Worldwide Discussion:

The headlines say it all:


This is from just one day’s front page of the International New York Times. Violence, violence, violence.

It is normal for the human race? Yes. Is it natural? No. “Normal” and “natural” are not the same thing. It is natural for humans not to be violent, yet the normal behavior for our civilization is extreme violence.

Why is this? And, is there no way to stop it? No way to turn this around? Will our species forever be relegated to the level of barbarism — even as it declares its own higher evolution and even enlightenment?

And why have all the acknowledged and extraordinary advances made by humanity in science, medicine, and technology not produced an end to its most primitive behaviors?

These are the questions that are not being asked nearly enough in the halls of our legislatures, in the corridors of our general assemblies and senates, and in the thickly carpeted offices of our world’s heads of state.

Sadly, there seems to not even be a forum for such a discussion. The United Nations is not it. That international body has proven to be utterly incapable of producing world peace, its members completely unable to even agree on simple resolutions — much less concrete actions — aimed at bringing an end to violence. Its discussions seem forever focused on who is right rather than what is right, and who is at fault rather than what is at cause in the matter.

There are those who say that violence is simply part of our nature; that it is, in fact, natural for us to aggressively attack each other, physically assault each other, and wantonly disregard each other’s well being when we disagree with each other. Could this be true? Is that the basic underlying and unchangeable characteristic and attribute of human beings?

What are human beings, anyway? Are we simply biological entities — essentially, chemical creatures born out of a process of chemical interactions initiated by other chemical creatures? Is this who we are at our basis? Or are we more than that…? Are we, at the level of essence, spiritual creatures engaging in a biological expression, for reasons having to do with spiritual realities?

Our answer to these questions will set the course of humanity’s future for the next several hundred years —- presuming that our species has several hundred years in which to experience a future. The way we are behaving today, that is far from a guarantee. It may not even be a probability.

What are your answers to the questions just above? And what, if anything, do you think could change humanity’s present conduct? I am very curious as to your notions about all of this. Can we discuss it? Could this be at least one of the forums in which humans from all over the world exchange views, ideas, suggestions, and even propose solutions, regarding our violent and non-sustainable behaviors?

Let’s have a global conversation.



39 responses to “Worldwide Discussion:

  1. Richard Robinson Avatar
    Richard Robinson

    Hello Again Neale, Have I said how much I Love and En-Joy this site 🙂 We understand what We are and Why We are here, most do not. Oneness is coming, I can feel it, it may take a while. While we work on that maybe people could start with Awareness , Honesty, and Responsibility for their choices. Just last night I was reading posts and comments, looking at topics, and I wrote down a list of issues. It’s amazing that Oneness would solve every one of them! The need for The New Gospel, Oneness vs. EMFH (Every Man For Himself) , we keep applying a method that no longer serves us. The list…… Taxes-budget-healthcare-employment-food production and distribution-class-race-religion-violence-crime-conflict-law-war-relationships-“life/death” cycle, Indeed the Process itself. Not one problem could I solve properly with EMFH….. Oneness solved them All with Love and Understanding. Gathering liked-minded members of each community into Oneness Groups…sharing the Truth with others. A campaign of Oneness…Pure Love, Creative Energy, Gentle Wisdom, with Awareness, Honesty , Responsibility, to awaken the masses to Another choice. Come on everybody, haven’t you ever felt or dreamed of your Higher self? Now is the time to Awaken. The current way is failing fast, we used to fix things, now it’s throw it out and buy a new one. I Tell You this…We can fix it All if We Choose Oneness.
    God how I Love you All…..let’s do this…I’m not leaving until we’re done 🙂 When I reincarnate back here for my next grand experience I want all this stuff dealt with:)

    1. Awareness Avatar

      “Awareness, Honesty , Responsibility” 🙂
      The Law of Gratitude is Given 🙂

  2. mewabe Avatar

    Violence is all around us in the natural world. It seems to oddly be an integral part of the natural order.

    The problem with humanity is that it cannot decide whether it is part of this natural order or not…and by extension whether it belongs on this earth or not.

    Humanity still hasn’t found its place in the order of creation.

    The origin of violence can be hurt, anger, greed, lust, a need to dominate and subdue others, to control and rule, it can be jalousie, or a propensity towards cruelty and sadism, and of course mental illness, which is becoming an epidemic in our world.

    Apart from mental illnesses, all of these things come from one form of fear or another, which themselves come from not understanding reality, from a perception of lack (I don’t have enough-power, sex, possessions, territory, control, wealth, strength-and whatever I have is threatened by others, who will take it from me).

    This is the so-called animal nature, that leads to extreme, merciless competition, to killing the competitor.

    We have to decide once and for all whether we want to be animals bent on surviving in a world we ourselves make hostile and dangerous, or whether we want to live according to more subtle and harmonious spiritual laws.

    I don’t think humanity is yet ready for the more subtle realm, as even younger generations buy into the glorification of violence and war, and the idea that might makes right.

