A voice in the wilderness

In the newest Conversations with God dialogue we are offered a list of sixteen differences in the behaviors of an awakened species when compared to the behaviors of humans living in an unawakened state.

In the days ahead I’m going to review that list here, and provide an opportunity for deep discussion of them. Here, then, are Items #1-4:

#1: An awakened species sees the Unity of All Life and lives into it. Humans in an unawakened state often deny it or ignore it.

#2: An awakened species tells the truth, always. Humans in an unawakened state too often lie, to themselves as well as others.

#3: An awakened species says one thing and will do what they say. Humans in an unawakened state often say one thing and do another.

#4:An awakened species, having seen and acknowledged what is so, will always do what works. Humans in an unawakened state often do the opposite.

Looking at these four observations, do you agree? What changes do you think would take place in the daily experience of humanity if we adopted the four behaviors of an awakened species that are listed here?

Conversations with God-Book 4: Awaken the Species has placed before us a road map, providing us a look at how we may get from where we are as a species to where we say we want to be: a place that is free from violence and strife, from suffering caused by others, from the experience of lack and insufficiency.

I believe it is possible for the human collective to get there, to create these outcomes. What do you think? Is this all a pipe dream? And regarding the first four behaviors on the list above, do you see them as applicable and functional in any way in the daily experience and expression of the sentient beings on our planet?


81 responses to “A voice in the wilderness

  1. Kristen Avatar

    I agree, but its really important to point out that Awakened is just one stage in the journey as we try to restore ourselves to how we were intended as a species. The very word indicates past tense, its happened, move on, its just one more step.
    The ones after that are almost reversed, a personal stage next.
    We are ultimately to restore ourselves to a species that can have Eden, Nirvana or a Paradise life.
    Dream interpretation books are great dictionarys to learn from, every item is present in our real lives. Change the wording ‘if you dream’ to ‘if you have or want’ we can get a clear guide to our present stages in life.
    Pamela J Ball is the best. With a couple of changes, as above, she defines Paradise, the perfect life for us as:
    “Paradise is to be aware of the perfect Soul. In this state there is no right or wrong, only completion and totality. Paradise is used instead of Heaven to describe the ultimate pleasurable place. It is the part from which we can develop perfect union with the Universe. Psychologically, Paradise is that part of ourselves that is enclosed deep within and does not need to be available to anyone else, it is an unblemished sacred space. It is to link with our inate ability to take pleasure in being perfect. We can experience total harmony within ourselves and be totally innocent. When this is reflected into everyday life our Universe cooperates with us. In men and women, Paradise reflects a perfect relationship with ourselves and others”.

    An incredibly personal stage, where you put the Awakening, and Awakened experiences and changes to one side, and isolate from all the ‘we are one, unity etc’ learnings, they are no different to anything else, just little minor things to learn, like the points youve made in here.
    Note where it says ‘there is no right or wrong’…thats misinterpreted as perception based. Nope, it means that we are no longer capable of what the general population defines as wrong…theft, lying, drugs, abuse, ignoring suffering etc..they just dont exist any longer. All banished from within you in the Awakening stages, thats their purpose, you have no concept of their very existance. Therefore the word right disappears as well, righteousness is now the normal, with no need to define or catagorise anything. Ridding us of ‘wrong’ as a concept, and becoming open honest caring people, to move forward to attain the ultimate Perfect Human Soul.
    The image for this is the Vitruvian Man, or the ultimate in photography poses. A back shot of a male with a perfect body, jeans rolled up, barefoot standing in the ocean, shirt off with arms outstretched. Showing all the Perfect Human Soul traits…strong, proud, perfect, open, relaxed, honest, raw, comfortable etc BUT only showing people what they need to see…hence your back, not front.
    After completing the Awakening stages, people will withdraw, Awakening will shrink dowm to just steps you took and learned from, they are no different to learning to ride a bike or read, and should be natural easy human behaviours if done at the right stage for that person, rather than forced. They, like everything in life, would be the same even without books to tell us about it. Just normal steps of adulthood that should happen in peoples 30s naturally, then the 40s should be the Vitruvian Man, perfect human soul stages while physical bodies, always parallel to the soul and personality, are still strong and toned enough to do the pose….when bodies are allowed to lose their desired state, the soul is as well. This is why awakenings will generally happen when people are around 33, always with a catalyst, awakening, doing the stages, then moving forward with personal soul searching, and observing others as a mirror we do or dont want to take forward. Honesty is imperative, but staying stagnant, focussing on the minor Awakening stages is hindering, preventing progress.
    Take care,

  2. Marko Avatar

    I’d first say if we simply considered our daily self talk as the most important aspect of our spiritual growth and advancement. If we can’t even take note of the most intimate conversation we have with ourselves 24/7 we are really totally missing the boat.

    This is in line or aligned with the LOA or Law of Attraction or co creating y/our own reality. We don’t create in a vacuum, but with others. We certainly have much or most control of our individual reality, hence the real importance of mastering y/our own inner monologue.

    We have less control of the collective, but can certainly influence it to what ever degree we can. The more we have control of our own response to what happens in our interior world helps us bring our collective world more in line with our state of beingness. I would call that a mini collective. That is, our surrounding experience, our mini collective is more influenced by our state of being & the influence ripples out to the larger collective with varying effect.

    I see 3 realities in this respect.
    Individual Reality
    The Collective (The world)
    Cosmic collective (The cosmos) expanded outside or past our world.

    We could also add a forth, parallel universes other dimensional realities. But the first 3 are what we are dealing with most on a daily basis.

    Now, if the World Collective was aware enough of our co creating abilities, and how we have much control of of our own personal interior world, we would naturally, by default & logic think, be & do that which is in our best interest. [Curious I just noticed “interest” could be “inner-rest”! ] What truly interests us create inner-rest or inner peace. Anywho…

    This is in alignment with #4: An awakened species, having seen and acknowledged what is so, will always do what works. Humans in an unawakened state often do the

    For me having this as number one in the four front, the rest will naturally fall in place. That is, mastering our self talk and reality creating abilities both individually & collectively. That is “What works.”

    Much of our problems & dilemmas occur as I currently see it from various aspects of our poor self concepts, self esteem, self worth, self respect. When we have healthy & vivacious self worth we are aligned & move toward that which we term good, healthy, fun, intelligent creative. Yet, when have you ever seen books, articles, a talk show or radio show with a panel of people with great self esteem talking? Or people that have found success through having inner peace? I rest my case.

  3. Michela Z. Avatar
    Michela Z.

    I have been reading and listening for over 30 years now.
    And I only have one question left.
    Why so many words instead of facts?
    Too few can say they “had the experience” and they talk and write so much about it.
    Too many never had any “tangible proof” nor had an experience of any sort.
    No more talking nor writing, facts please.
    No if we only talk and speculate.
    I love your books Neale and I am super happy I got to meet you years ago when you came to Italy.
    Love to all,

    1. Kristen Avatar

      Hi Michela,
      I understand what you’re saying, and agree in part BUT I like to think each and every person writing anything, anywhere…anyone, IS writing about their own experiences. How else would one be able to write authentically? Even looking at fiction, crime writers will generally be a detective, medical writers generally a doctor. Words open whole new worlds to us, so personally, I like to think each and every person writing anything for the public to read, is writing from experience. Even if worded as fiction, a song, poetry or boring text books…it still should be based on their experience, proven facts to them, the only way they can write authentically, how else could anyone become an ‘expert’ or master of their own words. We all have different lives and experiences, but reading the words of others should allow us to see through a window into their life, world, and them.
      Take care,

  4. Sam Avatar

    I love those four Items, being my kind of thing. But maybe nothing new. I recall Buddhism says something similar, “to see things as they are”, “right speech”, “right action”, and etc. And they’ve been at it for 2500 years. Still, the “unawakened way” is the preferable choice, by far; the curse still unbroken.

    Despite 2500 years, I am an optimist, as I see our time being very close to major change. Growing awareness for sure, little by little and all the time, but now also with the company of technology. Which already, as we know, has made the whole wide world come together. But there’s plenty more from where that came from. Much more. Soon it will secure everyone’s basic needs for free. Our fight for survival will end. Our focus will change. From that of a soldier in an everyday war, to what we, with some soul searching, really want. We are fast heading towards the new age of robots—taking “all” our jobs. And in its place, there will be what’s called Basic Income. Paying everybody for doing nothing, or the society would collapse. Some countries, as we speak, is teasing out Basic Income right now. They know what’s coming.

    Then what about schools? Well, they will all close. There will be programs, teaching you everything. From whatever level, whatever topic, and wherever you in the world for the moment should be. Following you. Custom-made, to your specific interests and talents, or your fling in the moment. And with 3D VR glasses, you will literally be *in* what you are learning at the same time. And if that isn’t enough, a robot drone car will take you to any place of interest, like out in nature, to study something specific. Or, join a group making a drone-trip of discovery, flying place to place, having the mix of real experience and all the additional information in the world at your disposal as well.

    The point being, this is a world of peace and soul search. Because there is no “have to do” anymore. When this huge mountain of an obstacle is removed, your heart is what you most of all will see, doing what your heart’s desire, and the self-development rate explode. If we just hang in there and don’t destroy ourselves first, the future may just be a pleasant surprise.

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      “Hanging in there” and not destroying ourselves first is what the suggestions in Book 4 are all about. And you are right. They are not new. Nowhere is it suggested that they are. Indeed, Buddhism, Christianity, and other belief systems, philosophies, and theologies have brought us these ideas before. But, as item 4 on the list suggests, an awakened species sees what is “so,” and does what works…while humans living in an unawakened state see what is “so” and say “so what?”

