAm Avatar

    Today I walk with the magic of Marko & the beauty of mewabe…

    There is NO INJUSTICE here, Neale…given their perception of Their world.

    I See the ‘Ripple Effect’ in proof: The choice of one man brought hell-fire upon his entire Lot…the choice of another, brought up the hell-fire of his Lot & directed it’s heat. I doubt either imagined that their individual choices would have produced such outcome…but they did…For a World to See.

    All “leaders” are faultering, simply because the human system is faultering…Isn’t This Wonderful??? Isn’t This exactly what We hoped, dreamt, came here to be part of???

    Oh, not exactly the ‘route’ desired of the New Story process? Sorry ’bout that…NOT! 🙂

    When folks can SEE folks can BE…’Other-Wiser’ being a fine opt, indeed!

    I, for one & of One, Am moving now into 3rd gear (I have 5…Reverse is not an option, though Park does come in handy for re-fuels). We move in ATVs…fully loaded, with carburetor capability for water escapades. Personally, I do break for Life forms & to take in the views. Other-Wise, I have a love of speed, whether rocks or holes are about or not.

    With that in mind, the speed of Changes in these moments are non-drug-induced rushes of “Eee-effin-Haaa!!!”…with a touch of “Muahaha!” (my shadow child likes to play, too) 🙂

    That’s all this stuff Is…Each & All is just Stuff to See & Be of…one no worse, no ‘wronger’, no ‘righter’…none more ‘important’ than any other…Just day-to-day stuff ‘on the move’…’Being Movement’.

    Move & Groove rhyme so well, don’t they?
    I’m a Groover! heehee…’a groover with the Mover’!
    (Come on, now…that’s cute, yes?) 🙂

    Stay on the Dance floor, Kids…It’s a heavenuva Rave, indeed! ;D

  17. frank morfi Avatar
    frank morfi

    Thank you for speaking out in behalf of humanity

  18. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    The matter of fact is…..All of the materials by Neales`here, what of him asking us(and telling us), have brought me “back” to the many old Seth-Books of mine(channeled by Jane Roberts).
    And now am to study the one new book by Lynda Madden-Dahl, a long-time practitioner of the Seth-advices, and therefore based upon “the Seth-teachings”…and the book is titled: Living a Safe Universe.
    It is the mind/body/soul/matter-of-fact-reality-boggling. And it is “the up-side-down-view” upon everything…Lahore, North-Korea, the probability of a third world war, or of what not, of us does with the sub-consciousness`!
    I`m chewing the book as a chewing-gum at the time being, because it is relating with much of what Neale telling.

    The individual and the mass-consciousness…it is us !

  19. mewabe Avatar

    Yes Inger Lise, we are all creating it all…the good, the bad and the ugly.

    People forget, because they think they just create from their conscious mind, but just as we do in dream, we also create this world from the individual and collective unconscious.

    The conscious/unconscious are like an iceberg: what you see above the surface is so much smaller that what lays below…so MOST OF OUR CREATIONS are unconscious! Then we struggle with them and try to make sense of them, to understand them, as we see them manifested in the world around us.

    That’s where it seems to get complicated…but not when we are in touch with the unconscious…which we all should strive to be.

    All of Jane Roberts’ books are extremely rich indeed, opening infinite possibilities, I recommend them, especially “Unknown Reality”, “The Nature of Personal Reality”, although they should be read in the order they were dictated, as they do have an effect on the subconscious!

  20. ionic breeze Avatar
    ionic breeze

    Hi Inger and Mewabe,

    I can’t wait to read her 🙂 I’ve been meaning to get her books. I think that she is the inspiration for Esther Hicks, who wrote a ton, including Law of Attraction, Vortex, and all that other good stuff. I sigh. I sigh because we are a minority, we who believe that God can move through a channeling, such as Neale. he doesn’t admit he’s channeling. I have never heard him admit he’s channeling per se. Does he or not? Anyhoo, we love him anyway. He is divinely inspired. That’s for sure. Just come on out and say it. Say you channel. Then we can take the stigma off the word. Dear God, we are nothing But channelers channeling God as God channels us. God channels us channeling him. That’s what I hear. He gets a kick out of it. I don’t know. Is the world waking up or not? Are they waking up to the fact that we are all channeling God, whether we know it or not? We don’t know from what we hear in the world. The world calls anything that doesn’t smack of the bible thumping days, the days that only believe dead people can speak to God, approach God. Forget about being God. That’s total blasphemy. That’ll get you put right to the open pit of firey hell waters not. Sigh. Even in my own house. Whew. My dear husband is an academic. They’re the worse. They want to prove everything. They need to have documentation with every letter dotted correctly. Whew. ANyhoo, I am not that. Yea. I went to school, but I am untraining me. That’s how I look at it. Going back to the basis, to my true nature. It’s anything but normal, but hey. Normalcy is waaay overrated. That’s what I hear. I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been that 🙂 Neither are you, actually. Noone is normal. If you were normal, you wouldn’t be on this planet. C’mon. Take a shot at that truth. You know it’s true. Noone normal would come to this planet. We had to sign up for this gig. We all chose to help God rise the planet. We all knew it wouldn’t be easy. That’s what is. I’ve spoken too long. Anyhoo, thanks for the words of the wise. I’m so glad I have wierd friends, too, like you. Be grateful. We’re the wierd and wonderful group. Somebody’s got to do it 🙂

    Love to all life wierd and wonderful 🙂

  21. ionic breeze Avatar
    ionic breeze

    On a more serious note. We need a revival alright. We need a revival of himanity. We need to revive a humanity that knows it’s divinity. When we know we are divine, we come forth being divine. We are divine, whether we know it or not. If we know we are divine, we fear nothing. We fear not each ohter. We fear not lack, need, other gods before God, whatever God is to you, or you. We fear not anything, when we know we are divine. What will it take for us to wake to our divinity? Once we know we are divine, we know our relation to the other, for we cannot the divine Being we truly are, until we know the other is us. All Life is one divine Being. There is no Other Hi Ho He

    Love ot All Life. Hi

  22. Marko Avatar

    Ionic Breeze. Neale says he is inspired & does not channel. Channeling often means another entity like Abraham enters into Esther’s body form & takes over.
    This is not what Neale experiences.

    I would also have you consider paragraphing more for visual ease. See Mewabe’s post above as a good example.

    “Normalcy is waaay overrated.”
    As Homer Simpson would say. “That’s so funny, because it’s true.”


  23. ionic breeze Avatar
    ionic breeze

    Hey, I know. Thank you, Marko, for reminding me. You’re right. It does make it a lot easier to read. Thanks. I’ll try to be better next time. I should know better. 🙂

    I was curious, as to whether Neale perceives his inspiration with God, as channeling per se, channeling in the way Esther perceives her divine communion with God.

    Abraham is God, so when Esther communes, she actually communes with God, but she communes with a particular aspect of God. Abraham s divine and is knowing he is divine, and that is all one would ever want to commune with, in my humble opinion.

    There are some who know how to commune with everything, even here on the planet, yet, in my opinion, the best way to not go left and right, up and down in energy is to only allow the Christed, fully risen, Ascended I Amness in the field of force one is in life. Abraham is a divine aspect, an Ascended master, an aspect that is God, but many commune with other people even. i don’t. I mean, I’m one with all life, but too many egoic energies cna wreak havoc on a little body that isn’t quite used to it. Anyhoo, Abraham is God, so he’s cool by me. It’s just I don’t need a little Abraham running through to trip my way 🙂

    I don’t know what to think. i started writing with God using automatic writing. this is really the same sort of writing many teachers teach today, process writing, freewriting. All of that is liberating. hopefully, it’s working to pen the minds. I use freewriting, when I teach an face to face English class. Usually, I’m teaching from starbucks 🙂 When I started writing spontaneously in 2002 God’s inspired word, I was just freewriting. I have heard many say this could happen, this sort of divine experience while writing. We have some writers here that have done this. I wonder how they got it started.