    1. Erin Avatar

      Hey, mewabe! 🙂
      idk…Wasn’t Australia the drop-off of crazed criminals? They became quite different of their ‘situation’! Native Americans are becoming Amazing of their ‘situation’…Absolutely inspiring! Ghettos everywhere are transforming of their ‘situations’, supported by talents who are ‘band’-ing together to do so. And Lauren…look at Lauren! Teen years are a cacophony of situations, yet she managed through them, & is entering the ordeals of college life & adulthood with brain & heart in finer-tuned gears. Obviously, it is not impossible to be wiser of our ‘chaotic-loving nature’.

      Hope is in these examples of beingness, blossoming from each one’s unique adversity. Yeah, We are an insane bunch…Funny as all get-out! And so many wrapped in straight-jackets of Fears, having meds popped into them if they struggle too much trying to unleash their Selfs. Just adversities…Just stuff to become of. And don’t we know that some will rise of their occasions, and some will not…Just the Nature of Life here…in this moment, yes?

      Didn’t really mean to run on this…Just wanted to say “HI!”…much like going to the store for a single item, ending with a cartful at the register, I suppose. 🙂

  3. Lauren Rourk Avatar
    Lauren Rourk

    What we need to do is to remember just Who We Are. When we see these headlines, we begin identifying with them continuously. We give so much attention to the PROBLEM of the situation, and not to the CHALLENGE of the situation. For when looking at any of the above ‘headline’ situations, we fixate on the ‘wrongness’ INSTEAD of on the ‘what can we learn/discover/grow from this experience’. Without seeing life, no matter what experience it may be, as apart of our spiritual journey to bring ourselves and our planet/galaxy/universe closer to Oneness, we don’t move forward. We just stay stagnant. Change your thoughts, change your (and everybody else’s) life!

    1. Erin Avatar

      I Am glad that the youth of today have you as an advocate, Lauren! 😀

      1. Lauren Rourk Avatar
        Lauren Rourk

        It is what I’m here for. Nothing less will suffice, now and always. We are ready for the next step, its just the matter of CHOOSING to BE ready.

  4. Erin Avatar

    And “I send you nothing but Angels” went where?

    These little candles are quite aglow, are they not? Shall We just make a wish and blow them out, or allow them their time to light a darkness We could not See in before? Bless them for their participations & contributions to finer beingness of this Nature here.(?)

    Is this not a small part the Chaos, the Storm, the Phoenix Days, that We must pass through to become other-‘wise’ of? Why, I do believe that’s exactly what’s ‘happening’, flowing, moving, lit up, in this Now! “Where’s yer faith these days, Fadda’?” (Stigmata)

    This stuff is fabulous! It’s a Happening! Crazy, insane, barbaric…atrocities & adversities abounding…Ooohhh, the drama, the horrors, the upheaval of Life as We know it!!! Yet, isn’t this the ‘point’…the apex? Upheave Life, & re-member/re-create It? Why, I believe IT IS…is having quite a giggle of all this stuff! Can’t help it…Me, too. 😀

  5. Marko Avatar

    According to psychologist Steven Pinker author of “The Better Angels of Our Nature”
    (2011) we are living in the most peaceful time on earth. That is,
    relative to the huge multi billions of people on earth. In what people
    feel was the rather peaceful hunter gatherer period, people were way
    more violent compared to our time. That’s because for the smaller
    population of that period there was more evidence of violence relative
    to the population now. That is incredibly significant don’t you think?

    The reason for violence is simply collective education, family &
    cultural conditioning that is very challenging to break. Critical
    thinking skills, education both academic,, psychological are needed.

    Of course especially spiritual education as well on the Law of Attraction
    as the universal senior law we are ultimately under which is
    unfortunately & unintentionally used mostly unconsciously & thus
    we are often not aware that we work & play against ourselves in
    this way. Education is our way out of this.

    We will eventually outgrow our love for negative drama & violence, that’s evolution.

    It’s a matter time, education & modeling preferred living in a way that people well be moved to copy that much more preferred living.

    Sometimes fixing a few small things affects & corrects much larger things.

    We learn & practice to focus, work & play on solutions not problems.

    I like to say “We can change the world through hard work disguised as fun.”

    Magical blessings,

  6. Contentttt Avatar

    It is really quite simple. There has been what I call a base energy that supports and allows what takes place to BE possible. This energy is not visible except through the actions and choices it supports. Whether visible here on Earth or not, there is a New Base Energy that is coming forward. The new base energy supports cooperation and acceptance! The old base energy has support unacceptance and non-cooperation. As the new base energy grows stronger and ramps up, the old base energy loses it’s power and ramps down.

    The new base energy is growing stronger as part of an unfold vision for what can be understood through the Relationshp With Self. The old base energy supported the Experience of Self. The Relationship With Self base energy supports the realization of self, the awareness of self, the growth of self, the understanding of self, and the evolution of self.

    The old base energy as it weakens, supported the struggle with self, losing fragments and aspects of self. The experience of self was originally intended to encourage the discovery of what it would be like if the value of Self, was not naturally present. Created to blind each to the Truest Nature of Self, which is simply the Value of Self just BEing!