      1. Sam Avatar

        Something new is truly hard to come by. When it does happen, once in a while, I get somewhat excited. Like this one statement, in one of the books Bruce suggested here, about an entity talking through a person under hypnosis, it actually said that what we see as the Law of Free Will is what they referring to as the Law of Confusion. Haha, quite a surprise. That’s it? Our beloved free will? Confusion? And yes, it makes sense too. Dammit. Like our ‘free will’ deciding “so what?” to what is so. Pretty confused indeed.
        It indicates that what comes with celerity, awakeness, and understanding, is to automatically behave accordingly, beyond the choice.

  5. Patrick Gannon Avatar
    Patrick Gannon

    OK, so mankind is being referred to as the “unawakened species” but that implies an awakened species. Where might one visit with such a species in order to learn from it?

    Who gets to decide what is and is not awakened? I would define awakened, as one who is critically skeptical and uses their brain to “think with,” rather than “believe in” things for which there is no evidence. That’s when one is awake!

    In many ways, CwG is very much like Christianity and the other Abrahamic religions. We are “fallen,” or we are “inherently evil,” some will suggest. Neale maintains this theme of mankind being something “less than,” by referring to us as “unawakened” which really, when you get down to it, is just another way of saying we’re “fallen” and inherently evil, just as the fundagelicals insist. Neale’s god is nicer and kinder and more feminine, and his words describing humans are nicer and kinder as well. Instead of being “fallen’” or “inherently evil” we’re much more diplomatically, “unawakened.” But it’s the same old thing in a new package. Nothing changes. We are supposed to start with the premise that we are broken, and we ingrain it in ourselves and teach this to our kids. Thank you but no. In my “awakened” state, I am going to do the best I can to avoid laying down circuits in my brain that are not helpful. I will not lay down wiring in my mind that tells myself I’m “unawakened” “fallen,” or in any other way “less than” simply by virtue of being a normal human being. When synapses fire, the brain is wired. Telling myself this is not helpful and is probably detrimental.

    I await a religion that celebrates what we’ve accomplished. One that tells us what we’re good at; what we’ve done well; what we’re capable of, without constantly reminding us that we’re essentially failures by virtue of being who we are. That just can’t be good for us. I’m tired of being told how we always fall short. I love SpaceX launches! I love seeing us succeed. It makes me happy. It motivates me. It inspires me. Being told that I am unawakened by virtue of being part of the human species is depressing – and untrue. Maybe if everyone stopped telling us that we are bad to begin with, we’d act good. Maybe if these religions would stop telling us we get another chance, we’d do a better job with the only chance we are likely to have. Be “awakened” to how your brain is being manipulated and wired…..

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      @Patrick Gannon:
      Patrick, nowhere does CWG Book 4 indicate that all humans, as a group or as a species, are unawakened. The book simply offers a list of differences in the behaviors of an awakened species when compared to the behaviors of humans living in an unawakened state. Not all humans are, and nowhere does the dialogue assert or insist that they are. Yet surely even the most optimistic among us would agree that there are many humans “living in an unawakened state.” The book offers differences between these humans and beings living as an awakened species.

      I love your idea of “a religion that celebrates what we’ve accomplished. One that tells us what we’re good at; what we’ve done well; what we’re capable of.” Yet even such a religion, if it would be of any service to us at all, would surely not completely ignore those areas where we have not accomplished what we are capable of, nor would it pretend, with a “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” attitude, that there are no areas that we are not “good at.”

      It saddens me to notice that our species allows 653 children an hour to die of starvation. Or that it allows 1.7 billion of its people to exist without access to clean water. Or that it seems to be able to do nothing about the fact that 1.6 billion live without electricity, or 2.6 billion without indoor sanitation. All of this, while a hundred thousand a year or more die unnecessarily of diseases easily preventable with basic (but unfortunately unavailable) hygiene.

      It saddens me to see that there are people who willingly kill other people on purpose in order to show people that killing people on purpose is very not okay — and fail to see the contradiction, but instead call this “justice.” It was Einstein, not some religious leader, who advised us that we will never solve a problem using the same energy that created it. So we’re not going to bring an end to killing by killing, stop terror with terror, or heal anger with anger.

      It saddens me to see a society that might be tempted to be self-congratulatory regarding its accomplishments, even as it is being apathetic or utterly ineffective regarding the correcting or improving of what it has still failed to accomplish. The book offers suggestions on behaviors that could reduce those areas of humanity’s ineffectiveness. It does not feel to me that the offering of such suggestions is a bad idea.

      1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
        Patrick Gannon

        “Patrick, nowhere does CWG Book 4 indicate that all humans, as a group or as a species, are unawakened.”

        I wasn’t referring to Book 4. I haven’t read it. I was speaking in more general terms, based on my reading and understanding of the CwG material (which has evolved of course, over the years, and in light of new knowledge), and in particular, of what seemed to be the assertion in your article…

        Your first paragraph implies to me, that all humans are in an unawakened state, since we are being contrasted with some other species (real or imagined?) that is not. You didn’t say, “some humans.”

        Is this “awakened species” something virtual, hypothetical, or are you referring to real biological beings that are not part of the human species?

        Depending on how one defines an “awakened’ state, we are in complete agreement that many humans are not in that state! However, I think we have a very different idea about what that state entails…

        You blame “our species” on problems that are a product of our evolution. 653 children die because there are too many of them, because humans evolved a very strong sex drive in order to survive. Our species did not set out to kill 653 children a day, the process of evolution led us to this point, but it also gave us tools to help solve these problems – like using our brains to develop contraception in order to manage our evolved sex drive and reduce our overpopulation. Our species is simply the human genome, for which we are all the carriers. We are all ONE, in this regard.

        In any event, this data is extremely misleading, because child mortality is as low as it has ever been. In the 1800’s 40% of children died before they were five years old on a global scale. Today that number is 4.5% following a couple hundred years of steady improvement. We have accomplished a lot. Why can’t we take credit for it, and remind ourselves of our successes, as we continue to strive for more?

        You talk about not having electricity or sanitation – but go back a hundred years, and look at how many people had those things then? Everything is supposed to be rolled out to everyone at the same time, despite the fact that there are 80 million new people every year – most of them in the poorest and most religiously oppressed regions of the world? How is that supposed to happen? Who is supposed to pay for that when there are too many people and too few resources? And why do you care about these dying kids? CwG insists that we go back to where we came from and that we will be sent back here again and again in order to fulfill our soul’s agenda’s, so if that’s true, what’s the problem if nobody ever really dies… (well, the soul never dies, but I guess the body and mind do, since the soul takes on new ones when it returns). You’ve said again and again that there is no right or wrong, only that which does or does not take us where we want to go… well what if where we want to go is a smaller population? In that case are those deaths wrong,
        if nobody is really being hurt? (Obviously I’m being a little ironic and sarcastic here to make a point).

        Actually, I know why you focus on the negative, because I’m in sales too. In order to sell something (books, programs, etc. for you, high tech comms for me) the sales rep has to create a need. He or she has to create a problem that they then offer the solution for. You have to create a problem in order to offer a fix for it, and that sure seems to be what you’re doing here. I’m not saying we have no problems left – in fact we probably have an unsurmountable problem in our overpopulation. We might have been better off if we, like Jesus, did not know that germs existed and that washing our hands would allow us to live into our 80s instead of our 30s. That would have kept the population under control…. but then 40% of our kids would still be dying. I’m awake, so I see how you are creating a problem in order to fix it – with your books of course. I admire the sales, but it’s an open forum, so I feel like it’s valid to point out what seems to be going on from my perspective.

        As I’ve said here many times, I agree with much of the advice and suggestions for living in harmony. I don’t understand why it needs to be wrapped up in imaginary invisible beings. That denigrates the process that can best help us – science. If we want to blame science for making it possible for 80 million new people each year to be supported until the point where the whole thing collapses, I suppose that’s fair; but science is a process. How the information that science provides is used, is up to society, and we’ve chosen poorly because we’re still evolving, still adapting, still learning, and we may yet kill ourselves off; but it’s been a hell of a ride, and this time period is the most exciting in all of earth’s history in terms of our advancement in knowledge, so I’m awake and enjoying the ride for as long as it lasts – and participating in it here with glee.

        When I look at your list of four things that awakened people do, I would mostly agree. Those who are awake are using critical thinking skills, exercising skepticism, demanding compelling objective evidence, and relying on tested and proven processes, like the scientific process. People who are not awake, believe in things that they won’t even challenge. There is a “unity of life” in our natural world – and it’s called the core theory or standard model of physics, and it explains what unifies us at the smallest known scales in our world. An awakened individual will tell the truth, and admit that their subjective experiences do not hold the evidence to support their beliefs. As for those who say one thing and do another, who besides the religious are better at that than anyone else? Those who proclaim to be the most spiritual are often anything but. And yes, an awake individual will do what works, and what always works is the scientific process because it’s self-correcting.

        As mentioned, I have not read CwG4, and am not motivated to send you any more of my money! However, does the book offer us a solution for overpopulation? If so, I may read it.

        1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

          “You blame “our species” on problems that are a product of our evolution. 653 children die because there are too many of them, because humans evolved a very strong sex drive in order to survive. Our species did not set out to kill 653 children a day, the process of evolution led us to this point, but it also gave us tools to help solve these problems – like using our brains to develop contraception in order to manage our evolved sex drive and reduce our overpopulation.