    It is liberating to use freewriting. That’s why we use it, in order to liberate a blocked writer. It turns the “critic” mind off. it turns off the critical thinking mind of blocked writers, because, one doesn’t have time to process info coming in. One jsut does this. One puts a pen in the hand and a pad on the table. The pen has to touch the pad at all times. Cannot take the pen off the pad. If one comes to a spot, where one can’t think of anything else to say, one still has to keep the pen moving. Scribbling is acceptable 🙂 Many times, after the clock stops at five minutes or ten. Sometimes I do ten. After the time is up, students look over it and see what kernal of truth pops out. You never know what will pop out, is what I tell them. i could tell them, “God might pop out. He did for me,” but alack, alas, and alay, is the world ready for God to pop out, so freely ? 🙂

    I started writing a freewriting letter to God, and God started writing back freely to me using words I didn’t know, sentences I knew I knew I didn’t consciously create, and all in a handwriting I knew I couldn’t have created. 🙂 God loves to write to those who love to write back. Just drop him a line. You never know when he’ll pop in on your pad.

    Love to all on this almost midnight, starry night. Sleep tight Hi 🙂


  24. ionic breeze Avatar
    ionic breeze

    Whew typo. i said this, “All of that is liberating. hopefully, it’s working to pen the minds,” but I meant the opposite. I meant, “All of that is liberating. Hopefully, it’s working to free the minds” not pen them. Geesh

  25. Jaz Avatar

    Interesting conversation.. I, however would like to talk more about American politics, and it’s way of dealing with the rest of the world. I agree that locals who are more conscious should take more responsibility for what goes around in Pakistan. But, money can persuade many unconscious people, who are willing to do anything for it. And I believe there are armies of them for hire. These private armies have many names and are being used in many countries at present.. And there is this powerful nation (not the whole nation, actually only a handful informed individuals) that is interested in seeing instability in other parts of the world. It serves their economic/political interests. I have the privilege to study with few locals from the area. So, I would highly suggest myself that I don’t buy into everything I read, even if it is from a very trustworthy source, as THE NEW YORK TIMES. Not much time to write more but I can let these people in the next clip share my opinion 😀 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVNMKu0TrMQ

  26. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    Marko, the word “channeling” can have many interpretations.

    All of us “channeling” one way or the other.
    And Jaz, New York Times does “the channeling” as well.

    Or else agree with both Mewabe and Michelle(ionic breeze).
    I have done “the intuitive writing” once upon a time. Some naming it Automatic writing.

    But do you know what??? In the middle of all these “psychic” practizes, all of a sudden experienced “a voice” to “take over” the own voice….and I became shocked and scared to death.
    And there and then to Quit the whole “THING” and, of to become “a medium.” It is many years since back then. I wasn`t “mature enough” and did not have the basic “knowledge.”

    When “the voice” all of a sudden(I got a headache)came through me, a whole bunch of teachers from the Rudolph Steiner Schools sitting there around me. And they will NOT be interrested in the bible, that`s for sure.

    “The Voice” told of to be The Prophet Daniel, the one who is told about in the bible ….”of to be thrown to the Lions.”
    Good Heavens…..I told goodbye to the friends, and almost run out of the door.

    I have NEVER participated within any other “Spiritual/-methaphysical” groupings after the experience(at least not face-to-face).
    But came upon the Edgar Cayce readings afterwards.
    Learning of “to keep the feet on the ground.”

    Once a well-known(a norwegian lady)medium asking me the question: “What is it to stand in your way?”…..and then “heard” a voice told me: “It is yourself.”

    But after of to have studied Carl Jung and The Seth Materials, “the knowledge” have become more “specific.”
    And am keeping a low profile because of the husband and the own family. They will be firmly “grounded.”

    All of us have many soulmates.

  27. Marko Avatar

    Thank you Inger. I gave what I remember to be Neale’s distinguishen & I’ve never heard him say he channeled.

    Ionic Breeze remarked “Abraham is God, so when Esther communes, she actually communes with God, but she communes with a particular aspect of God. Abraham s divine and is knowing he is divine, and that is all one would ever want to commune with, in my humble opinion.”

    From what I read from Esther Hicks who was early on a metaphysical & psychic skeptic until she & her husband experimented on a Ouija board which is when she started to experience psychic phenomenon along with meditating.

    As I remember Abraham is not God but a series or group of non physical beings that go by Abraham for convenience sake.

    Jaz, one way I deal with current events & new information, be it the fiscal cliff or North Korea is to envision a peaceful, loving intelligent outcome. I pay attention to worldly appearances, but do not consider them the final say in any thing.

    We are still babies in learning how to manifest. My suggestion & the way I do so is to see feel & envision what I or we most desire to see in the world on any given news topic or current events.

    That vision, visualization adds to the individual & collective creation influence for positive change of outcome.

    I invite you and everyONE interested to the Global Prayer Project http://www.celestinevision.com/globalprayer.html

    That is one way to be part of the change we would love to be & see.


  28. ionic breeze Avatar
    ionic breeze

    Hi All Life,

    We are all life. We just are. God, from my understanding, is a Being of Many Beings. Abraham is a particular individual aspect, a Being, yes, but a God also. Thank you, Marko, for your awareness. You are that, too. You are God, too. You are a Being, too. A Being of Light.

    When we speak here of channeling source energy, what are we doing? Some, more than we know, because they aren’t speaking, maybe, have had similar experiences to Neale, Esther, Mewabe, me, you. Well, what do we do with this? Do we call it okay to accept what we were taught? Do we accept that energy that says spirituality has nothing to do with this land we have?
    In my opinion, it has everything to do with it. It is Neale who says this, so, I know you know that’s his main drive here with this blog, to make the connection, to invite the world to speak of life as something far grander, Horatio, than what we’ve taught.

    If I accept my skeptic husband as the divine speaker of what is possible in life, I get no dialogue with God. He doesn’t believe in God per se, he says, I guess. I don’t know these days what he actually believes regarding God, because I don’t discuss my God much with him. There’s too much contrast there. He’s not religious, but he’s not open either. I know God’s real. He doesn’t. I know God moves through objects, us. God is Light. I know it. He doesn’t. Do I give up my expanded awareness and say, ahem. “God, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you qant to gift the light. I’m sorry you are gifting me the light to gift the light, but I can’t have that upgrade just yet. I know you gift them, when we come forth gifting light, gifts away, as we receive them to gift, but I can’t do it just yet. The world’s not ready. Ahem. You’ll need to tell Michael, Archangel Michael, Christ I Am, Chista, yourself. God, you’ll just have to do it later, I guess. I can’t speak it for the world just yet. Maybe later. The world tells me it’s not possible.”?

    Do I do this? Do I stop being who I am, because someone is skeptical? No. I say “No thank you, please. I know God too well. I won’t hide this light God gives the world through me. I won’t stop being the heart that gifts the heart its own heart. I won’t let the world shine my light out, all because I accept the beliefs passed on by someone, some relgion, some dead men of yore, who long ago wanted to keep the hidden from man. We are the heart of God.
    When we wake up, we immediately want to share. Do we stop sharing? To me, these personal stories don’t seem on a surface level to be germaine to the discussion of toe to toe, head to head, bomb to bomd, backroom board meetings discussing the future annihilation of the world, but I differ.

    The world needs to know we are God, Goddess. We are beings of beings of light, and we are here with light shining it to wake others to their own light. How does this connect with Korea? China? Afghanistan? The Middle East, the far east, or any other East?

    It connects our heart to each other. If I know I am Goddess, and I know I am you, will I be so doggone trigger happy? I don’t think so. To me, these stories of Abraham, God, Daniel, life, Chista, Michael as Archangel, moving through us is important. It teaches us we are more not less. We are adequate. If we know we are God, we don’t cling to fear you are on my land. If we know we are God, we know we are far more than this little peninsula we keep fighting over, this little stretch of land? Why fight? Why not bring spirituality home to the heart and let the politicians do what they will, when we rise up and say I Am. We are I Am. We just are.