    I present to all, this Earth plane has been the most dysfunctional experiment that has ever been initiated! But SO much has been learned. All will benefit from what has been learned, as we all move forward, the lessons learned will BE realized within each Individual Self in an evolutionary way, so that once and for EVER…….ALL will understand what it is like to not value Self through the “Self” defeating, deflating, exhausting, manipulative, destructive, controlling ways the struggle of BEing separated from the True Nature of Self has created.

    What exists on this Earth will not continue! The winds of change are blowing. The coldness of the Old Experience Base Energy and the restrictive patterns of the Old Experience will give way to the New Relationship Base Energy and the warmth it holds within it. Addiction, disease, anger, frustration, resentment, division, devisiveness, jealousy, manipulation, killing, war, etc. will cease to exist, as they will die with the old experience energy. Earth is the last venue for change! But with Earth’s struggles coming to an conclusion, will be Miracles never before believed possible! Changes in ways, no one will be able to anticipate or imagine could come to BE.

    Humanity on it’s own can only move forward as quickly as the Old gives way to the New!

    Patience My Friends! All will come to BE. All will change…..the choice has been made for the Old Experiment to come to a conclusion! So It Is! So It Shall BE!!

    But attempting to force peace to BE on Earth will not change anything, and pease will not BE until ALL “Event Moments” have been achieved and realized. The cold front of the old experience energy is moving out, but just like the weather, the warm front of the new relationship energy will not show up…prematurely!

    In the meantime make the choices you desire too, for YOU! Accept that you are a part of the change….but your choices within the change will effect you and other’s around you more than the timeliness of the changes taking place. So BE the balance You are capable of BEing! The grandest difference You will ever make is for and in connection to I AM SELF….You Are!!

    Sometimes change moves faster and sometimes it moves slower! But this is BIGGER than just Earth! So go with the flow or fight to alter the flow….it does not matter. The time line is intricately aligned with specific “Event Moments” coming to BE!!

    This is what I AM Aware Is So!!

    Believe me or not….this is the message I share with ALL who read it.

    This is the message I have shared with the Universe!

    Accepting it, rejecting it, or discounting it will not in anyway change the course of “Event Moments” that will come to BE and the time frame of their unfolding!!

    From My Heart….With Total Sincerity!

    I AM

    1. Marko Avatar

      I think the more of us who give, express, promote, live a more positive loving, compassionate non condemnatory energy will help pull in that energy quicker.
      Things may fall together more quickly than we realize at some point. It’s all possible.

    2. Awareness Avatar

      “All will change…..the choice has been made for the Old Experiment to come to a conclusion! So It Is! So It Shall BE!!” 🙂

      A previous message from Cosmic Awareness (GREAT SPIRIT! GREAT AWARENESS!) during 2012 agrees with your statement quoted above 🙂

      Bless ALL 🙂

  7. mewabe Avatar

    Peace and violence are choices, not biological or psychological responses. For example, among Native Americans, some of whom were war-like, the Hopi stand out as having chosen peace as a way of life.
    The Tibetans, who were war-like and had never been defeated in battle, chose peace upon adopting Buddhism, and remained peaceful even under Chinese occupation, brutality and oppression.

    As long as we believe that violence is valid in some circumstances (war, self-defense, executing criminals, torture, violent sports such as boxing, violent spectacles such as rodeos and bull fights, etc etc), violence will be used by anyone anytime as long as it can be rationalized (and everything can be rationalized).

    As long as men choose to make violence or brutality a badge of honor and a valuable aspect of their masculinity, in other words and to put it more succinctly as long as they (and some women) believe that peace and cooperation, compassion and understanding are for sissies, that real men must conquer and dominate, violence will remain a way of life.

    Violence does not always mean fighting by the way. Mountain tops removal, hydraulic fracturing (fracking), the clear cutting of ancient forests, the pollution of our world by toxic chemical and industrial waste are all acts of violence. Extreme economic inequity is an act of violence. The exploitation of the poor and of the powerless is an act of violence. All prejudices are violence. All oppression is violence.

    Even the suppression, repression of the self by the self is violence. All thoughts that go against life are violent by definition. A civilization that perceives and defines the natural world to be as an enemy to be conquered, subdued and exploited to death is a violent civilization, ultimately as destructive as a cluster bomb.

    1. Marko Avatar

      Expressing, promoting peace & loving energy will help move that energy quicker into the majority of human experience.

      You & I as well as others can pontificate all we want. Until & as our own energy consistently stays in the upper ethers of peace & love, that will & has a great influence on all we meet and hopefully into the collective.

      It also inspires us to us to what ever action steps we deem beneficial from that space of energy.

      1. mewabe Avatar

        Yes, everything is energy, everything has an inherent power, whether creative or destructive. Positive, peaceful loving energy is good, and powerful. But energy alone is not sufficient. Understanding must come with it.

        We must understand the roots of our problems, for hidden within them is the solution, which consist in disentangling ourselves from these roots, in other words deprogramming ourselves, a process to which I think Neale dedicated himself in his own way.

        Energy without ideas leads nowhere…ideas without energy simply collect dust. Both are required.