          Dear Patrick, I did not “blame” our species for anything. The here-and-now issue is not what created the problem — whether it is a “product of our evolution” of whatever. The here-and-now issue I raise is that we are not EFFECTIVELY ADDRESSING the fact that 653 children die every hour on this planet of starvation, even though we have the resources with which to address it. That is the issue. Re-directing the conversation to what “caused” the problem to begin with is not, in my view, constructive. You statement that “we have the tools to help solve these problems” is, in my view, accurate, but reducing our overpopulation is not the only tool (though it is the only one you mention). That solves the problem long-term, but what about the problem short-term? What about the 653 children who are dying every hour now? Pointing to “why” it’s happening adds nothing to addressing the fact “that” it’s happening. Highly evolved humans would do something about the problem “here and now,” as WELL as implementing measures that could solve the problem “tomorrow and beyond.” My point is: We are not addressing either the former OR the latter.

          “In any event, this data is extremely misleading, because child mortality is as low as it has ever been. In the 1800’s 40% of children died before they were five years old on a global scale. Today that number is 4.5% following a couple hundred years of steady improvement. We have accomplished a lot. Why can’t we take credit for it, and remind ourselves of our successes, as we continue to strive for more?”

          No one says we can’t “take credit” for how far we’ve come. All I am saying is that it’s not far enough. Not nearly far enough. On a planet whose inhabitants throw away more food in scraped-off leftovers on the plates of restaurants from London to Los Angeles to Tokyo in one week than would be needed to feed an entire classroom of children in the world’s underdeveloped areas for a month, allowing 653 children to die every hour of starvation is uncaring, uncivilized, and obscene. To quote reducing annual infant mortality rates and say, “Hey, we’re doing better than we USED to be doing” is insufficient to write off the validity (much less the urgency) of my observation.

          “You talk about not having electricity or sanitation – but go back a hundred years, and look at how many people had those things then?”

          Here we go again. The Things Are Better Than They Used To Be school of thought seeks once more to win the day by diverting the discussion. The issue is not how much better things are than they were before (nobody disputes that). The issue is how much better things could be than they are now, if we only cared enough as a planetary collective to use our considerable ingenuity to overcome simple and basic problems of logistics. Really now. No electricity or toilets in the 21st Century because “who is going to PAY for all this?” I mean, really? Is that the consideration?

          “Actually, I know why you focus on the negative, because I’m in sales too. In order to sell something (books, programs, etc. for you, high tech comms for me) the sales rep has to create a need. He or she has to create a problem that they then offer the solution for. You have to create a problem in order to offer a fix for it, and that sure seems to be what you’re doing here.”

          Please, Patrick, please. You’re far too sophisticated and far too intelligent to try to write this off…to seek to dismiss my observations…with a wave of the hand and a sniffling declaration that it’s nothing but Step One of a Sales Pitch. I don’t have to “create a need” in order to “offer a fix” for it. The need is there, right in front of our eyes. We should put our heads in the sand and ignore it. We should not dare to mention that the Emperor is wearing no clothes for fear that we’ll be accused of “creating a need” for the sale in the Men’s Clothing Department at Macy’s? Really, Patrick, you can do better than this. The Emperor, Patrick, is wearing no clothes. You can admit it or not, but admitting it is not a sales pitch. Really, Patrick.

          “I’m awake, so I see how you are creating a problem in order to fix it – with your books of course. I admire the sales, but it’s an open forum, so I feel like it’s valid to point out what seems to be going on from my perspective.”

          Patrick, my latest book (and two others of my older ones) have been placed on Facebook for reading by anyone, for free. It seems intellectually lazy to suggest that because a book — any book — seeks to offer some solutions to a problem, that the author is “creating a problem in order to fix it.” This response seems sophomoric and simplistic in the extreme. But since you raise a very insistent point about the problem of overpopulation on our planet, let me ask this: If I (or anyone else) produced a book offering solutions to the overpopulation problem, would you call out the author for “creating a problem in order to fix it?” I’ll wager not.

          Back and forth exchange can be stimulating, Patrick, but not if we’re going to be intellectually lazy and resort to such simplifications.

          1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            I would love to sit at a table with a bottle of wine and chat with you Neale! It might get boisterous though!

            Let me begin my noting that my objections to your column began with the insinuation that there are species of awakened beings, and they ain’t us. If that was not what you intended, it’s what I read, and it’s what I still read, upon rereading it. You frequently write as if the things you are writing about are absolutely true and should be accepted as such – which is exactly what other religious writers do, though to your credit, sometimes you include a disclaimer.

            So are there “awakened” species, other than us, to whom we should look up to, or is that strictly a hypothetical mind game? Once we admit that part – then it’s easier to move on… Once you’ve wrapped a good cause up in woo, you’ve weakened and degraded it, in my view. Be up front about mind experiments because you know as well as I do that there are people here who believe what you say as though it was the gospel truth, and if Neale Donald Walsch says there are awakened species, then by god there are awakened species. Is it responsible to allow people to believe such things – unless you really believe this yourself – in which case, we’re back to square one. Where are they? Prove they exist. You want us to compare ourselves with something that’s imaginary – that’s OK; but say so. Be honest about it; don’t write as though these species actually exist and you know it.

            Of course I think it’s important that we look at the problems that still exist, but I also think we spend too much time looking at what we have left to do, and not stop to see what we’ve accomplished, in order to show ourselves what we are capable of. Religions never tell us what we’ve done well, only that we’re broken and need to believe what they tell us to believe, in order for it to be fixed.

            There are two ways to go after problems. Race is still a problem in the US, but we see the same old thing, day after day; writers and news people showing us what’s wrong, what’s broken. It goes right through us; we don’t really see or hear it. I watched “Hidden Figures” again this past week, and it tells the story of where we’ve come from, and what we’ve accomplished with race relations, and it’s so much more inspiring, and so much more motivating to see what we have done and can still do. That movie will have more affect on how I react with regard to the issue of race, than all the awful news stories that will go across my screen this summer. I was a child, when those amazing, brilliant black women showed us what was possible and what could be accomplished in an amazingly short period of time.

            What is YOUR solution to these problems? It’s easy to point out problems, but I’m not seeing a lot of specific suggestions to fix them in in your articles. Perhaps this is in your book. I did not know the HEB book was on FB. I will seek it out. Is it all available, or do I get it a chapter at a time? Never mind – I’ll find out.

            Sorry, but I’m not going to drop the observation that you are in sales, and that like other services and products including religion one has to create a need in order to sell the product. When I say “create a need,” I’m speaking about creating a need in the minds of your readers, your prospects. My clients have needs too, but they don’t know about it sometimes till I point it out. Then I can fix it, and they can pay me, and we’re both happy. You have pointed out the problem – you do that frequently, but all you offer to fix it, in my view – is Kumbaya. Take a class, read a book, get spiritual and fix the world. Yeah. Where’s the beef? If my memory is correct, you said a few months ago, that, after hearing our ideas, you were going to offer your ideas on how to address the situation – particularly the use of chemical weapons – in Syria, but I don’t recall that you ever did so.

            Yes, the issue of toilets and electricity, and who is going to pay for it is the issue. Those regions tend to be the most overpopulated, the poorest, the most religiously and politically oppressed. How do you propose that we go about building up this infrastructure without using force to do so? Kumbaya isn’t going to cut it. I sell into that market. These people run my broadband satellite services on solar panels and generators, and I connect them to the world. I give them a path to resources, a way to generate business, and improve their lives, learn that it’s OK to challenge religion and that there are other forms of government. There is no magic wand that is going to deliver infrastructure based services to extremely poor, rural, difficult terrain in the short term; and in the meantime religions are insisting that they keep pumping out the kids who die that you want to remind us of. How are you going to stop those religions from creating that problem by making us feel bad about it? Tell me how you are going to fix this by getting people on this forum to understand themselves as being something less than an imaginary awakened species. I don’t find it motivating, myself, but perhaps others like feeling that they belong to an inferior species. Break the pattern – try something new.

            With regard to the subject of overpopulation, this is the elephant in the room. The truth is that there has not been enough written by the scientific or literary community because it’s such a sensitive subject – nobody wants to touch it. The solutions are all drastic; nobody has the courage to point out the horrors we face if we don’t come up with something PDQ. If we don’t, evolution will take care of it. The best author so far, to address it in a form for public consumption, I think, is Dan Brown, in his book “Inferno.” Yes, he is creating a need, and he offers up a solution – probably the best one I’ve heard so far, certainly the one with the least pain and suffering. What’s your solution? And please, something more specific than Kumbaya. Yeah, we all need to be better people – but that doesn’t explain how we reduce our population to a level that the earth can sustain. Let’s all be nice to each other – while we go extinct – falls a bit short as a good solution.

            Focusing on the 653 children who die, is missing the forest and getting stuck up a tree. How would these awakened species, these HEBs, and whatever other imaginary mind creatures one can come up with, specifically go about solving our overpopulation problem? There aren’t very many attractive options, are there?

          2. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

            I wish I had the time to get into once or twice daily back-and-forths with you and others here, Patrick, but the fact is, the demands on my schedule simply make that impossible. It’s the Fourth of July weekend, so I had a few unscheduled moments, and have enjoyed my exchanges here. Thanks for the privilege.

            To offer a final response for now, before I have to move on to other things tomorrow…yes, Patrick, I do believe that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe. And I believe it without proof. I know and understand that you feel that believing anything that is not scientifically provable is wayward, if not dangerous, thinking, and I respect your view on this, although I do not share it. I don’t happen to think that every. single. thing. I believe has to be provable. I do take some things on faith, some things on intuition, and I believe some things based on the odds.

            The odds are that with billions of other planets in the cosmos, intelligent life exists away from and off of Earth. Is it possible that Earth is the only location in the Universe where intelligent life exists? Yes. Is it probable? It doesn’t feel probable to me. Is it possible that intelligent life exists elsewhere? Yes. Is it probable? It feels probable to me.

