Marianne Williamson, best-selling author of some of the world’s most beloved spiritual books, such as “A Return to Love” and “Healing the Soul of America,” announced Sunday that she is running as an independent for the U.S. House of Representatives in California’s 33rd District.
The theme of her campaign you might be wondering?
“Create Anew.”
Marianne Williamson is no stranger to politics and spiritual activism. She is the emeritus chair for The Peace Alliance, an organization dedicated to promoting a culture of peace; facilitator of Sister Giant seminars, designed to promote “a higher level of contribution among those of us who want to increase our efficacy as activist and/or candidate, in order to uplift the tenor of American politics and in so doing help heal the world”; and a teacher of A Course in Miracles, a course of study that assists people in relinquishing a thought system based on fear and embracing one based on love. (
There are many out there who believe that spirituality and politics don’t mix, that they do not “play nice together.” Will Marianne Williamson be the person who demonstrates not only the possibility for spirituality and politics to work together, but the one who actually produces the outcomes yearned for — but not yet seen — by the American people, offering to Humanity, as Ms. Williamson said, “a new consciousness regarding our political discourse”?
I feel inspired upon reading this exciting news, and I am wondering what the world thinks about this. How will her prominence in the new-thought community benefit her campaign? How might it hinder her? Is America ready for someone who isn’t functioning from or catering to the ultra-religious voting sector? How does the fact that she is running as an independent come into play here, if at all?
According to Williamson, “I believe that a wave of independent candidates, all committed to a huge course-correction, is necessary to turn our ship around. I feel my campaign, and most importantly my win, can help inspire such a movement.”
On Ms. Williamson’s website, the question is posed to her: “Why should I think you’d be a better congressman than Rep. Waxman?” the current representative whose 38 years in Congress has earned him a reputation of being one of its most influential liberal members, to which she replies, “The voters get to decide if they think I’d be better; what I can tell you is that I would be different. And I do not think of Congressman Waxman as my opponent. We’re simply candidates for the same position.”
Is she the person who can breathe new life into our political system? Does she have the ability to actually implement and demonstrate some of the New Spirituality concepts that many of us have talked about right here on this site?
Marianne Williamson posted this message on her Facebook page: “Politics shouldn’t be the least heart-filled thing we do; it should be the most heart-filled thing we do. It should be a collective expression of our most enlightened selves.”
Now, that is someone I’m interested in seeing more from.
How about you?
(Lisa McCormack is the Managing Editor & Administrator of The Global Conversation. She is also a member of the Spiritual Helper team at, a website offering emotional and spiritual support. To connect with Lisa, please e-mail her at
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