    Love to all life,


  29. Siimon de Weerdt Avatar
    Siimon de Weerdt

    After reflecting on this story. It seems clear that the government, such as it is, is unable to prevent this sort of thing. To me this outburst arises out of our separated thinking. It cannot happen unless people believe they can suffer/experience independent fates. Its fuelled by expectation of gain by some people, presumably off the scene, who allow this or encourage it and performed by frustrated passionate fools carried away with a need for release from their perceived injury to collective pride. That’s my guess.

    Its been said we are ready for a shift into a recognition of our connectedness. I do not know what this will mean, it would sure be nice if we were able to accept others credos without needing to agree with them. Perhaps a foundation in our understanding will include that all others, however foolish or blind, “are doing what they see as appropriate, given their model of the world”.

    Now most who read your comments Neale, will surely agree this is a most unjust, unfortunate circumstance. The local politicians are either unable to take responsibility or are taking advantage of it. One can say, we need greater understanding in the hearts of the people participating? One might imagine that people who deal with the local and regional politicians can appeal to their pride? And truly is it just a regional issue, or do not industrial nations play a similar game, of playing on and profiting from passions and prejudices, on a greater scale? Is there a more powerful, less violent, way to deal with this?

    If we are to become more connected, its not just up to a priesthood of self-examined masters, or of political or financial power, its for us all. And how are we all to apply a healing salve? How can we shift conditions and thought so that this madness does not continue and grow?

  30. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    Siimon, thank you. What you says makes “sense” to me.
    It seems mostly all of us have forgotten how the free will are working “in the game”.

    I have learned One Thing in particular, and it is never of to interfere with the free will….even “the invisibles” does not. After the first “meeting” with the Prophet Daniel, have never heard from him again.
    I`m not interrested.

    Rather to read the Seth-Books instead. They`ll be “appealing” to me in the overall world-view.

  31. Marko Avatar

    Michelle, you may enjoy reading the WECCE book i.e. When Everything Changes, Change Everything by NDW. Then go to the changingchange.net website where you can discuss more at length many of the questions you raise.


  32. mewabe Avatar

    Very interesting video Jazz, thank you for posting it…

    Unfortunately, and I really hate to say it, but when some people talk of the “dumbing down” of America, they are not exaggerating.
    That tens of millions of people cannot see and think of the obvious (as presented in the video, obvious and important facts that many would consider “controversial” or irrelevant) is mind blowing.

    Like these two guys, Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick, I feel that I am living in the twilight zone most of the time. Absurdity rules, and it is so monumental most of the time that I am often speechless…and feel that I am from another planet.

    Critical thinking and a willingness to acknowledge the truth, even when it is ugly and frightening, when it threatens one’s cherished perception of one’s nation or one’s loyalty to one’s ideology, are not widespread attributes in the US mainstream which, like the appropriately called “rank and file”, often tends to goose step to the beat of the leadership of the day without questions.

    Asking simple questions is, in some circles, portrayed as a treasonous activity, an unpatriotic thing (I am not exaggerating…Phil Donahue was fired for questioning the validity of invading Iraq…in a “free speech” nation!)

    Yes, some populations in other nations are quite insane and dangerously so…brainwashed by extreme religious dogma or by some extreme ideology, and so easily manipulated through their own fears and ancestral hatreds.

    But we are supposed to live in the most advanced nation in the world, and when looking at our policies, domestic or international, and seeing that the public largely supports them, I would would say something is lacking here as well, in the sanity department.

    There is a serious lack of intelligent, courageous, heart-centered people speaking out.

    I wish the spiritual leadership in the US took a break from obsessively promoting “abundance” and every related so-called spiritual tool that is meant to lead to personal “wealth” and “success” (is it ALL the mainstream thinks about?) and addressed REAL, pressing problems.

    Where is the spiritual leadership here? Neale is one, but what of the others, rather than caters to people’s pathological obsessions with personal achievement and money, can they concentrate on what needs to change (such as EVERYTHING)?

  33. ionic breeze Avatar
    ionic breeze

    Hi Marko,

    Thank you for that. I know it’s a great site. I actually have two accounts there, believe it or not. I just don’t go there much. I spend most days writing with God. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks!

    I agree, Inger. Higher beings never come to the place in the mind where they move an energy to another that is unwelcome. Period. That is the holy, holy rule, and I, for one, am grateful for that rule. Never do we try to force to pry a mind open. That is grounds for dismissal from the high end of love. All life opens at its own pace. Higher beings don’t cross that line of free will. That’s a golden rule. We open in our own good time. Noone knows better than God when that good time is.

    A skeptic is one who may open sometime, but maybe not in the way one expects open to be. Opening in love always happens in a way one least expects. Good not to have any hard and fast rules, in my book. Rules are limiting. Might as well allow, allow rules to fall away completely. Allow all to freely choose the perfect time, space, place to open. That’s love. That’s my awareness. I allow skeptics the same freedom to open in whatever space a skeptic feels free to open. I expect to be greeted with that sort of love, and I gift that to all life, not just to open people. I don’t personally need help handling a skeptic, not in my house, nor anywhere.

    I bring the topic to the room because skepticism is something the whole world deals with on a day to day basis. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe someone else can give a different interpretation.

    Skepticism is a part of life, where we live, whether we admit it or not. We, here, in this room, are open. I assume all are open here. We are here. Maybe we are open to new ideas, because we are kind of open anyway. Yet, how is the rest of life handling skepticism in mainstream, and does this impact the world at all?

    I think it does. I have reasons. First, a skeptic is one trained very well to attack other ideas. When one goes to graduate school, one gets trained to find the fallacy, find the loophole, find the crux of the heart, and take it down. This sort of training is not conducive to all life and the way God moves and grooves in life.

    In graduate schools we get an A for taking down an idea in a published author, but in real life, God’s life, we speak easy and allow all life to speak a truth. There’s always another side, another angle from which to perceive life happening. Why perceive something one way, when it could be another?
    If, for instance, one were to announce one’s love or. ..say . . .CWG and the truth that Neale spoke to God and God spoke back, what do you think the reaction would be? Do you announce it? I mean, I have, and what do people say, when you say, “Yea. He talked to God and God talked back. Isn’t that cool?” If one is completely honest, one knows we don’t always spill the beans at the party table. We don’t gift them that little tidbit. 🙂 Sometimes, we hold back and allow all life to catch up. When do we speak out about God as mighty weird and wonderful?

    I ask not to pry another open. You guys are open. It’s the rest of all life that could use a movement, I think. If we don’t change something, how can we ever change?

    Why change anything? Look around. What do you see? Toe to toe, head to head, bomb to bomb? Why? Why do we see so much attack the opponent mindset? These are skeptics, who desire to attack Korea in retaliation or whatever. We are “skeptical” that peace will reign. We are assuming something “terrible” might happen. Skepticism is not in my house alone. It’s in the world of 3 d. I brought the subject here, in order to discuss a new way, not for advice. Well, that’s all for now.
    Have a lovely evening.

    Love to all life,


  34. Marko Avatar

    Mewabe, I believe there is more good going on in the world than ever b4 in the history of our planet.

    As we advance & evolve to greater possibilities,– both good & less than good enlarge & expand together until conscious critical mass good consciously intentionally dominates.

    Good often expands because of purposeful deliberate conscious intent.

    The less than good is often the old guard of unconscious default conditioning that goes unchallenged.

    Be mindful that “What you focus on expands.”

    So while it’s instructive to point out critical miscalculations in our human affairs, how you point it out can make a monumental difference.

    I would offer & have you consider along with your being so disturbed by the dumbing down of America & the lack of what appears to be spiritual leadership in many, add to that, what you think is missing & what we can do about it, & perhaps, what you are doing about it or thinking about doing.