            The CWG dialogue mentions highly evolved beings living elsewhere. I have no need for people to accept or believe that — or anything else in these texts. If the messages of CWG have no value for someone, they should be tossed out. Indeed, I will help do the tossing. The whole and main point of all of the books is simple and direct: Be your own authority in these matters. Do not believe a word in these books.

            That statement is made more than once in the CWG texts. If the dialogue has done nothing but make people stop and think, and become more clear about their own convictions, it has done exactly what I believe it was intended to do: Give people back to themselves.

            It appears to have done this for millions…and I am satisfied with that. I have no need to debate back and forth about the books’ messages. Take ’em or leave ’em…and “bravo!” from me either way, so long is one is true to oneself.

            Sending every good thought your way, Patrick. Blessed be.

          3. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            I wish you could participate like this more often, Neale.

            I agree that it is highly probable that there is other life, and quite likely other civilizations in the universe. The numbers clearly favor such developments, but when you write, you use these hypothetical species (interesting choice of words, vs. “civilizations” as a possible alternative), as a way to clearly insinuate that our own species is “less than” they are – and we don’t even know that these other species exist. Because you believe it, that will make it so for some people who apparently lack the ability to make rational choices on their own “authority.”

            This reminder that we are “less than” is the same thing Christianity does. It tells us we are “less than” so that the religion can save us if we just believe what they tell us to believe. How is that any different from what you are doing here?

            I would have to go and seek out the article, but I read a psychological or neurological article recently that talked about why people do drugs. They do drugs – particularly harmful drugs like opioids, because they are unhappy. The rising epidemic of drug abuse, sure seems to coincide with how unhappy people are. How does telling people over and over again, whether by you or anyone else, that they are fallen, broken, unaware, unawakened, etc. going to help them feel happier and better about themselves? Like on TV or the paper – bad news sells better, I guess.

            Christians invented a god who is going to save them from their depraved state, and you invented a thus-far imaginary, advanced, awakened species (which implies they are different from ourselves to begin with – it’s entirely possible that there are species as distant from us, as we are from moles and voles) in order to remind us that we are “less than” and should feel bad about ourselves, and practice Kumbaya with each other in order to fix our problems.

            I think we need concrete proposals – and you, like other religions, aren’t offering any that I can see.

            Thank you for confirming again, that the books may not be based in reality and that people should use their own authority – but using one’s own authority to determine such matters requires skeptical, open mindedness and critical thinking skills, and that mandates a requirement for compelling, objective evidence; and like every other religious text, CwG falls short in this regards. If your conversation with god had resulted in the disclosure of some technology or advancement that proved that this “voice” had real knowledge and intelligence that could be demonstrated, that would be another thing entirely. As we know, there has never been a religious prophet, or messenger, or subject of revelation who knew anything more than the current state of technology at the time. That’s pretty damning, and points to human authorship in every case.

            I too have enjoyed the discussion. Sorry if you have to go. I “reward” myself with participation here. I get a little work done, then reward myself with some intellectual stimulation (or at least that’s what I’m hoping for, rather than personal comments that illustrate intellectual limits), and then do some more work – and so on. It makes my days more interesting.

            Give my thoughts some consideration. Is it really helpful to continue to remind people that they are “less than?” Less than gods, less than angels, less than HEBs, less than awakened species? We’re constantly reminded that we’re “less than” and so we hide from that pain with pills, bad choices, etc. What if we tried telling ourselves that we are actually the most advanced species on this planet, and remind us of how much we’ve accomplished, so that we might be “empowered” to get off the damn pills and go out and face our problems with gusto? What if we were inspired?

            You know what works? This is what works:

            “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” (JFK)

            It works because we know we can do it if only you religious people would stop focusing on how broken we are!

            BTW, you never responded to my question about “why it matters” that so many children die every day, if nobody ever really dies. Who does it matter to? It’s better for the world if they don’t consume resources. It’s better for the parents who can’t take care of them. It’s better for the child who would otherwise live in misery; so why does it matter to you and why should it matter to us? If it does matter – then it seems like the best solution is to not have the kids in the first place, but that requires overcoming people and organizations that tell us what to believe, and because you invoke your god, HEBs and awakened species, all without evidence, then you are inextricably, part of that group.

          4. Sam Avatar

            “This reminder that we are “less than” is the same thing Christianity does. It tells us we are “less than” so that the religion can save us if we just believe what they tell us to believe. How is that any different from what you are doing here?”

            How you argue, it fits the schools too, etc.
            Any help offered, whatever the circumstances, and you would hold in contempt, as it brings with it the accusation of “less than”.

          5. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            “It fits the schools too,”

            I don’t understand. What fits the schools too? Unless they are religious a good school doesn’t tell students that they are fallen, inherently evil, unawakened, etc. or if they do, they are failing their students. Education is the exact opposite of telling someone they are “less than.” My best teachers encouraged me by reminding me of what I was capable of.

            You could say that Neale is teaching in this article, but I’d call it a religious schooling, with all the overtones of magic and woo and imaginary beings. That’s not education in my view.

          6. Sam Avatar

            “Less than” fits universally. It doesn’t follow your command, or the limitations of your wish, only because that’s been great for you. It’s a false argument when you say it only fit your subjective use, and nowhere else.
            As explained, “less than” is then every time in the offer of assistance.

          7. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            What? Does anyone else have trouble comprehending what he’s saying? Why does offering someone assistance imply that they are inferior? We’re talking about humans as a whole here. We’re being told that we humans are born broken, fallen, inherently evil, and now unawakened. That’s what I mean by “less than.” We’re “less than” gods and angels and HEBs and other awakened species. We collectively, the people. I’m not talking about individual, interpersonal relationships, I’m talking about the human species, most of whom it seems are unawakened. What does that have to do with offering an individual assistance? Schools don’t start off by reminding students that they are broken. Individuals don’t start off by reminding others in need, that they are indeed in need (unless they are butt heads). Religions start off by reminding us of these things, do they not?

          8. Sam Avatar

            “Why does offering someone assistance imply that they are inferior?”

            Elementary. Who would offer “not less anything” help? It only happens when seen as “less than”. A universal concept.
            All in question is offering help because they see a potential for better (“less than”). Religions, schools, self-help books. Whatever.

            Unawakened, isn’t any more “less than” then how schools express the need of teaching and to be taught, or for that matter a manual with words of warnings you need to read before action.

            Just because you strongly disagree with the content, you blindly attack everything, like in a frenzy, hitting on anything. But the wording “unawakened” is neutral, in the regard of “less than”, being in line with the standard of the society when in a process of offering assistance.

          9. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            So if a leading theoretical physicist, a person far more brilliant and educated than myself, was stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire and I stopped to help him or her, then my offer of assistance somehow implies that he or she is “less than” I am? That seems like pretty tortured logic to me, given that I would probably be in some awe of this individual to begin with, and would feel like the one who is a bit “less than” by comparison.

            Your conjecture might be true if I acted as religions (legacy or new age) do, by walking over and telling him or her what dire straits they are in, and how much they need help, and then offering to sell them a CD, program, or book telling them how to change a tire.

          10. Sam Avatar

            “BTW, you never responded to my question about “why it matters” that so many children die every day, if nobody ever really dies. Who does it matter to?”

            We care because we are humans with feelings. Which you don’t know that much about (only intellectually), but pretty much everyone else does. No matter how it doesn’t matter from the God-point-of-view, it does for us, humans. You know, empathy; not on your list.

          11. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            Yeah, but I wasn’t talking in terms of individual emotions, but in the greater concept, the ontology of CwG, and I wasn’t asking you, since you didn’t write the books in question.

            Do you have to make everything personal? Are you incapable of discussing issues at a higher level?

            Believe it or not, but I was concerned about why we haven’t heard from Annie, given her poor health, so I was happy to see her post and know she’s OK. Wonder where Jethro/Charles is…

          12. Sam Avatar

            “Yeah, but I wasn’t talking in terms of individual emotions, but in the greater concept, the ontology of CwG, and I wasn’t asking you, since you didn’t write the books in question.”

            Neale as well deals with two different points of views, in his books. That of a human, and that of God. My answer, how I see it, is pretty accurate in covering both. So, what are you complaining about, Grumpy? 🙂 Neale is busy, and you got your answer.

            “Do you have to make everything personal? Are you incapable of discussing issues at a higher level?”

            Well, solely intellectually is the lowest level. It’s you being rude to me 🙂

            “Believe it or not, but I was concerned about why we haven’t heard from Annie, given her poor health, so I was happy to see her post and know she’s OK. Wonder where Jethro/Charles is…”

            Believe it or not… Okay, we’ll see 🙂

          13. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            “We care because we are humans with feelings…. No matter how it doesn’t matter from the God-point-of-view, it does for us, humans.”

            Wow, so much easier to read without the personal garbage. Yes, we care, and it matters, because we are human beings with feelings – an evolved sense of altruism. (I might even have hidden “feelings” deep inside me that pop out from time to time, but don’t count on being a recipient!) But we are also ONE with God according CwG and God says it doesn’t matter, as you just indicated – so who is right? If we’re to be ONE with God, doesn’t that imply that it shouldn’t matter to us either? Can we truly be ONE with God if it still matters to us?

          14. Sam Avatar

            “Wow, so much easier to read without the personal garbage.”

            I am not here to make it easy for you 🙂

            “I might even have hidden “feelings” deep inside me that pop out from time to time, but don’t count on being a recipient!”

            Don’t put it like that, damn. Sounds like you are programming your intellect, in the lack of the real thing. But anyway!

            “Yes, we care, and it matters, because we are human beings with feelings – an evolved sense of altruism.”

            Well, evolved or more awake. Potayto, potahto.