        We must keep questioning and challenging the dominant paradigm, until it no longer dominates, until nothing dominates and life is freed in all of its aspects and expressions. This is not pontificating…it is using words and ideas as tools to cause a fracturing of the foundations of mainstream beliefs.

        1. Marko Avatar

          Well I agree in part. Spiritual people that consciously, deliberately, & purposely use their energy to be & express more peace are working at the most fundamental level of energy, & are doing so understandingly.

          “We must understand the roots of our problems, for hidden within them is the solution,…”

          Here is where I only agree in part because I do not think it is always necessary to get to the root of every nook & crany on all things.

          As we move toward our own advancement & spiritual growth & understanding, certain issues can & do fall away automatically with out intensive rigid investigation to their origin.

          I just don’t think we all have to understand all about math, architecture, science & psychology to benefit greatly from them. The same is true with our own inner world.

          I can tell you as I became less critical on myself, more soft in my own judgments on my self, more compassionate, my headaches & back problems just ceased. No deep psychotherapy analysis was necessarily needed, though I did explore those to some degree with much enjoyment.

          It was just adopting or allowing a critical rigid aspect of myself to be more dominant. That was my own personal experience.

          My change in attitude trumped any deep unconscious problem. That is not to say that this is awlays the case, psychotherapy is & can be wonderfully helpful.

          You have great insights Mewabe, but I have always sensed a certain rigidity underneath some your comments. Not all of them of course, but it seems to me to reoccur in your themes.

          This is what I sense in “We must understand the roots of our problems, for hidden within them is the solution,…” I agree with this but only in part. It’s one way, not the only way to solving things.

          Solutions come in may forms.

          Magical blessings,

          1. mewabe Avatar

            Thanks for the feedback Marko…
            I did not mean just psychological roots, but also the nature and effects of our thoughts and beliefs.

            Without some insight, there is blurred vision.

            I was wondering what you think of my statement about male identity. This is not a topic that I have seen addressed here…and it is not about “blaming” men, many women are roughly as guilty in creating, supporting and rewarding the “alpha male” model, unfortunately.

            Yet it is a fact that we live in a mostly patriarchal world (societies, cultures, religions), meaning a world rooted in dominance, hierarchy, top down authority, and propelled by extreme, deadly competition, as do many other mammal species.

            I believe that the world urgently needs a redefinition of what it means to be male, if we are to survive and thrive.

            If I seem rigid, it is probably because I cut to the chase without addressing variances and finer points for the sake of speed and convenience (I can’t write a book here, and I don’t like diluting ideas, so I serve them full strength and condensed). But in my personal life I am as flexible as running water, while still separating the wheat from the shaft.

          2. Marko Avatar

            “I believe that the world urgently needs a redefinition of what it means to be male, if we are to survive and thrive.”

            Or, at the very least to just have the males dial back their fear that women can do just as good of a job as men for the most part & let them when they can.

            That is, let the best man or women do the job who is qualified regardless of gender race etc.

            It may be that in the far past, males were dominated by women, took back there power in any way they could by force or what ever. Neale explores this in CwG book 3.

            As we evolve, we balance the power of men & women we take in both male & female energies. Because it’s what works.

            We are not there of course, but it seems we are moving in that direction how ever slowly.

            It’s only a matter of time that gay marriage, legalized pot, & other inequalities will be the norm.

            It’s very tough when the collective breaks out of the cocoon as it appears to slowly be doing. Some will fly quicker than others, in the end, once free of the cocoon, we live the life we dream.

            To me it’s only a matter of time. If we don’t make it, we may start over again until we do.

            We on earth now I believe, consciously signed up to enter this aspect of physical life as the adventure of a species transitioning from it’s primitive violent ways to creating a new way of living.

            I always work & play as many do here, to instill the best energies, as best we can. What else can we do?

            Smiles, -M

          3. mewabe Avatar

            Not sure about Neale’s statement on past dominant matriarchies…it does not resonate with me, but then anything is possible in the human experience.

            Yes, balance…balancing male and females energies, within the individual and in the world, we are in desperate need of this. This could be called a sacred undertaking, so creative and healing it is.

            Thanks for the dialogue Marko…yes, we do not bring on the light by battling the darkness, we simply flip the switch (or step outside in the sun!)

            However it is my belief and experience that the negative and the positive are polarized aspect of the same thing…and that there is something greater than these polarities, something that includes them both, and that is at once within us and all around us…a unifying field of some sort. That’s were I like to dwell.

          4. Marko Avatar

            WoW sounds like you’ve really found yourself & this is what works & plays for you. Out of your beingness comes a lot of wisdom.

            I actually have no problems with judgments in general. It’s harsh, condmnatory judgments that I have more problems with.

            “However it is my belief and experience that the negative and the positive are polarized aspect of the same thing.”

            Neale explains this as the volume turned uP too much or down. Like healthy confidence turned uP too much become arrogrance & can be less benefical. A good sense of humor turned uP too much becomes mean & nasty etc.

            Yes we would benefit greatly with balanced male & female energy.

            Yes, good dialog we are having.