    For me I don’t like to just point out the faults of the world without including a positive beneficial possible way to help improve & heal it.

    “Critical thinking and a willingness to acknowledge the truth, even when it is ugly and frightening, when it threatens one’s cherished perception of one’s nation or one’s loyalty to one’s ideology, are not widespread attributes in the US mainstream which, like the appropriately called “rank and file”, often tends to goose step to the beat of the leadership of the day without questions.”

    Excellent point. Now where are the places that teach critical thinking & might you start a blog to promote this?,– in all areas of society that are receptive to this idea including possibly public schools.

    “I wish the spiritual leadership in the US took a break from obsessively promoting “abundance” and every related so-called spiritual tool that is meant to lead to personal “wealth” and “success” (is it ALL the mainstream thinks about?) and addressed REAL, pressing problems.”

    One of the biggest problems we face is poverty. So abundance is valid as a top priority in improving life on this planet as I see it.

    In fact, it’s the conditioned distorted default unconscious perceptions that perpetuate the concept of what can be called the “abundance of poverty.”

    Abundance, prosperity is desire by most people. Including the abundance of a clean sustainable planet.

    Wisely I feel we first create an abundance of inner peace love, gratitude, appreciation, compassion etc.

    From here, that energy vibrational frequency guides our thoughts, actions & intentions.

    The further blessing from this is, that prosperous abundance can come near effortlessly when these are placed first. I call it being an “emotional millionaire.”


  35. ionic breeze Avatar
    ionic breeze

    Sorry, another type 🙂 Here it is corrected. I should really review these before posting them in this little white box 🙂

    “If, for instance, one were to announce one’s love for. ..say . . .CWG and the truth that Neale spoke to God and God spoke back, what do you think the reaction would be? Do you announce it? I mean, I have, and what do people say, when you say, “Yea. He talked to God and God talked back. Isn’t that cool?” If one is completely honest, one knows we don’t always spill the beans at the party table. We don’t gift them that little tidbit. Sometimes, we hold back and allow all life to catch up. When do we speak out about God as mighty weird and wonderful?” When do we acknowledge his wonderfully wierd ways, if not in an open room?

    This is connected. I do believe. When we open our minds, we expand. When we expand, we gift all life energy, energy, space, time, motion, movement, movement to move and groove more lie with, more energy of oneness with love in all life.

    Love to all. I’m out of here. Got to get back to my writing. I’ll check back though. Thanks for all the lovely dialogues 🙂

  36. ionic breeze Avatar
    ionic breeze

    Back already. Couldn’t help but notice the discussion on critical thinking. I do that. I teach people how to think critically. I am a English teacher. That’s the primary objective of teaching English. To me, it’s the heart of education, as far as I’m concerned.

    Now. Do we teach people how to become grand at critical thinking, while simultaneously showing them the way, the best way to create is to follow? Why follow anything? Why follow what went before? Why not allow something new instead? Why follow the old, when we desire a new way?
    God doesn’t follow. God creates anew. Do we create critical thinking creators by following the old, by following what others believe, believed before? No. We just don’t. You’ve got to be a paver, a mover, a shaker in life to be a critical thinker. You just can’t pave, move, shake anything by following. That doesn’t teach critical thinking. What teaches critical thinking is openness, openness to dialoguenss, not stagnant, rigidity.

    The academic world, in the past, has been very rigid in this regard, very unwilling to discuss a new way. If one is following science, where funding is usually granted freely, not like in the low funded arts and English, but freely money freely. It does take money to have freedom to imagine. That’s how we’ve devised this realm anyway. Maybe it’s different in heaven, but here, we have to have money to live, to pay the bills, to arrive out of the past and into the new. If we don’t gift our shakers and movers in life money, how do we shake and move out of here?

    Here’s an example. Let’s look at Bruce Lipton, who wrote Biology of Belief. He had some really cool ideas. They were not exactly mainstream material. He knew it. He talked about it in his book. He said the mainstream academia at his ivy league school frowned on his research. I read part of his book and was fascinated by his telling that he felt stagnant in the ivory tower mileau, but when he travelled somewhere nice and sunny, somewhere exotic, like Hawaii, or somewhere, I think it was that, or the Carribean , somewhere nice, removed far from the ivy league school he attended.

    Anyway, once there he felt freedom, the freedom to be whatever and however his mind to be, whatever and however his mind was showing him something waay waay cool, waay waay beyond what mainstream academia would have allowed him to entertain, much less focus on.

    Mainstream academia wants life to focus only on that which mainstream considers mainstream. Mainstream academia has a certain perspective of what is true in life, and what constitutes as truth in life. But, what is knowledge? Is my question. Knowledge, true knowledge, is not only that which is validated, quantified, verified, testified. IT’s something much more.
    If one can validate it, testify to its truth, document it, by using the known five senses, by showing that what is seen, tasted, touched, smelled, heard, then one has a good shot at getting it accepted by a committee, a committee of those who decide whether your phd is granted or not. Anything else. .well, you can’t be assured you’ll get that phd. If you can’t document it, and if you can’t put it in scientific notation, MLA format, then hey it’s not grand to the scientific community, literary who grant phd’s and who predict success in the 3 d world, where what is seen is holy, priority, and what is unseen energy is .. .well, it’s too far out, too too too far out there, waay too far out.
    Well, thank goodness, Bruce Lipton continued on. He discovered a connection between Mind and dna. Wow. Now, who would have thought? Who would have thought that could be, according to the old model, the old Aristotelian model of Truthdom?

    What is true? Sometimes you’ve got to go beyond the old and allow newness to come in to reach a higher truth. Bruce allowed his mind of God to take over and reach that higher truth, thank God. He said, “alright, I’ll go where I can be free. I’ll explore this that’s moving and grooving in me.”

    He left and went somewhere, where he could feel the freedom to chase down a new idea, no matter how far out, and look at it, focus on it, freely. If we don’t allow life to focus on anything far out, anything new, anything groovy, then how in the heck can life become grooving and moving, newly new in this realm?

  37. Marko Avatar

    “If we don’t allow life to focus on anything far out, anything new, anything groovy, then how in the heck can life become grooving and moving, newly new in this realm?”

    Exactly. That’s called evolution.

    We seek those of a like mind & support them, while also being open to new wonderful & grand things.


  38. mewabe Avatar

    “One of the biggest problems we face is poverty. So abundance is valid as a top priority in improving life on this planet as I see it.”

    I would tend to disagree with you on this Marko.

    First, most of those who, in the guise of “spirituality”, teach people tools (such as in “The Secret”) to attract what they want (wealth), to increase their wealth (such as the guy who was doing sweat lodges in Arizona, in which people died, people who paid $10,000 each to specifically learn how to attract even more wealth!!!!) obviously do not teach such people to change the world, to go to Africa for example and improve local conditions, and dig water wells or treat aids patients.

    No, they teach these people to look out for themselves, to go for more money, more personal success. These people pay many thousands of dollars to learn how to apply their greed ever more effectively. They are not poor…and their goal is not to finance homeless shelters, but to finance a condo in Hawaii, or some other unnecessary luxury.

    Furthermore, poverty is not eradicated by the American or European-style idea of abundance, which is based on exploitation.

    Poverty in South America is eradicated by indigenous people forming COOPERATIVES, working TOGETHER and sharing the revenues equitably among themselves. That’s definitively not the European or American way. Americans would call it communism. Some here call Native American cultures communist, because native people shared!

    Having a dirt floor and no washing machine or television is not poverty.

    On the other hand, having no food because living under a dictatorship that is supported by some western corporation or government, and that is receiving financial aid that is directly funneled into the building of a repressive military regime rather than to actually benefit the people, having no clean water to drink because some European corporation is taking control of the water supply and selling it at a high price local indigenous people cannot afford…such things ARE exploitation-generated poverty.

    Exploitation is the problem, not poverty per say. And exploitation is the European and American way, and the way that DOMINATES the world presently through international banking, the WTO, the World Bank and corporate rule.

