The gift of responsibility

Life is a gift – a very true statement, in my opinion. Recently, I have experienced this, not just in living Life Itself, but in all of the things that happen from moment to moment and day to day. These little incidents are the gifts! And the gift of responsibility is probably the one that stands out the most.

Have you ever felt completely at peace with all the responsibility that you have? Seriously, take a moment and think about it. Do you think most people have gratitude for the daily responsibilities that they possess?

Recently, I have taken on the large responsibility of becoming a full-time, hands-on grandmother to my son’s ten-month-old daughter. I am not raising her; however, because she and her mother have moved into my home, I am with her nearly every day. Although it is temporary, it brings the idea of change, and what it means, to me – full force.

That reminds me of something.  Didn’t Neale Donald Walsch write a book about that? When Everything Changes, Change Everything! Of course he did! It has been very helpful to me.

My current situation is a complete 360-degree change from where it was a few months ago when I didn’t get to see her as I would have chosen. It was a very devastating time, and in missing her, I truly felt the loss of a soul. With this being said, after talking to God and the universe, my prayers were answered. When the opportunity arose, or when the door opened to embrace change, the only question I asked myself was, “What would love do now?” Then all fear, doubt, anger, and frustration left me and instantly turned to joy, forgiveness, selflessness, and, most importantly, love.

Embracing this responsibility has been one of many blessings and gifts in my lifetime. Not only do I have the opportunity to see and hold my grand baby on a daily basis again, but I am now blessed with seeing her grow, explore, and learn new things. Instead of viewing my house as more crowded, noisy, and inconvenient, I am choosing to view it as more filled with love, light and laughter!

I feel we all are given the gift of responsibility and all of the things we get out of it. I bet you have seen this with friends and loved ones?

I have a friend who, together with his wife, decided to allow their niece to come live with them when she was in need. They took on their niece. And the experience (the gift) of this responsibility, watching her grow and flourish with their love, has outnumbered any potential negatives or inconveniences(financial or otherwise) that one could hold around it.

Parenting (and grandparenting, too) is the biggest responsibility there is, and we feel every decision we make for our precious children to our core in one way or another. For me, gratitude is the key to finding peace in what society calls responsibility. The gratitude for experiencing what you have asked for, what may be in front of you, and being the person you are in order to feel the responsibility. The beautiful, heartwarming, devastating, sometimes frightening wonderful thing we call life.

Do we call it responsibility or do we call it life? Do we embrace all of life or do we run from it? Gratitude, my friends, abundant gratitude, will allow the responsibilities of life to flow. This is my door to CwG core concept which says that the wonderful ways to be are honest, responsible, and aware. My gratitude runneth over with the beautiful responsibility of being alive. Having my granddaughter with me is beyond living; it is heaven.

Am I suggesting, then, that every day can be heaven? Yes, I am! I feel if we can find a way to see the gift in everything, even those things that feel overwhelming, pressing, exhausting, or out of our comfort zone, and even our “responsibilities” as gifts, we then experience heaven on earth. Breathe in life and all that it sets down in front of you. The gifts are waiting!

(Laurie Lankins Farley has worked with Neale Donald Walsch for approximately 10 years. She is the Executive Director of his non-profit The School of the New Spirituality and creative co-director of Laurie has published an inspirational children’s book “The Positive Little Soul.”  She can be contacted at


2 responses to “The gift of responsibility”

  1. PJ Avatar

    Very nice article! Yes it’s life! Why does the word “responsibility” seem to carry some sort of weight? I mean that rhetorically. But I know what you mean. Having lived through a similar situation of undertaking the care of another person (people) almost unexpectedly I can empathize. Do my best to think not of such a situation as a “responsibility” but prefer a line of thinking to appreciate that I have the ” opportunity and ability” to take on such a situation with the best of love in my intention. And with that line of thinking it is indeed daily “heaven”!

  2. Shandarah Avatar

    Hi I would like to add that your little one, can be one of the crystal children coming through.As a Grandma myself of three beaut little star seeds, I am asking if anyothers in our beaut community would be interested in setting up an online school for these advanced ones. As Neale talks about in Tommorrows God, which is the only book of his I was lead to read, why because he talks about the New Educating system, and my Higher self, has lead me here today, to open up the the The Global conversation where there may be other Grandparents who would like to become a Team to work to co create this.I was speaking this morning to a lady who lives in the Pacifc islands of FIJI and she was saying how this is a great place to go and visit and enjoy, I had to add she is a Grandma just like me, and was asking what way can we join in with others, yes the Internet, is everywhere.So I am asking now if there would be others who would like to Join in and Co create, who know maybe we are suppossed to have many virtual pods around Mother Gaia for our grandchildren to meet and talk and harmonise towards Peace in this world. Let the CHILDREN LEAD THE WAY!!!.

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