          5. Awareness Avatar

            I feel it must NEVER be allowed for either of the energies male or female to dominate. They must be in balance. The way to facilitate balance is to ensure that there is TOTAL VISIBILITY (NOTHING HIDDEN) in everything. And there must be total autonomy (self government NOT centralized government) for each being. NO MORE SECRETS of any kind. No one should be allowed to hide anything. In TOTAL VISIBILITY comes CLARITY for all. In any case we are becoming telepathic beings and it is sorting itself out naturally 🙂

            “You have heard about the Crystal Children and the Indigo Children that come in with telepathic communications already built in. They do not know how to use it, but they have an internal communication that with a little bit of work they can fine-tune and use. You have that, too.” by THE GROUP (GREAT SPIRIT! GREAT CREATOR!)

            Bless ALL 🙂

          6. Marko Avatar

            Thanks for your wisdom. Self government seems a long ways off, but I agree with you on it. Smiles, -M

          7. Erin Avatar

            “The best I/We can, with the best I/We’ve got”…An encompassing define of ‘Personal Best’, yes? 🙂

            Recently, I have been working with ‘Nice’…and have found it to be a wonderfully cooperative nature to collaborate with. ‘Amazing’ seems to brew well of Nice spice…’Dumb ass’ seems to be what surfaces in the cauldron to be blown off as it arises. (Thank you, Walter! (Jeff Dunham’s puppet)) 😀

            Just a magical thought…:)

          8. Erin Avatar

            You have brought up-front a wonderful topic, mewabe!
            Good Grief, We are so ‘stuck in stuff of our Selfs!’, even when redefines are an easy & more functional fixer-upper to such issues. Simplicity is obviously not first-route to much of anything anymore. (sigh)

            However! This can change…Actually, these Are changing!
            Have ya noticed that more peeps are ‘noticing’? idk…I figure if I have, there’s gots to be gazillions more who have, yes?
            And for the process to have reached this level of noticing, it’s probably rockin’ pretty well & moving right along.
            (Just thought of “The more, the merrier”…but doesn’t it seem more like “When it rains, it pours”? 🙂 )

            Perhaps ‘a way’ to be looked at a bit deeper, is a focus of ‘talents’, rather than gender.(?) One define possibly being, “That which one contributes to Beingness”.(?) idk…Seems like a more connective, yet individually supportive ‘way’ of doing Our stuff here. We could call ourselves multi-talented vs. multi-taskers…Talented with a male/female essence vs. needing to be one or the other physically, of everything. Whatcha think? 🙂

    2. Therese Avatar


      I believe you hit the nail on the head with the “current definition of maleness” point. Which brings me back to the children. Who teaches the children how to be male or female in the “traditional” household. Females. So why would men so actively pursue holding women as lesser than? Could it be to keep the power paradigm taught to the children? And in the U.S. (and other Westernized countries), even the look of freedom isn’t always appealing if one is a woman, when it means that they work harder, get paid less and are still held responsible for raising the children…and blamed for anything that doesn’t work with those children. This in a way that we rarely hold men responsible for.

      Now, the above is an observation, and this is also an observation…the simple fact that prominent people, and organizations such as Neale, The Elders, Half the Sky, the One Campaign and so many others are filed with MEN working to change the paradigm is beyond encouraging. Men are remembering that the greatest and truest power lies in empowering everyone they touch to know their own power!

      So, let’s “teach the children well”, and allow women to be nurturers and healers and teachers without labeling them as less than. Let’s help women remember that THEY have the true power to change this world, by simply loving their children, and showing them how to live knowing who they really are.


      1. mewabe Avatar

        Thank you Therese…So true, I agree!
        Just one thing…I don’t believe mothers are necessarily the ones who teach boys to strive to be “alpha males” (except perhaps among rednecks)…that comes from the father’s general attitude and words (even if he is mostly absent) as well as school and other competitive social environments where a boy is forced to quickly learns to find his way within the pecking order.

        1. Therese Avatar

          Yes, and no to your statements, Mewabe. Yes, there are absolute influences from outside the mother zone. However, women
          are so wrapped up in the power paradigm that they don’t even, necessarily recognize that they perpetuate the paradigm that says they are less than. They teach what they know.

          There is a perfect example in recent history of the female awakening creating great change. During WWII men went to war and women went to the factory. When the war ended the women went home knowing they could do more than they had ever been allowed to do, and began to to do something amazing…they taught their children something different! My mother, for instance, interacted with my father in very traditional roles. He went to work, she cooked and cleaned and took care of the kids. What she DIDN’T do was teach her children those roles were their only choices. Her sons were taught to take care of themselves, and that it was okay to do traditional women things around the home when they married. She allowed her daughter to be intelligent and not feel it had to be hidden to get a man to love her. Because of women like my mother we had the germination of the 1960’s with all of its paradigm upheavals.

          Women, when they are balanced and spiritual and assured of who they are, will be the ones to raise the boys who know the same…and the they will also know their own true power and be allowed to put down the burdens of t he current use of their power.