    So the western idea of abundance still totally opposes the idea of “a clean sustainable planet”.

    As a matter of fact, if all of the world had the same standard of living as present day North America (this includes Canada), there wouldn’t be much of a planet left, just a big ball of trash emptied of all its natural resources.

    If you think our way of life is normal, start burying all you discard in your backyard…and see how soon the trash will overtake your property. This is not normal living.

    As a side note I find it interesting that some “spiritual” teachers teach on cruises ships…which is a very polluting industry. This is the type of mind-blowing disconnection truly conscious (spiritual) people would not experience.

    “Be mindful that “What you focus on expands.”

    Thank you Marko, yes, I knew that 40 years ago…but it is not always true, anymore that “What you resist persist”…

    It is equally true that what you ignore persists, and what you focus on is transformed (even at the subatomic level) by your consciousness, even without effort or purpose.

    All of the present new age teachings sound very nice, with neat catch phrases, nice sound bites, but be mindful that they do not become your new dogma, for what would be the point of replacing an old dogma with a new one? Reality is very flexible and multidimentional…it is not linear, and not always a simple cause-effect continuum.

    Nothing is that simple.

    By the way I used visualization to succeed in school at a time when no one wrote or spoke or had heard about it. I don’t know how it came to me, perhaps in a dream, but it worked. I was 12 years old when I started. None of this is new to me.

    “I would offer & have you consider along with your being so disturbed by the dumbing down of America & the lack of what appears to be spiritual leadership in many, add to that, what you think is missing & what we can do about it, & perhaps, what you are doing about it or thinking about doing.

    For me I don’t like to just point out the faults of the world without including a positive beneficial possible way to help improve & heal it.”

    How you choose to be and to act if your thing, Marko, and thank you for sharing it.

    But I know that the changes have to be extensive…total. And I see that most people do not understand this. They are attached to the way things are…they just want some improvements here and there, because they think superficially.

    They want a way to keep exploiting everything in a “clean”, “green” way…they do not question exploitation, or why we need so much in the first place.

    From the new age perspective, it is not okay to need another person, but needing a ton of stuff is perfectly good. This is the perfectly logical outcome of American materialism, that discards human relationships for the benefit of personal success, status and the endless accumulation of tangible goods and of course wealth.

    How many see the dotted line here?

    They fail to see, and perhaps you choose to do as well, that the world present problems are a direct consequence of what most people think is “good” with civilization…such as the technological progress that is ruining the planet because of an arrogant belief that man can master his environment…such as the idea of endless economic growth, also promoted by ersatz spiritual gurus, that is perpetuating the exploitation of the poor and causing ever-increasing environmental degradation.

    I get the feeling that my ideas are too revolutionary and disturbing for you Marko, and that’s okay. You may not like the boat being rocked too much…but we do need a storm, a hurricane, to rock that boat, toss it high in the air, that’s the only thing that will wake its sleepy and complacent crew.

    It will be the role of nature to do this. The earth will appear to retaliate, but it will simply reestablish balance, and I can’t wait for this to happen.

    Marko, do you see your role as “shepherding” the flock, gently but firmly directing people back in line with the NDW cosmology, or with your personal interpretation of it? Have you officially been assigned this function?…fortunately for me I am not part of any flock, and I do not espouse any cosmology but my own. I hope you do not mind (:

  39. Sponge Bob Avatar
    Sponge Bob

    Dear All,

    I have found one person named ” Dr. Zakir Naik ”
    He is one of Islam speakers.
    If we can any way share this article to him , I hope it will fruit some results..


  40. Marko Avatar

    Noticed that I said “Wisely I feel we first,– create an abundance of inner peace love, gratitude, appreciation, compassion etc.” The other stuff comes effortlessly. Seek ye first the kingdom of God & all these things shall be added onto you.

    That’s a very differ take on manifestation as often taught in certain spiritual circles.

    “I get the feeling that my ideas are too revolutionary and disturbing for you Marko, and that’s okay. You may not like the boat being rocked too much…but we do need a storm, a hurricane, to rock that boat, toss it high in the air, that’s the only thing that will wake its sleepy and complacent crew.”

    Ridiculous. Absolutely not. Why, because I have a differ opinion?

    Rocking the boat is not always the way to do things. It can be effective & even necessary at times & I may on very rare occasion shake people up only as a last resort. Yet I do so in the most loving way I can. As I currently understand it advancing thought uses a gentler way as an alternative to the more warrior method of the past.

    To motivate people for grand change we can teach the LOA as the operative of how reality works & plays through out the Universe. When sufficiently/correctly educated we use this to benefit all life because guess what? It’s in “ALL” our individual & collective best interest.

    No question things are in need of vast & grand change. We have unconsciously set this up as a contextual field so we can see & experience our own creative grandest nature by the solutions we bring. That’s what is going on in the world right now. The opportUNITY to show our grandest greatest selves in this challenge & overcoming it & moving to the next stage of experience.

    “Marko, do you see your role as “shepherding” the flock, gently but firmly directing people back in line with the NDW cosmology, or with your personal interpretation of it? Have you officially been assigned this function?…fortunately for me I am not part of any flock, and I do not espouse any cosmology but my own. I hope you do not mind (:”

    If we are constantly creating, (and the creation machine is always on) we work & play best creating in the most favorable beneficial purposeful conscious intentional way we can.

    I example all the time here how I do it. I share my wisdom as I currently understand & live it. I’m working & playing to be a creative fun loving graceful beneficial example. Living the theory I espouse, even if imperfectly.

    I do not see being part of the flock or independent of it as one being better than the other. One can paradoxically & creatively be both. We are one with the flock of humanity & all life as well as expressing our own unique creative individuality.

    I try & comment on what I feel are main points trying to be made. Often you bring up more than I’m currently willing to put my energy into. The sweat lodge deaths & the delusions of some people do not negate the power of the creation machine that’s always on, just a sad distortion of it.

    “Poverty in South America is eradicated by indigenous people forming COOPERATIVES, working TOGETHER and sharing the revenues equitably among themselves.” Some would also call this socialism.

    Our styles are different & that can makes things stimulating. And by the way,– I’m not attached to my own opinions.


  41. mewabe Avatar

    Marko, cooperative living is neither socialist nor communist…it is the oldest human experience. Tribes always lived cooperatively within their group.

    Communism, socialism and capitalism are foreign to a natural human being. They apply only to a working class (to be part of a working class or a proletariat is not a natural way to be human) and each of these unnatural systems depends on its exploitation to exist. They also depend on the exploitation of resources and the subsequent desecration and destruction of the environment (see the former USSR and present day China, as well as the USA).

    Cooperative living is the most practical and intelligent way to live, the less environmentally destructive, and the way that is the most in sync with the aspirations of the human soul, which are to work towards something greater than the self, to look out for the other, to be your brother’s (and sister’s) keeper.

    Cooperation and sharing are natural desires…extreme selfishness, extreme individualism, looking out for number one and to hell with everyone else, as promoted by our capitalist societies and by certain “spiritual teachings”, is NOT natural.

    It makes people miserable, causes them anxiety, alienation and confusion, and to be dependent on some sort of addiction, compulsion or medication to compensate for an inhuman, psychologically brutal lifestyle.

    Cooperation is the spiritual way. If I understand correctly it was the way the first Christians lived.

    It has been the way all spiritual communities have lived, until recently, with the financial exploitation of their followers by spiritual gurus and teachers, who never seem to amass enough personal wealth.

    Speaking of wealth, If I had a few millions, I would buy land and give it back to the Native people of this continent, to a Native American tribe. How many of the high standing “spiritual” and “moral” people of today are proposing to do this, in the richest nation on earth? Shouldn’t we start fixing our own backyard before we take on the world?

    The exclusive self-interest that is the primary focus of capitalism and of much new age dogma is not only proving to be unintelligent but antagonistic to the human heart and soul, and to the natural environment.