            “But we are also ONE with God according CwG and God says it doesn’t matter, as you just indicated – so who is right? If we’re to be ONE with God, doesn ‘t that imply that it shouldn’t matter to us either? Can we truly be ONE with God if it still matters to us?”

            In the absolute world, nothing matters, nor are there any matter, and therefore the absolute world created the relative world, ours, where the experience is matter, and that it matters, as something we like more. Nothing is separated, only reorganized to appear that way, for the sake of the experience.

            Let’s see how much you got from this explanation 🙂

          15. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            Explain to me how the “absolute world” which I assume is immaterial, created the “natural world” that we live in. You are spouting CwG dogma, but Neale provides no explanation for how this magic happened.

          16. Sam Avatar

            Well, the absolute world is a weird place compared to this one, even though our natural state. But if one puts the word ‘speed’ to absolute, it explains quite a bit. Absolute speed makes you be everywhere at once, and absolute speed explains ‘no time’. The absolute world is just that one moment endlessly unfolding itself, as for everything happening at the same time.
            This world, the relative, got created by putting the brakes on, to slow things down. A shock and a big bang. But then things suddenly weren’t everywhere at once. For the first time, two points could look back on each other, and not like before always together, being the same thing, due to absolute speed. It was pretty cool. It was for the first time to see, and that into something of a mirror, back at itself, not only from two points, of course, but now endless of angles and concepts back at each other, interacting. It was to have somewhat of a body experiencing the feedback of every thought to try out. A state of being very much more satisfying.

          17. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            “Absolute speed makes you be everywhere at once, and absolute speed explains ‘no time’. The absolute world is just that one moment endlessly unfolding itself, as for everything happening at the same time.”

            Sounds like a singularity followed by the Big Bang, something we may be close to explaining in scientific terms without any need for gods or magic. It sounds to me like taking a scientific concept and wrapping it up in magic, woo, and New Age language, which is what Neale does. Why complicate things by adding a god? (By the way, there was likely no shock or bang. There couldn’t have been a “bang” because that requires a medium to carry the sound, and there was no medium. Big Bang was a word chosen derisively by doubters, but it stuck).

            And if this state of being is so much more satisfying, why is everyone trying to get back to the original state of being with New Age God? Not having experienced this state of non-relativity, and certainly not having remembered it, (if you are going to insist that I did experience it), then how are we to know that this is the more satisfying state? Geez, if this is the more satisfying state, no wonder people don’t want to die… I think this is the only state, and how satisfying it is, is up to us.

          18. Sam Avatar

            “And if this state of being is so much more satisfying, why is everyone trying to get back to the original state of being with New Age God?”

            That’s the system. This state of being is a process. What we find satisfying. All the time doing better, reaching higher. And therefore must reach the highest point. Which, of course, is the perfect absolute.

            “I think this is the only state, and how satisfying it is, is up to us.”

            For the system, and the God-point-of-view, it’s okay whatever you think or do, as just being part of the process.

          19. Sam Avatar

            “With regard to the subject of overpopulation, this is the elephant in the room. The truth is that there has not been enough written by the scientific or literary community because it’s such a sensitive subject – nobody wants to touch it.”

            Well, have you heard of Hans Rosling? “A Swedish medical doctor, academic, statistician and public speaker. He is Professor of International Health at Karolinska Institute and co-founder and chairman of the Gapminder Foundation, which developed the Trendalyzer software system.”

            Go to YouTube and look up “The Overpopulation Myth”. Hans Rosling is quite optimistic.

          20. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            I think I saw one of Rosling’s TED talks on statistics some time ago. I don’t know much about his views on overpopulation. In Wikipedia, it says that he paints a more hopeful picture – indicating that two children are becoming the norm in many developing countries (this is almost surely because vaccines keep children from dying so parents don’t have as many kids as they used to, hoping that at least a couple would survive). Yes, this trend is important and hopeful and in the face of the Vatican which I really love, but the population is so large now, that we can’t just hold it in place with 2 kids, but need to reduce it by only having one. Perhaps those having no kids should be exemplified as providing the greatest good for the human species; but instead they are often castigated by friends and family.

            I hopped through the Youtube video and will put it on my list to view in full when I have the time, but a quick search tells me that much of the scientific community does not agree – see Pew Research scientists-more-worried-than-public-about-worlds-growing-population. I don’t know if Rosling takes into account global warming, and what this will do to our ability to continue to feed people with oceans that are changing temperatures and current patterns, as well as being over-fished, and the fact that we’re running out of certain elements that are crucial to our technical product development. We’re talking mass migrations in the next century, following the fresh water and running from the salt. In browsing through, I didn’t see much if any emphasis on the status of earth’s resources; just sort of an assumption that we’d muddle through, but I’ll have to watch it all to comment further.

            I confess that I am drawn to his optimism, and wish I shared it, but I can see the negative changes that have occurred to our environment in my life alone. Guys like Rosling point out that we’ve been in tough situations before – when we killed off all the large mammoths and had to learn to survive on smaller prey, when we learned to grow food, when we came up with technology for fertilizers and growing methods, and yes – it’s amazing what we’ve managed to do to keep up with the out-of-control growth. We know what happens to other species when this happens; but these guys assume humans are different, so it won’t happen to us. Perhaps so, but that difference between us and other species is quite small in terms of DNA. Past results are not predictions for future success, as any stock investor will tell you. We seem to be falling into a state of acceptance of our fate. The fundagelicals love it, because it means Jesus is coming back any day; but that’s not helpful.

            It took many thousands upon thousands of years for mankind to reach 2.5 billion people, here when I was born. There are over 7 billion now – in my lifetime alone. Common sense says that can’t be sustained. Rosling thinks stasis this will happen around 11 – 13 billion, from what I gathered. Is that too far? If we make it there, it will be because science gets us there.

            It’s funny, but in reading about Rosling and listening to a bit of his video, I find myself more motivated by his positive spin – even though I think he’s probably wrong – much more so, than I do by what I see as the negative, religious approach put forth by the article we’re discussing.

            I’m giving Neale a hard time (mostly because of the woo), but of course we share the same goal of making the earth a better place. His method is too religious, to me, and religion is turning people off all over the place. Let’s help him. What are some ways that we can put a positive spin on ourselves, such that we can be lifted up, motivated, inspired, like the great leaders used to do? We just elected a man in the US who told us we were broken. Our religions tell us we’re broken. Our spiritual leaders say we are not awakened. It’s all rather depressing. How do we put a more positive spin on it and inspire people again? Everyone likes to quote Einstein saying we can’t do the same things that got us into the mess in the first place, but that’s exactly what they seem to be doing. Tell us we’re broken, tell us what to believe, and trust that it will all get well. It reminds me of the book of Amos, whose subtitle should be: “The beatings will continue until morale improves!”

    2. Sam Avatar

      “OK, so mankind is being referred to as the “unawakened species” but that implies an awakened species. Where might one visit with such a species in order to learn from it?”

      Use your imagination. Life on other planets getting more and more likely, according to science.

      “Who gets to decide what is and is not awakened? I would define awakened, as one who is critically skeptical and uses their brain to “think with,” rather than “believe in” things for which there is no evidence. That’s when one is awake!”

      To be awake is linked to altruism. Altruism, a complete mystery in your eyes?

      “In many ways, CwG is very much like Christianity and the other Abrahamic religions. We are “fallen,” or we are “inherently evil,” some will suggest. Neale maintains this theme of mankind being something “less than,” by referring to us as “unawakened”

      We need new angles and words because those old “turned bad”. Unawakened, holds a great promise of “superpowers” just waiting for you. Don’t be so negative.

      “We are supposed to start with the premise that we are broken”

      Well, it’s only you painting a guide for better totally black.

      “I’m tired of being told how we always fall short.”

      I guess no one would dare help you with anything, due to your issue.

      “Maybe if everyone stopped telling us that we are bad to begin with, we’d act good.”

      For sure. But positive guidance is not bad. Then it’s something wrong with your “wired brain”.

      1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
        Patrick Gannon

        Like I said, where might one visit such a species? We have no access to other planets. What this means, is that this is pure conjecture, purely hypothetical, given that we have no evidence for any such species. For all we know, we might be the most awakened species in the whole universe. We simply don’t know, so don’t treat it as something real until such a species is located. Presumably, Neale simply conjectures this awakened species for the sake of argument – for the sake of telling us how we fall short, such that he might help fix us.

        One might add the characteristic of “altruism” to my list of intellectual characteristics – I’m OK with that, but the fact is that some very basic and simple organisms, that don’t even know they exist – like bacteria, could be said to be altruistic in that they provide a benefit for other organisms. It’s not a very helpful way to distinguish how awake one is, in my view., but it’s OK if you want to add it to my list.

        From here on out, you turn to personal stuff, so I’ll pass on further comments.

        1. Sam Avatar

          “Presumably, Neale simply conjectures this awakened species for the sake of argument – for the sake of telling us how we fall short, such that he might help fix us.”

          As there are many that can imagine advanced civilizations, it’s a good image for what to reach for. Not that different how children look up to their parents. There is no falling short involved. Only you making things up.

          “One might add the characteristic of “altruism” to my list of intellectual characteristics […] it’s OK if you want to add it to my list”

          True altruism is from true empathy, which is the ability to make true connections to other and a larger reality, and will, therefore, act accordingly; not only what the self need, but the needs of the many. That is to be awake; to a vastly larger reality. You had no clue, and have no clue. You are sleepwalking.

          “From here on out, you turn to personal stuff, so I’ll pass on further comments”

          Your line of argumentation is that pitiful, I put in an easy escape route for you. It’s called empathy 🙂

          1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            “As there are many that can imagine advanced civilizations, it’s a good image for what to reach for. Not that different how children look up to their parents. There is no falling short involved. Only you making things up.”