          1. mewabe Avatar

            I agree Therese, however, the way I see it, the real goal is to get ride of the power paradigm altogether, the one that leads to such a thing as wars. Women who “move up” from their traditional role to participate in men’s global insanity (working in factories making bombs, airplanes and ships for war) are not actually liberating themselves, they are being used to support the alpha male, the dominant, aggressive, hierarchical, authoritarian, violent and destructive male.

            The true power of women (and of men as well when they stop being so fearful) is the power of love, of understanding, of communication, of cooperation, of compassion Competition is fine when it is used for play or for personal growth, rather than beat down and eliminate competitors, a role assigned to and chosen by men for thousands pf years.

            The Soviet Union “liberated” women too…by having them work building railroads or in factories…keeping them subservient to the dominant patriarchy, and supporting it (so did China).

            In the US women are” liberated” by being given more access to the halls of power, to corporate boardrooms and governmental institutions where their function is to play by the rules of the patriarchy and support its agenda (the power paradigm), which explains why their presence in such places makes no difference, and a female director of the EPA for example is just as likely to make decisions that support Monsanto against public interest (including children health).

            “Liberating” women by enticing them to be good foot soldiers or leaders in this global patriarchal madness is a really dirty trick, so why do they fall for it? Because they are driven, by centuries of oppression, to prove that they can do it, they can be as good or better than any man…and of course this is true, but good at what? At supporting war, class exploitation, environmental degradation, the oppression of third world nations and the rape of their lands?

            The real revolution is not to give women access to power within the existing paradigm…it is to eliminate the existing paradigm, so that love rather than power rules our world. And this is where women have a crucial role to play, to educate their male children into understanding that love is the most powerful force of all, and that a loving, understanding, compassionate man is not a weak man, quite the opposite.

          2. Therese Avatar


            We are actually saying the same thing. Women did, indeed, step into the current paradigm, which, obviously to most of us, is not working. But we are in the next phase of recognizing the hole that we have dug for ourselves.

            Women, I believe, first had to have what men have (domineering power) in order to recognize it isn’t what they were really looking for. Yet, even in that paradigm, they began to teach, if incompletely, that there really IS a different way to view one another. Unfortunately, in most cases, the change was from the outside…men doing dishes, washing clothes, housework…but then it became more subtle. It became okay for men to share the child-rearing responsibilities, and who is the mentor in this situation? The woman.

            Right now we have women, as I said earlier, “so wrapped up in the power paradigm that they don’t even, necessarily recognize that they perpetuate the paradigm that says they are less than.” But this next phase is happening. Hence my last paragraph:

            “Women, when they are balanced and spiritual and assured of who they are, will be the ones to raise the boys who know the same…and the(n) they (men) will also know their own true power and be allowed to put down the burdens of the current use of their power.”

            Balanced women. Balanced men. New paradigm. (Now, isn’t that pretty much what you were saying, also? 😉 )

          3. mewabe Avatar

            Yes…so let’s roll up our sleeves and do it…
            But first, don’t forget to spread the message “kill your TV”, this ultimate instrument of dominant paradigm programming 😉

  8. Benny Hansen Avatar
    Benny Hansen

    Tindakan kekerasan semakin meningkat di muka bumi seiring perkembang jaman.Kekerasan dapat terjadi dari berbagai sebab yakni,balas dendam,ketidak stabilan ekonomi dan hukum serta peraturan.Tak pelak lagi kekerasan yang mengisi sejarah panjang peradaban umat manusia adalah sebuah paradoks yang tragis. Ia mencipta darah dan air mata dari korban sekaligus membangun kekuasaan. Ia menorehkan garis demarkasi, menandaskan wilayah geopolitik, memberi legitimasi, dan membangun mitos. Dimana ada kekuasaan, kekerasan selalu ada karena kekerasan memiliki teleologi kekuasaan. Pada tahap manifestasi kekerasan diberlakukan atas dalih apapun, korban kemudian ditiadakan sehingga memaklumkan postulat bahwa sejarah korban tidak pernah eksis karena sejarah ditulis oleh mereka yang menaklukkan.

    Peradaban modern kita, dengan diharuskannya komunitas kebangsaan memiliki, mendirikan, atau menggabungkan diri ke dalam apa yang dinamakan sebagai ”negara berdaulat” menjadikan negara sebagai kekuasaan yang absah dalam memonopoli kekerasan. Dari legitimasi itulah, kekerasan di abad 20 dan abad 21 ini memproduksi kebrutalan massal melalui senjata biologi, kimia, dengan teknologi nuklir dan persenjataan modern lainnya, termasuk juga penggunaan teknik penyiksaan yang dianggap ekses dalam peperangan. Dari situ, terciptalah genosida versi mutakhir.

    Era perang dingin telah lama usai dan seharusnya peta politik seharusnya bergeser kearah terciptanya perdamaian dunia yang lebih komprehensif dan blok pakta pertahanan seyogianya tidak diperlukan lagi.Karena keberadaan blok pakta pertahanan bisa dicurigai oleh negara lain sebagai bahagian upaya untuk melegalkan penghakiman bersama untuk suatu tindak kekerasan massal pada suatu negara.