    “We have unconsciously set this up as a contextual field so we can see & experience our own creative grandest nature by the solutions we bring.”

    This is a very human-centered way of looking at things…which is in the same line as that of mainstream culture, postulating that we are in charge.

    Our evolution is multilayered and as dependent on the natural environment as on our own seemingly “independent” human decisions. If a new ice age started tomorrow, or the planet shifted poles, our evolution would be greatly affected by these changes. Climate change will affect our evolution.

    We will soon find out, the hard way because we are not yet intelligent enough to learn any other way, that we are not meant to be the masters of the earth, but meant to cooperate with all life.

    The planet and humanity evolve as one unit, but I do not see too many “spiritual teachers” speak of the earth. Not unlike mainstream Christians, they are blinded by their total focus on humanity and the man-made world, and its relationship to what they believe God to be.

    Alan Watts spoke of our relationship with the cosmos, but he called himself a philosopher, not a “spiritual teacher”.

    It has been interesting Marko. We have different worldviews. They are all valid, because even when they seem to oppose each other, they actually complement each other, as do night and day. Neither the day nor the night are better than the other.

    I see that you did not address the more controversial point I brought up. I did not think you would…we are so different we may as well live on different planets, and perhaps we do, but I am sure both planets are equally
    interesting 🙂

  42. mewabe Avatar

    By the way the law of attraction as presently taught is perfect to perpetuate ruthless capitalism and the idea that if you find yourself homeless, jobless, broke, it’s YOUR responsibility, and yours only, somehow, when your company downsized or decided to close shop and outsource to India, or move to Mexico, YOU made it happen.

    Or when your savings were wiped out by Wall Street gangsters. It was all YOUR doing. Of course…it was because you did not focus on abundance properly.

    But give me a few thousand dollars and I will teach you the proper way to survive and prosper in an inhuman, soul-crushing system, and won’t you be happy then!

    Is this what spirituality has been reduced to in America?

    The idea is that the problem resides with the self, not with society. If we change the self, society will change, etc…

    It sounds extremely convincing, particularly for a population that has for generations viewed poverty as being the outcome of sin, laziness, incompetence, stupidity, bad genes and ignorance and wealth to be the result of being intelligent, hard-working, virtuous and favored by God.

    Have you tried to teach the law of attraction to the millions who are dying from hunger and thirst in Africa? Perhaps they can attract water and a decent meal out of the desert sands?

    I do not subscribe to any spiritually that is as a “luxury”, a nice addition to an already opulent lifestyle in the richest nation on earth, where opportunities are many, and basic survival is more or less guaranteed, even in the worst of cases.

    I only believe in spirituality that works for ALL life, all life forms, all people, and all life conditions.

    And the new age and much of today’s spiritual teachings and new dogma are not it, in my opinion, to which I am not glued either…

  43. mewabe Avatar

    So…to be clear, the conflict between “we must fix the self, transform consciousness first”, or “we must fix society, the cultural and social environment first” is artificial and misleading, and comes from linear, cause/effect thinking.

    It has been the 60’s generation’s main conflict and illusion, to think that one or the other approach had to be chosen.
    It lead from social protests to the “human potential movement”, and both approaches have mostly been failures because mutually exclusive in the mind of the participants.

    The truth is, both approaches are necessary…Changing society without changing consciousness is impossible, or would be self-defeating…changing consciousness without changing society, while perpetuating social ills, is not changing anything, it is an illusion, make believe, false, hollow spirituality.

    Have you heard of “mutual arising”? It is a Chinese Taoist concept…it implies that the inner (self) and the outer (environment) are one.

    Each reflects the other perfectly. Those who act out of compassion, such as Doctors Without Borders as an example, or Pita when it comes to animals, who act out of love, do not have to compose themselves in order to act…to appear to be spiritually all together and holy.

    It does not matter if they feel grumpy…or irritated, they do not wait for love, peace, compassion, gratitude to come to them before they act, because they know love, gratitude, compassion, peace WAIT FOR THEM TO SHOW UP, to act, as their actions create or rather unveil such conditions, within themselves and in those they help.

    A single ACT of selfless love is the highest consciousness speaking directly to the world, in the purest language that no writing can ever match.

    It is as a soul reaching another soul, and saying “we are one”, in the most direct manner possible, and even without a word spoken.

    So…this is why I see more spirituality in those who actually do something for others and to make the world a better place, than in those who go to seminars to learn how to attract more abundance in their personal lives and how to reach perfect happiness in the wealthiest and supposedly happiest nation on earth, and who do not want to hear about the world miseries because it may ruin their little universe for a minute or two.

    So where is the real spiritual leadership in the world? Not in the Vatican, not in the churches, or synagogs or temples, or mosques, not at spiritual seminars…no, the real spiritual leadership is in the trenches, on the ground, it has its sleeves rolled up and it is saving a child’s life right now, or doing some other crucially important task somewhere in a place we do not know, and it is not doing it for fame, money or recognition.

    The real spiritual leadership is hardworking and selfless. It has always been around, and will continue to show up for the love, compassion, peace and gratitude that awaits its arrival and its deeds.

  44. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    Amen Mewabe. I`m with you wholeheartily. Thanks a lot..It is the ancient wisdom.
    Wonders why the americans seems of to be convinced of their country will be the superior over all others? Within the ancient history of the world(and within nowadays history), many nations have had “the superior mentality.”

    btw:The word “amen”=So Be It.

  45. Marko Avatar

    “It has been interesting Marko. We have different worldviews. They are all valid, because even when they seem to oppose each other, they actually complement each other, as do night and day. Neither the day nor the night are better than the other.”

    Well said, I agree here.

    “I see that you did not address the more controversial point I brought up. I did not think you would…”

    What part was that?

    I said “I try & comment on what I feel are main points trying to be made. Often you bring up more than I’m currently willing to put my energy into.”

    “So…this is why I see more spirituality in those who actually do something for others and to make the world a better place, than in those who go to seminars to learn how to attract more abundance in their personal lives and how to reach perfect happiness in the wealthiest and supposedly happiest nation on earth, and who do not want to hear about the world miseries because it may ruin their little universe for a minute or two.”

    So people can’t do both? That is, help the world & better themselves though spiritual education?

    Unless I missed something here, those “who do not want to hear about the world miseries because it may ruin their little universe for a minute or two.”, is not an attitude I get from people here. In fact, just the opposite. Neale has set this entire site up to help dialogue & help the world.

    As I understand things is that: We create our personal interior experiences & co create together the outer events in the world. Much of our creation is done unknowingly, inadvertently & unconsciously. We don’t create life alone or in a vacuum but by all of us.

    Now that said, one can not know any thing about the LOA or the creation process & still be happy, healthy, wealthy & wise.

    As much as we inadvertently & unconsciously create what we don’t prefer, we can also unconsciously & inadvertently create good things by the way we live move & breathe in the world.

    As I observe it, it is extremely helpful beneficial to be conscious of how reality works & plays. This is all done more consciously as we evolve. Now it is currently done mostly unconsciously, still we are in transition.


  46. mewabe Avatar

    Marko, my criticism, or rather my ramblings, which do get intense at times I admit, is not addressed to anyone who participates to this site, or to Neale…I understand that most here know better.

    I do get a little frustrated at times with the mainstream, and with what passes for spirituality in some of the metaphysical/new age movement, which is rather childish and irresponsible, and so money-obsessed. When living in LA in particular I saw its excesses, but that was to be expected in such a narcissistic place as Southern California, generally speaking of course.

    In such shallow environment, people compete as to who has the brightest aura or the most spectacular past life as Cleopatra…:)

    I do know and agree that we all create our personal and global realities individually and collectively, and consciously and unconsciously. This has by the way been one of the main messages of the Seth material from Jane Roberts, who expended on this concept at great length.