            If you “imagine” advanced civilizations, then until such time as they are discovered, they are “imaginary.” Right? Looking up to imaginary things is what results in fundamentalism, and belief in all sorts of crazy things. Why can’t we look for what is real? That is exciting all on its own. If Neale is going to offer a mental experiment, that’s fine – but say so, don’t write as though these awakened species actually exist, because there are people who will believe that they do.

            I disagree that all altruism is from or emerges from empathy. That could be true, but I doubt it. The little fish that clean the teeth of sharks in return for protection, illustrate both species being altruistic, but I doubt that they have any “empathy” for each other – just ingrained genetic traits. In beings with more advanced consciousness, this may be true to a greater extent, but it’s a function of the brain and to a large degree, our genetics – our evolution.

            “…not only what the self need, but the needs of the many.” I am not arguing that this is not part of being awake and aware. That others have needs is information readily available to us in a compelling, objective form; which means it can be treated, or at least examined, using the scientific process.

          2. Sam Avatar

            “Looking up to imaginary things is what results in fundamentalism, and belief in all sorts of crazy things.”

            And then also how one imagined democracy before it actually happened, etc., and so forth.

            “Why can’t we look for what is real?”

            We make things real as we go.

            “I disagree that all altruism is from or emerges from empathy. […] In beings with more advanced consciousness, this may be true to a greater extent, but it’s a function of the brain and to a large degree, our genetics – our evolution.”

            I honestly mean you are missing out on something essential, and therefore rationalize it your way, as very few other.

    3. Kristen Avatar

      You know what…we are really good at what we do…being human. We laugh, we smile, we help others, we share, we seek happiness, we’re smart and fun, millions depend on us.
      I completely agree with you but the problem is a few bad apples give us all a bad name and mis perception, plus the planet is struggling, we are too good being human. We love stuff, love buying for others, love clothes, love creativity seen in everything we own, love seeing the world, love all that money can give us and others and love playing on our big playground. We’re so good at enjoyment and seeking happiness that the planet and others are suffering, thats why we need to step back, calm down and change to a different side of human nature. Anc be good at it. Be good at selflessness, self control, down sizing and take life back to 70s or 80s standards.
      TKe care,

      1. Sam Avatar

        “Be good at selflessness, self control, down sizing and take life back to 70s or 80s standards.”

        Yes, I’ve been saying things like that myself. And if that’s too hard, then at least from now on, no more economic growth, put it on hold, everything plus to be given away to where it’s needed. As for thinking maybe a soft start could be easier to swallow.

        1. Kristen Avatar

          I live a 70s life, its fun.
          And coming back into fashion…crochet clothes, knowing neighbours, skinny people, music, tv, long skirts and dresses..its all coming back in. I even heard on the news to day that small boobs are coming back, standard 70s houses with trees, decks rather than paved coutyards, home vege gardens, simple cooking, cupcakes, natural food colours, buy local, paper not plastic bags in shops, small businesses are realising the internet just wastes time when emailing back and forwards uses 10x as much time than a phone call, and more relaxed outdoor concerts…all 70s stuff. Europe is much closer than the rest of the world, but The Universe is leading us there, difficult for those who resist. The 70s had people only able to afford one tank of gas a month etc, something we could be forced into..
          Sooooo glad to have a head start, the soft start..doing it by choice!!
          Take care,

          1. Sam Avatar

            And that’s just the start. I reckon it goes full circle, give it time. All the way back to nature, in balance, that will provide, and not a fight for survival this time, but as enlightened enjoying the good life. Exploring, joining and enjoying nature’s never ending variations, energy, and peace. Yes, I guess Paradise. I don’t think anything can match it, given the choice.

    4. Francisco Morfi Avatar
      Francisco Morfi

      You set yourself aside from everyone else. You think you are in an awakened state because you think you’re on track and others ( from your viewpoint millions) are derailed. I don’t know Patrick, you come across like a bit too cocky and savy.

      1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
        Patrick Gannon

        What does this have to do with the topic of conversation?

        1. Francisco Morfi Avatar
          Francisco Morfi

          Being as you are in an awakened state, figure it out.

      2. Raphael Avatar

        Could I suggest that “setting oneself aside from everyone else” is something all critical thinkers, all pioneers, all individuals who break through the status quo and discover or achieve anything do? The majority vote rarely represents intelligence, sanity or even common sense (look at history).

        I do not agree with some of Patrick’s ideas, but I would never question his right to differ even if he stands against “millions”, or the validity of his arguments. The truth is, he questions what is unproven, and that is basic common sense. It’s one thing to state “I believe”…and another to say “this is so”. I personally believe in the perfect validity of the subjective spiritual experience, such as having spiritual dreams or visions, premonitions, out of body experiences, telepathic communications, spontaneous healing, etc. Life is, as I see it, an experience in consciousness. The mind is vast and worth exploring in all of its aspects. But the subjective route is for me a conscious choice that I am fully aware is totally unscientific…it is not even supported by religion, that frowns upon it and demands an absolute submission to dogma, and labels any such experiences the work of the “devil”!

        1. Francisco Morfi Avatar
          Francisco Morfi

          I understand that he has that right, but Patrick criticizes and speaks of delusion when someone talks about life from a perspective other than his scientific viewpoint. My point is, why does he set himself aside from others as the know it all. He won’t admit it, but that’s how he comes accross. At least that’s how I see, but I could be wrong.

          1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            How does one present information without coming across as a “know it all?” I am open to suggestions. The truth is, I probably know a lot more about science than anyone else who participates here regularly, because I’m reading it whenever I have the chance. I’ve studied the standard model and core theory of physics. I know some things about neuroscience and how the brain works. I have studied evolution, and religion, and physics, and I have learned a lot of stuff, and it seems like the best thing to do with knowledge is to share it, particularly when it explains things that people are using woo to explain, because they don’t know the real explanations.

            I was introduced to two authors in this thread, and was quite happy to learn something about each of them. Did anyone else look them up? Stephen and Sam both shared individuals with a differing viewpoint of my own on the subject of overpopulation, and I checked out both of them. Stephen checked out one of the articles I mentioned – did you?

            One of the things neuroscience is very firm about, and that is that we have a confirmation bias. We seek out things that support our beliefs, and try to avoid things that challenge them. That was a useful trait on the plains of Africa a few thousand years ago, but it’s value is much less in today’s modern society – but it’s still part of who we are, so we have to discipline ourselves to overcome it.

            Don’t let your perception of me as a “know it all” prevent you from fact-checking me, but also don’t let that perception lead you to believe I don’t know what I’m talking about – because I have invested a lot of time in continuing to educate myself as I have no intentions of going down to dementia, like my dad, in the years to come, without putting up a fight. Exercise and education are what neurologists tell us are the best things we can do for our brains. Most of us stop learning after we get out of school, but our brains are very plastic, and very capable of continuing to learn, and it’s very good for them to keep them active. That’s another reason I’m here – the debate is good for our brains if it makes us think.

            Read “Brain Myths Exploded. Lessons from Neuroscience” by Prof Indre Viskontas, as one example of how the subjective experiences of the paranormal, etc. can be explained.

  6. Stephen mills Avatar
    Stephen mills

    We need to break from fear first its ruling our world from the political choices we make to where the money goes (mostly destroying the planet) in the form of our energy choices and expenditure on military hardware !!! Fear of there is not enough to go around so much hoarding of stuff in our world .

    The first choice could if embraced change humanity in a matter of weeks .A global awakening I feel is stirring just under the surface just out of sight but growing day by day .I feel optimistic as it looks like society is breaking down all around ,its actually breaking through with something unfamiliar but most people are hoping for this .That is why I guess its happening. The collective desire of humans is saying enough we can improve our way of life create something that works for all .

    1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
      Patrick Gannon

      “Fear of there is not enough to go around so much hoarding of stuff in our world .”

      In 2016, 8 months into the year, on Aug 8, we reached what was called “Earth Overshoot Day.” This is the day in which we’ve consumed a year’s worth of renewable resources. It came 5 days earlier than the year before.

      Everyone has ideas about how to put this number back into retreat (Dec 24 in 1971). Most of these ideas center around conserving energy, not wasting, recycling, replanting, and so on, but the simple truth is that there are too many of us. Population experts say the earth can support about 3 billion of us at our current (and growing) rate of consumption. No matter how much we preserve, and save, etc., our individual efforts are almost meaningless when paired up with population growth and the gigantic populations in emerging countries that want the same things we have. There are 330 million people in the US. 80 million people are added to the world every year. How much can 330 million people save, that will cover for 80 million new mouths to feed? How about the next year? And the next? It can’t be done.

      There’s an “awakening” coming alright. I see science as our only hope. Start shipping people off this planet so our genome is backed up. Begin to gather resources from other bodies in the solar system. Develop new, highly efficient energy sources so we can desalinate water, and we can extend our time here, if we use that same time to educate people that they need to have just one kid, until the population is pulled back down to a reasonable level, then we might have a chance to avoid near or total extinction, IMHO.

      In short, I’m disagreeing with Neale’s god. There is need. There is not enough to go around. There are simply too many of us. We need to awaken to the fact that Kumbaya is not going to fix this. The only thing with a chance at fixing it is science.

      1. Francisco Morfi Avatar
        Francisco Morfi

        As much as you want to deny it, your God is science and you have a belief system attached to it.

        1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
          Patrick Gannon

          Don’t be silly. Science is a process, not a personal god. Certainly I trust and give far more credence to the scientific process than to beliefs in imaginary, invisible beings that live in the sky!