    Cara politik konvesional yang identik dengan kekerasan dari beberapa priode yang lalu, sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan era sekarang karena akan menimbul rasa antipati yang mendalam.Kekerasan demi kekerasan akan bermunculan ketika negara pemegang peranan politik global bermain dengan berbagai isu menjatuhkan suatu rezim atau melemahkan suatu negara.

    Pola politik konvensional harus ditinggalkan oleh negara pemain politik dunia dengan menggantikan politik yang lebih bersahabat didalam meningkat kerja sama kepada semua negara di dunia.Karena politik konvesional akan membawa resiko bagi keamanan negara dan warganya sendiri dari tindakan kekerasan serta akan membuat kondisi ekonomi tidak stabil yang mengarah kepada kehancuran.

    Pergeseran peta politik dunia tidak bisa diduga dan bisa berubah ketika tidak ada rasa saling percaya dan bahkan pakta pertahanan akan bubar seiring tuntutan keinginan perdamaian dunia dari sekutu sekutu yang tidak ingin kekerasan lagi yang terjadi di muka bumi.

    Negara Jerman adalah contoh suatu negara maju paling ideal didalam politik luar negerinya.Setelah mengalami dua perang dunia,mereka berkeinginan keras untuk mengintegrasi dengan mengantar orang Jerman supaya tidak bertindak SEPIHAK lagi.Aspek yang mendorong integrasi adalah kemauan masyarakat Jerman sendiri yang mendambakan perdamaian,keamanan,kesejahteraan dan demokrasi seta tidak ada lagi kekerasan lagi yang akan ditimbulkan.

    Kesimpulannya adalah tidak ada siapapun atau kelompok manapun didunia ini yang dapat menghentikan atau kekerasan kecuali peran para pemegang politik dunia untuk merubah politik luar negerinya untuk tidak menciptakan kekerasan perang karena memberi dampak untuk memunculkan kekerasan lainnya.

  9. Benny Hansen Avatar
    Benny Hansen

    Tindakan kekerasan semakin meningkat di muka bumi seiring perkembang jaman.Kekerasan dapat terjadi dari berbagai sebab yakni,balas dendam,ketidak stabilan ekonomi dan hukum serta peraturan.Tak pelak lagi kekerasan yang mengisi sejarah panjang peradaban umat manusia adalah sebuah paradoks yang tragis. Ia mencipta darah dan air mata dari korban sekaligus membangun kekuasaan. Ia menorehkan garis demarkasi, menandaskan wilayah geopolitik, memberi legitimasi, dan membangun mitos. Dimana ada kekuasaan, kekerasan selalu ada karena kekerasan memiliki teleologi kekuasaan. Pada tahap manifestasi kekerasan diberlakukan atas dalih apapun, korban kemudian ditiadakan sehingga memaklumkan postulat bahwa sejarah korban tidak pernah eksis karena sejarah ditulis oleh mereka yang menaklukkan.

    Peradaban modern kita, dengan diharuskannya komunitas kebangsaan memiliki, mendirikan, atau menggabungkan diri ke dalam apa yang dinamakan sebagai ”negara berdaulat” menjadikan negara sebagai kekuasaan yang absah dalam memonopoli kekerasan. Dari legitimasi itulah, kekerasan di abad 20 dan abad 21 ini memproduksi kebrutalan massal melalui senjata biologi, kimia, dengan teknologi nuklir dan persenjataan modern lainnya, termasuk juga penggunaan teknik penyiksaan yang dianggap ekses dalam peperangan. Dari situ, terciptalah genosida versi mutakhir.

    Era perang dingin telah lama usai dan seharusnya peta politik seharusnya bergeser kearah terciptanya perdamaian dunia yang lebih komprehensif dan blok pakta pertahanan seyogianya tidak diperlukan lagi.Karena keberadaan blok pakta pertahanan bisa dicurigai oleh negara lain sebagai bahagian upaya untuk melegalkan penghakiman bersama untuk suatu tindak kekerasan massal pada suatu negara.

    Cara politik konvesional yang identik dengan kekerasan dari beberapa priode yang lalu, sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan era sekarang karena akan menimbul rasa antipati yang mendalam.Kekerasan demi kekerasan akan bermunculan ketika negara pemegang peranan politik global bermain dengan berbagai isu menjatuhkan suatu rezim atau melemahkan suatu negara.

    Pola politik konvensional harus ditinggalkan oleh negara pemain politik dunia dengan menggantikan politik yang lebih bersahabat didalam meningkat kerja sama kepada semua negara di dunia.Karena politik konvesional akan membawa resiko bagi keamanan negara dan warganya sendiri dari tindakan kekerasan serta akan membuat kondisi ekonomi tidak stabil yang mengarah kepada kehancuran.

    Pergeseran peta politik dunia tidak bisa diduga dan bisa berubah ketika tidak ada rasa saling percaya dan bahkan pakta pertahanan akan bubar seiring tuntutan keinginan perdamaian dunia dari sekutu sekutu yang tidak ingin kekerasan lagi yang terjadi di muka bumi.