    As far as anything working for anyone, “believe and you will see” (Fools Crow)…in other words if one thinks the law of attraction as it is currently taught is working, than it will work for that person. If another thinks that wearing a medal with a representation of Saint Christopher protects them, or that crawling on their belly around a sacred mountain in Tibet for many days cleanse them of their “sins” and “karma”, then it will.

    Life is actually a “field of infinite possibility” (see Deepak). We pick and choose what we resonate with, and as we believe, so do we manifest.

    That’s why it is comical when people insist that one way is better than the other…while all are fighting about what amount to holograms, thought projections.

    The more enlightened person has actually little or no beliefs…discarding beliefs is a sign of growth, of progress, of embracing “what is” (see Krishnamurti), as belief implies not knowing, and the more one knows, the less one needs to believes (for example, if I was blind, I would have to have a belief about color…but because I see with my physical eyes, I know color. My vision is subjective, yet it is enough to know and experience. The same goes with everything else…knowledge or rather knowing, which is direct experience, ultimately causes all beliefs to become obsolete).

    Those who know the divine, meaning who have direct experience, have no belief about it. They just have a unique, subjective experience, that other may understand but do not necessarily share and do not need to share, for each must find his own way, her own expression, her own song.

  47. mewabe Avatar

    Thank you Inger Lise…This feeling of national and cultural superiority often leads to jingoism…so even though it is rather amusing (why would anyone feel superior simply for being born in a specific location is beyond my limited understanding), it is ultimately a deadly attitude.

    Unfortunately it is to be found in all cultures, or most (the British, the French, the Italians, the Spanish, and many others have in turn felt that their destiny was to dominate and rule the world because they were God’s favorite people, or perhaps because their eyes were bluer than those of their neighbors, or some other very important reason).

    Hecetu welo (that is true or “so be it”)…

  48. mewabe Avatar

    “So people can’t do both? That is, help the world & better themselves though spiritual education?”

    That was not my point Marko, my point was that many think that getting “spiritually educated” or “enlightened” is enough to change the world, and that they need not lift a finger for others or to change anything.

    It cannot be denied that such belief is out there, it is actually very popular because it exonerates people from all responsibility and glorifies selfishness and self-centeredness, and it is taught, it is spreading, it is a false belief and very detrimental to the self and the world, as it actually emphasizes a new version of separateness with a “spiritual” twist.

  49. Marko Avatar

    “As far as anything working for anyone, “believe and you will see” (Fools Crow)…in other words if one thinks the law of attraction as it is currently taught is working, than it will work for that person.”

    Well also, I would add to that, that plenty of people who work with the LOA find that it doesn’t hardly work at all. The LOA in principle is sound the understanding often is not.

    The LOA is often (not always) thinly & superficially articulated & lived. Much less so on this site.

    I believe people like Neale who walk much of their talk & articulate the LOA at a much deeper level experience life way differently as do others like me who work & play to see all moments as sacred including the seeming supposed judged darker moments. Which are also just good in disguise if we choose to see it that way.

    It’s helped me immeasurably to walk & move into a life of freedom from much of the negative drama experience. Not totally of course, but way more than in my past. We here do not airbrush over the problems of the world but embrace them as opportunities to express and even glorious life that awaits those who are ready, but more important “willing” to make it happen in small, larger or grand ways.

    “That’s why it is comical when people insist that one way is better than the other…while all are fighting about what amount to holograms, thought projections.”

    Of course here on this site, & in Neale’s writings it’s never been said that his or the CwG way is better, never. It’s simply “another way.” We choose what resonates & go from there.

    “my point was that many think that getting “spiritually educated” or “enlightened” is enough to change the world, and that they need not lift a finger for others or to change anything.”

    Yes I can see that as a cop out, especially in the earlier stages of spiritual development. Yet when one moves into being more enlightened the doing comes as a natural course of inspired action from their core beingness. In fact, I like to point out that the Law of Attraction has the word action in it.

    Finally you opened your post by saying “Marko, my criticism, or rather my ramblings, which do get intense at times I admit, is not addressed to anyone who participates to this site, or to Neale…I understand that most here know better.”

    I’m glad to see you admit that. I do not intend or desire this dialog to stray further away from the original topic than it already has, & become the Mewabe & Marko show here. I think we are both clearer where we are each coming from and I believe while we got a bit long winded here, hopefully others may have found it instructive.

    Passion is good & the absence of mean spiritedness is commendable to both of us. It speaks kindly to the energy this site ensues.


  50. mewabe Avatar

    There is never any need for any meanness, only for the fearful who feels threatened and strikes out.

    Yes, the show must end Marko, it’s taking too much space…and I have places to see, things to go and people to do (:

    But I have a few more comments.

    Obviously I think it is good that the LOA works for you and others.

    My approach to life is very different…for one thing I do not seek “mastery”. I never will, I do not need it (life does not frighten me in any way and I love the unexpected).

    About negative drama experience…I never had to walk away from that, because I never had it. I had pain, and I moved through it and healed it, I did not move from it, but I never had negative drama, perhaps because I always took responsibility for my life, having an innate understanding, from day one, that I was creating all I experienced.

    So perhaps when I appear “dramatic” about the world, I trigger your past perceptions and experiences, and consequently make you uncomfortable. Perhaps not…I do not know, only you know.

    The way it works for me is as thus: I can talk about the “darkness” or “drama” of the people because I have none inside, so I can bathe in it for a moment if I so choose, and it does not trigger anything “negative” or “dramatic” in me…I remain neutral, even when “passionate”. I am sure it is difficult to understand.

    On the other hand I have noticed, in my life, that people who are extremely negative inside, who have much unresolved negative drama hidden within, suppressed within, desperately need to avoid all exterior drama or negativity, all such triggers, and to surround themselves with what they believe represent positivity and freedom.

    I am not saying that this is you, I do not know, and it is actually “none of my business” as some would say.

    When you say “we here” I am not sure I know for whom you speak. I can only speak for myself. If you think as a group, then this may partly be why we are having some disagreement, because to me group thinking is the end of critical thinking and the beginning of dogma, of group agreement, of group assumptions, of believing, and believing is in my view always inadequate and the proof of an absence of knowledge (have you noticed the word belief has the word “lie” in it?)

    About a “glorious life”, yes that’s great to aim for it individually, as long as this glory is at least partly used to help those in need, because millions of people in the world do have basic needs that are not met, and how can we hope to ever understand oneness if we do not practice it, not because it is “the right thing to do”, but because we cannot not do it, because it is who we are?

    Lastly and to clarify, I did not “admit” that I was not criticizing people on this site or Neale, I stated it. I did admit to rambling, because it is rather obvious.

    The end…(sight of relief from the audience).

  51. mewabe Avatar

    Typo correction:
    The way it works for me is as thus: I can talk about the “darkness” or “drama” of the WORLD because I have none inside…

  52. Marko Avatar

    What I was referring more to was the part that you said “I admit, is not addressed to anyone who participates to this site, or to Neale…I understand that most here know better.”

    So why or what is the reason to further such points here if people here know better?

    “The way it works for me is as thus: I can talk about the “darkness” or “drama” of the WORLD because I have none inside…”

    Congratulations, can’t say the same for me, but it’s a whole lot less than ever before.

  53. mewabe Avatar

    Thank you for the dialogue Marko…it is good to be able to disagree in a mutually respectful way.

    Originally my comment was about the video Jazz posted. It was not a long comment, and it definitively was a comment about the mainstream culture, and how I related to these two guys in the video and appreciated what they had to say.

    About negativity, I had a personal experience 8 years ago that shook me to the core and cleansed me of all residual inner negativity if any was left, particularly of all fear…I had some very deep and intense fears, some terrors really, I was not even conscious of…I had to face them head on…I don’t want to talk about it here, but it was quite amazing, and definitively a “divine intervention”.

    I would equate my experience to walking through fire…non-stop for about 3 weeks.

    I was made to understand many thing about myself and about life, on many different levels. I was liberated from a burden I did not even I had, previously.