          1. Francisco Morfi Avatar
            Francisco Morfi

            Neale has mentioned in his series of CWG books about God as a process, so I guesss as least we agree on that. Science is part of that process we call God. You’re getting close Patrick, congrats; you are finally starting to get it.

          2. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            Where has he mentioned this? What book? It’s not in CwG1, I’m pretty sure. He describes life as a process, not God. And he is correct – life is a process. The difference is that he believes that this process does not end, but that it transforms; whereas all the evidence we have indicates that when the process of life grinds to a halt – everything about us does so as well, including our minds.

            You can search CwG1 for “god is a process” or “life is a process” or “life process” and there’s nothing that pops up in my searches, to indicate that Neale says his god is a process.

          3. Francisco Morfi Avatar
            Francisco Morfi

            I can’t believe you have not found that God is a process in CWG1. It’s there, but I’m going to let you find it, being as you seem to be good at finding other things to refute so many other of Neale’s writings. I will tell you this though; here’s a clue: it requires discernment; you know what that is, I know, because you defined it in one of your responses to Neale.

          4. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            I put enough effort into searching already, and I’m not interested in reading the whole book right now. I have far more informative things to read. If it makes you feel better, I’ll accept the hypothesis. God is a process, god is life, god is essential essence, god is universal consciousness, god is all that IS, god is whatever the heck people want to say god is – except, apparently, something for which there is any evidence.

      2. Stephen mills Avatar
        Stephen mills

        Hi Patrick I read that article about ” Earth Overshoot Day “. According to certain organisations I by living in the UK am using 2.2 planets worth of resources if everyone lived like UK citizens it’s more of you live in Australia and even more if you live in the USA .

        So on a finite planet getting everyone to live as we live is not possible and life depleting . So obviously a new model has to put in place . I will give you an example of what’s sad about our world. Africa in a clause to accept loans from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund was told one of the conditions was it was not allowed to grow Hemp . The Hemp seed can on its own prevent works hunger and starvation this plant can basically grow anywhere and is the second fastest growing plant on the planet .It has thousands of other uses besides being one of the most beneficial foods for the Human body providing all the protein for growth and essential fatty acids .

        Populations can stabilise with education of women and girls and less influence of Organised Religion in society.We can move to a new economic model one of less ownership one of co-operation and access to using stuff not for everyone to own their own copy of everything that we have in the West.
        This is crazy and so disfunctional .

        Sorry I haven’t got more time at the moment t

        1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
          Patrick Gannon

          I’m with you on the hemp. I don’t know what the current UN restrictions, if any, are on promoting contraception, but I know that the US limits support if contraception is included. That’s insane – but it’s driven by believers, and it’s those same people who believe hemp is bad. The enemy is unsupported beliefs.

          1. Stephen mills Avatar
            Stephen mills

            Ignorance is the problem which is just education .We have the blind leading the blind.
            So wakening up is useful no ? To see more of the solutions and implement what works .

            “The civil need to get organised as the organised are not civil ”
            Cwg book 3 “God is an event .You have called that event life.Life is a Process.That Process is observable,knowable ,predictable.All wisdom asks you to do is trust The Process.That is,trust God.Or,if you wish ,trust yourself
            ,for thou Art God .
            Remember ,We Are All One .

          2. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            Why is the reference to God required in the first place? LIfe is a process (even without a capital “P”). Why the need to assign this process to something no two people seem to agree on – a word that has so many other meanings. It just complicates the issue.

            Is this the “God is a process” that Francisco is referring to?

          3. Stephen mills Avatar
            Stephen mills

            It is …Spirituality and Science are one and the same ,they are coming closer together now just coming from different angles .

          4. Patrick Gannon Avatar
            Patrick Gannon

            I would sure like to think so, but much depends on how you define spirituality. Science is a process, and spirituality is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit, so certainly they can be compatible. Carl Sagan was such an example, and he was an atheist.

            Spirituality as most people seem to understand the word, usually includes beliefs in this or that. That’s where it will always clash with the scientific process; if those beliefs are not supported.

      3. Stephen mills Avatar
        Stephen mills

        Hey Partrick have you read any Thom Hartmann books try Threshold (The crisis of Western Culture) talks a bit about solutions to population and why ! The empowerment of women being the single variable that can stabilise the population for a sustainable future.

        He’s a prolific writer using up to date science mixed with spirituality , wisdom and common sense a true visionary and Americas number one Progressive Talk Radio and media host.

        Hope this helps .
        I was enjoying your discussion with Neale ? We are watching ….

        1. Patrick Gannon Avatar
          Patrick Gannon

          No, I haven’t but that sounds interesting. I will look him up.

          I completely agree that empowering women is mandatory. Until they have the freedom to be independent of their husbands, they cannot raise their sons to grow up to be decent human beings. I’m a proponent of Bill Gates (and others) who favor “micro-loans” to help women start small businesses so they are self-supporting. I was recently interviewed by a satellite magazine, in which I suggested that pairing up broadband satellite (internet) services with these micro-loans could open new markets, access to other resources, education to improve processes, and so forth. (Of course, being a businessman, like Neale – it wouldn’t hurt me to get linked up with such projects!) So, I’m right there with you – but there are some very powerful Islamic and Christian forces lined up against any sort of progress and empowerment for women, particularly in these difficult regions where the problems are worst. Kumbaya isn’t going to do it.

  7. Raphael Avatar

    I am not really back, only my ghost is 🙂

    Neale, in a response to Sam, you wrote:

    “But, as item 4 on the list suggests, an awakened species sees what is “so,” and does what works…while humans living in an unawakened state see what is “so” and say “so what?”

    Very true. but I am not as diplomatic as you are…I call this unawakened state what it truly is, stupidity, or having a dormant, comatose brain. Living in America might of course have influenced my present conclusion, as intelligent individuals are fast becoming a threatened specie in this nation.

    Items one to four on your list are extremely basic. It should be the minimum required to function with a semblance of normality for any sentient creature. Anything short of it has to stem from an abysmal lack of intelligence.

    I am starting to think that what might destroy the world is not greed, or fear, or the love of war, or a lack of knowledge or hope but human idiocy. And deep sadness is indeed the only proper response to such a sad situation…because there is no cure for stupidity, or at last nothing that would be quick enough to prevent humanity from hitting the brick wall towards which it is racing at breakneck speed!

    1. Kristen Avatar

      Full agreeance there Lone Ranger. I tried to make the point as well….these are just normal little steps. I probably got downvoted to rest in the basement at the bottom of the thread!!!
      Sayonara Ghostwabe

      1. Raphael Avatar

        Neale is probably saving the really big steps for the end, such as “An awakened individual does nor eat meat, but moldy fry bread is OK”.

        1. Kristen Avatar

          Howdy Tonto
          Exactly. Who needs meat when moldy fried bread and good coffee is the only food group required.

    2. Marko Avatar

      I knew you’d be back eventually, welcome back!

      I’d comment that, all the complaints that any of us has on life on earth, is something we have done ourselves on some level only in miniature. The world is seen as the maximature.

      It seems if we are to use our spiritual tools to better ourselves & the world– we should envision what we prefer & allow that to inspire whatever action we take.

      1. Raphael Avatar

        Thanks Marko, and I agree with you…unfortunately in order to live in harmony with the universe, with the cosmos, with the creation, with the earth and with all living creatures, the necessary step is to leave civilization entirely. Anything short of this implies living in a state of physical imbalance (even using a computer or cell phone), as all of our civilization’s technologies are toxic and hurt the environment.

        1. Sam Avatar

          “as all of our civilization’s technologies are toxic and hurt the environment.”

          This made me think of a famous poem from my country. My translation doesn’t do it justice, but you get the idea. It’s called “You shall not walk on the grass”.

          You shall not walk on the grass.
          Tender sprouts must let stand.
          Aimless life has purpose too
          just watch and think.
          On God’s earth and in his garden
          you are yourself a tiny straw.

          Yeah, quite hopeless to be alive and not hurt something.

          1. Raphael Avatar

            Yes Sam, everything in nature must die or give something of itself in order for something else to live. That is the way things have always been on this earth, it is part of the life cycle.
            Yet there is a difference between the natural and the artificial…between elements that are a part of nature, are bio-degradable and contribute to the global natural order or balance, and man-made elements that disturb the natural order and attack and destroy whole eco-systems. Modern humans seem to be totally unable to differentiate between the two…which spells doom for humanity.
            If you don’t believe me, burry all of your trash (everything, not just what comes out of your kitchen) out in your backyard for a year, and see what kind of a toxic soup and wasteland you can rapidly create…

          2. Stephen mills Avatar
            Stephen mills

            Easy to fix this make everything biodegradable whenever possible …other stuff could be built to last much longer and be completely re-cyclible .Some things will always cause some kind of harm to the environment at this stage in our evolution but less stuff to landfill is possible. Raising consciousness is the best way I know about changing our self defeating behaviours .Living with nature as best we can and revering nature would be a start as you have always said.

            Great that you have returned…. we listen to your wise council and learn to tread lightly on this precious planet .


          3. Marko Avatar

            You need to write editorials at various media outlets.

        2. Marko Avatar

          I always like your promotion of nature & it’s importance, it should be obvious but yet it’s often ignored by the majority. Especially corporations and certain governments. Yet smaller countries are leading the way, waiting for US (United states pun) to catch uP.

          I like to think that the problems of the world can be seen as a set uP for us to realize our higher potential. Our godlike empowerment is seen by how we heal & revitalize the world that we are destroying.

          At the same, time we realize that this is not what we need to show our true potential, but because as a younger species we are still spiritually immature. So we are playing with matches & decide eventually that matches like nuclear weapons & so many other things are not to our benefit. “Father forgive them for they know not what they do. When they no better they will do better.”