    Negara Jerman adalah contoh suatu negara maju paling ideal didalam politik luar negerinya.Setelah mengalami dua perang dunia,mereka berkeinginan keras untuk mengintegrasi dengan mengantar orang Jerman supaya tidak bertindak SEPIHAK lagi.Aspek yang mendorong integrasi adalah kemauan masyarakat Jerman sendiri yang mendambakan perdamaian,keamanan,kesejahteraan dan demokrasi seta tidak ada lagi kekerasan lagi yang akan ditimbulkan.

    Kesimpulannya adalah tidak ada siapapun atau kelompok manapun didunia ini yang dapat menghentikan atau kekerasan kecuali peran para pemegang politik dunia untuk merubah politik luar negerinya untuk tidak menciptakan kekerasan perang karena memberi dampak untuk memunculkan kekerasan lainnya.

  10. Benny Hansen Avatar
    Benny Hansen

    Violence is all around us in the natural world. It seems to oddly be an integral part of the natural order.

    The problem with humanity is that it cannot decide whether it is part of this natural order or not…and by extension whether it belongs on this earth or not.

    Humanity still hasn’t found its place in the order of creation.

    The origin of violence can be hurt, anger, greed, lust, a need to dominate and subdue others, to control and rule, it can be jalousie, or a propensity towards cruelty and sadism, and of course mental illness, which is becoming an epidemic in our world.

    Apart from mental illnesses, all of these things come from one form of fear or another, which themselves come from not understanding reality, from a perception of lack (I don’t have enough-power, sex, possessions, territory, control, wealth, strength-and whatever I have is threatened by others, who will take it from me).

    This is the so-called animal nature, that leads to extreme, merciless competition, to killing the competitor

    1. mewabe Avatar

      Just curious Benny…is there a point you are making by taking my first comment and posting it again here without commenting yourself?

      1. Benny Hansen Avatar
        Benny Hansen

        sorry … when I type ctrl C …. to read your messages to translate …. I forgot to remove it …. when I tried to enter the message … so many times I think does not work with ctrl C. .. but what happens is your comment … I do not mean ending up making you a comment my comment …. once again I apologize .. and when i tried to delete it can not …

        1. mewabe Avatar

          Don’t worry, it’s not a problem at all I was just curious…

  11. Tina Ashe Brown Avatar
    Tina Ashe Brown

    I am wondering simply why we are judging these actions as good or bad? I have been so confused on this since reading the CWG books. There seems to be a message that either I am not understanding correctly or we are having a hard time understanding here. I understand that we were sent here because God wanted to experience herself and could not do that because there were no contradictions..opposites. In heaven, or at least in God’s world all there is is love. Are we here to return this plane to the same? To a place where only love exists or instead are we here to remember and see love even in the face of the violence? To love those beings unconditionally even in the face of the thing we are calling bad. Can we experience if we turn this world into a place where there is only love? Isn’t this place just as much a part of God’s world as any other plane? Is there only love here too and we are not able to see through our ego and judgements surrounding good and bad?

    I long for home and for that place where there is only love peace and joy, that place inside of me. I do my best to create this here in this plane each and everyday despite the pictures I see. I know we are all one and connected and I send my love to all regardless of the pictures that I see that do not resonate me with me to the best of my ability. I chose to focus on this and not on perceived imperfections that might be happening in this world, for I have the faith that everything is just as it should be even if I don’t understand how!

    1. mewabe Avatar

      In my opinion and experience there is only love here on this earth as well in the human experience…everything has love for foundation, even the most terrible acts of human violence and cruelty, whose origin is suffering, whose origin is the betrayal of…love!

      Whether we express love is a pure form (a healthy form) or a highly distorted manner (through fear, hate, suffering), we are still expressing the fundamental truth of our nature: we are love, and we seek to be what we are.

      Some manners of expression require healing, of course.

      Beyond the human experience love is life…beyond the human emotional experience of love, love is creative, expending energy.

      In terms of judgment, of “good and evil”, the divine is both good and evil in these terms, which are human perceptions. For example, human eyes see a storm that destroys “innocent” human lives as evil, and wonder how God could let it happen…they see nature as being immoral, a place where the strong eliminates the weak, and wonder how God could create such a cruel, seemingly indifferent, unmerciful environment devoid of any compassion.

      Trying to figure everything out means that the human mind cannot accept things as they ARE…and yet the nature of the divine is precisely this: I AM. God IS, and it is ALL, including “good and evil”, which exist only in the human mind as judgments. Life simply is…the wild African dogs that eat their preys alive are no more evil than the zebra that eats grass, or than a tsunami that kills thousands.

      The answer to the “problems” of life is to live life fully, embracing pleasure and pain, joy and sadness, life and death equally, without grasping one and avoiding, denying, suppressing or running from the other. The more we do this, the more human we become, and the more we understand, first hand, the infinite richness and beauty of the human experience.

    2. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      My dear friend….I have responded at length to your question in my next posting here. I hope you will have a chance not read it. There, I answer every question that you asked. And they are GOOD questions! WONDERFUL questions! Thank you for asking them, and giving me a chance to further, and deeply, explain a VERY important aspect of the messages in Conversations with God.

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