    Since then, I have experienced a constant feeling of inner freedom, of “light”, of stability and peace…and a calm joy. I am “connected”, and it’s effortless. It is as though I had a foot in this world and one in the Spirit world, in “heaven”. I feel immense gratitude for everything, my gratitude is non-stop and spontaneous, all day, morning and night.

    I know I do not come across that way…I do not want to, to come across holy and saintly. I know people have to cleanse their baggage before they can move on to greener pastures…and the best way to clean up the baggage is to open it and face the contents, not to try to throw it away. I have learnt this from experience, and I know it is the hardest but the shortest route.

    The same goes with the world…if we do not face the contents of our world problems and understand their true origins, which are in our minds of course, these problems are bound to repeat themselves.

    Unfortunately I do not agree completely with Neale on what the origins of the problems are, as I think his analysis is incomplete. I do not mean to be offensive in any way about this, it is not a personal attack.
    He cites some valid causes and I appreciate what he does, but he does not go deeper, to the cause behind the cause behind the cause, the deeper PSYCHOLOGY behind the beliefs he so rightly dismantles.

    The human mind is as a maze…in which we loose the world. To find the world, to understand it, we must trace our steps back within our mind, all the way through.

    I do appreciate you Marko, your presence here, and your thoughtful responses. Thank you for being you, you are perfect as you are.

  54. mewabe Avatar

    I was liberated from a burden I previously did not even know I had.

  55. ionic breeze Avatar
    ionic breeze

    Thank you Mewabe and Marko. You guys put a lot of love into your posts, and it shows. Where would we be if we didn’t speak our love we are being in life?

    We’d be in outerspace, I guess. Or somewhere in the innerspaces of the outerrealms of the innerstellar starstellar, star stuff, the star mind of all life we are in all of life, somewhere inward, somewhere outward, and somewhere in all love.

    You are all love Hi Love is what you are. Thanks for all your insight and grunt butt work. Let’s just face it, blog writing is writing. You guys probably have a few books on your laptops. Thanks.


  56. Marko Avatar

    Thank you Mewabe for your further elucidation, an excellent way to end this particular dialogue. You are truly living a more lucid life of awakening. I to appreciate the love & spirit, even the challenge you bring for us to consider.

    “I feel immense gratitude for everything, my gratitude is non-stop and spontaneous, all day, morning and night.”

    That is a wonderful & high state of being.

    If we work & play to solve our problems from that state of love, gratitude, compassion we will enjoy fixing what we don’t desire to experience, & that is a much easier but no less challenging way to live & move ahead.

    Thank you, & thank you Michelle & anyone else who stuck around for this rather detailed dialog.

    Magical love filled blessings,

  57. nicole Avatar

    It was not even about God, the argument was about the Prophet Muhammad, a man.
    it’s obvious, i think the man became much more important than God…
    Prophet Muhammad was just a messenger, but it’s just my opinion: the man, Prophet Muhammad, became more important that God, even than the message he carried from God… it’s a fact and it only proves who’s in charge: the ego, the mind…

    It’s not about God at all actually, it’s about pride, attachment to spirituality and attachment to perfection/idealism… all those have nothing to do with love and absolutely nothing to do with the love of God.

    From another point of view, there is one way out: to show people the way out of the duality-mode view-point:
    – IF anyone here can tell me for sure, that: if they were born in Pakistan, and brainwashed from the first years of life till now, they, for sure, wouldn’t start a fire if they were part of this mob… can anyone tell me they know that for sure about themselves?
    – IF anyone here, before he/she was born, thinks he/she went to God, telling Him: hey, i think i was a good boy/girl so far, you have to make me an american, keep me away from those troubled areas like Pakistan, i believe i deserve that! ??

    So, if it was you, born in Pakistan, a muslim, having been proudly brainwashed by your parents and society… would you have done different? what would your mind tell you is the right thing to do? love unconditionally? didn’t think so… really…

    So, the way out is not about a new image of God – how can one explain that to the mind, when the old image of God is the very source of it’s power!!

    The way out is about questioning the mind’s opinion, by comparison, by making it look suddenly, completely out of its reason… out of duality-mode view-point. We, our true essence, are the witness of the mind actually; most of us we think that we are the mind, but, when we say: “i can’t stop my mind thinking about this or that”, who is saying that? if we are the mind?
    So, the way out is to show the Witness of the mind (the soul), the mind’s lie, its insanity.

    That can happen, by using the same tools as the mind does: the man, the Prophet Muhammad, in an similar situation, did this… what do you do? the opposite?? then why do you even bother to defend his image?

    Same with Christianity… many christians, become so “passionate” about Jesus that they start to despise, taking old friends/relatives out of their circle, even becoming hurtful towards others that are not that passionate about Jesus and rightful as they are.
    The way to take them out of their insanity is to ask them a simple question: what would Jesus do about that old friend of yours or relative if He was in your place? That, most of the time, puzzles, because the soul, the very essence has the Christ consciousness within and knows very well the answer.

  58. nicole Avatar

    That takes a person immediately out of the mind’s eye and places it into the soul’s eye or into God consciousness… even for a few seconds, still, it’s a veeeery useful exercise

  59. Erin/IAm Avatar

    I jumped into this conversation on 3/11 walking with 2 Amazing contributors…beautifully & agreeably diverse, yet the meal they present together is always such a feast.

    I lag behind for a few days, because neither knew the man on the side of the road weeping uncontrollably…drowning in the confusion & frustration of these fast & furious Changes afoot. He is at this moment unconsoleable…so fear-ridden that he feels no comfort, hears no words of love, sees no light. This man simply wants to ‘die’, but is too afraid to even do this for himself.

    I offer a baned tea with a hint of flag & wished him ‘Good Journey’. Yet, as I walked away to catch up, he refuses the infusion because “It tastes awful”.

    “So you have found a sweeter flavor of Life?”, I ask. He stated that he once felt ‘Joy’…He re-called the feeling of Joy, but felt ‘unworthy’ of it now…So paralyzed in Fear…his tears created a huge puddle under his feet. I took his hand, helped him arise & We stepped away from the puddle…”You have just moved From your tears of fears, Earth & Sky will consume them in short time…Today you awoke & spoke the word ‘Joy’…move With this now…If you were not ‘worthy’ to do so, I would not be here to hold your hand for these passed days to assist that movement, would I?”

    One day, he was begging for an Angel to take him Home…the Angel simply showed him that he was already There.

    As I left this friend to become of ‘drier’ states, the road was riddled with people on both sides…fetally curled, weeping & numb…the fog of Fear thickly dancing about them. OMG! I Am but a breeze…I would need to be Wind to free such masses from under this cover!!! Oh, wait! A breeze IS Wind!!!

    And here, my Dears, is how WE become the ‘Storm’…Winds can blow the fogs, Rains can wash the residues, the Hearts pulse the warmth of Sun unseen, & Eyes reflect the Calm coming, as Moon & Stars in the darkness. So what part of this Storm will YOU Be?

    I, for one, of One, seem to be shedding my feets attachment to Earth, being lifted by Sky to become as Wind. I was petrified by heights (literally)…Obviously, I cannot Be this any longer. Tough stuff stepping from a comfort…at the same time, I look forward to these wings.

    Crazy! Amazing! Heavenuva combo, indeed! 😀

  60. Victor Avatar

    You did it again, Mewabe…! Superb!

    This kind of insights I think that must be exposed and spread again and again, and more and more everywhere.

    Thank you for doing it…

    Keep on!

    Hugs and blessings

  61. Victor Avatar


  62. Victor Avatar


  63. Victor Avatar

    You´ve hitted a very important, but often unseen target, Mewabe. This distorted thing of “be the change you want to see in the world”, understanding for it what you said before: “what passes for spirituality in some of the metaphysical/new age
    movement, which is rather childish and irresponsible, and so
    money-obsessed.”. “It exonerates people from all responsibility and glorifies selfishness and self-centeredness”…

    I couldn´t agree more…

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