          1. Raphael Avatar

            This disconnection from nature is a very dangerous place for humanity to be…and the problem is not merely global warming!
            Thank you for your comment Marko…

    3. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

      ((( my friend’s ghost )))

      Please let my friend know he is sorely missed! ?

      I would add that part of the lack here in the U.S., in addition to ignorance on purpose and lack of intelligence, is lack of courage. As we become more combative, speaking out against not only the majority but also those who choose to be combative (rather than looking for actual conversation) takes a great deal of courage. It’s easier to “belong” to a group of opinionated people than it is to stand alone and speaks one’s own truth. Doing so, we make ourselves targets, both personally and publically.

      My favorite quote about courage: “Courage is fear which has said it’s prayers.” ~Fortune Cookie

      Love and Blessings Always,

  8. Marko Avatar

    It’s the 4th, the world is a mess of problems. Yet, let us celebrate how far we’ve come, and how far we have to go & will go, as part of our celebration of our higher but currently not yet attained potential, both individual & collective.

    1. Marko Avatar

      Well said!

      Some Americans celebrate America and refuse to look at things we’ve done wrong; some Americans denigrate America and refuse to look at things we’ve done right; conscious Americans look at both sides of America and accept responsibility for both. –Marianne Williamson

  9. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

    Wow.That covers a lot of ground between the first four behaviors and all the questions asked. So, this feels appropriate:

    Warning: This is an exceptionally long comment.

    First, I’ll answer what for me is the simplest: I do not believe that a major awakening on our planet is a pipe dream, but I do think we’re running out of time. It’s not just nuclear weapons and climate change. It’s about how we treat each other where I think we need our largest effort.

    I guess that fits with the first behavior, seeing the Unity of LIfe. At the moment, we don’t even see the unity of all humanity, much less the unity of all Life. We are the ones who created the divisions in the first place. I don’t think the first small family groups of Homo Sapiens felt divided, but were rather united in their quest for survival. That doesn’t mean that there weren’t differences between these early humans, but it might mean that differences were more appreciated. If one could hunt better while another could cook better, they simply did so, and maybe even appreciated the other’s skills.

    Now, differences divide us. Look at how we are when we’re introduced to someone new. Our first impression is visual. Do we see another’s differences from our own as something that divides us from them? That goes for gender, race, physical features, clothing, hairstyles–those things immediately apparent.

    Then there’s the common question we’re first asked on meeting, “And what do you do?” The question not only focuses on doing rather than being, but doing something productive, as in what job a person holds. Do we then, if their employment is different from ours, appreciate that difference? Or do we compare, deciding that some jobs are better than others? How often do you think trash collectors hear, “I’m really grateful that you do that for us, because without it we would live in a less sanitary world. Thank you.” I’d bet not often. The people I used to know when I worked would make judgements about another’s job. “Oh. So you’re a garbage collector,” all the while thinking that this person must not have the intelligence for another, higher wage job. They (we) might even judge that we are “better” than the “other” based on our own job.

    I often ran into this being a Civil Engineering Technician. I had no desire to be a Civil Engineer, and Civil Engineers couldn’t understand that about me. I was regularly told that I had the “intelligence” to go back to school and get a degree in Civil Engineering, as if my job entailed no intellectual challenges. And I enjoyed the variety, and the “grunt work” in the field. I was perfectly happy with my job. Now, when I’m asked, I’d like to say, “I live and learn and grow and evolve,” but often cop out with saying I’m a beginning Writer. I certainly don’t immediately offer than I’m on disability, spending my days dealing with those disabilities while being a beginning Writer.

    Our focus is, in my opinion, off. What would we answer if the question asked was, instead, “Who are you?” or “What are you being?” or, even more, “How can I help you be who your innermost heart desires to be?” So, I think we are, as a whole, in an unawakened state, but that’s changing rapidly on an individual level, so I hold out hope.

    The second one is something I work at every day. I believe I’ve worked at it since being reminded of the Five Levels of Truth Telling, of which this second one is the final level: tell the truth always, to everyone. I’ve found this easier with those who know me than with acquaintances or strangers. After all, if I am truthful and say I’m writing a book, the next question is usually, “Oh, what’s it about?” That opens up a whole can of worms I don’t necessarily want to get into with someone I don’t know, even though part of my reason for desiring to publish is to bring certain uncomfortable topics “out of the closet.”

    As a species, though, I think we’ve gotten so used to lying that it takes a real act of courage to be truthful. Here in the U.S., we’re especially challenged because of the political situation. Mainstream Media in its entirety is touted as “fake news,” while the majority of peple get their “news” from Facebook, which has been proven to contain news stories that are untrue. Except for people in his own “base” (and even that’s declining), people don’t believe our President, or at least not most of what he says. Politicians in general are known to stretch the truth in order to win elections, but now trust in what they say has gone even further downhill. The recent “secret” meetings wherein the Senate’s Health Care Bill was devised didn’t help matters because even the Senate itself felt it was being kept in the dark and said so publicly.

    Truthfulness is based on trust. If I trust someone, I trust that they will be truthful with me, and it’s easier to be truthful with them. I try to fall back on an inherent trust in Divinity and humanity, and my belief that everything happens for a reason. I don’t always know immediately what that reason may be. I also rely on knowing that there are levels of truth. I can say I’m a beginning Writer without being quizzed about the subject by people I’m not yet comfortable getting into details with. Or if I am asked, I answer that I write about Spirituality and healing without getting into details. They are truths, though they feel like “sins of omission.”

    One thing I became good at because of all the boken promises of my childhood, and relationships with people who were abusive or alcoholic, is keeping my word. If I am willing to say that I am going to do something, then I follow through. If I’m not certain I’ll be up to doing something, I say that I will if I’m able to, leaving room for chronic pain flare-ups. As far as I can tell, however, there are many who are willing to say one thing and do another. Some do so knowing it (blatantly lying), while others do so with the intention of following through, but then don’t. Sometimes they don’t because other issues simply distract them or their priorities change, which is easy to have happen in a rapidly changing world.

    “Doing what works” has become very complicated. In my personal life, it’s fairly simple. For example, I know my walking and lifting limitations, and usually “do what works” by staying within them. On occasion, I go beyond them knowingly in order to achieve something, and knowing I’ll pay a price for it. It’s up to me to decide whether that price is worth the achievement. Then again, I still smoke cigarettes knowing that they damage my lungs with every inhale and now have COPD because of it. I still eat meat on occasion, although the food pantries and my tight budget limit how much. I don’t worry about the extra weight that I carry because it’s my “normal,” and without the use of surgery or drugs, will continue to be as it’s genetic. The only times I’ve lost weight is when I’ve been ill or homeless or swam a mile every day. But, it raises my cholesterol even though I’m as careful as I can be and take supplements. I don’t take medication for it, which would “work” for my cholesterol but statins carry far too much risk of causing other illnesses, as well as side effects.

    So, this one is complicated personally. As a species, it’s even moreso. We’ve been led to believe in many of the systems currently in place, even though it’s obvious they don’t work, at least here in America. They cause divisiveness, none moreso than the last presidential election. But then there’s also all the other hot topics: health care, gun control, abortion, civil rights. The question becomes, “who knows what works?” Even being someone who’s tried to keep up with world events and history, it’s difficult to find news about what’s actually working or find times in our history when things were working. The one most obvious to me is the “haves vs. the have nots” and the growing gap between them. I do believe that there is enough for everyone, but that certain people hoard rather than share. Some feel entitled to hoard, having inherited wealth or earned it. Some live in a “bubble,” where they are completely disconnected from the “have nots” and the deprivation their hoarding causes. Some wouldn’t care, regardless. I don’t know, other than to continue to point out the conditions under which the “have nots” live (or, in some cases, die), how to create change around this.

    Even being a fallible, imperfectly perfect human being, I still believe in humanity. Part of that comes from having been one of the “have nots,” after having lived quite comfortably for a short time. Losing absolutely everything changes one’s outlook on things, and on Life iteself. I see the current chaos in the world not as the signs leading up to a final “Armageddon” or the end of the species, but as the birthing pains of a rapid evolution of the species being called for. What excites me is that we can now choose our evolutionary direction. I’m not talking about physicality, but about our actions. It’s both an intellectual and a Spiritual evolution. “Mind over matter” might say it best, because it’s what we first think that we then say and do, putting into motion the law of cause and effect. In these chaotic times, many people find themselves wondering “why?” and “what for?” They’re asking bigger, deeper questions, which means there’s hope for bigger, deeper answers. As this happens more and more on a personal level, those people who feel they’ve found an answer influence their immediate sphere of family and close friends, and hopefully also have the courage to shout it from the rooftops. And the spheres of influence keep growing.

    For me the question is, will these spheres of influence grow fast enough for us not to create our own extinction in one way or another? I certainly hope so, and act as much as I’m able to spur them on, believing that they can.

    Love and Blessings Always,

  10. Marko Avatar

    New blog post is up..

  11. Jean Avatar

    “An awakened species sees the Unity of All Life and lives into it”

    That’s very nice in theory, but in practice it’s very hard. I will just give a recent experience. As i am not working anymore and i am surviving with the help of social assistance, i told to myself that instead of staying in my house doing nothing, i would be a volunteer. I like also the idea of sharing. So i found an association which were looking for volunteers in order to help refugees. During 7 months i was going twice a week in this association to help these refugees. I stopped not a long time ago. To be honest, i didn’t feel unity. I wanted really to know and to help these people, and i was asking questions about their country, their habits, their life. But in the end they were not interested to talk. So in movies and books it’s always wonderful, but in real life most of people are not interested to share.

    1. Marko Avatar

      I do think people want to share a lot, but in your experience what they probably wanted to share was not in the questions you asked but other things not asked.

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