Before World Peace, World Prosperity, World Harmony, Health, Happiness, etc. & all that other good stuff can be achieved, we will see it first modeled in miniature.
That is, in certain areas, people of like-minded mentality will start flocking or congregating towards it.
Before the proverbial World Peace, we may first have it in certain areas ~ perhaps first in small islands, villages or towns, or larger cities or countries. An example might be when a small country models this, and larger countries eventually follow suit.
It may happen spontaneously, or organizationally, or both.
What this does, is to give us a taste, or a contextual field of comparison to experience it in miniature, and this can help us decide what we may prefer to experience as a larger collective.
I’ve not heard of such a place or places yet, but maybe you have? I do believe there are individuals who do this within their own lives. This seems more so now, than at any other time in earth’s history/herstory.
Now, if the world truly desired World Peace at this time, we’d put way more education, effort, energy, research & resources toward creating that. So, on some unconscious, or maybe even conscious level, we simply are not ready or willing for it, and couldn’t even handle it if it did suddenly happen. Let me give you an example:
Years back, I heard a public radio program where nice,
middle-class couples would take in foster kids, to give them the loving homes they always wanted. Yet what happened, was that the kids would eventually do things like start fires & create havoc.
I was personally astounded at this! I thought that kids from a chaotic, dysfunctional environment would love to be in a more financially & emotionally prosperous, peaceful and loving environment.
Yet, what the program reported was that the kids where so used to the negative drama in their lives, that to be moved out of it was kind of a shock, and so they re-created this chaos because that’s what they were used to. They just weren’t ready or acclimated enough for such a huge change.
I think this can apply to World Peace too. If we had World Peace tomorrow, we might think it to be absolutely grand; however, we’d be so unfamiliar with it, that we’d go back to creating negative drama again, simply since that’s what we’re used to.
Another example:
Often (not always) people who are too quickly put in certain situations, even desirable ones, are simply not prepared for them. … People who gain fame, wealth, or both, too fast, can have great difficulty adjusting to the suddenness of it all. People often fair better when it’s more gradual over time.
What do you think?
This is something I think about. I think about it also in relation to people like many of us, advancing on the spiritual path, who feel our evolution, as a world, is just too slow.
I get that – I feel it too! The antidote, is to have compassion & love on our unhealed parts or those aspects that are not fully healed.
That does not mean that we can’t be the influencers, instigators, leaders, movers & role models to move this forward. We can, and this can bring it in more smoothly.
How many people feel deep inner peace? Or, how many even feel inner peace as a majority of their experience? If we don’t have our own individual inner peace, how can we expect the rest of the world to?
Many people think there is a point of critical mass, when a certain amount of individuals have inner peace, and it then will spread more quickly, both globally & collectively.
An example of quick, but also gradual movement, is how smart phones spread worldwide. The first iPhones came out June 29, 2007. That’s only 6 years ago! People adapted quickly, at least those who could afford them. Even many homeless people now have cell phones.
I think that as more of us work & play to have inner peace & harmony, and emotional & financial prosperity, this will attract more of that to us. This will also influence others to find out how we achieved it, and are able to sustain it.
Is this a viable way to look at World Peace? Will we ever achieve it? Do we need to? Is it inevitable, given our evolution? What do you think?
(Marko Damkoehler is an artist/writer/musician and creator of, as well as an avid student of CwG. He is also one of the Spiritual Helper Moderators on the website.)
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